Praising God Produces Power - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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now you must understand that egypt was the america of its day it was the superpower of its era it stood head and shoulders above any other kingdom of its time it has gone down in history as being the preeminent government power of its age we are still worshiping around going around taking pictures around studying around observing the the magnitude of the brilliance of the kingdom of ede we're still studying their pyramids are still standing thousands of years later their architectural designs are still being studied their craftsmanship was known in all the earth egypt was the superpower of its error pharaoh was the kind of leader that you could not have an international summit and leave out the pharaoh of egypt because egypt was a superpower you have to understand that these people are not fooling with no jack leg upstart johnny come lately individual who's an egotistical maniac fail was a force to be reckoned with he decided whether men lived or died he made a decision and you couldn't catch your breath he made a decision and armies were destroyed women were violated he made a decision and entire villages were set on fire he was not to be trifled with had he risen again that's why moses ran and spent 40 years because pharaoh was not to be fooled it is that kind of power that is chasing a group of slaves out to the riverbank can you imagine the kind of fear they felt when they heard pharaoh huffbeats coming in behind them he didn't just use his chariots he picked out 600 chosen chariots the fastest in the fleet the mightiest of the crowd the most skilled warriors said he had 600 men chasing a bunch of farmers down to the red sea and if god didn't make a way they would have been totally destroyed i feel the holy spirit's saying right now there's somebody watching me right now that you're in a predicament that if god doesn't make a way you're going to totally be destroyed man can't help your friends can't help you neighbors can't help you your uncles can't help you you're in a crisis mode situation and whatever that is that's coming up behind you it threatens to totally annihilate you and that's why god's got you watching this message right now because if god be for you he's more than the world against you and he's about to pull you out and if you miss the rest of the message this is your jump off point you could dance right here because god's about to snatch you out of your worst nightmare of your deepest fear of your worst anxiety god is about to pull you yeah yeah when god gets ready to move it he will move it out of the way and i know you hear the hoof prince and i know you feel the threat because the enemy always threatens before he destroys he's a terrorist he wants you to be fearful and frightened and afraid it's not like this was a sneak attack they could hear trouble coming to terrorize them their emotions were frozen their will was paralyzed they were so distraught they started murmuring and complaining against god and moses they wanted to go back into egypt back into bondage back into rape back into slavery anytime you want bad better than good you're afraid i want to talk to people who are so afraid that you chose bad over good you chose wrong overright you chose to stay in a house full of violence rather than to get out there on your own but this is the day of your liberation this is the day of your emancipation this is the day that you are set free and the bible said [Music] that god used what was in his hand against what pharaoh had in his hand pharaoh had 600 chosen chariots skilled men of warrior god had water and wind and the bible said he spoke to the wind and the wind blew the water back for miles and miles then he told moses he said not only will i bring you out but i'm going to bring you out comfortably i'm going to bring you up comfortably see the red sea experience is where god teaches israel separation so point one is god will separate you at the red sea he says i am going to teach you separation i am the god of separation i separated day from night i separated light from dark i separated water from ground i separated the firmaments that were above the water from the firmaments that were beneath the water i am the god of separation and so you don't have to be afraid of what's trying to overtake you because i'm the god of separation and i will put a barrier between you and it and i will set you apart because you're mine i am the god of separation somebody right now he's a god of separation he's the god of separation and god uses water to teach him that i will separate you by the water and the bible says that they step down into the dry seabed of the red sea and there they go walking through on dry ground because when god brings you out he'll put you in an environment so good that you don't even have to get muddy later on later on in the new testament the apostle paul will exegete this text and tell us that what we call a red sea deliverance god called baptism for he said did not god not the children of israel unto moses in the cloud and in the sea i didn't know i was at a baptism service i thought i was coming out of a fire escape but god says no this is not just an escape this is a baptism and i had to baptize them because they went in the water as slaves they came out of the water as sons i had to baptize them to put a line of demarcation between how they define themselves then and how they define themselves now which is what baptism is for for as many of us has been baptized into jesus christ have been baptized into his death that likewise we may be also in the likeness of his resurrection we went down into his death we come up into his life they went down so that who they the enemy was chasing could be pronounced dead we died in the red sea all of your slaves died in the red sea did nothing come out of the water but sons but when pharaoh got ready to step into the way that god had made for his people instead of it being a way that the wicked could walk through too when the wicked stepped down into the water god told the wind go back and the waves collapsed and they drowned i know he is the master of the winds and the waves because in the new testament when the disciples were crossing over on a ship they woke jesus up with sleep in his eye and he stood on the bow of the ship and he spoke to the same elements he said peace be still and the bible took note the winds and the waves obeyed him that is the same wind and waves that obeyed him in the book of exodus when he spoke to the wind and said no more it stopped blowing back the waves and the waves came in and pharaoh drowned now see this with me if you will 600 chariots horse-driven chariots are drowning in the red sea the animals the chariots the swords and the shields are floating in the water josephus the historian says that bodies were littered all up against the banks of the red sea coming up out of the water dead so that when the women started dancing they were dancing on the dead ah hallelujah who would have thought that god would deliver you so well that you would dance on what was dancing on top of you and i know it sounds foolish but that's why i'm telling you to dance in the desert that's why i'm telling you to dance in the desert because while you're dancing your devils are dying while you're dancing your diseases are dying while you're dancing your death is dying while you're dancing your enemies are dying and when maryam grabbed her tambourine she did not just do it out of joy she did it out of warfare because when you praise god he is magnified and the more you praise him the more he'll work for you so when you see god bringing you out don't just stand there look at him but grab your tambourine and start dancing in your just if you praise him if you praise it if you pray them in your house if you pray them in your living room [Music] there they were dancing in the desert little did they know that when these women started praising god they would set off a catastrophic series of events with water remember when god told the woman if you believe on me as the scriptures have said out of your belly she'll flow rivers of water some things aren't going to happen to you praise him some things aren't going to happen to you speak up some things are going to happen to you grab your tambourine in the middle of your desert and say i refuse to be depressed and i refuse to cry and i refuse to walk around this house looking all sad i'm gonna grab my tambourine and devil i'm gonna dance on top of your head i'm gonna dance give me some old time holy ghost pinnacle i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm hands fans fantastic hold him dance on him plan for him dance dance dance dance dance and they all went down not one of them escaped the death count was 100 not one man lived to tell what happened because when god says i will destroy your enemy he means i will totally annihilate your enemy and i don't care how big he is god says i will bring him down and the red sea closed in the red sea closed in not just to destroy pharaoh it also closed in so that none of the lesser troops could follow the pursuit that's point number two point number three it closed in so that when the children of israel got into the middle of the desert they could not go back hey tell you baby i can't go back i'm too far in i can't go back
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 77,680
Rating: 4.9503193 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2020, td jakes sermons 2020, dancing in the desert, praising god when you're down, praising god produces power, power from praising god
Id: 6acSi-hjAAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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