How to Find Inner Peace | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

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so it's such an extraordinary an extraordinary adventure the conscious the the awakening of higher consciousness in you it's just so amazing and and to be and to then to experience to become free of their personality so they no longer feel you're trapped in it of course you still have a history it's fine you have a personal history you have a life situation everybody has a life situation which is to do with relationships it's to do with your work situation your financial situation your home situation your health situation all these things make up your life situation now it's very rare that all these things are going absolutely fine for you my health wonderful my relationships absolutely perfect my work career great finance is great every possessions home wonderful home children all healthy and intelligent and great everything is great it doesn't happen very often and if it does it doesn't last that long you just have to wait a little and then somewhere things could break down here and there you get challenged something happens that does isn't supposed to happen says the mind you get challenged by life all the time and that's good that's how it's meant to be and you realize you the world can't make you happy occasionally you might think oh yes it can because i've just fallen in love with the most amazing person who is going to make me happy for the rest of my life oh dear that's a big thing to put on a person a huge expectation he or she is going to make me happy i know it okay so it gives you a high so yeah that's finally life i don't need all that spiritual stuff anymore i found the ideal partner and then you wait a little after the wedding and very soon sooner or later usually sooner you discover there are aspects to your partner's personality that you didn't know existed something must have gone dreadfully wrong did i marry the wrong person my god all this happens is of course you experience the egoic the particularly unconscious aspects of that personality which every person has of course some to a much greater degree than others but every person has certain aspects that you experience that you will find irritating or unpleasant or upsetting in that sense you will always marry the wrong person if you're expecting them to make you happy you're definitely going to marry the wrong person so the real thing is the realization that the world whether it's people or situations or achievements doesn't the world does not have the capacity to make you happy because happiness arises from a deeper place within you which is inseparable from the essence of who you are and i don't even use the word happiness to describe it because it's deeper than that happiness sounds a little superficial to me [Music] happiness something so happy and then the next day you go oh no it's right oh something good happens and then but there's something deeper let's be i call it in one of the books beyond happiness and unhappiness this peace happiness and unhappiness exists in the polarities of this world something good happens of course you yes you're happy something bad happens if you're not connected with who you are in the essence of your being something bad so-called bad happens a challenge in relationships in work situation financial situation health situation wherever something happens can make you really can be devastating make you really totally miserable when you're connected with the the who you are beyond the personality you will still experience a certain down when something bad happens your experience on oh but it doesn't go very deep that oh there's a depth to who you are that is not touched by the fluctuations in the in this dimension so and that is that is the peace as jesus called it the peace that passes all understanding there is a there is a depth to an essence that is ultimately untouched but it's not in the sense that you're cut off from anything but a core a space in you that is timeless and from there arises what is sometimes called inner peace or and then you can still experience fluctuations on the surface of your being but there's a depth that's not affected by it so you can cry and weep if a loved one dies of course you're not you still you will cry and weep it will be sad and yet you can sense a depth to you and in that depth you realize that which is beyond death it's the essence of who you are which is consciousness and the person who passed away the essence of that person is consciousness you
Channel: Eckhart Tolle
Views: 25,241
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Keywords: how to find inner peace eckhart tolle teachings, how to find inner peace, eckhart tolle teachings, eckhart tolle, eckhart, tolle, inner peace, how to find peace, how to find inner peace with yourself, peace, finding inner peace, how to find inner peace within yourself, mindfulness, how to find your inner peace, peace of mind, eckhart tolle youtube, eckhart tolle 2021, eckhart tolle awakening, eckhart tolle teachings youtube, mental health
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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