"S.I.T. In His Presence" (Supplication, Intercession & Travail) Pastor Tamara Bennett

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i want to jump right in to our presentation and hopefully um they have it um and we're going to talk about prayer today and i'm going to share with you something that the lord has had on our heart for a few years now um and and is actually going into publication as a book because i don't think prayer i think prayer sometimes as i've i've ministered here in this platform before and that the one thing i regret is that sometimes they we tend to make prayer as though it's a gift or it's a calling when the truth is that it is a necessity it's how we communicate with god and so it's funny you could think of prayer as your facebook as your instagram you could think of it as your text you could think of it in whatever form you want but prayer is our only means to get an answer from god it's how we communicate with god it's how we get our vision it's how we get purpose it's how we survive how about that it's how we survive we survive what we do and what we go through because of prayer so i want to talk about prayer today and i want to talk about um different if i want to say levels of virgins here's the first thing i just want to make clear and i know i'm not talking to immature people i'm talking to mature saints is that is that i don't personally believe you can technically teach a person how to pray because prayer is the sincerity of your heart and i think sometimes we can make it so complicated because um we'll say a whole lot of you know you gotta you gotta approach them this way you gotta say a thing this way and the truth is it's out of the sincere heart and so my own personal walk with god and prayer is i don't play with it and i'm not i don't have a bff i don't have a prayer partner my own husband is not going to hear my heart like god is and i've made myself comfortable to talk to god and to truly be honest with him whether i'm frustrated whether i'm irritated whether i'm mad whether i'm on the verge of giving up whatever it is i've learned to become comfortable to go to god in prayer because either he's my help and either prayer is my link to get help or it's not but it but the truth is life we can't predict and you can be as anointed as you want to fast pray so you can but life will throw stuff at you that will knock you off your feet and if prayer is not my link to get help then i quit but because it is and because we have to try it and we have to we have to become comfortable in it until we see the results and that's the patient part of prayer is seeing the results so what i do want to talk about if i can say three levels if you would or three areas that prayer can shift us or ways we can be shifted in prayer so i'm not sure if they have the presentation there but the name of this is called sit and it sit in his presence and that these are various levels of accessing god and being in his presence and so if we were to talk about sin it's actually an acronym for supplication intercession and travail and here we go so we're talking about sit and sit in the presence of god these are just different avenues that we can sit and get in the presence of god prayer is about getting in the presence of god so sin is supplication intercession and travail these are three different levels of prayer that will give me an access and a presence with him supplication intercession and travail okay thank you so let's go to the next slide so let's talk about supplication first so supplication is that means when i am pouring out my heart before the lord so if you could go to the two slides down to supplication supplication is to pray humbly it is to make humble and earnest petitions before the lord supplication is when it's all about you period okay so supplication is praying humbly it is making an humble and earnest entreat or petition before the lord if you could come back to me for just a moment so i can talk to my brothers and sisters supplication is when it is truly all about you and it's it and it's it's that space that you're talking to god that has nothing to do with the issues around you but it is about you when life gets us out of the get our character when our character gets out of the disposition of god that means i need to take it to god when life can push my character out of the form and will of god i'm gonna have to get with god because if if he truly abides in me then truth be told and i'm not saying we're perfect but truth be told if he abides with me then nothing should be able to come at me that i can't really handle satan's ultimate goal is to shift me out of my posture with god prayer is life comes at us we all know tests and trial it's coming at us because it wants you to get out of your posture with god satan has a goal i want to shift your faith i want to get you so irritated you're cussing people out i want to get you so lonely that you're going to get somebody y'all know all what i'm talking about i want to make you so frustrated i want to get you back into addictions prayer supplication is when i'm talking to god about me family your marriages your husband can get on your nerve your wife can get on your nerve your kids are in prison you're getting frustrated god you're not hearing me and it's getting you out of posture supplication is the earnest prayer to god about you it's lord i'm frustrated it's lord i need help it's lord i'm offended let's talk real talk things happen in church life people disappoint you you get overlooked you get things that things are not going your way these things are commonplace these things are common in the body of christ i gotta say excuse me i'm sorry these are common things that happen with us in our walk with christ and in that walk with christ prayer my supplication is i'm taking it to god and it's about me when i get offended in the church i'm not going to tell god about the people that offended me i need to grow i need to find out why am i so offended why am i so offended so then i gotta go to god for the offense this is what this is what prayer and supplication is supplication says it is all about you and it's all about you making your earnest plea before the lord it's all about you bringing it until you get a brokenness from you supplication is god i gotta pour this out into you until i can't carry it no more um i could talk about various things and again i'm trying to be mindful of the time i remember one specific thing there was a time that um i was going through transition and i was supposed to i got a lot of stories i was gonna marry somebody once before and and and i thought this was the right one this was when i was like i was like 18 19 years old i was ready to leave my parents out but i still want to kind of stay in the church because i don't want you all to say that i'm leaving god so um it was a young man in the church and he was a decent man i thought you know he was a hard-working man and all that and so the truth was i was just ready to be on my own and i knew marriage was my really only way out so i'm ready to go and ready get married true story true story it was the sunday before the saturday of the wedding and god led my father to talk to me and called it off i mean invitations are out wedding dress it's ready to go i was a pastor's child so the city of detroit knew about it it was going to be huge but god led my father which he was kind of troubled all the time so he had to talk to me he pulled me and i said tammy god said this is not your husband he said and so as your father i'm not giving you away and as your pastor i'm not gonna marry you he said so if you do this you're doing this on your own okay well i knew he and i the dude we was having a few issues anyway but i kept thinking it'll be all better when we get married it'll be all better we get married but because i trust the calling and the anointing of my father we called it up you can only imagine you can only imagine the pain the embarrassment the frustration what am i gonna do i mean some of you know my story i'm from the street so the devil is like you need to just bounce this whole thing ain't working i remember i went with my spiritual mother and we went to gary indiana and i remember going into this little bitty prayer tower is what it was called this little bitty prayer tower i remember i waited till everybody left and i can feel that now i remember crying on this floor i remember screaming and crying out of my soul father what am i going to do i was running from a lot of history from my past and yet i wasn't ready to face what god was calling me to y'all understand what i'm saying you know when you're in between places it's the wrestle of of jacob when you're in between places and you know that god's calling you somewhere but you're not ready to accept it and i still want to be me and i'm not ready to give up all of this and i remember pouring all of that out before the lord and i wept and cried what i didn't know is this sweet sweet mother had hurt i cried so loudly i guess she heard me in the house next door and this sweet sweet mother as i was on my knees i just remember her rubbing my back and she rubbed my back and she's daughter it's gonna be okay it was that was the beginning of my process of understanding the power of supplication i was carrying something that i couldn't really voice to anybody i couldn't really explain to anybody but i could take it to god and to just have that mother rub my back was for me him saying i see you and i hear you the lord will hear the cry of your supplication so let me go to the word for a quick moment i'ma go to the word maybe you could just follow along in your bibles or however you want to do it but in the word in psalm 119 and 169 the psalmist said lord let my cry come near before thee he said oh lord give me understanding according to thy word so we understand saints that the process of our prayer and the process of our supplication is we're striving to bring our self our will our desires our gifts we're striving to bring it into the will of god the reality is the carnal mind is going to constantly wrestle with the spirit mind and nothing nothing changes that that's our ongoing process of development is developing a spiritual mind he says so lord here's the part that gets me he said lord give me understanding according to thy word that says this saints our prayer and our supplication is i've gotta understand your will on my life give me understanding according to thy word not according to my past not according to my struggles not according to my imagination i need to align myself my emotions my will i gotta align it according to your word so many of us we i'ma tell you the truth it's human nature we can't even conceive the greatness god had for us hallelujah we can't even conceive where god wants to take us and how he wants to use us and he said i need deliverance father according to your word make me believe what you're saying about me and if you're saying to me that my past is behind me then let me get to that place that my past is behind me if you're saying to me that i am healed the father let me walk in that victory hallelujah and not worry and my body is healed if you're saying according to your word you're giving me perfect peace then father deliver me according to thy word that i will walk in your peace and so he said let thy cry he said let my cry come near before thee and give me understanding according to thy word every child of god must get their own understanding of what god is requiring of them every child every child you've got to get your own understanding what god is requiring of you i'm not my at all of our walks is different all of our backgrounds is different all of our family dynamics are different our struggles our issues are different i've got to get my understanding according to thy word what is it you require of me what is there are things that happen in our marriages there are things that happen in our families some people can just bounce and god's blessing them they got a clear conscience but some people you may have to stay because god is making something else of you god has another purpose something he's making out of your family he said give me understanding according to thy word here we go and he said then lord let my supplication come before thee and then deliver me hallelujah hallelujah i need my deliverance to come through the word because when my deliverance comes through the word it's gonna follow me and when that service is over and when everybody's done preaching and when the music is gone and when the lights is off that word it's gonna keep talking to me that word is gonna follow me at home that word is gonna follow me in my job that word is gonna follow me when satan come back at me he's gonna quicken me according to the word so god he said let my cry come near before thee and then give me an understanding of what you're calling me to according to my word let me share this little story with you and it's a it's a cute story but i shared often of the whiteness family we were all raised together um and um all of us my sister's married to daniel islands my daddy was their pastor we're family we were all raised together um and you could come back to me brother we were all raised together well cece has always been saved it's a joke i mean she's been sweet like that her entire life when we were younger because again i had i i had my days of doing stuff when we were younger and we would do house of house prayer when we would get down on our knees like cece could immediately start crying we were teenagers like she could just get in the presence of god so quick and me i was still kind of wrestling boyfriends out of my mind and this boy out of my mind but it was like she could get in the presence of god so quickly well of course we know her history and the lord have blessed her and she's gone on and have done the beautiful things she is now a legend in the gospel world and so and and yet i had my history and my background as we grew older and we're still very very dear friends today it became a time that as god was taking me through my purification and talking to me about the kind of woman of god he needed me to be i had to i couldn't compare myself to cece or other sisters because we didn't have the same history and i'm not gonna tell all my business but y'all understand what i'm saying we didn't have the same history and because we didn't have the same history we didn't have the same struggles do you understand what i'm saying we didn't have the same warfare i did some stuff she didn't do do i need to tell all my business y'all understand i i went some places i experienced some things in my flesh she didn't experience so my warfare was different that's all of ours i had to seek the lord i couldn't try to be her nor anybody else that is on that didn't have my same testimony i had to ask god give me understanding according to thy word some things that others can do i can't do i call them the orders of consecration and you've got to get your orders of consecration from god that he's saying this is what it's going to take for you to preserve your anointing hallelujah to preserve your calling to preserve your assignment i you don't know trapped satan will have but i do and i give you the wisdom of all of his devices so supplication keeps you there until god begins to say here's what i need of you to hold your order of consecration so give me understanding according to thy word i need a word from the lord and when i tell you when god begins to speak we all know he will confirm it and he will confirm it by his word and he will send messengers but he is asking you hold on to those instructions 1998 the lord told me to minister in white that was in 1998. we umpteen years later and i still do it because it was my order it wasn't because i i'm trying to wear white to the color it's what he told me i would love to wear pink and other colors but it's what he told me i'm too far in the game to try to change now do you see like he never changed that so if he ever comes back and says something differently i'll i'll do that but he hasn't and i'm good so when he says give me give me understanding according to thy word when god gives instructions to you he's looking down the quarters of time he already sees the trap satan may set for you he already sees the temptations he said but if you stay within my word hallelujah i'm your keeper thank you jesus and truly he said i will lead you i will guide you and i will be your comforter so the first stage that every believer has to get comfortable in is supplication we change church and the and the prayers that i gave to god at 19 i'm not giving those same prayers now because life changed we change and every time you meet those crossroads of your life take it back to god in supplication you could have been married 30 years wonderful life but then your companion has passed away you're in a new season you're in the new season and what supplication was when you're married it's different when you're single it's different when you're a widow it's different when you're a widower it could be just the opposite you could have been single had your happy life doing ministry but then you get married and now life is different for you you don't get you're different you're not the same woman you're not the same man you don't get to just fast for 100 days like you used to everything is different you've got to find that pocket of supplication that you now can bring it to the lord now it's a new season it's a new day god said i've got a word he said i've got a word for you in every season of your life in every transition of your life in every up and down i have a fresh word for you but you've got to come to me in your supplication and in your prayers here we go let's go to intercession next one so we got sid in his presence first supplication and then intercession what is intercession intercession is the is to act or to interpose in behalf of someone in difficulty or trouble it's by pleading or making a petition supplement intercession is when something is standing in the gap for you it's pleading for you because there's trouble it's interceding for you because there's difficulty yep let's go to the word romans 8 and i want to be mindful of my time romans 8 he said now likewise here we go we see the word likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the spirit itself it intercession for us with groanings which cannot be all uttered come back to me just for a minute yup oh we're on a roll now here we go intercession listen to me church i get it i got it and i ministered this all the time i get having intercessors in your church i get it having prayer words but we cannot emphasize people being leaning on or depending on a man to get me through more than the holy ghost the holy ghost is your intercessor hallelujah he said i'm the one that will go through the crevices of your heart i go through the crevices of your mind and i take up the burden because sometimes you can think what you think is the problem it's not the problem i gotta go deep intercession is allowing the holy spirit to go deep enough to get to the root of the problem he said that's what i do and i don't mean no harm i don't mean no heart i listen i know powerful people that can pray i've had my share of powerful people that could pray and they many times they can lead me to the well but it's not until i get ready to drink that well that it becomes that overflow that he begins to keep speaking y'all know what i'm talking about it's the one that service is over and the prayer people have left but i'm still got something flowing because the holy spirit doesn't quit till the job is done and we have to allow the body of christ and believers to get adapted to the holy spirit let it make the intercession for you because truth be told i can't get a hold of intercessors know every time i need help they're not there in my every beck and call i can't get a hold of people at my every begging call but the holy ghost he said i'm always there i'm making intercession for you i'ma go to the reason why thank you jesus i'ma go to the root right watch this in the next passage of that scripture and that romans 8 27 he said and here we go the holy ghost maketh intercession for you and the 27th verse says and he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the spirit because he maketh intercession for the saints here we go we're back at it according to the will of god hallelujah y'all got to shout hallelujah so the holy ghost is saying my job is to bring you right back to the will of god you can be frustrated you can be irritated you could be ready to walk away you could be ready to tell people off you could be ready to call it quick but the holy ghost said no i got an assignment thank you jesus and my assignment is to go to the root of that and bring you back into the will of god the holy ghost make an intercession for us he said and i'm going to search your mind i'm searching your heart i'm searching your and i know i'ma make these two connected and all of your frustration i'ma help dissolve that because i'ma bring you back into the will of god so intercession is that time when some many times there are no words there are no words supplication i can talk a lot i need to share a lot i need to give my frustrations i need to say what i need to say but then intercession is that groaning there are no words have you been there you've gone through some things or you're going through some things there are no words i'm saying this because sometimes church we rush prayer we rush it and so you don't even get a chance to let it go through its process that's there to help you you can't rush this thing the holy ghost has an assignment and it is i'm going to bring you into the will of god that i want to pause for a minute i would recommend all ministries individuals however you need to do it you have to have quality time that you set aside in prayer you don't want rush time you want quality time because when the holy ghost comes on you you don't want to be looking at your clock and got to cut it off you want it to finish its process he said i'm doing a spiritual surgery every time i come the holy ghost is doing a spiritual surgery and it's going all in your heart it's going all in your emotions and it's gathering up what you don't need it's getting rid of things you don't need to bring you back into the will of god many times church we have moved hasting me we have done some things said some things too quickly because we didn't ask god and we didn't let the holy ghost fall finish finishes process i tell people it's a little thing in our church and they know i say this and i tell them i don't want the after the fact holy ghost the after the fact holy ghost is after trouble happened then you say you know the lord told me but the trouble doesn't happen now i don't want the after the fact holy ghost you know the lord told me and i didn't hear because let me tell you what i found out i may have said this before you can have the holy spirit but you ain't got obey him you can have the holy spirit but you still have to obey him and so the holy spirit maketh intercession for us it knows what is the mind of god so we have our supplication where we are pouring our hearts out to god and we're keeping it real and we're being transparent but then the intercession is when the holy ghost have taken over our prayer thank you jesus it's when the holy spirit have said i've picked up your cause [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah it's when the holy spirit said i heard you and i'm gonna pick up your case i'm gonna pick up your pain i'm gonna pick up your trouble i'm gonna pick up your struggle i'm gonna i'm gonna pick that up and now i'ma bring you back into the will of god because it's the holy spirit's job he is personally assigned to you he is your customized holy spirit that is saying i've got one assignment i know you're in hallelujah i'm sorry i think i'm preaching to myself now the holy spirit said i know you're in and i'm looking through the quarters of time and what you might be struggling with today i gotta get you through this cause this is not your end thank you jesus this is not the plan that god has for you you will not be stuck in this state you will not be stuck in this mindset you will not be stuck in this struggle the holy ghost said i got you i got you and i will make the intercession until your soul can get light until your soul can feel better until you get another vision until i can show you your father's will sit in his presence we got supplication we have intercession and then the last one is travail let's talk about the spirit of travail so travail so the definition of travail is painfully difficult or burdensome work or toil we're closing out now it is the burden or the toil of something we that have had children we understand what travail it is it is painfully difficult or burdensome work or toil it's a labor of some sort that is extensive it's heavy it's carrying something and whatever it is that it's being carried it is painful it's difficult it's burdensome i'm gonna go to the word we're gonna go to isaiah 26 and 16 in the word he said lord in trouble they have visited thee and they poured out their prayer when thy chastening was upon them like as a woman with child that draw near to the time of her delivery is in pain and quiet out in her pains so have we been in thy sight oh lord here we go 18th birth we have been with child we have been in pain we have it's it were brought forth when we have not wrought any deliverance in the earth neither have the inhabitants of the nation falling what is this saying he's saying that there can be a burden that you can carry there can be something that you can carry he said but if you're not carrying it with the intent of me bringing deliverance he said you can go through a whole lot of emotional things but there's no deliverance no deliverance you went through all what you went through and there's no fruit of what you went through so you didn't carry it right somewhere it got miscarried god can give us things and listen church it's not possible to carry any transformation of us to carry any work or ministry without there being some sort of wrestle or burning because we're wrestling with heaven and earth and carrying something full term can you bring the screen back to me we are carrying something full term i need to really go out here but i need you all to work with me the power of travail and the power of birthing is god is saying i will give something vision ministry you marriage just like a literal child he said and i need you to carry it full term and don't come to me because you're in trouble don't cry out to me because you're in trouble i needed to be your norm carry this to me he said they've been in pain he said but it was as if they brought forth when all you went through all that happened and we saw no deliverance let me tell you something i i got a personal thing with satan it's personal you ain't gonna take my life through a whole bunch of craziness and i don't get revenge on you that ain't gonna happen you ain't taking me through i i mean it's so personal it's so personal you ain't gonna hit my family my marriage i'm not gonna come through some stuff i still listen i've been saved lord same around 17 16 17 somewhere around here i still got revenge on him for what he took me through as a teenager you're not gonna take me through some stuff and then i don't show the fruit y'all understand what i'm saying hallelujah you gonna see you go you as they say the glory the the story behind my glory you gon know it i'm not bringing forth wind you're not taking me out from what because you can't bring too much to me that god can't bring me through hallelujah hallelujah you can't put nothing on me that god can't carry me through hallelujah shout loud hallelujah you can't there's no stronghold of my paths that can capture me more than my calling in my future it ain't possible hallelujah hallelujah it's not possible and that is your stance when trouble come i i don't run from it i don't i face it anything that if trouble hits my marriage if trouble hits my kids if trouble hits my family my business i don't see it like a whole god how did this happen to me it's the total opposite i'm rolling up my sleeves all right oh it's gonna go down like that okay all right you know what god you have to talk walk me out of this so that this burden thank you jesus this toil i need to see fruit and let me tell you something many times that glory is first for you that travail it ain't for your your enemy it's for you it's not for the trouble around you it's for you it's so you bring forth something for the anguish for the trouble that satan tried to put on you that happens in your travail that travel is carrying something when you start coming through these hot tests and different things you got to carry that thing until god brings forth the fruit of that neighbor i again my story is much and all of us have our own history and all background when when my first husband passed away it was devastating it was how did you let this happen to me i'm young how are you leaving me with this church with 22 000 square feet and you know 20 something members a note that's 7 000 a month god this ain't right now i could have bounced i could have done a lot of things but i had to hear them first place i went with supplication we did 30-day prayers at our church regularly because i had to hear from god i'm in anguish i'm upset with you i don't understand why you would let this happen to me this wasn't part of my plan for my life you're gonna have to make this make sense making a long story short i'm 20 years later our church is done god has blessed our church the church is filled the souls are here i had to show fruit do y'all understand what i'm saying you gotta travail that thing through thank you jesus you got to carry that thing through thank you jesus until there is fruit and not win isaiah 66 and this is the last scripture and then we're going to pray and we're going to let you all move on to your next session isaiah 66 and 7 says before she travailed she brought forth and before her pain came she delivered of a man child who hath heard such a thing who had seen such things shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day or shall a nation be born at once for as soon as zion travailed she brought forth her children hallelujah hallelujah there is a birthing that happens with us for the nation and for the world i'm talking to our men of god i'm talking to our women of god there is absolutely there's a birthing that god puts burdens on you with souls and leaders and ministries and i need you not to take that for granted i need you not to say why i feel this way or you keep trying to find this group of people to feel the same way they may or there may not i'm telling you as a witness god will put the burden of souls on you and you feel yourselves carrying them i'm telling you as a woman of god and as a travailer myself you cannot ignore that burden for the burdens of lord he said it's a burden so that souls can come forth here's the truth the demonic warfare that is out in the earth that travail catches up that soul before they ever come to the altar when true prayer and travail starts going up for souls when true travail starts going up for the weeping of souls that's god using you to make that intercession and to travail and get the birthing of that soul before they ever get to the altar and by the time they come to church and come to the altar that breakthrough is like this that breakthrough you know why because you already caught him up he said who have heard such a thing he said for as soon as zion travail she brought forth her children that means that yoke was already destroyed before you ever got here shout hallelujah that means that stronghold that satan had it was broken before you ever got here the beauty of the gift of travailing and that caring he calls them daughters of zion that out he said it's who mary was everybody couldn't be married but mary was able to carry this seed called jesus until it came forth full term the gift of travail is the weeping and it's the caring of something it could be ministry it could be your children's life it could be your husband it could be your wife it's the caring of something that you can't let go it wrestles with you it turns over in you you can't ignore when you're driving down the street or something and you see these souls and you get burdened with them that is called travail that is called travail as we move forward in 2021 it is critical that we learn our methods of sitting in the presence of god this year as we already know as i all last year i told people i'm not getting to prophesy to you and tell you 2021 is going to be better because he didn't tell me that what i am tell you is there's a connection in the vine that we have to stay in and it happens in prayer and prayer cannot be seen as an auxiliary prayer cannot be seen as somebody's gift prayer has to be seen as it's my channel to stay connected to the vine so father if i have to come to you in supplication this is a healthy some people are home it's a healthy time somebody said you know pastor benny came over to my house he said where's your prayer room in your house i said my whole house is my prayer room i'll need a closet the whole house if i'm in the kitchen and it hit me i'm praying in my kitchen if if i'm in the living room my whole house is my prayer room if ever there's a time that we can get in cut we have to be able to humble ourselves enough and say i i mean i can't this is why i want to even i'm writing this book because prayer cannot be seen as a religious thing it is our access to hearing heaven and earth help me survive here prayer is give me access give me the strength i need so my supplication is lord give me my strength that i need to come through for me my intercession is holy spirit when i don't know what to say when i'm i know i'm just in a place i need you to get up in my heart i need you to get up in my mind and bring me through this and then to travail is that i will carry the burdens of the work i will carry the burdens of souls i will carry the burden of our nation all the things we're going through last year i i went i didn't i didn't get i wasn't part of anybody's political party to say um whether i was on this side i stayed i was too burdened with the state of our world i couldn't get a nobody's political party i needed to stay focused on father what is the kingdom's posture through all of this what is the kingdom you've called me to the kingdom i'm not democrat i'm not but i'm not independent i'm the kingdom what is the kingdom's posture through all of this i want you to be encouraged my brothers and sisters that in 2021 as we get in the presence of god if i be a woman of god if you don't see me no more as we stay connected to the vine he promised us you gonna bring forth fruit i don't care what's happening as long as you stay connected to me i abide in you you abide in me you will bring forth much fruit 2021 i will be fruitful in my marriage i will be fruitful in my children's life i will be fruitful in my business i will be fruitful in my body my body will be healed i will be fruitful in my land everything i touch will prosper for your glory because nothing about you has changed nothing nothing about your power nothing about your healing nothing about your provision nothing about you has changed so father in the midst of this climate let me not be consumed with this world but let my posture remain sitting in your presence now father in the name of jesus i praise you so much father for all of these your precious sons or daughters that have been called by your mighty name father i declare in the name of jesus that 2021 will be the year that we will know you in a greater way may we come to know you in a greater way of your glory may we come to know you in a greater way of your power may we come to know you in a greater way of your strength for you are the same yesterday today and forevermore so father we sit in your presence seeking your divine will we sit in your presence seeking your divine strength we sit in your present seeking for your divine direction in the mighty name of jesus father we declare that this month of january will be our month of consecration that we are dedicating it to you father that we may enter and get access in your presence in ways and avenues that we've never known before father i bind all demonic spirits of fear and anxiety and worry in the mighty name of jesus we come against every demonic stronghold of frustration irritation we bind and we come against every demonic spirit of depression oppression and suicide you are a lying wonder satan and the truth is not in you but father we declare that the holy spirit will make intercession for our weakness and for our struggles for you understand us and you love us eh and you care so much for us so father i declare in the mighty name of jesus that this year 2021 will be our blessed year we declare that 2021 father we will stay connected to you as you stay connected to us and we will bring forth great fruit i declare blessings on every leader father that is a part of this summit yes we declare we release such and seek may your blessings be rich upon us father may your glory rest upon us we come against every demonic spirit of discouragement a han said may every bow down head be lifted for thy glory yes in the mighty name of jesus i declare victory father i declare victory over our life i declare killing victory over our bodies from the crown of our head to the soul of our feet father may you keep us and we declare all will be well we bless every speaker in this summit we bless bishop daniels in the mighty name of jesus father bless the man of god and strengthen his body and lengthen his days for your glory in the mighty name of jesus lord be offense all around the man of god be offense around his mind his heart and his soul in the mighty name of jesus we bind every demonic influence every satanic attack we send it back to the sender from whence it's come but father we declare the man of god will walk in your strength and the man of god will walk in your boldness and the man of god will walk in your glory in the mighty name of jesus father now lead us lead us we pray lead us we pray and keep us father and we declare victory in jesus name amen and amen i love you my precious sisters and brothers i love you with the love of jesus christ 20 21 let's do it let's stay connected to the vine let's stay connected let's stay sitting in the presence of the lord i love you god bless you
Channel: Pastor Tamara Bennett
Views: 11,776
Rating: 4.964654 out of 5
Id: QuAutP5rBEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 32sec (2792 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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