A Real Ghost Hunter Investigated My Haunted House.. **SHOCKING FOOTAGE**

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you give me a sign that you're here look okay guys so I'm in front of my old house that's haunted and for those who've been watching me for a while know that some crazy paranormal stuff have gone down in this house so I decided to take matters into my own hands and bring in a real ghost hunter who's been doing this for 25 years and he's bringing a ton of ghost equipment so we could figure out what is inside that house for those newcomers to my youtube channel I have a little montage that I put together of everything crazy that's happened here Charlie Charlie are you real dude what no what the juice was bringing store closed like that I don't even know this is just so creepy look I fell back asleep okay let's see where he is maybe he's right behind the door I'm sure this could just be an electrical problem because the fan turns on another light wait was that on when you guys came oh I'm not lying you someone is here right now [Music] doing my dog's pills no wait we wait the camera just cut off so now we're waiting for the ghost hunter to pull up I am absolutely terrified this is something that I've been wanting to do for a long time cuz I want answers I know you guys have wanted answers for years and I feel like today we're finally gonna get them this guy has legitimate ghost equipment that could get us to communicate with the entities or paranormal whatever is in there we're gonna communicate with them today and I have the chills right now just talking about it so if you guys could please smash that like button I want two hundred thousand likes because you've all been asking for more haunted videos and I was waiting for the right time to bring a real ghost hunter so smash that like button subscribe to the channel if you're new and let's wait for him to get here okay guys so I'm here with Justin Spurrier say what's up man what's up he just drove five hours to come investigate this paranormal house and he brought a ton of equipment you want to introduce yourself to the rugrats out there what's up bro grats Justin Spurrier I've been looking for ghosts he's like 25 years but for real paranormal research I really enjoy it work on a television show and I've worked with a lot of the shows so I have equipment out there that I've designed and detects ghost spooky things when he did pull up he said that he felt something that was off right away I don't know if it's because I mean like my energy like I can already feel like this statue but it didn't look right like things just kind of weird right now and not to mention the trip getting here was we're I'm getting equipment to bring and as I'm doing it stuff starts falling off the shelf across the room I'm like what is going on this is a getting real like this is normal for me but at the same time they're kind of going a little further with this then I feel like they usually do so maybe something don't want to be found that's what I'm saying I just hope nothing is attached to me but if you want to go inside definitely want to go inside okay let's do it okay I haven't been in here in a while and I never wanted to but this is it like you can feel I think I know what you feel because I'm very in tune and sensitive to different energies and this is wild are you serious right when you step in like I can already feel the upstairs it's the upstairs like this looks like the layout from the Paranormal Activity house like on the movie like the staircase it actually does remember that yes I remember of course parallel course like the worst route was over here right like in the movie so this is my room is right there okay it's like the left side I don't know the layout of the movie but on the movie like it's the left side is where they their bedroom was I'm telling you guys every time I would step into this house like doing one of my scary videos like I just felt something like something is on me I'm getting the children it's cold in here it's cold it's cool but I think you'll notice if we start seeing our breath or something then that's not normal I don't know if you want to like bring all your equipment in yeah like I brought some stuff it's kind of like I left the house like some simpler stuff to kind of see how they react to that before you get in with anything major I think we should set it up like get started sort of dark yeah okay let's do it Wow this is uh this is crazy to me at least right guys look at all this equipment he actually told me that this is nowhere near as much as equipment but he wanted to bring but it was like last-minute late notice and it's like I've got one case and we have like 15 20 more cases of stuff that we can do in the future but this stuff is really good equipment for make an initial thing like we're doing just to like try to kind of you feel out the yeah see what's going on like how active they are in in which areas and that's what these little sensors are for so I'm just like very very scared and nervous because obviously a ton of things that happened to me personally in this house and like I'm just getting like flashbacks of it and I'm like spent the night here before and like I don't know I'm just getting like the chills and it's like I don't know I don't know guys I'm like actually scared right now especially with all this equipment I've never had access to it so I don't really know what it does but I don't know it's up to you where do you want to start I think we should kind of since I haven't seen the upstairs or anything I don't think we should definitely go upstairs and and just kind of do a baseline reading with some of the equipment that we see where the hot spots may or may not be and then just devise a plan like where we're gonna go just get right into it I think they're ready like I heard I heard a sound like it was upstairs and it's like a team it was off-camera I don't know yeah I don't know the house is no noise it's just waiting go upstairs because that's where most of the things happen let's start with like something simple these are these detect static electricity yeah and now if you push the button here you'll you'll see some lights and sound and so basically if it detects any kind of a free-floating static field it'll you'll be able to pinpoint kind of where it's at and this does the same thing this one's just more sensitive so you can kind of like map it out like if you start getting noises and lights you can almost find the shape of whatever the static field is I don't want to so it's really exciting when you you get shoes this is scary because it's terrifying piece of the no this is very scary enough act that it's pitch black right there but when you turn it the lights finish oh it's just pitch black well I think we should definitely start heading around the houses and upstairs okay guys this is the moment you've all been waiting for especially me I've been wanting to get to the bottom of things for a long time and we're finally doing it we're about to explore my old haunted house with a bunch of ghost equipment fun for you I don't know yeah let's see what's been bothering you all these years so you can get some kind of an answer because so much crazy energy that I'm already feeling that's not having been upstairs right now it's been really silent yeah that's good we want to keep this sailor okay so let's just go upstairs it's terrifying up here especially because that's where a lot of the paranormal stuff has happened to me so just tell me if you see anything behind me because I'm walking backwards the whole time see anything okay so this right here was my old room and this is where clothes moved in my closet I played a lot of like scary games in here and yeah this is just where I like threw up security dude right in the doorway are you serious like Oh what are you make sure yeah just so everyone knows like that your hand wasn't on the button like you would have either it's either on or off it like makes no difference but I just want them to see like it seriously bad is that actually bad no it's exciting because that means that there's something in there there's definitely some sort of a static field right here but it's just very interesting that it is falling in your creek oh man I think so absolutely okay so it's like you broke through this little static barrier that was yeah it's okay I'm gonna skin stuff I'm gonna come in nothing's been on in this house right no I'm just been sitting here should I turn this off or keep it on you can keep it on you can even just set it down if you gather for now so this is where like you would see clothes so yeah one time I think it happened twice where like my clothes just like started doing this and my fan was turned off yeah and there's no fence or anything I just can't believe like the the door weight thing like that was so elegant in its like I almost want to try that again just just to make sure it's [ __ ] like right that's so scary you did most of your Ouija board session like um I didn't play the Ouija board he said scary games like I did like a Charlie Charlie pencil game I don't know if you know right it was like that was like what kind of triggered a lot of things like innocence it's similar to what we're doing or to the Ouija where you're like expecting something to happen yeah something to move the pencil so we're gonna try talking to them or him or she or I haven't been anywhere else yet but I'm just feeling like ya know check out the rest of it and almost like it's almost like something just felt like a rush of energy like they were almost scared he's like maybe they don't want to I don't want to talk yeah you know like you felt like I just I just felt it was almost like you can see things in your mind's eye like you know when you feel something and then you visualize it at the same time but you have no reason to yeah it's like it went right past me and into here are we can actually try communicating with them yeah so this is called a direct link and what this is is it's a form of a ghost box or a spirit box that scans through frequencies at a high rate of speed you can make communication here's some answers hopefully I'm ready hey I guess I just hope nothing answers really I mean I know you want to know but we got if you can't get answers or find anything out that's true actually now I'm ready or anything so should I hold it I think you should okay yeah I'm fine all right I'm gonna hand this over to rug [Applause] like I heard a voice in the background do you hear that Oh what do you just say all right can you try speaking a little more clearly let me just this is that any easier for you sounded like a girl etc say what did it say you know it's a female like do you know whose house this is wait that wasn't what it said that's freaking scary I can't even feel my body right now I heard a few words I don't know if you guys can understand what it said we know there's this weird static thing in your doorway yeah I think do you want to maybe check out the rest of that yes this is like my parents old room and there's an attic in here I like play the Ouija board room attic I just don't learn that lesson do you have things I moved or misplaced yeah downstairs I had like a pill bottle fly off the table while I was upstairs so I didn't see it but when I went downstairs I was on the floor no I don't feel good in here it's different feeling though I always felt like there's something in the Attic we heard scratching on this wall before coming from I think on this side it's just like the paranormal activity house right what I'm saying like it's like it's actually believed mirrors are like the portals you know so like fact that this is covered with mirrors maybe interesting what you doing getting the Ouija board I think I played the Ouija board up there in this house too yeah should we try turning this one yeah we can turn it on try some more we have other things we can try no I think it said okay what sounded like we'll have to like it's just nationally you never know like you'd have to really dig deeper and see what you're dealing with yeah as best you can so if you hear like this in love with you yeah like there's a couple things it's hard to tell with this little tiny speaker bigger like I know I know I should we try turning it on and then there's like this little whisper voice I think there's a lot here we're gonna need a bigger speaker and I can find some stuff that's super cool like super excited they've been talking to us the whole time like we don't know you go back and listen that's all always happen like in case you didn't know like in my videos I personally would never hear voices and then I upload it and my fans with legitimate find voices that say like get out or like leave like it's just like this terrifying there's definitely you can't tell what it says right now what may enhance the audio what was that I soo did you hear that yes that was it I can't tell if it came from there behind I think it came it sounded like a hanger or something that was interesting so thank you if you did that like but just scary walking out in the darkness into an empty hallway hello but we're gonna check out my brother's room I don't think a lot of stuff has happened in there yeah differentiate the rooms like each one's a little different which one did you have the strongest senses initially in your room but then when I went into your parents like by the closet it definitely got no definitely the a little bit stronger the closet area was like supers but they can move like this energy might be strong today here tomorrow there or a minute-to-minute second can change let's just see what like this room gives us and then we'll kind of grab some other equipment and then I got an idea okay fun a little physical number please of how many spirits are here in the home with us right now knock on the wall what the heck was that do you think exact feel I can't feel my body though and that wasn't like a solid bang yeah I'm just like super scared right now who do you want to hold this maybe maybe that's what they wanted do you think they feel threatened okay I don't know if you guys heard that knock but that was like even like I subtle as it was it's just knowing that someone's in this room is yeah it was solid but so definitely not like question like did you hear something yeah I heard it yeah we sure did yeah please don't lie I'm serious I'm not lying that was intense like no camera was on right are you serious we'll have to check the audio on this I'm gonna go back and listen oh nice he just got cried just like something grabbed the back of my shoulder not like hard but like later I was like oh oh are you serious it was it wasn't like a push or anything you guys we weren't recording and I look at him and he's like like he like got scared and it startled me like I felt it you know like when someone gets you in that spot you tense up and you're just normal right now or yeah like know if it happened to me I would have jumped out the window dunno I'm kinda like actually really scared right now can we get out of this room yeah well let's go regroup grab some other cool stuff I'm trying to just get out of here as quickly as possible but I do want answers yeah we've gotten a few like knocks and like maybe a few things um that maybe you guys heard but I just like I don't know I just feel like they don't want us here and that's like the feeling that I have upstairs it was a girl now it's a guy there's definitely multiple spirits she's heard that right you'll have to slow that down maybe let's go somewhere other than the key I was just laying grabbing some stuff I wanted to test it and that's cool like it's already said your name so let's go let's do the living room the pressure the pace this is another Ghost Box right at one time contained human ashes are you serious totally serious this is one-of-a-kind like I don't know who the dude was that was in here but his ashes got dumped yeah that's a ghost box Wow his wishes work to have his ashes spread so the family is like what are we gonna do with this like we have this beautiful box it's a ghost yeah it's obviously what it should be used for and this is the very first time I'm ever using it is in your house are you serious the first time I've held on to it for a long time for like a special occasion and I couldn't think of any star talking to in this place it said your name do it you ready nice truck it's keep hearing phase right like they know you but who are you I turn this up boy I heard it I heard these road I heard phase Road I said Facebook do yeah I think they want you that okay so okay so now we're getting a little communication you have like a male voice and all of that that's like a totally different part of the different frequency so he's trying a good start does it sound like what concertina I thought it's a Tina do you know I'm so sorry that you thought it was bull meetings know the difference between that this is gonna be trippy the difference between that and what we've been getting the other stuff that voice was like a little 3d sounding that's because that's like here right here and they're using that energy that's the theory like they use the energy of this and they project an EVP like we would catch on the recorder right through the speaker so it was almost like that spirit had to like the route like we're getting somewhere now so I was thinking like in your room that's like the first place you went and there's like this weird band of energy you can relate to that room more than any room in the house PFS but you've had so much happen so I was thinking what if we kind of took a trip back in time and you just spend some time in your room on just trying to stick out like maybe that's what they want maybe they want what they were used to and all sudden you took it away from them like you moved out so okay they want to like spy with me no like we don't know but it's just like an experiment see if it brings anything out like it's worth a shot okay if you're comfortable we're gonna have a night-vision camera rolling that as well in case something does happen but yeah I guess I'm gonna go sit in my room by myself in the dark what the lights have to be oh okay no I'll do it as long as like I don't know I'll just oh I'm gonna do it for you guys like I this is I don't want to like right now this is the creepiest five like look upstairs things are just starting to kick off like we heard some bangs sort of look like a knock and then I get that little touch there's things definitely like starting to build up right now and I just don't know how I feel okay so we've switched over to night-vision and this is the moment of truth I'm gonna go sit in my room that I grew up in and had a ton of paranormal stuff happened to me and tried to communicate with whatever there is in this house and we're gonna bring up a lot of equipment set the camera down and hope to get something out of it and I'm also bringing this tennis ball to set on the table or desk and I'm gonna try to ask them to move it so it's pitch black right now yeah there's a figure standing literally right there to the right of my closet and you could see it on this that little stick figure they're not little he's actually like registering as tall as the room almost did you like live in the closet when he was trying to sleep oh look oh he's like pointed in the closet and then disappear jumped in look he's pointing to the oh oh he point to the tennis ball do did you like it's getting chilly in here literally like it shows a figure standing right in front of us and you just can't see it I swear he's trying to move the tent okay sorry for bothering you can you give me a sign that you're here I'm gonna rearrange some stuff okay I know I'm being annoying um but can you please give me a sign that you're here I saw bugs in his room he's been there by himself for a few minutes and he's surrounded by like sensors and things but I don't know if anything's happening but it's not like he's getting what your ticket cuz they're not answering so can you give me a sign and I'll leave the house if you just do something just one thing touch this or make that line up just give me a sign right here and I'll leave the house you can tell he's a little freaked down so far has been like a pretty even night like I can get a little bit of stuff going on we heard a lot of stuff what was that what was that know that we're literally just reporting just sitting here it was like did not come from downstairs hello are you serious bro now with you guys messing no we're good bro we have the recording we have the recording okay um can we please just get out of here please I I like I I can't I can't do the same well I was just in there by myself and I heard uh I know we felt that we heard it from downstairs so if you're done like we can call it a knife round and just like maybe pick up another time I think we should come back next time with more equipment but like I just want to get out right now I'm just gonna like wait outside no what do ya no no I'm coming with you bro okay I'm gonna wait outside please like yeah just let me know okay I heard it from where we were at - you okay guys we are gonna end the video there I hope you all did enjoy what was that last thing man like you've experienced that stuff before right so the last leg there was a bang so I was actually talking to the camera while you were in there just telling him I think I even said like how it didn't sound like much was going on but you might be getting irritated because it was like I was getting I was getting impatient when that happened it's almost like you could feel it from downstairs like a vibrator and I was like just something off so does that mean like they're like no to me that was like they were today we're done for the night and they just wanted you out like GE that's for life sorry guys but no seems like you guys saw it we used stuff to try to communicate with them they said phase drug a law we heard a few noises but if you guys want a part two with bigger and better equipment to where we don't much more we got like this was very basic it was very last minute this whole thing was planned last minute so if you guys want a part too if you could smash that like button maybe 200,000 likes sounds good if you guys hit 200,000 likes we will come back with bigger and better ghost equipment which I didn't think existed but like that was the basic stuff that was just basics yeah so there's a lot more to this guys and I still want answers I feel like I haven't gotten a law and he's gonna listen to the voice recording that we were playing the whole time and if there's any like whispering that he catches or anything like that he's gonna send it over to me and I'll post all my social medias I'm watching it over the banister I can't feel my body from a blanket shows like a shows being where I'm watching this over the banister I can't feel my body from a blanket snow maker so I was being with I'm gonna tune this in a little bit and you tell me hey hey I'm gonna tune this in a little bit and you tell me hey hey find the right setting find the right setting please go show Justin some love his links are in the description thank you so much for coming out man thank you he drove five hours just to come do this tonight but yeah that was terrifying guys 200,000 likes subscribe to the channel for your noon other than that it's been rug and Justin and [Music]
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 8,236,619
Rating: 4.9173298 out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug, ghost, ghost hunter, real ghost hunter, faze rug ghost, faze rug haunted, haunted, haunted house, faze rug haunted house, ghost hunter investigated, investigate haunted house, haunted house investigated, a real ghost hunter investigated my haunted house, shocking footage, shocking ghost footage, ghost shocking footage, faze rug old house, faze rug house, faze rug old haunted house, ghost hunter explore
Id: DaytuWdDZ4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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