Joint New Year's Revival 2019 with Pastor John Gray "Get Your Feet Wet" (Powerful)

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met his wife while he was the singles pastor at the New Birth Church in Lithonia Georgia and they have two beautiful children from their Union he has served as the associate pastor at the Lakewood Church in Houston Texas under the leadership of Joel Osteen but recently accepted the pastor to the relentless Church in Greenville South Carolina it is our extreme honor and delight to have this man of God to think about John Gray that's amazing we had him preached for us many years ago in our youth service decades ago God can take you and elevate you to places beyond what you ever dream to imagine let's stand on our feet and welcome Pastor John Gray [Applause] may say grace ah sweet sound that's a [Music] [Applause] where's love but now I'm found [Music] see [Music] [Applause] I know we we've had a lot of worship and Todd Delaney came up here with his thriller jacket on and I love Todd and I love I love the sound of this generation going forward but every now and then I need somebody that can bridge the gap from what is to what was I wish I had a deacon somewhere that would just go past me Madol cantle see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] back there main have none better organ some funeral fans no cymbals no tambourines not just nothing just Orkut [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] I just wonder if there's anybody in here like me who needs to give God an uncommon praise for bringing you through an uncommon here [Applause] now I know if you've been shouting for about two hours and you were in traffic for five hours since you're here you might as well get a breakthrough you might as well not leave the same way you walked in and if you're sitting in one of the overflow rooms I triple dog dare you to give God praise right where you are while we're giving God praise in here I'm gonna give you a hot thirty seconds to think about [Applause] every single word every single Whisperer every single thing the devil plotted everything he planned and you are still here still alive with your hands up and your mouth open 20-18 was the devil's best shot at taking you out and he's safe [Laughter] somebody in the balcony needs to hear that again if he couldn't do it in 2018 he won't be able to do it all the enemy you see today you go see no more for ever I wish somebody would give him up forever praise in your premium seat in your top-quality prom dress thank you to give God a praise that is worthy of the 2019 New Year revival [Music] [Applause] let's pray Lord Jesus all of this is for you we thank you for bringing us through another year thank you for your love and your kindness your supernatural favor and grace that has brought us to this place and I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus that you will break the back of the enemy and shut the mouth of the lion in God since you're preparing a table before me in the presence of my enemies put a napkin around my neck [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and I'm just gonna tell you that there's gonna be some of us that's gonna cry tonight we're gonna shout some of us are gonna let some stuff out that we've been holding on to and God we need to get free from it cuz it's been trying to kill us but I'm not leaving out of here I promise you I'm not getting in my car until I'm free [Music] and God I asked that you would move so mightily that there is no doubt that it was you that sent me I thank you for the woman of God who preached the word last night I thank you for my opportunity to add to what you're doing and we look forward to the culmination tomorrow and Saturday morning thank you for First Baptist Church of Glen Arden and for the Mount Calvary Holy Church and the great leadership that have come together so Lord be glorified in this moment and I pray that you would through your word make Jesus more clear in our vision in the name of Yeshua ben Yosef HaMashiach the prophesied Messiah he still has all power and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess in heaven on earth and under the earth that Jesus is Lord a man a man and a man give the Lord a great praise as you take your seat I am grateful to be standing here because I know in in myself I don't deserve it because no one deserves to stand except by the power of the Holy Ghost no one should walk to this sacred desk in Pride like they're doing God a favor this is the season where God is sitting down prideful people and elevating people with the right heart your gift might get you in the door but your heart and the way you treat people will keep you there if you so annoying that you can't speak to people you're not gonna be able to elevate in this season anyone who thinks the progressive nature of the kingdom of God ends and begins with them will be set down we are a part of an ongoing continuing supernatural unveiling of the grace of God to fulfill the entire mandate of Scripture all 67 books how many books are there no I thought the Bible said that we are living letters so you and I are book 67 because some folk don't read the word but they'll read your life blow the horn that could blow that whistle again where's the whistle somebody had a whistle I heard it there we go [Applause] you went to an HBCU do [Applause] I'm about to tear this whole rug up because I feel the Holy Ghost [Music] [Applause] you know how many tears I cried in 2018 so you know how much joy I'm gonna have in 2019 I'm laughing at the devil for everything he tried and I'm still here you idiot you thought I was going back from that I'm still here I wish somebody would give kata I'm still here praise [Applause] yeah I was waiting on the drummer I need you to kick it in kick it give me a bass give me a bass drum give me enough I actually have scripture I have a word because I've been serving pastor John Lowenstein for six years this is going to be about 30 hot minutes I'm lying up this is I'm gonna preach like I feel it I want to I want to take a moment and I want to give honor where honor is due I believe that honor is the currency of elevation and if you ever want to ascend to any place of authority in the kingdom of God you better learn how to honor I want to thank God for one of the greatest leaders of men and one of the greatest men of God and in the pastor First Baptist of Glenarden dr. John Jenkins if you love him and you love this bride can you let them know thank you sir for the way that you've lived for the way that you have led for the way that you have loved the way that you have trained and equipped men and women of God for years for the way you have fought for people the way you have extended the grace of God and made the Word of God accessible and applicable and the way you've empowered people to live their best lives and not apologize for their gifts and their calling for all of this for all the vision you and your wife have manifested and for me being a part of that legacy I want to say thank you we thank God for you and your beautiful bride and what can you say because dr. King there are 29 years married 29 years 38 years married 29 years pass through and then they got another one in here 47 years married in April and pastor and longer than that what can you say about a man of God when the devil see him come and he goes the other way can we give honor to the man of God archbishop alfred owens and his beautiful bride co-pastor susie of the Mount Calvary Holy Church of Washington DC come on y'all let's bless him and bless him thank you I love you bishop I love you co pastor thank you for speaking life into me and giving me an opportunity to preach the word in your pulpit before I tell you what I believe 2019 is we need to talk about what 2018 was let me help somebody in here Stephen I don't miss 2018 I'm so glad that's gone I wish I could ball it up and kick it out of my life I was so sick of 2018 but what I realized as 2018 was necessary for what God was doing in me 2018 was designed to show you who everybody is God had to reveal who people were what their intention was what their motives was because many of you didn't realize that you were in a Matthew 17 moment where God was actually elevating you but the higher you go the less oxygen available which means everybody who started with you can't end up with how did you start with 12 and end up with three when it's all said and done all that was left was Peter James and John and every critical moment of Jesus life you see Peter James and John Peter petros stoned off of a bigger stone the word stone in the Greek translates law in the Hebrew James the greek version of the hebrew jacob trickster supplanter or replacement john gift of god or grace of god why was Jesus always surrounded by Peter James and John because in this season you need people who will remind you of your ultimate calling and Jesus calling was to declare that the law had been replaced by grace God had to remove the unnecessary people from your life and instead of crying about who didn't make it you need to run all the way through this building for the people that he removed from your life because you couldn't see what he could see and some people were only close to you because they knew you were anointed and they were not [Music] obed-edom had the ark in his house and he not only was he blessed but everybody connected to him less they didn't do the work they weren't Levites they just happened to be connected to one now this is why God loves you he said there are people who I had to remove from your life because all they were going to do was leech off your oil and bring none to the table 20-18 was designed to teach you how to worship in the dark we scream we walk by faith not by sight but when you don't see how he's going to bring you out when you don't see how the attack is going to end when you don't see your prayers being answered can you still lift your hands can you still give tithe and offering can you still be faithful even if they don't know your name even if they don't give you an award if nobody honors you will you still honor God 20-18 was there to strip away ambition and pride and insecurity and the need for external validation 2018 is when he unmasked the lack of necessity of social media we live in a social media age where we present the best and hide the rest [Applause] selfie hashtag woke up like this you took 22 pictures put 5 filters on it and then posted it you did not wake up like that [Applause] 20:18 was designed to strip away everything that you thought you needed and also to expose the areas in you where you were still afraid of people the Bible says that fear of man is a snare I love the psalm the psalmist and said I trust in the Lord what can man do to me it's a year it was a year of intense attack uncomfortable development it was a year of God unearthing things that I thought were done there's a difference between a dead devil and a sleeping nobody wants to talk about it they don't because some Devils aren't dead they were just sleep waiting for an opportune time to manifest it was a hurting time for many I found myself talking to my counselor my therapist oh you're a pastor and you need a counseling yeah if you don't if you don't have one get one it'll bless your life because some stuff you can't slap oil on [Applause] some stuff guy's not gonna free you from - you know where it started so you know if it ever comes back how it got in in the first place nobody gonna clap on that but I know it's the truth I guess dr. Jenkins one of the great struggles that I had in 2018 was that here at 45 years old a husband and the father of two children I find myself still longing for the validation of my father Jesus was on the cross and he felt totally abandoned and he cries out LOI and lo I love our son back Donnie my god my god about daddy why have you forsaken me I found myself at the crossroads of a life that I was ready to give up on I know this is not popular to start out but I had to tell you what 2018 was so I can help you to understand what 2019 is we'll be shouting in about 12 minutes from now but before we get to the shout let's start with the truth I found myself hoping that my father would somehow give me wise counsel and advice that he would somehow come and tell me that he was proud of me now that I'm a pastor of my own church and looked at I got out of Cincinnati and looked at I'm working with a a church a large church and looked at I got my own church now and looked at I'm a I'm a husband now and looked at I got two kids now and look and the truth is he died on December 7th of 2000 on the corner of East 23rd and 1st Street in Manhattan and I'd only seen him four times but somewhere in my soul I still longed for the love of a father somebody to teach me how to tie I'm 45 and I'm still trying to figure it out I found myself languishing and battling with depression that came out of nowhere where did the spirit of heaviness come from I got a little bit of something over here and I have a church now I got kids why am I feeling like I don't want to live anymore where did this weight come from and I'm wondering if I'm the only person that really was wondering where in the heck that all of these B's these Devils come from how in the world about thinking about trying to get up out of here when you're bringing all of this stuff that you promised but nothing satisfies God wanted to bring it all to show you that if you had all of that and didn't have him then you had nothing I wish somebody would help me preach it you can have the best things and if you don't have the Holy Ghost you've got nothing because stuff can't gives you peace money can't give you peace position can't give you peace your stock portfolio can't give you peace only the presence of the Holy Ghost can give you peace I found myself manifesting daddy issues dealing with things that should have been addressed when I was a little boy still scarred from the abuse that happened when I was four years old and trying to figure out how come I'm afraid of intimacy but crave it at the same time my wife tapping me on the shoulder in the middle of the night baby are you okay tears streaming down my face because I don't know how to tell her that I don't really know if I'm doing the right thing I don't know how to be a husband I don't know how to be a father I don't even know how to be a pastor I know how to preach but see when you preach and travel you can hit it real good and go home because all you got to do is make them smile and tap-dance and give them your gift but when you're a pastor you gotta sit there and they see your humanity and they see your brokenness and you can't run then 20 18 I couldn't run from what I was and what I didn't want to be and I had to face myself there's nothing more terrifying than running your whole life and then you can't run anymore talk to me Jacob standing at the sword your boat in the middle of the night everything that you have is cold and it's just you and you got to wrestle with a man I just went to the book for those who don't know it's in the book Jacob ran there came a point when the capital ma n many believe the pre-incarnate the pre-incarnate jesus the angel of the Lord wrestled with Jacob he had been running his whole life 20:18 you can't run anymore you have to face it all the pain at all and it was like God what are you doing and he said I gotta do it now because 2019 is the year of the manifested miracle and I've got to get you to face all of this now so you don't carry all of this brokenness in the 2019 cuz when you step over you will never have to deal with it again I wish I had 1700 people that would give God a 30-second praise if you know that whatever was holding on to you cancel it had to let you go because there's a time limit okay you about to have your first praise great Ecclesiastes says there's a time for everything under heaven that's what time is it it's now you looked at a watch we're not in time we're in eternity we're in the presence of the Lord the one thing heaven doesn't have is a clock God has never asked anybody what time it is because everywhere he is it's now see I'm doing a new thing now it shall spring forth 6a y'all mr.sarma rewind see I'm doing a new thing now it shall spring forth somebody needs to catch that the vision you were trying to manifest in 18 God didn't wanted in 18 he wanted it in 19 and so the thing you thought was supposed to happen then is about to happen then the business idea was for you to think about it and plan for it but it wasn't for 18 it was for the book needs to be out the script idea is for help me Holy Ghost the deliverance and the supernatural anointing that you've been waiting on where you can pray and that thing happens right away that anointing has come on you I wish somebody in here and all over the internet and then every overflow give God a marrow praise [Applause] [Applause] quick question how would you praise if this was a now moment what if God sent the three of us who are preaching over these three days to declare that you stepped into now how would you praise you've been sitting in traffic for six hours you're gonna be mad and not get your miracle what if you're now moment was predicated upon a now praise [Applause] it's a couple more runners and a couple y'all need to the step into the aisle because it's now and here's the thing about now your family knew it was on you but they couldn't celebrate it because it wasn't them but you still need to give God a praise because what's about to happen for you is gonna be a blessing to them too [Applause] I mean about 500 people to give God a mouth shut [Applause] don't stop get it get it double stop it 20:18 was designed to teach me how to praise through adversity I never have more people hate on me I didn't even know they knew who I was I didn't know you cared you know how many people are lurking in your life looking at every Facebook post everything you do but they won't comment and they won't press the like button but they steady scrolling just a bunch of scrolling they so worried about what you doing and it's because they can't stop with God knows to do in your legs so since you watching watch this watch me praise Him watch me elevate watch me go higher watch me get free watch me in he'll watch this day flip watch me drive what I want to drive watch me buy my way what I want to buy [Applause] [Music] beep-beep-beep beep-beep-beep I will not apologize for the saver on my life I didn't choose me I didn't call me I didn't raise me I didn't anoint me God did it if you don't like me [Applause] I need somebody to break out in this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 20:18 almost took me out of here if you can survive 20 18 you can survive anything where my survivors go ahead and throw your hands up if you let me help you to understand people think it's undignified to be a survivor I thought you was an overcomer I thought she was a pig I thought she had the victory shush your mouth sometimes the victory is in surviving [Music] a few people don't catch that in about seven seconds mama Jenkins sometimes you don't come out of a battle with your makeup and hair still intact sometimes you look like you don't do something know your edges is over here and the braids is over here and you got new growth right there you got a couple chipped nails and if you're a grown man you're a little ass here and maybe you got a black eye but that's what happens when you fight Devils that's what happens when you battle in the spirit and sometimes you don't come out with your soup perfect and you're dressed right sometimes you come out with a run in your stocking [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] just be somebody to give God I survived praise that ain't no regular when you survive you don't care [Music] if you move company better whereas a to take you out and they utterly fail DP shabby [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in addition [Music] [Applause] there it is I feel it I'm about ten seconds away I said something breaking dr. Dickens you said it was gonna break yourself miracles in here sometimes the atmosphere is ready for a miracle and all it needs is one spark one person who will set it off so everybody else can get free one person in each section matter of fact at the speed one designated praise or [Music] two seconds [Music] in 2018 you needed your hands in 2018 you needed your hands because you had to praise when it made no sense you had to worship through your tears I want to talk to anybody who didn't have to have faith worship it's easy to worship when everything is right all your bills are paid nobody's lying on you nobody's hating on you but when you got to lift your hands and you're under attack when you have to lift your hands and keep your mouth closed at the same time you got to lift your hands and read the doctor's report when you have to lift your hands and nobody understands you when you have to lift your hands and you don't know who you can trust that's a praise that honors God in 2018 you needed your hands and 2019 you'll need your feet [Music] I said in 2019 you're gonna need your feet the title of my message is get your feet wet if you are able do me a favor and take a few steps either to the left or to the right to scope and just that fast you left where you were and stepped in to where you're going [Applause] [Music] I need somebody to go ahead take two more steps to the other direction go ahead just and you shifted again so even while the enemy was plotting for where you were he can't stop it because you already in the next place [Music] see there are some things that are just between me and God 2019 is a year of elevation and discretion did you hear what I said 2019 is a year of elevation and discretion you can't tell everybody what God's about to do you're gonna just have to let God do it and let them see it because here's the thing about the tax the devil does not have the Holy Ghost people like the devil knows what I'm doing put on bass Flair hold on sometimes we get spooky and we and we our theology is not quite where it should be because cuz the devil knows what you thinking since when did the devil have the Holy Ghost he can't read my mind you gotta have the Holy Ghost to know what's going on in here the only way the devil knows what's going on is what I say [Applause] something like oh my gosh I don't understand where did this attack come from who did you talk to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm in a season with people that I've known my whole life they start asking me so what's up next just trust in God [Applause] hey John tell me what's going on so I can pray whatever the Holy Ghost puts on your heart that'll be fine with me you know some folks don't really want to pray they just want to know what's going on so they can feel better knowing that you got some brokenness Oh help me God so they all need to look down at your feet cuz you just stepped into something that's how grandmother prayed for you [Applause] Bishop Owens dr. Jenkins I think that this building is so beautiful the edifice is so excellent that they don't want to mess up the carpet but I'm gonna say it again just to see if any of them will step up out of these premium chairs the nice chair them theater chairs the movie chairs that's like 3d go to Aquaman get you some popcorn to lay back there need to have movie night at First Baptist Church it's all right Hercules Unni they got a family life in it and everything some of y'all are not where you are cuz of your hard work some of us are here because we had a grandmother somewhere praying and they didn't just sit down they used to walk the house and just say cheese Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus am I talking to anybody in here that knows that the name of Jesus still [Music] you're stepping into prayers you're stepping into answered prayers for people that are right now a part of the great cloud of witnesses they're not even here to see it they just prayed you into it so do not shrink back from what doors god is opening in 2019 because these are answered prayers they don't even have anything to do with your goodness or your skill but it's God's faithfulness to your mama your grandmother your father your grandfather your auntie so you might as well thank God and if he says you're worthy then who in the heaven can say otherwise you better walk you better walk into your blessing you better walk into your favor you still standing there somebody need to step step step side to side round and around [Music] I dare y'all up in this quietest step just just walk a little bit get your feet wet I've got the shift right there I felt the ship right there and then let me give up Scripture let me give you Scripture lest someone leave here and say he was a bunch of fluff with no substance while you're sowing Genesis chapter 2 verse 4 says God formed me from the dust help me God Genesis 2 and 4 this is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown for the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the earth and there was no man to till the ground but a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground there was water under the ground I told you to look at your feet you just stepped in it [Applause] [Music] I'm getting ready to preach it a Miss wood I'm from the earth and watered the whole face of the earth and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being until somebody get your feet wet I need to help you understand why you're here why you had to get here why you braved traffic while you set in that traffic trying to figure out should I go ahead and get on the on the on the side lane that's just for light accidents and drive that all the way up to the light then make the left and then go back around double back by the tree should I put it in four-wheel drive why did you have desperation you didn't come here to play games you came here because you believe that's a word from God and let me help you to understand this is not a time to play game this is not play Church this is devil get off my life get off my family get off my marriage I need a miracle breakthrough [Music] I'm not here to play sprinkle me Jesus I'm here to get my feet wet when God is about to confirm territory he'll choose people with a different spirit Caleb and Joshua there were 12 spies how many of them got in - Joshua 1 God was like hey Joshua Moses is dead take these people on over 20 18 is dead watch this 2018 is over I love that it was Joshua Yeshua a prophetic declaration that this is the moment where Jesus is going to be walking with you from this day all the way through every other day of the year giving you wisdom and insight by his Spirit there will be a voice from behind you saying walk in the way walk here do this go left go right stop don't take that number that ain't for you no don't go on that day no that ain't your promise that's a distraction it's a counterfeit it looks good but it's not good be careful [Music] be careful don't speak to her she's a setup trying to mess up your home man go home to the wife you've been building with you been sewing with you been serving with the grass might look greener but the dog is also meaner [Music] don't talk to her she offers you a beautiful death feels good while it kills [Applause] [Music] the devil will lie to you and tell you there's always someone who understands he's a liar watch where you walk because your oil is so important to the earth God's trying to create legacy a mist went up from the earth because God was getting ready to create something he created man from what you can be seated don't have to bend this time to go in because Todd Delaney and they was up here singing for 45 minutes Anthony Brown was up here for your goodness goodness goodness goodness goodness [Music] forty-five minutes [Music] why did the devil mess with you so bad in 2018 well why did it feel like the devil was literally attacking everything you tried am I the only one that just it was another level of warfare this year only a few of us maybe this message I was it just me or did it really feel like all hell was breaking loose [Applause] [Music] for anybody who thinks that what you've done would disqualify you from the promise of 2019 can I reference this scripture here thank you because each one of us comes with brokenness of all the things that God could have created us from he created us from dust why this is the Living God he could have used stars gold diamond but he used dust and here's what's deep he used us but before he used us the Bible said of mist went up so he had already watered the earth so he could have used mud because mud is clay its moldable but he didn't use what was moldable he used dust because dust is chaotic god knows how to create from chaos so you sitting there trying to figure out how God could use you because you look at your life and God says this is exactly where I create stop letting people make you think you're disqualified and stop disqualifying yourself oh my goodness look at this I don't I'm not disciplined here I messed up there I did that wrong I did that wrong so what we all got stuff the reality is the ones that are screaming about Joe stuff just have it have their stuff come out yet [Applause] tell us somebody get your feet wet God created from the dust of the earth but then he breathed into what he formed and man became a living being God is looking for some people that will walk in Dominion in 2019 after everything that I went through in 2018 I'm gonna walk in there every door that God opens I'm gonna walk in there with my shoulders back in my head high not because I deserve it but because he opened the door you don't realize that at 12 a.m. on the dot January 1st of 2019 you stepped into Revelations 3 and 8 I've set before you an open door that no man can shut he who shuts and no ones can open I who hold the key of David what is the key of David a key of worship and warfare I'm only speaking to people who were worshippers and warriors if you didn't have to fight and praise then 2018 you missed it because in 2018 you had the worship and get into warfare you had to say oh god I bless you and then devil I bind you and then god I thank you and come out of here devil loose here in the name of Jesus and god you're worthy get out of my body cancer you have no authority I find you diabetes get out of my spit get out of my house get out of my marriage get out of my children and God bless you and there's nobody like you if you didn't have to worship and warfare then you miss the moment [Music] just somebody get your feet wet why is the enemy always messing with me what's up buddy what's your name say again daiquan sai Kwong come on that's I can't spell it but what you just saw it I'm gonna multiply that back into your life and I want you to know that the hand of God is on you and even as you were walking cyst in my spirit that God has made you a leader so I'm just here to declare that what's on me it's a double portion on you and you're going to lead your generation into the presence of God you're gonna preach in declare the word you're gonna be a man of great character and integrity you're gonna be better than I ever was so I speak life to you freedom and power and as you walk just know that there are angels walking in front of you and behind you because that's the authority you carry I'm proud of you man of God a solution [Music] I wish we had somebody I praise for the next generation [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you're too busy holding on to your platform you're gonna miss that goddess trying to see if you have enough humility to spot your successor Jesus prepared his disciples not for his presence but his absence the church didn't grow until after Jesus left may we never hold on to the mic or our platform may we hold on to the presence of God and speak life to the next generation somebody say dust it's important for you to understand that when God chose to form man he chose dust because it was already fractured and fractious and the only thing that could keep it together was his word and was his breath and so the reason why it's important for you not to invalidate where God is taking you based on what you know about you is because God factored in your humanity when he called you I know that's a hard word for church folk because we think that there's some magic standard the standard is obedience obedience brings the audience and when God chose me I was already broken I didn't become broken I was a mess when he called me but he still called me I wish you just hid that in your soul that you don't get to disqualify you because God already knew who you were when he called you God formed man with his hands and then he said use your feet and have dominion and why did God give him dominion in the Garden of Eden you'd have to go to Ezekiel to find out that there was a prophetic declaration against the king of tyre and sidon and in it it was a reference to Lucifer son of the morning and he said you were the seal of perfection and the day you were created till iniquity was found in you by the abundance of your trading another scripture says you were in Eden the garden of God I'm getting ready to help you then we're gonna shout and then we're gonna be done because I said you got to use your feet this is important God said you were in Eden the garden of God where did God plant man now God why would you plant me where the devil landed let me walk fast because I know they got some macaroni and cheese back there and it's calling my name Jesus [Applause] ibaka shondo when Satan fell he ended up in Eden he thought well since I couldn't have heaven at least I'm gonna set up my kingdom down here God said now and that's where we catch up with Genesis in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was over the face of the deep in the Spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters and God said Let there be how could there be chaos if God formed it there can't be chaos if God formed it which means something caused chaos to happen and God followed behind it and said I'm gonna create something to have dominion over this thing that created chaos I'm getting ready to help you to understand because you you stepped into a level of authority in 2019 that you don't even know yet there was this movie of you some years ago called Bruce Almighty anybody ever remember that movie you remember in that one point when when Jim Carrey it's like I need a spoon and he says spoon and the spoon came out of his mouth some of y'all don't realize that you stepped into a place of authority that the moment you say it you're going to see it [Applause] forty-three people caught what I said you stepped into a season that if you have the boldness to declare it God has the authority to back-end [Music] lucifer ends up in the garden God plants ban in the garden and then he says have dominion over everything in here I'll say never one it was a kingdom and then God made a dust creature thing he landed in God created something that he landed in and gave him dominion over him he will bruise your heel but you will bruise his head which means I told you 2018 you used your hand 2019 you're gonna need Joe [Applause] I wish I had a few people that would just act like there's a roach under your foot some of y'all in the suburbs you out there in Prince George's County y'all don't have roaches some of us remember when you turn the light on they scatter I need you to understand God said let there be light devil start scattering because somebody with some Authority showed up I need you to know that the devil's that wouldn't move in 2018 half the scatter in 2019 I need you to move your feet I need you to use them now the sermon is almost over but I need you to get your feet wet I need you to walk in your authority I need you to walk in your favor I need you to walk in your power [Music] so the enemy was there y'all know the conversation Satan spoke to Eve Eve took the bait she ate the fruit gave something to her husband we lost Dominion then the whole salvation plan but some people like me and said God why would you even allow them to even be in the same place devil's been always hating on us you read the book of Job he hated job messed me up because God was like have you considered my servant Joe I felt like God literally was like a devil go mess with John what did I do to you but notice the enemy's response God said listen job fears God and shuns evil does he fear God for nothing you put a hedge of protection around everything he has move that head he'll curse you to your face how would the devil know that there's a hedge of protection all the way around unless he had been looking for a way in [Applause] I need you know that wherever you go to enemy's been looking for a way in but he couldn't get in cuz God has his angels around you for all of 2018 and some of y'all need to thank God for the car accident that didn't happen for the things that didn't happen for the stuff God protected you from because you had a had your protection but since you got protection you might as well walk in your favor help me holy ghost let me let me get this point out it's time for you to walk in Dominion and it's time for you to take territory 20:19 is the reset see all the stuff that didn't make sense all the viruses from your spiritual mainframe all of that stuff was left over in 2018 it's a reset anybody ever had your phone freeze there's a soft reset and a hard reset as it is in the natural so it was in the spirit in the Old Testament the blood and bulls of goats was the soft reset every year the priests had to give this blood for an atonement it would reset the people but in the New Testament there was a hard reset where Jesus was the final propitiation for our sins and every virus was erased from our mainframe and when he restarted us we walk in another level of power so when he got up out of the grave he said all Authority has been given to me when you got Authority you walked like it I'm gonna close with this when I walked in to this service I walked behind dr. Jenkins and his wife Bishop Owens and his wife and I told her I was like I got to take a picture cuz that's some power right there I ain't trying to hate dr. Jenkins might be a hot 5/8 165 but I promise you this it was some six eight brothers back there with a jackets open which means they had sixteen in the clip and one in the hall [Applause] [Music] you know why because in here he has authority because he's invested he so it's his so when he speaks stuff better moves you don't know that you stepped into twenty nineteen and where you were asking in 2018 you need to be commanding in 2019 I'll get ready to leave I said you don't step in to 2019 and I need you to start walking let you have some authority because where you were back in 2018 you don't be declaring in 2019 where you were borrowing in 2018 you pee you'll be lending in 2019 I need a few people to just walk just walk just trust me I mean to the war I need you to get your feet wet [Music] Matthew 14 Peter said Jesus if that's you tell me to come to you have you got his feet wet I need you to get your feet wet you step it in the rare air supernatural territory [Music] this ain't time to leave it's time to walk and every step you take you're taking territory I mean somebody that believes that this is the Lord of the Lord No it may not look like it but to step in [Music] [Music] get Josie from renting to owning in the name of Jesus I declare supernatural debt cancellation freedom from tax debt wisdom and discernment for wives decisions with your money so that your credit in your savings lined up I dare you to walk around that house that you believe in for tomorrow five bedrooms three and a half bathrooms wraparound porch dare you to walk all the way around [Music] I need somebody to get your feet wet you were stuck in 2018 but you're free to move in 2019 when you get to a certain elevation [Music] on the airplane they say we've achieved cruising altitude you may now move about the cabin do you have stepped into the hot place so move around like they own it [Music] and why are you walking give him a place cut the stock just for you and for your whole family [Music] [Applause] [Music] what you didn't know is why you were walking some of the stuff that held you hostage [Music] get off it off every now and then you can't be sweet like please never leave me alone you need to be hood get off some change you can't talk to you got a ripple Moss last point the demoniac in the and Mark Shaw of Jesus from a distance and ran he had chains only while he was running by the time he got to him the chains were gone some of y'all don't know that there were some things that you could not get free from in 2018 but as you walked it had to let you go I prophesied it had to let you go in for some of y'all the chain was a person they had to let you go and you need to put in the phone next to their name chains so you don't pick it up again I dare you to give God a chain breaking freedom walking grace [Music] get your feet wet walking over Florida you learn the lesson at 2018 now walk in the blessing of 2019 [Music] they didn't like you in 2018 they don't hate you in 2019 [Music] they got there cuz I bless my wife with my money [Music] I don't win over time they go never let me come back to new revival again but I went through too much hell in 2018 to let anybody else go through it and not realize I'm free I'm home I have authority and because the mist went up from the dust I have a reservoir nobody knows about so even if it's famine everywhere else I got water under my seat I prophetically declare favor over every person listening here in every room I declare supernatural favor for an unexpected well I've declared Oh send them over you know that is the city of to Wells I declare that your job is just one source but that god springs up from under your feet a supernatural resource that no one can touch it is not moved by the stock market or by anybody else but God will give you to Wells supernatural income so that you can finance the kingdom and finance your trains does anybody believe that God is able to do it I further declare that God would allow you the grace to see your enemy in 2019 and bless them [Applause] [Music] they mind on me now so bad stuff I ain't even heard us new lives and just in case you lurking and you watch it and you want to see me fall and you want to see me die you want my marriage to crumble let me tell you something Lord bless you Lord keep you because the Bible says bless those who curse you and pray for those who spitefully use you so I speak blessing over you and your broken life I speak blessing may the Lord heal you cover you may he bless everything you touch that's how you break the back of the devil [Music] final point scripture says there are moments of feast and festival and Bishop when you come into a moment like this when God has supernaturally delivered you from everything that held you hostage there is a moment where you do not come to God empty-handed he said every man no man come to me and be heavy I'm just gonna ask you whatever the Lord is putting on your heart right now if you believe this is the word of the Lord get a seed in your hand get it in your hand I'm not telling you in the mouth do not change your praise don't change your shout but get a seed in your hand right now matter of fact some of y'all can clap while the rest are getting a seed in your hand only if you believe this is the word of the Lord and there is no manipulation if you're able to give give who's ready to give who's going to sow into the word this goes to the house who's ready to soak I don't know how we so hear Bishop how do we write the check to new year revival okay more cash all right and the ushers are going to serve us in a moment is that correct which I'll just come up here real quick please one on one side and one on the other please I stand on the shoulders of giants and I represent a generation of pastors who have been afraid of fathering because we have been hurt and manipulated and it's been done wrong I want to tell you and you thank you for loving us loving the men of God the women of God the people of God in a way that makes us see Jesus more clearly I feel like I'm a bridge to tell you on behalf of the men who have been hurt and abused that we honor you we thank you my presence here tonight is because I believe God wants you all to know that even though most of us can't get to you I represent many young preachers who want you to know we couldn't be where we are without you for too long people think they arrived by themselves none of us got where we got by ourselves so I give honor to you and may the Lord bless you and your wife go 45 kids and your 19 grandkids you got six of them but may the Lord bless you with long life and supernatural health and prosperity favored over you and your bride and may the Lord continue to bless you Archbishop you and your beautiful wife I pray fifty more years more relevance more power more anointing more preaching more prophesying and more Holy Ghost and please don't let our generation go we're afraid to receive fathering because of the way we were treated and the what we've seen we need you and we honor you and I honor you today we thank God for the men of God if you're ready to soul lift it up in the air lift it up in the air if you're giving by electronic giving wave that hand in the air and wave it like you really care and if Jesus Christ is the king the king somebody say oh yeah oh yeah wave it father we don't get our feet wet we're gonna walk into everything you pre-ordained for us and lo we have a well no one sees if it never rains we got a mist up under the ground that sustains us how many people know you have a supernatural well that nobody knows about walk in your authority please walk in your power please walk in victory please father receive this offering from the hands of those who are here those who are online and those were in every overflow and we thank you for it now in Jesus name I love you First Baptist Church in Mount Zion Mount Zion Mount Calvary Holy Church follow the direction of our Usher's please be seated so we can receive this decently and in order if you already standing here you may put your offering on the altar if not please be seated as the ushers pass the envelope so pass the buckets and we hear some music please be seated thank you [Music] it's a new cedar it's a new day yes
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 97,064
Rating: 4.8067083 out of 5
Keywords: Sheryl Brady, T. D. Jakes, Jasmin Sculark, Dr. Jazz, Joseph Prince, T.B. Joshua, Billy Graham, Bishop David Oyedepo, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Chris Oyakhilome, Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland, Pastor John Gray, pastor john gray 2018, pastor john gray lamborghini, pastor john gray sister circle
Id: MkjjN1Ozmh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 6sec (4446 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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