Donnie McClurkin - The Power Of Praise And Worship (FULL SERMON)

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given the best measured measurements with best praise Bangalore cosa I want you to know I'm doing this on purpose because the Christian has got to learn that praise is important I talked yesterday about worship but I've got to talk about praise tonight because if you only praise them when the music is going and if you only dance before him when there's a beat and a temple if you only give Him glory when someone excites you to it you don't know God but praise to a true Christian praise is our way of life everything we see that God made me praise him for it when I see the stars I hear the Rolling Thunder your power throughout the universe displayed then sings my show and every time we wake up replace it because we remember that our life should have been cut off do I have any of those people in this room [Applause] hey listen there are some people in this room who remembered when you didn't have anything to eat and now you can sit anywhere and eat until you're full every time you look at your plate you need to praise God for your life praise to those who are upright that means you so saved if you praise him he'll extend your days you have no clue in your praise is powerful and I want everything that had breath right now to give God a great place [Applause] [Music] [Music] with no music let your praise be the music let your praise be the music - Jesus - Jesus putting our Jesus through the Lord Jesus you may be seated I'm not gonna need you singers right I don't call me the little cutter [Applause] Mimi Lurie she be there he said the transformer I know joe said you gotta learn a prism in every language we have modest forges poor to presencia me young mothers forges 4-tuple their meal modest for Jessie poor to Gloria such a mess in your condom or some yes/no spoke same ago she bought on side on gravity Basu ball viewing mudras vilnius box a mabushii book you can learn and sing in Russian today Austria hallelujah God at midnight liver on market and so God is a mystical God in German Sakura news issue the solutions to your hamon malsu phenomena point our God I come me some byi food that's you gotta be able to praise them in Japanese in every country around the world you got to learn how to play through now x1 I'm Lee jae-hoon I gots one night whom a it's one non Lee jae-hoon I gots one day I get off on not know Jason you gotta learn how to praise him praise is not something that you put on praise is something that you are you are a praise unto the Lord God because you are fearfully and wonderfully made and every time you move and everything that you do you offer God praise your very existence is appraised to the great praetorium power of God the power that created you others hidden praise are you hearing what I'm saying when you move your fingers or or when you do something by the whim of a thought that's praiseworthy everything that you do has got signature on it you are a living walking talking billboard and a walking advertisement of the glory of God every breath you breathed every beat of your heart it's because God is magnificent and when you see the majesty of this God through his creation then sings my soul my Savior God How Great Thou art praise is a subject that I am quite quite quite familiar with I am quite versed with praise because I'm not just a pastor and I'm not just a singer I'm not even a celebrity at all cuz nobody should be celebrated but Jesus but who I am is a son I am son of the Most High God my father created all that is everything that is in existence from this universe to the multi verses that we will never see until he comes back there's creation that he has done that we know nothing of but everything that is is because of him and he is worthy of all praise if he never does another thing he's still worthy of praise hallelujah and you have to understand that there's a difference there are this different you don't mind me okay I didn't do what they taught me how to do in church see an American Church you got to give honor so giving honor to God who's the head of my life so my lord save Jesus Christ you Bishop Allen Allen Cunha and pastor Cathy Coonan to all of the passes that I could never pronounce your names to this pregnant woman who got a B and preached it before I did [Music] sitting up there looking so demure just you're a powerhouse and Bishop kunis told you notes and I'ma stealing from him I'm gonna go back and preach an America like I got studied that I am fearfully and I wonderfully made my father is the God of all creation hallelujah and everything that he has given me I don't deserve so whenever I think about him it has to bring about a place after all that's what I was created for I was created to praise Him Adam I was created to praise everyone said I was created to praise God hallelujah I was created to praise God there was a purpose the Bible said in Ephesians 1 and 4 he said that he's chosen us in him before the foundation of the world we were chosen while we were in him to be holy hear me while we were in him before he said let there be he had known our names and has a purpose for our lives while we were in him while he was pregnant with us every woman in this room should understand that while he was pregnant with us every mother in this room should understand while we were in him before there was anything created before there was a proton Neutron or electron before there was a molecule or an atom before there was matter there is God and while we were in him before there were streets of gold before they were gates of pearl before there was an angel created we were in God before he said let there be light before he brought about all on creation we were already in God as a matter of fact that's the only reason he said let there be is because he was pregnant and he was preparing the nursery for his children there very reason that he spoke all things into existence was to prepare for his children what a mighty God I'm about to mess myself up here he did this in preparation for the entrance of his beloved when he felt the birth pains and felt the contractions he had to get everything ready because his children were about to come forth and they weren't just coming forward they were coming forth in His image and they were coming forth in his likeness they were coming forth looking like him talking like him acting like him they were coming forth in royalty they were coming forth in authority they weren't born populous they were born cards y'all don't hear me they weren't born paupers they were born God's they were born with the same power that he had which he had the power to create everything out of nothing and he gave to his children the power to create everything out of what's created what a mighty God he spoke and all things were and he tells us to speak and see what happens as we trust him this is the power of our God and this is the authority this is the relationship the relationship we have with him and that relationship alone should cause us to praise Him hallelu when you think about it think about the majesty of our God then the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void darkness was upon the face of the deep in the spirit world with the front upon the face of the water and God said let there be light and I was like yep if you go back if you read that you gotta go to John 1 cuz John was a different fella he explained Genesis 1 John 1 and 1 explains Genesis 1 and 1 God help me here the Bible said in Genesis 1 and 1 him the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form avoid and dump on faces the deep and spirit Lord moved upon the face of the water John said let me explain this Jesus to you now let me explain him to you in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made all things were made by him and without him nothing was made that is made today and then when you go to Genesis 1 and he says he said and God said let there be light John says let me explain that truth and that word was the life and the light of the world and that word shone through darkness that light shone through darkness and the darkness could not comprehend it he's not talking about the absence of luminous when he's speaking about darkness he's talking about demonic concentration Satan is the Prince of I don't hear you come on this is a classroom here today Satan is the Prince of Douglas and he's saying women lights shone through darkness darkness could not comprehend he's not talking about the absence of light he's talking about something that has the ability to comprehend and darkness could not comprehend what God was doing because the Bible said the Prophet said that when Lucifer fell his wisdom was darkened am I getting through to anybody in this room Hanan darkness scratched his head and could not comprehend what God was doing because all of his time in heaven Lucifer thought he had an understanding of who God was and how God function but he did not know the plans of God he saw the works of God but he did not know the plans of God so when he fell it was all in God's plan and it didn't stop the plan of God when Lucifer fell God sent her right on schedule Roberto Piazza and and when Lucifer messed up when Lucifer myself he was one of three Archangels who conv Michael the warrior Gabriel the messenger Lucifer the praise leader and when Lucifer fell there was an empty slot in heaven a whole quarter yonder there was an empty position in heaven cuz the Bible says that when he dealt he took the fire get the host of heaven with them there's a slot open in heaven who will fill Lucifer God says there in my belly [Applause] they are in my belly and they're kicking and it's about time for them to come out because when they come out they will be my praise leader when they come out they will come out in gratitude they will come out with appreciation they will come out grateful they will do with Lucifer could never do they will praise me in every situation and I'm out Cordia ts a holy God holy God man comes out God breaths my from the dust of the ground God makes man am i boring you I didn't even give you the scriptures yet from the dead from the dust of the ground God pulls up the minerals out of Africa pulls up the mineral nourisher I'm sorry both of the minerals out of the soil this condo people are looking demonic powers are looking angels are looking what is he doing angels have no clue demons and Satan stand in total total confusion what is he doing we saw him speak we saw him call for the birds and call forth the fish and call forth every animal and creeping thing we saw him speak that into existence but what is this great not doing with his hands he's digging into the dust for the ground doing and he's making a skeletal structure taking calcium out of the ground and making skeletal structures and joints and ligaments and muscles and tendons see over the god take some more dirt and he makes her a spring and makes a pancreas and he makes a liver he makes kidneys [Music] you don't you don't see him he makes a heart it makes lungs strategic look at this great guard working at them and angels are still scratching and demons and Devils are still standing back in our because no matter whether you're an angel or demon you've got to respect this great guard whether you're holy or hellish you got to stand in all of the power and the majesty nothing working muscles throughout the skeleton to make sure that the fingers can move he puts everything in its proper place he's come on yes then he wraps it around the whole of this beer cause it's skin dermis epidermis calls it skin from the top of the head to the sole of the feet y'all don't hear with us I'm making my own self happy here and I'm making myself happy and then he takes a lot dirt and it counts out strand by strand he knows the number of hairs on your head strength hoorah Sanga this Greek god somebody give God a great plays right now daughters of Zion strand by strand before you had you Eve strand by strand before you brought your wigs Shanghai strand if you think about this you can't help but praise him and when you finish this figurine this wonderful wonderful inanimate figurine is held in that hand of God limp appendages dangling head dangling beautiful have no life now mind you angels are watching remember darkness cannot comprehend it and then he takes this figurine puts it up to his mighty mouth and does something what was in him is about to come out of him and from from from down in the depth of his being he breathed a man stands at attention man becomes a living soul because God breathed but he didn't breathe he breathed the breath of life and the figurine becomes enemy and God says you are myself angel stand back fold the wings as this creature this clay creature is called Sun because underneath the clay there is a spirit man that is in the image and the likeness of the one hoop breathe Ruach Numa breathed it into existence and then he sets him down somewhere in Africa [Music] [Applause] he sets him down and says let us give him dominion over everything that's been created and we're and what we're gonna do is we're gonna stand back and he is going to be God on this earth that's real God over everything y'all don't hear me as I am God over all things he will be God over the earth I'll give him dominion of the earth he will imitate me as I as I rule over all things he will rule over the earth I will not interfere with his rule I give total dominion over to him follow my instructions I'll be your coach but I won't do the work for you I give you authority I give you this domain this is your domain don't minion and God gives the world over to man and backs up into the heavens he says now what do you gonna name those animals and man had to name every animal God never gave him any help it was this it was the it was the God brief inspiration that gave him genius capacity to comprehend all things made in creation and he named it all from the smallest little lice and flee to the largest elephant in hippo he names it all from the smallest little amoeba takes it all the way up to the greatest whale he names it all from the smallest little Robin or sparrow to the greatest eagle and ostrich he names them huh taking too long after he names at all and every one of them have a mate God looks at the solitary man but see what we call solitary God had already put in him his help because when God created Adam he was male that had a female somewhere inside daughter's desire and in order to complete this man he had to go into the second level of creation the second second level of creation is when God says it is not good for man to stand in this place solitary it's not good for man to be alone so I got to pull out of you what I put in you woman was in May man is cried in here woman was in man and God puts Adam under the first anesthesia puts him to sleep and opens him up because he's got to take the rib that very essence of how the woman will be with the man she will be beside him not before him not behind him not under him and not over him she will be flesh of his flesh bone of his I'm trying to get to somebody right now and he takes the rib and the essence of life from Adam and he formulates from the dust of the ground a man this is a man with additions this is a man that has a woom woom man the man with a woman man and and she she she will be a life para he he he will be a life-giver and you will see how God creates by seeing man and woman together he will see how the father the word and the holy spirit can be won by the way that man and woman are working for this cause a man shall leave his mother and father and shall cleave this wife and the two shall become one flesh when you see how this God functions this mighty God you know caught the ascetic answer when you see how this mighty God functions and he gives man total dominion he waits men from asleep since I got a surprise for you [Music] as men wipe sleep from his eyes standing there in voluptuous beauty [Laughter] I know your honestly I don't believe she did this cuz I believe it was already firmly packed oh yeah was it was it was kinked up firmly back to us like it was when you were born sister yeah you escaped it once you got older but you had to by neck but the natural former hallelujah and he says hey this is for you Adam looks as a whoa and then as he did with everything in creation everything was made with the seed in it to reproduce everything that was created was created with the seed to reproduce if it does not reproduce if it has not had that ability to reproduce it is not God that's why homosexuality is wrong because it may have pleasure but it doesn't have the ability to reproduce and if it doesn't bring forth life then it's not God because God is perpetual life and everything he made has perpetual life in it y'all don't hear what I'm saying from every rock to every fish to every tree to every bush to every herb to every fruit to every vegetable to everything that's created to every animal has in it the power to reproduce their own subject but I teach in America that's the reason why homosexuality is not accepted to God because it doesn't have his signature the ability to reproduce and when you see how this God functions you have to please him Satan looks and says what is man that's mindful of him what is this creature how is he functioning he's clay he's dead but God gave him the whole world He is God over this world if I can get him to do what I did then God will do to him what he did to me Dzhokhar bhai so Satan wraps himself up in a reptilian serpentine buddy climbs up a tree and waits for the woman to come past and says hey dear I talk to you for a minute she looks up and she sees herself and talking to her and evidently this is not uncommon because if a woman sees a snake she's gone wrong but if she sees a talking snake she's going down excuse me go could you come here for a minute hey girl look at all good look at you look at you look at you looking all fine oh my goodness look at you listen got a question for you ah you know I'm God's friend I was wondering can you ever treat us in this God and the woman says what she's heard from God herself yes we can eat every tree except for the two for the day that we eat of these two we shall surely die you shall not surely die first line first line you shall not surely die but the the father knows God knows that the day that you eat of it you shall become like him wait a minute these are the very words that he used what he tried before tried to hold it cool against God he said I shall be just like the Most High I shall arise and I should go to the sides of the north and I shall be just like the most you shall be just like the most and when she saw that the fruit was appealing and he dealt with her based on her innocence am I taking too long I keep hearing pass the wine and saying you can't preach the whole Bible at one time I want you see when she sees that this will make her or thinks that'll make her like the Most High she's she's she's innocent and all she wants to be is like him she's not rebellious she's innocent there's no such thing as sin there's no there's nothing to refer this to and you said I'll be a lot more like him yeah you'll be like the most Satan laughs she brings it to her husband and says yeah I took from the tree of knowledge and nothing happened to me but your spirits did I can see your flesh because your flesh was covered by your spirit but being that there's no other woman and he doesn't know another woman he doesn't know that he can go to anybody else cuz there's nobody else to go to and he's in love with this he's not just in love with a woman he's in love with the only woman that came from him and he takes it he eats with her and then his spirit dies but they're confused that the spirit died but they're still alive but they can see their nakedness Satan loves demons party angels cry and God doesn't right on schedule no no no and a man becomes the first seamstress seems tailoring seamstress they they show fig leaves to cover their nakedness and God says I can no longer sit with man because as long as they were spirit that had a soul in a body I can talk to them face to face but now that this spirit man is dead I can no longer sit with man because my glory is too great my glory will consume the flesh cannot look on me the spirit can see me for my my glory would consume that flesh so I can't go but what I can do is I can send my voice what a mighty God see my mind goes crazy and I see things animated in my mind and the Bible said and the voice of the Lord is cut about on on emotion and the voice of the Lord what oh go to that scripture if you can and the vice of the Lord what the voice the word the voice the word the voice and the vice of the Lord walk in the cool of the car what right to wear that wasn't said why are you that didn't mean that he didn't know where Adam was cuz he walked to light well he walked right to where Adam was but he's asking Adam Adam do you know where you are do you know what just happened to you why are you son we heard your voice walking and we hid ourselves we were Frank we hid ourselves because we were naked I never told you this who have you been talking to besides me who changed my image of you to make you believe that you're uncovered when I'm right here how can you be naked when I'm right here boy who told and this is the first experience of passing the blame did you eat of the tree that I told you remember I was happy here I was naming animals fish and fowl and Alice happy sitting right here I was sitting right here and I didn't even see you come up on me and put me to sleep I was I was wide awake and then you put me to sleep and when I woke up she was there I didn't do the woman you gave me is that what that bother said the woman that you gave to me you gave her to me it was this woman this woman right here you gave and she came I wasn't even hungry she she just came and said hey baby I said what is that she said this is your dinner and I just did it I bet I wasn't thinking I wouldn't take it she gave it to me and I didn't eat God looks and says woman what have you done how how I don't believe this first of all I'm a deal with you later [Laughter] you supposed to be my man everything be my man this how my manager eat me cuz there's now no longer any innocence let me explain something to you I'm good master you know I was minding my business and I just happen to walk out heard this thing talking to me say hey girl I came up said what you want what you about and he gave that serpent right that yeah you don't run jus right there him he gave it to me and I did eat it and then God looks at the serpent he looks at Lucifer in camouflage he looks at the fallen angel that he just kicked out of heaven see you [Applause] Hobbs and I say it didn't work and you oh you should have exploded not to cry and you should explode it just like that because the plan of hell didn't work and still doesn't work there's nothing that Satan can do with the creation of God God looks at the enemy says it didn't work boy I planned for you man it's called the foreknowledge of God the foreknowledge of God so I predestined this whole thing based on what I knew you was gonna do I already got a plan I already got a plane I don't have to come up with it all and get it and all your belly shall you crawl you gonna eat the dust of the ground between you and the woman between your seed and her seed wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute a woman doesn't have a woman has an egg but a woman doesn't have a seat so he's talking something supernatural that there's gonna be a supernatural seat that the woman will have that will not come from a man [Applause] I feel like women around this building it was already in the plan of God I shall put him to tea between you and the woman between your see Betsy and her see it's gonna crush your head and all you're gonna be able to do is bruise his heel talking about Jesus forty-two generations before he comes Oh God and that's why he looks like a woman woman I can't cuss you cuz you're made of my image and likeness I can't curse myself you got pain when you bring forth children that's gonna be a reminder and you were equal to your husband now I'm gonna make you service I'm gonna make your husband the head over you because you can't seem to be trusted when you by yourself [Applause] [Laughter] I am scared and not a woman in this room so your husband's gonna be your head your desire is gonna be to your husband but I cannot curse you and man let me tell how this gonna go you got to work the ground cuz grounds not gonna heal for you anymore cuz I crushed the ground for you I can't curse you I curse the boat curse you cuz everytime I see you I see me you are divinely created you're not like angels you're made in my image and likeness cursed is the ground but not you boy you got to work that ground gonna make it you got to really work for the hold on I will have types for 42 generations I will have types mm plus years I'll have types but there's one coming now back up say they lay out the essay and man is cast out of the garden and then you know Kings coming prophets come and they fail and then I'm didn't you know priests come and they fail it got about shuttle cram but then after 42 generations in the fullness of time is short I'm under there God reaches back into eternity and grabs one sperm one microscopic sperm one wiggly tail sperm David said a body thou has prepared fish GABA higher God says it's the fullness of time and God wraps himself up the word wraps himself up into a wiggly tail protein spur you gotta see the word stand and just fold himself in until he becomes microscopic and then the Holy Ghost grabs the sperm and goes down into Galilee what are you looking for I'm looking for a little damsel by the name of sorrow little damsel by the name of Mary she's in Nazareth I take this down to Nazareth to a thirteen year old girl am i boring you all here and without a cushy buyer without the use of a man imma take this place it into the egg and you don't even know you've been impregnated after I do this I stand back because the Holy Spirit is not just the Messenger of God the Holy Spirit is God that went over your head the Holy Ghost is God for these three bear record in heaven John 5 says these three bear record in heaven John 5 and 7 these three bear record in heaven the father the word and the Holy Ghost and these three are so the Holy Ghost is God places the seed Tabor and Gabriel comes lays low before this great king step in and tell the damsel what's happened and Gabriel steps out of the invisible world steps in and says hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you I don't hear no daughters of Zion [Applause] hail full of grace the Lord is with you because you about to bring forth a blessed child this holy thing that's and you can't even name him you can't name him after your boyfriend Joseph and you can't name him after your daddy cuz your daddy and Joe have nothing to do with this this was done before the foundation of the world I don't hear anybody this was done before the foundation and he already has a name Isaiah said I know isn't he 700 years before he's born I know his name his name shall be called wonderful counsellor the mighty God the everlasting father the Prince of Peace I know his name his name shall be called Emmanuel with us is God you can't even name a Mary he has a name that's above every name his name is salvation for he shall save his people from missing his name is Yeshua HaMashiach he is the coming Messiah his name shall be called [Applause] mary says BLM to me as you spoken I'll carry this I'm about to be ostracized but I'll carry this because nobody's ever heard of an immaculate conception nobody's gonna believe that this happened by the Lord they're gonna think I slept with Joe but Joe's will have a hard time believing this himself whole ago said I'm a talk to Joe Holy Ghost says don't pull away from Mary because this thing was done nine months gotta go and gotta weigh in we got a register for the census we gotta go from Galilee to Jerusalem a day and a half journey you can't walk girls I don't put you on a donkey but you're nine months pregnant we got to get to Jerusalem day and a half goes no contractions get to Jerusalem there's no place to stay we got to go to the neighboring town they may have some rooms the neighboring town is Bethlehem they had no clue that this is the place of prophecy Candela oh yeah and as he walks the donkey and his man month old wife and as they get to the borderline between Jerusalem and Bethlehem as soon as they cross the border of Bethlehem her water breaks because she can only bring forth in Bethlehem you can only bring forth in the place of prophecy [Applause] I'm sorry I just that just hit me you can only bring forth and become in the place of prophecy that's why you need somebody to prophesy over your life water breaks baby comes down the canal we had no place to do we have no place to birth this child go to the hotel none go to the hotel no room go to a house no room one man says I don't have in my house but my barn is bad girl you guys can use my barn it's too late for us would be nice to make late for us to be persnickety it's to charity uh-huh this baby coming they're going to the garage and did they're into the barn and the smell of urine cal urine sheep urine the smell of defecation on the hay it's overwhelming but they have no choice there's a feeding trough the baby's coming I gotta clean out of all of them corn wheat the onion starting to decay cream down but I gotta take the urine soaked in defecation smelling hay and I gotta put it in it's a mattress then I gotta take the sheets that we have and put it over that the baby comes out cut the card forgot a rip sheets and wrapped the baby up so that the cool of the night doesn't affect lay it on this defecated urinated smelling hay and say that this is how our baby is born Mary Joseph why are you so upset cuz nobody should have a baby no like this you're right but it's not born as a human he's born as an animal he's born as a lamb [Applause] so moving over somebody's head he came as the Lamb of God that takes away the sins so it's apropos that he's bowing in the barn Mary he's born to die just like every lamb born let me finish keyboard something he's born to die takes away the sins of the entire world now understand this any doctors in the room you can verify what I say he has do I have anybody medical in this room any nurse any doctor is your him he has a specific patchouli ality because he has no earthly father he has no earthly blood bloodline because the blood line comes from the father so his blood type is not type a B+ type O his bloodline came from his father he has a supernatural bloodline that cannot be said or spilt before it's time for one drop of his blood can wash away the sin of every man and woman for he is the sacrificial lamb he can't Nick himself can't bleed through his childhood can't have a fall can't have an abrasion his blood is too holy even when the Pharisees are trying to catch him he slips out from among them because it's not time for him when they try to stone him he disappears because it's night time not one drop of blood can be shed until the day a Mexico not a yoshiya not until the day the day comes the day comes he's in the Garden of Gethsemane I'm taking too long he's in the Garden of Gethsemane he separated three of the eleven disciples for the twelfth one has gone in betrayed him he separates three James John Peter separates them come watch with me one hour they see Jesus in a way they've never seen him before he's nervous first time they've ever seen Jesus nervous trembling fearful watch it with me one hour but I go yonder and pray just stick with me for one hour he goes and he prays and they fall asleep father father if it's at all possible you know you know I don't know what death is every time I saw death I counted him with wife Jerry's has gotta remember the funeral procession with the boy I counseled death remember glasses I canceled every time I came upon it cuz I am the resurrection and the life I don't know death it's possible let this cup pass I'll change my mind I don't want to do it wait wait a minute in the beginning was the word and the word was made flesh oh wait a minute nevertheless no nevertheless not my will not the will of my flesh not the will of my humanity not the will of my fear not my will but your will beat did three times until he saw the torches coming in the night a hundred torches keep stay sleep take your rest oh it's okay Judas comes and kisses him useless friend why do you betray me with the kiss it's okay I told you what you do do quickly you just played your part you're okay with me friend whom do you seek we seek Jesus of Nazareth he smiles because he's about to do something that every soldier will remember two words I am but he didn't speak with the voice of a Hebrew man he's spoken with the voice of God and a hundred soldiers sell out I'll sit down a bit 99 soldiers cuz I would have been the one that ran away because he says I am and I fall out like somebody pushed me I'm not messing with him shoot me in the back as I'm running but I'm not messing with him I asked you who do you see I am he let this go to go to get him Peter decides he's no longer fishing he's gonna be a soldier Peter decides Peter decides he's no longer fishing he's gonna be a soldier and he comes running in he's aiming for the guy's head and he swings hits him on the side of the head cut off the ear now his brothers hear screaming blood gushing through his fingers ears on the ground Peter standing on what James Johnson you mess well you missed you missed drop it run rabbit run and Jesus screams Peter pull out that sword are you crazy don't you know if you live by that sword you'll die by that sword it's not about a fight it was a better fight out and call him my father and even sent a legion of angels come here move yet moving in and he puts the ear and vane connects with vein capillary capillary tissue connects with tissue and the ear comes back on it would have been 98 soldiers cuz if he put my ear back dog I need a microphone stand and then I'm going to close take him they take our Savior this Jesus that we all in this room claiming we serve taking from judgment the judgment Hall I use the son of God you the King of the Jews I'll say it now what do you say are you the King of the Jews why aren't you talking to me boy don't you know who I am my name is Pilate I've got the power to crucify you or set you free why aren't you speaking to me one thing the only power you have is the power my father I don't find the wrong disguise what my wife wants to see me she knows I'm in she's not supposed to come in doing this she's insistent tell her I'm busy excuse me baby can I see you for a minute I'm busy no no I got to see you right now cuz y'all excuse him scuse mr. pilot mr. pilot look I just had a dream upstairs hydron but this man I ain't never met this man but the dream I had said that this man is innocent you don't need to bother with this man you mess with this man you gonna be messing with God you need to let this guy go I find no fault with him - you Jews it is customary for me once a year at this time to release a prisoner I find no fault with this guy but Barabbas he killed your kids he stole from you now between Barabbas and this guy that there's no fault with who should I let go give us Barabbas he killed your kids yo but this guy has no vote who made you our King give us Barabbas okay but it's gonna be on you and your children and your children's children and your ancestry it's gonna be on you it's not on me I washed my hands Barabbas is said freedom took him to the spider rip his clothes off I'm taking too long again mr. Allen didn't say no this time you just smile because I went from Genesis to the new testament they take them to the spider they rip his clothes off him they lay across the log and they take something called a cat of nine tails that's nine lashes hilt and the man lashes has bone and metal sharp all of the nine lashes connect and all of the metal shards and the shark bones go deep into the flesh flesh tears and the blood vessels burst nerves thirty ninth lash blood is everywhere ribbons of flesh there's no longer and his semblance of flesh it's just a ribbons of flesh they stand them up and the ribbons hang his back his nerves seven he's twitching open arteries and veins of splurging out blood but it can't die and the other man would have died take him blindfold him tie his hands in front of him put a purple robe on him take Palestinian thorns then had a rose thorn did this long sharp prayed them together press them on his skull and it pierces through the soft tissue of his temple and goes in lodges behind the hail King of the Jews put a blindfold on him and beat him in the face beat him in the face soldiers beat him in face in laughs beat him in the face and blood comes from his lip blood comes from his nose I swell but he doesn't fall out blood coming all down his Blake's but he doesn't loud he's an anomaly to them after all of this and you're still alive they didn't do this until 6 a.m. in the morning they put him in a hole to hold him bleed him pull him out at 6:00 a.m. open up the gates to the via dolorosa tires head put a cross on him for him to carry it's not cross like you see nice smooth but it's it's raw wood splintered wood three times his weight put him on carrier cross he falls under the weight of it you pull a black man Simon serene carries a cross black man carry the cross he walks down the street pulled and the same ones that screamed Hosanna the week before now scream crucify him punch him take his beard and pull it out till the flesh comes out with the beard his face is pulping faces boozing the Bible said and I say his face was so marred you couldn't identify him across his back they take one arm and they put one foot on his chest because it's got to meet the hole it's got a stretch and where the hole is so that they can take one spike in two men hole to spike in one man with a sledgehammer and it goes through the flesh it doesn't go through here it goes through here Hank Karl's us the nerves are severed he screams they walk to the other side and put the foot on the stress and tried the nail put one foot on top another as he's gasping for trying to arches back take one now through both feet into the wood screws [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] steam it will [Music] but I know about some about this is worship worship worship [Music] I'll say that about [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I need you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Rev Kathy Kiuna
Views: 20,542
Rating: 4.7940378 out of 5
Keywords: Woman Without Limits, JCC Kenya, Rev Kathy Kiuna, Kathy Kiuna, WWL, Woman, Bishop Allan Kiuna, Bishop Kiuna, Kiuna House, Pastor Kathy Kiuna, Kathy kiuna, NTV Kenya, JCC Parklands, Jubilee Christian Church, Mercy Masika, DOZ Convention, Daughters Of Zion Convention, Donnie McClurkin, rev kathy kiuna sermons, Woman Without Limits - Rosy Ohon, Vanessa Kiuna, donnie mcclurkin sermons, Sinach
Id: XpflZOxNR18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 22sec (5242 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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