Standing When Your Life Is At Stake

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now today i would like for you to turn to the book of esther the book of esther i want to talk about esther today and esther chapter 4 and we will look at verse 15. pay close attention as i continue on with my series of sermon called the standing series i have been preaching for the last three or four sundays about the standing series standing when you have to stand alone and standing when you don't understand amen and last time we talked about standing when everything goes up in smoke esther chapter 4 verse 15. and esther bid them uh return mother card is answer go gather together all the jews that are at shushan and fast ye for me and neither eat nor drink three days or night i also and my uh maiden will fast likewise and so will we go unto the king which is not according to the law and if i perish i shall perish standing when your life is at stake you know standing when your whole life is at stake have you ever been in a situation where you had to stand for something and everything about you was at stake what about when your life is at stake what do you do when you're up against the jaws of death and they'll seem to be about to engulf you how many times you've had to stand sometime in situation when it your life depends on it a lot of people not willing to stand when their life depends on something some people are like friends they're with you uh when it's when when everything's going well and some will tell you i'm with you through thick and thin and when they get thick they fan out so many people often tell you oh i'm with you the old preachers called it the bewitchy family not be with you but to be with you you know how many folks say i'm with you they don't say with you i'm with you and some of them say i'm 100 percent behind you and you most often hear me say when you 100 behind me you can't do nothing you too far behind mean to do anything if you 100 behind me but you need to be 100 with me but sometimes people are not with you sometimes you have to just stand on your own as we talked about that last week but what do you do when your life is at stake what do you what do you do when your whole family is at stake what do you do when everybody is at stake on your decision you make what do you do farther when the decision you make will affect not only you but it will affect your children it will affect your wife and your children children gen generations to come that's why it's so important that when you stand make sure that you're standing for other people because other people are involved with you it's not all about you and what you wanted what about other people that love you and you might affect you don't want to kill yourself because when you commit suicide you kill a lot of other people you killed your mother you killed your father you killed your sister you killed maybe not physically but they died in so many other ways sometimes the bible says we die daily and every time i see somebody die that i love a little of me die too and every time somebody you care about die or little you die too we'll daily die because what you do affect other people and you need to realize that so when you stand you need to be not only standing for just you but you willing to stand when your life is at stake oh my god that's what we're going to talk about in a few minutes i want to say a few things that while i'm talking about standing before i talk about this woman esther i want to tell you why some of you all need to learn how to stand period you know how you can stand when you got standing stuff in you praise god today some of you can't stand because you don't have standing stuff in you you have to have standing stuff god said that to me this morning when i was getting ready this message to bring this message and i was getting dressed getting ready to run over here and lord said tell them he spoke right to me and you know i never thought of this word standing when you have standing stuff in you and some of you saying well what kind of standing stuff you got to have that kind of stuff in you that means i can take it you have to have that kind of stuff and you call determination that's standing stuff you got to have the holy ghost in you and when you have the holy ghost in you you have standing stuff you have to have that kind of courage to say i can take whatever the enemy threw at me and somebody asked you how do you stand tell them i got standing stuff in there and the kind of stuff i got in me makes me stand when i don't want to stand all right god that's what i have to say about my forefathers my sisters then brother listen to me i heard a preacher laughing at our people the other day talking about the shouting in the church was just emotionalism and now we have grown beyond that that we need to stop shouting to think in churches or circus and all like that but i started saying to myself oh my god this is a brother who forgot he who he is my brother listen to our friend you have to understand the culture in which we came my mom and dad and father and forefathers shouted because that was the only way they could survive they had to let things out they didn't go around committing suicide they took things they had standing stuff and sometimes mama had to cry her way through but she didn't give up sometime when they came to church church was the outlet and when they came to church they didn't come there looking for no amen she brought her amen father got up in the morning singing while he getting ready to shave i know the lord will make a way somehow and you can hear mama going through the house cooking and groaning and moaning the less god is able and when they hacked when they got to church we didn't have to beg them to say amen they brought church with them because they had something on the inside they had standing stuff oh when you look at mary mcleod bethune and you look at harry tuckman and you look at all the other great uh heroes of the past in our race how did they make it they had standing stuff my god they had to eat pickles they had to eat pig feet they had to eat the worst part of the home but hey piggy is made of mary anderson pig feet made of paul roberson chitlin made a leotine price god they had to take the best that they could and they stood and they took all the racism and all the things against them and they never did kill themselves they never gave up because they had standing stuff i'll tell you right now listen to me you have to have that kind of faith in you that faith you got in you is standing stuff that word you got in you is standing stuff yes i got the word in me how can i stand because i got standing stuff in me and then you got to not only have some standing stuff in you you got to learn how to stand up to life in other words can i give it to your flameology if you learn how to stand you can stand all right you'll get that later some of you all can't always talk about i can't stand this well if you learn how to stand you can stand see you have to learn how to stand some stuff to stand have you ever heard people say i can't stand him i can't stand her well you got to learn how to stand so you can stand if you learn how to stand some stuff you can stand you got to stand being lied on you have to stand being talked about you have to stand being criticized you can tell that the enemy throw it at me devil i can stand it because i can stand praise god and i've learned something else about why i don't want i want to stand because i i already know the lesson of bowing down i've already paid that price when i don't stand what happened to you trust me i've been the pastor of this church 45 years and i've been preaching almost 58 years and i have pastored six churches in my ministry praise god today i started pastoring at 19 years old when god called me to preach i was six years old i preached my first trial sermon when i was 11 years old and all these years i've i've learned i've learned the hard way that you got to stand up to life you got to take things and you can't always give in oh i don't i don't want to keep you too long but i learned that when you bow down you're going to have to keep bowing [Music] hey man that's why i keep telling men stand strong now don't get mad at me ladies you know when a man starts getting weak and not standing he's gonna have to stay that way cause that's the way you started if you're a hidden pig you're just a coward let's see it like this those stories told one time a man one time he said his wife was on his on her knees and he said my wife was on her knees and so some of the guys adam said i wonder why would she why was she on her knees so one of her brother said she was on her knees because she was on her knee looking under the bed saying come out you coward [Laughter] she had to get on underneath pull him out on the bed because he was such a coward he didn't know how to stand up to nothing when you start bowing down to the devil you're gonna always have to bow you got to learn how to stand up because when you bow you pay a worth price you have to stand up to life are you well that life doesn't give you nothing let me tell you something some of y'all always looking for our hand out but let me tell you something life doesn't give you nothing if you want that degree you have to go at it hey you may not have the money you may have to come out and come in i went in and out of my house i take a load and i got too much i came out but i went back in went back in went back in and out until i walked out of there in 1986 with my degree you know what as an older man i didn't go to school i was so busy pastoring didn't pay any attention to school until i started pastoring a church like this then i realized the importance of my education so i had to go back and sit there almost holding the teacher but listen my friend it's not about that fleming got out listen you have to learn how to not bow down to even failure and you should learn the hard way when you start bowing down that is going to pay you're going to pay a big price you got to stand up to life it doesn't give you nothing you have to take what you need hold on let me get to talking here you got to learn how to stand like this woman by a text elsa was willing to die let me say it to you like this if you're not really to die for something you're not ready to live for nothing you have to if you want to be successful what you want has to be bigger than you it has to be so big to you you willing to die for it that is what martin luther king he was willing to die for something because he had to live for something freedom was what he lived for and he was willing to give his life he knew they were going to kill him he already saw it that's why i said i've been on the mind the top and i won't make it i mean i'll make it but i see you going if you're willing to die for something you ready to live for something what you what you working for and living for has got to be bigger than you and that's what jesus did he died for something because he's dying for something was bigger than him on earth help me holy ghost help me holy god i'm talking about my old past and by the way we street baptist church i'll be preaching for you all next thursday morning bringing you your message next sunday live my home church because they're in search of a pastor so i'm coming home and i'll be preaching for you all next sunday so tune in my church called me and asked me to come down and minister so hey help me holy ghost that's my old pastor word his influence on me so you got to learn to stay now let's look at this woman of our text today her name is esther the book of esther so powerful that a book is named after her and the another strange thing about this book you don't hear nothing about god you really don't even see the name guard in there but you'll see god hand moving all over in other words shall i say it like this you don't see the hand of god but you can see his fingerprints all over the place you can see his fingerprints all over the place sometimes you know i mean i see the hand of god but you can see how he's bringing you through his fingerprints all over the place you mean i see the hand of god but you can see his finger preach that he woke you up this morning he provided for fingerprints everywhere god's fingerprints were all over the book of esther and all over her life because they heard of an unheard voice speaking to her she'd heard of that that unheard voice speaking to her she's seeing that unseen hand moving in her life and the bible said this woman stood up for her life now let's give you some background of the story of esther esther was a queen but she didn't start out as a queen the bible said succeed who was the king at that time of the persian empire he wanted to throw on a party now he wanted this a little church history here now not always in the bible church history he wanted to throw on this party and simply because uh church history teaches us it's not in the bible he wanted this festival activity to attract all of his allies his allies to come together and all of his friends with other countries a big feast that lasts about six months how do you like to have a party for six months oh that tells you when you they'll tell you where your tax money go uh but he he threw this big party on to attract all his friends why because he knew the greece had already been at his door and they had already nearly defeated him and he wanted to come back after them and destroy the greeks because first you know there's history that's babylon and persia just defeated babylon remember the writing on the wall so that's the persian empire the persian empire was perhaps at that time the strongest nation in the world after they defeated babylon they they they were had about uh 50 million people in persia and he had over a million man's money that's how powerful such these army was and think about he wanted to defeat the greeks and but you know the greeks alexander the great came and defeated the whole world but he was so bent on destroying them and he put this party on to bring all the other allies together in hopes of the strategy when i get ready to go in war against the greeks you will be with me when he put on this party they were all drinking the bible said they were all drunk and while they were getting drunk six months that's a long time to be drunk isn't it praise god and they were having a part then he wanted to show off his wife vestas vestas was a beautiful woman and so he said go get vessel let me show her off you know man likes you off a pretty wife you know i mean not sure off a pretty wife i remember one time a young lady told me how her husband wanted to show her off and he wanted to look so nice and when they went to a party two guy was looking at him then he walked up and asked him what you looking at my woman for oh my god you better be glad somebody looking at her if nobody looking at your wife you better take her to the beauty shop i got a few ladies laughing out there but let me tell yourself you wanted to look good then why are you getting mad at somebody look at him but praise god well let me tell you something men just like show off a wife when your wife look good he wants a hat let me show you what i got look at my old lady she looking all right don't you and then when you say yes she should and i don't look at that and i look somewhere else so here's the point he wants to show her off with all that drugging going on vesta said i'm not going i'm not going out there to be showing off around all these drunk people why he want me what a dangerous thing you don't defy xerxes or oh god do you know what a fool he was this man was such a crazy man that when he got angry he one time in history says he had 300 men to build him a bridge over deep water and storm came along a big storm and blew it down you know what he did he got so mad with the water he got on a boat and went out in the middle of the sea and with the fight in the water hitting the water like he whipping the water i'll get you back now what can you do hitting the water and then when it came back he got so mad about the bridge collapsing under the storm he put all those 300 men and beheaded them now that's a mad man he had a temple and you don't tell him no but she said vester said i'm not going to your party all that carrying on showing me off and somebody whispered and told the king you know that's against the law you don't defy the king's order get rid of her and they did we don't know whether he had her kill but she vanished time went by now he's sitting around with no wife he gets out of the feed again with the greeks and he gets all depressed about it he comes home dispirited then he went to ask him for vessels again oh investors well you know he probably killed a woman got rid of him now you miss him right boy when you get lonely you see what it's like he looked around and didn't see her and then see the woman as he loved and he went asking for us so some of this his attendance came to him and said look king all right she's gone why don't we get you another wife you know the law we just got to go all over this country and find some virgins and let's bring them in and put them in the parade before you miss america beauty contest you know come on in and as every woman come by you look at it and see if that's the one you want now these women were brought in and they had to stay in the king's palace for 12 months 12 months you couldn't do nothing couldn't go nowhere just look pretty they bathed you and they'd put all kind of oils on you and murder for 12 months getting you ready for the purification so they got after all 12 months sitting around the house then they all began to come around him and come around him the king to see and he'll come when malik moloka when mother kyle heard about it mardikar being a jew he went and got his niece esther now he was her cousin but esther mother and daddy evidently died when she was young and modical raised her so the bible says she was the most beautiful woman in the world fire mama drama and i tell you uh when he brought her he said now listen while they are bringing women in listen here esther i want to put you in power i want to present you in front of the king and you just might be his queen and so finally they brought her to the king and when he saw her she walked through this head when she walked through there he said go googie fine that's why she walked through there he stopped right there and pulled out his crown and said crown her he crowned her and made her queen that quick time went by now esther is the queen monica is in the house too [Music] time went by things started getting a little rough of a man called haman there's a man who's also a prime minister now remember don't forget this esther is a jew but the king doesn't know it nobody knows somebody got told her don't tell the king you're a jew why it wasn't time yet god is the god of timing and so the bible says things began to get a little rough for martial because uh old haman got jealous and married with monaco why did he get so mad with him because haman was the kind of man who loved a lot of attention and praises he was egotistical he's prime minister he loved he loved people bragging on and it was a known fact that when haman came past everybody everybody bow down to him but one man wouldn't bother monaco mordecai wouldn't bother he stood and monica wouldn't bow down a hammond and he got mad he got so mad he went home furious and he told his family about it wife about it i don't know what it's about this man everybody bowed out when they see me but when this man see me he won't bow there are some people don't like you when you don't bow to them and he just hey monica said i wasn't raised to bow to a man i bow to god and i tell you that haman hey he said that to his family and guess what his wife said his wife said to him well why don't you go build a gallows out there and hang him and get rid of him and get rid of because the king has already given you his signal reign you already prime minister and you know what he said you know what i think i will do that in fact i not only would do that to him i want to kill all these jews he was the hitler of the old testament thank god you know hitler murdered that were some people who really murdered it and amazing how many times the jew has been on the attack why is it that people just doesn't like the jew if god's people simple as that and some people want to drive them out of land well don't they deserve a home everybody deserve a home amen that's well they came and they fought and took our land so did we take this from the india amen and some countries have been known to go and take countries that's just history countries take countries our people people in africa was killing each other taking countries now by this country color we take country we take we always been known to do that and so the jews fought because god gave them that land but at the same time where they gonna live driving them to the sea they deserve somewhere to stay and i might make some folk mad but i don't see them really bothering nobody they just know how to make money you don't see no jew on on corner hanging around you don't see that man i'm in jail don't don't ask me who i want to sit down there but very man who i see hanging on corner and i don't see them hanging around begging like we do listen they just know how to make money they work hard and why should we hate them i tell you why we're hating the devil hates them jesus was a jew the jew the jews gave us jesus right did you the judaism in the background of christianity without judaism there is no christianity think about it all that most of the disciples would use listen the jews one day a jew will put an end to the antichrist because jesus is the jew he'd been the jew been hated hated hated hated by uh uh the romans hated by other kings there were one general one time when it sacrificed a pig in the jewish temple and i don't want to tell you what else he did but there was so much cruelty against them and you can imagine how hitler hated the jews too and most time tried to put it on they killed jesus as the why at one time that was hitler was speaking one time and for a big crowd and uh a man was sitting on the front laughing at him and hitler got furious about this gentleman on the front laughing at him because you know if you read his my account his book that he wrote he talks about anti-semitism and all the things why he hate the jews so much that they were like uh fleas plaguing the land and sucking up everything out of germany that they were wealthy and he hated jews and you know he's he murdered six million jews and hitler got so mad about this jew laughing he called his soldier well he sent his his uh armor bearers or his his people that support him as his captain and his policemen or whomever they may have been i to get that gentleman and brought him to the back and hitler said do you hear what i was saying and you're sitting out there laughing yes i heard you he said do you know i'm not playing when i say i will murder the jews and just annihilate this generation he said i heard you he said you're gonna sit there and laugh why are you laughing he said because i'm a jew he said you know you're not taking me seriously what i'll do to you he said no he said why he said because i know you won't be around long and every time somebody tried to wipe us out we had a festival activity behind them i think i wrote down what it is he said you know pharaoh tried to wipe us out and then we started having a festival called message and we heart we celebrate that every year about what pharaoh did and haman tried to wipe us out and now we have a festival called haman tesses oh hammond testing yeah we we celebrate that he said i'm just sitting right here laughing now what we gonna name your festival when we get rid of you god i say you we said that you learned behind everybody that tried to wipe them out they had a festival activity and celebrated how they became victorious oh listen friend i wonder when you mess with a child of god we're going to have a festival activity behind you amen and this is the way haman was he hated jews because they didn't worship him and the bible said he got the king he went to the king and he told the king he said look king there's some people in your kingdom they don't want to bow down to you they worshipping some other god why don't you give me permission to just annihilate them and get rid of all of them and i can get all the wealth off of them it was over a million and a half jews still in persia 50 000 had gone back to rebuild the walls with mayor over the nehemiah and cerebral but over a million more stayed there and wouldn't leave those jews that were still in persia that didn't leave are the jews that haman were talking about annihilating and let me take all the wealth that they have and i can give you king more money in your treasure to support the army to go against the greeks oh king setback says that's interesting he'll take my signature ring and go head-on better be careful who you give your ring to and he gave him the authority with that signal ring and he went out over haman and and he he put out a decree that we're going to annihilate all the jews now watch esther is in the king's palace and his wife they don't know she's a jew too wow watch this and word got out that haman's gonna kill every jew trying to get married over uh all of the jews annihilated and guess what happened cousin came to him he came to him and he said to her listen esther you're going to have to do something and esther said to him what do you want me to do i mean mordecai i'm not in a position to help you i'm the queen and i have no authority over the king he could kill me malachi said yes you do yes you do you are in a position to get the king's ear and stop this she said well i can't do that what if he kills me if i go before the king and he and he doesn't hold out his scepter they will slay me you know what he did the verses he'll do it to me malakai said no you must forgot who you are you were jew too you can't sit up there and enjoy your fine jewelry and eat your delicacies and wear all your fine clothes and think you're gonna get by and let them kill us and you live what's gonna happen when they find out you a jew she start thinking oh lord you know sometimes we forget who we are when god bless us i don't care who you are don't ever get so big you forget about the people that you are still a part of i don't care how much money you have i that's why i love the church some folks have gotten so big they don't like the church anymore but don't you forget what helped us through it's the church that got some of us in these places if it had not been for the black church you wouldn't be in some of these places if it had not been from from black preachers putting our lives on the line and their homes being bombed you wouldn't have some of these jobs now you damn our churches talk about our churches and we're the ones that put everything on the line for us to have the rights we got i'm talking to some black folk now that got up there now in the palace and don't think you one of us and he told her you one of us too so don't think he won't kill you and then he told us he said you know what you may be the vessel that's been chosen for such a time as this famous quote you may just be chosen for this occasion probably promoted you and made you queen for this day have you ever felt like you were picked out for a certain thing i know some of you said hey pastor my whole my whole career on the life on the line for my people i but maybe god picked you and put you in that position for your struggling family and i know sometimes they look like everything fall on me everybody just depend on me maybe god saved you for this occasion that you would be the one to carry everything on your shoulder i often wonder sometimes my father my father was from sandersville georgia my mother's from alberta georgia a ferguson on my mother's side of fleming on my father's side so my father was born and raised in sandersville and i was told when i went there and stayed by the year went to illaha it was about the third or fourth fifth or sixth grade i just went down there as a boy preacher and i was preaching all over the place and they wanted to see me as a fleming first fleming i guess in the preacher and i went and stayed my mother let me go down and stay with my uncle for about a year and while i was dying there i wanted to find out my father why he wouldn't go to church and didn't like preachers an old man came to me knew my grandfather and my grandmother he was about 90 years old i never met them and he said son let me tell you something happen your father down here they were lynching black people and your father got scared for one reason left here but one thing your father your great-granddaddy died early caught pneumonia and died when he was a young man and your father being the oldest was had to take care of his sister and two brothers and something happened when his mother died later young and the church didn't let her funeral come in because she hadn't kept up with the news i said really he said that devastated your father so bad at a young man he said the shed went there and went off on some of the church members about that but your daddy was looking at that and that turned him bitter for the rest of his life against preachers in church um i said i said really he said and later your father never got a chance to read or write he left his brothers and sisters here in sandersville and he came to make him looking for an opportunity and got into a place busting uh dishes you know dishwasher because blacks couldn't go in white places then and old man saw him back there and taught him how to cook he was a cook and took your daddy and taught him how to cook and when the old man retired turn it over your dad and my daddy was the greatest one of the greatest cooks in jamaica worked at the head cook of mercer universe can mean a black man uh no westland college the head cook of westland college i went there and worked under my dad a little bit nothing but white girls no black folk at that time had cooked couldn't read or write and it came from russia and they told me they had a delicacy that nobody couldn't fix and they said ransom can fix it my dad said you come in here and just read i don't know what that is said my daddy went in there when they put his stuff and went down somewhere and got something something and put together a dish and they said the people from russia said that the greatest dish they ever had in their life old man could cook but you know what much as he didn't like preacher a baby boy in his house me a baby boy in the house whitney preaching and when he told my daddy i'm preaching he said what a preacher god had put a preacher in here that i don't like preachers no i church folk oh and before my daddy died i'm the one got him in i went to that hospital i looked my dad in the face i said daddy forget your past will you accept the lord jesus christ as your savior on his deathbed he looked at me and nodded his head and said i will how were you and when i walked out that hospital before i could get home to atlanta they said your daddy just died i said for such a time as this god put me in a life they get him you don't know when god's gonna use you and this little old boy that preached around the world five times and you're gonna tell me maybe god is putting you where you are for such a time as this you don't know why god got you in some places for such a time as this [Applause] and he said maybe god put you there for such a time as this and esther said i tell you what you all do i tell you what you do okay i'm going i'm going before the king and if i perish let me perish i'm willing to stand if my life depends on it courage courage is nothing but grabbing fear by the jaws and by the neck and said i got you that's what courage is coverage i said is grab and feel by the neck and say i got you and you don't frighten me choke him out and this is what guess what she does she wish she tell everybody i want you all to go to pray and tell all the jews to go to praying for three days that's how you stand brothers she fasted and prayed said don't eat nothing now this place is known for festival and all these food they were eating how you gonna have a festival and fasting you gotta be strong hey man you know you all like to eat so much amen and then somebody's trying to fast and eat i hate to say it some of you all be around here i know some of you ladies gonna get mad at me you'll have a chocolate cake in one hand and slim fast enough oh my god [Laughter] [Music] but you know what it's got to be hard and you got to be strong to fast three days and ride food and get ready for a feast and don't get home and not eat some of it well you know what the bible said she prepared for a festival and fasted three days you have to pray do you want something really wonderful in your life do you already want god's hand to move put on fast i dare you to fast for something that means you give up feeding this body and you feed the inner man and when god see you that's serious that you went to deny food and grow your spiritual man he moves and she knew that how to stand when you got your life online she went to god in prayer help me holy ghost you know what it worked she came back after fasting and went to the king and she's she said king noah or heyman was there i want to have a festival the king said what did you want i just want you all to come to my house for dinner she was planning how she was going to tell him about haman king said okay as you said i want you to bring haman with you oh really sure and when haman heard that you could see his smile yeah you mean i'm invited to the whitney king and his queen i'm big man i'm bad that old egotistical and hey and that evening when they all came together just the three and the king says look here sweetheart what you want i'll give you half the kingdom just name it she said uh she was about to say what she wanted to say she said uh uh um you know how ladies she said she got to look [Music] i'm not quite sure right now i want to talk about it she probably looked at that song boys you know why she didn't say nothing i think the holy ghost whispered on her ear and said not yet i think the holy ghost whispers not have you ever had than not yet in your life sometimes you want to get somebody told and the holy ghost said not yet sometimes you want to go on another job and the holy ghost said not yet you better thank god for the not yet that saved your life by the way and i think the horde girl said not yet so she said uh uh not yet she said but i want you to do this come to my house again tomorrow the next night she said bring hamon with you when hammond went home oh him and went home bragging i was told his family you know what i'm bad i was with the king and the queen i'm big stuff can you believe how bad i am and the king and uh she waited for the next day let me tell you what happened just so you get this that night the king couldn't sleep it's a divine sleeping i called it divine sleeping because god intervened and wouldn't let him sleep divine sweet and god interrupted the king sleeping he got that mom and said i want to read some books bring me something to read they went to opening the chronicles and and when they started reading that he discovered one of his servants told him thing monte carlo saved your life the king said really yes when there were two men planned to kill you king and mordecai intervened and got them and got rid of them well the king reading really can't say i owe mordecai a favor and he said how should i reward that man he never told him who it would be how shall i reward the man oh haman thought it was he he said if i was such a man if i was you i put him on the divine horse the king horse i put him on that horse i put the crown on his head i put on a fabulous road and and let somebody drive around and let everybody worship him and praise him this man saved the king life now remember haman thought it was he the king said well good go get modika i could hear monika he said that's what you would do you could see him drew no go get monaca and put him on a horse put them on the road put them on the crowd and you lead them around what he was trying to get for himself the man he hated he had to lead him around carving him on the horse leading the horse and you could see your monica just smiling you know i'm a man don't you mess with a child of god did you when you dig a ditch for them you'll fall in it yes he will and so can you imagine that when she said i want to have a dinner again now she ready to let it loose yeah she ready let it loose she said now come for dinner tonight and bring hammer when they came got him king came he said all right sweetheart we're back tonight what do you want she said well i need to tell you the truth about somebody here the king said who if somebody wants to kill me he said kill you my wife you owe my queen well yeah she said but king you had somebody to sign a decree to kill all the jews and i'm a jew a king you're a jew i didn't know that she says i am a jew and somebody wants to kill me who would have killed my queen oh heyman began to droop back she said this man sitting over here your prime minister he concocted all of this he told you these lies and he signed an order with your signal name ring to murder all jews exterminate us and you kill the jews you're killing me no haman got scared oh god he's scared the king said and you're the one behind this ski but all this and you want to kill my queen and old haman got scared and when king kind of walked out maybe so mad paul walked out on the porch that old hammond went and got out on his knees oh please esther please save me and when the king came back and saw her saw him on her lap he said liar now you got the nerve to be flat with my queen so while i'm turning my back on the point you're here on the left making passage of it he said take him get all he went out of here and the same news that he had set for monica they took all hamlet out there be careful who you try to hang [Applause] what you do will come back be careful who you try to bring down be careful who you try to destroy out of your indian jealousy be careful when you mess with a child of god god's hand will start moving help me with ghosts and the bible said i'm gonna wrap this up i'm out of time now you know what they hang them high and to make this story short she went to the queen the king again the queen said king you got to stop this eddie they finna kill all of our people the king said i can't take back my worry by the persian law he said but i'm gonna provide a way you go out and get some paperwork and monika you're you all go out there and you all get this sickening ring and our sign is get this people together the jews to be able to fight on your own so once i can't take this law back but i can provide you means to defend yourself and esther and monaco he got busy and they wouldn't going through the whole providence saying the king has rescinded the order we're not going to die but because it's a late notice just in case some people want to attack you anyhow we're going to give you power and the authority and the people to support you to kill anybody who attack you [Music] and the jews won the jews won what's the conclusion pastor fleming god took one woman and turned things around god didn't have to have a whole lot of people god didn't have to use a whole lot of people when he wanted to do something with just you why robert i'll tell you what i wrote down here about the power of one it will one vote because aaron blah miss being president of united states can you believe that one vote one vote that president andrew johnson missed being impeached [Music] one vote that gave texas to the united states and caused war with mexico i'm talking about the power one one vote that made california a part of the union one vote that elected oliver conwell to the long parliament and sent charles one to the scaffold and revolutionized england and made great britain free one vote elected governor morton of massachusetts in 1839 i said just one vote it doesn't take but one letter in a word to make it incomplete and then take one link and a change to make it short alone it doesn't take but one brick and a wall to make it high or low one flat tie and put you on the side of the road one key can lock you in your house or out one lie can run your career one man saved the national crisis in england and gave her liberty john payne one man rescued scotland from her ecclesiastical and political enemies joined not one man invited dwight l moody to son to school mr henry kimball and dwight l moody became one of the greatest evangelists of all time took europe in one hand and american another hand and rocked them both toward god one man stood up against pharaoh and that was moses one man god chose to save the race when he flooded the whole world one man stood up against ahab and jesseville and went up on my cover one man marched me from the back door to the front door martin luther king and one man hung his thesis on the pope's wall martin luther you don't tell me god can't use one person god used one woman one one woman what you might just be that one person that god's going to use you may have to put your life on the line for everybody else but stand if you have a stand for your own life stan oh help me holy spirit oh listen listen my friend one thing i want to say about this whole thing is i conclude this message is that god stepped in and turned everything around god turned the whole thing around and god can turn situations around god took that situation and god turned it around [Applause] yes he did yes he did joseph was a little boy they sold him down in egypt he went down in part of her house and his wife of potiphar she lied on him and they threw him in jail he settled wild he sat down there two years and all the hills he was in bondage god turned it around they soon made him secretary without the culture god turned it around and when he called his brothers back together and they didn't know who he was how many you know when god get through with you when people see you they won't know who you are won't recognize you and they didn't recognize joseph and they asked him hey you my brother what you gonna do to us he said oh no you meant for it to be bad but god meant for it to be good god turned it around [Applause] god turned it around oh and i'm looking at somebody here today you going through something i want you to know god will turn it around and one day they took jesus they led him from hall to hall they lied on him they condemned him in an unjust court he went all the way to cavalry bled and died while he was hanging there they laughed at him they mocked him and said if you be the christ come down save yourself with us he just kept hanging there and wouldn't say a word looked across and said brother looked up and said father into my hand i command my spirit they took jesus and they put him in that old grave yes they did they put him in a rock they put him on the rock they put him over a rock but they didn't know he was the rock of angels and when they put him in that grave he stayed down there three days and three nights but all that sun in the morning he turned it around and got up with all power in my hand god will turn things around and he's going to turn this virus around he's going to tie this signal around god will turn it around he'll turn it [Music] around keep playing young man softly let's play something so give me some strange music i'm out looking at somebody this morning i don't know how to stand when everything is at stake [Music] sometimes you have to who else gonna do it if you don't stand and carry the load for that family it will all fall maybe god pick you maybe he sent you to school for such a time as this that your intelligence is going to help that family survive those nieces and nephews plant back into them teach them to go to school and tell them i did it you can do it maybe god let you finish for such a time as this god has provided you to have a good job nobody else in your family may not have and make what you make but maybe god preserved you for such a time as this now you got to help all of them they don't know how to fill out an application they don't know how to go online you go there get them a laptop teach them how to go online and find things for yourself maybe god put you there for such a time as this you don't know why god blessing you he bless you so you'll be a blessing to others jesus did it he'll turn it around won't he hey i want you to hit on that phone you got a phone hit like and just say he turned it around just said tell somebody testify take the moment right now you don't have to be here to say hallelujah say it in your room set it in your bedroom sad watching tv yes he turned it around look at me tell somebody i'm a miracle when the doctor gave you up and you tell somebody look at me shout in your house shout around your children shout wherever you are tell somebody yes he turned it around and he turned it around he turned it around he turned it around he keep on turning around he keep on turning around turning it around i know somebody praying god right now i can see my deacon love joy you've been suffering with cancer and i see you deacon i know you're just shouting yeah it's me really he sent me a picture the other day he's turning them around it's never too late god can hear your prayer and god can turn it around for you right now i want you to take this moment a few minutes i got left i said yes esther is me and i'm gonna use all the powers i got even if my life is on the line to save somebody else sometime in life you have to take a chance sometimes you have to take a chance [Music] and if you need god in your heart right now i often say these copic sermons that i've been preaching you have no idea how many people is touching i'm shocked i had no idea how many people said you don't know how you bless me every sunday morning i'm getting well i like this empty church [Music] i'm getting well i love it one thing about if anybody mad i sure won't hit it get mad walk out i won't see you it's giving me an opportunity to get personal and just i can it's power when being alone and i'm beginning to love it but i'm going to let you back in i'm going to let you back in very soon but i'm not worrying about it whatever god's doing hey i don't i'm not god i don't i don't know what he's doing with his virus and they talking about others are coming to define a cure for this one others come we in that day i told you the bible is fulfilling locus are coming unusual hot scorching sun coming whether we be acting crazy more disease and viruses are coming we're in that age that jesus prophesied in matthew chapter 24 and wars and rumors of wars pestilence disease death just think about where we are today as rich as we are we are helpless to one virus have shed not america now in the world and we don't know how long this is going to last but i'll tell you one thing it's not about what's coming on us is who's coming to us jesus is coming and all he's doing is giving us some samples of what it's going to be like hunger the horses of the apocalypse red horse black horse pale horse white horse in the book of revelation representing death famine disease and i don't know if the church is going through the great tribulation period or god is going to take us out before that but one thing it doesn't matter what mean whether we go through it or not it's going to be a test of your face it's going to be a test of your faith that's what it's going to be a test of your faith to see whether you're real about your love for god [Music] some people talk and carry on but you don't know what's to them until time get back look at me look at all of me [Music] listen [Music] one day you won't be laughing [Music] one day you're gonna have to meet god face to face why not now [Music] why not say pastor i i'm going to stand i don't understand no matter what fight to live like i said stand up to life put your mass on safe distance do everything they tell us to do but just in case you do come down with something you say well it's not what i'm coming down with it's what i already got and i got jesus if i got to die i want to die in the hands of god you know why because we're going to die one day anyhow we're going to all die one day and you can get cleared up and cleaned up you still going to die you're not gonna if you get rid of this vibe you're still gonna die there are people dying every day without the virus dying is a part of living but where you're going when this is over all this stuff we're all crying about scared about is only temporarily we're not going to be here long no way i don't care what you own talk about what all you own but one day the graves going on you know what are you going to spend when this is over when this is over where are you going now you can talk about church people i don't believe in those folk over there all that old jesus stuff but the bible said god's gonna have the last laugh you know what frightened me about hell let me tell you what frightened me by a whole lot of interest but no exits a whole lot of interest but no exit and what frightened me about it once there you're there forever can you imagine being somewhere [Music] forever you mean god won't even forgive you if you repent down there he won't hear you that's why he's taking such a long time coming because god knows when he speak a word his word back him into something and once he speak a word he can't come out because god's word is god and he said forever i'd rather have some shorts on in heaven than a three-piece inhaler ah friend it's time for you now to say i give in i want jesus in my life thank you preacher you made me strong for all that i bare and the stuff i had to go through with family members since mama been gone daddy been gone i have to take the whole load who else gonna do sometimes you have to give up your right for your fellow man you got to back for what did i say earlier you got to have some stuff in you to stand up against stuff so if you're making that commitment now just hit like i accept jesus christ without that there's no hope for you but heaven is worth it all [Music] thank you so much for tuning in and i [Music] i if you're just tuning in and you're being blessed by the ministry and the words and you want to make a donation to our ministry some people say you have not because you ask not you can just go ahead i'll put up the information you can go to cash app and that's the information you can go to easy tie just pay attention to what's up there and you can also go to our church website [Music] just my karma baptist church mcbc again that prayer pillar uh just in case uh some of you didn't catch my broadcast earlier this is starting to take off like god showed me my prayer pill if you can close in there i want you to get this because this i hold that up right this is prayer time my god we need to pray i prayed over these pillars and the anointing is on this pillar it's called prayer time we need to pray friends if there ever been a time esther put on a fast and pray before she went before that king and you got to learn the power of prayer just pray your way out take your weakness take all your problems to god and take it to him and put it on the altar and what's so nice what a great gift to give your mother all the lady grandma mama your father people have problems with knees want to get on their knees and hey you can get on this nice little pattern in here and pray to god hey i love getting on this and i don't feel nothing but the power of god when i do on this prep because it's not me it's gone and i'm trying to put this around the world the world needs to be on his knees you have to get on you call us on that 1-800 number and get my prayer pillar now if you're from out of the country and you want this prayer pillar i'm going to give you that email again that email is passed on assistant at mcbc they should be putting that up for you right now if you can't call us email us and say i want preferably i think they're running about 69 to get this for a donation of 69 to get this got a nice we had to go have these forms cut to this right side i have to have a company do it i had to go get material made for this from another company then i have to have another company put the right in the stitches up there so it all deal with three three country companies just to get one made and uh when we get through paying for all that whatever donation you give above that it's just breaking even basically uh for about 30 something dollars or whatever to get these made and i have to have them in buck to make sure i can move them so when you donate that to us you pay the 69 you're also helping us spread the gospel of jesus christ and while you get my prayer up here you can get my prayer cd i have a cd out called reverend fleming praise and on that cd i'm doing nothing but praying they compiled all my prayer cds and i got the songs for the prayers you see i don't want just praying i wanted singing while i'm praying it's called songs of comfort two cds in one pack songs of comfort i'm saying amazing grace god will take care of you just get the prayer pillar and i want the prayer cd and his prayers on how about that and it would be a blessing to you we'll be on this afternoon at three o'clock again on mpat network and i'll be preaching the tragedy of when you have to pick your own switch i got many of the tragedy of lying in church the tragedy of stopping the preaching the tragedy of when you're married to a fool yeah that's in there too oh god one lady said the other day please send me that one the tragedy when you're being married to a fool try to when you can't see for looking it's about 15 in there you're going to be watching that for the next couple of months the tragic tv but you can call and get all 15 of how many in there dwine about 12 15 of them ryan do you know he's so busy i mean about 15 in there there's probably about 15 sermons in the tragic series and i know you're going to be blessed when you get those all right be watching this evening at three o'clock god bless you tune in wednesday night for bible study at seven o'clock with reverend tim jr father dismiss us from this building but not your presence in the precious name of jesus we pray [Music] amen
Channel: Praise Move
Views: 2,131
Rating: 4.8153844 out of 5
Id: yYmJdDYPsSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 6sec (4566 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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