Pastor Chris:: Activating The Power of God!

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all around the world men and women people of all ages have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence power and his love rendered in words words beyond the written pages while with preaching like this why do we travel all around the world preaching the gospel [Music] because Jesus is coming again and he left us with a message to tell the untold a message for the whole world this message of faith in God and his unfailing Word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the man of God knowing that their lives will never be the same again today we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our man of God Pastor Chris Foster Chris worth hearing [Music] activating the power of God Jesus Christ was a very exciting person you know the Bible tells us when the Holy Spirit came on Jesus to live in him he says then was Jesus driven of the spirit into the wilderness he ran to the wordiness then just walk gently to the wilderness he ran into the wilderness Jesus was excited he wasn't a dog person at all no dull moment but Jesus was exactly I mean what would you have expected he was he started his ministry when he was thirty years old he had only three years of ministry and I told you when he resurrected he came into the room shouting all hail that's the kind of person he was all hail exciting you know we can we can choose to take after different kinds of people like you know you want to be Jeremiah of old prophet Jeremiah old I mean every time you come out to prophesy its judgment you know you have people like that there forever haunting something wrong so they've taken after Jeremiah oh they're after Elijah or even Moses in fact the Bible tells us a difference between Moses and Jesus since the law came by Moses but grace and reality came by Jesus Christ grace and truth so Moses came with the law but not the reality of the revelation of God in other words the the law was a veil they can see through the law to know what God was like so they had a wrong impression of the personality and character of God so the Bible says the law made nothing perfect but the bringing in of a better hope deed so what Christ King says grace and truth came by Jesus Christ's grace and truth truth reality Jesus helped just know the father the character and person of the Father in there's what some people fail to get it sometimes they say Oh pastor Christ he doesn't believe in the Trinity and I said why don't you say cause of Christ doesn't believe in the Trinity hello he says Jesus is God I said what's wrong with that then I say well I believe in the Trinity what's Trinity Trinity Father Son Holy Spirit I believe that's so you don't really believe do you I said but I do I do what I what the Bible doesn't contradict its adding create a doctrine out of the person of Jesus it's what the Bible talks about so they say okay so who is the Holy Spirit now see how the Holy Spirit is God Jesus is God the Father is God and the three gods then as a no one God one God eternally existent in three persons Father Son Holy Spirit but you will never find father somewhere Holy Spirit somewhere in Jesus standing there that'll never happen because the Holy Spirit is that which proceeds from the father and jesus is the body of the father and the Holy Spirit because Jesus is the word of the father and never had a body like your words when you speak them out they don't have a separate body the word of the father the voice of God never had a body until he was born in Bethlehem at lien Judah that's when the word of God was tabernacled in human flesh and how beautiful this all is so I said so why do you get confused and I don't I believe everything you believe and and and I'm not confused and I believe all this and I'm not going to why are you confused because you're looking at God with the eyes of a man he's God hallelujah Romans chapter 14 and verse number 17 let's read it want to go the kingdom of God says for the kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness in peace and joy in the Holy Ghost for the kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost you know many are enjoying the righteousness of God which is wonderful because a lot have been in that atmosphere of good teaching on the righteousness of God and many have enjoyed the peace of God in their lives in the so happy that they have the peace of God in the balance but not many know the joy of the Holy Ghost and yet the Bible says the kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Ghost and in fact even though you've been here there's some who have come with you why you're shouting and screaming and you know dancing they can afford to do that the very self-conscious very careful hoping nobody pushes them and and they don't they just wanted to be untouched and then they hope that somehow or another they can receive some special blessing that God is fastened out but you've already waited since yesterday hasn't happened yet might not happen at all if you keep behaving that way you know that's the reason some of you haven't spoken in tongues yet even though everybody's speaking in tongues around you you still don't speak in tongues why because you're saying to yourself I don't want to force anything if God is going to give me his special tongues he will give you you believe that somehow when God is ready the real tongues will come and as some of you used to speak in tongues until you were deceived by Satan that the tongues you are speaking we're we're made up by yourself so you stopped now you pray with your mouth open hoping somehow nothing is coming out you're thinking I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to fake it fake here why don't you fake it before you were born again [Applause] they were all in the boat Jesus was walking on the water they say who is that that was real ghost no screaming our young guys they always passed out we thought they'd seen a ghost jesus said I'm the one don't be afraid Peter said if you're the one asking it from to you and water what a request what a request what if he said yes God I told that wasn't Jesus I tell you something no Peter have learned something about Jesus there was something about the word from the lips of Jesus in that power so he's testing this out you tell me to come in if Jesus had come that word would come with power and once you mix his word with faith you will have the results Peter knew he had faith tell me to come and just come and he stepped out and actually walked in the water and guess what all the others got excited in the boat Wow Peter is doing it Peter is doing it none of them came out there will be none doubted cuz he sort of the taller waves and began to sink I can imagine the recent that's why they want to come out that's why I didn't want to come out look at him now Jesus said why did you doubt and got him quickly and walked with him on water back to the boat but he's the beautiful thing he did it it worked forget about the doubt later he did walk on it I'm not going to fake it if God would do it let him do it I'm not moving I'm gonna stand here I want only original tongues you're never going to be full of joy because God will never make you laugh you are the one to do the laughing just a second just a second just a second when you speak in tongues the Bible doesn't say and the Holy Ghost speak in tongues the Bible says they speak in tongues or wait tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance the Holy Ghost who give you a trance but you must do the speaking in other words when you open your mouth and start talking he will from the words you don't have to say am I going to say T next or ha ha no just open inste talking [Applause] no reason God and you know the beautiful thing that's where the power is God put the power inside so that those who are proud will never get it those who think so much about themselves will never get it out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou has ordained strength that thou mightest steal the enemy and the Avenger out of the mouths of babes and sucklings so that the proud he says he has sent away empty hallelujah you know in the house of God the power God is abundantly present like we're in this room power the power of God is in this place strong I've seen situations before where I said to someone you are here now get up and walk and it's looking at me like mmm but don't you know my condition get up and walk get up and walk it's looking at me and then he's saying to himself okay I'll try I'll try and then this difficult for him to get up because he's saying I'll try and at the same time I've seen situations where I'm only just advancing especially people who are younger I mean they've been there so long they don't want another day in the wheelchair they don't want another day I'm only just approaching and already they are moving themselves like come on next to it a little guy the father said to him when Pastor Chris touches you you'll be able to run he said I can run the father said yes you can run now he couldn't walk we're talking about running he always wanted to run so he's in his wheelchair so that is it once police touches you run so he's waiting I mean he's in the kid so he's waiting he's been told worn special chris touches you you can run so run so he's waiting and I'm getting closer and closer he's waiting he's going around today so I get to him and I put my hands on him and this boy is already moving the moment that was done he took off I had to hold him back hallelujah and of course allowed him to run he was excited and his father picked him up what a joy he knew it would work why because the power was present there and somebody told him how to step into the power of God how to activate the power of God in your life see a lot of people have been raised in the atmosphere an environment of doubt for so long that faith has become a challenge in life they're not sure it'll work and so we say now the Holy Ghost is here and then is that looking around for him what about the fact that Holy Ghost is in you we say God is in this place and they start looking around and then they hear sound what is inside you learn to listen to him inside you inside you become God inside minded he got inside minded he lives in you he walks in you he talks in you hallelujah yesterday we said that you are the living tabernacle of God it's it's not it's not an assumption it's not something that will happen if we believe it enough it's not something that God is trying to fulfill he's trying to make it happen if you if you believe it no this is real when you were born again the Holy Spirit prepared you as is typical and when you received him to live in you he took up his abode in the corners of your body now your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit the viruses don't you know that your body is the temple of God don't you know your body is the house of God don't you know because many don't know they don't realize it this is Christianity otherwise what you have is religion in religion they have their God out there in religion they walk to their God in religion they have the temple where God is restricted in Christianity God is inside you he lives in you hallelujah he lives in you we come to the house of God because it's a place that we have sanctified for the teaching and corporate worship of God and we're also who present our tithes and offerings and gifts and sacrifices to God but then the God that we serve in worship his boots in heaven and in us at the same time jesus said my father which dwelleth in me he doeth the works and then he says my father in heaven so which is which the father is in heaven and the father is in him by the Holy Spirit so the Holy Spirit Jesus called the Holy Spirit father your father lives in you jesus said my father that lives in me he performs the miracles he does the wonders so that cuts me out of it I don't have to struggle because he works through me he's a stretcher hands and I'll stretch my hand through your hand so he looked through my eyes he walked with my lens he occupies my body he uses my voice blessed be God hallelujah hallelujah glory to God you know when you start enjoying the joy of the Holy Spirit you'd be amazed how how easy it is for you to hear the voice of God because there's so many who say well I can't say that I haven't heard the voice of God well I I don't know if the Holy Spirit speaks to me and it's a Oh Lord just speak to me Oh God just talk to me and God's been talking to them they just don't know how to accept that God is talking to them is I do know that God is talking to me no you're making too much noise and that's why you're not hearing it what no it's not the noise outside and shouting no the noise inside your to quiet your quietness is too noisy can you get it now because the joy of the Lord doesn't the Bible say doesn't the Bible say that god inhabits the praises of his people but when Esther praising God God dwells in the praises he manifests himself in their noise of praise in the shout of praise hallelujah are you getting it now so when you go for a fellowship don't do like you're going for some morning you know come to fellowship like everybody is sick in the fellowship and if you're the coordinator of the pasta and you always have this long face like everybody's sinning against you that's not that's not good you come into the fellowship glory hallelujah I mean if you have even if you have had even if you have had a terrible day the house of God is not where you come [Applause] how I wound up you'd be amazed at the manifestations of the Holy Spirit in your life you know we'll talk about the manifestations of the Holy Spirit many times when people think were just dealing with the gifts of the Spirit no no no no the gifts of the Spirit are manifestations by which those who are gifted and ministering to those who are in need that is part of the lowest level of the manifestations of the Spirit there are higher levels of the manifestations of the Spirit sit down at those higher levels nobody is ministering to nobody are you hearing me why we are all there and ministering to the Lord and receiving his ministry to us if you were sick that sickness disappeared I mean if you if you were discouraged you suddenly became courageous if you were afraid you suddenly became bold no matter where you were in life everybody receives administration of the Holy Spirit and we get so full of God by the time we're walking out of there guess what I got [Applause] doorway that God hallelujah you know what is the pan of church sit down again [Applause] what is the kind of church that Jesus is coming for he's not coming for a church that's queuing up for deliverance oh come on that's what is coming for he's coming for a church without spot without wrinkle without blemish or any such them a church that's raining in union with God as the church is coming for full of joy full of joy not what waiting for counseling you know I'm going through this please look into my life and see what the problem is demons are troubling me so no that's a baby church in many quarters in many quarters everybody's a big oh just another one of God it's amazing everybody's just a babe there the Bible says for us to grow in grace and in the knowledge or love it in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I told you to know him is to love him and when you get to know him the more you know him the more glory of him you see and the more you see is glory the MOE glorified you are as we look what we look at the mirror as we behold the glory of God in the mirror we behold the glory of God in a mirror we transfigured the more you see the more that glory is revealed in you that's why I love the person of Jesus because the more I behold him the more glorious my life is what do you want your life to be like you want to be a reflection of him right a reflection of him you will carry his divine presence everywhere you know I remember one day I was talking to the Lord about the ministry and was talking to him he said something that blessed me he said I give you the best I was charged because I'm trying to find out about ministry and in the different kinds of ministries and the things he wanted me to do and so just discussing this with him he said I give you the best I said Lord Jesus I'm very grateful but show me from the world what is the best because you know I said what is the best and he showed me from the world and tears came out of my eyes I said Lord Jesus you're amazing thank you oh you gave me the best I'm grateful see in our lives except and unless will recognize what is given us will never walk in it how do you know what God calls what God corals glory what men call glory is different from what God calls glory what men call promotion is different from what God calls promotion think about it you're in this place yesterday you were here for hours and then today you've been here several hours and imagine some of the young guys like yourself today's Saturday when you think you should find them looking something bad joint somewhere oh it's some colleagues doing something funny or maybe talking about some of the stuff some even at this age are engrossed in in political discussions and political plans some are engrossed in discussing business and money Lika rava so take Montego her say did you ever see a choose the better route are you hearing me there is a better way choose the better route walk with the Holy Ghost when you work with the Holy Ghost you will be amazed oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you will be amazed some people are that I mean they're empowered how do i how do i even say this look at this Oh glory to God some people can build you get it I mean when once they said pastor in a church right away they said the building project so they're building and building and building some may not be heard so what does God do he gives them places where they can get the building that's already prepared so they take over a building that's already there can you see the differences some who build from scratch some would buy one that is already existing different ways now imagine the guy that's building would take some time to be here so he looks at this at a guy who's no bill dresses hi what are you doing I'm already building I'm six six feet up already well these are guys raised well I'm not looking for I'm not trying to build anything I want one that is ready for me to buy right you get it which means he's not wasting time why this guy thinks he's wasting time he's not wasting time because he's looking for one that is already built and so he finds the one that is already built and he buys it today waste time no he didn't what am I trying to say don't look at other people to judge your Road don't worry take the thing that is most important and prioritize it prioritize it prioritizes it is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing flesh profited not humility is important very important never regard the fellowship as insignificant or small never do it you participate be involved if you attention to it doesn't matter how God promotes you and the opportunities they might give you it's like your family see this is your spiritual family it's like your family even if you became the president of the country when you enter the house with your family members you are not president you are someone's brother or sister you're someone's son or daughter there's someone's cousin in the family you're someone's uncle or you're someone's count that's it so when you come into the fellowship you're one of us and always drive yourself to be one of us because that's because that's where the glory continues in your life otherwise you're disconnected from it then you find that you're more and more worldly no no what's your spirit dad your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life guard your heart with all diligence your heart is a garden mount guard about your heart the reason like we're in this room now each one of us is the way we are because of how we think maybe you think this way or that way you are the result of your thinking how you think or create your personality a proud man is proud because of his thoughts a humble man is humble because of his thoughts a kind man is kind because of his thoughts it's all about your thoughts then you have those who are always questioning things it's because that is the widok thing jesus said to the Jews that were around him he said why do you think like this is why do these kind of thoughts arise in your hearts the thoughts that were coming to them with the wrong thoughts is why do these thoughts arise in your hearts why do you think like this how do you think is your way of thinking helping you suppose you say to yourself I want to I want to change the way I think the only thing that helps you to make that change is the Word of God one has to be submitted to the word for the word to affect him and change you give your hearts to God's world you give your mind you're thinking to go just let God see he tells us present your body a living sacrifice all right holy and acceptable unto God that this is your spiritual act of worship then it says and be not conformed to this world but be transformed metamorphosed by the renewing of your mind renewing of your mind see don't allow your mind be this mind you've been growing with no renew it with the Word of God in other words exchange your way of thinking for his way of thinking give up your way of thinking accept his way of thinking you'd be amazed at the growth that you'll experience in your life you'll be amazed at the blessings in your life listen the Blessed when we talk about blessings we're not dealing with with earthly things no no a thousand times no no there are higher blessings than that far higher blessings than material things of this world what are you going to do to your person let me read you some scripture here you're still there that awesome didn't sound very loud this time is this still awesome proverbs chapter 24 and I'm gonna read from verse 30 he says I went by the field of the slot fool I went by the field of the slot fool these are the Proverbs of Solomon the wisest man who ever lived until Jesus he says I went by the field of the slot for who is the slothful this is the guy whose life is full of inaction he's not gonna do the work that's necessary and I want you to look beyond just a physical labor here because the Bible does tell us there is such a thing as spiritual labor so I want you to look at it from both angles either one that is lazy physically or one that is lazy spiritually or both because the result would be the same the result to be the same he says I went by the field of the slothful and by the value of the man void of understanding and lo it was all grown over with thorns and nettles had covered the face thereof and the stone wall thereof was broken down I went by the field of the slot fool and by the vanye of the man void of understanding void of understanding he says I saw that his field was grown over with thorns and weeds his field his garden his man yard covered with thorns and weeds he says this is the this is the slothful this is the man without understanding how he and the stone wall was broken down why because these weeds are growing through the cracks and pull down those things I won't you sing wars I've been brought down because some root of a tree or something had grown through that place neglected his field has been neglected his mind has been neglected think about it you're not introducing God's Word into your mind you don't studying God's Word you don't bring it into your mind what do you expect spiritual weeds are growing you getting more information from the world more information from politics more information from business and all of these sources are not helping you spiritually and the bringing in thongs and nettles and now your defenses are breaking down your defenses are breaking down you're actually spiritually weaker than we used to be then he says then I saw and consider it well I looked upon it and received instruction see sometimes we look at other people's lives and we learn a lesson you see it I look at that guy and see what has happened with him I learn a lesson I said Wow ah it pays to go to fellowship at the Perry's to stay in the Bible oh he said I saw it and I received instruction yet a little sleep a little slumber a little folding of the hands asleep look at the resort verse 34 so shall die poverty calmed as warned at travelling in other words as a robber and I want as an armed bandit you not understand why some people will always be poor said I looked and I received instruction listen your mind is far more important than anything else that's why you have the book the power of your mind very important oh I've seen I've seen people who became ministers preach the gospel ministers big time and they were big I've seen them come down poor really poor and I'm serious as well many stats they ran both touch and business and the lost both business and church because there's some of you who might say well well you know I'm gonna be a minister I'm gonna be a businessman you're not the first you know the first there was one who was with us in school let me just tell you he was into a prophetic ministry I mean he was wearing two divisions and all of these things and with those those manifestations he went into this business thing and at a time he became suddenly really wealthy he was big financially I mean they brought me buy the trucks things that the materials talk about it that a large estates for the work my brothers and sisters it is not of him that we let of him that runneth but of God that she had mercy I've tried to get that guy to show him that this is not the way it's not about the business it's not about the money it's not no no no no no got your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life it was hard to get him to listen few years down the road bum because when Sidon strikes it's like that why because the stone wall had broken down the whole business everything the ministry part of it the business part of it everything was licked up gone and was not the only one what am I saying to you the Bible says not in new Under the Sun if you want to understand human life read the Bible man is just doing the same thing in different ways see he's doing the same thing in different ways Travel gets faster but it still travel communication is fast and easier it is the communication it is the same desires we have always had that we are prosecuting with new methods and technology man has not changed so if you want to understand man his history his current life and his destiny his future go to the Bible man's whole life beginning to end it's written there you can see it whether he's born in the right direction you can you don't need it you don't need to become division first just project his life with the world everybody's life is in the Bible every one of us your life is in the Bible your life is in the Bible as you live your life you can open the Bible and see your trajectory where am I going it's there and you can tell if the direction in which you are going is going to land you in the right place on the wrong place and so when you look at it like this I am projected in the wrong direction immediately make a change immediately make the change so you are projected in the right place are you still in the space [Music] you
Channel: WatchPastorChris
Views: 1,300,041
Rating: 4.8134942 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor, chris, pcdl, oyakhilome, loveworld, prayer fasting
Id: gwROFW6hxFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 28sec (3268 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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