If God Did It Before, He Will Do It Again | Pastor Donnie McClurkin

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[Music] i spoke about it the service before and and i go back from time to time because i want to reiterate things to make sure that it's understood i wanted to reiterate it to make sure that it's understood and in the service that i spoke this in before i just entitled it watch my god work i entitled it watch my god work and then the subtitle was if he did it before [Music] at least one person got excited about it if he did it before he is capable and he will do it again and i wanted i want to reiterate and explain again as i did before that the performance of god is perpetual god does not perform a one-time show only what god does goes into your future what god performs goes into your future and you need to be you need to be aware of that that whatever god does is not just for the here and now but it's for the future as well amen you gotta believe that god is able to perform it and in the book of romans the fourth chapter the 21st verse it simply says this and being fully persuaded that he what he had promised he was able also to perform i'll read it again and being fully persuaded that what god had promised god was also able to perform this is speaking about this speaking about abraham what god had promised abraham he was also able to perform it and abraham believed god and it was accounted until his righteousness abraham believed god thousands of years before jesus came he believed in jesus thousands of years before jesus came if you read in the book of genesis about the 14th chapter you will read where abraham runs into a king by the name of melchizedek melchizedek is the king of a specific domain called salem or peace he is the king of peace if you read the book of hebrews about the seventh chapter it tells you that his name meant king of righteousness king of peace so he was not a normal king although i debate this with other theologians he was not a king of a specific province there was no place called salem or peace this was a theophany a theophany this was a theophany where god would wrap himself up in flesh-like manner he'd wrap himself up in flesh-like manner so that he could sit down and talk with mankind he would show up oh no you'll not hear me he would show up he showed up in front of joshua as the captain of the host of heaven he showed up in front of manoa as the angel who called his name wonderful hallelujah hallelujah he and and he would show up from time to time just to prepare the way to prepare the way there's a there's a trail there's a trail that you can see that god interacted with man to set things up for the coming christ and in this instance in the book of genesis where melchizedek and abraham meet after a battle is over and melchizedek preaches to abraham and melchizedek gives him the bread and the wine this is not just a repass but this is a prophetic that deals with the coming death of jesus christ and melchizedek preached christ to abraham uh i'll say it again melchizedek preached christ to abraham in the book of john when john is talking to the pharisee on when jesus is talking to the pharisees he said if you really loved me you would if you really are my father you would love me because i am my father one if you really loved my father you would love me because he sent me if you were really children of abraham you would love me because abraham loved me this is thousands of years after abraham he is revealing something that they had no knowledge of and they could not comprehend it because it was so spiritual it was so prophetic it was a fulfillment of prophecy and they could not believe that it was happening before their eyes if you really believed if abraham was your father you would love me because abraham loved me and he rejoiced when he saw my day coming they said how in the world can you i know that you have demons now i know that you're mad i know that you have devils now because you'd say that you know my father abraham and how is that possible when you're not even 50 yet and abraham was thousands of years ago he said well let me explain something to you before abraham was we're not talking about chronology right now because if we're talking about chronology i i i i i out age abraham because i don't go by age in not in human chronology i go by age in eternity and he says to him let me explain something to you before abraham was i am referring back to the answer that he gave moses in mount sinai who should i say sent me they won't believe in me who will i say who can i say sent me he said tell them i am that i am [Applause] i am that i am i'm the i am tell him that i am that i am sent you and then he uses that same i am when the centurions come to pick him up and the garden of gethsemane hallelujah giving me this rep these revelations just coming he used the same i am when the soldiers came up to him said are you jesus of nazareth and he looked at them 100 soldiers strong and said i am and all 100 soldiers fell out like dead men [Applause] so this was a theophany this was a manifestation of god in a human form hallelujah and he preaches to abraham and he gives him the bread and the wine and abraham believes him and his belief is accounted unto him as righteousness his belief in a prophetic experience that would happen hundreds of years later made him a man of faith father of faith father of righteousness so god speaks to abraham and he tells them he says i'm the one who spoke all things that were not as though they be and because of that but i promise you i will perform what he had promised he was capable he was able to perform amen y'all not with me oh god he's he this is this is the utterance this is the utterance that paul preaches to the people at rome letting them know letting them understand that god performs what he says and and and you must understand i told him in the other service i said the word performed here in in the in the greek that he speaks to the romans in the latin and the greek that he speaks to the romans he lets them know that this word perform is from the greek word poyo poyo means to do something continually something that is consistent and continues on it is not a one-time act you'll not hear me it's not a one-time experience that what god is going to perform is going to go down to the generations and it is going to bless your whole lineage it is going to cause you to walk in the blessings and your children and your children's children i don't hear you some of you got grandchildren it's going to go down to them some of you got great grounds it's going to go down to them it is something that is perpetual what god promised you is going to go down to your children and children's children i need to hear somebody that believes that if you believe that put a praise on it right now [Applause] it's going to go down and continue on it does not cease when god begins something it does not cease until the world comes to an end just like the promise that he gave abraham will not cease until we are in heaven that we walk in the promise of abraham we walk in the blessings of abraham and what happened with abraham in the book of genesis is still working in us in the 21st century i don't hear you here the only problem is we're not believing it and if we don't believe it we will not receive it and we will not live in it but i've got news for you i'm living in that benefit i'm living in that promise i am living in that blessing [Applause] oh yes i am i am living in the blessings of abraham and i am taking full advantage of it for it will perpetuate to my son matthew to my daughter michelle to my grandchildren it will perpetuate to my brothers and sisters and their children it will be widespread because i believe god [Applause] did you hear me it will be widespread because i believe god he is able to perform it that word abram that word abel in the latin and in greek it means to be capable to do to be capable to do god is able to do he's able to perform what he said in the bible as balaam told balak he told him he said god is not a man in numbers 23 19. god is not a man that he should lie nor the son of a man that he should repent hath god said it will he not also do it somebody say perform it lord has he spoken it will he not also make it good somebody say perform it lord god has made this promise and he said that he would perform he would perform it and i'm crazy enough to believe that god will make it come to pass you've got to believe this is where we deny or or validate our faith if we can believe that what we've read in the bible is applicable to us today we will have what god has said and god will perform it my my my mind in the book of jeremiah the first chapter the 12th verse in jeremiah the 12th the first chapter of the 12th verse it simply says this then said the lord unto me you have well seen word to perform it this word hasten means i will expedite it i will oversee it i will watch over it hallelujah he said i will expedite what i promised and i will perform it before your eyes i will oversee what i promise and make it come to pass before your eyes y'all are not hearing me i will do great things i will do great and marvelous things that you know not somebody say perform it jesus you've got to believe god and you've got to become so convinced that god's word will not fall short and that his hand is not shortened that he cannot deliver god's hand is not shortened that he cannot deliver it you've got to believe this and you've got to trust in your situation this is not hypothetical and this is not just a generic word this is a specific word for you and your struggle for you and your life for you and your health for you and your future this is a specific word for you and you've got to take it as though it is only for you if your neighbor doesn't get it well that's a sad thing but you got to make sure you walk away convinced are you hearing me [Applause] you got to make sure that you walk away totally convinced god said you have well seen you have wealthy meaning that you've seen me work you have witnessed what i've said and what i've done you have experienced me so you should be confident in me by now although you pray to have answered you've needed i performed i've got a track record with you and you need to believe that i will watch over my word and i will hasten it i will expedite it as i did before i will do again if you only believe if you can keep your faith i will keep you in perfect peace if you can keep your faith i will continue this blessing i will continue to perform this i don't hear anybody here if you can keep the faith you will see me keep my promise you have well seen for i will hasten my word to expedite it to perform it to do it i will i will quicken this thing i will i will continue this thing hallelujah and that is what we've got to get comfortable with god never promised us that we would have a no problematic no frustrating journey he never promised us that we wouldn't deal with life just like everybody else had to deal with it but the one thing that he promised is that he would do a great thing that he would do a new thing he told them to sanctify yourself for on tomorrow he said sanctify yourself because on tomorrow god will do wonders among you i'm going to preach to this camera because you're not getting it here he said sanctify yourself prepare yourself get yourself ready clean yourself up get your faith strong get your expectations high because tomorrow i'm going to do wonders tomorrow is not just 24 hours but tomorrow means in the time coming i am going to do wonders among you for those who believe it give god praise in your home for those who believe in here give god praise here [Applause] god will perform what he promised remember every promise of god in christ is yea and amen every single one of them every single promise of god in christ jesus is yes and amen every promise is i will do it and so it is and so shall it be that's three that's that's past present and future [Applause] amen i've done it before i will do it and amen means so it is and so shall it be because the blessings and the performance of god is perpetual so every promise god made you it's not just for the immediate but it's for the long term i don't hear anybody here for the long term that means not only am i going to enjoy but everything attached to me is going to enjoy it that means long after i'm gone if god delays his coming my generations will enjoy it they will see the blessings of the lord pass down pass down they will see the blessings of the lord pass down from generation to generation hallelujah you've got to believe this though and you've got to teach yourself train yourself you got to train yourself train yourself to prepare your mind and your heart your emotions your life for what god promised you've got to prepare yourself and you've got to train yourself not to be distracted by the things that you are enduring do not give your energy to the things that are negative going on in your life do not give your peace away to the problems that are taking place in your life y'all not hearing me do not become overwhelmed do not become overwhelmed by the things that have you uncomfortable and why why do i say that the things that have you uncomfortable well sometimes god makes things uncomfortable so that you can move forward i'll say it again sometimes in order for god to move you he's got to make you uncomfortable to get you into his purpose to get you into the will to get you into the way to get you into the workings that will cause you to manifest but you've got to quell your feelings you've got to train your emotions to not go overboard when troubles come to not become frenetic when storms begin to rise you got to train yourself to balance to balance to balance to balance you got to train yourself not to allow your worriation to rise but you got to train yourself to sit back and say uh this looks like a job for god and i will watch god work in this [Music] this looks like something that only this great deity can take care of because my human ability is too fragile fail and finite i don't have the power for this one now there's some things he gives me the strength of some things i got to rely on him and when i i gotta weigh it out and be smart enough to know what's mine to do and what is his to do well god help me i got i've got to be i've got to be wise enough keen enough in the holy ghost to know what is mine to do and what is his to do and what is his to do and i know i can't do it take a seat take a seat and put your seat belt on and get ready for this ride and watch god work watch god work you get overwhelmed you get frustrated you become despondent when you try to do what only god can do because your greatest effort is never enough and when you come to that crossroad you've got to be able to sit back and say i can't do this i can't do this and only god can intervene here so god have had it i trust you i'ma watch what you do and i'm gonna come out on top i'll preach to this camera i'm gonna come out on top i'm not going through a struggle to lose and what i can't do you do and what you do you do it well watch my god work [Applause] [Music] watch my god work well shea butter i feel like preaching god give me a congregation i feel like preaching and you got to tell your spirit you got to tell your soul settle down set a settle down settle down stop being so upset trust in god praise him in the middle of your impossible situation for with man it is impossible but with god all things are possible that means in your impossible situation he's about to perform and he's about to show off and show out god is about to flex his muscle god is about to show his power god is about to prove himself god has got to show up and cancel the enemy's plan god is about to erect what he purposed god is about to do what he does best do what you do jesus because i'ma watch you work my hope is built on nothing less than jesus blood and righteousness i dare not trust the sweetest friend but i holy holy holy lean on jesus name watch [Applause] keep your eyes open watch get excited about what you're going through watch praise them on top of your problem watch watch god work [Music] you got to settle your spirit you got to tell your fear you've tormented me too long i can't work with you and you're going to cause me to lose sleep so what i got to do is trust in the lord with all my heart if i use all my heart to trust god i have none of my heart to fear if i use all of my heart to trust god i have no i had no room in my heart for frustration trust him with all of your heart let the trust take control let your trust fill every avenue of your heart to the point where you know god cannot [Applause] fail don't use your energy don't use your strength to focus in on the problem use your energy to focus on glory focus on jesus my eyes are upon you i'm looking to you lord i will lift up mine eyes to the heels from which cometh my help all of my help coming from god i'm gonna lay back and rest in his arms and he's gonna give me perfect peace not just peace but perfect peace because i'm going to keep my mind stayed on him and i'ma look to the hills i'm going to trust in god i'm going to hold on to his unchanging hand and i'm going to watch god do the impossible i'm going to watch god work somebody look at your neighbor and say watch my god work watch him watch him watch him watch him keep your eyes open keep your eyes on me because he's going to do it in my situation he's going to do it in my life he's going to do it in my problem he's going to show himself up come on come on oregon come on he's going to show his power watch god's word i feel like a preacher you gotta settle your spirit you gotta settle your spirit you're going to say be still my soul be still the lord is on my side you got to tell yourself that no matter how bad it is it's gonna get better cause god is about to show up this problem is so so heavy this problem is so ferocious that it's the prime time for god to show up when it gets to the point where you can't do any more and the doctors can't do anymore and the situation doesn't have a remedy it is the prime time for god to work a miracle remember what he did with lazarus i remember what he did with lazarus he waited until it was too late when they first came to jesus and said your friend lazarus is sick and he's almost dying jesus said all right i'ma wait a little bit he waited four days he waited for him to die [Music] he waited for him to die now understand this we're looking at the miraculous power of god but we're not looking at mary and martha while they're waiting on jesus he's waiting on lazarus to die while they're panicked knowing that their days are getting lower and that the possibility of this being traversed is getting lessened with every day and they are sitting back with the fearful with the fearful revelation that lazarus is going to die and jesus is not here i've seen him raise the dead before but he's not here for my brother if he comes my brother won't die and every day lazarus got worse until finally lazarus died [Music] and somebody came to jesus and said don't worry now no need for you to come lazarus sleeps and then jesus says come on let's go see lazarus [Music] you're not getting this because i understand i understand that doesn't make sense to us but god wants to show his power [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he said let's go to see lazarus he's sleeping disciples said well if he's sleeping it's doing good why wake him up don't wake him up he's sleeping jesus looks at them with kind of frustration and says you all don't understand nothing he's dead he's dead and for the benefit of everyone else i'm glad i wasn't there now let's go and let me perform let me show myself mighty let me show them what i've got in store for them i knew this was going to happen but i also had a miracle attached to it you can't get the miracle without there being a problem [Applause] you're not hearing me you're not gonna get that miracle without a problem and when he gets there martha runs up and meets him and says master if you would have been here four days ago three days ago he wouldn't have died but he's been dead four days if you would have been here my brother wouldn't have died jesus said you will see your brother again i know in the great resurrection i will see him again but i do know that god hears you and she had faith to believe that even though lazarus was dead that god would hear jesus you gotta have faith to believe that even though your situation is dead that god will hear and he will work and perform a miracle am i talking to anybody am i talking to anybody here god will perform god will perform a miracle even in dead things even with dry bones of even in a dead situation now god will perform watch god work watch god well look at somebody say watch god work watch god work watch them watch god work watch them watch and watch him watch it watch him watch him watch him watch him watch him watch him watch him watch him watch god work he said i am the resurrection and i am the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live whosoever believeth liveth and believeth in me to never die believer style this yes lord show me where the body lays because if you've got faith i'll perform a miracle faith is the breeding ground of miracles write that down faith is the breeding ground for miracles if you've got faith you can get a miracle faith is the breeding ground for any miracle to happen if you've got faith you can see the impossible if you've got faith you can see the miracle come to pass all you need is faith god is the power it shall be done god will perform somebody say yes say yes [Music] show me where the body lies [Music] she sends and says go get martha tell martha tell mary go get married tell mary that that that jesus is here and he's asking for it he never asked for mary but mother's faith is peaked now she wants everybody to be on this she wants her sister to see what jesus is about to do you need your family to see what jesus is about to do you need to call your children you need to call your mother you need to call your daddy you need to call your brothers and sisters and tell them jesus is calling you jesus wants to see you jesus wants you to see him show up hey you got to get people involved in the miracle [Music] [Applause] jesus gets to the burial to the sepulcher they're a professional mourners they don't even know lazarus but they're paid to come and cry at a funeral and they're crying and they're weeping these professional mourners may have been the same mourners that was at jairus house crying when his daughter was dead they see jesus come and they know jesus busts up a funeral they already saw it happen with jairus's dead daughter jesus will mess up a funeral jesus will bring dead things back to life you better hear what i'm telling you jesus will resurrect some things that you thought were dead jesus will cause life to come back to situations that you thought would pass by if i'm talking about you somebody praise him [Music] roll away the stone roll away the stone roll the stone away and he prays openly father i know that you hear me for you have always heard me but for the benefit of these that are here you got to understand you've got to track record with god but for the benefit of those that are watching that may not know god they got to see god work a miracle in your life [Music] [Applause] you are already you've already seen god work you are already already seeing this power but there are people that are watching that may not believe and they've got to see god through you they've got to see god move through you they've got to see god heal through you they've got to see the miracle through you [Music] [Applause] for the bad effect of those that are standing around asking you to do this remove the stone lazarus feel like a preacher today [Music] lazarus he cried out with a loud voice laughs come forth well he must be crazy he's been dead for four days and he stinks by now but that doesn't stop god there's nothing about the is i just felt a shift in this room i just felt a shift in this room somebody's faith just went up somebody just touched god somebody's go in line for a miracle you're gonna see god perform give god praise here give god praise him give god praise give god praise lazarus comfortable he must be crazy he's been dead for days body decomposing blood congealing organs shut down there is no starting to rot deteriorate but all of a sudden out of the darkness of the opening of the tomb [Music] wrapped from head to foot with death clothes crutches over his head he can't see but he heard [Applause] you can't see how he's gonna do it but you heard he would god you can't see that you are high that he would [Music] you're not hearing and he told the death clothes to tell them lose him let him go they took the death clothes off of them lazarus was walking like a natural man and god performed the miracle oh lord oh lord i gotta stand now but i'm ashamed about what i'm telling you when you watch it back in the rebroadcast what i'm telling you is gonna hit you in your spirit man it's gonna shoot you up to another level of faith and you're gonna believe for the impossible and you're gonna sit back and watch god [Applause] work you're going to sit back and you're going to watch god work you're going to watch god part your let's see you're going to watch god kill your enemies in the in the meantime stifle your enemies confound your enemies you're going to walk across that very problem on dry ground and you're going to see the power of god in action stand still and see the salvation of the lord which he shall show to you this day for the egyptians that you see before you today you will see them again no more forever lord the lord will fight for you and you shall hold your jesus watch god watch god workers [Applause] watch him keep your eye on him god told me today as i was leaving the house this is the season of performance it couldn't get any worse with all that's going on at one time around the entire globe it's not just in your life it's around the entire globe it couldn't get any worse the foundation of politics has crumbled the foundation of government is challenged the foundation of of of social agendas has been totally marred and perverted the foundation of finance has dived hello the foundation of employment is up in the air the entire foundation of mankind has been laid to waste laid to waste but there is a foundation that remaineth sure the foundation of the lord remaineth sure that the lord knows those that are his and that foundation will never change no matter what happens in an election no matter the civil social and racial unrest there is a foundation that remains sure regardless of the economy and the pandemic here and in brazil and around the world regardless of all that is happening god will make a goshen for us [Applause] i trusted god and he didn't do it just because he didn't do it doesn't mean that he couldn't do it there's a will there's a mind of god there's something that god has put in place that must come to pass sometimes it is not most advantageous for us but yet we believe the lord giveth and taketh i don't mind the giving but the taking but then i got to be solid and look into the face of god and say blessed be the name of the lord whether you gave or whether you took blessed be the name of the lord it's not easy to praise you when you perform something that i don't like when you allow something that hurts me to my heart but i gotta believe that you will hasten your word and what you promise me you will perform it [Music] there's nothing that is impossible with you you can do all things you will perform for you for you you will perform a consistent a continual blessing you perform continual work in me you'll until you come back you will perform a continual work in me and i will see the handiwork of god i will see god work i will watch my god work there's nothing he can't do he said behold open up your eyes see behold i am the lord the master behold pay attention acknowledge this fact i am the master of all things the god of all flesh is there anything you're not excited about that i'm about to be i'm about to go crazy is there anything too hard for me jeremiah says oh lord god behold you have made when i look around you've made the heavens and the earth by your great power and stretched out arm and there is nothing too hard for you there is nothing too hard for god to do we are christian we are his sheep of his pasture we are his children he will remove he will move heaven and earth for us that's the only way that's the only way for nunes family that's the only way that some of us are here today is because god literally moved heaven and earth to make sure we stayed to make sure that we were secured god is able to do just what he said he would do he will fulfill every promise to you [Music] don't give up on god for he won't give up [Music] he's able to and i know that god is able to do just what he said he would do he will perform every moment to you don't give up on god for he won't give up on you he's able to my mama he's able to [Music] god is able to do [Music] don't give up on god don't give up on god or he won't give up on you he's able to [Music] [Music] don't give up on god don't give up on [Applause] god yes he [Music] say one more time when god is able to say god is able to do just what he said he will do he will fulfill he will fulfill don't give up on god [Music] [Music] [Music] don't give up on god [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] he is [Music] yes yes [Music] [Applause] won't give up on youtube [Music] um [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't give up on god yes what's what [Music] come on [Music] come on [Music] don't give up one god not gonna give up on you [Music] no matter how many times it failed oh glory it won't give up on you open your eyes [Music] he won't give up on you [Music] there's a miracle [Music] [Music] [Music] anybody that's watching and you need to give your life to the lord i pray in the name of jesus christ that the lord would sweep over your soul i pray that the love of jesus christ will just envelop you right now and not let you go that you would feel loved that will always remain that you would feel loved that will cause you to change your mind and your life that you will feel loved that you have never had before that you never want to lose that the love of god would overwhelm you overwhelm you to the degree that you just melt in his arms and let you give your life to him forevermore so jesus i pray save those who are unsaved and watching this bro because i pray as you hold them tightly in your arms [Music] let them feel something that they've never felt before let them know what they've never known before the eternal matchless love of jesus christ hallelujah save to the utmost cleanse and purify we pray this in your name jesus christ hear the cry of your people that cry out in earnest hear them that cry out save me lord hear them the crowd help me lord your ears are open to their cry perform it lord god hasten your word to perform it in their lives we pray in your name jesus hallelujah and it is that simple simply by praying that prayer help me lord save me lord forgive me lord with a sincere heart that's all you need to say and then god does what he does you
Channel: Perfecting Faith Church
Views: 74,849
Rating: 4.8745999 out of 5
Keywords: Perfecting Faith Church, Perfecting Faith, Perfecting Faith Church sermon, Donnie McClurkin, Donnie McClurkin message, Donnie McClurkin inspirational message, PFC, watch God work, God’s miracles, miracles
Id: _P-LrvGF7zM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 54sec (3594 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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