Do You Trust Allah? (At-Tawakkul)

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[Music] the messenger of allah speaking about a very important matter which is he said if you were placing your trust in allah in the manner that allah deserves to be trusted then he would give you risk he would provide for you as he provides for the birds they go out in the morning empty with empty stomachs and they return with their bellies full of food so the messenger of allah and allah subhanahu wa himself in the quran mention the subject of making allah putting one's trust in allah and this is essential allah repeats it many times over again how the believers must put their trust in allah he even makes it a condition that if you are believers then you should be putting your trust in allah so we should understand what it means and how we might implement it one of the things that we understand from making is that whatever it is that we are going to be given in this life whatever risk we receive we will receive it regardless there is a saying of the prophet salallahu al-sal will not die until it has received all of the risk which allah subhanahu ta'ala has written for it and we know that we can put our trust in allah because whatever it is that we do receive in this dunya of provisions it is already written for us nothing can increase it and nothing can decrease it you will not die until you receive that provision which allah has written for you also we understand from our deen that nothing can happen to you neither good nor bad except that which allah has written for you yes the prophet saws made that clear if the whole nation meaning the whole world gathered together to benefit you in something they would not benefit you except in something that allah had already determined for you this is the kudra of allah and if the whole world were to gather together to harm you in something they would not harm you except in something which allah had already written for you the way the scholars have said it in a beautiful saying what allah has willed to be is and what allah has not willed to be never was and never will be subhanallah so again we know that allah is truly deserving to be al-wakil the one upon whom we put our trust but placing our trust in allah has certain conditions first of all one must be a believer in order for allah to give him his protection and his help the nusra of allah then one must be a believer and one in being a believer must not commit any form of shirk in fact when the prophet saw was asked about the 70 000 who were to enter jannah without hasab at all without any punishment or any accounting he mentioned that there are people who do not can mention three forms of which existed at the time he said they don't do these things and these are the characteristics of those people they place their trust in allah so one must be a believer not committing any form of in allah one must be striving to do his or her best as a believer nobody is perfect we all fall short we all have habits we all have sins none of us is perfect and so one might allow the shaytan to whisper in one's ear and say oh you know how can you put your trust in allah how are you sure that allah will protect you and take care of you when you do x y and z but the point is that of course allah subhanahu wa ta'ala does help us and he forgives us as well as long as we are trying our best and the third thing is that one must be striving for the sake of allah the help of allah the protection of allah comes when we strive to do that which allah has commanded us to do we strive for the sake of islam the prophet salallahu his whole striving was to establish islam it is now our job to continue standing for islam yes driving in everything that you do to pass on the message to be a good example to teach your children to write the things that are wrong in a society by any means and allah has warned us again in the quran allah has even warned us that if your properties and your families and your wealth and the things that you enjoy of this dunya are dearer to you than striving in the path of allah then wait allah will be displeased with you wait for the anger of allah for the punishment of allah so with regard to this concept allah subhanahu wa also says he who fears allah who guards himself against the displeasure of allah allah makes for him a way out of every difficulty and he gives him risk from a place that he did not expect here is a muslim who is on the path of islam the best that he can trying the best that he or she can not to fear the circumstances that he is in but to strive for the sake of allah and to stand for islam and to establish the truth of islam the message of islam and he may not even think that he's going to be safe or secure but allah subhanahu wa makes for him a way out of difficulties and provides for him from some place that he had no idea whatsoever would come this is a promise from allah and he who puts his trust in allah moving forward pushing forward that which we must put striving for that we which we must strive for as muslims to establish the deen on this earth even if the situation the circumstances seem to be against him then allah is enough for him in allah is fulfilling that which he has determined you can either be a part of it or sit off on the side and not be a part of it you know the muslims they were facing tremendous odds and yet they were not fearful and yet they did not flinch whatsoever because they understood allah is carrying out his will they were just tools that allah was using something much greater than them was moving so islam will be successful in this earth and you can either be a part of it or be a loser and be out of it but whoever puts his trust in allah then he is enough for him and allah advises those muslims in the time of the prophet sallallahu sallam when they were faced with such odds against such odds and they were striving to establish islam you know every time they would be in a situation where they thought oh this is the end this is the end we're going to be destroyed but they stood firmly and they put their trust in allah and the end result was always better for islam you may say something to someone that you think might upset them but in fact when you represent allah even no matter how weak you are as a muslim you stand for the truth and you speak the truth you'll find the end result will always be good just like in the battle of bed when the muslims were outnumbered and the prophet saw asylum picked up a handful of dirt dust and he threw it at the unbelievers but we have chosen not to be a part of it these days we have chosen to be weak to love the dunya to not mention to people that we are muslims even we're so afraid of them to that degree and some of us even have gone so far as to change something which allah has made haram into something halal in order to please the non-muslims this is the utter weakness and the very opposite of allah and allah tells the believers if you've determined this is the right thing to do then put your trust in allah loves those who put their trust in him they move forward they put their trust in him no matter the circumstances and when allah loves you then his help is with you if allah helps you then nobody can defeat you if allah is on your side no one can defeat you and if he causes you to fail and to be weak if allah is displeased with you as he is displeased with us he must be displeased with our ummah because look is what is happening to us and who is going to be able to help you other than allah and then this is the command that he ends this ayah with upon allah then the believers must put their trust if in fact they are believers and so in the time of the prophet salallahu sallam when the muslims were facing such tremendous odds against them they put their entire trust on allah they knew that this was something greater than them they knew that this was allah whose intention was to establish his deen on the earth something we have forgotten completely now those whom to whom the people said before the battle of uhud that the people have gathered against you so fear them beware watch out the people are going to clobber you they're going to come in and deal with you fazada result was it just increased them in their iman of course the people are coming after us that's the next step that's the next stage you see how allah is carrying out his will this is what allah and his messenger have promised us yes of course we're take to the next level and allah is with us as he was with us in the beginning he is with us now this is the attitude that we are supposed to have as muslims has that allah is enough for us and he is the best upon whom you put your trust and so we do not fear the people but we fear allah we hold fast by islam we are proud of islam we don't change things in islam we don't say something that allah has made haram is halal in order to please the people allah says that is just the shaitaan and he causes fear by his supporters by his allies and the shaitaan these days has many allies yes among the non-muslims among the muslims the shaitaan has many supporters people who say things like oh you know this was 14 centuries ago and now we have to change it or muslims who come in well they say that they're muslims they violate by all kinds of things that they add to the deen or take away from the deen muslims who come and want to change islam these are also the supporters of the shaitaan these are also the people who say oh don't talk about islam don't talk about this mass allah in islam because the people think something else we fear the people not allah subhanahu wa and so they change things that is only the shaytan he causes you to fear through his supporters or his supporters try to cause you to fear do not fear them but fear me if in fact you are believers well nowadays we muslims have become you know so weak and we try to please the non-muslims thinking that in this way we're somehow going to have peace but you see the muslims all around the world are peaceful are they not we muslims are very peaceful we are perfectly willing to cooperate with people who are not of our faith not of our tradition at all yes we understand that there can be cooperation between groups of people who are different from each other and so here we are being as peaceful and passive as we can everywhere the muslims are being beaten up the muslims are being downtrodden even worse and the reason is because we are not proud of islam we are not standing for islam we are weak when we are weak like this shaytan is not going to leave us alone the shaytan knows that as long as this message exists as long as anyone is in possession of this quran this powerful message of the quran then he's not safe yes but there's someone else who's against us other than the shaitaan and that is allah subhanahu wa himself that if we do not carry this message of islam if we are ashamed of it and if we go hiding it or changing it to please the muslims then allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala will be displeased with us when we say we are entering into a covenant with allah those who know are not equal to those who do not know we know we have the message we have the only message that's going to save mankind and so if we turn our backs on that message then we will be just as the warning which allah is giving us over and over in the quran using bani israel as the example is this is a command of allah we are all under this command and when we took the covenant with the people of the book with those who were given the book beforehand you will make it clear to people and you will not hide it and so in order for us to make we have to understand that this dean of ours is the answer this dean of ours is the truth i mean look at these people whom we have been taught to respect they have no guidance whatsoever their science most of it is false they used to say a few decades ago that when you're angry it's healthier to let out your anger now they come around and they say oh no no now they agree with the prophet salallahu they say no no it is better for you to contain your anger if you're angry don't let it out they change their opinions on things every few years these people don't have any guidance they don't know where to stop but we know where to stop we know what is healthy and what is unhealthy we know what is halal and what is haram and that's never going to change there is no reason for us to doubt what allah has given us and there is no reason for us to be ashamed of it and there is no reason for us to fear people when we tell them what we believe who we are make allah put your trust in allah and the result will always be good for islam for allah you
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 403,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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