"Don't Look Back" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. (Powerful Message, Full Service)

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good afternoon First Baptist can we rush to our feet on his last Sunday in 2019 and give God some praise I said can we give God praise can we just celebrate another year of Immanuel God was with you this year did he bring you through some stuff in 2019 can you raise your voice and make know your Thanksgiving for our God 2019 or the enemy tried to take some people out but God but God [Music] oh and if they'll wait for your deliverance can you just praise Him in advance knowing that God is able God is able God is able God is able mighty God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] blow me to walkie [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] new soul [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sing the new song too [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we cried we we cry we cry [Music] 20-19 might have been difficult but we still cried [Music] god I love to you I won't be your world give me vision to see things like you do god I love to you you wear my help comes from give me wisdom oh you know just what to do oh god I look to you oh well give me vision vision to see things like you to you I love to you you wear my comes from give me fish [Music] to see things like you do I love to [Music] Oh [Music] she sings [Music] me wisdom you know just what to do and [Music] and I [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] so ha our God reigns [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] forever my days [Music] forever my day forever [Music] that's your testimony help me see [Music] looks like God [Music] you've got a Handclap praise give god a Handclap of praise forever forever I will love you God family please have your seats I am Minister Glenn grayer and I'm thankful for this opportunity to serve this afternoon as your 12 News Service presider God has brought us through another year we stand come on God has did more than that for us huh it's the last Sunday in 2019 and some crazy stuff that was going on might still be going on but we still here amen and if we thank God for family today our scripture comes from Philippians chapter 3 beginning at verse 12 Philippians chapter 3 verse 12 and he reads not that I have already attained or I'm already perfected but I press on that I may late that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me brethren I do not count myself to have apprehended but one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward toward those things reaching forward to those things which are ahead I press toward their mark of the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Jesus Christ therefore let us as many as many as are mature have this mind and if in anything you think otherwise God reveal even this to you nevertheless to the degree that we have already attained let us walk by the same rule let us be of the same mind a man at this time family will have prayer by Deacon Joseph Morgan good afternoon church if you can all join me in prayer for the god o holy holy are you Father we give you all the honor all the glory and all of the praise you deserve much more than we have given you but father we thank you for just who you are we thank you for the things that you have done in our lives we thank you for the things that you have planned for our lives father we lift you up and we glorify father forgiveness of our sins is what we ask because we have done things that have not necessarily been the right thing to do but you know us father from the beginning of time you have known us you have known our names and we thank you Father for understanding and giving us patience and your presence in our life father we have entered into your presence with our singing now we ask father that you will bless the pastor of this 1st of this church blessing his family blessing his wife of 39 years blessing him father that you will continue to hold him up strengthen him on all sides father God we pray for those who don't know your voice that they will come forward today that something they hear today will open their hearts and open their minds to receive you and they come running to know more about you and to receive your son Jesus as their Lord and their Savior father God we thank you for those who are unsure at this time all those who have big backslidden that they will get a surety or they will come back to you as well and those who do not have a church home this is a great place to plant your roots and grow in the Word of God it's a father without further ado we ask that you would continue to watch over us that you will have your way in this service today for all those that are present together we say Amen a man from you at this time we would like to welcome all of our guests all of our guests if you were a guest with us here today we ask that you would please stand if you're a guest with us here today we ask that you please amen amen amen we're so thankful that you chose to worship with us this morning we know you had opportunity to worship in many other places of the worship this morning but you chose to come here to worship with us here at First Baptist Church at Glen Arden where our mission and vision statement are is developing dynamic disciples through the cycle ship discipline and duplication if you want to know more about our ministry in the seatback pocket in front of you there's a little red card with a cross on the front of it it's called a guest connection card if you would take that car fill it out and take it to the information console right out in the front but in between the two big crosses out there there they have a DVD though to give you more information about our ministry now family First Baptist family if you will please stand and let's greet our guests as we greet one another this is the day that the Lord is made and we're rejoicing and we're glad any praise God thank you for joining us wherever you are in the world giving God praise for this final Sunday in 2019 Wow thank God for his loving kindness and his tender mercies and we are preparing ourselves to thank God for 2019 and we're preparing to go into 2020 and I don't know where you are today but I have a word from God that he hasn't clearly communicated to me that I'm to share with you today so get your Bibles and get ready for a word of life that's gonna get you ready for your future thanks for joining us have a great day we just continued in worship for a long I love you cheated deep down in my heart I love you cheese's deep down in my heart [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is f VCG news for the week of December 29th your source for the latest news and information at First Baptist Church of Glen Arden where we are developing dynamic disciples join us back here at the worship center tonight at 6:30 p.m. for communion service 2020 is just three days away bring in the new year with your FB CG family during one of our New Year's Eve services at the worship center December 31st at noon 7:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. then join us wednesday january 8th through friday january 10th at the worship center for addiction new year's revival hosted by first baptist church of the garden and greater mount cavalry holy church be inspired to serve the lord better than new decade from powerful preachers and anointed guest psalmist Pastor John Gray from Olympus Church in South Carolina on Wednesday night along with Brian Courtney Wilson on Thursday was so shy from going beyond ministries in Dallas Texas with Jonathan littles and Bishop TD jakes on Friday night doors open at 5:30 p.m. service starts at 7:00 p.m. for your convenience the ministry center will be open to accommodate satellite cooing of the revival then on Saturday January 11th 10:00 a.m. at the worship center hear from Bishop TD jakes for a training session designed for leaders and aspiring leaders you don't want to miss it [Music] one day January 20th is dr. Martin Luther King jr. Day we will be honoring his amazing legacy by serving our community with various projects throughout the day there will be opportunities for all age groups to participate to learn more about the available service projects and to register please visit NBC Glynn Arden org slash MLK 2020 the couple's ministry is back with love notes Valentine's Day weekend at the Marriott Baltimore waterfront come celebrate love and marriage with an evening of dinner romance and dancing and live music from grammy-nominated artist Eric Roberson then Saturday morning learn practical relationship tools and biblical guidance to solidify the vision for your marriage at the marriage tune-up breakfast seminar to register and for more information visit FBC Glenarden org slash love notes that's the news of the week you can find more details about these and other events in your Sunday bulletins or on our church website at FBC Glenarden org amen now family it's time for our tithes and offerings First Baptist are such great givers and we thank you for your obedience and your giving do you're giving we've been able to do many things in our community votes those domestically and and internationally so you're giving rights so we have our we're making a concentrated impact in Peru our Shabbat ministry is offering a plethora of things to our community and the folks around us and we're being able to support those people and our unashamed ministry and our rebels ministry are being able to impact children in our community all over so thank you for the obedient and your giving there's multiple ways free to give there's envelopes in the seat back pocket in front of you there you can give your gift there there's also we can give online for our electronically savvy folks and there's a few different ways for you to be able to do that there as well if you if we are ready to give then let us pray dear God we thank you for the gifts that you've which you've given us we thank you for bringing us through 2019 dear God up until today Lord now we ask that you would bless the gifts that are being given in obedience to you their God Lord we ask you to press them down shake them together and run them over father bless our time together dear God in Jesus name we pray and ask it all amen good afternoon family how y'all doing today good so we are blessed here at First Baptist where we are introduced to so many different artists and singers and psalmist's from across the world and our pastor allows us to host these certain artists and be able to minister to our congregation but this week today we thought that it would be great if we flew in artists from Upper Marlboro Maryland one of our own we wanted to introduce to you one of our own he is a giant he's a pillar here he is our assistant minister of music here Minister Mike McCoy and he brought his group voices United and let me tell you just a little bit about the voices United the voices United have two CDs they are and still are nominated for contemporary choir of the year in 2010 they've gone on a 12 city tour in Italy and they also have ministered with Vicki Winans Patrick Lundy our own Reverend Steven Hurd Jonathan Nelson and purpose and Kirk Carr and Myron Butler and everybody ladi Dadi and everybody so you ready ladies and gentlemen I want to introduce to y'all we call him Uncle Mike but to the world he is Minister Mike McCoy and his choir United voices voices United States [Music] [Music] the power [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] the power [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh praise the Lord somebody just look at your neighbor write quicker just say he is great than he is marvelous we serve a great and marvelous guy thank you so much pastor my pastor Pastor John Jenkins thank you so much for letting us come and minister and First Lady Trina god bless you thank you so much thank you all so much for letting us come I said earlier today that 2019 really has been a challenging year for me and with a lot of personal death health challenges but even with all the challenges God has really been just that good amen and so we just want to encourage you this afternoon that no matter what you're facing no matter what you're going through just look at your neighbor say the worst is over but the best is still yet to come and the reason why the best is still yet to come because God has been just that good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you have been through what I've been through in life you would understand all the tears that I'm crying tears of joy that express how I feel all the pain I felt [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yeah [Applause] you've been through you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] don't you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] tell me he [Music] [Applause] [Music] have you been that good to you [Music] the worst is over he's been just that good sadly please stand to your feet help us receive the best is faster in the world passage on kg can see you [Music] somebody look at your neighbor say God been just that good I'm he said like you really been meeting him believe it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] alright one of the thanked brother Mike McCoy and the voices United for minister in our faith [Applause] we said you could be seated for a moment tonight is our final communion for 2019 thank God that he has spared our lives to see the last community this Tuesday at 12:00 noon 7:30 10:30 is our New Year's Eve service one encourage you 12 twelve o'clock crowd cuz I know y'all like to come to whatever is later in the day try to encourage you to come to one of the earlier service because I know probably most of y'all are because you know what I really only need to make this because y'all probably coming to the early service because you probably planning to go to the club [Applause] so glad to have pastor Terry Richardson from the First Baptist Church of South Orange New Jersey would us sit down with him to come and greet us real quick Charlene Sandra [Applause] good afternoon Glenarden come on let's give God some praise simply because he's worthy come on come on come on he got you through almost three hundred and sixty-five days fifty-two weeks of 2019 and I do believe the best is yet to come because your past is already behind you now you got to look forward to is your future the next 365 days in which you gonna get your breakthrough we give God praise honor and glory as we reverence him and of course we do recognize the best pastor in all of the world none other than my covering your pastor our Father John Kay Jenkins we bring you greetings from the First Baptist Church of South Orange New Jersey my wife and I lady Nadine Richardson who is not with me today she gave me permission to come while she babysits the the grand the grandkids sometimes you just want to be with your father and so at the end of 2019 I thought it not robbery to come and spend this last Sunday here none other with my father and I give God praise honor and glory and First Lady Trina we love you lady Richardson sends her best to you god bless you [Applause] all right let's stand and get ready to pray grab your neighbors hand father we bless your name today you're worthy to be praised glorified we honor you from the depths of our heart we thank you for your loving kindness and your tender mercies you you woke us up this morning and not just this morning but thus far every Sunday and every day in 2019 you saw fit to let us see the conclusion of every day thank you we come before you today praying and dedicating these next few moments to you as we pray for each other and intercede and call out the names of those who were praying for to see saved and deliver it and heal we pray that you take these next few moments and speak to us through your word father I pray that you would call forth sinners and backsliders and uncertain and uncommitted persons pray today that you would edify the Saints let them be strengthened let this be a word that speaks to your people father and accomplish what you desire we thank you for what you've already done and what you shall continue to do in Jesus name and everybody said a [Music] all righty I want you to open your Bibles to Genesis chapter 19 Genesis is the first book in the Bible I didn't say that for you but the person sitting next to you look a little suspect today's message is a narrative message it's a narrative message which means that it's telling a story I'm telling a story when I tell you that it is also a narrative messages also means I'm telling you that there are no points so if you wait for point one point two point three I'm not delivering it that way today and the reason I'm that is because there's so many points in this story you write down what the Lord says to you because there's so many points in this story I want to give you a little bit of background to this particular passage description Genesis chapter 18 matter of fact let me talk about Abraham first God has you know the story God has told Abraham he's going to be the father of a great nation he's going to be the father of a great nation the problem is he has no kids and but God eventually fulfills the promise and at 99 years of age Abraham has a child his wife has a child 99 I didn't know there was still action going on in 99 come on somebody there's some hope for some of us here today at 99 years of age he has a child but God had told him and spoken to Abraham and said I want you to leave the comforts of where you are and go to another land that I will show you and Abraham does just that he obeys God he leaves where he was gathers his wife and heads to a place that God says he'll show will show you he travels with his nephew and his nephews family his nephews name is a lot they're traveling and when they get to chapter 18 they have they have come to a place called Sodom and they're in Sodom and the condition of Sodom has reached the nostrils of God and it ain't smelling so good as a matter of fact verse 20 of chapter 18 don't turn there just jot down notes this is their sins were very grave they're very serious to God and God has decided to sinned and a couple of angels to gold to Sodom and destroy the joint the place and matter of fact later on we'll see in chapter 19 that God destroys both Sodom and Gomorrah but before it happens Abraham ends up pleading with God about it but let me chapter 19 all right let me walk through here because I'm did this this is the 12 o'clock service I can take my time I don't feel no pressure y'all might be here til the Cowboys play the race kids this afternoon y'all say go home past chapter 19 verse 1 then we started verse 1 now the two angels came to Sodom in the evening and lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom that just right there tells you a whole lot about lot when you see the term of meeting at the gate anytime you hear about the gate in Scripture it is a very significant statement it is saying this is the place where businesses transacted this is the place where decisions are made the gate is a place where the power brokers hang out and lot has become so engrafted in the culture and the city that he is right in the middle of everything that's going on he's right there with the power brokers and the polite politicians and the political leaders and the power brokers he's right there and the scripture says not only that he's at the gate but verse 1 says lot was sitting in the gate he was he was deeply entwined and when not saw these men verse 1 he rose to meet them and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground these two men they're actually two angels coming to the city lot season he greets them and verses 1 through 3 tells us that not invited them to stay at his house but they said no no we're gonna stay in the city but but lot continued to press the issue so the two men finally agreed to stay at his house and these two men go into Lots house stay with lot lot fences a meal for them prepares the food for them but something is brewing outside his door there's a bunch of men who have come to Lots house and they knock on the door lot answers the door and he's got these two guests in his house but he don't want them to hear the conversation so he steps outside the door and closes the door why he talks to their money outside of his house the men say we heard you got a cup of brothers here we want them these men of Sodom have come to Las house because they want to rape these two men lot has become so are y'all with me still file Australia lot is so intertwined in the city and so adapted to the immorality of the city that he begins to have conversations with them that's along the lines of his belief in his values and his values said to them don't take my two men my two guests here take my two virgin daughters I wish I knew the Bible I wouldn't have to walk through all of this right here she has offered his two daughters to these men what a wicked place somebody tell your neighbor it's a wicked place verses 4 through 11 the angel these two angels say the light don't worry about that we will take care of ourselves and these angels blind the men so that they can't break him they trying to break in the house and they get blind that they can't tell what's left to right and so you know by the time we get to verse 12 turn to go to verse 12 the men say it's a lot verse 12 then the men say at the light have you anyone else here son-in-law your sons your daughters and whoever you have in the city take them out of this place for we will destroy this place because the outcry against them has grown great before the face of the Lord and the Lord has sent us to destroy it God he said look you better get your family get you get your wife get your kids get everybody everybody and get out of here cuz we're about to destroy this place are y'all with me so far I forgot to tell you I'm giving you my subject at the end to this just walk with me y'all wait y'all waiting on the subject just wait til I get to the end that's wonder why y'all looking at me y'all waiting on my subject it ain't coming to the end it ain't coming to the end Oh y'all with me so far though so I see so verses 12 to 13 says get out of here verse 14 look at verse 14 so lot went out and spoke to his sons and laws who have married his daughters and said get up get out of this place for the Lord will destroy the city but to his sons-in-law he seemed to be joking I wanted to read that verse as a part of this because sometimes when y'all hear me talking to y'all y'all think I'm joking and the city's about to be destroyed and he's trying to give them a warning but they're not listening some of y'all don't take what you hear that come across this pulpit week after week and month after month and year after year you take it as nothing and by the way just because God let you live another day he's just giving you mercy for another thing so they thought he was joking they thought he was joking so when we get to verse 15 y'all still with me I'm right here Genesis chapter 19 are y'all with me in verse 15 when the morning dawned the angel urged a lot to hurry saying arise take your wife and your two daughters who are here lest you be consumed in the punishment of this city y'all see that lot these two men say the light and when they would soon as the morning broke the angels urged him implored him begged him asked him hurry up do this would expediency be quick about this you're not gonna have a lot of time get up arise get your wife your daughters who are here lest you be consumed in the punishment of the city notice he didn't say anything about the sons anything about the sons and laws been so hard hit it takes a while to get them to understand them grabbed the gravity of the situation but here's what verse 16 says and I want to spend a few moments on here and while he lingered the men took hold of his hand his wife's hand and the hand of hands of his two daughters the Lord being merciful to him and they brought him out and set him outside the city do y'all see that right there he lingered the angel said the angel said get out of here but they lingered he was laude gagging around taking his time no expediency no hurry up no rush no passion no seriousness he's hanging around just like God has told some of you to get out of some situations but you're still lingering around just lollygagging around just when the meeting said hurry up judgments coming hurry up and it gets to the point where the Angels the two men grabbed their hands and dragged them out of the city and matter of fact the text tells us it was the mercy of God that moved on upon his heart to do that to get him out of the city and for some of y'all y'all don't realize some of the drama that you've been through in 2019 was God rushing you out of situations because you kept lollygagging around and he didn't do anything about it I am preaching and teaching up in here today I know y'all don't like this kind of preaching but I gotta tell you the truth here today they were lollygagging around you're in serious trouble and God there was something about Sodom here's the lingering point I want to make there was something about Sodom that he didn't want to leave the Lord had told him to get out of here but he he didn't want to leave he kept lollygagging around in verse 17 are y'all still with me they were so it came to pass when they had brought them outside that he said listen the angel talking to them escape for your life listen the instructions escape for your life get out of here do not look behind you North stay anywhere in the plain escape to the mountains lest you be destroyed do y'all see that verse right there what did they say don't look back don't stay anywhere close by there's a serious danger in looking back and the problem is some of you God has wanted you to get out of the lifestyle you're in the people you with the practices holding onto possessions the pleasures that you'd like there's a danger in hanging around somebody said there's a danger in hanging around don't hang around in downtown Centerville Thank You somebody got it the other day thank you all right listen somebody got my little dry sense of humor there center field a lot pleads with him the man please were lied I'm sorry don't hang out don't look back but when we get to verse 8 look 18 lot said to them please no my lord verse 18 no indeed now your servant has found favor in your sight and you've increased and you have increased your mercy which you have shown me by saving my life but I can't go into the mountains lest some evil overtake me and I die do y'all see that do y'all see that right there I got explain everything to y'all here's what a lot of saying I don't want I don't want to go up into the mountains I don't want to get in so far away I want to stay close to Sodom just in case the judgment don't come I can slide back up to the park don't y'all act like I don't know what the park is the club I feel tension in the wrong in other words lot wanted to stay close to the city he wanted to stay close nearby he didn't want to leave he didn't want to go where he needed to go he didn't want to escape into the mountains he said matter of fact his mentality was if I go up into the mountains I won't be able to live I might die some of y'all God has told you to get rid leave some things get rid of some people walk out of some places but the problem is you think you got to have that person to live you think you got to stay in that place that's alive I don't know what I'm preaching to what I'm trying to push you to understand today you can't live you think you can't live without them you can't live with them is what your choice you need to have a mentality of understanding that you got to get out of there somebody say get out of there look at your neighbor say God's calling you to get out of there get out of the park get out of the Bliss get out of the dream what I don't know what all the men in the places was get out of there what is it God's calling you to get out of but life didn't want to go lot wanted to stay there and it's a problem I don't know what your what your city is that you want to stay but it's a problem so when verses 23 through 25 judgment falls and Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed but verse 26 here's where I want to drive home for just a few moments and I'll be finished get out of y'all here Lee all along but his wife looked back remember the angel said don't look back but his wife looked back behind him and she became a pillar of salt she looked back now the text says she looked back behind him and there's a couple ways this might be able to be translated it says she looked behind him see the expectation is that they should have been running together running forward but she in the process of going forward she still got her face turning back and that's why some of y'all will never get to where God wants you to go because you keep looking back but that's another way that that might be able to be interpreted it could mean that it says she looked behind him it may mean that as they was going he she kept reminding him of what was in his past I know it's gonna take some of y'all a few minutes to understand that but y'all haven't met somebody in your life who keeps reminding you about your past keep on reminding you of what your failures were and where you messed up they keep bringing it up she kept looking in his past I wish I had some brothers who had the courage to say Amen while her brother's preaching y'all do know your wives will keep reminding you of your failures of your past but perhaps that's not what it meant but I thought that that might have been what it could have meant but instead what I think it means is that while they were running out she was not only behind him when she should have been up there with him she was behind him still looking in the back of their pack of what she was leaving behind and I needed to talk about this because this is the thing that God has put on my heart to talk to you about because has we head into 20/20 you can't be looking back at your past if you want to I wish I had a prayer cry with me right here she kept on looking back she kept some of you can't go forward cuz you keep you know so here's a problem let me slow down I'm 61 years of age now I'm I realized I am getting old and my kids remind me that I'm getting old and I don't need to remind me but they keep reminding me and I know I'm getting old past it because I can't remember anything anymore young people don't understand that but the day is coming when you're gonna walk in the room and forgot why you walked into the room yeah the problem is I keep forgetting things I should remember and I remember things I should forget the problem with you moving forward is your memory keeps recalling stuff you ain't had no business doing in the first place gonna preach pastor Jenkins I'm doing the best that I can you keep remembering and that's the hold up to you moving forward because you keep remembering and matter of fact you just don't remember you recall the whole movie it was in black and white but now you got it in full living color you keep remembering and that's the problem with our past is the pleasures of the past keep calling us back and the problem with her looking is that not only did she look she wanted to go back to what she was being delivered from and that's what's holding you up what's holding you back from being everything that God is destined for you to become and to do and to be is because your past keeps on coming up and the images and the remembrance and the visual keeps coming back up and you keep wanting to go back you remember when what it was like back then and what it felt like back then but all of that means is the sin has a way of reminding you of the pleasures without telling you about the consequences oh I wish I had somebody praying with me here today I gotta come to a close like I can't I can't keep going I'm trying to drive this point home I'm trying to nail it the coffee and clothes I'm trying to tell you stop ringing up here yesterday stop bringing up your past stop looking in your past stop reflect and stop warning it stop desiring it stop hoping for it put it in the casket and put it to the death a Christian author named CS Lewis wrote these words I thought it was so profound I wrote it down here's what CS Lewis said you can't go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending that brings me to this text from Philippians chapter 3 and verse 13 don't turn they even have enough time write it down Philippians 3:13 brethren I do not count myself to have apprehended but one thing I do here's what I'm driving home right here forgetting those things which are behind yeah look at your neighbor say you got to learn how to forget your yesterday's you gotta forget about what's behind you forget about neglected don't call it backup forget every situation every person every unfortunate situation and circumstance every painful moment every uncertain dilemma everything that's behind you leave it in the background we're getting up out of here somebody said we are leaving 2019 we are not carrying the memory of 2019 into 2020 by the way this is the title of this message tonight don't look back tell your neighbor don't look back tell them on the other side don't look back matter of fact go ahead embezzle in what's the word embellishing say stop looking back say stop looking back telling them I ain't going back there you might want to talk about it but I'm not going back there Gotham brought me too far into my future for me to keep going back to my yesterdays you want to keep talking about it but I'm not going back there you want to keep rehashing it but I'm not going back there you want to keep remembering it but I can't go back there hallelujah God brought me I'm not the same person today that I was back when somebody tries to bring up your past you need to tell them I'm not that same person anymore somebody half by your neighbors I ain't the same tell them I know I've been changed I know I've been delivered I know God has turned me around my circumstances are not to say I don't think the same I don't look the same I'm not acting the same I don't feel the same [Music] Jesus has washed my sins away he has cleaned me up he has changed my life he has made me a brand new creation somebody say two or three people saying the same going back there shake their hand off tell him I ain't going back there you might want to go back there [Music] [Applause] [Music] God gave lot ample opportunity and misses lot while they were going out sit down I got to can I say can I have two more minutes I left an important thing out I got so excited I thought I left a very important point out in fact if I get two minutes you gotta think Tommy only said two minutes let me know what two minutes is over okay two minutes stand up a wave at me hit me oh you record you can't do it you had a clock she record and she can't fly you got a clock on the time because I'm 2 minutes tell me when to - need two simple minutes yeah okay start limiting with two minutes off okay I've got an important point so the reason misses a lot was still trying to go back she got it honestly she got it from mr. Locke mr. lot was so engulfed in the city she followed his lead I'm talking to the brothers to say you set the tone for your family if you don't want to go to church your kids they don't want to go to church if you don't watch them they ain't gonna worship if you don't read the Bible they not gonna read the back they follow your [Music] [Applause] miss not still had her nose in the past because that's what her husband did for her he set aside he set a bad example for her and the rest of the family matter of fact let me close with this when you go down to verse 30 you don't have time to turn there read it later his family was values was so miscued that listen to this I'm almost finished and say hey he said this all day but let me go ahead since I got time how much time you it's almost two minutes how much time I got [Applause] she stopped she stopped the clock oh I'm swinging now you're swinging about starting over again [Applause] his his example was so bad our handy it was his model for the family was so bad not only did his wife want to go back his children his daughters brought their immoral practices and mentality with them because after they got out of Sodom they got their father drunk and had sex with their father just so that they can have kids it's something terrible when you willing to do you want something so bad that you'll violate biblical principles just to get something cuz you want it I know y'all don't like this kind of preaching it's okay but here's the great news somebody might have said you know what I didn't messed up you know what my values have been bad my direction has been wrong I haven't laid down a good example I haven't had my focus in the right direction the great thing is we serve a God who will give you another chance he's a god that'll give you another chance his name is Jesus and he died on the cross so that your sins could be washed away and he was buried and he did something that none of the other so-called saviors did he got up out of the grave with all power in his hands he's made provisions for you to be forgiven regardless of what you've done in your past and if you have the courage to put your faith in Him and be willing to turn away from your sin and follow him he'll change your life and I believe there's some people here today that need to do that right now so what you need to do is just get on up and come down here right now right this moment right this instant [Applause] come right now while this right right right now right now don't debate it don't wrestle with it don't linger at your seat don't linger come say you know what I need I need Jesus I want it I want Jesus come right now right now right now I want him I want to rededicate I want to be sure [Applause] right now right now right now amen amen amen crazy don't put it off this the time just a moment come now come my brother sister [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah amen that's right that's right come if you unsay just the time to come if you're backslidden you drifted away from God and you know the Lord Jesus is calling you back he wants you back don't wait til you can straighten it out don't wait till you can fix it up don't wait til you can stop this or stop that come right now with the power and presence of God will bring deliverance to your life come now if you're unsure of your eternal status you don't know if you died today we're gonna spend eternity if you don't make it to the end of 2019 and if you're not sure where you're gonna spend eternity come let us help you get assurance or if you're already saved walking with God but you need a church you're not committed to a local church or you need a church this here is a great church for you to be a part of [Applause] [Music] halleloo you get a lot of shout for these souls here hallelujah amen [Music] yeah sometimes we have to wait a few extra minutes because sometimes the enemy tries to hold on to people instead of them saying yes I like I like just waiting for a minute or two because I know I know that there's some people wrestling with the idea of walking down in front of all these people don't care about these people these people don't have a heaven or hell to put you the Lord Jesus is here right now his presence is here right now and he's waiting to forgive you cleanse you wash you plant you whatever you stand is indeed up he's waiting to bring a change in your life to forgive you and to help you have a relationship with the eternal God there's nothing like it in the world is there anybody else come I just go away one more minute one more minute for you to get right with God a man I'm so proud of all these young people up here that is fun Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah they all see those three people that the devil tried to keep in it see those four people lime to them I don't know what he said to him but don't listen to the lives of that devil listen to the voice of God say yes to his will amen praise Allah I'm so proud of y'all he's so happy for you the best decision you could ever made glory to God praise the Lord father I thank you I thank you for each man woman boy and girl that have come today they have responded to your voice they heard you talk to them and they want to be right with you I pray that you give them faith to believe in a heart to repent I pray that you fill them with your spirit Almighty God fill them with your spirit in the name of Jesus I pray and cleanse them all mighty God in Jesus name break every chain in their life in Jesus name Amen alright first of all let me thank you for honoring the house of God and staying in that walking out doing the invitation I salute you but give me 30 seconds because there's still somebody else that's supposed to be down here and I know that the devil trying to hold them back but I want to give them one last opportunity to say yesterday who are you wait wait is you come on just rush down here as quickly as you can you thought it would be over and you thought it would be over it it ain't over the voice of the Lord Jesus the Holy Spirit is beckoning you in [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] places Hey [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] glory to God glory to God glory to God [Music] so proud so proud that devil tried to hold you back [Applause] Oh amen all right I'm with you just give me a minute we're gonna leave in a minute here Holly noon all right hey y'all a tough crowd y'all had to the holy girls had to do something special with y'all but it's okay y'all came I'm just so proud you came amen y'all gonna be some mighty warriors for the kingdom of God I need one more male counselor I need one more certified male counselor I hope we got another male counselor somewhere in here okay all right father thank you so much for every one of these persons you love them you know about them you know their journey but thank you that you didn't let the enemy keep them in their sin thank you that you've drew them I pray that you fill them with your spirit Almighty God let their faith be extended to you in Jesus name Amen [Applause] [Music] [Music] we still got it there we got another way [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right I need one more meal counselor okay great amen praise a little how do you 18 I'm proud of you [Music] [Applause] anybody else [Music] [Music] [Music] all right father thank you for these who come today just want to pray for the point out of your spirit in the name of Jesus fill them Almighty God I am so thankful for something God you can have as many overflow times you want in this church we don't care but thank you you save somebody from the pit of hell in Jesus name Amen right god bless go again I was waiting it all right communion is tonight New Year's Eve on Tuesday is it Tuesday bye don't look back take a look back amen god bless you you
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 63,161
Rating: 4.7779737 out of 5
Keywords: Sheryl Brady, T. D. Jakes, Jasmin Sculark, Dr. Jazz, Joseph Prince, T.B. Joshua, Billy Graham, Bishop David Oyedepo, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Chris Oyakhilome, Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland
Id: WqKFsNw5nLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 57sec (5757 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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