Death - What Happens After We Die? Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. (Powerful Word)

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praise the Lord this is the day that the Lord is made and we are rejoicing as we do every week and we're glad about it thank you for joining us wherever you are today in the world I always get excited when I think about the fact that people get up and turn on their computers and to the First Baptist Church of lunardon I am honored and thrilled and I'm believing today has we're in this series on foundational principles that you will hear a word that will be life-altering for you gonna be talking about from Hebrews chapter 6 about the resurrection of the dead that's an important principle why because it tells us what happens when a believer or an unbeliever dies and one day you're gonna die and you want to know what's gonna happen to you and what happens when anybody dies we're gonna take a look at that and study that together thanks for joining us have a great day hallelujah father we honor your name this day we worship you we glorify you and we come before your altar in the name of the Lord Jesus humbling ourselves praying for each other calling out the name of the person whose hand we hold because we know you care about them and you care about what they're going through and we're asking you to step into the domain of their circumstance step into the middle of the drama of whatever they are experiencing work a miracle in the name of Jesus is our prayer break a move God in the name of Jesus is our prayer heal somebody deliver somebody change somebody give victory in their circumstances that your name get all of the glory and honor in the name of Jesus we thank you save somebody that needs to be saved reclaim a backslidden person restored in the name of the Lord draw somebody who needs to be connected with a local church that's not and father rebuked the hand of the enemy bind him cast him out in the name of the Lord and have your way is our prayer this day annoyed the message we pray for our brothers and sisters who join us by the internet around the world that you would speak to them in Jesus name Amen and [Music] all right you can be seated grab open your Bibles to Hebrews chapter 6 I want y'all to sing that song again at the end okay we go home on that song right there don't forget your jobs depend on it Oh y'all did y'all hear me talking to this oh I'm sorry I should have turned the mic off I wanted to do some of my friends that here today I know black people say well who are those white people they know they wouldn't normally say it except for so many of y'all here sitting together I sit on a board I'm on the board of Denver seminary but I'm also on the board of aniseh the National Association of Evangelicals which represents 45,000 churches around the world and I'm the vice president of that I'm the vice chair of the board that's not to say that wrong I'm the vice chair of the board and Mary Graber is from Denver and he was when I'm on the Denver boy and he was on the devil board he just came off the Denver board but we became good friends and he and his wife Jacqueline stand up so y'all could show them some love I appreciate this is not their first time here this is the third or fourth time third time they've gone to come to our Christmas play a couple times they like the First Baptist Church of this is davidandbecky Hazleton who's david's on the board National Association they live in Virginia just across the bridge and so glad stand up so would you show y'all some love so bland and hesitance bought with them the chairman of the Zambia Baptist Association in Zambia East Africa thank you for coming thank y'all for being with us we're honored to have you amen will you say having white people just and that's so many of y'all sitting together like that but Amen all right y'all ready to get in the Word of God are we ready so I'm in a series in the foundational principles sort of benefit of our guests that are here with us today I am in part five of a six-part series on the foundational principles of Hebrews six and just by way of refresher the write of Hebrews writes to the Jewish Christians in Hebrews who are thinking about going back to Judaism and in Chapter five the latter part of chapter five the writer says to these Jewish Christians by this time you should be eating meat but you are still or milk and that you should be more matured along further along in the development of your walk and understanding of the Christian faith and I believe I feel the same about the churches today so many people go to church they don't even know what their church believes and it becomes important as we are preparing you to be able to engage in spiritual conversations with your friends and neighbors and co-workers and so forth as you share the gospel with them as I know you will thank all five of y'all for that amen right there that when they enter into conversations about you about spiritual truths that you know what the answers are and you don't have to guess that's why we've gone through these principles of Hebrews six this read Hebrews six real quick so we can beyond and make sure that we're on the same page Hebrews chapter 6 TS verse 2 he says therefore leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ let us go on to perfection or maturity not laying again the foundation of and here's what he begins to mention those six things repentance from dead works we covered that faith toward God we covered that the doctrines of baptisms we covered that laying on of hands we talked about that last week and a resurrection of the Dead and of eternal judgment today we're going to be in part five resurrection of the dead that's what we're talking about this is five resurrection of the Dead now this is an important thing to talk about because some of y'all don't know what happens when a person dies and I know that's true because I see people trying to climb up in the casket when they come to these funerals of people dying I see them wailing and hollering and screaming and out of control because they don't know what happens when a person dies and for Christians we know what happens when a Christian dies matter of fact we know what happens when our Christian dies to an unbeliever dies so I'm going to spend I'm going to take this time and again talk through what happens and what the resurrection of it is right now I only got three points that do have some sub points but I got three key points so might look at your names and you got three key points what happens when a person dies first of all the resurrection of the day it implies that you are gonna die Oh y'all don't get that look at your neighbors say you may not know this but you goin down one day and that's my first point we all are going to die everybody has let me do this let's go to Hebrews 9:27 that's the point Hebrews 9:27 and here's what Hebrews 9:27 says it says a very important thing it is appointed for men to die once and after this the judgment there's so much in that one verse right there it is appointed unto men to die once to die to die once first of all you have an appointment to die when a person dies it does not catch God by surprise he knows that you're gonna die and God knows when you're going to die you don't know when you're gonna die but God knows when you're going to die the problem is some of y'all are living your lives like you and go never die you're not making choices or decisions or you're not acting in a way as though you know that one day you and I have to die and you don't have to stand before God and give an answer to God we're all gonna die lose your names here Alvin died we have an appointment with death I've had two people in the last two months died that were young people die before their time they went in a hospital for one thing didn't ever came out Louise you never said they make caskets for all ages [Music] I know you young and you think you got to you eighty years old you want to sell your Wild Oats and live your life loosely do what you want to do and you get straight with God later but tomorrow is not promised here's the fact the rest of today is not promised you may not be here tonight you might not wake up a sealer tomorrow you have an appointment to die now some of y'all have the belief the scripture says is appointed under you wants to die you don't get multiple chances to die okay y'all to get that you ain't coming back as the president you ain't coming back as a general in the army you we don't dare the bible does not teach reincarnation you ain't coming back as a elephant or a dog or a horse yeah you ain't coming back they ain't no coming back you doubt one time and once you die your fate for eternity is sealed you can't get saved or you can't get right with God after you go tell yourself yeah the Catholics believe that when you die you go to a place called purgatory an Imperator you work off your sins and then you graduate to heaven look at your neighbors say if you had to work off your sense you would be in there for eternity [Applause] are you with me hey hey are you with me yeah that's that by the way that's not a biblical concept that summer Pope came up with the Bible doesn't teach that you don't some radical aspects of Muslims believe that if you if you if you sacrifice your life and for the cause of their beliefs then when you get to heaven you have a swarm of virgins yeah let me tell you something they ain't will be no sex in heaven look at your neighbors I hate anticipation [Applause] that's why they can fly planes into buildings and while I take bombs and kill up themselves because they believe they get something special this is not all Muslims don't get me wrong some of us have a good genuine people but there's some of these radicals that believe these kinds of things and that's why they're able they're willing to strap bombs to their body and walk into a building and blow it up and kill themselves but what you need to know is about your life and what the Bible teaches about about it and the main my first point here is you are going to die there comes a day and you're gonna die and here's what happens when you die three things these are sub points to the fact that you're gonna die when you die three things happen number one your body returns to the dust increase yes he's 12 seven your body goes back to the ground dust to dust ashes to ashes you get returned to the earth and secondly your body goes to the to the dust and your spirit returns to God and this is an important point too because what gives you life what gives you the capacity to live is that inside of you is the presence or the Spirit of God a Spirit of God lives inside of you that gives you the capacity to have life that's why you have a yearning to reconnect with your Father in heaven and some of you do crazy things because that emptiness you have that yearning to get reconnected what our Heavenly Father is inside of you and that's if you don't want to accept Jesus you'll never get it satisfied to you except Jesus there's a part of you that wants to be joined to God y'all tried drugs and sex and partying and what I shall do to try to satisfy alcohol or what else food [Laughter] huh shopping shopping what kind of demon ideas we need to cast that out please yes she's 12 7 put that up there here's what this comes from Ecclesiastes 12:7 that's where it comes from then then the dust will return to the earth has it was that's your body and the spirit will return to God who gave it that's he Cleese STL 7 that's what that teaches so by the way when a person dies what you see in the casket is the house that they lived in it's not them it's just the car that they drove the house that they lived in it's not them it's just that the body that their spirit and their soul resided in no number-3 underneath to hear your so your body goes back to the to the dust your spirit returns to God and your soul goes to whatever eternal destination it has if you if you're saved and when you die your soul goes to heaven if you saved and if you're not saying your soul goes to hell let's look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 8 we are confident yes well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord when you're absent in the body and your say you are present with the Lord when a person dies who's a Christian they close their eyes on this side and they open their eyes in the presence of Almighty God that's important to understand that's what happened with believers but let's see what happens to unbelievers let's go to Luke 16 Luke 16 verses 19 through 31 then we read that to you because this is this is Jesus telling the story of what happens he uses a story to tell us what happens when a can I pause for a second I want to back up for a minute I mentioned this at 8 but I forgot to mention it at 10 I ran out of time let me stick this in here our legislators are about to vote on a law in Maryland that will give permission for physicians to assist people committing suicide if they are diagnosed as terminally ill Neron die in six months the law says they can go to a doctor get a prescription take their medication and be dead the first problem is that's that's humanism when you want to play the part of God secondly the problem with that law what if God wants to choose to heal you before you go number three what if the kids get to the medicine what if you take the medicine that you got for yourself and sprinkled it into food or somebody that you didn't like I just I I say that because I want you to call your legislators and urge them and encourage them to vote against this terrible horrible law thank all 20 of y'all for that rousing affirmation God is the one who controls the life is up to him not a few to decide I think I've got 22 people on that one thank you let's go to Luke 16 let's go to Luke 16 this is what happened to an unbelievable set me read this to you this is Luke chapter 16 beginning of verse 19 there was a certain rich man this is Jesus talking about a way if you got a red letter Bible this will being read Jesus is talking there was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day every day there was a certain beggar named Lazarus ful sores who was laid at his gate designed to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table moreover the dogs came and licked his sores so it was that the beggar died somebody say the beggar died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom the rich man also died and was buried they both died and being in torment this is talking about the rich man and being in torments in Hades he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom then he cried and said father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for I am tormented in this flame stop pause right there for a minute I want you to notice how prideful and boastful this rich man is he's still trying to give orders from hell he's still trying to be controlling inhale so he says sin that sin Lazarus then he says this now I will give him he had one part of his theology that was right he said let him just dip his finger the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue he had enough understanding there one drop of heavens water could quench all the fires of hell I think most of that clap came from this side let me go over here this is the people over here who whipped me decide right here let me come let me preach the alright I'm kicking I'm kicking them to the curb this is my supporters right here thank you very much put the verse back up dem still going on here then he cried saying father have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for I am tormented in this flame but Abraham said son remember that in your lifetime you received your good things and likewise Lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and you are tormented and besides all this this is a key verse between us and you there is a great gulf fixed so that those who went to pass from here to you cannot but those who want to pass from here to you cannot nor can those from there pass to us go back to that go back to that verse for a minute because there's a gulf and that gulf separates heaven and hell and Abraham said we can't cross back and forth that's important because some people think and some religions teach that you can cross that Goff the Mormons believe the Mormons baptized for the dead that means somebody can die and you can baptize you alive can be back to get baptized and then get that person out of hell into heaven if I thought that was even even remotely true I would live a hellish life it didn't pay somebody to get baptized for me out there that's not true once you die yes your fate is sealed nothing can be done for your eternal destiny after you die look at him Joker's over there looking at me man but they had an opportunity cuz I was over there first okay let me keep reading I'm just rolling along here like I got all day going to the next verse then he said I beg you there for a father that you would send him to my father's house if I have five brothers that he may testify to them lest they also come to this place of torment Abraham said to him they have Moses and the prophets let them hear them and he said no father Abraham but if one goes to them from the dead they'll repent and he said to them if they do not hear Moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead that is so profound because here's what he's saying you you ask him somebody from who's died to go and speak to them they got Moses and what he taught and the prophets okay y'all don't get it y'all have Moses and a prophet y'all got a prophet Jenkins to talk to I'm here trying to tell you don't risk your life don't live your life raggedy don't reject Jesus don't be loosened doing all the stuff that makes you feel good because one day you're gonna have to stand before God and give an answer to God for every choice you made every decision you made every place you win who you hung out with the decisions that you that you know you will have to answer to God and you have this prophet talking to you right now you don't need nobody coming to you from today look at your neighbor say you don't need to have anybody come from the dead matter of fact you do have somebody that came from the dead his name was Jesus [Applause] alright let me go to the next point point two so we all want to die and after death everybody will be resurrected there will be a resurrection everybody will be raised from the dead John chapter 5 verse 28 and 29 do not marvel at this for the hour is coming in which all who were who are in the grave will hear his voice all everybody and come forth those who have done good to the resurrection of life and those who have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation you will be resurrected and you will either go to life or you will be condemned to hell look at your neighbors I ain't trying to go to hell all the girlfriends here with your boyfriend look at him and say no more sex cuz I ain't trying to go to hell go ahead look at him say you ain't web he'll go ahead tough you are not worth he'll go ahead tell him tell him tell him [Applause] I'm preaching and teaching today I'm telling you we all will be resurrected and it's gonna be determined that no matter how you die when you die everybody's gonna be resurrected answer to God to your Ito resting place praise you um now I'm just giving you the surface of this on Sundays y'all know I'm going into deeper levels on Tuesday nights and Bible study on this amen keep clapping if you crap but see the people clapping those are Bible study people right here they come the Bible side look at all these other jokers ain't clapping they won't come to Bible study here's my third and final point there is a listen there were significance in the resurrection the resurrection is significant because some of y'all don't think there's a resurrection that's why you live so loosely and you work with people and you have relatives who live raggedy lives because they don't think that there's a resurrection they think that when you die life is over and there's no more there's nothing else it's over but there is a resurrection and there is a significance to the resurrection let's go to first Corinthians chapter 15 I'm a close on this right here this is my first close I'm going to read verses 12 through 19 of chapter 15 now if Christ is preached that he has been raised from the dead how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the day but if there is no resurrection of the dead then Christ is not risen and if Christ is not risen then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty so stick up here and go back to that kiss what this means if there is no resurrection if people don't get raised from the dead if it's not true all this stuff we're doing is useless we have wasted our time all this preaching all this service all is reading to work all this stuff we're trying to do we have wasted our time yeah while we while you sitting up in here yeah that's right if there is no resurrection why why are you in here if you don't believe there's a resurrection yeah [Applause] I need to give you the mic let you preach look at her why are we sitting up in here because there is no resurrection so here with the text go in with description yes and we have found false witnesses of God because we have testified of God that he raised of Christ who he did not raise up if in fact the dead do not rise for if the dead do not rise then Christ is not risen and if Christ is not risen your faith is futile you are still in your sins stick a pen right there whoa I love that verse right there cuz Paulus preaches sho'nuff right here he's saying this he's saying if there is no resurrection and if there's no power that could get Jesus up out of the grave and if there's no power that will get us up out of the grave then he said you are still in your sin but here's what I know here's what I can testify that there's some people in here who can make a declaration oh I know I'm a part of my sin I know I've been changed I know my life has been turned around I am not the same that I was something has somebody half-hour maybe say I know I've been changed I know something has transformed my life I don't do what I used to do I don't act the way I used to act I don't hang out I know I've been changed I've known I still a myself there is a power that changed me that will get me up out of the grave No that makes me wanna shout just thinking about what it makes me want to shop when I just think about where I used to be and where I am man somebody ought to go ahead and say god I think you I'm not where I used to be and know I've been changed I know my life has been turned around and though the blood of Jesus washed away my sin I know I'm a brand new free agent thank you Jesus [Applause] and the same power that has changed so many of us is available to change you the same power that washed away our sins will wash away your sins the same power that forgave us from all our wrong will forgive you no matter what you did when you did it how reason you did it there is a balm in Gilead that will [Applause] now I I don't know who you are but I know you're here and I believe you're tired of living in sin I believe you're tired of going around in circles I believe you're tired of trying to come out of whatever it is has got you in bondage you don't tried everything but nothing got you out kids will get you out Jesus Christ will get tried and wherever you are and whoever you are if you have the courage and the faith to get them out of your seat right now and make your way down here Jesus will deliver you and wash you and cleanse you and break every chain and stronghold in your life come on down here come on and say yes to the Lord say yes to the Lord Jesus say yes to him right now right this moment don't be ashamed don't be embarrassed don't be afraid the blood of Jesus is calling he will forgive you come on right now come [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we come to Oh [Music] we [Music] [Music] come sweetie to believe we need a fool [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] here's a most amazing thing 3 up sisters triplets all came together these three triples push on it Tracey Stacey Tracey Stacey and Macey [Laughter] [Applause] ten years old if a ten-year-old can come down here you ought to be able to come down [Applause] come on right now right this moment right this is don't delay it don't push it off don't reason it don't let the enemy hold you back God is calling you to say yes to him unsane come back slidden come you're not sure come you already say you need a church tell your neighbor you need a church if you don't have a church come right now come on right now in this very instant moment you fall in one of those four categories [Music] sweet knees we [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] sweet we need a fool we [Music] speed don't give the Lord a shout for these Souls [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the person behind you as a counselor they ought to take you in the back sit down talk with you find out why you came they're gonna give you clarity of direction they're going to give you specific instructions they're gonna pray with you you won't leave this building differently than the way you came in [Applause] trait for y'all father in the name of the Lord I pray for each one of these persons I know you know him by name and you know their journey and I just pray Heavenly Father that you would change their lives break the chains in their life forgive them fill them with your spirit give them a heart of repentance and faith Heavenly Father in the name of the Lord Jesus I pray you filled with the Holy Ghost and use them for your glory in Jesus name Amen [Music] [Applause] you [Music]
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 70,423
Rating: 4.7844648 out of 5
Keywords: T. D. Jakes, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Death, What Happens After We Die, jesus christ, first baptist church of glenarden, john k. jenkins sr., bible study, decease, dying, demise, passing, expiration
Id: h3aMyNr_GQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 49sec (2509 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2019
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