"The Keys To Conquer Anger & Bitterness" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. (Powerful Message)

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get your Bibles your iPhone your iPad whatever and open it up to second Samuel chapter 16 second sandwich chapter 16 hold your finger there and walk with me for a few moments this message today is a narrative message that means I'm going to walk you through a story somebody say a story now it's important that you stick with the story cuz if you if you if you go to sleep or one part of the story and you go miss to follow a part of the story you can't just not a story this is this is not one of those stories that you can come in and out and still follow what's going on you got to stick with me so I I promise I'll be finished when I get done I want to talk about David for just a moment David I want to talk about King David King David he's a man that had a lot of drama in his life just like y'all got a lot of drama in your life got a lot of problems and issues he did some good but he also did a lot of bad what amazes me about King David is that in the book of Acts when when there is commentary about David the Bible the Holy Spirit led the writer to say this about David and in spite of all of his wrongness life and the bad that he did the Bible says this he was a man after God's own heart let me think I think I got three claps on that thing right there I mean maybe that's not true but that's my prayer but all of the ragged eNOS in my life and all the mistakes I've made when it's all said and done I want to live a life that when God looks back and says something I want him to say John she lives with a man I don't get it right all the time I mess up I missed the mark but when it's all said and done I want I want God to be able to say that I was in pursuit of him and that's what the scripture says about David David's had a heart his heart was after God's heart he was a man who actually just made made a lot of them says we made a lot of good choices but something happened in David's life that I want to talk about today he has come up through the ranks he was a shepherd boy who took care of his father's sheep from there he ends up having a prophet prophesy over him that he would be the king of Israel from there he finds himself going out to the battlefield killing Goliath y'all know the story from there and through a series of events David becomes king he becomes the king of Israel I've learned in life that what makes a person powerful the two types of powers in the world there's the power of position say position and there's the power of influence say influence those are the two powers that a person has in position has power but really the more influential person is a person who influences the person that's in the position of power it's not the president that calls the shots it's the people around him that's able to influence him on what Charlotte calls to make David is surrounded by people who are influencers to him he's like he's unlike any other leader he's a leader that has people who influences him what I want to talk about today is the fact that David had a person who influenced him a person who the Bible tells us a little bit about and we can derive we don't have a whole lot about him but we could derive a lot of insight about him by the few things that the Bible tells us about him and that's why I want you to go to 2nd Samuel chapter 16 now y'all with me now just walk with me y'all I promise I'll be finished when when I'm done second Samuel 16 and I want to read verse 23 somebody say verse 23 it says this now the advice of a his fill which he gave in those days was has if one had inquired at the Oracle of God so with all the advice of a hitter feel both to both with David and with Absalom here is one this just a couple of verses that talk about a hit the feel just a few but here's one of the powerful things it says when you talk to him it is just as if you were talking to God I don't know about y'all anybody here want to be in a situation where people talk to you they feel like they're talking to God let me thank the 17 people for that rousing desire for that now your mouths will be honest what it's got a lot of y'all in the message you've got in your life in is that you listen to some folk who didn't give you what God would have said how many other listeners and folk who told you to do some things that was not the right thing to do you did it well his field was a counselor and advisor to King David follow me just for a few minutes I promise y'all I'm not gonna keep you long when he spoke to both David and when he spoke to absol and his son the Bible says it was just as if he was an Oracle of God that's chapter 16 verse 23 when you go one chapter later exactly one chapter later chapter 17 verse 23 here's what it says somebody say chapter 17 verse 23 listen to this verse now when a HIPAA field saw that his advice was not followed he saddled his donkey and arose and went home to his house to his city then he put his household in order and hanged himself and died well the man went from being a spokesman for God when you talk to him it is if you're talking to God to one chapter later he commits suicide one chapter later something has happened to a hiss a fill that has caused him to make a horrifying choice now the reality of the fact is something has occurred with the hither field and my job today is to try to open it up and explain it to y'all if y'all would just hang with me for just a few minutes I want to explain to you what happened to him they brought him to a place where he felt the need to end his life the reality of the fact is there's a whole lot of descendants of a Hitler filled with us today there are people who made it be there perhaps not hanging themselves or shooting themselves but they are slowly committing suicide by the horrible choices they're making every day what is it amen go ahead and say Amen right there what is it that a hitter field did that moved him for being a spokesman from God in one moment to a person who hangs himself - next I'm going to tell you what happened something happened to him something caused him to become angry and bitter what caused the hit the field to not want to live any longer would cost him the one day in his life was bitterness and that's why I want to talk to y'all for a few minutes about the keys to overcoming bitterness look at your neighbors say you need these keys to overcome bitterness look on the other side tap the person behind you look at that joke in front and say you need these keys because my brothers and sisters if you don't overcome bitterness if you don't get control of your anger and your upsetness and your your being mad and unforgiving I'm telling you it'll take you out you know destroy you it'll make you sick matter of fact you can't even have a meaningful relationship with God while you're walking around harboring bitterness in your heart against somebody else I thought I'd get some amens from a 12 o'clock crowd they set on me at 8 and 10 but I thought y'all might y'all might understand about being bitter what caused him to get better how did he get bitter what caused him to get so bitter so bitter that he ended his life walk with me through the story can I tell you can I tell y'all what happened and along the way can I give you some truths or some principles as we talk well here's the story can I tell you the story David has risen up to become the king he's the he says the head honcho the HNIC he is the chief man in charge in this case he's the hji see they had you in charge he is in charge of everything he has risen up in one day David is strolling on the roof of his palace and while he's strolling on a roof of the palace he looks across the streets at the townhouse complexes and on the roof of the townhouse is a young woman named Bathsheba taking a bath and something arose in David if y'all knew the Bible I wouldn't have this plane all this to y'all and he beckons for Bathsheba to come to his chambers can't just hang this can y'all just hang with me just hang with me he calls Bathsheba over to his chamber he sleeps with her and sends her back to his house her house he sleeps with her since her back there's a big problem now she sends a word back I think if you read this story in the scriptures it one verse says he calls her over sleeps with her sends her back the next verse says she sends him word that she's pregnant the problem is Bathsheba is married y'all go ahead and save me because I know y'all know something about that [Applause] she's married to a soldier who's off at war named Uriah when David gets the word that she's pregnant he doesn't know what to do so he comes up with a plot in the scheme and his plan in this scheme is this he's gonna cover his tracks by beckoning Uriah to come from battle come from war come home his thinking is that Uriah will come home from war go to his house sleep with his wife and then go back to war and when she says she's pregnant he will think that the child is his because your name is safe you can be slick somebody can be slay y'all don't need to watch these soap operas on TV or just read the Bible it's all right here in the Bible we don't leave scandal alone leave all that alone just read the Bible it's in the Bible so your ayah comes home from the battle he gets beckoned to come home he comes home from the battle and when he gets home instead of going into the house he says to himself how can I go into my home and enjoy the pleasures of my wife while my brothers are out there in the field putting their lives on the line battle look at your neighbors say your I must not have been a black man go ahead turn yourself go here tell him he must not have been a bang come on can I get a Amen right there from anybody it's a matter of fact when you write when when your ID doesn't go into the house of sleep with his wife when the King hears about it he comes up with a plot and some schemes he tries to do everything you can he invites your idea to a party gets him drunk thinking in his drunken stupor he will somehow make it back to his house and think that he has slept with his wife no matter what happens no matter how drunk he gets he never sleeps with his wife so david has a problem now he has done a wrong his tears slept with this man's wife and now the problem with what David has done I'm telling us the problem is here's the man he already had my multiplicity of wives that like he needed another the problem with sin is is never satisfied it never gets satisfied so he's not satisfied he has to had Bathsheba and now that Uriah has refused even through getting getting him drunk and all the stuff that the King has done to try to make this happen he he never gets your ride to a place of sleeping with his wife and so finally the King writes out on a decree a letter seals it up gives it to your ride and take back to the battlefield Uriah takes the sealed letter sealed envelope tasting back to the commander gives it to the commander and here's what it says David wrote with his own hand and gave it sent it to the commander and here's what the letter said the note said put you raya in the heat of the hottest battle in the frontline and pull back his support troops and when he's dead let me know that amazes me a man that the scripture says is after God's own heart has some nasty stuff in him and y'all might as well say Amen cuz as much as you want God you got some nasty things in you so your ayahs carrying his own death warrant he gives it to his commander the commander follows the orders he puts Uriah in the heat in the hottest part of battle withdraws to support troops Uriah is killed and word gets back to David that Uriah is dead he takes Beth Sheba has his wife the problem is something that a lot of you don't realize David didn't realize that when you do stuff there's always somebody watching and I'm not just talking about God y'all need to understand when you sneak in that back door and run and do your deal and come back out and do what you're gonna do and switch off the lights and get your hit and do your thing and get your drug and do your thing and go to this house and do your thing somebody sees you that you don't see and such is the case with David David thought he had he'll get away with it how could the king he is surrounded by soldiers he is surrounded by protection he's surrounded by counselors why did he think that he could get away with sleeping with the best sheep but giving getting her husband killed how did he think he could get away with it he couldn't and the word about what has happened has risen to the ears and been observed and known by his counselor a hissy fit and a hit the field sees and knows and learns about what David has done and he becomes angry he becomes I don't angry he becomes bitter and the problem is that his field got so bitter that he stopped being David's counselor it has a matter of fact here's what the scripture says he joined with David's son epsilen and counseled David's son Absalom who's in the process of trying to overthrow David then I lose yoga let me try a little hard I got to shake it to your Hecker I want to make sure you get this I'm almost finished I was hoping somebody will say take your time but y'all didn't say that a hit the field gets bitter and he's mad he's mad at David this is what caused this man to lose his walk with God this is what brought him to a place of committing suicide because bitterness took took over his heart why was a hit to feel so bitter he was bitter because Bathsheba the woman to whom he David married the woman to whom David committed adultery - with Bathsheba was a hit the fields granddaughter and a hipster field could not get it to his head to hear the man he was serving the king of the land had not only committed adultery with his granddaughter she was married to another man he also had the man killed her husband killed and so he could no longer join to him he became bitter some of you have had some people do some horrific things to you and what you have not failed to understand what you need to understand is I don't care how elderly how nasty how mean somebody does something to you it's not worth you losing your life over based on what they have done so if you've gotten bitter because somebody says something about you got you fired off your job abused you or done something to you and you've Harvard it and you've carried it around in your heart you haven't forgiven them matter of fact you see their name you don't want to see their name if they're in the room you leave the room you know they're coming to the party you ain't going you don't answer their phone calls you don't return their emails you're better [Applause] you're angry you're mad you can't get over it it's skew and the movie is playing over in your mind over and over and over again what they've done you keep seeing the movie playing around in your mind over and over matter of fact the movie has played so many times in your mind you're now got credits directed by executive producer preach on past the y'all ain't got guy ain't got this thing leaned over to your neighbor say he preaching better than you're saying amen my job for this moment or two is to challenge you and tell you what and how you can overcome bitterness here's 0.1 I only have four points let me hit you Bam Bam Bam Bam real fast and I'll be done number one realize that what they did is not worth damaging your relationship with God doing better I think I've got 20 hand praise claps right there but here's the bottom line when you allow somebody to embittered ooh it impacts your relationship with God you cannot fail to forgive somebody for what they've done and harbor it in your mind and it not have consequences in your own personal relationship with God now now here's the thing I know I'm saved I know I'm saved not because I spoke in tongues not because I danced the holy dance and not because I pay my tithes and not because on the pass of this church I know I'm saying and the reason I know I'm saying it's because God in me the Christ in me has given me the capacity to forgive others who I know don't like them because in my fresh in my natural abilities and my own strengths and abilities I couldn't forgive them for what they've done I try to hurt them just as much as they try to hurt me but I know I'm saying I know I got the Holy Ghost inside of me because even though they try to hurt me kill me damage my reputation I still love them I still pray for them I still do whatever I can to help them greater is He that's in me then he's not in the world I know he lives in me and my assignment is to tell you is that whatever they've done to you is not worth you losing your relationship with God here's a feel couldn't he couldn't figure out how to how to forgive David for what he's done he couldn't figure out how to get past it he couldn't figure out how to let it go he couldn't figure out he operated in his flesh he did something he he repented for he repented he apologized to God he wrote a whole song about it he couldn't get past that I hid the feel wouldn't let it go and he kept harboring it inside just like some of you are harboring in your heart the stuff that people have done to you and is impacting your ability to move forward in your life with God let it go secondly rejected the first point the second point that you need to know to overcome bitterness is to realize that you yourself is not the judge you got to realize that God is the ultimate judge let me tell you something let me explain something to you let me explain the very important principle when somebody hurts you some of you get so mad and so angry you act as if you're God and they violated some command against you but I hate to tell you this you don't have a heaven no Hill to put anybody in I think I got thirty claps on that on that point right there I'm getting better as I go along here it's important for you to realize that when people violate a command it's not your command they violated it's God's command here's what here's what Romans 12:19 doctors verse down Romans 12:19 I'm gonna read it to you in a moment here here's we've got Romans 12:19 says this matter of fact y'all gotta get this down because this is a very important verse for you to understand and for you to comprehend here's what God says in Romans 12:19 he says this beloved do not avenge yourselves but rather give place to wrath for it is written vengeance is mine I will repay says the Lord God says I'll do it they wronged you I saw it I'm gonna get them back and this is an important point cuz here's what I feel God does some of y'all are trying to pay people back for what they've done to you you're trying to hurt them back you won't talk to them you will write them back you won't communicate you talk nasty about them you say wicked things about them and here's what God says oh I see you gonna give them vengeance so if you gonna do it I'll take my hands off and I'm here to tell you it's the best for you to let God do the Vengeance rather than you do the ventures because when God fixes it when God praise them back they will be paid right somewhere down along the line you got to get to a place to take your hands off and say I'm not gonna talk bad about you I'm not gonna try to hurt you I'm not gonna ruin your reputation I'm not gonna try to get you fired you did all of that to me but I'm not gonna treat you the way that you have treated me I'm gonna love you forgive you speak well of you pray for you I'm not gonna do you like you didn't meet people the Lord says vengeance is mine he's the ultimate judge his number 3 I'm almost finished [Applause] not only is God the ultimate judge but here's a point 3 that I know some of y'all forget here at the 12 o'clock service and after in mind at 12 o'clock service my fact it's not the 12 o'clock service this is really a point I made for the eight o'clock crowd but the twelve o'clock crowd probably would be beneficial from this point to realize that you are not sinless the shuttle with some of y'all's here that's why I got to break it down for you why are you so quick to find the wrong that everybody else has done let's reminds you that there are some people that you have wrong there from people that you have heard there's some things you've done that have damaged other people and just like you want somebody to forgive you you got to learn how to forgive somebody amen do y'all get that look at the neighbor next to you say you know you don't know some wrong stuff because you nasty go ahead cuz you nasty [Applause] nobody in here is perfect nobody in here is dotted area nobody has crossed every team nobody else in here nobody in here has done everything that they are supposed to do we have not always been where we are we have not always done the things we're supposed to do and just like you need God to forgive you and you need other people to forgive you you need to forgive somebody for what they've done to you as a matter of fact the Bible says if you don't forgive others who what they've done for you to you God cannot forgive you for what you've done to somebody else you need forgiveness so you need to forgive somebody have fire Babel say he teaching and preaching them I got one last point did y'all get that third point you don't get those first three what was the first one who did I told you what was it it's not worth damaging your relationship what was number two God is the ultimate judge number three you ain't sinless you walking around caring Harbor like you ain't never done nobody wrong I feel a cousin spirit coming on me right now if this go ahead and cast or don't cuss [Applause] don't do it because people get on my nerves acting like they never done nothing I get angry I get mad when you walk around with your nose in the air like you ain't never done nothing wrong like you've been saved all your life like you are Miss Perfect mr. perfect you god help me let me calm down let me calm down I'm not gonna do it I'm not gonna do it I'm not gonna do number four I better hurry up and get out of here realize who instead of being bitter realize listen to this somebody goes shout on this that the pain someone caused you actually helped to promote you [Applause] anybody here know the ability to say if you had not done to me what you did to me I would not be where I am today what you did push me forward what you did help me get to where God wanted me to be if you had not done it y'all better learn somebody all need to go back to some people and say remember when you hurt me remember when you lad on me remember when you got me fired thank you you remember when you quit me put me to the side didn't want me no more crack at the wave of my dreams thank you I got the job of my destiny thank you I'm at the church I'm supposed to be baby my you treated me at the last shirt thank you [Applause] hey somebody give God a shout say thank you I almost lost my mind but the way you treated me I let it go and when I let it go God swept me into my destiny gotta move me in the way I was supposed to be thank you hey thank you thank you hey hey thank you for not choosing me thank you for disliking me I love Joseph because Joseph was hated by his brothers sold into slavery lied on by Potiphar's wife forgotten about by his jail mates but all of that helped get him to where God wanted him to be and that's what I'm trying to help you see all the pain and agony and stuff that's happening all the wrong God use them to be agents to get you to where you are today somebody help me give God some praise in some face now I'm done I'm finished but who was I preaching to today come here hold up wait wait you've been bitter and you're ready to let it go that's what I'm talking to come on right here you've been holding a grudge come on you got bad feelings every time you think about them come on that's what I'm talking to you when their name pop up you can't stand them come here that's what I think that's who I want to talk to her [Music] oh my God look like the whole church is coming down here come on close come in tight coming close come in tight a whole bunch of people coming down here they've been holding you back your bitterness been holding you from getting to where God wants you hadn't been no rain in your life because you keep harboring you keep holding on let it go it's time to let it go and when you let it go this will be some rain and fall and it's gonna be a drenching coming in your life this is the thing that has kept God from having the capacity to pull you out weight is what you've been carrying they are not holiday it's over now it's over now baby yes it's coming up it's gonna be released up off yes over now use your not help bondage to the devil care holy captain you can't contain you no more it's coming off today this is the day that God is letting it be loosed and be free today it's over today you are letting it go today it's not gonna get between you and God no more father in Jesus name this altar is swallowed up by people who acknowledge their bitterness their inability to forgive their acknowledging the bay God have harbored something in their heart and they don't want to be like a hitter fail they don't want to be hindered they want to move on they want to be your instruments they want to be forgiving they want to see your hand pour mightily in their life they want to be your mouthpiece father I thank you that they've heard and they've listened and they've healed and I pray right now in Jesus name that you release them right now from carrying right now lifted up ray right now buying that spirit in the name of Jesus by an unforgiveness rebuke it law and lose some from it release them from that bitterness God and give them forgiveness smear them with the spirit in the heart of forgiveness God help them see beyond the person and see that you are bringing good out of what happened to them in the name of Jesus now pray this prayer with me father in Jesus name I confess my sins you I'm guilty I haven't forgiven I've been bitter but today I release it I forgive the person I hold them harmless and I believe now that all things work together for my Google's and I thank you that I'm better because of what happened to me that you've had my back no weapon formed against we can't prosper I am your child greater is He that's in me then he that is in the world and right now I release that person in Jesus name thank you Father in Jesus name now go ahead and give God some praise it's over now it's over now praise Him it's over now it's lifted now it's all over now hallelujah glory to the name of Jesus praise the Lamb of God the lily of the valley the morning star who has wiped away all of our sins and he has wiped away yours hallelujah go ahead and hook somebody you free for the first time in a long time you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 85,414
Rating: 4.815886 out of 5
Keywords: Bitterness, Conquer, Powerful Message, john k. jenkins sr., first baptist church of glenarden, jesus christ, bible study, bitterness sermon, bitterness and anger, bitterness td jakes, FBCG, gospel, bitterness joyce meyer, bitterness or sympathy ron pope, bible study routine, bible study lessons, bitterness the star, bitterness motivation, Anger & Bitterness, getting rid of anger and bitterness, bitterness joel osteen
Id: Rc4Y2BIptqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 6sec (2106 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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