Jack Hunter And The Lost Treasure Of Ugarit (2008) | Full Movie | Ivan Sergei

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] hmm [Music] hello baby cameras [Music] [Music] wow for that [Music] come here [Applause] oh nice catch [Music] so [Music] liz it's me hey yeah i tell him i got it i'll be on the first plane back believe me see you right here can't wait what is taking so long relax my dear albert lipman is a thief i still don't understand why he hasn't been deported nadia patients will achieve more than fools it's just frustrating ally after all these years i come home to find the same thing happening our history is being stolen from us once again it is your destiny to have returned home to do what is right uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] approaching tell them to shut up [Music] ali miss ramadan what a pleasant surprise what brings you all the way out here since your quest to find a city buried under the roman ruins at palmyra has proven fruitless your permit to conduct further excavations has been revoked i don't think you really want to do that your time in syria is over my advice pack your bags and get out of cereal like you still can [Music] finally some good news burnt we have a rat one of the men must have talked seal it you cannot do it they will all die exactly i bet you these are my men they have families oh [Music] let's go there goes the right burnt the hyenas will have a feast tonight [Applause] yellow [Music] uber it was the home of one of the most prolific powerful and ancient civilizations on earth this metropolis of incredible wealth and advanced culture produced the first true alphabet for many years uber it was the jewel of the middle east its success was rivaled by no other professor uh schaefer yes professor schaefer yeah uh what's that stuff coming out of that thing that the king's holding oh yes well he's holding a staff in his hand you see this and this those two pieces the iris and the eye compose the star of heaven and when joined together they supposedly formed some type of a weapon well mythological rubbish if you ask me so the king could like melt people's faces off with that thing that's right this yeah where are you here hi welcome back how is he the same still obsessed with the treasure of ugaret and worried about you even though he won't say it but you weren't worried right how was your trip the french have another reason to hate americans but then in 1375 bc ugarit suddenly mysteriously and completely disappeared we believe the city was overrun and sacked by the egyptian pharaoh ammon hotep iv no trace of the enormous wealth cultural treasures or the star of heaven have ever been found in either syria or egypt so what happened i believe that survivors of ammun hotep the fort's raid were able to save some of the treasure and hide it from the pharaoh i also believe that the location of the treasure has been encoded in poems that were written at the time and left behind for us to find our own college is underwriting an archaeological dig in egypt under the supervision of dr lena halstrom we believe that the bulk of the treasure of ugarit is buried in akhnatan's tomb jack yes i have pizza delivery for fast freddie schaefer well that's all for today reed ackerman's archaeology of syria chapter 3-10 class dismissed how the pictures turn out great that thief laroose had it all along what about the markings it's a poem frederick it's it's a religious poem about elu email the pictures to ali we need his input i'm on my way frederick listen this is not frederick good to be back ali yes yes i know it's laden damascus but we got pictures ali wants to see what's on the tablet did you email him the pictures nice to see you too sorry good to see you jack now where's the oh my god you stole the tablet stole is such an ugly word appropriated in the name of science i can't believe you brought the whole thing back i told you just take a picture of it oh never mind i don't want to know i've spent most of my life searching for it and now it's in my hands thank you jack see these markings right here they tell you how far in the passage you have to go back they were tricky what an intriguing passage illus eye fell upon them the light of heaven descended now that was a common way to describe a meteor shower and his glory was hidden in the gaping mounds beneath the fiery gaze of el shaddy's empty eyes until his name is remembered once more hmm yeah makes complete and perfect sense jack be serious it's a poem frederick it doesn't point to anything it's just ancient folklore mumbo-jumbo it's much more than that frederick how many of these have we seen how many of them are there maybe one in a thousand turns out to be something this this this isn't it these illusions may be geographical markers to the location of the treasure if you say so i i'm exhausted i'm gonna go okay now we leave tomorrow and make sure you bring everything this time i'm sorry syria we leave for syria once no no frederick i'm not going to syria you can go to syria this is your life i've got my life i've got things to do yes i know of those things don't start that again i did what you asked i've got a flight to catch i leave for florida tomorrow morning i can't believe you're not the least bit curious to see where this goes we found a clue i'm curious but i don't have time to go traipsing around the desert because i'm curious about some poem this is the real deal jack frederick i want to find the treasure as much as you do believe me it's located in these phrases i'm sure of it we just need to solve the riddle jack you're the only man on earth who knows the uber at language better than me if we decipher the map we find the treasure and return it to its rightful owners the people of syria it's not a map it's not a map i know this is not as easy as hunting for your spanish galleon in florida but our work is more important to humanity than you lining your pockets with money haven't you learned anything from the past excuse me professor sorry to interrupt but it's late and if you don't mind i'd like to go home yes my dear go home tomorrow we must prepare for my trip to syria jack would you mind walking me home yeah sure i was just leaving anyway we're closer than ever jack please come with me so thanks for doing this you know the two of you care about each other so much when are you gonna stop fighting as soon as he stops trying to turn me into someone i'm not and who exactly is that i'm jack hunter [Music] hey i can't do this no entanglements no ties selling relics of the highest bidder moving on to the next adventure that's who jack hunter is look i'm sorry all right frederick may be at the tail end of a lifelong quest the least you could do is help him see it through that's what this little walk home is all about huh i have a little talk you know sometimes it can be a real ass only sometimes you owe frederick yeah i'll see you around this that's it for you frederick just wanted to say that i'm sorry god no frederick frederick no please god please fredrik foreign let me get this straight [Music] all right i got your visa your ticket i updated your software and let's swap out your phone for this one it's global access liz where are you guys getting the money for all of this it's part of a research grant look jack i don't know what to say i can't imagine how hard this must be for you what i said last night i know he meant the world to you and you don't have to do this yes i do the police said it was a robbery why don't you just let them handle it the tablet's gone the tablet's gone there was only one other person who knew we had it ali who's willing to kill for it that maybe it does hold some value either way i'm starting with him frederick would have wanted you to have this thanks i'm gonna need someone to keep me up to speed while i'm out there you're the only one i trust [Music] enjoy your stay in syria the ministry of tourism sent me to assist you ministry of tourism i thought you'd be with the ministry of archaeology oh yes she is waiting over there her name is nadya ramadan the jeep is right out there let me have your claim checks i will see to your luggage and this is my mobile phone i am your man in syria anything you need day or night whenever you need me never sleep whatever whenever wherever i got it i got it i'll get your bags [Music] hi i'm jack hunter i know who you are i'm nadia ramadan i work with dr ali solomon of the ministry of archaeology are you american no i was educated in the states but i was born here in syria i worked with professor schaefer the last time he was here he spoke a great deal about you he was a very good man he had my deepest condolences yes he was thank you and where is ali he had some personal affairs to attend to who made us in ramro tomorrow well we'll see if i don't meet him before that huh let me tell you how this is going to go mr hunter ali asked me to assist you but i'm doing so in protest as i have little regard for who you are or what you do now i will bring you to meet ellie tomorrow until then you are not to leave my side should you try to evade me or remove any artifacts from my homeland i will make one call and one call only to the syrian armed forces they will hunt you down and make sure that you never see the light of day again am i being clear oh it's crystal now let me tell you something i'm here to complete work on behalf of professor frederick shaffer nobody's going to get in the way of that work i don't know who you are and by the sound of it i don't want to so the quicker you get me to holly the quicker you and i part ways how's that for clarity so glad we understand each other oh me too welcome to syria mr hunter thank you what do you have in here will you be staying for a year i'm only staying as long as i need to conclude my business well you will love my country not here for love i'm a good driver don't i believe that ellie left something there for mr hunter people sit there and listen to some music [Music] excellent [Music] does this music have to be on [Music] [Music] you see it's beautiful beautiful everything you want you can find here [Music] mr [Music] we're almost there mr hunter jack call me jack well i'm sure you've been called many things but jacket is good thank you hakeem is a dear friend to meet you sir oh you as well i believe ali left something for me please wait i'll get it how you doing sirians are very friendly people you know relax i was so sorry to hear about professor sheffer he was a good and kind man he was thank you thank you stay back not the first time i've had a knife pointed at me although that one's a bit bigger yes let's go through here all right come on up here up the stairs [Music] oh well let's go come on this way this way come on [Music] hello we have to jump [Music] [Applause] jump please forgive us you look beautiful [Music] okay [Music] wow what happened back then two men just tried to rob us no yes what are you doing calling the police don't why not they can help us find out who those men were no they're only going to get in the way and i don't have time for that i want to get to raj shamra right now i want to meet ollie someone needs to employ them everywhere you go they can be bought you're wrong well i'm not trusting anyone right now well that makes two of us ha now you're making some sense well you want to know what i think now i think we all need to calm down no need to get angry let's go to the hotel drive okay okay so does trevor follow you wherever you go you listen to me sweetheart frederick was killed over that tablet what tablet what was on it the one that we emailed the pictures up to ali with the uberrytic markings he didn't show you no he didn't show me well at the time i thought it was just some old home frederick was convinced it was some sort of a map let me tell you something i'm gonna get to the bottom of this that i promise you will you drive faster daddy is driving yes it's active look i have to go it's jack on myself liz it's me hi jack how's everything oh yeah it's just great syria is a wonderful place i really hit the ground running listen i uh i stopped by ali's shop he wasn't there but he left a scroll for me i think it has some sort of ancient ugaritic map on it i'm gonna need the latest satellite imagery of syria down to the square foot too i want to try to compare these two can you send it to me yeah no problem hold on it should be coming through coming to you now well let me know if there's anything else you need okay thanks liz i'll keep you posted hi just give me one second i gotta get dressed come on in so did the police find those guys the report has been filed it's only a matter of time before they do what's in that i know it's a map listen you want to grab a bite to eat i've got a couple of things on the computer i'd like to show you [Music] so these are the pictures that i told you we emailed to ali these symbols they're definitely ugaritic ollie left us this note wrapped up in the scroll i'm sorry i'm not able to give you this in person the same markings that were in the pictures of the tablet that you sent me were also on this map that i recently discovered i believe it could reveal the location of the treasure and i'll meet you in rajashamra and we can compare notes i didn't know what to make of this at first so i scanned the map into my laptop and then i superimposed it with a recent 3d satellite image of what i think is the same area this is all underwater now um a dam was built in 1973 it's now like el assad that doesn't make any sense why wouldn't ali have realized that the treasure may be hidden under a lake your boss has a lot of questions to answer what are you implying he was the only other person to know that frederick had the tablet and and now frederick is dead i've known abby my whole life and he wouldn't kill anyone not even you the man didn't show you the pictures that we emailed him the photocopy of the scroll he gave me clearly a fake he didn't show up at the antique shop and then we were attacked if you were in my shoes what would you be thinking you don't want to know what i'm thinking not yet ramadan you expose it as always jack jack hunter hello albert interesting to see you here though why am i not surprised you two know each other why am i not surprised jack and i share the same philosophy about the business of antiquity oh i'm sure you do and you have an excellent guide to miss remiden she's a vigilant protector of her country's treasures she's a fuchman a true professional so what brings you to this part of the world jack i love the food are you scholar now as well following frederick's footsteps professor schaefer recently passed away no no he was killed oh this is terrible news my deepest condolences jack and now you're here to carry out his legacy well i have to go but i'm sure i'll be seeing you again soon i despise that man ali has risked his career trying to stop him and we now believe that he's working for the russian mafia their money buys him connections at all levels of the government well the last time i checked the russian mafia was only into three things counterfeiting drugs and women so why would they be so concerned with syrian antiquities all of the sudden [Music] it's a poem frederick it doesn't point to anything it's ancient folklore if we decipher the map we will find the treasure treasure frederick this is your life it's not mine okay i've got things to do come with me please please you [Music] [Music] [Music] um jack what's going on what the hell happened in here oh you know just your friendly turn-down service what are you doing well he's trying to make me think that this map is authentic he wants me to think it's a real clue to the treasure i'm not waiting until tomorrow i want to see him now jack you're not making any sense you think that ally gave you a fake map and now he's sending people after you to steal it don't you get it why didn't he show you the email because if the treasure is real he wants it all to himself in my country we still value honor loyalty and duty above money ali exemplifies all of those qualities when you meet him you'll see that i keep hearing all about that i've yet to see it who are you calling tariq get ready to [Music] go [Music] oh i'll pay you pump hello what's wrong what's happening nadia why are you crying at least ted what ali was in a car accident his uh his car went off the road and he died instantly why would muslims i guess you don't have to worry about him now huh damn you for saying what you did about him damn you he was a great man a great you hear me it wasn't an accident ali frederick they were both killed for the same reason the treasure somebody thinks it's real why are we going after it then we're not i am going home we are we're going back to damascus no we're not going back i'm gonna find out who killed frederick do you want to know who killed ali do you the only way to do that is to take a look at this and follow where it leads what is that it's a map frederick deciphered it for my translation of the tablet it's incomplete but it could tell us where to start this is the fishery mountains they're in the middle of the desert there's nothing there jack well that seems like a pretty good place to hide a treasure doesn't it first we go to the ministry and we tell them what we know no we can't we don't have enough evidence whoever did this will just cover it up and then we'll never know we'll never know fine fine we do this your way for now i wish you'd never come here jack hunter next two of us [Music] you tired of driving you want me to drive no sir this is what i do this is why i'm here terry never sleeps so much for this is why i'm here this is what i do what the hell hold on who the hell are these guys come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hold on i think we lost them i had the worst nightmare we were being chased after you doing go back to the main road did you not just see the people driving us off the road and shooting at us back there you had the same nightmare jack just let me think telephone poles maybe there's a road up there that connects back to the highway tariq stay with the jeep yes yes good idea let's go up this way it just keeps going this isn't dead ends we just let me look why are american men so stubborn we're not stubborn we're determined oh yeah you're determined all right there's nothing there you know what you're making my life a living hell you would just listen how do you get back in the gym around like i said nadia get back in the gym do not raise your voice at me okay yeah i got that go get out i need my phone get my black bag out of the back okay get down get down [Music] you know how to use this do you are you okay but i don't know how to use that i'll go get some help wait time wait either these guys are blinders of the worst shots i've ever seen i think they're warning us to stay away yeah it's working [Music] come on lucky for you was driving this way yeah lucky yes not very grateful considering a trust saved your life going for a dive like al assad maybe you are getting good at this it's been your men chasing us all along you killed frederick let's go someplace more civilized and have a chat put them all on the track where's shariq get in the car if the squirrel was fake how the hell did he know where to find us there are only three people alive that knew about fishery mountains me you and tariq jack how else stop it's too tight well i'm just not gonna sit here and wait for him to come back and kill us he's not gonna kill us he needs me to help him find the treasure well i would rather die than help him i wouldn't let him know that if i were you jack tell me about the translation jack where's the treasure what does the tablet say about it go to hell jackie you more than most people know what i'm capable of so let's keep the civilized i don't want to hurt you or for that matter her but i will just tell me the location tell me leave them alone you're nothing but a thief and a murderer we're standing up for a man without the slightest respect for women of your class that was a compliment [ __ ] jack i could make this really worth your while and i'm not talking about these measly amounts we made in the past this payday could set you up for life let her go albert she doesn't know anything but you do check so why not cash out your weddings and save her life just tell me what i want to know [Music] how much are we talking what do you want have and her and don't try to negotiate with me you're in no position i'm sure your clients would hate to see you not deliver on your promise huh like peru deal fishery mountains you're a bastard you better be telling the truth jake i want to know two things first how did you know frederick had the tablet and why are the russians involved check your phone calls my monitor and as far as what my client wants you really don't know do you i knew i should never have trusted here you're welcome i just bought us some time now let me to think us out of here from now on i will not keep you inside for one single moment okay be quiet so we'll rest here until daybreak okay you didn't call your wife station did you you called littman didn't you no jack please no i didn't know we were in that path then the only person who knew where we were heading was my wife i did call her one i wouldn't have betrayed you why did you come back then so you can follow us stop it i get back to save her i came back to favor what's wrong with you didn't you hear levin he's been intercepting our calls did your iq drop in the last 30 minutes you okay yeah look i believe you thank you thank you thank you [Music] let's just try to make that ledge up there maybe we can find some help over the ridge [Music] i don't think i can continue much longer in this heat just a little further look why don't you just go ahead and i'll catch up where's that stubborn woman i met just a couple of days ago you're the one who's stubborn okay i'm determined how determined let's go if lipman beats us there i'll never forgive myself ah put your feet under come on thanks no problem i need to know something and i want the truth what happened between you and lipman i met him at a convention right after i graduated from college i mean he was a legend at the time and he comes up and he's talking to me and he's telling me about the clients and the gigs and money and then he asked me to be part of his team i mean i knew i didn't want to be a teacher i was looking for adventure and uh it started out great we were a really good team he would find the clients i would organize and execute the funds but something changed he was taking bigger risks and people started getting hurt i mean i i knew what was happening i just i didn't do anything at the time i just decided i was going to move on i've been on my own ever since that's the way i like it how do i know that you're not doing this for the money i guess the same way you know tariq's not working for litman i smell food come on come on see there are people down there alhamdulillah come on [Music] thank you very much easy easy not too fast it's bad bad no it's good it's good now tell me where did you come from our car broke down in the desert you climb over that mountain in the middle of the day in the seat incredible you are either very brave or very stupid stubborn actually do you have a telephone here we could use i have a cell phone but there is no service for 100 kilometers could you maybe take us to the nearest town it's getting late now first thing in the morning for tonight you will be my guest you're sir kind thank you eat eat more more i'm stuffed i couldn't eat another bite well i still have room for more help yourself habibi this is wonderful thank you for your hospitality you know i've heard that siri is famous for it this is how we leave my friend it's beautiful it's it's magnificent come let me show you a place that is really beautiful i'll keep an eye over the food wow this is just magnificent [Music] beautiful people i mean a beautiful family are you close with them your family i mean parents died when i was in college it must have been hard on you drowning myself in drugs and alcohol it was frederick who saved me and he was the only one who reached out tricked me into taking one of his courses that sly guy he had a plan one time he made me stay after class as soon as all the other students had left he walked up to me he got this close to me he says to me says young man i have tolerated your self-indulgence long enough if you truly loved your parents you would honor them and live a great life not destroy it your parents didn't leave you jack they simply died that's when frederick became my family he always stood by my side he was always there where was i when he needed me jack [Music] what's this it's a game that children play called the hyenas eyes what is that the great hyena hunts at night and as the sun sets the great hyena looks with red eyes out over the desert for the weak and the fearful it's a bit of a scary game for children isn't it but there are worse things come out in the desert that night that sounds like a kids game it just said they got the secrets of the desert from all intruders of course some say that just stories to keep children away wandering out into the night but the hashishing are real my friend isn't that right you little monkeys jack jack look look look fiery eyes that's what my wife has when i've done something wrong she is one mean woman when she does not get her way beneath her fiery gaze damn it frederick was right jack what are you talking about the poem is a map frederick said the poem was a map the poem says that the treasure is hidden beneath her fiery gaze this is what frederick saw we gotta get there before lippmann does tonight when they go to sleep we're gonna steal their van jack we're not taking this man's van and leaving him and his family in the middle of the desert let's sleep on it and we'll figure it out in the morning you ask for transport and i shall provide a one and two horses yes so we may take your van why didn't i think of that i'll take it into the nearest town and alert the authorities no no hold on hold on tariq you go take the van you go alert the authorities i need you with me we'll take the horses as i say you're all welcome to them you're very kind in case you get lost it's always wise to be prepared good luck thank you hope you can keep up [Music] so okay moving excellent let's roll go come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] this direction moving on [Music] looks too rocky up there for the horses i'm gonna have to go the rest on foot [Music] [Music] gaping mouths empty eyes oh no we gotta move all right just a little bit further i think there's a cave right here that came out of nowhere hey look at this i've seen this in all these research really let's see where this goes what are these holes for stay right there okay jack come on let's go are you crazy i'm not going in there come on i'm sure this is the worst of it trust me give me your hands i can't see anything down here animal symbols this has to be it there seems to be a symbol for each tunnel so which one kim blizzard how's your step there scorpion snake looks like it ends here i don't think so i've seen these markings on the tablet a code can you break it i'm sure as i'll try jack i i didn't do anything jack until his name is remembered until his name is remembered once more what spell either jack the second one i got it jack can you see it jack hurry up get down ah [Music] follow me [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] i'm guessing that's the iris that's what the russians are after where are you going closer look hello why i'm sorry to have deceived you my child not as sorry as i am i could not tell you i am a descendant of the ugarit people entrusted to protect this precious gift sent to our people by the heavens listen to me littman and his men they are following us they will be here any minute that was just the iris on the scepter where is the eye with the help of a threatener the egyptian for our stool the eye from the king of ugarit destroyed our city and searched off the iris many hashishing died protecting it so the eye is still in egypt you will find nothing here but it's all dead [Music] i'm gonna go for the iris i'll be fine i'll be right behind you go go it's dead i never trusted your virtuous act ali you'd like to have them go find hunter [Music] my god oh this man nadia you'll never guess what i found the iris belongs to the people of syria finders keepers miss ramadan if it truly meant something to your people it would have been placed in your museum long ago this is much bigger than you think and far more complex for you ever to understand so i keep it simple such a waste jack do you want to say goodbye to nadya looking for me what do you think you're doing jack you have nowhere to go who says i'm going anywhere uh oops gekko [Music] now what were you saying jack mariah mariah check great work i will miss you my friend jack come on [Music] jack i told you we meet again mike linda see i said i would come to your rescue day your night tire is at your service and i brought the army with me where's littman did you see him come out [Music] hi hey you're leaving aren't you excuse me yeah liz something's happening i need you right away liz i'm in damascus i know i also know that littman is in cairo he's going after the eye of the star we can't let that happen wait wait a minute how do you know where littman is i can't talk to you about this on the phone but i'm afraid i haven't been very honest with you the most important thing right now is preventing lipman from getting the eye you know the danger the world being if that happens now i'm sending someone to pick you up be ready in two we need to run the hours [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: ACI On The Go
Views: 2,897,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American Cinema International, ACI, Flims, Movies, TV, Entertainment, Full Movies
Id: z2CcsUKLsp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 6sec (5886 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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