"Getting Out of a Bad Place" | I Samuel 30:6 | Rev. Timothy Flemming Jr.

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morning amen let's give god some praise today [Applause] [Music] amen come on let's try that one more again let's give god some praise hallelujah somebody just tell god that is worthy amen let's lift our voices and begin to just declare how good our god is hallelujah glory come on open up your mouth with me this morning all over the building open up your mouth and let's just begin to declare the glory and the goodness of the lord this morning hallelujah glory to your name lord lord you're worthy lord your mighty love your awesome lord your glorious come on all over the place open up your mouth this morning hallelujah glory tell god that he's worthy tell him that he's awesome this morning tell him hallelujah hallelujah glory to your name lord you're wholesome lord there's no one else like you in heaven and in earth for your name is great and it is greatly to be praised for you are the one that reigns lord you reign god hallelujah lord there's no one else like you god and we honor you right now in this house hallelujah lord your name is above every name your name is a strong tower your name is a healing bomb your name brings deliverance it's in the name of jesus that we have breakthrough it's in the name of jesus that we have victory come on somebody open up your mouth and give god a praise come on hallelujah to your name hallelujah glory to your name hallelujah closure to your name thank you lord what a mighty god we serve thank you lord there's that old song that says the angels they bow before him heaven and earth they adore him what a mighty god we serve thank you lord jesus and i'm convinced that we got maybe just a handful of people in here today that know that we serve a mighty god hallelujah glory to god a god that's mightier than sickness a god that's mightier than coronavirus a god that's mightier then cancer of god that's mightier than terrorist attacks how many of you know that we serve almighty god this morning come on hallelujah gloria do i have a witness this morning that our god is mighty and our god is great glory to your name again we just give thanks we give glory we give honor and we give praises to our king to the king of kings and the lord of lords jesus the christ hallelujah again put those hands together one more time for our savior this morning thank you lord jesus hallelujah glory to god i know some are probably looking at me and maybe trying to size me up or some may not know who i am well let's go ahead and get that out the way hello my name is reverend timothy fleming jr good to meet you good amen now let's get get down to business amen thank you lord i'm a preacher of the gospel i'm a teacher of the word and i love to minister the gospel but you didn't come here for me you came here to get a word from god hallelujah and that's what i came to bring this morning amen thank you lord again we give honor and praise and we give thanks to our senior pastor reverend timothy fleming singer let's give it up for him this morning amen and i want to give special recognition again to my beautiful wife amen and my kids love the god who are here this morning amen and thank them amen for being here and just uh being by my side amen we're going to go ahead and just dive right in i know pastor was mentioning about the upper room conference and yes you can register online you can go over the website and just click on the flyer or go to the events section on the website and click on the registration button and it will take you straight to eventbrite and you can register right there through eventbrite uh and have your seat amen so we thank god for technology amen beautiful technology which makes things a lot more accessible and a lot more convenient if you have your bibles i want you to stand with me at this time and we're going to turn to the book of first samuel chapter 30. first samuel chapter 30 amen now i'm going to be honest with you again i love to to teach the word of god and those that have been uh checking out the church facebook page you can check me out every wednesday because i've been teaching uh for really the last year each and every wednesday wednesdays in the word and we've been going through a lot of of interesting a lot of interesting uh revelation uh just talking about the kingdom of god and now we're talking about the kingdom well the kingdom of god and and with segwaying into the kingdom of darkness so you don't want to miss uh when it stays in the word as as the revelation that's been pouring out has been something that has blessed a lot of people amen so i definitely encourage you every win stay at seven and if you miss it you can always go back to the church page and revisit uh the lesson or the teaching for that evening first samuel chapter 30 and we're gonna focus in on verse number six first samuel chapter 30 and we're going to focus in on verse number six when you have to say amen amen first samuel chapter 30 looking at verse number six amen let's get that scripture up on the screens as well amen and the word of god reads first samuel chapter 30 verse number six and david was greatly distressed and i'm reading from the king james version your version may be a little bit different amen but and david was greatly stressed for the people spake of stoning him because the soul of all the people was grieved every man for his sons and for his daughters but david encouraged himself in the lord his god amen you may be seated this morning i just want to talk briefly and just uh hit on the subject of how to get out of a bad place how to get out of a bad place amen how many of you have ever found yourself in a bad place before a bad place a bad spot some of you probably right there uh in a bad place right now amen in a bad spot uh i've uh since this entire pandemic uh began i've been my wife and i've received phone calls from people who have been in a very tough place very tough spot whether it be battling with the virus or battling with how they're going to pay their bills or battling with depression or anxiety different things so many people find themselves in a bad place in a bad spot and it's not uncommon it's not uncommon because as you'll see in our text today a lot of people in the bible have found themselves in a bad place but i do want to stop by and encourage you this morning that i don't care where you find yourself there's always a way out there's always a way out and some people they love discouragement or they love misery as the old saying goes misery loves company and some people love the company that misery brings but if you are a person who is tired of being in that spot of being in that place then this morning's message is just for you amen you know uh on wednesdays i've been like i said teaching and just uh dealing with uh some deep revelation about the kingdom of god and about prayer and uh for the last couple of weeks i've been dealing with the topic of faith and and faith in the kingdom of god um and one of the things that i've discovered is in the body of christ a lot of christians tend to carry the wrong beliefs and if you have the wrong beliefs then you'll have the wrong expectations if you have the wrong expectations you may find yourself getting angry with god because of circumstances that you find yourself in and like i said there are a lot of people that are in a bad spot uh but to make matters worse they are upset with god and blaming god because of where they are and i want us to uh before i even dive into the text this morning i have to take just one second and dismantle uh this uh erroneous belief that many of us in church have or have grown up with uh that we carry in our minds and in our hearts uh one that keeps us in the wrong place and that is the belief that god is in control of everything that happens in our lives that god is in control of everything that happens in our lives amen a lot of people carry that belief they carry that assumption and because they carry that belief because they operate according to that belief they sit back and just allow things to happen that that don't have to happen or they they just settle for things that they don't have to settle for uh sometimes we allow the devil to beat up on us and we assume that this is the will of god sometimes we actually settle for sickness and thinking that this is god's way of testing us and making us a better person and you know or we'll settle for a substandard level of living and assume that hey this is god's way of keeping me humble i don't i know some of y'all probably heard that before the lord he has to keep you broke to keep you on belay man well uh i i i i recall years ago volunteering at a homeless shelter and i can tell you it's a lot of broke folk that ain't humble either amen i ain't getting a lot of amens on that one it doesn't matter if you have money if you don't have money anyone can be arrogant and can find themselves falling into the trap of pride and living for themselves rather than living according to the will of god so i want you to see this right here that a lot of people carry this erroneous belief everybody say erroneous belief and that belief is god is in control of everything that happens in our lives and to take that thought a little bit further we'll also conclude that everything my life god is in control of my future oh that's that's a big one right there that my future god controls he determines what happens in my future and uh we we that's that's a very comforting idea that god he controls the future and you know we say that all the time especially in church and that becomes that cliche is used so much i mean it gets tossed around so much until it just drifts into the background of our subconscious and we operate off of that programming and we just uh delude ourselves with a false sense of of optimism that's not reality-based the reality is this there are a lot of things like i said that happens in our lives that god has nothing to do with come on oh god have mercy i'm not going to get too many amens but i'm cool with it amen when we operate and and i want you to hear me when we operate under the assumption that hey god is in control god is in control god is in control well we number one discount our role and our responsibility in the kingdom of god we overlook all little scriptures that talk about the role and the part that we have to play you know i'm reminded of what james said in in the book of james he declared uh show me uh a person who has works and i'll show you my works that were produced by my faith then he turned around and said faith without works is oh y'all y'all know that verse amen let's say it one more time faith without work says what glory to god in other words if i don't have works to accompany my faith then i'm just fooling myself i'm just fooling myself if i just operate onto the mentality that all i have to do is just sit back sit and chill and hey uh everything is just gonna work out on his own i'm fooling myself oh god have mercy i i'm i'm doing a job right now i'm trying to break down a stronghold that has some christians very complacent and apathetic this morning so just give me a few seconds and i'll be coming your way amen but there are a lot of us right now uh that that operate again and and we just kind of sit back and assume that hey you know god is just gonna do everything he's gonna do everything he's just going to handle everything so we we take the attitude and look the bible say day that wait upon the lord they will mount up and we'll get up and quote all of these verses and even misunderstand that verse because it doesn't mean they that sit down and just wait for something to happen it means they that continue to serve or operate in the capacity that god called them to operate in continue to do what god told them to do finally they will find themselves mounting up with wings as an eagle and running and not getting weary and and so on and so forth so we we sit back and we just we we pacify ourselves uh with misinterpretations of scripture that make us think that it's okay all we have to do is just sit down and do nothing because god is in control and then jesus turns around and tells us oh so god is in control well why did god tell you to get up and pray then because if god tells you you have to engage in an activity called prayer spoken communication with god for the purpose of sharing what's on your heart and receiving guidance and instruction from him then that's kind of i'm kind of baffled then why pray if it's automatically gonna just work out on his own amen glory to god let me just take one second amen why pray if it's gonna happen it's just gonna happen on his own why pray if uh the healing is just gonna take place on its own why pray if your finances are just gonna magically flip them and turn around on their own why pray if your circumstances are just gonna improve on their own why pray if there are no dangers that you need protection from why pray if the enemy doesn't have a plot or he's not scheming to try to take you and your family out why pray if the devil isn't attacking your mind and he's not uh bombarding your brain with all kind of negative and demonic thoughts to thrust you into a state of fear panic and anxiety why pray if god is just going to automatically come through and cause everything to just work out and it's going to be peaches and cream why why pray glory to god and then jesus he tells us he tells us in matthew chapter six verse nine he says uh he says look uh when you pray are y'all hearing me this morning he says look when you pray i'm i'm not even gonna just leave it up to you to try to come up with the formula for prayer i'm gonna tell you what to say when you pray so when you pray this is what you need to say our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name and then here it is right here thy kingdom come and what thy will be done hold up reverend because that's not making sense i thought you said uh the will of god will automatically be done oh i didn't say that you must have mis must have misheard me i said the will of god is not automatically done and that's the reason why god tells us we have a part to play in helping to facilitate the will and the agenda of god in the earth so jesus tells us don't just sit back and just chill and act all nonchalant like it's going to just happen on his own but instead get up and start exercising the power and authority that you have to communicate with the creator of heaven and earth and open up your mouth and begin to declare these words my father in heaven you are awesome wonderful and magnificent and your kingdom come and your will be done [Applause] i got to get up and i have to say that listen listen i have to get up and i have to declare those words i have to declare those words in every situation that i'm going through did somebody hear me this morning because i also heard solomon make this statement in the book of proverbs he says lean not to your own understanding but what in all of your ways do what acknowledge god and then he will do what he will begin to direct your steps all right so here comes solomon adding on another another element here showing us another uh uh uh responsibility he says our responsibility is to get up in the morning or get up in whatever the situation we're facing and do what complain about it that's what solomon said we had to get up and begin to grumble and complain about what we're going through because that is going to bring a solution into our situation oh i'm sorry i missed miss quarter that verse solomon said we're supposed to get up and do what acknowledge god he said we're supposed to when we're going through the storm do what acknowledge god oh come on i'm talking to somebody this morning i'm just trying to break through to somebody this morning he didn't say to get up and just talk about what's going wrong he said to get up and acknowledge the one that can make it right but if i don't acknowledge him he cannot direct my past [Applause] oh god have mercy glory to god thank you lord jesus we finna go ahead and close amen philippians the fourth chapter paul turns around and gives us another another piece of the puzzle he tells us be not overcome with anxiety everybody say the word anxiety anxiety uh is is when your heart starts beating it's when you start sweating it's when you lose sleep when you suffer insomnia uh anxiety glory to god is when you find yourself panicking and you don't know where to turn you can't rest you can't you can barely eat or you may spend too much time over eating as overeating as a way of compensating anxiety and paul turns around and tells us be not overcome with anxiety but reverend how in the world can you say that when i only have five days left to pay my rent and i don't have any money in my bank account and you sitting here saying some crazy stuff talking about some being i overcome with anxiety what else am i supposed to do i didn't make this up paul the one wrote it fussing him paul said don't be overcome with anxiety and then he turns around and tells you what you're supposed to do everybody look at your neighbor and tell them this is what you're supposed to do he says what he says bring your petitions before the law now that word petition means a specific request it ain't no general god just bless me it is a specific god i need two thousand dollars by friday oh god i know somebody like you better not do anything like that well he said bring a specific he said be very detailed that's that's what a petition is it is not a general statement it is a specific uh pinpoint request and it says bring that to me you didn't say take it to your neighbor you didn't say take it to your spouse he didn't say take it to your co-workers he didn't say take it to your peers he said bring it to me and then he said with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto god everybody say thanksgiving come on hallelujah come on we're moving a little bit fast this morning amen but stick with me amen he said come bring specific requests and do what thank god hallelujah oh can i help somebody out this morning bring your request and do what else thank god come on let me say it one more time so somebody you'll get it on this side bring your request to god and do what thank god hallelujah let me say it over here somebody over here asleep i can hear your snoring let me wake you up he said bring your requests and do what thank god in other words don't just bring the requests but also give god a praise offering oh god have mercy come on somebody hallelujah are you with me this morning because there's some of us in the house this morning we know how to complain to god about what we're going through but we don't know how to thank god for what he's about to do we don't know how to thank god for what he's already done we don't know how to step out on faith and begin to give god thanks [Applause] oh god have mercy don't worry if you're not used to doing that then we'll do it right at the end of the message i'll always i always give you a faith exercise amen so we'll put it into practice this morning amen james the fourth chapter amen james says this you have not because you oh god hammers come on bible bible students amen you don't have because you don't what [Applause] i love it amen because you don't ask reverend i thought i was supposed to just sit back and god is going to do it and god is like i want to do it i want to do it i'm itching to do it i'm anxious to do it i've been daydreaming about doing it but i can't do it can't do it i can't reverend all you saying there are things god can't do jesus said i want to heal the people in nazareth i've been anxious to do it i've been itching to do it i've been daydreaming about doing it but when i went back to my hometown and i began to declare today the scripture was fulfilled in your ears and i came there to get ready to perform miracles i couldn't do it couldn't do it hold up god you you kind of got the wrong terminology you meant you didn't want to do it no i wanted to i just couldn't do it i didn't mince wars i said i could not heal them because they did not believe hold up reverend are you saying that there are things god can't do oh you hear oh thank you amen glory to god you catching on fast there are things that god want to do but can't do oh god have mercy i'm talking this morning amen glory to god touch your neighbor and tell them where you don't have to touch them but look at them and tell them don't handcuff god oh lord have mercy glory to god don't handcuff god don't turn around and make it difficult for god to do what he wants to do in your life you see we got this disconnect we talk about the will of god but we forget about the execution of his will those are two different things god loves you and desires to bless you but will you let him god loves all of mankind but everybody ain't going to heaven [Applause] so just because god loves you doesn't mean you are forgiven for your sins the only way to be forgiven is you have to accept christ as your lord and savior and receive his salvation the free gift of salvation that we receive by faith but if you don't extend your faith to god you cannot receive the gift he's trying to give you so now breaks god's heart that he has to watch someone he loves going the opposite direction when he's done everything in his power to get their attention and i can only imagine god sitting back saying do you know how much i went through to be able to bless you how much i suffered on the cross to be able to get a healing to you how much i had to how how much i had to take up take on my back on my shoulders to be able to bless and prosper you do you know what i had to go through and you won't even let me do it oh god have mercy see i want to flip this thing around from god won't do it till now you realize and you won't let god do it i won't let god heal me i won't let god prosper me i won't let god bless me i won't let god guide me oh god have mercy i'm talking this morning i won't let god have his way i won't let god move i won't let god deal with my family i won't let god restore me i won't let god heal my mind i i don't want god to touch me all right let's let's go ahead and move out of here amen glory to god time is winding down whatever the god i'm i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna skip over something that i have in my notes and just kind of jump to another well well let me let me share one thing when god people say hey god is here with us uh god is automatically here with us uh there are a couple of verses uh that i want you to put on the screen you know the heavenly father if if you want to know where the heavenly father is matthew chapter 6 verse 9 tells us jesus said when you pray say our father who is where in heaven then say our heavenly father who was sitting in my living room so i'm sorry to have him father ain't in your living room he is he is where in heaven everybody say in heaven that's where he's located at oh god is here oh god wants you to invite him have mercy all right all right go over to god i'm teaching this morning you know even jesus even jesus according to hebrews to 10th chapter the 11th and the 12th verse it tells us that jesus the our high priest he is seated where at the right hand of the father where in heaven oh glory to god am i helping somebody this morning so jesus is not sitting in your bedroom oh god have mercy i'm trying to help somebody out he's not sitting in the cubicle next to yours at the company where you work i'm sorry but jesus is where at the right hand of the father where or in heaven so he says when you pray say let your kingdom come to where i am oh god have mercy i'm inviting you in today oh come on amen the only person that's here with us right now was the person or the holy spirit somebody say the holy ghost jesus said i gotta get out of here the father's in heaven so i'm not gonna be here but i'm a sin the holy ghost [Music] but we got a problem not a problem because the majority of people in the church don't know who the holy spirit is we think the holy spirit is a goosebump that comes upon you when you are emotionally stimulated and you feel great and you're experiencing a state of euphoria that's the holy ghost and we even sum it up with phrases like i caught the holy ghost like he's a football to be passed around and then we tell people i'm going to church so i can catch the whole oh i mean it's like catching a coal or something i don't know you got to explain that to me so if i don't even know who the holy ghost is you know i don't have a relationship with him or i don't know how to hear his voice or how to follow his guidance because i'm looking for an emotion i'm not looking for an intelligent being oh god have mercy now let me share this with you and then we're going to get out of here because we don't know how to hear the holy spirit we don't follow the holy spirit and it's not taught in a lot of churches about the person of the holy spirit we're taught religion but we're not talking the holy spirit i'ma say that again we'll talk religion but we're not taught the holy spirit i'ma say that one more time we show up at church and we are taught how to look with talks mannerisms we'll talk traditions we're taught what to wear we come and we observe all of the activities and when we see one person do this then we think okay that's what church is so we learn what i call church-ism and then we really begin to delude ourselves and say i know i'm drawn close to god no you're drawing deeper into religion in fact you're sinking in in religion sinking in religion glory to god and and yet when we talk about the person or the holy spirit you know most people the biggest question they ask is how do i hear the voice of god and that question really amounts to how do i actually discern the presence of the holy spirit and know when he's talking to me so if that's the biggest question most people in church have that means most people struggle with understanding the holy spirit so the only one that can guide us is the one person we don't know much about oh god have mercy see i needed to say that before i explain how we get into a bad place because we end up in a bad place not by divine providence because this is the lord's doing we end up in bad places because we didn't hear god [Applause] oh god have mercy good teaching reverend amen i had to pull the amen out of my own pocket here glory to god we didn't hear god we weren't listening to him and so we ended up where we are oh lord have mercy david david first first samuel chapter 30 first dance samuel chapter 30 i want you to put that on the screen again and look at where david ended up david david the bible tells us david was greatly distressed for the people spake of what stone in him because the soul of all of the people was grieved every man for his sons and daughters but david had to encourage himself in the lord but i want you to look at that first part of that verse it tells us that he was greatly what distress he was great little stress he was under a lot of stress he was in a place filled with anxiety he was in a very dark place listen to me church i've been in some dark places and i don't know about you all the sun can be shining all around you but up in here ain't none but storm clouds [Applause] i don't know about some of you all glory to god some of y'all super saints that have never experienced anything but i have experienced some very dark places some places god had to snatch me out of where i would i wouldn't be here right now and i can tell you that for a fact and i can tell you that i'm not the only one glory to god i'm not the only one in this room and i show like the only one as it pertains to men of faith according to the word of god because jesus was in a dark place when he was in the garden of gethsemane asking the father take this cup away and i've been in a state of anxiety i've even experienced a panic attack but i have never been so anxious that i started sweating blood oh lord have mercy i'm talking this morning glory to god here's here's david distressed stressed anxious scared fearful afraid for his life and here's the worst part the people who were his support system are the ones talking about killing them oh y'all ain't with me this morning you see a lot of us get into a dark place and we say i'm gonna call my mama but what if your mama is the one putting you there god ever said i'm i'm calling my brother but your brother's the one who's putting you in the place where you are you don't have anyone oh come on let me talk to somebody this morning it's one thing when we think we have a backup plan that if anything happens to me i'mma call so-and-so and this and that person but it's another thing with ain't nobody around nobody's around can i talk to somebody i can't pick up the phone and call anyone everyone has my number on cold block and i don't have money to pay for somebody to help me i ain't got no help oh can i help somebody out this morning over to god i go to go to the church and they say i'm sorry we don't have anything to help you with and there's no one available to pray with you i go to my family and they say don't call me ever again i pick up the phone and call that one friend that i thought i had and they say i'm sorry i'm busy i'll call you back and they never call me back oh lord have mercy i'm i'm trying to bring it and make it as real as i possibly can right now because some of you may not admit it but you were suffering in silence you feel alone you walk all by yourself you feel like nobody understands you you feel like nobody hears you you feel like no one want to hear you you feel like god doesn't even hear you and i came to talk to you this morning [Applause] oh god have mercy let me let me let me share this with you david was in a dark place number one he was hated by his men he was fearing for his life his family had been kidnapped his wives were kidnapped by a bunch of psychopaths and then on top of that listen to this first samuel chapter 27 verse 5 he was serving the wrong king oh god have mercy out of desperation this man went and submitted himself under a pagan king to serve the enemy of god and then if that wasn't bad enough in the 29th chapter the first and the second verses here he is with a pagan king getting ready to go to war against the people of god come on now you in a really bad place when you go from being a prayer warrior to aligning yourself with satanists and casting spells on christians now you in a really bad place when you go from loving god to hating god so much to you despise every person that calls him or herself a child of god and you can't wait to burn the church down you were in a really bad place you in a bad place when you stop praying and start picking up crystals and voodoo dolls and incense and start burning and praying the spirit guys talking about hey i'm here for your guidance oh you in a really bad place oh glory to god am i talking to somebody this morning you're in a bad place when you go from saying hallelujah praise the lord to us alaikum salama are you in a bad place oh i'm talking this morning i know somebody that don't want to hear this but david made a flip he went from serving god to now hating or fighting god and some of us out of desperation align ourselves with people that hate god but we think those people are going to help us get through oh god have mercy is anybody hearing me this morning come on this morning go over to god so let me let me explain to you this is easy it's easy for you to go from doing good to suddenly ended up in a place you don't belong and sometimes i question because i shared this the other wednesday when i was doing some research on different church leaders who have abandoned the faith mega pastor over hillsong that turned around and just walked away from his church left the praise and worship and just decided i'm not going to be a christian anymore another popular christian mega church pastor that just got up and decided you know what don't call me a christian because i am no longer a christian and left this church left his wife left his family other pastors and churches church leaders and we find these people who are once giants and giant slayers uh in the kingdom of god suddenly running around talking about something i ain't i ain't a pastor no more i'm just a coach you know like i don't want to be associated with the church anymore and we start to and and those are just the leaders you can only imagine what's happening in the body where the people whose name are not on the the marquis or what happened amen in mass droves people leaving the church running away from the church exiting the church saying i will never go back to a church amen or some uh the only thing that caused it causes them to hang on to the church is maybe they have a position or they're getting a check or or they have some responsibility but uh quite frankly if none of those things existed they certainly wouldn't be in the faith anymore and there are believe it or not there are uh there's a such thing as what we call atheist pastors pastors that say i preached concepts of faith even though i don't subscribe to them i don't believe in them i don't actually follow that stuff but it's just good to talk about because it uplifts the human spirit the bible ain't a book of humanism and it's not a book of psychology the bible is not about just lifting the human spirit the bible is about saving your soul and aligning you with the kingdom of gender but there are people that you can tell they have left the faith because they've gone from preaching gospel to preaching humanism and they've gone from preaching the word of god they're just giving positive affirmations and that's it and it has nothing to do with god any longer and i'm trying to explain this to you this morning in fact i want to ask you this much this morning how did you even end up where you are how did you get to that place you started out so good david you were a giant slayer killing lions and bears protecting the sheep writing the psalms that we hold near and dear to our hearts today you are praised worshiper singing worship to the lord oh bless the lord and now you're talking about i'm finna kill god's people what happened to you man what happened to you how did you end up going from that to this oh god can i help somebody i just want to know david what went wrong what what what went wrong what what went wrong is it that god abandoned you because that doesn't make any sense he said i will never leave nor forsake you i will never leave nor forsake you i'll be with you until the end glory to god i'm always there listening for your prayers and my eyes are on you david so it's not that god abandoned him what went wrong with david how or let me turn it this way how paul asked the question who has bewitched you and caused you to go from walking in faith to now walking in the flesh cause you to go from praying and seeking god to now aligning yourself with people that you think are going to give you to hook up and get you the way you need to be how did you go from thriving in god they're just trying to survive by any means necessary how did this happen i'ma tell you how listen listen david talked himself into a bad place oh god have mercy put put first samuel chapter 27 verses one and two up on the screen and we're gonna get out of here first samuel chapter 27 verses one and two put that on the screen and we finna get out of here i want you to see this right here david talked himself into a bad place listen circumstances were already crazy around him if you don't unless you forgot david was already running for his life from a maniacal madman named saul he was already running but he went from bad to worse because of his words i mean for goodness sake if you already got the sickness in your body why go from bad to worse by talking down and speaking death oh come on i'm trying to help somebody out come on let me let me just help somebody out if you already broke why speak curses into your life with your tongue and now deplete your spirit as well as your bank account [Applause] oh god have mercy i'm just trying to make make this relevant to us this morning listen if you're already in a jacked up situation why make a bad situation worse by allowing all kind of crazy nonsense to slip out of your mouth hallelujah if there's one thing you should at least hold on to you may say hey they can take my car they can take my house they can take my job they can take my paycheck but you will never ever ever ever ever tell me what to say and how to think all glory to god but to go from bad to worse all right let me read it this is where david messed up then david said in his hearts oh lord have mercy this is when his troubles began because he was already on the road but god god was protecting them god was keeping them god was sustaining them yeah you didn't have all the money you wanted but god was always making a way for you you didn't know how you were going to pay your bills but it just so happened that something kept coming through for you and it just seemed like a miracle happened month after month the lord said i will make a way for you i will take care of you god was already providing for the man god was protecting david because saul was after him but god had his hands of protection over david so it's not his external circumstances it's what he's saying out of his mouth [Applause] then david said in his hearts now i shall perish one day by the hand of soul one day soul is gonna kill me i'm not gonna make it i am going to die oh god have mercy [Applause] got to get out of here i see the light flashing amen david said i'm going to die saul's going to kill me and he didn't just say it with his mouth he said it from his hearts oh lord have mercy can i help somebody out this morning that's the reason why the bible say hide the word of god in your heart so that you don't sin against god but sinning against god doesn't mean merely just engaging in some physical act because you can sin against god by speaking the wrong things the bible tells us in the book of hebrews it says that some had an evil heart of unbelief it's because they told themselves out of believing god and the things that you say to yourself will seep down into your heart so you got to be careful what you feed your spirit man get up grab the word of god i know i'm catching hell right now i know i don't have a dime in my pocket i know my body is right with pain i know my family don't want to hear my phone call i know folk don't want to help me out i know i don't have anywhere to turn but i'ma grab this word and i'm going to speak this word and i'm going to read this word and i'm going to put this word be down in my heart so that the thing that comes out of my mouth is the word of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey glory to god hallelujah glory to god be careful what you say [Applause] i don't care what's floating around be careful what you say i ain't ask you to agree with don lemon let him suck on the lemon and you start speaking what no oh glory to god i know you don't like that be careful what you say oh god have mercy i don't care what the economists say to you be careful what you say because the kingdom of god does not operate according to the agenda of man god or heaven does not wait for the economist or he doesn't wait for the cdc or he doesn't wait for abc yeah bfg or whoever else to do something and say something god says my word will remain forever speak my word oh glory to god i know i'm stepping on some toes right now because you've been talking about i believe god but you've been speaking death every day you speak defeat every day you speak that you're gonna get sick you speak that you're gonna die you speak that the devil's going to win you speak that you're not coming out you speak that you're going to stay where you are and i'm here to tell you what's your words this morning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] put my final verse up on the screen proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 my final verse up and we are walking out of here on this one proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 and i want us to read this one together i want us to read this one together on the count of three y'all ready one two three death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruits [Applause] what you've been saying is actually what's been killing you it ain't what's floating around it's what's coming out of here oh glory to god [Applause] it ain't what's going on in the economy it's what's continuously coming out of here [Applause] what you've been saying is what's defeating you it's driving you into a deep pitch of despair and causing you to make one bad decision after another bad decision it's because you keep saying one bad thing after another bad thing and so god tells us right here everybody's staying god tells us right here he says he says you've been sitting back waiting for divine providence to intervene and to change your situation and you've been thinking that oh god is just going to automatically transform and god is like no no no no no i wish i could transform your situation i wish i could i wish i want to i i really want to i want to come in and do something incredible but she won't let me but she won't let me well god how am i supposed to authorize you to work in the midst of my situation what am i supposed to do you know i've been waiting on the preacher to come and give me a prophetic word and god uses prophets but here's the problem right here if they speak a word to you and you don't believe it [Music] receive a prophet and you receive a prophet's reward there's another element you have to be receptive oh lord ain't that something so god is like i'm i'm i i want to but you know how you authorize me let me share a little secret with you this is how you authorize me you start declaring my word you start speaking my promises in the situation i can guarantee you every last one of us in here are facing something whether it be financial whether it be family rather be mental or emotional some stress somewhere all of us but none of us are in davis position where your homeboys are sitting back picking up stones saying yeah i got a good one this one right here gonna take him out and they all planning to kill you and your wife and kids have been kidnapped and you don't know where they are none of us in here are in david's situation and if he had to flip the script and say you know what if nobody finna come and rescue me i'm going to rescue myself i'll say it again brother if nobody's going to come and rescue me i'm going to rescue myself and it's going to start by me changing what i say [Applause] and speaking a different word over my situation i'm already down i can't go any lower i ain't got no other choice but to try something different so i might as well go ahead and start speaking this promise start declaring his promises start rejoicing in the lord start speaking the word and giving god thanks i ain't got no other choice now i'm already down and out so ain't nowhere else to go butt up so let me get up by speaking the word of god oh glory to god how many of you this morning you need to come out of a bad place well if you need to come out of a bad place right now i want you to do something hallelujah while you were on your feet i want you to lift your hands and i want you to begin to lift your voice right now and i want you to begin to declare the word of the lord in this house hallelujah glory to your name and like i told you a second ago i said we're going to go into a faith exercise and i know you're waiting for me to do something and to try to i guess make you feel good but i ain't here to make you feel good i'm here to lift you up hallelujah and what i want you to do is realize that the power of life and death ain't in my tongue it's in your tongue and what you need to do this morning is you need to begin to speak and declare the word of the lord over your situation hallelujah come on somebody open up your mouth this morning hallelujah glory to your day i don't care if you got sickness in your body this morning open up your mouth and begin to declare thank you lord jesus that by your stripes i am already here come on this morning open up your mouth i don't care if there's pain in your body open up your mouth and begin to declare i think that right now father that this pain is gone in the name of jesus i rebuke prayers i come against diabetes i come against cancer i come against coronavirus i come against inflammation i come against every attack of the enemy open up your mouth this morning begin to declare the word of the lord i thank you that my needs are met that my finances are met i thank you that my children are blessed i thank you that my house is secure open up your mouth this morning and begin to declare the word of the lord and open up your mouth begin to speak the word of god hey come on open up your mouth whatever you're facing speak the promises this morning speak the promises this morning speak the promises this morning oh this morning this morning today is my day somebody need to say that today is my day today is my breakthrough today i received my healing today i received my blessing today i received my miracle right now right now right now right now so [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] it's in your mouth it's in your tongue it's in your mouth open up your mouth open up your mouth open up your mouth and bless the lord hey i'm not gonna be quiet open up your mouth and bless the lord praise him bless him please them bless them praise them bless him [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] come on come on come on or you got your hands lifted but if you got your hands lifted open up your mouth don't stand there and be quiet open up your mouth [Music] unto the lord bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me i will praise i will bless the lord [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] hallelujah if you were dealing with a pain in your body put your hand on that place where the pain is and we began to declare rebuke the pain and speak over that body part today we speak healing right now in the name of jesus hallelujah in fact do that with me hallelujah god we rebuke pain in the name of jesus we know that pain is not our portion healing is our portion and you secured it for us 2 000 years ago on the cross we buying every spirit of infirmity and we rebuke every pain in jesus name you're dealing with financial difficulty this morning you're trying to figure out how this or that is gonna working out then i want you to raise both hands today lover of god and we speak to every mountain of debt and we speak to every mountain of impossibility today in the name of jesus we cast every mountain of death and impossibility into the sea for the lord declared that you shall say unto the mountain be thou cast into the sea and it shall obey you as a child of the king and we come against every attack of the enemy against our finances and we to cleave the cry and to clean not only a blessing but an abundance hallelujah in the name of jesus and overflow in jesus name we speak that right now in jesus name [Music] whatever the devil is lying to you about telling you that god doesn't love you or god doesn't care or god doesn't see you we cast down every lie of the enemy today and we declare and decree that we are blessed and highly favored that the lord loves us that god loves you and that no weapon formed against you shall prosper in fact everything that comes against you is going to flip and work out for your good because you trust in the lord [Music] we cancel the spirit of death and its activities in the name of jesus and we speak life and we speak healing and we speak abundance and we speak breakthrough in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] oh glory to god [Music] and every day you get up you begin to declare the word of god and declare his promises and then begin to rejoice and thank god put on some worship music and begin to praise and bless the lord stressing waste the time praising and declaring the word of god makes angels move if you're in this place this morning and you are not born again you've never accepted jesus as your lord and savior you don't know him hallelujah as your lord and savior it's not about just going to church a lot of people go to church they've never surrendered their lives to christ but this morning i want to give someone in this house the opportunity rather you're here live or you're watching online give you the opportunity to say jesus i want you to become my lord and savior god loves you and jeremiah 29 the class that he has a good plan for your life he has great plans to prosper and bless you and give you an expectation not to curse you that's not god's will for you to be cursed god said i've created you in my likeness and image i want you to thrive prosper be blessed be productive i want you to live and accomplish my will not just exist but you have to say lord i accept your plan and i receive you as my lord and savior i want you to come into my life and i want you to have your way in my life that's the part that you have to play he's giving you a free gift free gift of salvation but you have to receive it and if you're watching all his bout all eyes closed right now if you're watching or you're here live today and that's your decision you're saying i wanna i wanna i wanna join myself to the lord you know god loves you and he wanna do incredible things but all he wants you to do is just surrender to him and today if it's your decision to surrender i want you to just hallelujah glory to god come down to the altar hallelujah glory to god well not all to come down to the plant and say man come down to the plants hallelujah glory to god just simply say that's me reverend i want to surrender to god and if you're watching online glory to god thank you lord that you can communicate through the chat function and say i want to join christ i want to be a christian lord god and if you are i want to pray this prayer publicly for everybody in the room and everyone that's online say lord jesus i surrender my life to you i receive you as my lord and my savior come into my heart forgive me for my sins wash me with your blood i believe that you died on the cross for my sins and that you got up from the grave on the third day today i receive your plan for my life and i thank you that i am yours in jesus name amen let's give god some praise [Music] if you're watching us live in some other state maybe you can't be here in atlanta in our church but if you like to join our church we have several have joined from other states you can join right now we are right there in your living room on facebook and youtube social media and you are right here in our church just say something i want to join your church i was touched i want to be a member of your church there's some information coming up now you can call text that number put that number of pastor's assistant at mcbcatl.org pastor assistant at mcbc my comma baptist church atl dot org we have received over 50 members in different states that have already joined our church online and if you say something or reply we're going to reply back to you but call that number you may do it this week we're going to call you back and say give you some information and pray with you and we're going to make sure when you join online you get a membership certificate from my ministry i want you to save listen we had a tough time and the way we are going now the handwriting is on the wall we're on the verge of a war and we know the bible has prophesied these earthquakes in these in diverse places these pestilence and these diseases now they're talking about another boost and now they're talking about something else just showed up in colorado and these things that keep happening and happening and i told you this is going to happen it's going to happen and get worse because the bible is declared in matthew 23. in the book of revelation when they asked jesus what would be the signs of your coming earthquake in divers place war pestilence disease is here so what you need to do now is prepare yourself for the coming of the lord amen and my son just said speak the word i receive don't handcuff god if anything he said today really got me don't handcuff god he wants to bless you but you have to let him you know i'm going to say something and it was just on my mind this morning god couldn't even stop angels when they rejected him and they around the little white throne of god he couldn't even stop them when they wanted to rebel and satan was an angel and what about the angel that went with him and i started thinking when he was preaching my dad you can handcuff god [Music] you can make a decision that you don't want to be saved and god can't do nothing and you know god what god could have stopped the devil but he didn't it's your decision he respect praise god today i hope that you'll make that choice right now well you heard my son some of you have never heard him i told you he's a powerful preacher my power when he go to the heart and hey i can't take it all they gotta do is holler hey oh god that's that thing powerful and i want you to know we enjoy it and you haven't heard his wife alone those two team up together too much for me and she is powerful with jackie fleming and thank you so much for the day praise god from whom all blessings flow and we are going home right now [Music] come on let's put those hands together [Music] god come on let's lift them up speak it out of your mouth today our blessing flower [Music] praise him him all creatures here below [Music] father son and holy ghost um amen hey man thank you everybody go out space out not crowded up too much go back and register for the conference stay social distant don't be touching anything when you put your head on go and get gas put on some gloves and sanitizer keep your go home immediately and wash your hands when you leave here god bless you be safe [Music]
Channel: Praise Move
Views: 1,080
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Timothy Flemming Sr, MCBCATL, ATLANTA CHURCH, PREACH, AMEN, Standing Series, Praise Move, God's Strength Records
Id: _d3_CluCNJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 15sec (4635 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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