"The Charge" Pt. 4 (8-22-21) Pastor Tamara Bennett

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honor is due happy to have a pastor dennis with us and always no stranger to my own husband and companion to again bishop ringgold and to all the saints that are here all of the ministers of this house and all of you my brothers and sisters that are online with us we greet you with the love of jesus christ all over the world all of our brothers and sisters that are in this house today uh we love you and thank god for his presence that is here i want to jump um into the word today and i pray that he can fulfill all that we are sensing in the holy spirit today we are continuing with getting understanding of what the charge is in the anointing and understanding that there must be a charge to be able to do the work of god there's different levels different layers and we're striving to bring out different points because um god you know i've i've i'm i'm too young in the game and then have a little bit of years in the game to know that god does what he wants to do and there is no box with god so all we can do is use scriptural references and biblical principles and things to understand his way but god does what he want to do however he wants to do it and nobody can stop him or change him so understanding how god moves and and how god operates because there must be a release in the earth to his children to strengthen us to continue in the charge as forces and evil forces of darkness are becoming more prevalent in the earth as the entire earth is shifting and breathing and yet um in this torture if you would because of evil recognizing the end time i will never stop putting before us the end time because it's here what i won't do is act like everything is normal and that things are going to be normal but i strive to try to keep a pulse on god how we as his children can continue to navigate through the deceptions of satan and things of this world spiritual wickedness in high places it is going to take a charge to keep the church above ground and above level to see divinely to see prophetically to move prophetically it is going to take a charge from god because as long as we're here we're subject to the same turmoil to the same cares to the same frustrations because we're in our flesh so it's normal that our flesh will wrestle and our mind will be confused and we'll bump against principalities and question some things and even question god it is normal as we have watched this pandemic and some people have lost believers um believers that are biblically sound christians love the lord and pastors and leaders this is happening all over the world and it has caused some people to bump against their faith question god wonder what's really happening all of this is normal because we are in the flesh so we're going to fill the wrestles and our mind are going to wrestle and we're definitely i don't know nobody yet that's greater than paul that paul said there's always a wrestle in my mind that wars against the spirit wars against principles of god my carnal mind will war against god's principles hence is why we need a charge from the holy ghost because the holy spirit baptizes you again it elevates you and it allows you to see clearly hear clearly what god is saying to the church don't you ever forget that the light that you might have no matter how small no matter how dim at least it's a light and you can see your way through the other day they were working around the church and because we have no windows anything around here if you shut it it's pitch black so i was going through the office the other day and i was trying to get to the office and i opened the door and i couldn't see anything i know what's in my office i know how to get back there but i couldn't see anything and so i put my little flashlight on my phone and i'm just trying to get to the light to be able to turn it on and i just quickly heard you know a little light is better than no light a little light because at least i found my way to a brighter light i need y'all to understand you can't underestimate the little light that you might have of knowing who jesus is some of you may have been in wrestle have done all kind of crazy stuff and now your conscience is feeling bad and you're trying to get back to god do you know what made you tune in today do you know what caused you to come to the house of god because at least you knew about a little life let me get take advantage of my little light to take me to the greater light come on and give the lord some praise and so we need a continual baptism of the holy spirit baptism of the power we need his glory to come into the presence of us i choose not to rush church and i choose not to put it on a time frame because it takes time to enter into the presence of the lord and when his glory come don't you tell me the next service is due they're gonna have to roll in we're gonna have to pack it in but give me time to get my portion of his glory hallelujah shout hallelujah don't interrupt my portion you don't know what i went through you don't know what it took for me to get here you don't know what i'm wrestling with so when that glory is raining on me don't bother me it's my portion oh shout hallelujah give your king some praises shout hallelujah because i will take advantage of the little light and so we are moving into our series still talking about the charge and we started out talking about paul to timothy and i want to share this just a little more as i know and as i keep saying this much of this series is extremely personal it's extremely personal understanding and accepting my calling what god have anointed me with and what i know my assignment is in this last day and into the harvest that is here and is soon to come so it's very personal but i want to go back to the story of paul and timothy because i want to bring out some highlight some things so that we can understand what's happening when we conceive the charge because when you conceive that you have to keep it it is your responsibility to hold it it's not on me it's not on anybody it's your responsibility when you receive your portions from god you can't blame it on the system you can't blame it on the government you can't blame it on being sexually abused you can't blame it on having no mama no daddy you can't even blame it on being broke you've got to say it is my charge and everything i need is in the charge everything it's going to take for me to become a child of god is wrapped up in the charge and me constantly telling god yes it is a constant shedding of you and yes to his way god please help me today every single time i have in my mind how to go i feel another change it is a constant shedding of you and coming into the yes again may i refer back to paul who said i had to die daily because every day we are faced with circumstances we're faced with the cares of this life we have choice church and that's never going to leave us we have choice satan is always going to put other alternatives other ways this is called the workers of iniquity because he's always gonna find a shortcut way anyway except coming through the door and coming through the door means i don't see it i may not even understand it but i gotta trust your way and it's yes again again i say oftentimes that what your yes was when you first got saved that yes is gonna change ten years down the line it's going to change again 15 down the line your life changes you go from a child from from childhood to adolescent from adolescents to young adult from young adult to adulthood from adulthood to senior from senior to the time you die all of those stages will ask for another yes and we don't know this way and we won't know this way even again paul said when i thought as a child he said when i was amazed when i was a child i thought as a child he said but when i became a man he said i have to put away childish things because even though i still only see it halfway you're never going to see the fullness of it until you meet them face to face oh that's why it's called faith walk y'all better give them some praise give them some praise come on come on it is a faith walk it's a walk by faith so we understand the charge i want to release something by the will of god today i'm praying that the release that we're sensing in the holy spirit can happen so here we go on the word from paul to timothy so again here was paul he had given his testimony and that's that's what i love paul was basically mounting up what he was about to impart into timothy reminding him that i was a murderer i was blasphemous timothy i got i had a whole lot of history on me but god chose to use me as a pattern of what mercy can look like he chose to take me who was a murderer who was i am a pattern that if he did it for me timothy hold on because he can do it for you it was something he was building up so that timothy's faith could rise to be able to comprehend the charm yes sir yes sir god will always send you a witness that he's able nobody will ever leave here without god giving some sort of example that if i did it for them i'll do it for you oh my god oh my god yeah you could talk listen i mean no harm i have left and leaving rapidly i'm leaving rapidly the whole conversation's about false preachers false teaching what the church ain't i'm not gonna be in that conversation i'm not gonna have coffee with you what the church should be doing and how the church ain't this and have this passage you know why i'm not it is wasting my time i choose to get into the realm of what is the church and anoint me to be the church what are true men and women of god give me the power to become that so if you dwell among evil communication it's going to corrupt your good manner and that kind of talk will delude your faith that kind of company will dilute your faith when you're always hearing about what the church isn't when you're always hearing about how negative it is when you're always hearing about this fallen pastor this fallen leader it will delude your faith the bible told me whatsoever things are lovely true honest if there be any virtues there'll be any praise let me think on these things i don't feel like talking about another crooked leader i want to talk about blessed men and women of god anointed mighty men and women of god that i might build my faith i need praise up in this house i need praise god help me to teach us today i will not watch the news all day long and look at all these numbers of people that are dying nope instead i'm going to talk about everybody that had this covenant and recovered you better help me i'm not going to do it i'm not i'm going to talk yes so-and-so had it bad but god brought them out yes salsa was in the bed for 10 days but god brought them out why it's a good report i need praise up in this house help me help me help me i choose to i choose to i choose to so i can stay on the winning side so i can stay on the believing side so i can anticipate signs and wonders and miracles so i can anticipate the things that god is ready to do for his church and so paul had to mount this up with timothy and preparing him to receive his charge so here we go in the word he said now timothy i'm telling you my experiences i'm telling you how god used me and now god told me to assign this release this portion to you he says so timothy this charge i command unto thee son timothy it's according to the prophecies timothy god already wrote your story your story is already written your work is already before you your assignment is already there it's already done i'm just the vessel to connect you he said this oh god i love you today shout hallelujah i need y'all to give god a real yes he said this charge i commit unto thee son timothy according to the prophecies which went on before thee that thou by them midas war we're going to talk about it again mine is war a good warfare so there will be a fight in holding your charge satan coming after you don't get it twisted he's coming after that charge he's not happy you told god yes so he's coming after you know that there's going to be a war he said but you got to charge that by them thou might as war a good warfare here we go and hold faith for the fiery darts are going to come after you holding faith and a good conscience here we go with some having put away concerning faith have made a yes now when you lose that charge you will make a shipwreck and only god knows what that shipwreck might be because this is a spiritual calling you are in a warfare and everything you need all the ammunition the strength the stamina the commitment everything you need church i'm testifying today it's in that charge and again god will not put more on you than you oh god i love you then you oh my god oh lord oh lord oh lord o lord i will not put more on you than you are able to bear but with that same headache that saints i will show you a way of escape i will not put more on you than you are able to bear he says so don't think when i'm when you get this charge and now you're telling god yes and you're trying to move into things he said no satan is working right beside you and everything you try to do he gonna try to stop you every yes you said yes to he gonna give you a reason to say no every obstacle possible you said but hold on cause you're gonna warn us and win with golden faith and a good conscience which some have put away made a shipwreck they crashed cause the two don't mix he said now he said they crash of home i'm going to tell you who it is hymanes and alexander because just like oh my god lord help me today just like god got an example how to do it right there are examples how to do it wrong and you've made shipwreck alexander you're making shipwreck hi hymania's the bible said of whom paul had the authority now this is what the church is not ready for i know we're not ready but it has to happen and it's going to happen and actually it does happen he said of whom i did it apostle paul said he gave me authority to deliver them unto satan because it is more important that souls be saved than you continue to preach a false doctrine that's how valuable y'all don't understand you really don't understand how precious a soul is to god you really don't you don't understand that i can't even make us i mean you know we all saw a passion of the christ that beaten beat down wasn't i don't even know what to tell you it was because that's how much value holds a soul to god he's someone let satan give it his best shot only so i can show no matter what you try to put on them i got power to resurrect them because that's how valuable a soul is so he said before i make you think that alexander and hermanians who once was part of our church but have now brought blasphemy and dissension and confusion he said i delivered them unto satan so they can learn to not blaspheme i don't want them to die i'm not trying to curse them but god whipped their behind for causing so much blasphemy in the church they're making shipwreck spiritual assignments church and this is where i am and i'm by the grace of god till the day i die i want to preach clarity by the word you can't do what you want to do in the house of god you can't do i don't care about how common i don't i we're not as i said this whole demonic spirit that's out it's a profane spirit you can just talk about anybody the president the parliament the queen the king your boss whoever your mama we can divorce ourselves from our parents all this worldly mess don't work in the kingdom he has order oh shout hallelujah he has order he is dignified he has integrity he's intellectual god is graceful god is elegant god is groomed god is all things beautiful and he said anything outside of that curse it because it cannot define the church so he said they made shipwreck timothy i'm telling you they may do not do like they did he said whom i had to deliver them unto satan because they began to preach false doctrine so there's a charge that god said when i'm giving unto you he said i'm giving it to you to help you continue to rise and have a keen ear to false teaching false prophecy y'all not hearing me today he said i need you to know the say it difference you can't be moved by every whim i will give you another ear to hear i call mine a sixth sense you know you got your father yeah there should be a sixth sense from the holy spirit that outweighs every other census to say nope i need to obey this sixth sense here we go so now i want to talk more about the charts so the charge here we go so the charge is what it gives me the ability to war good warfare it holds faith it helps my conscience and as i said that means that god when you really are sincerely giving your heart over to the charge to the purpose of god to the assignment of god then he will deal with your conscience to keep you in line and he will bring scripture that you didn't even know scripture or give you like a sort of something and then you look up and find scripture and didn't even know it was a scripture anybody know what i'm talking about because he will get in your conscience because he's saying i'ma help you hold the charge since you said yes to the charge oh thank you jesus since you said yes ah let's stay in the scripture again if there be first a willing mind it is more accepted to that that a man have and not according to that he has not he said i'm not judging you for what you don't have i need a yes to what you have and i work with that i work with what you have holding faith and a good conscience he said without the charge there will be shipwreck when you miscarry when you took it for granted when you act like it wasn't a big idea it wasn't no big deal he said there will be a shipwreck now let me go back to timothy here we go so now he's telling him instructions first timothy 4 he said now timothy the spirit speaketh expressly here we go here we go that in the latter days this is why you got to hold this charge timothy in the latter times some shall depart from the faith it's going to happen church are y'all with me what we cannot do is allow this atmosphere today with all that's happening overseas with all that's happening in the united states with all that's happening in haiti with all the confusion you can't be shaken from your faith do you understand what i'm saying you don't take a vacation from what you believe in god and before i take this back i'm going to add more to it you need to turn cnn msnbc abc cbs you need to turn some of that mess off for at least a week and get into job matthew mark luke john you need to change you need to change some stuff for a minute because faith cometh by and hearing by i got to hear the word to build my faith and you cannot be consumed church you cannot be concealed let's see i don't want to be no fool i want to be a fool for jesus worst case scenario worst case is our dad in the faith our dad listened to jesus i died on my knees you ain't know a bomb was coming i'm with jesus my point is i'm being funny y'all know what i'm saying but when it begins to shake your faith when don lemon has a better impact on me than what job said something's wrong wrong when dr fauci outcome becomes more impactful to me than by his stripes i am healed some you are being moved in your faith and before i take this back i'ma add a whole lot more to it i'm not telling us to ignore it i'm i'm obviously in reality of what's happening but i cannot let it be the basis of how i live i got to be educated i need to understand it i need to understand my own body i need to understand my family i need to understand the ends and the outs and then i take that to prayer now god what do you say for me to do because you have oh hallelujah the bible said in the last times how do you think it's going to happen it happens with issues in the earth it's not going to happen out of the sky it's issues church issues war rumors of war catastrophes the level of many will wax cold things happen in the earth there's no description of what it's going to be but it happens and that's what begins to shake your faith your faith isn't going to get shaken when you can delightfully go to church come home no problem do what you want to do but let them try to stop it now your faith is being tried and every man's faith every man's work has got to be tried here we go he says so timothy i'm telling you that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits convincing spirits alluring spirits pepper down the word spirits partial truth spirits getting your attention spirits he said by seducing spirits and doctrines of devil doctrines of devils we don't talk and buying spirits of witchcraft just because they exist and they're not wearing the black and all of that like you think girl look at that witchbeard girl they really could have just had a rough day and just wanted to wear all black y'all not hearing what i'm saying they really just felt like doing this new fashion thing i just wanted to wear all black black hair black and black nails they're doing the whole black thing and that's just the fashion thing they're trying to do they ain't got to be a witch the witch could be the one in the two-piece suit with the stilettos hair swinging looking good makeup is perfect hey how you doing get this thing twisted honey don't get this thing twisted he's a master deceiver you're not going to come with somebody stupid they'll be very refined convincing intelligent a b c d e f g h i j k elemental p q r s c u v w x y z will be at the end of their name because they so educated doctrines of devils and the only thing that's going to make us understand it is the holy spirit because the holy spirit is what strip things down and give you another ear to hear he said doctrine of devils he said i'm giving you this charge again remember paul is talking to timothy timothy this is why you got to get this chart because this is what's here and what's coming he said doctors of devil speaking lies and hypocrisy having their conscience seared having their conscience seared with the hot iron nothing's moving they are convinced they're right nothing can shake them nothing detours them lies speaking lies in hypocrisy he said forbidding to marry these are demonic spirits coming in the earth in the last time forbidding to mary oh god lord and commanding to abstain from meats which god hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth now i ain't got my aroma it's all good everybody do your thing all these new diets coming out the vegan diet and the out of the y'all ain't nothing wrong with me that's the word of god that's the word of god all these vegan diets and gluten-free diet nothing wrong with me and the very same people abstaining from me got anemic problems a low iron and all y'all not gonna work that's the word of god he said in the last days it's gonna be a big old fat no meat no i'm sorry i'm not eating any pork or any he said [Music] arie duck goose frog legs lobster a cow pig i gave it to you bless it and have yourself a good time i'm just going by the word in the new testament i'm going by the word he's about all these fads that you take on like it's going to make you more decent your flesh still going to die as a vegan you're just a skinny death person for the dad chunky and happy but [Music] all this mess you know why because the bible says that they're gonna love the creature more than the creator y'all gotta give me some praise up in this house he said all that's gonna happen in the last day you know why they forbid to marry cause shocking is so convenient so let's just live together see how this gonna work there's no honor in it there's no blessing in it he can walk she can walk you bought a house together are you stupid have you lost your mind forbid intimate this is the word of god give my next generation a charge hi that they'll know how to get my blessing i need praise up in this house open your heart and tell them yes lord open your heart and tell god yes and now i seek open up and tell god yes give me my charm shacking is so easy forbidding to make cause you could do whatever you want to do that when you act like and i don't feel like getting into all that when you act like you want to get married it's like oh wow oh okay you don't slept together screw one another licked each other you don't summon everything i'm glad you decided to get married honor and the beauty of a man and woman coming together abstaining from themselves it's beyond you it's honoring god with my temple honoring god woman you ain't licking all over me slobbing and i don't have no covenant with god that you're gonna stay with me i need god to bless our covenant i need god to bless our union we don't know what we're gonna face we don't know what we're gonna through we need god oh the world needs jesus i need praise up in this house i need praise shout hallelujah shout hallelujah shout hallelujah give your king some praise and yes yes we say yes lord we say yes we say yes it's going to take a charm because this is commonplace in the earth it's commonplace and it's going to take a charge from god to elevate us to be able to stand these are the wickedness and ain't coming it's here and they will defy you and challenge you to the core because their conscience have been seared the bible called them satan's children i say it all the time and i'm not gonna take it back you gotta wake it but understand satan god children that he has anointed to do his evil they're not gonna do nothing else they're gonna hate you without a cause if they hated jesus they gonna hate you give me a charge to not care if i'm ever accepted why clap those hands and tell them yes lord open your heart and tell god yes open your heart and tell god yes he said you blessed that's how you bless your food you bless your meaning you keep it moving do what you got to do that's for healthy for health for a health reason do what you have to do but there ain't no meat on the face of this earth that's gonna kill you according to the word if i bless it father thank you for this food i'm about to receive if there be any fouling and i ask you take it out in jesus name a double whopper please for every look at the word of god he said god have created to receive with thanksgiving of them which what of them which what which of them which what and what know the truth know the truth the bible said for every creature of god is good and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving father thank you because you made everything on this earth for me the cowing got glory from you i got glory from you the pig wasn't created in your image i was created and you're not hearing me that alligator wasn't creating your image i was created in your image so i give you things that you have given me power over every beast and every foul thing of the air thank you lord that i might live to do your will thank you thank you he said every creature of god is good and nothing to be refused to receive with thanksgiving for it is sanctified you're not hearing this it is sanctified by the word of god and prayer let's go so then he says so let no man timothy oh my god y'all ready to go timothy i'm you getting packed with all that you need to do what god have asked you then don't you let nobody despise your youth don't let nobody question what's been imparted in you let nobody question he said let no man despise thy youth but here's your orders timothy this is what comes with the charge be thou an example this is what comes with the charge this charge is going to teach you how to be an example of the believer in your peers just say paul said i'm leaving here timothy do y'all understand the story i fought a good fight and i finished my course now this is for you timothy and don't let no man despise your chart your your charge he said of the be an example of the believers so i don't care everybody horn around don't you do it i don't care that cannabis is their way of getting through trouble don't you do it i need you to be an example of what it means to hold a charge as a believer he said be an example in word and in conversation uh oh yeah you ain't got a sex text you ain't got to do none of that just ask god for a companion if you lack anything i'll give it to you what you want you're not ready to believe the whole world why i get two claps and those are senior citizens i think clapping it he said you ain't got to do none of that you ain't got to feel awkward he said i'm calling you you got a charged oh lord oh lord oh lord oh lord oh lord you have a charge on you timothy so your conversation is not gonna be like theirs yeah they talking about back it up you talking about bring it in it ain't gonna be y'all not working with me it's not gonna be the same conversation and in charity in your spirit in your giving the kindness you're not selfish you're not self-centered it's not all about you but in charity and in spirit there should be a distinctive difference about your spirit because of the charge that you're carrying and church if i can't say it once i'm gonna say it again and again i've had to do it since i was whatever age god called me you have to get comfortable with your calling um i'm so glad to have the blair family with us brother eric's father used to be my boss at denny's stand up man of god santa man again didn't you used to be my boss at denny's he used to be my boss in detroit at denny's when i was 17 years old ain't that beautiful got black he been telling my business eric anywho they were at dinner the other day and he said something he was telling him a story that i totally forgot but when he told him i remember he said yeah i kept walking back today well he said i remember it was a table of jehovah witnesses that came to denny's he said and he said tammy went toe to toe with them dealing with the jehovah witness and i'm thinking well there was obviously an anointing and a charge on my life then do you see what i'm saying that you gotta hold and i'm thinking who would have ever thought it would go from that to ministering the gospel of jesus christ so that charge will work at whatever stage or age it will work at whatever stage or age it grows with you as you continue to tell god yes it grows with you and it increases in you and if you be faithful over a few things you're working now god will make you ruler over many i need praise up in this house thank you for the charge thank you lord thank you thank you for the charge he said and in spirit he said i need you he said in faith believe me trust me some of you as we went away to the camp i told you about how when i was traveling motherboard i gave all these different stories and i gave the story and let me just interject i gave the story about when i was traveling with her and i was 19 18 19 i'm traveling with her and i didn't have a job i'm just traveling with her and i'm living with her and so somebody made a comment you know they sick of people living off a mother boy and blah blah blah blah and i'm thinking well that ain't me until i found out nobody was giving her no money for me to live there and so my spirit was then hurt and i'm saying well lord i mean i've been working since i was 13. my first job was on an ice cream truck so work ain't my problem so i'm thinking well lord you called me to do this and so i don't know how to do this true story true story it was a week or two later i'm at church martial man hey anybody know her martial you was my blessing martial man in detroit michigan um a quiet girl in the church love the lord came in faithful she wasn't involved with a whole lot she was real quiet spirit she came to me out of nowhere it was in a revival we're in revival mother boy she came to me after church hey hey sister tell me um she said you know i was thinking about you she said and um she worked at a doctor's office she said we have to do billing she said uh the lord put you on my mind and said that would you be interested in working for me um it would be billing she said you would work when you're in town so you can still travel what you do and just work when you're in town and you'll get fifty dollars a day fifty dollars a day in the nineties was great for a person that's so fifty times fab i'm starting to calculate 250 let's say a factor i can make about a thousand depending on what i'm making and when i'm in town the point was this is what i told him was this i was still saying yes to the charge it was just god called me i i i wasn't i wasn't i was never dumb i could have gone to college i could have done a lot of things but god saw fit to put me with a 70 something year old woman at 19 years old that was the assignment on my life and i told him yes so i'm living with this woman but god saw fit by faith to open up a door that i could still make money and still stay true to the training of my charge y'all understand what i'm saying he will teach you while you're young how to trust me i need to say it again he will show you i will supply your needs even while you're young when you're saying yes to the charge i can sincerely say after being saved since i was 19 years old there's been ups and downs but god has never let me struggle in my over 30 years in ministry he has never let me lack never hallelujah never i have never been broke on the streets homeless and i say all of that by the grace of god as i gave my life to the charge now what should happen is the charge becomes the priority not money because he said i'll supply your needs do you understand what i'm saying so your needs might be walmart it don't have to be gucci you got shoes don't you y'all not understanding what i'm saying and so we'll put god in a pocket of these i supplied your needs and if your needs are met there's a season i'm trying you where's your priority because it ain't nothing y'all understand i need to slow down again you understand expensive stuff is nothing to god you like that he don't need it you understand that right let's get that perspective first that demon that says and i mean it's a demon that says well you know i'm part of the blessing god want me to have the best the best is you're not going to hell the best ain't no louis vuitton shoes that's your carnal desire so let it be that yeah squash that demon to the pits of hell well you know god want us to have the best girl that's why i get well yeah i believe that i know that i understand that but the first best is seek ye first the kingdom of god and all of his righteousness and then everything else will be added but i will not equate my anointing over carnal things i would that you prosper even as your soul prosper let's give them some praise right there right there right there he says so in your youth even in faith and in purity in purity it's going to take a charge because what's common or somebody once put it what used to be common sense and common no more common has been redefined what's modest has been redefined what has been redefined what's has been redefined what looks sanctified has been redefined you're not going to talk back to me it's been redefined and i'm i'm not i never will get into all the ins and outs he said just what's pure what's pure what's without lust how do i look appropriate and beautiful okay let me pause y'all with me and y'all come on you with me yeah now i'm gonna talk about the church women for just a half a second or longer can't lie give me a minute give me a minute at least 60 seconds dear hearts there's a huge difference between femininity and and because the horrorish the bible called her the mother harlot is what the bible called her that she's gonna birth out in the last days this is what she does she burns a harlot look that's what she does it's a harlot look so because that harlot look is so prevalent and when we get saved i'm being very honest and fair because i got my own walking journey too so when we get saved we're coming out of a harlot mentality but then it takes an awkwardness to find my femininity because the women of god shouldn't look dowdy and country either he has given us this beautiful figurine it's a beautiful figurine it's meant for the enlargement and the attraction before i take this back i'm going to add more to it we're supposed to be attractive and men have different uh vices yes some like them slim some like them chunky some like them curvy god's got the man that like your boo exactly but what we can't do as women we have to find our femininity and femininity is not my cleavage out to here that's called why would i want you to see something that i'm trying to entice you to get surprise ain't no surprise ain't no surprise there should be an attraction there should be an attraction there should be we're supposed we are the flower of the earth oh honey i love being a girl we're the flower of the earth our hair is luxurious i'm not y'all okay with me y'all okay with me are you really okay seriously are you really okay you promise you're okay you're not gonna judge me it's okay i get it and i've i've grown tremendously to just have to understand some things are what they are i get the shave hairdo i get reasons why we have to do it i get all of that but to voluntarily shave that beautiful hair is something i'm looking like my husband i can't look like that's just me don't judge me don't talk about me okay don't judge me don't talk about me i love the testosterone in that black man right there in the grave that's my man i love how masculine it is because it demands my femininity to come forth and the rest is electric that's how god meant for it to be and vice versa vice versa he's supposed to want me lust after me my everything every part of me that is supposed to electrify him and bring the masculinity out of him that's the way god designed it to be you can't change that you can try to reorchestrate it you can try it's the way he meant it to be so there's a pureness there's a purity that we have as young women as young men i've we've talked to some young men and i mean this i appreciate once before we had this whole form with our young men away and catalina and we had some of our older gentlemen speaking to their lives and these young brothers older young brothers were truthful and they said listen bro i did some stupid stuff with a lot of girls when i got young but when i finally found the girl of my dreams it took a minute to get all those other out of my spirit so purity ain't for women only men you don't want a horror spirit i don't know where that mess came from how many notches you gonna build too many you know your belt don't have notches all the way around there's not holes you don't have holes all the way around your belt and so even men there's a pureness that don't mean you're gay doesn't mean you're effeminate don't mean you're less than a man less than a man is a man that don't work [Music] i'm gonna try to leave it alone but i can show you in the word less than a man is not the man that sleep around it's the man that don't work the bible says you're worse than the infidel meaning you're worse than an atheist when you don't work brothers can i get an amen let everybody say we need a charge today that we can go all the way really dragging it really dragging it [Music] sit down i need the brothers that all the brothers say he anointed me today hallelujah and i'm going all the way come on brothers come on i got it hey come on brothers he gave me a charge today leading all the way it's my anointing today brothers come on it's your charge it's your charge i got a charge today hey come on brothers he anointed me today to take my family all the way it's your charge it's your charge timothy get a charge in being pure timothy let me tell you what a bishop is the husband of one wife it was timothy he told that to timothy find the wife of your youth and then love her shape her mold her to what you want to be brothers you know how you shape and mold a woman love her to it love her to it be kind to her be gentle to her if any god factors in she gonna break she gonna break after a while she gonna break but it takes time cause we're stubborn as women we're needy we don't know what we want we change our mind with 90. we're so emotional this month is my tab you all know exactly what i'm saying i'm irritated down behind me the brother's like that's why he told the man of god you're gonna have to dwell with him with patience it's the will of god he said then you got to get a charge that you don't come down to this world god's principles are sure when you embrace them when you give yourself to know them he says so timothy he said and i need you to do this until i come give attendance to reading understand what i've called you to understand your father understand your calling and before i take this back i'm gonna add more to it you cannot google this okay it can't be googled you can't start a chat room get out of the clubhouse they no you can't it takes you giving your heart to god and reading and understanding the scriptures i gave you this charge you understand what happens in the church you're hearing something nobody else will hear there are instructions there's orders of consecration there's things that he'll speak in your ear you can't sleep from i say all the time sometimes you just wish you could turn it off you can't turn god off you wake up to him saying something you go to bed he's checking you you want to say leave me alone and the holy spirit is saying no i'm committed to you until the end hallelujah hallelujah he said until i give attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine and then don't neglect the gift shout hallelujah neglect not the gift that is in thee which was given thee by prophecy how everybody the laying on our hands these gifts have been put in you so you can now work out your salvation oh god i love you today there's a charge in this house that the lord is ready to release and he's releasing it to the next generation he's releasing it to the workers he's releasing it to the men of god i dare to say by the grace of god by the end of this year there's heavy charges that he's going to continue to release and then he's saying now go and learn of me learn my work that i have called you to for the kingdom we must get elevated and i need y'all to give the lord some praise i need you to give him some praise hallelujah hallelujah we're going to get ready to pray i need you to stand to your feet the anointing of the lord is already in this house he's in this house and there's a charge and there's an anointing there's a charge and an anointing that the lord is gonna do in this house thank you jesus nope i need you to go back oh lord do something for me he's gonna do something in his house today because there's a charge there's there's a body of people that he's already been talking to there's an assignment that has to happen in this house and the song says oh lord do something for me you know it god's been pulling you he's been dealing with you these charges happen in stages it's however god given in the assignment and the time he has an appointed time there's an appointed time that god said i got to give you your portion y'all ready come on let's sing come on let's get our spirit ready oh lord do something for me [Music] oh lord hey do something for me he's here for me i was out at the altar i was out on my knees my lord do something for me just olivia help me sing it oh lord do something for me i'm crying oh lord do something help me olivia for for me me oh [Music] for me do something for do me for me for me i was down at the altar while i'm down on my knees something do something for me [Music] oh oh my knees [Music] oh [Applause] hold on do something do something do something do something [Music] hold on all right do something hold on do something hold on hey do something do something hold hold up do something hold on do something hey hold on do something holy do something do something [Music] do something hold on do something hold on do something hold on do something hold on do something you talking about do something today do something do something hold up do something hold on hey do something hold on do something oh lord do something do something hold on do something do something hold on do something oh lord do something do something do something hold on do something oh holy do something hold on do something hold on do something do something do something hold do something hold on [Music] do something hold on do something hold [Music] on hey do something hold on do something hold on do something do something hold up do something hold up do do [Music] do something do something hold on do something do something hold on do something do something do something hold up do something for me do something for me the altar while i'm down on my knees hold on hey do something for do me for me [Music] hold on do something for me for me while i'm down on do something for me [Music] do something for me do something for me while i'm down do something hold up do something hold on do something hold on do something hold on do something do something hold on do something hold on do something hold up something hold on do something do something hold on do something hold up do something hold up do something hey hold on do something hold up [Music] do something for me for all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] do something for me do something for me [Applause] do something for me i'm down on the altar while i'm down [Applause] while do something for me oh lord do something for me [Music] hold [Applause] up something for me [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] so [Music] [Applause] whoa oh [Music] do it for me [Music] [Applause] do it for me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] giving you another yes it's another yes it's another yes it's another again [Music] it's another yes [Music] it's another [Music] i'm giving you i'm giving you i'm giving you i'm giving you i'm giving you it's you and me jesus it's you and me hold [Music] it's between us it's between us it's between us and nobody else and nobody else and nobody else i know what you are [Applause] [Music] you mean so much to me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh geez [Music] [Applause] it's another yes it's a deeper yes it's a deeper yet [Music] my soul my soul [Applause] yes i love you yes i love you i love to bleach you i love to walk up right i love to bleed you i love to bleed you it's a deeper yes [Music] it's a deeper yes it's a deeper yes yes i surrender yes i surrender yes i surrendered i've surrendered to the all on i surrendered the theology yes yes to now i know i know what i'm committing to and it's yes lord i know what i'm committed one more time one more time one more one more time one more time one more time [Applause] and i still trust you foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] that's not i'm in your heart um [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so yes oops i would like to apologize for the lengthy surface but i can't let's do the depth [Music] says [Music] say it again jesus yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm madly in love with you i love you i really do i love you [Music] [Music] i really do cheat [Music] i is you it's you and me jesus i love you what would you have me to do [Music] i surrender [Applause] [Music] for the rest of my days [Music] as i leave this place i'm not leaving your presence jesus all things are passed away all things are new today today jesus today i give all things are passed away today all things [Music] it's another yes [Music] [Music] i get it now jesus i'm saying i count it a privilege you called me your hand is on me your glory is all over me it's yes lord yes may all the world see your hand it's resting upon [Music] be thankful for a few things i'll watch this charge grow in me yes lord yes lord i'm giving you i'm giving you another yes [Music] we've come this far by faith you brought me this far it's yes lord yes [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] his presence is in this place my soul jesus [Music] let your will be done let your will be done let your kingdom come inside of me yes lord yes let your will be done may your kingdom come inside of me yes lord yes lord [Music] i'll carry your glory [Music] i referenced his presence today with reverence the presence of the lord in this place i [Music] i would apologize for the lengthy servants but sometimes just be that way it just is what it is it takes time to deliver it takes time to birth and as i said i have to let the lord finish his assignment to all of you that is here many times that charge can come in many ways it'll come and lay in our hands it will come by visitation it'll come through prayer but you'll know when he's talking to you you will know when the hand of god is talking to you there will be no questions about it you will know he'll confirm it he'll send angels he'll send visitors he'll send strangers to confirm what he's saying to you and what he's drawing and calling you to we open the hand of god if you don't know the lord jesus christ as your personal savior he's calling you these are the end times and these are uncertain times and it's only going to wax worse it's not going to get much better we'll have sparks we'll have sparks and that's because of the prayers of the saints there'll be things that'll lighten up because the saints pray as the saints are praying so it was with abraham praying for his nephew lot he said if you're just can you find 10 righteous people will you spare and so god will spare cities god will spare countries because the saints are praying that's us we're glory carriers we're glory carriers it's what we are it's who we are so we accept the charge and we got enough to war we got enough to hold faith we got enough to do everything he's asked us to do we're going to prepare ourselves for giving all of you that are givers and house to all of those on streaming faith i love you with the love of jesus christ i am striving very hard to give great clarity of the demonstration of god that he operates in this house this church was birthed off of prayer it was birthed off of charge gift of laying on hands impartation birthing and i will show you scripture that's what we're doing we're resetting rebooting and rebirthing so that we can stay focused on what he's assigned us to and as i said every vineyard has their assignment every vineyard has their oil they have their portion and they work together they work together so we want to prepare our hearts for giving those of you that are sowing whether you give it a line on our website whether you give it text by giving or whether you give it via our app if you need an envelope we're prepared to give you an envelope you're welcome to give it online however you god sees fit the glory of the lord is in this house i don't want to disturb it we'll have our officers here so that if you want to just give it as you're leaving you're welcome to do that the lord is our supplier he's our keeper we will continue this i need those of you that are interested in being a part of this part of the vineyard whether it's online and you join our e-membership uh we have many e-members that are here and that are moving here and being a part of the ministry and that god is blessing them and they're literally rolling up their sleeves and working in ministry so our e-membership is strong god is truly gathering saints from all parts of the earth so if you need a tithing envelope if you're in the house please raise your hand and we'll take care of you we're sending the church god's there's a great charge coming to the men of god of this house uh he's shifting us he's rebirthing us rebooting us rebirthing us and getting us ready for that next level of our assignment for all of these harvests of souls that god is imparting in i need you to hold it i need you to consecrate on it i need you to give yourself to understand it i need you to understand it i need to give yourself to prayer find some time of day that you pray and give god some time learn how to give god some time again let me testify for me when i was traveling with that 70-something year old woman the church was probably about five about three miles from the house and so i've told our young people before that if i gathered all the days together i was literally in church at least 300 days in the year not just me but many people that travel with it but we were in service constantly so and i traveled with her so if it wasn't church in detroit it was church in chicago danville illinois i could name some cities ball dust valdosta georgia douglas georgia fitzgerald georgia miami of florida i could name places i could name please sit them close sit them um places that we would go kankakee illinois i could name some places i could name some places gary indiana chicago new york um i could name places so we were in church constantly and i remember i used to think to myself okay wait a minute because when i was in service i had to work so i was helping you know you know nurse the people doing different things so i thought to myself wait a minute when am i going to get my own time in with god so pastor rod the church was like three miles from mother boy's house so i had my pattern where i had to wake up and you know take care of her but there was a old deacon named deacon reese one of those nice looking old deacons with spit shine shoes nice suits he used to have prayer at the church at 12 o'clock so i would walk from her house to the church so i could have my own time with god so i could have undisturbed prayer time with god and it would be just many times just five or six people there and we would have prayer with deacon reese and he would teach then i would walk home but it was my time with god so i'm saying to you you have to set time aside with god that it's just you and him it may be 30 minutes in your day 40 minutes if i could be very honest i i i would be embarrassed if you let your screen time show you how many hours you scrolled scroll scroll scroll scroll look at this looked at that posted this and you have no time in with god if he had to calculate your screen time with god would that be so you want to spend time with god so that you can get instructions that's what he told timothy timothy give yourself to reading exhortation learn who i am learn my assignment with you even in this season that god is shifting this house and imparting and charging this house as i say to you over and over and over who he needs to be to you will be different than what he needed to be for me because times are changing and so but you got to know him in your strength you got to know him and to let him teach you how to be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove you have your own harvest and i'm preparing to see some spiritual grandchildren hallelujah hallelujah i'm preparing to see some spiritual grandchildren that god will use you to win your harvest bring them to christ draw them to christ let god use you and be light so we're preparing i'm gonna let this spirit stay here and linger my ass on the workers so please just dim the lights and i'm gonna let you go in his presence so i don't want to dismiss you um but i do want to just release you i'ma ask um bishop ringgold if he wouldn't mind just saying something to the people leave us with some love and i can't have the man of god come to the house and not bless the house so if you can let me um release the service to bishop ringel he'll have the last words and dismissal or releasing you in his presence goblin praise god for bishop ringo this is christian's father [Music] praise the lord everybody amen we certainly give honor to god and then we give honor amen to your precious pastor amen to elder ben and amen to all the members of the ministry amen and all of the officers of the church amen to my precious wife amen who we just who we just celebrated 46 years 46 years of marriage together amen praise the lord amen so and i honor god for that amen and i am just so grateful to the lord for his goodness to me amen thank you for bringing us safely over the highways over the airways i'm glad amen to be back here amen to visit you and be back here to see my daughter amen praise the lord amen and i just want to thank amen pastor bennett elder bennett the church amen for seeing that she's okay when she was in her accident amen and my wife called called amen praise the lord and you guys had people right out there that makes me feel so good you don't probably don't understand how good that makes me feel i appreciate the love i appreciate all of god's goodness saints of god hold fast hold on don't let anything turn you around amen we used to sing a song when i was growing up said i ain't gonna let nobody turn me around amen somebody old somebody else wrote a song said i come too far to turn around now so i'm too close amen praise the lord i do believe i do believe in my heart that if the lord does not come back before i pass away from here i certainly believe he's gonna be back in my children's lifetime i might be wrong but that's my feeling i believe he's soon to come and i thank god for his goodness amen god bless you amen we love you amen keep on keeping on amen lift one another up love one another up build one another up amen and help keep one another up amen i'm gonna ask everyone to stand [Music] hallelujah lord we thank you for your goodness and your kindness and we thank you for your manifold blessing that you bestowed upon all of us and as now as we prepare to dismiss from this place but not from your presence we ask you to keep us guide us have your way and that you will be wrought in every single one of our lives in the mighty precious name of our lord and savior jesus christ lord we bless you we honor you we give you glory and we give you praise and our soul says
Channel: Pastor Tamara Bennett
Views: 3,427
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: s9C_tkZp5kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 17sec (6437 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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