How Faith Works

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hi friends apostle price here this year  2013 we are celebrating 35 years of ever   increasing faith television we are still  walking by faith during this year we will   air some of our most popular classic  series from years gone by remember you   have made it happen for the past 35 years  I appreciate your loyalty stay with us and   enjoy my classy teachings get involved  visit faith dawn org for more details   from table wood California ever increasing  faith pastor and teacher Frederick Kay price welcome to ever-increasing faith remember these  words from the book of Romans chapter 10 verse   17 so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing  by the Word of God well praise God for another   day and for another opportunity to share with you  the Word of the Living God turn in your Bibles now   to Romans chapter 1 the book of Romans chapter 1  we're going to read a passage of Scripture that   will be a part of the groundwork for the lesson  that we're going to be dealing with today and   in subsequent weeks because we're going to  be teaching a series called how faith works   how faith works we're going to be dealing with  the salient principles to the operation of the   god-kind of faith the kind of faith that moves the  hand of God there are principles involved in the   operation of faith and in order to be a successful  participant in the things of God it is necessary   to know what the ground rules are so that we can  participate with the Spirit of God and so that we   can operate in line with God's Word there are  principles involved and too often people don't   understand the principles and therefore they're  just kind of going helter-skelter doing a lot   of things and getting nothing accomplished because  of not knowing the principles that are involved in   the operation of the god-kind of faith' now when  I use the term faith I want to be sure to clarify   what we're talking about there is a biblical use  of the word of faith and then there's what I would   like to refer to as a non biblical use of the  word of faith I'm sure you've heard people say   or even sometimes I know it used to be I know it  may not be that way now but it used to be even on   job classifications or job applications or even  in talking with people they would ask you what   faith are you Protestant Catholic or Jew have you  ever heard that statement well you see that is a   misnomer as far as God's Word is concerned that  use of the word faith is misleading that's not   what we're talking about what we're talking about  is the faith of the Bible the kind of faith that   Jesus used when he quelled the storm the kind of  faith that Jesus used when he raised the dead the   kind of faith that Jesus used when he ministered  to the sick the kind of faith that Jesus used when   he cast out demons do you follow what I'm saying  in other words the kind of faith that moves the   hand of God the kind of faith that moves mountains  if you would that's what we're talking about not   that generalized term when it says what faith are  you Protestant Catholic or Jew we're not talking   about it from that standpoint we're talking about  the kind of thing that pleases the Almighty God   all right now here in Romans chapter 1 it says in  the seventeenth verse Romans chapter 1 verse 17   for therein is the righteousness of God revealed  from faith to faith as it is written the just   shall live by what the just shall live by what  now the word just there in this King James Bible   could more accurately and fully be translated from  the original Greek to say this the word just means   literally those who have been declared righteous  on the merits of accepting the shed blood of Jesus   as their sacrifice for sin follow what I'm saying  so when it says the just shall live by faith we   could read it more accurately by saying it this  way we could say for therein is the righteousness   of God revealed from faith to faith as it is  written those who have been declared righteous   shall live by faith well now this is God's Word to  us it's telling us that we shall live by well if   something that important that God tells us is  a part of our living in line with his plan in   purpose he says the just or those who have been  declared righteous shall live by faith then it   is very mandatory on our part to learn how this  faith works so that we can live successfully by   it if God says the just shall live by faith then  he must want us to live by faith well if he wants   us to live by faith he must want us to gain the  benefits of living by faith but how can we if we   don't know how faith works follow what I'm saying  he said the just or those who have been declared   righteous shall live by faith all right turn your  Bibles now to another passage Ephesians chapter 2   Ephesians the second chapter now in Ephesians the  second chapter we will look at a very familiar   passage of Scripture and yet one that is very  important to this study Ephesians chapter 2   and we will look at verse 8 Ephesians chapter 2  verse 8 it says for by grace are we saved through   what for by grace are we saved through what for by  grace are we safe through what faith and that not   of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works  lest any man should boast verse 9 says all right   now notice what it says it says for by grace are  we what saved through what that means then that   our whole salvation is predicated on faith our  salvation is based on faith it says for by grace   that's God's unmerited favor undeserved favor  that's what grace means something that's given   to you gratis you don't deserve it you can't earn  it you can't buy it but it's given to you free of   charge it says for by grace God's unmerited favor  are we saved but then he tells us how the grace   that salvation and that grace comes to us he said  it's due faith he says for by grace are you saved   through faith well honey something that important  is our great salvation that comes through faith   then it must be very important to us to understand  how that faith works we see that the just or those   who have been declared righteous shall leave  by faith we see that those who have accepted   Christ as their personal Savior the Bible says  they are saved by grace through what faith that   makes faith very important all right let's look  at another passage turn in your Bibles now to 1st   Timothy chapter 6 first Timothy chapter 6 and we  will look at the first part of the twelfth verse   first Timothy chapter 6 verse 12 the very first  part it says fight the good fight of what it says   fight the good fight of what faith now whether  you're aware of it or not that is the only fight   that the Christian is called upon to fight is a  faith fight that's the only one no you're not to   fight preachers you're not supposed to fight  denominations you're not supposed to fight   Christians you're not even supposed to fight  Satan or demons some people say I'll bless God   brother price I'm against Satan and I'm against  demons and I'm gonna fight them everywhere I find   them well that's a waste of time I mean that's  a useless endeavor I mean you're no match for   any demon you couldn't even defeat a baby demon  with both of his eyes blindfolded his right ear   stopped up his left arm in a swing and both legs  in cast you still couldn't beat one baby demon you   know why because no physical being is any match  for a spirit being you couldn't defeat a spirit   being number one you can't even seem well are  you trying to find it me then whack you on the   head with a 2x4 do you follow what I'm saying  but thank God the Bible never tells us to fight   Satan and demons now Satan and demons are the  enemy in the sense that they are the entities   or the beings that are challenging us but they  don't come against us physically blow to blow you   follow what I'm saying but they come against our  faith they're trying to steal our faith if Satan   and demons can ever extract your faith from you  then they have you where they want you they've   got you on your back flat out with their booty in  your neck if they can ever get your faith out of   you because that's the thing that will cause you  the win is your faith and so the battle is a faith   fight that's what's on the line is your faith and  here Paul berry clearly delineates the battle line   he says fight the good fight of what so you don't  fight the devil don't fight the demons don't find   a preacher don't fight the denominations don't  fight the churches but he says what fight the good   fight of what faith that's the only fight that you  have you know what the Bible says about Satan and   demons James 4:7 for instance you don't have to  turn to this but James 4:7 says resists the devil   and he will flee from you huh didn't say fighting  says resist the devil and he will flee from you   resist him and he'll flee from you jesus said in  mark chapter 16 verse 17 he said and these signs   shall follow them that believe in my name they  shall cast out demons hmm they shall cast out   demons in Luke 10:19 Jesus speaking against that  behold I give unto you power or authority to tread   on serpents and scorpions and over all the power  of the enemy in other words he's telling you there   walk on the devil but it never says anything about  fighting him resist him cast him out walk on him   but praise God we don't have to fight him because  Jesus already fought him at Calvary and whipped   him for us praise God so that lets us that leaves  us free so but there is a fight it's a faith fight   and our faith is on the line if the devil can get  your faith out of you he's got you he can make you   sick he can make you poor he can make you scared  he can make you everything that's negative and   defeatism he'll destroy you if he can ever get  your faith out so it tells us very plainly that   the fight is a faith fight well now how in the  world can I successfully fight the faith fight   if I don't even know what faith is if I don't know  how it operates how can I successfully fight it in   friend that's exactly why so many Christians  are defeated and demoralized that's why so   many Christians have given up the Christian life  don't even go to church anymore don't even try to   do anything anymore go the way the world goes go  the path of least resistance you know why because   they haven't learned how to exercise their faith  they've tried to do something and then when they   tried it and it didn't work they said anything  through this they might as well give it up the   only thing was they wouldn't the game according  to the rules if you play the game according to   the rules bless God you'll win you win somebody  said well brother prices really doesn't matter   whether you win or lose it's really how you play  the game that's dumb I only play to win and if I   don't win the game ain't worth playing huh is that  right I don't know about you when I play I play to   win even when I play Scrabble at home my kids that  tell you I'm out to win that's right that's right   when we play Monopoly look out honey because I'm  buying up hotels and houses I intend to win and   I intend to win at the game of life and you know  what there's a way to win but it's in line with   God's plans and principles all right now notice  first of all we've discovered that the just or   those who have been declared righteous shall what  live by what faith we found out also that those   who have been saved they got and received their  salvation through what faith we find out now that   we are to fight the good fight of what faith  that makes faith important doesn't all right   let's look at another passage of Scripture let's  turn in our Bibles not to first John chapter five   that's the first epistle of John the fifth chapter  because we have another very important designation   here that we want to look at now what we're doing  now is laying a groundwork laying a foundation to   build on and that is to show you how important  the principles of faith are I've had people to   challenge me you know and they'll say well my  god there he goes again all he ever talks about   is faith doesn't you know anything else well  yeah I know a lot of things else but I don't   know anything else more important than faith  because it's it's the fact that I have learned   how to operate in faith that has brought me from  poverty to wealth and from sickness to health hmm   that's what's brought this church in just a little  over four years to a membership of three thousand   people last year 1977 four thousand people  received the Holy Spirit speaking with other   tongues out of this ministry over two thousand  people received Christ as their personal Savior   last Easter the last Easter that passed whether  you realize it or not in the two services the   eight and the eleven o'clock service we had over  5,000 people in attendance and we turned people   away without selling chicken dinners how did  it come about by the word of faith by learning   how to operate in God's principle and doing it  God's Way and honey when you do it God's Way   and you get God on your train honey you going  through let me tell you about and that's why   I keep talking about it because I want to get  it into you I want to get it into your spirit   I want you to get it into you until it becomes a  part of your everyday life I want to get it into   you until all you do is think faith all you do is  see faith all you do is activate you'd be like a   karate expert have you ever seen somebody who I  mean is there maybe a black belt karate expert   that dude is so turned on so tuned up that if you  creep up on his Blind Side and do the wrong thing   he'll lay your head off for your show ah he's  ready huh in that right he's ready I mean you   you make a false hoo-ha he's ready oh no I let  me confront her that I'm trying to show you that   the man has so trained himself he has his whole  body his whole being so in tune to it that he is   ready at an instant's notice automatically here  is Maha he's ready to go that's the way it ought   to be with your faith you ought to be just that  way with faith so that when the devil comes up to   you and tries to bring sickness on you as soon  as you see the signature are you ready for huh   that's right soon is all poverty as soon as all  poverty tries to rear its ugly head haha it and   you have to get it into you and see I I can see it  because I have to sit across the desk and listen   to the tears that fall from the eyes of those  whose lives are shattered and broken I have to   sit across the desk and listen to the sob story of  those who can't get along with husbands and wives   and children and jobs and so forth and so on and  I see where the weakness is it is all because they   don't understand how to operate in faith it's not  that they don't love the Lord it's not that they   don't want to live right it's not that they don't  want to do right they don't know how and when you   don't know how any gonna work you got that well I  want to know how it works I found out how it works   and the Lord has told me to share it he's told  me to share it I've been impressed in my spirit   he told me to share it and so every chance I get I  talk about it did I tell you to turn to first John   I know you thought I forgot it didn't you fooled  you all right first John chapter 5 verse 4 it   says for whosoever is born of God overcometh the  world and this is the victory not the defeat but   this is the victory that overcometh the world even  what power hey huh that's victory time you want to   live in victory you're gonna have to learn how to  operate in phase you're gonna have to learn how to   operate in faith hoping and praying won't get it  well brother price I'm just a hoping in a prayin   that the Lord will do the sand so forget it forget  it forget it that won't work it doesn't say that   this is the victory that overcometh the world even  you're hoping in a prayin no mm-hmm it says this   is the victory that overcometh the world even our  faith well you're not going to be an overcomer and   you're not going to have the victory if you don't  learn how to operate in it and if you don't learn   what the principles are you not gonna make it oh  now if you just want to be mediocre fine you know   if you want to be sometimes up and sometimes down  and sometimes almost leveled to the ground now if   you want that then just trot along do your thing  keep on trucking honey keep on trucking but if you   want to win all the time you know you hear that  saying about where halogen all brother price you   win a few you lose a few ain't losing none I used  to lose them all I mean off and then I even lost   something that I didn't play you know that's bad I  lost something that I didn't even get in the game   and lost I was tired of losing I found out how to  win with Jesus but the only way you're gonna do it   is by learning how to operate in the principles of  faith all right look at Hebrews chapter 11 now I   notice we've already covered some very important  ingredients first of all we found out that the   just show what live by faith we found out that  we're saved through what faith we found out that   we are to fight the good fight of what we found  out that the victory that overcomes the world is   our what faith that makes faith a very important  subject matter hmm I mean our whole life is a   faith life that we live by it all right now here  in Hebrews I want to read from chapter 11 verse 6   very very familiar verse it says but without what  but without what but without what but without what   but without faith it is impossible impossible  means not possible not possible means no way   okay all right listen he says but without faith it  is impossible to please him him refers to God if   you read the context it says without faith it is  impossible to please him now if you want to please   him you're gonna have to operate in faith huh  that's what pleases him to operate in faith that's   what pleases God no no not selling chicken dinners  no no no not having barbecues mm-hmm not having   fundraising campaigns no little no that doesn't  please God he said faith does and he said without   this one ingredient he said it's an impossibility  to please God that makes faith a very heavy   subject it makes it a very important sub something  that you can't please God I never find where it   says without singing you can't please God I never  find where it says without praying you can't   please go and yet the Bible tells us to pray but  I never find it saying it like that then without   doing that I can't please go we ought to pray we  ought to go to church the Bible says forsake not   the assembling of yourselves together as some  do the Bible tells us in instruct us to go to   church but I don't find where it says it without  going to church I can't please go it has its   place don't misunderstand me but I don't find the  importance attached to it like I do with faith it   says concerning faith without it you can't please  God so if you want to please him you won't have to   find out how faith works all right now watch it he  says but without faith it is impossible to please   him for or because he that cometh to God must  underline the word must the word must indicates   an imperative necessity that is not an option you  have no choice at this point now notice what it   says it says he that cometh to God what he that  cometh to God what he that cometh to God must he   that cometh to God must - see that's an imperative  necessity there's no choice now notice you don't   have to come to God no you don't have to come  to God you can go your own way do your own thing   anything you're big enough to do go ahead you  can do it you can do it but here's this is what   he says he said he that cometh to God must now  see he didn't say he must come to God but he says   he that cometh to God in other words if you decide  to come then you must illustration Betty and I fly   a lot in traveling around the world ministering  the Word of God and we go to different countries   in in different cities and the quickest way to  get there of course is by flying by jet and so   we prepare ourselves and we go to the airport or  I usually call up on the telephone I have all the   flight schedules of all the airlines just keep  them at home so I can know which one I want and   I call them up and double-check it to be sure and  make reservations on the flight so let's say we're   going to well our next trip is to Oklahoma City  and I've already made reservations on American   Airlines they have the flight at the time that I  want to go so we've made arrangements to fly on   American Airlines okay now the flight that I'm  on has a certain number not only does it have   a number flight so-and-so but it has a certain  departure time on the date that we want to leave   it leaves at so-and-so at such-and-such a time all  right now we could write it like this he did fly   it on American Airlines must be at the airport at  a certain time at a certain gate on a certain day   or you ain't going on that bird when it goes you  know what I remember one time I miss one of them   birds I fooled around how it was when I first  started flying you know and I mean I you know   and if you've ever been to LA International it's  a long ways from the street up to the boarding   ramp and I mean I was trucking on down that thing  I was just - humping down the road there get up I   had my attache case I had call the people and  told him to meet me in Seattle at the airport   is such-and-such a time I had all my reservation  made had my ticket in my hand and I ran down there   and boy I got up there to the board and ramp and  I got up the escalator and got into the area where   the airplanes were lined up and I ran up there  and I was looking for my gate number see 39 38   37 36 35 and when I got up here I looked at then  you know what I saw do you know when I saw hey   you know what I saw the plane was backing out like  that here it was backing out the big truck had to   you know the tow bar on the front he was pushing  the bus and wait wait I'm supposed to be on that   plane you know what they didn't hear me ain't no  teach you the main man and he just kept on back   and then pretty soon they'd let release the towbar  and I heard the engine rep I'm standing here to   go right wait wait I'm supposed to be on their  plane they're waiting to pick me up in Seattle I said wait wait wait hey wait you know why because they told me he  that flies on American Airlines going to Seattle   on Wednesday at 10 o'clock must be at the airport  at that time get it and I wasn't there and they   didn't wait you know oh I tell you with chagrin  and you can imagine me turning pink I got on the   telephone in had to call the folks I am due to  circumstances I blew it time mr. flight I'll   be coming in late and either go down to another  airline and get a plane then folks didn't wait   huh so I'm sure now that I'm at the airport  in plenty of time I have never missed another   flight all right what am I saying the principle  applies he that comes to God must now you don't   have to come see I don't have to thought we going  to Tulsa I don't have to fly America TWA flies too   to tell so I'm ready to fly American however if  I come to American I must if you come to God you   must once you come then you have no choice the  rest of it is a must now you have a choice you   don't have to you can go to hell you don't have  to go to God go to hell if you want to God will   protect your right to get there he'll escort you  right to the very gate of hell see that you get   in if that's what you want see what I mean but  now if you decide to come to him then you must   do this and so hmm all right now watch it says he  that cometh to God must believe that he is notice   but without faith it is impossible to please him  for he that cometh to God must believe that he   is now that's where most people stop reading  unfortunately right there hi yes brother price   hallelujah have always believed in God yes ever  since I was a little boy have all waise believed   in God yes I believe in God grandma believed  in God Greg Rand Paul believed in God uncle   Clarence was a deacon he believed didn't got all  yes we've always believed in God hey it didn't   stop there don't stop there there's a little word  that goes after that the conjunction you know a   little bridge the ties two things together notice  for he that cometh to God must believe that he is   that means that God exists and something else and  that he is a rewarder of them that diligently not   haphazardly not sometimes on and sometimes off  not hot and cold but must believe that he is and   that he is a rewarder of them that diligently  seek Him now see folks haven't been believe in   that part because they've been accusing God of  all the crimes that have happened huh somebody   some little kid gets run over we saw an accident  the other night and in the rain their cars were   all smashed up there was a bicycle that we don't  know when we got there we couldn't see what had   happened but a little kid gets run over and then  they have the funeral you know that silly preacher   gets up in the pulpit and says well now the Lord  has given and the Lord has taken away blessed be   the name of the Lord oh I've been there oh yes I  sat on the front row in the church my little boy   was in the coffin eight years old oh honey listen  you're gonna get up and say the Lord took him Oh   God look down from the lofty pinnacles of heaven  and he looked at his garden and there was a spot   for one more little rose so he reached down into  the earth realm and plucked up a little rose took   him up to heaven junk that's junk that's not God  you call that a reward taking your little child   that's a reward that's a reward I don't want any  rewards keep them no that's not a reward Jesus   said they're claiming the thief cometh but for to  kill steal and destroy jesus said I've come that   they might have life and have it more abundantly  and it's not abundant life when they steal your   husband they steal your wife to steal your kids  but see if they had understood this principle they   would be a body would buy that junk they'd say  hey no that can't be God because God said he's   a rewarder and that's not a reward to take the  fruit of your body your little child your only   Son that's not reward when you begin to see it  like the Bible said that you're beginning to see   hey God's not responsible for all these things and  even those silly insurance coming out an act of   God it's not an act of God God didn't have them do  it destroy in that mountain God didn't pull that   mountain man the Bible says God made the mountains  in the hollows of his hand why in the world would   God make a mountain and thence in the rain to wash  the mountain a way that he had made that's stupid yet the insurance company talks about an act of  God God gets blamed for all the heinous crimes   that have ever been come in everybody blames God  the Lord took him no he didn't the Lord doesn't   take the Lord gives he's the great giver but where  it says for God so loved the world that He gave   His only begotten Son he didn't take something  from he gave you something gave you Jesus he   gave you a Salvation he gave you a way out of  the darkness he gave you a way to live he gave   you a victory he gave you power he gave you hell  he gave you well he gave you a sound mind praise   God that's what God's given to you and in God in  Christ have been very misrepresented by a lot of   preachers that didn't know what they didn't know  they're hid from a hole in the ground talking a   lot of junk they learned in the cemetery I mean  in the seminary somewhere didn't get it out of   the Bible the book said he is a what can you read  a rewarder of them that diligently not haphazardly   but diligently seek Him alright now notice we've  seen several salient points first of all the just   shall live by what we found out that for by grace  are we say through what we found out that we are   to fight the good fight of what we found out that  this is the victory that overcometh the world even   our we found out that without it is impossible  to please God that's five very good reasons why   we ought to study the subject of faith you can  live in this world like God would have you to   live without faith you can't get saved without  it for by grace are you saved through faith you   can't fight without it and you can't have victory  without it and you cannot please God without it   so we're talking about how faith works turn  the Hebrews now or you're already there but   look at the first verse of the eleventh chapter  now this is a very familiar verse very familiar   verse but I want to caution you about a danger  many times people will hear a verse quoted a   chapter in verse and immediately they'll say oh  yeah I know that one and then they are running   through their mind real quickly you know and  they figured that because they memorized it ten   years ago they know everything there is to know  about it and so they have an automatic shed off   that kind of shuts their minds off because they  figure oh I already know that well here I'm here   to tell you friends you don't know everything  there is about the word because I want to tell   you something I don't know everything about  the work and I'm way smarter than you are some of you I guess you have you're not a walk yet  huh took a little time to get on to that one no   but what I'm saying is the Bible is pregnant God's  Word is pregnant do you know what pregnant women   do they give birth pregnant women give birth  to babies you know when all things are equal   and like they're supposed to be you know home  well anyway God's Word is pregnant that means   that it constantly gives birth to new facets of  Revelation you might read it one day and think you   have learned everything no no no there are layers  and layers and layers of Revelation you can get   and it's only as you continue to pursue it and  continue to seek and search and hunger and knock   that you continually gain the new insights broader  insight fuller revelation follow what I'm saying   so don't make the mistake when I quote a passage  of scripture to think in your mind oh yeah I know   that one and think you know everything about it  I guarantee you'll learn something if you'll be   open enough to look at it as though you've never  seen it before follow what I'm saying and then   that way you'll be able to see revelation you'll  be able to understand what God is saying alright   now watch Hebrews 11:1 it says now what now  faith is now faith is say that with me say   it again now faith is say it again now faith is  all right now usually when you see the word now usually it renders the connotation of defining  a time period you know I could say to you I want   you to go to the organ and I want you to play  the opening selection to Handel's Messiah okay   she looks at me and she says win now okay that  designates win I want her to do it now okay so   there is a sense in which depending on how it's  used word now will indicate the time factor see   if she says we and I said I'll say next month  next Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock service   or tomorrow or tonight but if I say now then we  know when we want it done when now and now would   be what tins present tense all right now this word  now here in your King James Bible is is not is not   telling us the time actually the word now there is  a conjunction it really you could say therefore or   and and actually what it does is connects verse  39 with verse 1 of the 11th chapter it connects   verse 39 of the tenth chapter in fact let's read  it from verse 38 of the tenth chapter we'll read   right into the first verse of the 11th chapter and  you'll be able to see it it says now the just show   there it is again mm-hmm now that just shall live  by faith but if any man draw back my soul shall   have no pleasure in him but we see but we rather  are not of them who draw back unto perdition but   of them that believe to the saving of the soul  and faith is or we could say to the saving of   the souls therefore faith is now it says now so  that is a it's a conjunction there in the Greek   and it's not giving us the time factor so just  keep that in mind but let's say it this way let's   drop the now and let's read it that way verse one  of the eleventh chapter we would say that faith   is the substance of things hoped for the evidence  of things not seen we would say that faith is well   if faith is if you could if you say faith is that  lets you know that it is present tense because is   can't be yesterday can it huh is can't be tomorrow  can it no because see if a thing is it could be   lost if it is it could be was it could be shall  be shall be would be future tense is is now was   is past can you see that all right so let's say it  this way faith is we could still say now faith is   now faith is say that say that again all right we  could read it like this we could say faith is now   it doesn't change the words but it just brings it  out in what I consider bold really say it that way   faith is now say it again say it again say it  again all right so we could say it now faith is   faith is now we could say it like this faith is  say it that way faith is say it again faith is   say it again faith is say it again faith is see  if if if faith is it could be faith was we could   say faith was we could say faith will be but when  we say faith is that locates it in point of time   is that correct it lets us know that it wasn't  yesterday and it won't be tomorrow it is when now   faith is now that tells us a very important facet  of faith and that is that faith is always remember   this this is the divine spiritual rule faith is  always present tense it's always now if it is   not now it's not faith see you hear Christians  say well brother price I know that someday God   is going to heal me and that's why they don't get  healed then they believe the devil's lie and think   that the reason that they didn't get the healing  was because it wasn't God's will to heal them   they never stopped to think about it were they  in fact operating in line with God's rule they   weren't because when you say I know that someday  God is going to do something that means that he   hasn't done it yet because if he had already done  it he wouldn't have to do it someday can't you see   that's not faith when you say well I'm well  I'm just a hoping in a praying that someday   God will provide my needs I'm just praying that  God will do something we'll see when you say God   will that's future tense that's not faith and  that's why it will not work it has to be now   and I tell you people to think you're crazy when  you talk about now but when you're talking God's   Word friend it'll work alright now watch faith is  not was not will be faith is present tense always   remember that if it is not now if it's not right  this moment it's not faith because faith can never   be yesterday faith can never be tomorrow faith is  always present tense right now right now faith is   all right let's look at it something else it says  now faith is the substance of things th ing is   faith is the substance of things now what is what  does the word substance mean somebody says reality   what else what does the word substance mean no  what does substance me what does that word mean matter what else foundation what else does  substance what what is substance tangible   tangible or materiality or matter what could  we get a consensus of opinion that substance   is tangibility matter or let me give you a  definition and see if you can go along with   this i will submit this as a definition now i'm  not trying to use the power of suggestion I just   want you if you can relate to this didn't say  yes to it if you can't okay but I believe that   the Lord has given me a way to say it that can  focus our attention to understand what the word   substance means now we've said that substance is  materiality substance is tangibility alright could   we say it this way substance is that which can  be perceived by our senses how's that can we get   it can you agree with it in other words substance  is that which can be perceived by my senses it's   either something I can see I can hear it I can  taste it to smell it or I can touch it in other   words it responds to my sensory mechanisms okay  we will say that that substance see alright so   substance is tangibility it is materiality it is  that which my senses can relate to all right now   notice it says that's that faith is the substance  see faith itself is the substance of things th ing   yes things faith is the substance of things what  hope for you know what that tells us then that   tells us that hope doesn't have any substance to  it hope by itself does not have any tangibility   it has no materiality it has no substance to it  there is nothing about hope that your senses can   fix themselves to because if hope had substance  there would be no necessity or need to add faith   to hope so you notice what he says he says now  faith is see faith is the substance faith itself   whatever faith is and we're going to find that out  in a little bit whatever faith is the Bible says   that faith itself is the substance of the things  that I hope for that means then that the things   that I hope for as long as they're in the hoping  stage they have no substance to them but I can add   my faith to the hope and I can give it substance I  can give it tangibility I can give it materiality   let me give you this illustration faith is like a  dream or hope rather hope is like a dream have you   ever dreamed the dream anybody here ever have a  dream you ever dream a dream have you ever had one   of those kind of dreams that I mean it was just  so out of sight until I mean you it to you it was   reality I mean in living color I mean it was just  so beautiful and you were dreaming that dream and   maybe even your wife told you after you woke up  or your husband told you after you woke up that   you were moaning in your dream it was just so good  on it was so good and and in that dream it was so   real to you until you thought it was reality you  thought you were awake it was so real now I don't   know baby you were flying the world's fastest  jet plane or maybe you were driving the world's   fastest racing car I don't know what women dream  about but anyway maybe you have maybe you dream   about having triplets I don't know and you could  see all three of them coming at the same time well   anyway you were dreaming and your dream was very  real I mean it was just all in just about the time   the dream was coming to to an apex to a climate  just about the time you were ready to give birth   well just about the time you had that plane and  the power dive and you were reaching the fastest   speed that any man had ever attained in a machine  before I mean it was just getting right down to   the end I mean it was coming right to the wire and  it was so real to you it was so real until oh my   goodness you could just you could feel it you can  experience an are who you were dreaming and just   about the time the dream was about to come to  its climate just at the moment when everything   was coming into an India to jail right together  just at the moment when everything was just about   there suddenly seven Smith wake up it's time to go  to work and poop the dream will you ever had that   happen the phone rang or the clock came on and  groggily you reached over and got the telephone   some deal II had the wrong number man and you hung  it up and tried to go back and pick up the dream   but it was calm you ever had that happened okay  you know why that happened because dreams have   no substance to them they have no tangibility they  have no materiality dreams have no substance and   so when you are suddenly awakened to the dream  left all right that's exactly the way hope is   hope is like that dream it has no substance to  it but what Almighty God says is that if you   know take his faith and add it to your hope you  will give it substance you'll give it something   it may not have any substance bless God at the  beginning but it'll have substance afterwards   follow what I'm saying all right now notice he  says now faith is the substance the materiality   the tangibility of things hoped for the goes on  to say now faith is the what and the dense of   things th ing s of things not what faith now  notice he says that faith is the evidence of   things not what now what is what is evidence  proof I think that's really about the best   word you can use for for for evidence evidence  is proof proof is evidence now what does proof   do what does proof do what is what does proof  or evidence what do they do what do they do he said they prove things okay that's right  but but but but how do they prove things what   does what does the by seeing okay what does  proof or evidence do what convicts proof or   evidence convicts let me suggest something to  you let me say it this way proof or evidence substantiate or validates the existence of  something you don't presently have let me   say that again I said what does evidence or  proof do evidence or proof evidence or proof   substantiates validates or proves the existence  of something that you don't presently have all   you have is evidence of it you don't have it  you only have evidence of it but the evidence   takes the place of the thing that it is the  evidence of until the thing gets there once   the thing gets there then you don't need  any more proof how many of you understand   that alright let us say that I go out with an  archaeological team out to the mountainside   and we're looking for the bones of prehistoric  animals okay somebody in the process of digging   runs across this great big white bone and  he starts very gingerly moving the dust in   the dirt and pretty soon he sees another bone  connected to that bone and after a while they   have taken away a whole mountainside and they're  laid against the mountainside is a skeleton of a   prehistoric animal let's say a Tyrannosaurus  Rex and there he stands his bones gleaming in   the Sun now what do we have we have evidence we  have proof of the existence of a Tyrannosaurus   Rex we don't have the Tyrannosaurus Rex  we have proof of his existence we have   his bones and the bones prove that he existed  at some point in time we don't have him but we   have evidence of him and the evidence takes  the place of him until him gets there okay now while we're looking at our remarkable fine  while we're examining our remarkable find we're   standing there and suddenly the ground begins to  tremble and shake suddenly the ground begins to   shake and we say what is that is it an earthquake  is it an earthquake and suddenly we look up over   the hill and here comes a Tyrannosaurus restaurant  hey we don't need no more evidence man we've got   him now do you get it see we have him we don't  need any more evidence we have the Tyrannosaurus   Rex we have the animal but what happened the  bones took the place of him until he got there   the bones proved or substantiated the existence  of the animal until the animal arrived how many   of you understand that now that principle is very  important to understand all right now notice he   tells us now that faith not the bones but faith  is the evidence or the proof of things thi NGS   of things not what not what not what faith is the  evidence of things not what faith is the evidence   of things not what okay what's the first thing  you think of when you hear the word sing quick   what's first thing you think of what's the  first thing you think of when you hear the   word seen what's the first thing you think of  when you hear the word seen what's the first   thing you think of when you hear the word scene  look-look-look you think a look okay what does   look remind you of eyes when somebody says  did you see that you don't say yeah sure did   you don't think of your foot when you hear the  word six that's a classic word windows but what   does that mean what our eyes to your body what  are they what vision what our eyes to your body lights guides what our eyes what sensory organs  your eyes our sense organs what does it do they   feed information to your central nervous system  visually huh you see with the eye it's easier   for me there's a rattlesnake get out of the way  and suddenly your arms and legs begin to move   are you gone is that right in other words your  eyes are a part of the sensory mechanism that   are located inside of your body that feeds  information into your body concerning the   environment and the universe around you can you  agree with that all right now when you read that   verse notice it says that faith is the evidence  of things not seen so I assume that what that   was saying when it said not seen it MIT stuff I  could see with my eyes but hey wait a minute it   couldn't mean that because if it did mean that  in other words visual perception then what it's   doing is robbing me and cheating me out of  four fifths of my body's ability to feed me   information concerning the universe around me why  because if we just use the standard classic five   sensory mechanisms eyes nose ears touch and taste  tone if I just limit it to eyes there are some   things that you can see but you can't hear and  there's some things you can hear but you can't   touch and there's some things you can touch but  you can't hear there's some things you can hear   but you can't smell there's some things you can  smell but you can't touch follow what I'm saying   so if we limit it just to visual perception in  other words just to that which I can see with my   physical eyes then I'm cheating myself or robbing  myself out of four fifths of my body's ability to   feed information to me concerning the universe  around me so I submit to you that what the Holy   Spirit is saying here is not talking about eyes  at all he is not talking about anything physical   at all he is trying to show rather he is talking  about something that's physical to distinguish   it from spiritual perception I submit this to  you that what he is saying there is this see   how this strikes your spirit now faith is the  substance the tangibility the materiality of   things hoped for faith is the evidence or proof  of things which are not perceived by your senses can we get any better go along with that come on  come on come on respond can you go along with it   because it's important to understand each step  as we go along the Holy Spirit here is not at   all talking about you seeing something with  your eyes he is talking about that which can   be distinguished to your sensory mechanisms as  opposed to that which is perceived by another   method now notice what he says he says that  faith is the evidence of things that are not   seen all right let's say it this way that faith  is the evidence of things that are not perceived   by your senses well if there are things that your  senses cannot contact they must exist because if   they existed if they didn't exist you couldn't  see him anyhow did you get it see he said that   faith is the evidence of things that are not seen  meaning that are not perceived by your senses well   if faith is the evidence the things must exist  because you can't have evidence for something   that's non-existent so if faith is the evidence  it must be the evidence of something it must be   the evidence of something and praise God it is  it's talking about the things that are in that   world outside the world of your physical senses  the things of the Spirit of God well praise God   my time is just about gone remember these words  from second Corinthians chapter five verse seven   for we walk by faith not by sight now we're not  finished with this message so I encourage you   to continue to study with us and you will be  rewarded for it praise God this program is now   available to you on compact discs or DVD CD copies  are available for your love gift of any amount DVD   copies are available for your love gift of $15  or more for the ongoing support of this ministry   call the number on your screen or write to dr.  Frederick Casey price Fox 90,000 Los Angeles   California 9z rosie rosie ronan indicate the  number you see on your screen and join us again   on the ever-increasing faith network bringing  to you the power of faith to transform your life you
Channel: Fred Price Jr
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Keywords: fred price jr, faith, how faith works, apostle fred price
Id: dxo7kXo0Cpo
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Length: 58min 25sec (3505 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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