"Doing Good May Get You In Trouble But Praise Can Get You Out" with Rev. Timothy Flemming, Sr.

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verse 25 and at midnight paul and silas prayed and sang praises unto god and the prisoners heard them and certainly there was a great earthquake so that the foundation of the prison was shaken and immediately all the doors were open and everyone's band were loose and the keeper of the prisoner awakened out of his sleep and seeing the prisoner doors open dry the sword and would have killed himself supposing that the prisoners had been fled but paul cried with a loud voice saying do thyself no harm for we are all here i don't talk about doing the right thing can get you in trouble but praise can get you out doing the right things can get you in trouble but praise can get you out our message today is about praise and thanks a time where we get up and we thank god that we can get up thanksgiving it means the same thing whichever way you spell it giving thanks of thanksgiving you can spell it backwards it means the same thing or you can spell it forward thanksgiving or giving thanks and we should be thankful today that we're living now i often say that we cannot thank god until we think you have to take the a out and put an eye and think then you can faint and a lot of times we don't thank god because we don't think if you think of his goodness and think about the thing god has done then you don't have no problem thanking him his force has to be a thinking mind sit down if you will and think about things that happen to you but while you're thinking about the things happening you think about things that didn't happen sometimes we're always concerned about the things that happen oh i lost my job i lost my house i lost my income i lost this think secondly thinking makes you appreciate what you do have because it's not always what you lost what you got left and i can take that on sometime when i lost to my son i was thinking about all what i lost my son but i it had to hit me it's not all about what you lost i had two more left you you didn't have to have any left and some of you lost a job but you still got your life some of you lost uh an income but you still can got an appetite i know some people who have food but can't eat none of it the situation won't allow them to eat this health won't allow me that you ought to thank god you have a big appetite you got to think about things could be worse than they are i've been in some countries when i was preaching and singing around europe and places where i've been i've seen some horrible sights i've seen bodies lying on the on the ground dead and the stench has made me sick to pass what was that i have seen hunger through africa and india at its worst and when i've gone in some places and i've lived in uh their little hotel or motel they call it first class it wasn't no better than days in and i have seen poverty at its worst and you know what when i've gone to some of these countries and sometimes uh even in places in india the bathroom was a little hole in the wall or in the ground because there was no running water and you've seen uh how people live and when i went in and in the years i was preaching over there and saw people bathing in lakes where the animals were bathing they are washing clothes in the same lake that the animals were in and everybody actually was no restroom just doing right on side of the road did what they had to do and these are the sites that i saw was so horrific but the amazing thing to me when i saw those poor little innocent children if you gave them 5 cent they would come maybe 50 from out of nowhere and you you didn't know what to do one time we just threw them pennies and you should have seen them just grabbing for it fighting for just a penny and i asked who are these children they're homeless these are homeless children and they'll run them away the horrific sights i've seen made me come back home and say thank you lord thank you lord i thank you i'm so grateful to be in this country no this country doesn't all have everything together and then all countries have some problem but oh bro if you've been in some places where you could pay a judge and get away with things and nobody did nothing about it you have no idea to be appreciative of this is one of the greatest democracy in the world to be right here in america she has a problem all people have problem but you better be glad you in america it is still the richest country in the world learn how to say well lord with all the problems we got here thank you i want to thank you because i'm thinking now and i want you to start thinking about you blessed to have children some people can't have children when you say and they get on my nerves you better glad you got something to get on your nerves you better be glad that you can mother a child that some people wish they couldn't mother a child you better be glad that if you don't have a car you can get all mudder in fact you better be thanking god you can walk think about how good god is and once you think of the goodness of the lord you'll know how to put your praise on you'll know how to put your prayers and i often said if you praise god you can knock the p off praise and he'll raise you and god will raise you to another level do you know what god wants to hear is praise why some people one was god said i think god has an ego problem why does he want to be praise and worship why what does god have an ego problem that he enjoy for bowing down to him well i want to tell you theologian god made us the praise that's what he what you created for you should do it why because it's not that god is egocentric it's his god know what makes him release his anointing because see you don't you can't take care of yourself you are no power against the forces of evil and there's a there's a little click that what moves god what moves god is praise not so now you do need to pray but you need to have praise with prayer see you got to know what's the key to everything that unlocks the door and god designed everything to praise him not for him but for you because praise god god our god not god's not insecure god's independent he didn't need us but he made everything that glorify him because he will not share his glory with no man and god know that you don't need to praise because you can't handle it if you had half of god's power god couldn't do nothing with you and that's what the devil is the devil himself because he couldn't stand the praises of god and he wanted them and he wanted to be above god and be praised because the devil was jealous of god but god knew the devil couldn't have a power and that's why he envy of you when you got power from on high because you can handle it by praising god and when he had it he couldn't handle it i just said something y'all went over your head listen you see that you ought to be saying to yourself i am better than the devil when god blessed me with something and i know how to keep a level here you know why you know how to get a blessing and be thankful and satan didn't know how to get a blessing and be thankful he had all those angels he had all that power he had their voices and all in heaven he couldn't handle power and when you god can bless you and you can still praise him you better than the devil and he's jealous because you can do what he couldn't do oh i can preach all their own prayers and preach all day on praise my god praise god even in tragedy praise god because you don't see the whole picture god is bringing something out if you praise god in spite of now in our text today i i preach all day long prayers let me move on in our text today which i've preached so many years and many many times but i see something so different here today with paul and silas paul and silas were partners they were together they met together and it's can i stop and say you ought to have a partner some of you all need to have a prayer partner you need somebody that you can talk to and all you single folk why don't you all have a thanksgiving well you know if i was single and i'm sitting around lonely i would call a friend say look bruh make the ribs and i'm bringing the chicken and call so-and-so and tell them if you can't make no dressing go buy someone okay man and call another friend say hey man can you bring a kale all clean cook well that's fine they got them at the store well that's what everybody is doing at the store you know old folk not cooking that buddy that's store-bought cake mama tell you hey i ain't got no time in this hot cooking kitchen cooking today like they used to hey you go to kroger you buy your you can buy your own chicken already roasted i understand what i'm saying what you all could be doing this afternoon oh ain't got nobody i'm up here by myself i'm all alone don't you have a friend call your different friends and man go on up there and get a chicken i got some potato salad i ordered it public whatever you can go there and pick that up and you people order stuff and then all of that is a great single life that christmas and the new year's all your friends came together at your house and brought a covered dish and you have food for everybody i'm trying to show you all when you're single talking about how to live and enjoy your singing life and here's the good thing about when you're singing you can stay all night and don't have to answer to nobody where you been all night sleep on the floor sleep on the sofa amen a single life can be happy if you know how to make a family and just be grateful that even though you're single thank god i got a job thank god i got my life thank god i got friends paul and silas knew how to have partners everybody ought to have a partner captain kane ruth had mr green gene lucy had alpha amen the only ranger had thumb though moses had a about it bill there was so many people jonathan had david where's your partner you ought to have a friend you can call every morning as a partner and pray together you need somebody to talk to that when you're going through something you can pick up the phone i had a old partner reverend f.j jackson lived to be a hundred years old i would call him when i got down and he could just lift me up as like a dad we worked together on the same job when i was young and he was like more than just a mentor f.j jackson was like my partner he was my best friend and he had mentored me when i was a young pastor hired a pastor and he lived to be a hundred years old he asked god to let him live to be a hundred and he lived to be 100 years old and he requested that i preach his funeral y'all have a partner i sat up under the great william holm borders and greg william on board as a wheat street baptist just taught me a lot of things on that porch he took a liking to me because i'm from macon and that's where he was from and i pastored some people that were his people and when i came to atlanta i didn't know nobody but he was like a partner he guided me he made me go back to school he taught me things i wish i had known when i was young and to this day is not hard a week past that i don't think about my old pop i call him pop like a spiritual daddy and when you hear me saying help me holy ghost that's my old partner help me go save men church and that's really home but but my old pastor i didn't think about it who baptized me that's from the country used to always say am i right about it and i didn't think about it till all these years i'm always preaching always am i right about it reverend jj jordan he was blind but oh boy he could rap back and he could pull it they i you think about you need somebody to mentor or somebody with you so paul had silas like peter had joined to help him hold pull a man up at the gate you ought to have a partner and so paul and silas are partners and it's better had two heads are better than one and the bible said that when they were going around preaching the word of god doing a good thing preaching the word of god preachers preaching will get you in trouble but praise will get you out when you're doing a good thing for god want to get you in trouble sometimes you can just be trying to talk to somebody and help them and they'll turn around and turn on you doing a good thing with trying to get peace in a situation and that you got yourself in and out everyone said what you got to do with it i was just trying to help i was just trying to get some peace and you're trying to do a good thing and you end up in trouble oh i want to tell you something i want you to think about some of you may be having a family gathering today you might have to get involved to keep a fight from happening you know how ken folk off when they get to ride that table and they go to bringing up stuff and i want them here i went through that once with the family and i had they had some banana pudding and look like they about to get into something i had to stop but listen i want some banana to put you all they finna turn this table and i don't eat my bananas i was sitting there looking at that banana and y'all finna get into it might turn this table i said no bring me something that i broke it up you better learn how to bring a word of peace i said put a tyler pair on look whatever more deal peace be still she tickled me to death when she had that pistol and then she pull it out what you gonna do she said peace i laughed so hard at my dear i mean you got to have something fun in that house today don't get in there bringing by the old stuff that when mama was living you didn't do that when daddy was there how come he left you the house how come all that look let that old stuff you better be grateful you got family don't let that spawn do a good thing and sometimes when you try to call a person try to bring peace they'll jump on you because sometimes trying to do a good thing will get you in trouble but right gonna always win help me holy ghost i like i like preaching like this when i don't have to look at nothing and i can just walk and talk and god just bring it to me to deal with things that we go through every day doing a good thing and get you in trouble martin luther king did a good thing and got him in trouble moses did a great thing and because he got on that nerve and he didn't make it to the promised land think about so many things abraham lincoln did a great thing and it cost him his life the first president to ever be assassinated god that did a great thing you know one of his own racer hindu shot him and before he died the man that shot him he bowed his head to him and phil did the great gundam who influenced martin luther king think about some of the people that have contributed great things what happened to them we kill off the greatest talent doing a good thing sometimes can get you in trouble but you know i think it's something i just got an email from heaven why did god let good people suffer god allowed us to go through things to prove us to develop us and one thing i just thought about this sometimes god got to let sin be around you to show you how awful sin is where did that come from i think when god let jesus hang on the cross he he unmasked the ugly face of sin [Music] so that everybody can see how awful sin is jesus on mass the face of sin look how they doing there look how they whipping me sin is awful and god wanted to show her just how bad sin is by letting his son do a good thing and suffer but because he suffered and did a good thing he crushed the enemy head when he said it is finished [Music] [Applause] see y'all don't know when to shout you all shot y'all shout too soon or too late oh i forgot the text let me get back oh my god paul and silas went there preaching doing a good thing and a young lady was following them talking about oh these men are holy men of god i don't have time to really dissect this thing and do what i want to do with this today because i got to let you out of here in a minute but uh paul turn around the devil can tell the truth the devil can prophesy and she was telling folk these men are holy now she's possessed by witchcraft she's a she got demons in them and paul turns around and casts the demon out of her because people were making money off of her and when people were going to her and and using her when paul cast that demon out some people got mad doing a good thing forget you they got mad with them because they couldn't make no more money off of it let me tell you something i want to drop this on you and i can go this way and go that way when i preach you'd be surprised and know what people do for money if you want to make folk mad mess with their money honey [Laughter] boy if you want to find out what people are made out of mess with the money if you want to find out if your friends love you that say they love you don't give them no money if you want to find out what that broad line up there talking about sweet talk how much you love you quit giving them that money sister oh boy i wouldn't get a dime now would i if i was asking for an offer i just 10 folk just just cut me off oh i can talk sweet talk to you if you're going to feed me cook my breakfast talk all that sweet talk but get broke if you didn't have that money old lady young boy wouldn't be there you know you over the hill you need to quit first of all he's not going to be seen out with you you know why because when other young women look at him with you they're going gonna say to him you mean that the best you can do [Music] he's gonna be in paris around your own women with you see money is motivated you feeding them money and people will do stuff for money and you need to see through it it's money motivated take it from them and see how quick they drop you sir i know i just made some folk mad but the truth's gonna set you free i dare you to get down to your last dime you won't get that phone call you'll start wondering why your friend don't call you no more because you're not giving them no money if you want to make folk mad mess with that money folk don't mind you staying ignorant if they can control you and make money off you people don't mind you shouting and singing as long as you don't touch that money and listen drugs that go around locking up that little brother on the corner is not the problem he doesn't have no airplanes he doesn't have no trucks and you locking him up with that little white powder he didn't grow nothing he did not have no farms to grow that plant it's the higher up folk who are making the money running that society and we don't touch them we get that little brother on the corner and throw him in jail now you won't start trouble you start messing with the top folk who making the money off that's right i just dropped something i always said look phlegmiology you can't get rid of ants ants stumping on them if you want to get rid of ants you have to move what they eat because when you stomp on them they get on you just go find out when i had some ants around my house i stumbled on they got on me oh god i had to go find let me follow this trail and find out it was a piece of bread somewhere or something in a corner once i moved that the ants left you got to get at the root cause and somebody making money even in this political thing somebody making money tell nothing about you it's money medieval motivated and when you start messing with money that's what happened paul messed with the money they couldn't make no more money off that girl and they took him and threw him in jail threw them in prison and while they were in prison at midnight midnight at night when the king of day the sun had gone down in the evening to do battle with the prince of night and had sprinkled the universe in rich red blood midnight when the crickets came out to sing their evening song and the birds had gone in and hushed their mouth and the roosters were waiting on early morning at midnight when the darkness was only broken by the night creatures of the night midnight when love and compassion come down [Music] i don't know what happened at midnight at midnight when the grocery stores had closed midnight when uh all the pharmacies were closed midnight when everything good was closed but everything bad open up [Music] at midnight when some of y'all just went out [Music] midnight when one day is in and then another about to begin midnight so let's think about this are you in the midnight the midnight is a closing of something and about to begin something else are you in your midnight of your life between old and new is there a midnight with this pandemic are you at a midnight right now that you have lost your business and have lost your job and the stimulus money has not come yet is it a midnight as i said that a loved one is caught coming and that you don't know what to do there's not ain't no medication for it yet is it a midnight that you're standing there looking at some loved one or husband or wife with all these tools in them and you can't even go stand there there's at midnight in your life today when all your friends have forsaken you and now that you need them they don't want to talk to you is it midnight and your income is it meant that in your body that you sick is it midnight that things are going bad out of all you tried to do and you can't seem to conquer some habit and you keep asking god to help you and look like the more you pray look like the more the enemy tempts you it's a mistake if it's midnight tell you what paul and silas did at midnight they did a good thing and got put in jail but at midnight they knew what to do and paul and silas prayed watch this hear these guys locked up in jail not complaining it said and they prayed and gave singing there ought to be some they they in our churches today not just you they whether they they that worship the lord we should be in the vein they that wait on the lord shall renew their strength third person plural they they said not he because of he did she might be left out so if she doesn't he might be left out but they is inclusive everybody ought to be a vain i like that because some people started saying well paul did the prayers and silas did the singing the bible didn't say that it said they didn't so they did a do they did a duet you you have to learn how that you pray a little and i sing a little i sing a little and you pray a little there ought to be some day in the family that everybody in there ought to pray and say grace together when we had all our grandchildren at the house always let the young one do the last prayer amen and you'd be shocked surprised to hear what'll come out of the baby because they're all cause why not pray he's eating too so you ought to have some day in your living stop going around bought my eye me myself and i and said we invaded paul knew how to sing and silence knew how to pray if you go through hard times you're gonna learn how to pray if you ever been down there last night i don't have to teach you how to pray baby catch enough hell catch enough hell you come up here and want to take over and go to preaching i'll be saying i don't know you can preach catch enough hell that's why god let us catch hell so we know what hell is so you don't want to go to hell some of us you know what what i like about these guys they sing and they pray they did not let their condition control the atmosphere they didn't let what was happening to them to them control their atmosphere you got to let what folk do wrong to you let it be but don't let it control your atmosphere [Music] don't let the stuff they did to you make you whatever somebody did to you don't don't let it be your whole atmosphere i got to worry for you if your atmosphere is controlled by people who want to use you then you need to go to god who can control the thermostat [Applause] god see god can whatever your enemy do to you god got the finger on the thermal step he can turn it up and he can turn it down don't let folk make you bitter because they want to do things that make you better don't make folk let folk make you hate because they're trying to make you hate you got to learn that i refuse to be sad i refuse to be mean and evil you can do all the wrong you want to do to me but i'm not going to let you make me like that i'm going to praise god [Music] you know words you got to learn how to pray and praise god regardless of what's happening to you see that that that's the devil trying to steal your praise he'll let somebody on your jaw mess with you trying to con control the atmosphere you have to be in charge of your destiny you have to know who you are i refuse to let folks stop me from preaching you know you can sit out there i've been preaching 58 years [Music] i know you so well that when you don't say nothing you make me sure enough preach yes and you want feminine to preach make him mad i preached my best sermon when i got married you get serious when things mess with you and sometimes god will just let stuff happen to bring out something in you you didn't know you had all you young preachers talking about you can't preach get a church in the country i had three churches in the country they have a conference when you're on your way there they'll have a conference when you get there and they have a conference when you go and when church folks say conference they don't mean conference they mean come first will teach you how to preach bro they'll teach you how to hoop too a little old small church will teach you how to do and bring out something in you you never thought you had so you got to learn to take advantage of a disadvantage look the god of wow in jail praising god not complaining and i never read where they were in there confusing about how they were treated if that been some of us lord you know they hit me this morning lord did you see that man when you slap me lord did you know i'm bound down here now if i'm your child you said you were provide now why are you leaving me down here in jail why i'm in prison you know what some folks need to go to prison some folks need to go to prison you know why they need to go somewhere where they can sit in pain you know some folks need to go to prison martin luther king wrote his greatest letter in birmingham jail you you'd be surprised what prison can do some folk don't have no sense when they're out so sometime mama still you keep going in there getting them out like my mama said get in there you sure gonna get out on your own told one of my brothers that when he getting in it then they shut that door behind him boom and he saw what nothing else he could get through then he went to writing all kind of letters and he was getting mad at me by preaching then he went to ask me to pray for it boy that prison made him pray that prison made him think that prison made him stay out of trouble and he found out it was a fool and there was a bigger fool than he you go in that prison you'll meet your match sometimes god needs to let us experience prison sometimes god yeah the letterbag gets shed away from society to know how to get on their knees and think about what a fool is and you go run and get them out too quick see some of the greatest preachers i know were inmates that's why jakes went and ministered to men in prison that's how the black muslim get them in prison while they hurried bitter committed crime they get in there and go to working on their mind and you got to give them credit church they can do what churches can't do with a black man i got to get to him they get in there and clean him up he come out here with his face all clean and hair all cut and got some pride and dignity what they're doing is trying to get him to see who he is as a black man that you don't let nobody control you think of who you are as bad as we talk about the muslim they can do what the church can't do for the black man and they go after them in prison look hurt people can always be taken advantage of mentally you got to watch what you read when you're hurt people go out to hurt people oh god that's a whole nother sign if people see you hurt and they know you bow to hurt they will come and brainwash you they know how to brainwash you because you can take advantage of a pain so when a brother see you hurt he come after you then brother see a lady hurt he tell her sweet things because she's hurt and she needs to heal all that to build herself up people who smart go after weak people they look for your weakness they know you had a disadvantage they know there was something wrong in your life and they know what to feed to brainwash you most ministries that these cult that have gotten a lot of folk with jim jones and all the rest of them they will hurt people oh see i'm teaching so and i'm out of time so in jail they know the secret that i'm going to praise god there's no other way out you can't think of getting past those bars but here's another point while they were in jail they started praising god watch this in chains here's the point the bible said and when they were praising god oh some i'm getting so many revelations can you praise god when your hands bound can you praise god when there's a change of tradition on you can you change praise god when somebody has bound your income can you praise god when sickness has imprisoned you can you learn how if you can't say nothing just lodge ahead i refuse to let the enemy shut my mouth the devil want us to be quiet you make too much noise in church i got news for you if you can't stand noise in church i don't know where you're going because the name but two places to go when you die and both of them start with an h and if you go to hell there's gonna be weeping wailing national teeth hell is noisy and if you go to heaven john said i saw 24 seats around the little white throne and i heard them says glory worthy holy holy holy so it's going to be noisy in heaven and it's going to be noisy in hell and all of y'all come out thank you and all of you all talking about you can't sing you might want to learn how to practice now because that's all you're going to be doing in heaven so your mind will learn how to tune up now and we will be singing a new song and as the time runs out on me that i got so much more i want to say but i'm going to have to stop the thanksgiving is about when you get in trouble praise god but like watch this is my final point when paul and silas would learn the secret of praising god in chain watch this this is good they bound their hands they bound their feet but they did not shut them off [Music] if the devil tie your hands down if they tie it out of your church where you can't run thank god there was nothing on the mouse the biggest mistake the devil made he should have sold up the mouse [Music] i don't need no music god said long as you got your mouse you can still praise me thank god they didn't put no luck on this so when the devil bind your hand and the devil bind your feet look at somebody say open your mouth and just praise god anyhow paul and silas i could hear him saying father i'm your child i didn't come for no form of fashion neither no outside showed to a dying world but i bowed because every knee got the bomb and everything every tongue got to confess through your loving arms all around me plop me up over every lead inside and i can help one saying father you've been good to me father i'm glad i know how to serve you in jail today and what i like about these men the conclusion of the story when they praise god the bible said the prisoners heard them oh lord anybody here today know that when you praise the lord somebody gonna hear you i'm so glad the prisoners heard them because every day i want to be a witness every day i want somebody to hear me praising the lord every day [Applause] every day i want somebody to help me thank you jesus everyday i want somebody to know i love the lord i thank him this morning i thank him this evening i thank you jesus could have been dead but i'm still here [Applause] yes yes [Applause] i said i'd be out at 12 o'clock but my soul's getting a little happy when i look back and see what the lord is doing and look back and see what he brought me through i have to tell him thank you jesus y'all don't know this thank you jesus that's me back there been so good to me you've been so good to me yes lord's been good yes lord you made a way i don't know [Applause] let me quit [Applause] when doing the right thing get you in trouble praising god will get you out if you just praise him today he'll bring you out the devil can't do nothing with praise let me open doors to church i wasn't gonna do all that today is going to say you know what i'm going to learn how to thinking for bad things because bad things drove me to good things [Music] if i never been hungry i wouldn't know what hunk is like if i never been down i wouldn't know what being up is like god is making you appreciate something when you get it when you've been denied when you couldn't get it [Music] see when you never had something you get it you know how to appreciate where you got it and this thanksgiving morning i want you to look back and stop complaining and start praising amen because you can be good get in trouble hey you can be doing all right thing ain't getting in trouble but praise pray can get you out that's it play a little softly for me now i'm probably talking to somebody watching me right now say you just made me think brother he made me look at the upside or down you made me find out what james said counted all joy not if but when you fall into diverse places but here's the key to that word knowing that the tribe of your faith what what patience he says you went through all that now you know something and the fact that you know what you know and you know that you know what you know you know how to take what you're going through that you know i like that can anybody's place my singer's gone i like that he's worthy if somebody breaking my mic that's a good song praise him that's it yes sir [Music] praising i don't care if you sick jesus bless his savior he's worthy [Music] praise it mama thank god you live to get old age and see all your children grown what a blessing is worthy jesus [Music] hard times for good times that you can have an appetite [Music] everybody say jesus jesus jesus jesus you jesus jesus jesus that's healing in the name of jesus that deliverance in the name of jesus have joy in the neighborhood jesus jesus jesus bless the savior amen they've got a hand clapper praise this morning i hope you have a great thanksgiving today praise god in spite of your condition even if you can't even raise your hand on a sick bed move your lips and still say praise it because when praises go up blessing remember mom what i told you why we praise god it moves something in god to release something we need and we will create it to worship him and everything praise god but man the birth is doing what they were told to do the lions the dogs doing what they were told in god everything is doing what god made them to do but man so god made everything to worship him so would he give him his grace and if you just stop worrying about your complaining about your prisons start complaining about your enemies and start just saying lord i want to praise you thank you just glory the lord's prayer which i've been doing a series of sermon on it starts off with acknowledging god our father which art in heaven then it goes into praise hollow would be thy name thou kingdom come thou will be done on earth as it is in heaven everything watch this the beginning of that prayer was about praising him our father acknowledging who he is where he's from which art in heaven holy is your name praying for your kingdom to come all that before your petition came in after you praise god then you get your petition give us this day our daily bread forgive us our debt and we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us to me you got in the middle where it went back to after you got through with your request for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and amen means so be it everything was about praising god from the beginning and praising god at the end and your request is in the middle you don't ever go begging before you praise that's right and come back out glorifying god the kingdom is yours and amen is a hallelujah i'm timothy fleming senior the pastor of mount carmel baptist church i hope you were blessed i'm coming back christmas and i'm going to preach a christmas sermon at the mother church i know all of your summer here thought i'd forgotten you but i have not forgotten you and some of your praise teams gonna be right over there doing praise and worship and i'm gonna have another surprise guest so louis they're gonna rock their house we're gonna really have church over there on christmas day at 10 to 12. the pandemic not going to stop us and we're going to still just have social distance amen just a handful amen but be listening in and be listening sunday morning at 9am i'm coming back with another powerful message you don't want to miss me sunday when i come back talking about elijah a bad day and a good day is what i'm going to talk about god bless you for tuning in we'll see you sunday morning [Music] thank you so much you
Channel: Praise Move
Views: 2,263
Rating: 4.7837839 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Timothy Flemming Sr, MCBCATL, ATLANTA CHURCH, PREACH, AMEN, Standing Series, Praise Move, God's Strength Records
Id: RkcqXqRk1vY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 15sec (3495 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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