Don't Get These Character Backgrounds & Traits in Starfield!

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was only a few backgrounds in here that I even think's worth picking from the character traits are a little different because the character traits are more of a bonus but there are a few character traits that I don't think's worth getting either we're going to talk about all of it so for backgrounds so each character background has like a different history of what your character did before so for example for Bounty Hunter it says wherever there are wanted individuals there are those who profit from their capture and your Corey knows that in the vastness of space they can run but they cannot each of them just have like a little background like that and this will happen on occasion but in my experience it didn't happen very often so sometimes whenever you're talking to an NPC like one of your responses will be based off your character's background so picking certain backgrounds in the beginning will just offer you different dialogue whenever you're talking to NPCs how much does it play a role on changing the mission that you're on I'm not sure but I feel like no matter what option you pick there's gonna be scenario videos to where your background comes into play so I don't think you're missing out on anything by picking any of these for that reason at least but for the starting skills that's a completely different story I think some of these starting skills just aren't worth getting so we're gonna go over which ones I just don't think are worth getting and the character backgrounds that I would choose from because for my first playthrough I picked Professor but I know if I was to create another character I definitely wouldn't pick Professor again that's why I want to talk about this the thing that's going to make the difference in between each of these backgrounds is going to be your skills unless you're doing some type of role play I don't think the uh background descriptions matter a whole lot but the starting skills are what's going to make the difference every time you level up you get a skill point all these are are basically three levels put into different skills once you create your character you can pick any of these after it's this is just going to be the ones that you're starting with so don't think just because you pick one you're not going to be able to do any of the other ones after this is literally just what you're starting with it's like you're starting at level three pretty much and they pick three levels for you all right we're just gonna go down the board so for Beast Hunter Beast Hunter's first starting skill is Fitness and fitness gives you ten percent more oxygen at rank one you could rank up each skill four times but uh it starts off with rank one Fitness and that's ten percent more oxygen your oxygen is basically your stamina in this game well once you unlock your jet pack I don't really think oxygen is super important I'll explain why once we get down to some of these other uh starting skills for ballistics I'm gonna give a quick overview of my experience with the combat in this game if it wasn't for the space combat I would have the difficulty on very hard because the the gunfights and stuff with NPCs in this game is super easy even on hard I've tried very hard and the only like the only part that's actually hard about very hard is the space combat whenever you're in your ship now back to the reason that I even brought that up in my opinion none of the combat perks are worth getting I mean if you just feel like killing stuff quicker go for it but but I don't have a single combat perk on my main character and I can literally run through the content no problem I could pretty much stand right in front of the NPCs and just like move side to side and still win every gun fight so as far as difficulty I wouldn't worry about getting any of the combat perks the combat perks are the red ones so like that one is ballistic weapons do 10 more damage then you got dueling which is melee weapons do more damage pistol certification pistols do more damage then you got lasers that's laser weapons do more damage shotgun I think that's all of them all right but back up to Beast Hunter I know I keep on uh veering off subject so for Gastronomy it allows you to craft specialty food and drinks and uh research additional recipes that are research so that I really don't think cooking at all in this game is necessary the amount of food and drinks that you find whenever you're looting is insane you're gonna have too much food and drink especially if you loot places like I do I'm not leaving the building until I went through every single room I don't know I'm weird like that yeah I don't think astronomy is worth it so so far we got Fitness as like a I'll put Fitness as like a neutral then we got ballistics which for me personally I wouldn't get any combat skills and Gastronomy is a no-go for bouncer you got boxing security and fitness Fitness was on Beast Hunter also boxing could be good if you're trying to go with an unarmed build if you're just trying to punch your way to Victory boxing wouldn't be bad but that's boxing's one of those ones that it just has to fit your playstyle if you feel like running around punching the out of people boxing's gonna be what you want to go with security is probably one of the most important skills in the game because this is what allows you to unlock the higher difficulty lock picks so without having any security you can unlock like the novice level lock picks but anything past that you're not going to be able to unlock there is so many lock boxes and weapon crates and doors that have a ton of loot in the room they have all kind of that can be unlocked with lock picking or security so I think security is definitely a good option and we already talked about Fitness Fitness kind of sits neutral with me but the overall bouncer I wouldn't pick it unless you're like I said trying to go for like a unarmed build now Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter has three new starting skills piloting targeting control systems and boost pack training all three of these are really good skills to have piloting isn't as important early game but it's still super important if you want to be able to drive the big ships with better weapons better engines and stuff you're gonna have to have piloting at some point and having it as a starting skill isn't a bad idea because the mission for piloting is is destroying enemy ships every time you rank a skill up you have to complete this little Challenge and once you complete the challenge then you could spend another point in that skill each skill has four ranks that make the buff a little bit better but anyway piloting at Rank 3 and Rank 4 unlocks your class B and class c ships so without those two ranks of piloting you're not going to be able to drive the good ships targeting Control Systems allows you to Target specific parts of enemy ships whenever you're fighting them once you lock onto them you could press r or what I'm not sure what it is on console and you could Target specific parts of their ships to destroy like their engines or their Shields and then once you destroy enemy ship's engines you can actually board their ship and neither steal everything and destroy their ship or you can actually just rob their ship from them so targeting Control Systems is really good to have and you only need rank one to do that with the targeting control system so it's not a bad starting skill either you immediately get benefit out of having this and then for Boost pack training boost pack training is a solid one to have props to the people that play this game without boost pack training honestly I don't think I could do it this is a super good starting skill to have all in all for Bounty Hunter definitely a solid choice this is probably my top three for Chef I kind of already gave you my opinion on cooking in this game we went over Gastronomy don't think it's worth it dueling is a combat skill I don't think it's worth it I don't think scavenging's terrible it gives you a chance to find extra credits when you're searching containers and Rank 2 gives you an extra chance to find ammo when you're searching containers rank three gives you a chance to find extra first aid kits and stuff and then rank four actually makes resources visible that you're tracking so like say you're trying to finish a research project or something so you track the resources that you need well once you're tracking those resources if you pull out your hand scanner will actually highlight whatever those resources are Chef all in all I don't like two out of the three so I wouldn't get combat medic it's got a combat skill pistol certification don't really care about that medicine just makes like Med kits and stuff give you extra health and heals you faster I don't think it's worth it because like I said the the combat isn't super hard in this game I could stand right in front of people and still survive on the harder difficulties and then Wellness Wellness just increases your maximum health which I don't think Wellness is that important either for the same reason I don't think medicine's that important for the same reason I don't think pistol certification is that important combat isn't that hard in this game honestly kind of wish it was a little bit harder I'm sure they'll have mods to make it make it so so combat medic I wouldn't recommend cyber Runner this is probably another top three of mine top four I don't know man I feel like I'm gonna end up saying like five of them as my top three but for now this is another top three so one of those starting skills is stealth which without stealth you don't have a stealth meter and stealth also makes you 25 percent more difficult to detect when sneaking and you also deal more uh sneak attack damage with suppressed weapons stealth is a super solid one to have especially if you plan on stealing a bunch of stealth solid we already talked about security security is another super good starting skill to have or skill to have in general and Thief actually allows you to pickpocket enemies and then once you get it to Rank 4 you can pickpocket holstered weapons if you're playing a build that's just steals a lot of this is your build this is not a bad build at all like I said it's top three for me I'm probably gonna pick this one for my next character cyberneticist we've already talked about medicine we already talked about security and we talked about combat skills it's a no for the lasers yes for security and a no for the medicine one out of three is a no bueno I don't think diplomat's a bad choice I just don't care for the Wellness on it but it has persuasion and commerce persuasion just it it increases your chance to persuade people and you do do a lot of persuading through I said doo-doo you are going to be doing a lot of persuading whenever you're recruiting crew members you can persuade them to lower their costs so you can pay like half the price just by persuading them there's a ton of scenarios where persuading comes in handy and then Commerce just lets you buy and sell for more rank one of it you buy for five percent less and sell for ten percent more so it's not a bad one to have either I just don't like wellness diplomat's not a bad choice but like I said the wellness kills it for me Explorer don't like combat skills all astrodynamics does is increases your grab jump range which I really don't think is that important grab jump is basically like your quick travel and then surveying I really don't think that is that useful either the only time you really need a scan from a distance is if it's a hostile creature that you're trying to scan honestly I just run up to them scan and Jet away and I don't have any problems with it I don't think it's worth those points putting in a survey so Explorer is definitely a no-go for me we got gangster don't like shotgun boxing is only if you're trying trying to go for a melee build or unarmed build theft is good but it's one out of three wouldn't go with Gangster Homesteader so we already went over surveying we got geology and weight lifting geology is just going to give you more ore from the oars that you're harvesting while you're running around and then weight lifting increases uh the total amount that you can carry about 10. if you get it all the way up it'll increase it by a hundred weightlifting's a decent one if you play like me and have a looting problem but as far as the other two geology is not bad but I don't think surveying's worth it this isn't a bad option but I personally wouldn't pick it next we have industrialist so we talked about persuasion talked about security so research methods just um reduces the required resources to craft items and complete research projects I maxed out research methods and it's still taken a while to research everything so research methods is definitely a good skill to have security is good and persuasion is good industrialist definitely isn't a bad one it's probably this one's probably top six we'll just go with six next we have long hauler so ballistic weapons is just going to be uh more ship damage basically we've already talked about piloting I think it's a good choice and weightlifting isn't a bad choice either I don't really care for a ballistic weapon systems in this one otherwise I'd probably say it wasn't a bad background to have but the space combat is pretty hard in the beginning at least if you want that extra ship weapon damage then it's the way to go we talked about Scavenging we talked about surveying and we talked about Gastronomy so scavening is not bad surveying and then Gastronomy is just a no-go or Professor this is actually the one that I picked for my first character and I definitely would not pick it again astrodynamics just makes you grab jump a little bit further which I don't think is worth it geology is decent but honestly you could get resources super easy so I don't think geology is worth it I just think there's better options at least for a starting skill and research methods is also good but astrodynamics is just trash so I would I wouldn't pick Professor again for Rolling it's got a combat skill not a fan stealth is dope scavenger is pretty dope if it didn't have the dueling I'd say this wasn't a bad deal if you're trying to do a melee build this might be for you sculptor medicines eh geology is good but they have better and persuasion is pretty solid but the medicine kind of ruins it for this one soldier it's got a combat skill and then Fitness just really isn't a huge necessity either the only one that I think is really worth getting and this is Boost pack training so I probably wouldn't go with Soldier and then space gowns we got up persuasion piloting pistol cert talked about all these don't like combat skills piloting is good but it's only so you can start getting your challenges done for those later ranks that way you can fly the big ships you're not going to get much benefit out of having piloting as a starting seal but at least you'll be getting the challenges done right out of the gate that way you can get those B and C-Class ships super early and persuasion is good but like I said combat skill that's a no-go for me xenobiologist combat skill booty do surveying and fitness I would not be going xenobiologists and then file not found they got Wellness which eh ballistics and piloting the only good skill in this one I think let's go through the traits real quick so the traits pretty much all come with a buff and a debuff at the same time but I I really like what they did with the trades so for like alien DNA it starts you off with increased health and oxygen but your healing and food items aren't as effective for Dream Home you get a luxurious house but you have 125 000 credit mortgage with Gale bank that has to be paid weekly I actually picked this one on my first character and you don't have to pay the mortgage weekly you literally only have to pay it when you go to the house and in my experience I didn't even really use the house like I'd never went I went to the house like one time so unless you're just trying to like have another place to decorate I don't really find the house that valuable I got empath which whenever you perform actions that your companions like you'll get a temporary increase in combat Effectiveness but if you do stuff they don't like you'll get a debuff so this one's kind of risky extrovert exerting yourself uses less oxygen when adventuring with human companions but more when you're adventuring along and it can't be combined with the introvert which is the opposite so extrovert you get more more oxygen whenever you have a companion introvert you get less oxygen whenever you have a companion by the way notice how it says human companions so you can have introvert and still use Vasco as a companion I think that's his name a robot vosco is that right anyway the robot so keep that in mind then they have faction Allegiance traits you gain special dialogue for the free star Collective and better rewards from from some of the missions but the crime Bounty towards other factions is greatly increased which the crime bounding part doesn't even really matter it's mainly just the better rewards and dialogue options you can't pick two of these so it'd either be Freestar neon Street rat which is going to be the city of neon you get better missions and die I mean better rewards for Missions and dialogue options here then you got United Colonies which gives better dialogue options and better rewards from these missions and you got hero worshiped which I chose this one on my first character you've earned the attention of an annoying adoring fan who will show up randomly and jabber at you incessantly on the plus side he'll join your ship's crew and give you gifts I don't think this one's that bad because the adoring fans really not even that annoying and it's an extra free crew member that gives you all the time so that's not a bad option then you got kid stuff which basically gives you parents your parents are alive and well and you could visit them at their home but you will automatically send two percent of your credits home to them every week so you get parents but two percent of your credits get sent to them every week I didn't pick this one but I'll probably pick it on my next playthrough I know the parents give like a ton of random gifts and will like show up at random locations while you're doing something I think kids stuff's a pretty cool one so from what I've heard about the religious traits the religion traits raise enlightened raised Universal and Serpent's Embrace or at least raise enlightened and raise Universal I've heard that the chest of items that these two things give you are not worth spinning the trade on that's just what I heard I haven't tested them myself but I'm probably not gonna pick one of these two and then serpents Embrace grab jumping provides a temporary boost to health and oxygen but health and oxygen are lowered if you don't continue jumping regularly like an addiction I definitely wouldn't get that I don't think that's worth it to be honest and you got spaced health and oxygen are increased when in space but decreased when on the surface which I'm probably on the surface 90 of the time so I wouldn't get spaced but Terra Firma is like the opposite of spaced health and oxygen are increased when on the surface but decrease when you're in space I probably would get this one on my next playthrough health and oxygen isn't really a must whenever you're in space most of the time you're either going to be ship fighting or just traveling to the next area you do have to like fight every now and again if you're like boarding somebody's ship or something like that but I don't think it's worth it to get spaced Just For Those few occasions unless you just plan on travel traveling in space a ton for whatever reason then you got task master occasionally if you have crew trained in a certain ship system that system will automatically repair itself to full health whenever is damaged below 50 however all crew cost twice as much to hire I don't think this is a bad one either because the crew is a one-time payment but the fact that your ship will just automatically repair itself when below 50 Health that's not bad and I don't think the crew members are even that expensive in the first place so task Masters not a bad one to have and then wanted I chose this one on my first playthrough too and I don't regret choosing this one actually someone put a price on your head and word has spread occasionally armed mercenaries will show up and try to kill you but being cornered gives you an edge when your health is low you do extra damage so yeah they do have armed mercenaries that show up occasionally and try to kill you but you get a buff to your damage when your health is low and in all honesty the armed mercenary is showing it up and trying to kill me is a plus in my opinion because that's just more loot that's just more Loot and more XP for me I don't even really think it's that big of a deal so I'd probably choose wanted again if I was creating another character I would probably choose Terra Firma wanted and either kids stuff or one of the faction ones probably neon Street rat or hero worshiped isn't a bad one but I've already I've already played with hero worshiped yeah or Taskmaster so either one of the faction ones kid stuff or Taskmaster would be my third I'd probably go with kid stuff just because I want to see what that's I want to see in more detail what that's about
Channel: Orbanjo Gaming
Views: 3,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: orbanjo, orbanjo gaming, gaming, pc gaming, pc games, video games, starfield, starfield character background, starfield character traits, starfield starting skills, starfield character creation, starfield character, starfield 2023, starfield traits, starfield background, bethesda
Id: oF8P8r_xgwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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