4Patriots 72 Hour Survival Food Product Review \ SHTF

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oh hey there moose on the loose Mel here I'm gonna try something a little different today and do a product review so I'll just start off by saying this is not endorsed not sponsored and I bought it with my own money so what we have here is a for Patriots 72-hour survival food kit it was brought to my attention by my mom she found it sent me the link she thought I'd be interested so it was this here this exact package was free with 1495 shipping and handling I think that's their way of trying to introduce their product to the public so I thought I'd give it a try and me being paranoid of course I thought they'd be a credit card scam so I bought one of those prepaid visas used it was fine I didn't take anything extra out of visa oh good so oh these are way bigger than I thought they were gonna be full size okay yeah I don't know what I was thinking there's 72 hours so I was like okay three days I figured there'd be a breakdown of a meal for three days it's not like you're gonna eat oatmeal on the first day macaroni and cheese on the second day and then the rice on the third day okay hold on here okay well here's our three packages they're bigger than I thought they were gonna be they're not like an MRE you can't just eat it as is you have to add water and cook it I was thinking like a mountain house type product but nope so I'm gonna go with this one creamy chicken flavored rice two and a half cups of water entire contents of the pouch I'm just adding the nutrition facts if you want to pause it and read it and the ingredient list I don't know what most of that stuff is so my plan here was to use the ultra light weight backpacking stove yeah so anyway these guys boast that they have a 25 year shelf life on their product which is really cool I mean that's a long time way longer than the other products you're going to buy in a store if you're planning on making a stockpile of food for an emergency I like the fact it's 25 years you don't have to constantly check your best before dates and rotate it out this is what I'm planning on using but now that I'm looking at it two and a half cups of water and the entire contents of the pouch I don't know how much of this holds but I'm not confident that it's going to hold that much I'm gonna go get a pot okay I measured out two and a half cups of water and on a pot it's in a pot it's not on the pot let's get this turned on fire you know what I'm thinking this is going to take a really long time let's go to the kitchen okay I mean I don't know if you have access to a stove in an emergency situation but for this review yeah like I said for this review I'm just gonna use the stove let's open up the package see what we got inside my trusty Spyderco okay so yep that looks like prepackaged flavored rice oxygen absorber oopsie okay okay all we just pour it into the boiling water a bit left all right so let's set the timer it said 15 to 20 minutes let's just give it the full 20 keep an eye on it of course and gotta stir it stir stir stir stir stir stir okay you know what the package technically said a whisk and there is a lot of chunks I'm gonna grab a whisk whisk is breaking up the chunks much better okay that's gonna let this cook I'll keep an eye on it and stir it frequently you like the package says so I could like I was thinking initially that it would kind of be like the mountain house I know that's a brand but those types of prepackaged foods that you buy and outdoor stores I don't have any in the house I thought I did but what I do have is these what are they happy yaks I think this one is probably the most similar chicken orzo soup and see right here you can actually make it in the package you just add the water to the package $6.99 super cheap they do give alternate directions here for doing it on the stove but you can cook it in the package which I like you just boil the water throw it in what's this one shepherd's pie their optimal preparation is on the stove but if you look a little lower you can see right here express preparation just throw the water in the package seal it up let it sit for a few minutes and you're eating so I like that it's super quick but these don't shelf life for very long so I mean you know oh the stir stir stir stir stir okay it's stuck to the bottom but that's to be expected it's thickening up I mean it's rice of course it's gonna stick to the bottom but yeah it's thickening up nicely halfway mark okay it just beeps so as per the package I'm going to turn off the heat take it off the burner and set it for three minutes let it sit to thicken it doesn't look cooked but I'm just gonna do all the instructions like it legit doesn't look cooked the rice doesn't look done okay I'm gonna try it it's piping okay I'm shocked it's cooked it's like actually cooked I'm shocked it doesn't taste bad there's like a light flavor of onions not overwhelming like onion powder I can taste chicken stock yeah I wouldn't say it's bland all right not bad okay me being me I wanted to see if it would heat up the next day because you're not eating that whole package at once oh the evil microwave but whatever I just want to try to brought it to work let's see okay here we go okay Oh guys can you see that ah there's a lake down there okay okay I let it sit for a few minutes and just like last night it's thickened itself up like it looks the way it did last night the little lake is gone it i'ma try it guys it tastes the same as last night okay well if you have access to a microwave or some way to reheat this food it can be reheated okay so I'll just do a quick rundown of what I consider to be pros and cons for this product Vegas Pro for me is gonna be the 25 year shelf life that is super long they have a couple guarantees online the coolest guarantee is the triple money-back guarantee if you open your product in the next 25 years and find it spoiled they'll triple your money back next ups gonna be flavor it's not overwhelming it's pretty middle-of-the-road what you would expect but I think they do that on purpose to try and please everyone's palates if you want to spice it up throw a little spice in there a little hot sauce my third is gonna be the packaging it's lightweight prepackaged mylar bags I think those are perfect you just toss them in a plastic tub and put them in storage for when you need them next I would just like to say that the delivery was very reasonable it was literally two weeks to the day from when I made the order online to when it arrived to my house I consider that to be quite quick online it says that they're an American company from Utah so I really don't know too much about the company but that's what it says online so I mean I said that to be a pro that it's American it's from North America and okay I said the 25-year shelf lives my biggest Pro but I think I'm probably gonna say that the fact that it's not a scam is the biggest Pro I was actually concerned that this was going to be one of those companies where you give them your credit card number and then you're signing up for some sort of subscription service so once a month something's gonna show up at your house and then your credit card gets charged but I'm going to tell you that that's not the case I've only been charged once nothing out of the ordinary so everything's good now I'll just do a quick run down on my cons there's nothing too crazy here the first thing I'm just going to talk about is the sizing when I open the box and found those three large mylar packages I was really thrown off I was confused because I I had assumed was gonna get individual portions and that's not what I got so I had jumped back on the website and started searching through it to see where my confusion was and I did find where my confusion was so online it says 16 delicious servings I went to the frequently asked questions and it says 16 servings cinnamon sugar oatmeal ate chicken ala King for classic potato soup for I didn't even get chicken ala King or potato soup I got mac and cheese and rice I'm not angry about that at all but I didn't get what they advertised but it's the 8 4 & 4 in my head I had interpreted it that I was gonna get 8 4 & 4 and I technically did eight servings of oatmeal in one mylar package 4 in 1 4 & 1 so I just know going forward I will use a measuring cup and actually measure out portions that will solve the whole problem I'm not going to make an entire package of oatmeal and just eat it through it day one so portions so lastly I'll just talk about the advertising and emails when you first sign up for this free trial it's going to go through pages and pages of them advertising their products and individually one by one and at the bottom of the page you have to choose no and then you go on to the next page they're kind of funny in the way that they do it too it's like you need this product to survive and you actually have to click a button that says something to the effect of no I want to die it's kind of humorous it made me chuckle and then once you get through all those pages you have to watch a 30 minute video and if you've survived that you're done you get your product of course you're gonna get advertising emails you can just unsubscribe those if you don't want those no big deal alright it's not the end of the day I'm gonna say that $15 is not really going to break the bank so go ahead and give it a try yourself see how you like it I'll leave a link down below to the original website I have no affiliation to it it's not a link for me it's just for you to try it and as always feel free to subscribe take care
Channel: Moose On the Loose Mel
Views: 21,337
Rating: 4.6095443 out of 5
Keywords: SHTF, 4Patriots, Survival Food, MRE, Pandemic, Survival, Product Review, SHTF essentials, SHTF checklist, SHTF food, SHTF kitchen, SHTF preparedness, Long term storage, Long term storage Canada, Long term storage USA, 4Patriots food, 4Patriots food review, 4 patriots food, 4 patriots food review, 4Patriots dehydrated food review, 4 patriots dehydrated food review, 4Patriots freeze dried food, 4 patriots freeze dried food, 4Patriots 72 hour free kit, Canada, Mountain house
Id: zKlygZdCZU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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