Benny Hinn Crusade Classics Fiji 2006, Part1

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with diseases he has come to heal our body and deliver us from diseases unable to move forward [Applause] say out loud lord jesus i believe you are the son of god come on let's put our hands together tonight and let's bless the name of the lord come on come on worthy of our praise tonight [Music] [Applause] of the lord [Music] in the house [Music] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] is me [Music] [Applause] sacrifices [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hey [Music] come on [Music] me [Music] as they came to jericho and as he went out of jericho with his disciples and a great number of people blind bartimaeus the son of themias sat by the highway side begging when he had heard that it was jesus of nazareth he began to cry out and say jesus thou son of david have mercy on me many charged him that he should not cry and hold his peace but he cried the lord a great deal thou son of david have mercy on me and jesus stood still and commanded him to be called and they called the blind man saying unto him be of good comfort rise equality and he casting away his garment rose and came to jesus and jesus answered and said unto him what will thou that i should do unto thee the blind man said unto him lord that i might receive my sight and jesus said unto him go thy way thy faith hath made thee whole and immediately he received his sight and followed jesus in the way this is the story of determination persistence tonight if you will do what he did you'll receive your healing the bible declares in mark chapter 10 verse 46 and they came to jericho and as he went out of jericho with his disciples and a great number of people blind bartimaeus the son of the mass sat by the highway side begging there said this blind man at the gate of jericho jesus is leaving the city his disciples with him a great multitude with him blind bartimaeus begins to cry jesus son of david have mercy on me but now something happened something i want you to pay attention to everyone pay attention to what i'm about to give you mark chapter 10 servants of the lord mark chapter 10 tells us that jesus was leaving the city now listen to luke chapter 18. for the bible now tells us something somewhat different beginning at verse 35 and it came to pass that as he was come nigh unto jericho a certain blind man sat by the wayside begging and hearing the multitude pass by he asked what it meant notice that in mark's gospel barthemas did not ask anyone what is going on in luke's gospel he did now mark chapter 10 talks about jesus leaving the city luke 18 talks about jesus coming into the city now one preacher after reading this said there must there's a mistake in the bible and he left the faith over what i just showed you but he did not bother to wait and listen to the voice of the spirit there is no mistake in this bible it's one story in luke jesus is coming in in mark is going out but it's the same story this is the story of a man who is determined to receive a healing jesus is coming into the city in luke 18 and bartemaeus says what's going on who's coming in they said jesus he begins to cry out jesus son of david have mercy on me now jesus is in the city jesus is ministering to the people of jericho jericho is not a very big city in those days it was not a very big city jesus was in the city the whole time jesus is in the city but the mass is crying jesus jesus jesus jesus now jesus is done ministering in the city and he's on the way out luke has him coming in but the mayor is describing him mercy on me jesus now is leaving the city in mark chapter 10 he's leaving bartimaeus is still crying have mercy jesus son of david have mercy as jesus is leaving the city the man is still crying the man is still calling jesus jesus jesus jesus now in luke 18 jesus christ is coming in in mark 10 he's going out therefore bartemaeus cried from the time jesus walked in to the time jesus walked out there is no mistake in the bible both writers give us the same story but one says jesus is coming in one says jesus is going out therefore the mayor's cried jesus mercy from the time jesus came in to the time jesus went out and because he cried from the time jesus walked into the time jesus walked out then he received his miracle my brother bartholomaeus was as it was a very determined man he said as long as jesus is in the city i'm gonna cry his name cry his name cry his name till he heals me because he knew if jesus should leave the city he may never come back that again and he'll never receive his sight he said as long as jesus is in the city i'm gonna call his name ladies and gentlemen jesus is here tonight jesus is here tonight jesus tonight will pass by you make sure you do not miss your divine opportunity for your miracle lift your hands and say this is my night for a miracle [Applause] jesus came in barthemas is crying jesus is in the city but the mess is still crying jesus is healing other people but the mass is still calling jesus leaves the city but the mass is still crying and as jesus leaves the city he's still crying and then jesus said bring him here now something else happened the bible says and jesus stood and commanded him to be brought unto him and when he was come he asked him what will thou that i shall do unto thee he said what do you want now the lord could see the man was blind but still the bible says we will not receive unless we ask the man had to say the man had to ask i want my sight he would not have received his vision unless he asked specifically for a miracle tonight be specific with god tell him what you want if it's your cancer say lord is my cancer if it's your your diabetes say lord it's my diabetes if it's some problem in your body tell him what you want be specific with god first don't give up call his name keep calling his name keep calling his name keep calling his name keep calling his name now when you seek a miracle that will be opposition the devils will oppose you the skeptics will oppose you the people of the flesh will oppose you when bartimaeus began to cry the crowd said be quiet just be quiet but the more they said be quiet the louder he got the more they said be quiet the more he cried and if the devil tells you be quiet just shout louder just shout louder just cry louder and jesus will answer then jesus said now what do you want he said i want my sight lord i want my vision lord and the bible says jesus touched his eyes and the man was healed and made whole this is the story of a man who knew how to never give up tonight i don't care what the doctors have said to you i don't care what problem is in your life i don't care what disease is in your body jesus is able to do exceeding abundantly he will answer your cry he will hear your prayer and he will heal you tonight there was a woman a syrophoenician woman the bible tells me something awesome about this lady who was outside the covenant she was not even within the covenant she was a gentile when jesus walked the earth he said to his disciples in matthew he said go not to the gentiles go not to the samaritans only to the lordship of the house of israel before the cross before jesus died on the cross only the house of israel could receive from god but here's a woman who was a gentile jesus went from fence and departed into the coast of tyre and sidon behold a woman of canaan not israel canaan a gentile came out of the same coast and cried unto him saying have mercy on me o lord thou son of david notice she prayed the same prayer brethren prayed have mercy on me o lord son of david my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil but he answered her not a word he ignored her he ignored her prayer ignored her cry ignored her appeal his disciples came and besought him saying send her away she cries after us jesus would not answer her so she went to his disciples when jesus was silent and ignored her she just went to the disciples and said somebody help me somebody help me she would not leave him alone she would not leave them alone all the disciples peter james john andrew and philip and they all came i can just see bartholomew saying please the lord can't handle this woman i can see simon lord please help us i can see john and peter i see judas i see james the lessons they called him coming saying please help us this woman is after us send it away but he answered and said i am not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of israel i'm not gonna do a thing about it she's still crying she's still saying i'm mercy then came she and worshipped him saying lord help me she came to him first he ignored her she went to the apostles they ignored her she comes now and falls at his feet help me lord but he answered and said it's not right to take the children's meat and to give it to dogs my god if that was me if i was there kneeling before him and he called me a dog i'll say thank you would have left not her she said truly lord i'm a dog truth lord yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their master's table lord since i'm outside the covenant for that's what the gentiles were called by the jews they were called dogs you're outside the covenants you're not a member of the family of god lord she said truth now the whole time she's worshiping she's kneeling she's before him truth lord but even we dogs deserve the crumbs the crimes that the children throw the crimes that the children don't want we'll take that jesus answered and said unto her a woman great is thy faith be it unto thee even as thou wilt and her daughter was made whole from that very hour why did she persist because she understood even though i'm outside the covenant his mercy is so great it extends even to me now my brother this was before the cross before jesus hung on that cross only the jews could receive the benefits of the covenant but today i have good news for you today you are the people of the covenant today because of the cross we are no longer outsiders because of the cross all the benefits are ours bless the lord all my soul and all that's within me bless his holy name bless the lord and my soul and forget not all his benefits what are the benefits he forgiveth all thy iniquities he heals all thy diseases he redeems your life from destruction he crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies he satisfied your mouth with good things so that thy youth is renewed like the eagles we don't have to beg jesus did not say beg the woman had to beg because she was outside the covenant the outsiders beg but the children asked the children just asked tonight all you have to do is lift your hands and say father in the name of jesus i ask and i promise you as you ask you will receive that is guaranteed by the word of the living god she would not give up that woman he ignored her appeals yet she broke through he would not have anyone know that he was there yet she broke through his privacy violated his privacy he would not answer her she persisted that's what's called perseverance she stayed she stayed she stayed she asked she asked she asked till he said yes how much more shall your heavenly father give to you the bible says the woman went to the wicked judge knocked on the door get up help me help me go away lady help me help me go away help me but because of her persistence jesus said she received the man went to his friend's house wake up give me bread go away i'm in bed give me bread i'm in bed wake up i got some friends get up give me some bread go away come back tomorrow but because of his persistence he got the bread tonight in suva fiji keep knocking keep knocking keep knocking the door will open i promise you never give up never just quit never say i won't ask anymore and go away only losers quit never sing it quietly [Music] oh jesus [Music] makes me [Music] little has gone his name jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] jesus [Music] makes me [Music] jesus [Music] makes me [Music] [Applause] you are so glorious preparing [Music] your temple we are born as a living storm [Music] where you're [Music] come rise within [Music] come rise upon our place let the hands that saw your eyes [Music] come close your glory [Music] draws by your grace presence of the lord is so rich the presence of the lord is so rich [Applause] lift your hands please to him whisper his name [Music] and all the glory of your presence [Music] we give you reverence so rise to your rest [Music] and be blessed by our praise [Music] as we glory in your embrace [Music] this place this man was carried in by his brother and his cousins tonight they carried him just like this this is beautiful and now tonight the power of god came at him look he could walk he's healed by the [Applause] [Applause] power [Applause] happy blessed [Music] [Applause] [Music] look how happy he me hallelujah [Applause] keep playing it my god my god what was wrong with you pastor he was unable to walk from he had leg trouble back trouble these guys carried them in these are two brothers they said they've been helping him helping him carrying him for three months tonight they carried him in here go ahead can't walk for three months why we take him to the hospital they say he said they kind of what did the doctor say was the condition the doctor said that the doctor said what they can't see any sickness for me they did not know what was wrong with you you just could not walk yeah they had to carry you yeah carry them to the hospital and back he he he could not run like this could not walk run one more time brother jesus i give you the glory all right god damnit he's not gonna give me the praise wrinkles man here pick him up gentlemen my god my god there's glory there's glory on this man pick him up gentlemen that's the power of almighty god that's the oh that's the that's the glory of god that's the glory that's like [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah you can't go you can't go he's still running he's still running he's still running pick him up pick him up pick him up all of them jesus you're glorious greg what's going on brother so this man as well he could not walk for two years from what they could not determine it he got weakness in his legs had to walk with a stick power of god came upon him tonight he's walking freely without any problem whatsoever what what they just could not walk his legs became weak the doctors could not explain what his problem was he's an interpreter he's an interpreter in what language you speak fijian fijian with a number what was wrong with him let him tell me two years two years his legs were weak he had to walk with it with a walking stick why ask him you don't know you just lost feeling in your legs you just lost strength that's it tell them what i said yeah come on let's walk let's walk papa let's walk come on he got up tonight and walked they were amazed as they stood around him and saw him walk where is he from where is he from [Music] [Applause] whoa pick him up gentlemen that's the glory of god brother is following that anointing take that anointing and pick him what's going on over there he was in an accident car accident in canada he was just telling me how he used to walk show me how you don't used to work but this is unbelievable not he he entered himself in canada this is happening in fiji people of god this is happening on paradise island this is happening in one of the most beautiful places in this world the fijian people are beautiful they are believing god they have faith in god like i have not seen anywhere i'll tell you honestly i've not seen faith like this i i i i've got to tell you this is this is awesome here there is revival in fiji there is a move of god in fiji it is glorious what's happening and this man injured himself in canada he was unable to move like this what happened to you tonight what did you feel come on your body just a burning sensation that's about it burning sensation how long have you had this problem one year eight months one year eight months but no more brother no more say no more [Applause] eight years ago passer on a fishing boat he fell when he fell he injured his right shoulder he had three operations they can't they doctors told him there's nothing else they could do look at him say it look at him what i'm saying look at that that's what i'm saying look at that thank you jesus he says thank you jesus here give me give me a bite give me back you you you tell the people to believe come on believe believe all you have is come with faith god is waiting for you believe believe thank you jesus may my life be dedicated to your will lord god may my life be dedicated to your way lord god [Music] [Applause] i love it this is the father of god all over this place here pick him up gentlemen oh jesus i give you praise oh we give you the glory we give you the glory we give you the glory somebody said hallelujah this lady here was in the walker four years now you gotta see this she's telling me you know how you used to what i said show me and this is what she was doing she showed me she could barely walk wait wait wait open the walker she would sit in that wall oh this she would say now you got to hear this wait wait give me give up without my give me the mic james give me the mic jinx talk to me honey i just walked for two three yards i have to sit down again i'll just put the sit down and sit down what was wrong with you i have bad pain in my butt that pain in your legs yes what what happened today i feel that i just can't stand up straight away you follow the touch [Applause] she just came out began to walk no pain is the pain gone is the pain gone oh god it's gone i know even though i couldn't stand too long now i spent more than half an hour now you've been standing more than half an hour down there from there to you can't just sit there [Applause] show me how you showed me how you were dancing show me how you were dancing [Music] pardon me felt good while i was down there you were feeling good yeah i feel the spirit in my body you felt the holy ghost he's still all over you honey henry what is this this man here was in a stretcher had a problem with his heart unable to walk he had to lie in that stretch up he got healed tonight he came out of the world with the stretcher he began walking and what's so amazing he wants to give his life to jesus he wants to give his life to jesus you laid on this thing here but jesus christ healed you yeah i came from nowhere from here because of your name as i heard your name that's why why would i say that again i came right from nawa you came from where navwa yeah pastor tell me that's about 45 minutes drive from there to here so you heard about the service yeah i was i was listening to a chur chest yesterday night you were listening to me yeah yeah you were listening to the service here oh he was no no he wasn't here last night yeah on the radio yeah i didn't know we were on the radio last night vtfm huh but only breakdown what just the highlight of the meeting last night the highlight of the day he heard the highlight of the meeting on radio last night it was like some kind of an announcement yeah he heard the announcement on radio last night he came tonight right here he you you've been on that stretcher what's wrong with you uh doctor he told me that you got lungs problem and a heart fluid in his lungs he had fluid in his lungs and his heart was bigger and he couldn't walk he had to live on this thing he couldn't breathe as well what happened tonight today oh yeah and i'm getting better something just came inside my body something came inside your body something felt something is someone and his name is the holy ghost [Applause] something came inside my body oh jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus don't go keep it high and uplift it let the devils of hell look and cry let the devils of hell look and cry let the devils of hell look and be tormented jesus is still healing the sick cleansing the lepers raising the dead now my brother is the paint gone spun gone the pain is gone who healed you jesus christ here jesus christ healed you jesus is showing you he's alive now since he healed you do you want to receive him now as your savior yes you want to become a christian yes you too come on let's leave right here leo come on that's all me come on just kneel like that yeah both of you say after me lord jesus lord jesus thank you for healing me thank you for healing me lord jesus lord jesus i believe you are the son of god i believe you came to earth and died for me i believe you can die for us yes you came to earth and died for me [Music] yes she died for us i believe you rose from the dead i believe you rose [Music] amen amen hallelujah what's happened there so this boy had a kimball file syndrome what it's called kipple file syndrome this is his father one of the volunteers in this crusade he explained explain you got to hear this this is explain that sir he was born with a neck disorder called hippophile syndrome it just came back from a scan from new zealand uh just to make sure that the vertebrae is okay and the brain is okay but the condition we were told will be with him for the rest of his life he would never even play soccer or any contact sports for the rest of his life what happened tonight what happened son you get on the neck now look look at that come here come here young man turn around like this show them show them what what the lord had done for you look at that somebody shout hallelujah look at daddy he's just standing there crying watching his son look at that he was he was standing on this side helping people come up did not know that his son is up here when he saw his son up here he ran up here this boy is completely healed he was dancing jumping and the doctor said what he wouldn't play contact sports for the rest of his life that's what they said hold the mic there they they said he wouldn't be able to play anything not even soccer football nothing well you take him back to the doctors tell the doctors they they made a mistake i will sir tell them that a much better doc tell them a much better doctor came along and that doctor's name is jesus the great physician and heal this boy thanks my god [Music] young man explain what you just felt when the part of god came on you right now loose loose loose loose oh loose the neck is loose but that precious anointing that precious enough young man faced me here the lord is gonna use you jesus is gonna use you you want that lift your hands and ask him use him lord touch it's your turn choir i told you you won this anointing jon hands [Music] what happened to the little boy god wants to touch you too lift your hands to heaven [Music] touch the squad lord [Music] [Applause] touch [Applause] just the choir did you see that now the whole section showing hands the whole section show enhanced the whole section show enhanced all the way there and all the way there are you ready are you ready [Applause] do you want the anointing father touch the people lord [Applause] touch the people lord in the stands touch touch touch by [Applause] did you see that wave of power [Music] stretch your hands with a scammer all of you come on in the name of jesus whom i serve receive this anointing the same anointing that fell on the squad and this great crowd all behind me here receive it i rebuke sickness in your body i rebuke bondage in your life and home in the name of jesus be made whole in the name of jesus receive your health your healing your liberty your freedom in the name of jesus receive from the lord now the greatest miracle is not physical the greatest miracle is salvation christ jesus came to earth two thousand years ago he died on a cross and he shed his blood for you for you and for me to purchase our redemption this same jesus was buried for three days and three nights and rose from the dead and was declared the son of god through his resurrection this jesus ascended to heaven and now he is seated at god's right hand the king of kings lord of lords he's alive one of these days he will come back to earth to rule and reign forever the greatest miracle is salvation when you receive this jesus into your heart that's the greatest miracle because you see god is a holy god and we are sinners we cannot approach him without an intercessor without one who is the mediator between god and men this man is jesus he's our high priest who intercedes for us he's our mediator the bible says through him we come to the father i'm here to tell everyone in fiji that jesus christ is the only way he's the only truth he said i am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the father but by me you cannot go to heaven without jesus salvation is only through jesus and the bible says all have sinned all have come short of the glory of god we are sinners we are condemned to destruction but through christ through jesus we can be saved from destruction god has guaranteed our salvation and life eternal with him forever only as we accept his son as our substitution tonight you can receive the greatest miracle by giving your life to jesus christ if you want to be born again if you want to surrender to him and have the assurance of life eternal salvation with him forever if you want life eternal you receive it as you receive christ jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] all to jesus i [Music] surrender to hear my freely give i will ever love and trust him in his presence daily sing it quiet [Music] so [Music] [Applause] people of god look at me please as people are still coming jesus christ died for you if you are the only sinner he would have still come to earth and died for you now buy your heads please every head bow [Music] pray this prayer out loud lord jesus say out loud lord jesus i believe you are the son of god [Music] and i believe you came to earth and died for me on a cross i believe you shed your blood for me [Music] and i believe you rose from the dead [Music] and ascended on high and i believe right now you are seated at god's right hand the king of kings lord of lords and i believe you're coming back again to earth lord jesus i come to you because i am a sinner i need you oh jesus son of god right now i come to you and i ask you forgive my sin cleanse me with your blood make me clean and i will be clean [Music] come into my heart i surrender i give you my life right now save my soul come lord jesus come live your life in me right now dear jesus i confess you as my lord my savior i no longer belong to satan i belong to you i am yours forever god almighty is my father the holy spirit my comforter and i am yours forever and i am born again amen and amen give the lord a mighty hand of praise you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 10,850
Rating: 4.9919677 out of 5
Id: VgrXOizWH70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 31sec (3571 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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