"Walking In The Spirit" | II Kings 6:8-17 | Jackie Flemming

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[Music] hallelujah can you stand to your feet and tell god thank you [Music] hallelujah we're living in a time now where we have so much to complain about this isn't working issues and family finances and we may not be in the home we want to live in may not have the perfect job you may not have the income you want you may not have the car that you want and life has thrown so much at us many of you that are in here you probably had coveted you probably had the flu cancer diseases sicknesses mental issues depression and life is just throwing so much at us that it makes us just want to say god why me or you know want to complain but if you can just lift your hands and just tell god thank you out of your mouth and just begin to sing the song thank you lord thank you lord let's just sing it together hallelujah thank you lord come on just begin to say it thank you jesus hallelujah lord come on i'm not a singer but i want everybody to sing it come on [Music] on open up your mouth and tell god thank you [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] open up your mouth i just want to tell you thank you jesus it could have been worse but you woke us up this morning now tell them thank you thank you jesus thank you thank you lord lord we want to say thank you [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] now there's a part in the song where it says you've been so good [Music] come on just tell them your pen your feet instead of complaining i want to say thank you thank you jesus [Music] come on open up your mouth and tell them tell them come on thank you thank you jesus thank you for my family come on tell them thank you for my family thank you for my health thank you for life and strength i'm able to swallow my food without any assistance [Music] it could have been worse it could have been worse [Music] you survived a pandemic [Music] things have been coming at this nation left and right but you'll hear [Music] this morning with your right mind that's enough joy to just leap up for joy just begin to leave right where you are and just tell god thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord i refuse to let the devil make me complain tell them thank you now clap your hands like you love god clap your hands like you know he's a waymaker clap your hands like you know he can do anything but fail i need somebody to flop your hands and begin to rejoice in this place i need somebody to know the god that can do anything the safe still responds to him the waves begin to respond to him cancer has to bow to the name of jesus disease have to bow and prophet has to bow to the name of jesus i need somebody that know god today to open up your mouth and begin to bless the name of the lord on replace him i came to have church i come to bless i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord i can't really place them at my job but i can praise them at church i can't really praise them on my job but i can raise them in the house of the lord come on lift your hands and show you're grateful hallelujah hallelujah you can be seated if you can we give glory to god in the highest he's mighty come on somebody the real star of the show is here that is jesus christ i know who i serve i'm a i'm a child of the king come on somebody the bible says we are heirs to jesus that means what belongs to jesus healing is yours deliberate you better grab it come on all doing the service when we say something that you know that the bible says about you grab it if come on healing is mines because of jesus delivering his mind because of jesus hallelujah break through his mind because of jesus i'm an heir to the things of god so you got to act like an heir when you know you're a child you have to act like no stepchild we know who our father is there's no lack in the kingdom there's no shortage in the kingdom he says take the limits off of me it's time for you to receive all that i have for you hallelujah we give glory to your father glory be unto god when jesus left this earth he says i'm not gonna leave you alone i'm gonna leave you a helper i'ma leave you a comforter so holy ghost to have your way in this place today hallelujah holy ghost is going to help us all through the service he says i'm here to help matter of fact he says if many of you would just begin to get up and praise god and begin to leap he says help is here it's not on the way it's here i don't know what you've been believing god for but help is here somebody praised off for help i don't know what you need assistance in but holy ghost said i'm moving i'm moving you have no idea how i'm working behind the scenes thank you god for help oh don't play with it don't play with it hallelujah [Music] i don't know what you need and i ain't fooling around but god says when i say i'm gonna help you i'm gonna help you all you gotta do is just believe do we have any believers in here this morning they say god i believe well if you believe that god can do anything but fail you better show some sign show some sign with the clapping of your hands let your feet testify oh [Music] rock can't do anything god can do anything come on come on come on my god can do anything you better praise him like he can come on now if you ain't gonna praise him don't play with my time we gotta end in a minute come on come on and bless the name of the lord [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] there's an atmosphere that if you know that god can do anything but fail there's an atmosphere come on why are they playing that sound to god be the glory [Music] just tell them god you get the glory this morning for the things you have done [Music] to god be the glory [Music] i ain't come to look at you [Applause] [Music] glory to god [Music] he's the [Music] for all the things [Music] if y'all hear the sound i hear in the spirit i hear chains breaking i see chains breaking i see deliverance happen i see angels being released at your sick loved ones houses you ain't got to be there just send the word come on slow it down slow it down slow it down slow it down do you know that your praise has a voice some of us think only our speaking has a voice your praise has a voice to god you ain't got to be there to pray for people now god said just send my word just send up a praise come on come on come on go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead [Music] y'all still watching me i'm gonna get the miracle then come on come on [Music] do y'all know how to war in the spirit hallelujah come on they ain't ready come on hallelujah [Music] let's go to second king i see you running in the balcony hallelujah [Music] second kings chapter six [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] that woman that's running in the balcony i heard the spirit of the lord saying i'm changing some things in your home that woman that's running in the balcony god says i'm releasing angels of victory in your home come on somebody [Music] hallelujah just clap for the victory while you get your bibles [Music] second kings chapter six he can't fail my god can't fail the very very very very very very fact that you're in here this morning god says if you believe you can't fail i don't care what you what you're dealing with what you're in you can't fail because god don't fail just look at your neighbor and say god don't lie he can't lie and he's never lost the battle so the very fact that you are in a battle right now sometimes god just said listen sometimes you just gotta let the devil know hallelujah that god's power is real i don't care how much you come in hallelujah whatever you doing devil god can't lie and he never lost the battle so you may be walking through the valley right now [Music] but all you got to know god can't lie and he ain't never lost the battle amen i want you to take your seats as i read this scripture because this is a long scripture and i'm gonna flow differently the bible says that he wants to give us victory but before i go any further let's begin to praise god for the senior pastor of this side of heaven pastor timothy fleming senior those who are watching online you heard him talk about how he was at his other location we are one church in two locations a man he has done some groundwork in the city in atlanta for years and so we praise god for him his mantle and you know he always talking about when i'm going on god still got him here because he has the work for him to do let me tell you something if you still here god got work for you to do amen amen we don't know what area of work but he has work for you amen so we praise god for senior pastor let's give honor to god to my husband co-pastor timothy fleming amen awesome man of god doing great things amen and i just praise god for these two men of god that honor god amen hallelujah i praise god that they honor him and so we need great examples in this time in this time that we live in i praise god for my daughter my sons and everybody in their perspective place and respective place and the deacons the ministers of the gospel the praise and worship team did you all enjoy praise and worship amen amen the musicians that set atmospheres and all that stuff you do know uh saul hired david to play for him come on you got to understand hallelujah people are anointed to do a specific task amen now let's praise god for yourself for being here amen praise god amen i you know i was reading in the bible and god begins to show me that i want to begin to show my people how i can do great and mighty works through them by walking in the spirit by walking in the spirit so the title of my message today is walking in the spirit and so i have different scriptures but i want you to just flow with me today um a father began to uh during the pandemic uh father began to take me in the school of holy spirit and he said it's not about shouting it's not about uh you know um having fancy messages and all that stuff but he says he says teach my people my word and let me um convict them he says he says we are not supposed to try to control people all we can do is preach his word and let god do the convicting some of you mad right now because you probably got more views online than attendance in church and you like why they didn't come to church we can't stop forcing people to do your will let's train them to do god's will first of all let's train people how to hear god's voice then we won't have to worry about people hallelujah not knowing whether it's god or the devil when you know that the bible says my sheep know my voice and they follow it the problem is so many people have so many voices they don't know whether it's god themselves or he said she said they said and so you won't even know if it's god so you're like well so-and-so said something all these voices are in your head that's why you can't follow god correctly but it's not my job to get mad at you if you decided to do virtual today praise god let the message go forth amen but let me tell you something what god begins to deal with me when he took me in the school of holy spirit a journey with the lord a holy journey with the lord he says he says don't be so focused on arguing with people when they're not saved or trying to prove to them that they're not right folks no they ain't doing right folks know right you know they know these things but you know what if i'm arguing with someone that don't know the lord and i'm a christian and i'm telling them you know the bible says you know you know and you know what demons and you and all of this at the end of the day if i won the conversation if they didn't get saved what impact did i make that i can walk away and said i wanted the conversation i won the argument because i proved to them in the word that you wrong and you out of order and all of this is that and then they still not saved see so many people right now because i was at the gas station pumping my gas the other day uh when the gas was short we had a shortage of gas here and and the and the young lady runs up to me and she said do you think the world is going in i said why why do you think the world is going to end she said cuz we just got out of a pandemic a virus and now we got no gas there's an opportunity to witness see some of us we think witnessing is in the house of the lord no you get trainings to go outside of the church outside of the four walls of the church so when people come up to you will you have answers so i told her i said the world is not going again right now i said you know why it's not going to end she said why i said have you met jesus christ as your lord and savior she said no no no i go to the club i do all the he said occupy until i come he ain't telling nobody when he coming back not even jesus and the angels know when god is coming back so he says don't be so focused on when i'm returning souls need to be saved the bible gives us a clear example when god is coming he says he says i'll return he says when the gospel is preached throughout all of the world so if people and you know what we're so busy about traveling everywhere else and this girl in my own neighborhood don't even know god so that means we got a lot of work to do we shouldn't be so focused on telling people that the world gonna end we need to let them we need to introduce christ to them so even though when i was younger 12 13 i almost died from a drug overdose i was out there running around doing crazy stuff got saved at 16 years old and fully was committed to christ i um i got saved at 16 and god gave uh he he he turned my life around cleaned me up and then fill me with the holy ghost i was 16 years old speaking in unknown tongues and i didn't know i didn't even know i didn't even i wasn't even reading the bible yet he fully loaded me with gifts pastor said earlier you don't know why god is doing what he's doing in your life you don't know what he's going to use you for so i have family members running to me i've been saved longer than you how you got to give a speaking time i don't know either i don't even know what i'm saying i say all this to say my grandmama was pentecostal but i got saved because god wanted me to connect with the fleming family come on somebody because i had to meet my husband come on god has ways of putting you where you need to be you know my son he came up to me my older son and he said i'm talking about what god put you where you need to be it's not what you want to do it's what god wants you to do and my son said mama i want to go to this college and i want to do this college and i said son i i it's good that you got a plan but if god don't want you there ain't nothing going to work out no finance is going to come in you ain't going to meet your wife come on so god puts you in places wait where god this is what first lady said first lady i honor you bless you woman of god first lady fleming i know she's watching listen listen this is what first lady would say to me when i was younger in christ i will always call her for wisdom now let me tell you something if you got wisdom you're going to make it longer listen to wisdom she will always say to me wherever god guides he provides and if the provision ain't flowing he don't want you there come on somebody you got to ask if it ain't if the relationship ain't working god is saying it may not be that person it may be you come on sometimes we always like god fix them baby sometimes god said the reason i ain't fixed them yet because it's you that i'm trying to come on somebody you got to be in the will of god not in your will but god's will so god he placed me here at mount carmel for a reason when i got saved i didn't even know what the name of the church was he said i got you here for a reason it was a purpose it was being in order i asked you today are you where god wants you to be how are you all over the place do you remember when david first gets the oil poured on him you know everybody like the oil being poured on you i'm anointed by god as soon as david get anointed he goes to the worst attack of his life oh god called me to preach you better get ready for warfare everybody want to preach until god said listen are you ready to cast out demons and you're like god why all these spirits and all that stuff coming at you but you said you was called to preach and then now you're going to say listen i i guess i ain't called to this i'm gonna go do something else and god is saying you you want me to anoint you but you're not qualified to cast out spirits come on somebody you don't have no track record no experience and i'm trying to give you experience and so god is saying sometimes the journey is not what you want but i'm doing something in you so when i got saved i was a little a little churchy i didn't want people to look at me from my outward appearance because i knew what i used to do at a younger age and so i wanted god to change i thought holiness was a look i didn't know it was on the inside of you until i started coming to bible study y'all missing on bible study you got to learn how to grow in god so i would look i would try to look holy because of what i used to do but holiness is not a look it's a lifestyle you know i was listening to kenneth hagin holy spirit led me to listen to that man that man is dead and gone and his messages are still preaching kenneth hagin and um and i called first lady one day i was fasting and praying and i i needed help with a scripture and holy spirit uh told me to type a word in and this guy kenneth hagin popped up and and before i listened to somebody before i don't know you got to talk of older people who've been around you know before you get yourself in danger of trouble you don't want to get in no cults or anything you know so i called first lady i said have you ever heard of kenneth hagin she said oh my goodness he used to be a like the the preacher of all days holy holy spirit led me to this man and he's dead and gone and first lady was like he had so much faith in god do you know how he died i said how did he die he died eating breakfast sitting at the breakfast table isn't that a peaceful way to die just just just die peacefully because he was a man of great faith god used him so much kenneth hagin said something that really changed my life this is what he said he said how do you find and where do you look for somebody who's spiritual first thing i said somebody who speak in tongues because my goodness they they got the holy ghost he said no just cause you speaking tons don't mean you holy cause there are people who speak in tongues won't speak to people and that's not of god you do know god to give you gifts but he can't take it back from you so you can be wicked and be gifted but you know what this is what i learned about god he'll use you if there's somebody that need the word at that moment you may be wicked and he'll use you because god's word ain't gonna fail he's gonna make sure that people get the message and all that stuff but at the end of the day he said you gon you gotta deal with me god says he says do you find a spiritual person in the church is that where you go find them at no people people like to uh be um in the front what does it call uh public success and private failures i can fake i can face stuff to you all right now i mean i can go on youtube right now and learn how to preach that's i mean back in the day you couldn't you had to just literally sit and let god just give that thing to you you know but you know you but but now we're in the time now people don't want to be processed they just want to have the church things and all that stuff you're not spiritual just because you go to church oh because i can sing and sing it and the people jump and shout when i sing that doesn't make you spiritual kenneth hagin said this is how you find a spiritual person follow them home i'm sitting there reading i said no you got to be kidding me why no no cause you know because i i told you i grew up churchy i wanted to look churchy but you gotta live it and that was the day my life changed i immediately started cleaning my house because cleaning my house is honoring god because you know what you somebody said well how is being spiritual is cleaning your house cleanliness is next to god how in the world can we say we love god and we got we walking over read what i l and so that's when i started saying okay god don't care no matter how much i shot all at the church can that same holy ghost help me honor my husband at home because he says you are spiritual first at home why cause nobody can see you how you are at home is the real you we can put up fronts and all kind of and then next thing you know when people leaving our church hey i just wanted to say excuse me i gotta go i'm sorry i gotta go you can't have the holy ghost and tell lies the bible says greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world the bible says god is living in you so the truth of the matter is are we really saved because if you really know god you won't treat people rude [Applause] you'll treat people kind of you'll put yourself before others i'm not talking about letting people walk over you you don't have the the the pastor wouldn't have to beg you to give you've been again before you when you got your money the other day the only person that you got to beg to do stuff is the person that don't really know who they are in god so that's what my message is today i had to start living the bible and i started training myself okay the lights and cameras are not on the musician is not here the singer's not here the deacon's not here i don't have to put up a front before people so if anybody knocks at my door right now i can let him in why i can't say wait wait one second why i gotta wait out here in this hot sun cause i gotta spray air freshener up cause you ain't took out the trash what's in you is gonna come out what's ever in you comes out i can't blame nobody why i'm messy i can't blame nobody why um you know i i don't take care of my children you shouldn't be here this morning if your kids are still in the bad sleep you should go back and tell them look ask for me and my house we gonna serve the lord because they gonna go to if you got older children and i know y'all may not like what i'm saying the t let me tell you something if you got older children you gotta let them know if you're gonna get up and go to work today you're gonna have to come to church with me or if you sick or whatever you gonna have to watch it virtual come on cause we're training them to give their time to so much other stuff but the bible says you you live this thing out cause let me tell you something it's all about souls it's all about souls and at the end of the day that's why people think oh the world from the end no god god has given us time god is giving us time do you know as some of us die right now and so many people will be entering into hell because so many people hearts are jacked up my son on the way here to church he kept telling tamara tamara let god use you let god use it tamara said mama can you get him and i said jeremiah the bible says work on your own soul salvation why are you so worried about if she's saved and she doing such and such the reason that's why so many people are messed up you trying to figure out did you know how y'all marriage you're going you better watch out for your marriage for some hat well let me see what they doing in their house you better watch out for your house but you lose your house let me see how your spiritual life is going you better now god gives us apostles pastors teach his prophet he gives us those things for a reason but he says work on your own soul salvation meaning i got so much to be focused on and if we walk through this whole audience right now after you got saved and the lord shines a light we'll see why you so judgmental because the lord just gave you forgave you last night mercy somebody just say mercy mercy second kings six verse 18. this scripture really blesses me because it trains us how to walk in the spirit for time's sake it talks about elijah the prophet how god begins to speak to elijah even if he's not there this king was against israel and god used elijah to give the king a word from the lord to save them to help them and so elijah begins to hear what the plans of the king was and every time he would hear it he would go and say listen i heard this this is what's going to help us win this battle so go to um second kings i'm going somewhere second kings uh chapter six i want you to see this second kings chapter six verse eight verse eight and it says when the king of um abram was at war with israel god's people he was at war with god's people you got you got to be careful dealing with god's people come on somebody you got to be careful with not just the pastors and the preachers and the ministers but all those who are believers you got to be careful treating people wrong and doing stuff to people because god will deal with you he says right here this king was against god's people and he uh went to the officers and said we will mobilize our forces at such a place we would do this at such place and at such place so he gave what he was going to do so he says we're going to do it and such this and such that and this and and it will be at my camp the next verse he says but immediately elijah begin to hear what this man is saying in private when you begin to walk in the spirit god will give you supernatural abilities that you can hear gossip and you're not even there you can hear the chatters you can hear uh what what evil things are being planned um i had got invited to speak at this women's conference and they wanted to meet with us and it was two women prophets in there and i was sitting there and i thought i could hear from god but i mean you'll be amazed at the gifts god is putting in people and and and the lady said well i just want to introduce you all before you all speak and and i said it's nice to meet you nice to meet you and and then and then one of the ladies said uh jackie come here let me let me tell you how i met her she prophesied to the police when some man was hiding bodies at and she pulled up the record and showed how she's helped policemen she's not a psychic she's a she hears the voice of god may you begin to hear in the middle of the night when there's a girl crying in the woods and somebody got her lock in a cage and god will tell you get in your car and drive and go on this dark road and you don't know why you driving but you're praying in the spirit you're walking in the spirit and that's the day the girl gets released from the cave and she's running and you put her in your car and you you got to learn when you hear the voice of god you can save somebody's life but the devil wants you mad at people all day in church so you will never get your gift activated because if you got mess in your heart it moves the glory away if you're fighting over doctrines and who's right and who's wrong it's moving the glory away but when you begin to yield yourself to god and say listen you can have that i just want to make sure my heart is right with god then god can speak through you to save somebody's life now you know everybody talk about they want the joseph anointed but what's the joseph anointing for just so god can put you in the palace so you can show off that you all this in a bag of chips no god says the reason joseph went through hell but i blessed him in the palace because i did it so you can save them from a drought who is in here today that god wants to speak to your life to help somebody that when a drought is coming to atlanta georgia you'll be able to say hallelujah i know i heard from god let's store up let's store up let's store up god gave that to joseph and nobody could interpret the the king of pharaoh's dream but joseph but he went through hell but god says i only did this to you joseph because you was going to save many are you going through hell right now because you're getting ready to save many but god says will you follow me i just want to know where you follow me see some of you are you following yourself you following your friends but god says will you follow me will you follow me when i tell you to push your plate aside and you don't know why you're fasting but god is saying greater glory is coming i'm getting ready to do something great in your family but i need you to push your plate aside i don't have the answers lord i don't understand what you're doing lord but i'll follow you if i tell you to go through the wilderness will you complain and say why me lord everybody else got fancy churches everybody else got um air conditioning i remember when god um during the pandemic god started sending me to all these churches and i said god i'll follow you so i'm dressing up and all that you know trying to be girly but when i would get to some places see see see we're sport i got spoiled here at my karma nice pews air conditioning but see some of y'all before y'all judged pastor fleming's story he do got another church that he started in come on and some of y'all want to be at the level where he is now but come on somebody everybody want the big green church everybody want a nice air conditioner church but do you know where he started from come on let's tell the truth small church nobody really know about summerhill church where they started at you just see the glory now but if god tells you i'm gonna start you in the wilderness you over here complaining god why you got me preaching over places that ain't ain't comfortable why you got me on a job i ain't making that much money why you got me over here and i'm looking i'm looking like a fool i'm looking like a fool but god wants to know will you follow me everything ain't gonna be always pretty we want a pretty life we want easy this easy that microwave this but god is saying will you follow my voice i'm about to give you a lot i'm about to use you mightily glory be unto god so i'm up here getting dressed and all this putting on all these nice clothes to minister and then i get to the church they had their oma bears pick me up they put me in a nice hotel paid from a flight all this is that and then i get to the church and no air conditioning in the church and i said god you called me but i'm over here fanning and i'm in the i'm in the pastor's office like and i said ma'am can with some air conditioning i need a fan i want ready for ministry come on somebody real ministry and i'm in the office cause i got on them hot clothes and i'm fanning and i said man y'all ain't got no air conditioning i i'm already feeling lightheaded and i got to get up and preach and you do know when you preach in front of the lights and stuff it gets hot and it's already hot in the back office and so i prayed i said holy ghost help me how am i gonna get through the service they flew me all the way out here and they don't know that i'm halfway dehydrated cause i'm up here fasting right before i minister and then god said that's why i'm gonna train you in ministry you don't fast everywhere before you minister you fast before you go there so you can be prepared for anything so i'm up here fasting and weak and hot all over the place and i'm praying before i get up because i don't want to pass out and and and i heard the spirit of the lord said he said everybody want to do my will until it's time to come he said jesus didn't even preach in the air-conditioned churches he preached outside where it was hot and sweaty and here now y'all y'all don't got too comfortable y'all don't got too comfortable huh you think everything's going to be pretty and god said go out there if you got to take your shoes off and come on somebody and pull your sleeves up do the will of the lord come on somebody and i had to get out there and god that wasn't the first church i went to that didn't have ill he kept sending me to churches that didn't have them and so now when i go places now i put three set of clothes in case i'm gonna be in the desert or case i'm gonna be in the air condition come on somebody don't let the devil take your testimony away we overcome by the blood of the lamb in the word of our testimony you got a testimony so now they sent me out there to minister to the word of god but now i can't minister because i need help i asked that lady to go to the store and get i had drunk so many gators and i was ready to do the will of the lord you got to be ready some of you being attacked in your body right now you got to be ready to stand up against cancer you got to be ready to stand up against covet do you know covet should be afraid of you because greater is here that's in me than he that's in the world i don't care if it's attacking you you can't live in me and survive i plead the blood of jesus over you you can't live it i remember one day i was feeling sick and i said you can't live in me and survive you can't live in me and survive i drive you out by the blood come on that's how you fight in the spirit everybody think it's going to be pretty but you got to learn how to walk in the spirit he says right here elijah he immediately uh heard what the man of god the man of god said elijah the man of god heard these things he will warn the king of israel do not go near that place you need people around you that have the spirit of god matter of fact stop handicapping yourself you should be able to know her my goodness when you wake up in the morning and seek the lord he'll tell you you know what when covey was real strong when they shut the world down i said holy ghost he's your helper he says i'm here to help you i will mass and everything and i said holy ghost when i leave out the house give me the spirit of discernment where covert is where i know to get away from that place i would go in this walmart and my nose will begin to burn i had my mask on he said covet is strong in here leave as soon as i left out the burning in my nose left that's when they started opening back up um the places where you can go get your hair done your lashes and all that so you know me i gotta get my lashes done huh you know so i made my last appointment i said we mask up but i gotta get my lashes done i don't know i won't be looking like i'm sick without my lashes now come on somebody so i made my appointment to get my makeup and stuff done come on i'm a female all right i got to make sure my husband got something good to see you all right come on somebody i got to make sure i'm good i'm pleasing to the eyes all right because if you don't look please into the eyes he gonna be looking elsewhere don't be letting the devil fool you he's still a man come on somebody and if you look beautiful they gonna look so i said let me get my lashes i know we in a pandemic but i got i'm still a woman all right so so i may not get my lashes done in the girl she over me doing my lashes and she was talking about how she was at the club last night and then my nose started burning i said ma'am stop what you doing i got to get up out of here she already told me she was at a club last night she she had covey she was asymptomatic she had no symptoms but my nose started burning and i was able to get up out of there before i got sick come on somebody may god give you the spirit of discernment that you will know when evil is around you'll know what's beginning and you know the other night god told me stay up all night pray in the spirit i didn't know why i was praying my cousin who has the spirit of discernment he said jackie you okay i said yeah why are you calling me my mama called my mama is a dreamer she and i was wondering where i got that gift from she comes she said jack are you okay i said why she said i couldn't sleep last night he was in my face he was in my face and i just kept praying in the spirit i said i don't know what's going on but i'm not going to be afraid because i have the spirit of the living god with me i get on the road and i fall asleep behind the road and i was able to get out of it without any scratch or anything but god gave me so many warnings before it happened that danger is coming your way whatever is happening in the spiritual realm be prepared so i i know for a sake of time and i'm gonna end it here and i'm gonna continue talking in the spirit but he says right here that you have to understand that god wants to give you uh um a discernment that you'll be able to walk in the spirit that you'll be able to understand where you are in life where god will give you uh um he says i want to show you whether you're in the will of god or if you're outside of the will of god by walking in the spirit because he says i am in you and if you are born again believer the spirit of god is in you and this is what he begins to speak to me he says if i'm in you i can't fail and you can survive anything but what we're dealing with is our flesh our flesh don't want to please god so you got to learn how to fight in the spirit by getting in the word of god speaking the word remember if i if we just shout and shout and shout and you leave out here still dealing with the same matter i have failed as a minister you should leave out of here wanting to pray warning to get in the word wanting to do god's will wanting to forgive people because unforgiveness blocks blessings you should want to walk in love if you didn't hear anything i said walking in the spirit is i will be a light to somebody that's in darkness you should be able to stand up to somebody tomorrow at your job they don't even know god and say listen i'll buy lunch today but they don't go to church hallelujah you don't know when god will plant the seed in them to draw them to god so what he's doing is he's raising up a body of believers that is going to have his heart and that is going to draw people to the kingdom of god look at your neighbor and say we got work to do stop trying to put it on on your brother and sister god says there are different gifts i'm getting ready to pour out to you do you know god says i want to bless some of you all in your finances so you can finance the kingdom of god oh y'all just clapping like you no come on come on if you want god to bless your finances huh that you could be able to bless god's house and bless your house say god i receive it he want to bless some of you all that you'll be able when pastors broadcast come on tv you'll be able to say listen i got time in my schedule i'll answer the phones and pray i'll plead the blood of jesus over those who call in here are you available to him but you would only be available when you walk in the spirit and god is looking for a willing vessel today that says will you be the one that i give dreams to or day visions to will you be the one that if i speak in your ear and tell you hallelujah if they say they need a new roof you'll be the one to pay it in full and say listen to god be the glory cause do you know the givers it benefits you giving benefits you you're a given secret and then god will bless you again you're giving secret then god bless you again somebody asked me to say how can i get a lot of money i said how's your giving they don't want to talk to me they won't talk to me anymore they say how can i make a lot of money the bible says he gives seed to a sower how can i become a that people will go to these conferences to find out how to be a millionaire how to make money how to have big houses how to have big cars and then listen those who don't even know god like oprah they were showing me oprah had this big old meeting with all they did they dressed up in gals and guess what they did they gave worldly people they was get and one lady she had on this nice gown and she said i'm giving twenty thousand dollars to you from my business they just came that address up to to build up some foundation she had and they did it like raised millions in one hour and then we go to church and they said listen we want to do something for the kingdom of god for the youth for for the churches and all the stuff i got one dollar but you just came down with louis vuitton shoes on oh again well you know no no no no no we we little little god stuff and then with the world we give them our own but god says no more because i'm raising up people with a standard that says if i take care of god's house he gonna take care of my house if i take care of what belongs to god god gonna see about me do i have anybody that's in here that said i'ma see about god because when i see about god he gonna see about me when i bless his house he gonna bless my house when i honor his house he gonna honor my house when i come on somebody god is raising up people with a standard that ain't playing with the devil let's all stand you got to have the word in you to make it in these last and evil days don't let the devil fool you you need the word don't let the devil fool you you need god don't let come on if your choice your choice was to watch it virtual fine but let me tell you something if i'm traveling and i'm out of town this is that my we had to travel out of town just recently my husband was like man our flight ain't gonna make it back for church he said dude let's find a church nearby and i said this man we can go on vacation and sit at the beach somewhere but he want to honor god because if god is in you come on somebody what's in you will come out how in the world you on vacation and you still come on somebody you still honor god wherever you go it don't matter where i go i'm honoring god come on somebody god said i'm putting the respect back in my house i'm putting the respect back in my church come on somebody i've been traveling all over the world um and and i still sow season to pasta senior i still pay my times at this church and i do it in secret why because god will elevate you to see what's in your heart my brother called me he said jackie i'm starting to make a lot of money at my job he said i'm scared of this promotion i said why are you scared of your promotion cause he said i think it's gonna make me get the big head i said let me tell you something money don't make you get the big head you was already had the big head in you it just it just magnifies what's already on the inside of you come on somebody if you just up and stop stop going to church that was already in you if pastor senior preaches a sermon and you think it's about you you already had something in your heart against him anyway if a deacon get up and read a scripture and you think he's talking about you that's something already in your heart anyway god is saying i'm getting us back to a place where we drop the mess somebody say drop it cause i gotta see the lord come on somebody if i wanna go to heaven i gotta love you i don't have to like what you don't have to like what you do but if i wanna meet the lord i gotta like you somebody just say i gotta love you i gotta love you if you wanna be heavy you gotta love somebody you got to love people but if you want to continue and what the enemy is doing in your life keep yielding to the lies of the devil today i offer christ to you whether you're watching online or in person this is the time where we're not worried about when the world is going to end the bible says occupy until i come that means be busy i don't even care when the world is coming i'm loving my neighbor forgiving those who hurt me y'all gonna be tested when you leave here i'm honoring god with my money you know i remember when was when the church was open and we would do 5 a.m prayer and i you know they would give me like a hundred or something like that i would honor god and say lord i give it all back to you i wouldn't even take it i would give it all back to him and i was broke as i don't know what but god will test you in the wilderness to see how do you act when you have nothing and how you act when you have everything he says today is not about i'm this i'm that he says sometimes you just gotta drop your pride and say god do it in me just lift your hand say god do it in me do it in me god god feel me again god fill me with your love come on some of y'all mad at your spouse right now like you don't know what happened let me tell you something start loving i guarantee you one time me and my husband was going through and i was so angry and i text pastor and i said i'm so angry too he said well both of y'all texting me and he said something to me that the spirit of the lord spoke through he said forgive and shut your mouth he said go apologize and and then shut your mouth and i apologize to my husband my husband was acting like that worked i said oh maybe i just like to do this more often but what i what i did i killed something it wasn't about who was right or who was wrong let's get this thing and work together all right so he said something because he's been married for years go to him and say you sorry well i gotta say i'm sorry first i'm always saying i'm sorry let me tell you something don't let this devil block your blessing today it may not be your spouse it may be your mother it may be your father sent a text this morning saying listen mother i forgive you father i forgive you but he don't speak to me you speak first because you don't know what generational curse that god is getting ready to break in your family and it's gonna start with you open up your mouth and say i'm breaking every generational curse that was sent to my life my family my bloodline and we're leaving generational blessings jeremiah tamara stan lift your hands and say we're leaving generational blessings somebody open up your mouth and declare it me and my family we're leaving generational blessing no more leaving behind generational curses it stops with us it stops with us in jesus name amen amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen what a word today thank you so much it's amazing i've been married 50 years same woman and we all go through things and that's what tests marriage marriage is not a fantasy it has trials tribulation and i need children need to know that because they don't need to grow up thinking it's a it's a fantasy they need to hear need to know that it's a real world and what i was riding along she told the truth i tried to stay a distance and i was driving and god said i was on 85 and god said text her now and i just said go apologize to your husband and don't say nothing else and i kept driving straight on the summer hill and i had i said why did god say that because that was needed to be said and sometimes i need that and sometimes you need that because the lord knew she was going to bring a word today but the devil did the devil did and she sing dawn and some people hearts today yeah i see those scenes when it comes in she's a great seesaw and that's what happened when i see you catch up and i see somebody i'll plead the blood sometimes i go a few days before i pay any attention because i don't take it lightly and when she sow seed that's how you get blessed and you bless you you sow in somebody that you know god's using and i'm so glad you let god use you today amen and i i walked out with my grandson come down here tj you know he said oh i make him get up he like to sit over there on the camera i said i don't pay for sitting now and uh jerry my you all stand up come down here all my grandchildren stay down in the floor go down there yeah because that's jerry my fine bones that's my teammate these are my son's children face to people and and what a blessing to have us a save mom and daddy [Applause] that i want to pray god shout over you all yes he got five colleges after him now and i just he's 16 just turned since always good kids i just pray i saw him in a dream again had gone pro and uh making all kinds of money and blessing his mother and daddy amen and she's taking up that gift of a father writing and he's just a powerhouse here he's a genius and i just pray and you're pointing her hand toward my grandchildren of this christian mother and father and pray for them father i pray in the name of jesus that you increase your wisdom over their seed and that they continue to spread your word and whatever they do for the rest of their life and bless this home blessed his mother bless this father they have always been able to work through things when they had no money through hard times and trial they always worked it out and i know you're gonna continually doing it in the precious name of jesus use these families as a vessel right now in jesus name amen go back to your seat i want you to bring my little baby up here bring that little girl up in you too mama those pastors want to pray jack these brains are anointed in yeah she looks she wants that anointing now i pray for her come on down here mama don't normally do come down here i know you said lord how am i surprised are calling us out this morning and i know he said oh because he was on praise team grew up here a little girl and look at this little precious thing i've never seen but i just pray lord i always told you what never give up when things were down didn't know how it was gonna come through always kept you in mind i never allowed a person to make me look over you no way because i heard a mama's prayer amen and god's gonna still keep you and he's gonna sustain your mother that in your latter years is gonna be great up to her yeah praise god it's gonna be worth it all right and father i pray for the blessing over this little child and the mother and the mother mother and i pray for all your anointing the shield and cover as we heard the word today covered by your anointing in jesus name amen go back to see just past this let me know praying for you wasn't that an awesome word today [Applause] now she was just she was just a little light today she was like today and i'm telling you go look at some of her videos i seen her in these churches i saw something from big church up north i don't know where i thought it was in ireland where was it well connecticut that i i saw a crowd like this that big with nothing but women all on the floor just rolling and i was looking and who is that that was my daughter-in-law and she was preaching women was screaming and the pastors were screaming and somewhere on facebook and i said good god almighty and that's the house going crate and i mean the place was jam packed i said look at god use it this young lady who didn't know what god would do and that's a word to all of you out there watching let god use you she got up this morning and she did praise and worship and i said where is she going with this that was where god wanted her because what it did it broke off something it broke off some people don't understand why people do that you feel better you had a chance to let it out in the lord and the lord lightened some people burden this morning and after god got through using up for that she dropped the word on us so we can all go and remember what the glory of god teaches you how the enemy will try to distract you and try to bring you down but do what the words say we thank the lord now this is covert season we don't do a whole lot of giving uh but i uh normally would take up an offer with her but she all right right now she doesn't want anything god has been blessing her ministry she just came to bless so we just offered right now the door to the church are open to you if you wish the jaw in the church online we've been doing that a lot a lot of people say well you're not talking about him but you're still doing it we still receive you online if you want to join our church so all you have to do is call senior pastor or email us information there pastor assistant at mcbcatl.org all you need to do is let us know on that email i want to join your church okay and once we hear from you whatever state we got a people from different states who have joined online so you can still do that i want to hear from you i am starting to send out text messages uh we've been working on that this week if i do send you a word that god spoke to me in a text be listening out for that because i i've been doing text prayers too sometimes i just go and move and i go to prayer and i say textures prayer to members or certain persons and don't forget we're coming soon to my prayer my prayer pill again that not right now but next two months out of uh open room i'll be talking about my practice god is guiding me back remember to stay on my prayer pillar what you're going through just stay there on that prayer pillow and you're going to see god work miracles in a lot of people's lives so if you wish to join now i have not been opening the doors of church here on sunday morning in front of everybody but the lord has started telling me what are you holding that for so if you wish to join the church he spoke it you can come down here and stand right now and we will receive you as the musicians are playing if you wish to join the church i want to make sure i stand i don't stand in the way of that so if anybody wants to join the church we are back in church every sunday at 9 15. service starts at 9 15 now again when we open up two weeks now for the summer hill service will be at eight o'clock 8 00 p.m until 9 20. 8 am i'm sorry 8 a.m until 9 20. now i know some of you coming just to see can fleming let out at 9 20. then you won't be in the spirit so all right but the service is going to be about 30 minutes of praise and worship get right up by the 15 20 minutes message take it off we're going home it's going to be short serving i i know that's going to be a challenge to a lot of it but i want people who work from 7 to 11. i used to work that shift to know when i open up over there you can come right out of church and come right on over to some of you the first sunday morning will be grand opening we have not opened up yet but i want you to prepare for that praise god from whom all blessings flow thank you god bless you [Music] thank you i'm going to lift our hands oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and holy [Music] ghost army [Music] god bless you now all the doors are open wide as you go out so go out carefully nobody's shaking hands nobody talking go home get in the car be safe god bless you [Music] yes [Music] [Music] jesus says when you get your blessing you don't have to tell anybody [Music] some things you don't need to say you just show look at me i'm a testimony dr frank e ray senior memphis tennessee [Music] when i was lost dr jamal harrison bryant atlanta georgia and can nobody do you can see us we are giving so he can see us who is the king of glory the lord tiffany andrews [Music] all events held at the montcarlo baptist church 2755 campbellton road southwest atlanta georgia registration is now open for 65 register today online at www.ncbcatl.org or call 1-800-433-6828 in-person worship experience will follow all cdc guidelines social distancing and face mask protocols will be observed the upper room conference [Music] five
Channel: Praise Move
Views: 481
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Timothy Flemming Sr, MCBCATL, ATLANTA CHURCH, PREACH, AMEN, Standing Series, Praise Move, God's Strength Records
Id: DklPzR6sKg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 59sec (4739 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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