A Complaining Mouth (Words From A Senior Pastor) Rev. Timothy Flemming Sr.

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good evening my friend I'm Timothy Fleming senior the pastor of Mount Carmel Baptist Church in Atlanta Georgia thank you for tuning in today worries from a senior pastor I want to take this privilege to thank all of you for your support because when you encourage me and say that I'm blessing you with these words from a senior pastor it encouraged me to continue to do so yes some time I'm very busy and I barely can have that opportunity to sit down and do what I'm doing today but when that opportunity to come and I do it I'm encouraged so much more from you when you say you bless me with these worried because that's what it is 92 explained these talks are not necessarily sermons and some of you probably get a little confused where's it takes where I mean I think it takes and I might quote something out the Bible and I might take a text but these are more topical messages and is there not textual but topical messages so I don't intend to use this moment just to preach and yet I will but most of these talks are really just talks talks to you almost like counseling and giving you encouraging word most of you know me as a preacher I sing but I'm primarily known as a preacher because preaches what I love most I do sing but I love preaching and I've been doing that since I was 11 years old but I really lost my calling when I was 5 years old so I've been born to do nothing but this this is all I love to do and I know my calling I love to preach so I do preach I'm not taking this opportunity to preach I do that every Sunday but I'm finding that when I talk to you like this from I to this camera to you I really feel like I'm really connecting right in your home right where you can have a private place where you can listen to what I'm saying and I have been aware this very long time that when people can't communicate and they feel like you write dead in their face and talk a tool they receive you better and it seem to connect because we are talking about issues that people go through their most church people don't want to talk about hope you understand my purpose for doing this it's been blessing me and encouraging me and people are calling us telling us I wait for your words and you really bless me thank you for your support today I'm going to talk about something that may not be pleasing to everybody but it's gonna really help you I want to talk about a complaint in mouth a complaint in mouth at the danger of actually complaining with your mouth I hope that when I finish these few words to you you will see that danger of complaining now let's be clear with this we complain about a lot of things in life you might have a big house and then complain it's too big but when you have a small house it was too congested you might complain about well I got this old car and he keeps breaking down then when you get a new car you complain that the notes are too high you might complain about I can't have no kids and then when God bless you to have a kid they get on my nerve think about that I've had people to join our church and some people say I don't like a big crowd because nobody know me and the pastor can't connect then you go and get a smaller church and you're just sick and tired of the people in the in your business one thing about a big church they don't get in your business as much they don't know you but else all judge get right in your business you can't missile Sunday without them try to figure out where you are there's always something to complain about but I want to show you that sometimes these things are into you and they can you without your knowing it people do not like a complaint in mouth all the time and you may not be aware that when you complain all the time you get all some people nervous now let's get right into today's message about a complaint in mouth and I've got to start off by saying to you today why do people complain that I hope you write these things down if you're not when you can write it down your ride along in your car you just keep playing this and it's gonna really change your life number one people complain because they're not grateful and I know somebody going to say I am grateful know if you really think about it in gratitude calls a lot of people to complain you know why you don't look back and see what you are blessed with you're too busy looking at what you don't have you're not thinking about what you have you have blessed beyond your wildest imagination and one thing that can really shut a complaining mouth is to go to the hospital hey every time I have gone to the hospital and prayed for people there really makes me be grateful that I woke up and I'm able to move around in my right mind we don't never know how blessed you are and when you think about how blessed you really are you will become more relaxed and stop complaining you are blessed you know a lot of us in this country think we're poor and some of us realize don't realize we're rich I know some of you said how could that be you need to travel around the world and some very poor countries and I have been around well five times I have seen poverty look like that is worse I have seen I don't even want to strive what I have seen and you when I was in India I told I was a first afro-american preacher to come there to preach not to go there but to preach and I saw some sights that really was heartbreaking I in Calcutta India fact you can go on YouTube and see me preaching there in the 90s sometime in Calcutta India I can tell you right now I I don't know how people lived in such poverty and still looks so pretty it looks so clean I've seen people bathing in the lakes and sometime they have them abundantly I see no Washington elite they didn't have the sanitation that we have here and I've seen children homeless if you give them a penny they they look pitiful day but run after you crying give me something give me something these were homeless children and it's beautiful at these children world you would have never known that they were homeless look like God just took understand just / didn't look dirty but homes but there's some other site that I saw a hundred million people in one city Calcutta 100 million it's over 700 million people there and then Africa Oh Don the places they're living in the pool sanitation friend and we come here to America and you're complaining about what you don't have you need to go around the world and you will stop that complaining mouth of all the countries that I have been in I still rather be right here in America than to be anywhere else it is still to me the richest country on early now this country has it's problems it does help promised you show me somebody that doesn't have problem all countries have that problem we suffer a lot with racism here in America but did you know there's racism in other countries that are people of the same color that's going on there there's always something else that wants to hate something I've learned that in psychology exist in our human nature that we love something and something in us that wants to hate something for some reason and it takes and he is good in his plate some things I hate seeing some things I hate hearing something you need to hate but you know you know how to put hate in its place you don't hate people especially about faith they can't do nothing about you're gonna hate me for stealing you're gonna hate me for killing but you can't you shouldn't hate me for the color of my skin or where I made I had nothing to do with that I couldn't do nothing about that's the way God made people and you can't do that so you think about all these things that every country has this problem one of us has been racism it's been a hundred but look still with all of the problems it is still the freest country in the world people say those what they won't you have liberty you can become wealthy here all broke is your opportunity a lot of people are rich because they took advantage of that opportunity to get Richie some people are poor because you didn't use your opportunity not in every case but you have to have something in you to make you rise up in this country and the government doesn't tell government just won't hear hey man boy I've been in country where they can pay off judges just like that and and nobody can do nothing about when we think about this great land of ours still the greatest nation on earth and it's still a country of peace we don't have to dictate a like there are in other countries in this country so we don't need to keep complaining about some things a real a blessing to you but you have to experience other things and know what you got some of you have had good people in your marriage life when you were married but let me just be straight to you sometimes you lose a good thing when you don't wake up and see a good thing I'm sure after Adam and Eve got put out to garden they found out what they had do to help the wood they didn't have to pay rent they did have to pay light bills they didn't have to do all the things we have to do lie as a result of them getting putting out put out of the garden look what we go through they had everything for free they didn't realize what they messed up and lost until they were put out of that garden and listen friend I hope you get this same and your marriage Sam you don't know what a good woman you got till you lose or sometime you know a good man your head no other may not have been good in some years Oh probably weak in his hair but you got to look at the whole picture what you got is I stood up complaining about it it may be a blessing to you because you can get something worse Wow so you got to look at your blessing what you have look at the goodness in people as well and looking at the bad oh I know they may have Falls but what about their good he may not go to church but when he works oh she may not be the best housekeeper but where she works on when it was not ossama work all day they just don't keep house and don't cook but they do other things that some won't do think about what's good in that person that attracted you to that person they may not have every kind of gives you want a man a man so when you complain before you complain about the person what they don't have start thinking about what they do have and this can be explored and talked about a good wide but I want to talk all day but I want you to grasp your blessing be grateful so gratitude and gratitude make people complain but I can kill that if you look around and see how blessed you are look at what you have and look at what some people don't have then I believe this will stop you complain ting you've got to see your blessing and many times some of us can't see for looking did you catch that some people can't see for looking no so busy looking they can't see and now the different in looking and seeing looking at just the outer period I think seeing is looking on the inside and some of us can't see for looking you know ungrateful we're ungrateful we are grateful and when you're ungrateful you haven't counted your blessing when you have not counted your blessing you complain and then you complain about everything let's continue now I'm going back to my notes another thing and make people complain the spoil we are spoiled and do childish things when we complain that's a child that's spoil and Wow God you can spoil a person so quick giving them everything they want and they get used to that and once they get used to that they can't take it when they can't get it did you know that sometime can make a robber and I kill him a child bet you give that child everything they want he never went for it then when they grow up and they find out they can get it for free like they got it for free they may end up stealing and killing to get it because they are used to getting something for nothing and you spark it when you give them everything they want and I know we all guilty there but you know hurt us we keep looking at how we grew up trying to compare kids to where they are today well I didn't have this when I grew up and I'm gonna make sure my kids get that that may be the worst thing for them they need to know about hard time so they would appreciate and know to work I must say one of the dangerous thing that I see in this generation and I hate to say I hate to say it but it's true we got a lazy generation our young people don't know nothing about work ethics they don't want to work they want this big pay they want all this money to do nothing mmm Wow that's one thing has messed up maybe technology's messing up this young generation they think they can sit on a computer and do everything and not do no physical work and brother that technology can be dangerous you know why the machine is doing everything for us there was a time we had to work we didn't have all these computers and access to technology that we have just in the stroke of your pen and that little mountain you can do all these things we had to get out and physically do it I remember when I was a student and walls we're standing line 8 to 12 hours to get registered there were no computers but not in go online and register now after my grandson or when you're going up to take your course dad or grandpa already took my courses I said how I went online and found out what courses were made up and how were the classes already feel I said you haven't been no way so I went oh that's good but let me tell you what Morehouse did for us when we had to walk the Orang Tina there's in this campus I mean big purple it sometime will make us walk all over the campus go to different departments that we get registered you had to go to every classroom and every department to find out if you could take the course but you know what they were doing or rotating us we've got the North Campus we find out where those buildings were I never forget it first registered in Morehouse College I they don't get smart with you for a purpose I asked one of the ladies I can ma'am can you show with her restroom she said read and did you find it and I can tell you what I want to say back it was old doctor Watson's wife he was a pastor and his wife was it was in the administration on reading did you find [Music] you know wouldn't it be the time and admission office and I said why are you so cold she said they want black men to stop asking and so they try they'll make you mad to see if you can handle it up here a lot of people couldn't handle it they went in with walked up they trying to mold a black man to give some pride in him the importance of stop digging your way around stop asking people read and read and did you see restroom why there come a time in your life people not going to tell you nothing so that was worked for us went down this generation is getting lazy and I must say we've got to do something there's so many young people you know I'm right trying to get on disability and already able to do anything fine and a little thing to get a paycheck to do nothing and we are not advancing because we don't have that working in us rich people I have discovered that a rich a lot of them have what they have because they deserve it you know why they deserve it they work hard we think rich people just lying around sitting around in swimming pool looking at the dolls and playing no that's when they have a moment for that baby they get out and even crooks in the Mafia don't sit around there's somewhere behind closed door strategize how to pull another game they did more wealthy crooks you know I'll discover when I read about all the troops in the past they weren't lazy from Jesse James on through hey they were not they were busy doing things and a lot of people got rich because they're hard workers and you can talk about them all you want to but I have to give them great they don't lie around sleep they get out four or five o'clock in the morning talk about who they're gonna shoot who they gonna kill and who they're gonna you know do things - strategizing with crooks Crump even know how to work and sometimes church folk bad at that we try to put it on the Holy Ghost and all that and uh but get away from doing I will work I remember I had an employee here one time she came late work every day but she had the Holy Ghost and she'd sound like she was the best person world one day I went to a dance and you know she told me I'm Paul's boss and passages just a moment I'm meditating meditating I interrupted her meditation said listen you go clock out you gonna go preen and meditating to keep from working and not reading your Bible while working but she didn't plate it when she wanted a check on Friday one day I pulled a trick on us and you know I'm meditating when she came for a chick speak up man slammed the door but she weren't ready for no meditation on that payday we played games we're lazy let's confess it ladies a spirit just know where you got to get up and work for what you want that's why you complained it helped me older girls I say help me older goes we spiral we used to get things for free and nothing free but salvation and my own voice and heading don't I mean this reason my to pay for that Jesus paid the price so you can get that free Hey look at me young person you are ruining your future you keep pulling games to keep from doing work you get my age you won't have nothing I'm trying and wake you up I'm 66 old enough to see it if you want something in this world you better work the Bible said work while it is Dave for the night cometh when no man can work if you got our laser spirit you need to pick yourself up because you're not lazy about things you really want to do you might be lazy about something but something you really want to do you do it so you need to examine yourself what do you want and if you want it bad enough you got to stop acting childish and complaining about the word too much they don't pay enough for the word but when you say when you broke anything about they don't pay enough you need that know enough just got to hit home and wake somebody up complaining about I don't make enough money where you want you want big pay with little service all right if you've got a third-grade education you don't get a third grade paint you just going to school and get something in your hand a piece of paper or something to protect you to get some recognition go back get your diploma go back get a train everybody not college material true but go learn something because nobody's gonna get bad give you something but they're gonna give you what you worth and Mama and Daddy notice also what tell you that didn't go to school they tell you to go because they have learned through life the best way to success is hard work and education not just education I've seen some lazy educated folk but hard work and education will pay off so got stop there spoil still here in America that's went wrong with them that's why so many was overweight and obesity is in Atlanta and all over the place we saw huge and big why American you some getting fed but our places are starving for food we just lazy alright stop complaining when it's the latest fear not another thing that cause a complaining mouth and the spirit of greed greed that caused people to complain you know when you're greedy you always fussing you always complaining you know because you can't get enough when you can't get enough you can't be satisfied and when you're not satisfying you fall Satan grumble and normal and complain I want to go back to that point about ingratitude again something spoke to me because the children it was a good example of it they complain against Moses and they complain about God after they got out of Egypt and God caused them to son and made them stay in the wilderness 40 years when they could have gone in today because they had a wilderness mentality and they didn't they didn't see God's goodness he led them out of Egypt cross the Red Sea they saw his hand working and then they started to complaining sixteen they went to complain of against God there's no fool here there's nothing to eat we would have been better off died in Egypt well you were dying in Egypt didn't want to get out why did you just stayed and I know you were talking to Egypt but got out forgot the blessing forgot about what God had done and God got angry and you know in numbers God got so angered them complaining against Moses he said serpentine bit the people snakes got in the camel preach the sermon in front of us known for snakes in the church that's why God said snake they were complaining why were they complaining ingratitude and gratitude didn't look back and see the goodness of God and that comes probably as a result they never been on nation he just paid all the bills he fed them they were slave but Pharaoh took care of them they never had an army they never had nothing to do for themselves but you know a lot of that complaining stopped when they had to fight their own battles and had their own king they had to stop fussing about what you know God didn't do and start looking about what they didn't do praise God today but but degree greed is a thing when we got off spirit agreeing let me tell you something greed is the only thing I believe that's gonna destroy our country and why are we so greedy we're greedy because you're just greedy well pastor that's not explained I agree come from the south and not satisfied that's the word I'm probably want to use [Music] have you noticed the more we get the more we won't I think somebody asked mr. Rockefeller what does it take to make you happy you're the richest man he said one more dollar one more dollar that's what money would do to you money will make you want money and before you knew it money way have you in love with money and then you're gonna lead to find out something money cannot buy did you don't get mad and complain about that yes money can buy a house but it cannot buy a home there's a lot of people have a big house but they don't have no home they have a wall to wall copy and wall to wall Hill then every room you walk in is held in is hill then inspecting but it's a big house but it's not a home money can buy you food but money cannot buy you appetite you better be grateful you can get home and eat some people are so sick they don't have no appetite a lot of you all say how much food but I sure can eat what I get and a lot of you know that's to be true cause when you busting out of clothes you can tell a man but food don't give you appetizer you got to help me appetite team food so when I can buy a home I can buy food but no and you know what a bed can buy you a big but it cannot buy you sleep I don't care how beautiful and pretty that baby is you can be lining a Beautyrest mattress and rolling all night long because it ain't no money by sleep I could go on and on and tell you what money can buy and what money can not buy you yes you need something internally to satisfy you and you know what that's gone Solomon said vanity vanity vanity all this vanity he was the richest man in the world but he told us is vanity all that you got doesn't satisfy you know what I want to believe the reason things that said if I because when God may man he broke off a piece of him and put it in man and man will never be happy until he come back to the piece that broke off of him and that makes the puzzle complete you'll never be happy until you go back to the original maker who broke off a piece in himself and put it in you and that's gone so gree greeted people complain they complain buy somebody's got a little more than they have and they can't rest Jenna get it you know I remember what his stories told about it man he was greedy and two stories told about a man who was greeted they find out how to destroy him they find out if you want to get rid of him and get his access put something in him that he continuously won't so one time this even called his person John hey John they went to help said John you know what they knew this week NIT was green they said you know you can have all this land that you see if you run over all of it and as much as you run is yours John said no he got plenty really I can have it all if I run old they say every bit of it that you run on I walk you run on is yours he took off running before they could stop talking go he go he ran and he ran and all he was running insane my mine this mine this mine it's mine then he thought killing run this mine fail and well I know dying we still see my and died this enemy said we got him how did they get it they knew this weakness was greed he ran himself he ran too hard and fell dead and then the story says he could see mine the graves in mine the gray said now you mine that's what greed would do to you when you can't get enough you kill yourself I got another illustration my days when a man is greedy watching somebody else you got to remember I remember when I was I went to Las Vegas on vacation and I saw anything I liked going I just see those hotel and I saw a big hotel coming up then I asked us to devil another one I think needs to do we know I can't think of the hotel right now it is fabulous another one was coming up just as big and I said wow look like they're competing somebody told me they are these were other rich men building this one got jealous and now he's trying to be a woman look better than that that's greed they got everything in the world but competing because I don't want you to have more than I have rich for today and that can cause destruction l don't know the illustration about a man that they saw had a greedy spirit and we're watching somebody else once satisfied with what he had and the story says that this man was wealthy and he had everything a person would need but then somebody came and told him that some gold and some diamonds in Africa and a friend of Hills told him say hey man you know it's um it's really diamonds in Africa and we need to go there and invest and try to buy some of that property people get rich he said really oh wow he got everything you know what he did he sold all his stock he sold all his land the thing he owned Aranda Africa and Boston Properties thinking he would have diamonds too so his a bit to his surprise there was no diamonds he got so mad that he had lost everything he had he killed himself shunderson and guess what the property that he owned that he sold his friend bought it and one day he was like they're in the field they said water in a garden and he saw something shining and he discovered diamonds was on that property there's not a great illustration he bought the property that demand went satified had and found the same diamonds that this man was looking for some it was greed trying to I'll do somebody or be like somebody else I'll compare yourself to somebody else what caused our complaint in spirit I don't have enough I were to have more and he'll it's like that dog you know that dog they had a bomb in his mouth and he saw his shower in the lake and he dropped his bone to go after that dog shat in the lake and in it when he jumped in the water come back if you have no bomb at all praise God today that's what the spirit of greed will do for you you complain about what you don't have and got everything another reason why people complain is easy to do it's easy to have a complaining mouth just complain about everything you know why we do it is easy all y'all do is open your mouth start fussing and complaining it's so easy if you were if you had to pay the complaint I think some of you will stop but it's easy to gossip is easy to put people down is to say negative things people do it on this Facebook and everywhere why it's so easy to do people who aren't happy with themselves and the spirit of greed and miserable about something that has happened to you and your past love to attack other people they they get a joy out of stabbing your that leads me to another point when we are complaining people we want other folk to know we heard become plain because we want other folk to know we hurry you know we don't like suffering alone we like hurt love hurt it loves to hurt other people why would hurt people like to hurt people because we don't like to hurt alone we want somebody to know we're hurting so we got to hurt somebody else to feel our hurt so didn't know what it feel like to hurry so we don't like to hurt alone we'd like to make sure everybody else is affected we we like to know that other people are hurting and suffering because we are that's why we complain we like to embarrass ourselves to embarrass other people because you're already embarrassed so I'll go and act crazy the restaurant I don't like this food I don't like that because you're trying to show that's your hurt person and you want to embarrass the cooks and bash your wages I don't like dad your fuss over piece of bacon don't you want to see and you're seeing people that are raised saying I don't want that take it back and can't even pay for what you get don't you have the money to pay for that just showing I already know what it is you're complaining about nothing because you're already hurt you're miserable about something you feel bad about something you don't like yourself you don't want other folks to like you because you think that gets attention I'll let y'all know I'm bad and booty no mess with me that's a complaining mouth but that's our heart that's a person not happy and when you're not happy you show unhappiness and sometimes you think it's cute really you just want to let people know you don't you not somebody to step on and run over now let's get to another point here a lot of people complain because they don't want to fix the problem and they want for somebody you know ever thought about that they complain but they don't want they don't want to be a part of fixing the problem yeah I know quite a few I say that about here in our church I had a lady came to me and told me you know what I said to myself I kill the road you know what I said at least the road go to church you're a better member than you are my god I started telling go get me the eruption i baptize roads and making boats a member and I'm sure that wrote to be a bit of everything you are nine no song you're saying oh yeah they wrote some down just in here doing this big you fuss in the bag or kidding researchers you know was in a church we spray but they get in like then get in your fabulous house fussing about the problem and then when I told them don't use it well you got him in your house to get some home defense spray you know we just need to keep up but why don't you kids go do something about it and help the church house sent the organ manner when I paid the bill I wouldn't tell thank you just turning don't spray me praise God we like to complain and church about anything I had a lady foster me about the bathroom I said will you come over here did not clean enough why so many ladies come over here go behind the janitor and clean yourself and help out help the church out you don't want to spend money your time but you want to complain well and it's your fault because you can fix the problem while you got that Mouse and just throw out the fuss all the time it's all about you call the preacher and then you tell the preacher I want a good message me and when you give you what he's too long and when he doesn't give you one long short all he did was stood up there in ten minutes and he paid him all this money oh you give it a sermon it well you complain about somebody you call and you're just finding sudden a fuss about but haven't tried to help fix the problem maybe you got him trying to probably be everything and he's a human being and wanting to visit everybody and then want a great sermon he all like to have a window spent no time and you're worried he don't have nothing to give you then you complain take care of the passing take care of me so he will stay in to worry he can't be out there working 8 hours a day and here trying to have you a great message Sunday morning even idea like you a man you want to take things off of him so he can't be standing and preparing they try to make the pasady day the Deacon administrator the preacher and everything and I found a lot of preachers ended up and heart attacks or strokes because they trying to please all these members who don't want to help fix the problem give it to you like this a man one time was always complaining about meatloaf and he didn't like his sandwiches and every time he got to pull out his lunch from in front his friend he's invited to the friend would look at him the next day he pulled out his lunch he's meatloaf came back the third day he and his friend were pulling out little lunch bag lunch out of their bags and he pulled his sandwich out again and bit into it Oh God that old Meat Loaf again I can't stand it so his friend said to him well why don't you have your wife fix your lunch you know he said only my wife to fix my I fix my lunch every day Oh God you will complain about something you fix why was he doing it I think he was doing that putting on a show because he needed attention he just needed attention he could have fixed it you know you complain by somebody you with all the time that you don't like him but I haven't seen you go nowhere Wow what Fleming brother you better quit talking him no you better say you better preach you know I've seen one of my thoughts on a job without working by husband every day but went home and act like she was quiet and then say a word if you hated that bad way with it I gotta confuse God why I'm saying like nothing but wrong if you hated that bad why don't you stay I'll thank that personal agile that woman is looking for an attention I'm sure did not know she was a little reading I want a jar on us every day like that but I when I first saw everybody once look at the me the way she was talking when I made a nice Jim complaining buy something I guess to get our attention on the job that she wanted to be seen miserable we got tired of a talking about this man after something but do complain to be popular they do complain just a show they got a problem food like having problem right thing so people all I'd say some people like having a womb you know why because a woman gets attention like a little child my little kid hurt his finger one time years ago every day he's coming look daddy look I get a band-aid on I said oh what's wrong hey I hurt my finger daddy look he was sure off that wound he really was taking draw a show and then some time I was said I kissing I don't hurt no boy he he he he he wasn't ready she's just won't let me know he had a pen made on this song and some of you groan for me every day look look see there hurry I cried I've been hurt y'all don't know what somebody did to me and I get so tired of people getting all the time I was somebody did to them but it'll tell you what they did to make somebody do what they did to them what did you do to cause the problem that part we don't like telling that's called nursing or womb so somebody will feel it I'd better get off that before you already told me out so you want everybody to know how you feel and I want to say this just by closing here when you complain it becomes a way of life did you know that that's why you need stop complaining complaining becomes a way of life now I don't want to get into physic and all that stuff but I do know that science and medical science teaching us now that you have to be careful what you keep repeating they called once you repeat something several times your mind and your body start connecting with it and your mind will grab it and make it habitual and it becomes you it's amazing how when we say things how mind will grab it and your mind is programmed to repeat stuff if you repeat it and then it becomes you that it just automatically comes without you even trying you know you start talking about a problem your mind and just grab it and otherwise that you'll be talking about that problem ever that your mind has grabbed what you say that's why they say be careful what you say your mind keep repeating and all night and all day you're talking about that and thinking about that thinking about it all the time I got worried for you need to be careful what you think about you need to think about what you thinking about you need to think about what you are thinking about about what you're thinking about because you can become a person who oughta magnet complain because your mind is programmed to do it and you got to deprogram your mind by quit quoting some things that you don't like because that becomes a way of life now I'm hurting alone you're a lot of people complain because they believe in are they like control of things they like to control things and when you some people can't control things and control people they come planning you know exactly what I'm talking about I'm trying to have somebody you really complain because you won't control some of you complain about the job when you actually want to be the boss you want to be in control of that job and you don't like because somebody else is the boss and we like getting back at people hey stories talk one time a guy was working on a job and he went to his friend and said you know what I got promoted I got promoted on the job and his friends are really easy yeah hey by the way you fired he you fire now that I got the job and I'm your boss you fight he liked it heavy love having that power that for the first time I can find somebody people like complaining because they can't be in control I had a deacon in a church our pastor one he first bought everything because he wanted to be the pastor he wanted to be in control I got so sick of his mouth from playing one time I stepped out to pooping get in the Bible and I told you gonna preach saying I'm coming to you and I might join your church the church hit the floor with your laughing in that conference I said go up there and preach son mom he went on oh I ain't no preacher daddy I said hey leave me alone me pastor you want my job but you don't want to worry a lot of people want your job but they don't want the word they like being in control and all you got type of person who just love to be in control are you mad and I find out a lot of folk want to run the church can't even run the house and that's what they're made about I've been preaching fit to for years and I know when people look I'm talking to path when people are nobody where they are they want to be somebody where they can be and sometimes when people are not happy where they are they want to take somebody's job because they're not in control where they also they want to be in control of you and your job think about why you complain so much it because you want to be the one that have the last voice you think that what everybody is doing it wrong until you do it it is bad to think you know all the one right and don't nobody think that with you I repeat it's bad to thank you something and don't nobody think it but you it's bad to show your hand that nothing please you everything goes wrong when people doing their best and you can't be happy with it and the truth about it it can only be right when you got it and a lot of people complain you haven't thought about it only you fussing you want that person job and you think you can do a better job and you probably would do a worse job because you don't know what that job encompass you don't know the stress and straining that job and when you get it you fall out and quit because you can't I remember where we started learning memos staying off his only three years here now thank God that was a blessing we used to keep people in office for 20 or 30 years and boy didn't do now but some things and just dis it was a myth the church got tired head and we start we don't understand off it's over six years three years but six is maximum so I change Sam believeth six three six years well you know what someone old Deacon that's always complaining and were fussing about thing when they became chairman they shadow they shared up when they saw hot or the Deacons won't do and they've got to come fussing about I was glad to put one or two challenge they just let him sit then one sent me god I didn't know pastor what you go to tell I got in this position to be champ some even witness that when you've been president of some quarter so much I didn't know people were so difficult now I see what they passed it be complaining first about how we don't do they so disobedient they won't work with you they won't have show up to nothing see you have no idea what you're walking into when you really get in control and that's why you complain because people want to be in control and of course I got to see this too a lot of us complain because we're impatient we don't have no patience you know think about it I learned a great lesson about having patient and a grocery line and tell you this I was so impatient the ID won't stand in that line because it was a long line you know what I did I saw another line where it was real low I jumped out of my line and ran over there to the other register and the lady said I'm sorry we're closed you guess what I had to start all over again then go all back I couldn't go jump back in the line I was in I had to go all around and start over in the back and start all over I learned just pays to be patient you know what I did to deal with my impatient I started reading a book or I take out my phone now and start reading some all you to see you gotta get busy a lot of us are so in such a hurry and nowhere to go I wouldn't in no hurry go nowhere I just didn't wanna stand in that long line I didn't consider nobody else it was that leads me to the next point reason why people complain because you're concerned about nobody but me myself and I I want to go I don't consider that other people want to go stay in your lane stay in line wait until you change the boxes they don't wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength you got this and I know what that mean it means sir don't me just sit there and wait serve the Lord give service like a waiter but even what we call somebody a waiter because they're waiting on you but that lady's waiting on you for your turn you got to learn how to have patience I often said you don't know how to have patient you gonna become a patient you got to tone down this generation there's no patient everything is microwave and electronic I don't want nobody collard greens out of a microwave I'm telling you right now won't taste right you gotta cook those greens and that pot slow it pays to wait don't go mara nobody because you just met them everybody you know when you first meet you tell a few lies you've always lied when they first meet I ain't never met nobody like you you're the best person in the world just lie you know you live you excited you've met silver like that then in ichiya they talk about another game they tell you another line and you know what's so bad about some of your little eyes you love hear that lot you the pretty thing in the water you know you that pretty you just love that life and then you jump and marry them on lies that you love it here because you didn't want a week listen you dip that bamboo you get that date ship sometime I don't recommend man nobody when you meet him - after three years because out three years you're gonna find out a dancer alive is true something gonna slip something is going to slip out to show you they doing nothing but using words on you because you don't know who you're getting it pays to wait and see what you're getting involved that hip is on my stop rushing time I love at first sight would be interpreted by love at Second Sight that's called Fleming on its you by the way if you know something it says your dream might become your nightmare and a lot of y'all miss somebody you had a honeymoon now you got a moon with no honey because you wouldn't wait then not you're complaining because you were impatient some of us complained because we don't know what's going on about the situation a lot of time we do complain because we don't know what's going on and we like to know what's going on but I'm sorry friend you can't know everything I know people complain oh I don't know what's going oh so many things going wrong what is happening I'm just sick of all this I don't know why all this isn't happening why not this is life sometimes everything come at you at one time and it doesn't mean that all the time to devil oozes out to you either there's just life you know I'm talking about to Dylan I in my foot no there's not the devil there's arthritis it's tell was just got in my bag I my shot popped out rebuke him that's alright but that's just holy you're 90 years old talking about I got a backache it's time to have a backache god you live that long you better shout that you woke up you said oh I'm not and I woke up one blessing please God and not putting everything on the devil he'd get credit for what he didn't do well I'll say this a lot of people complain because they set in their ways setting it ways well I think some of you older people can witness to that you really know what it is you don't like it because you don't like change you know what's amazing to me we won't change but we don't like change we want to change but we don't like change what you mean pastor we like having these things that we see this good but we don't want to give up something we do so we want to change but we don't like a change I'll give it to you like this a lot of your young church and I did want a young energetic pastor and when you come in you love it oh he's young someone you say he's handsome his wife is beautiful his children beautiful he's educated he thought oh we got to meet this young giant over preach you won't that change in the church pack to sell a month a young energetic pastor that's we were when I came you when I was young 24 you passed oh wait look oh come meet our little pastor just wonderful until I start changing thing Oh God he's too young just cameo just warm to change but didn't like the check and I'm gonna tell some of you older churches something you need stop blaming it on the pastor because things going bad and star seed you you don't want to change and you fussing about the preacher you got and you don't like it because people not coming but what did you do to drive them off or complaining mouth around new people and they got frustrated a little your mouth fussing about the preacher fussing about what you don't like and some people don't want to come to church here and all that you drove the people away because you love old churches don't want to change and you drove have your members away then you get mad because there's nobody there and then when the preacher come then you put it on him but what ranima way you rejecting them don't want to give in your people chance or the new people a chance driving them away so look friend you got a look are you ready for the change when you get a new pastor are you ready when we get presidents we don't like the change we want a new president but we don't like to change we have accept we voted and if somebody got in office and you're like then you need to vote next time if somebody in the office now lot of y'all didn't vote perhaps no you got to lead with the president you probably don't like you should have gotten everybody we like change but anything we won't change but we don't like change if you're just gonna grow you got to think about somebody in the future that's gonna be with the future if you know what I mean you got to get somebody gonna be for that generation to keep that generation coming not the generation go because that generation has had this day you old folk got to make change letting members dressed down to Sunday's a month and the other two sides we dress up they're slowly teaching riding Bella's okay people not dressing up every Sunday second and fourth son and we wear jeans whatever we want to wear you my mother we're joggin sue they come dressed down relax the first and third sign there we dress up so you can wear your nice clothes just just get in a little bit I love the idea of some old thing but I love this microwave stay all day we don't heat up nothing no need to be good man I love the stove cooking real food but I also like a microwave for warming up food we got that Cup hey you all talked about you don't like this new thing and you going back with the horse and buggy and give me the life where I can switch it on I have no time no kerosene laughing baby take there's new stuff along with you old self and enjoy life is only to be lived for a short period of time and you need to know we only here for a little time accept the change and go on the church needs a bill tell old building down and go on a bill because we're not here to worship that building that's just where the church meets that's not the church the church the people and if you got a bill get up and do it because you're only gonna be here for a little my final word to you is a town town get to the tick's because I wanted to get to naman and 2nd Kings chapter 5 and 9 because he was complaining and fussing about going down in muddy Jordan I'm sure you had preached when they totally go wash in Jordan that's in second Kings chapter 5 and verse 9 he was complaining because things wasn't going his way he didn't want to go down and get baptized 7 time to get his leprosy sick and fussing and complaining had that complaining mouth because of who he was so a lot of people complain because of who they are and his pride was in the way and here's sickening prophecy go dip in Jordan seven times he just died and see his money and he started complaining well not that better waters in Damascus why I gotta go in this muddy water to be healed when you sick you don't have no choice but take what the doctor gives you I like this nasty medicine wait you better take it if you want to get well you got some time going muddy Jordan well the other thing you look good is only for the eyes everything look good too you're not good for you okay maybe God was bringing night went down so he would stop complaining when he got through fussing about I don't wanna go in this Jordan River his muddy his own servant told him in first in he said master the Prophet if he'd asked you to do something bit of big you would have done that but this is simple just do what the man says stop complaining and go in the water and by the way sometime it takes somebody have to tell you about yourself he was gonna go back home foster still got leprosy and probably died the next day complaining don't heal nobody complained it doesn't solve the problem stop fussing and shut your mouth shut your mouth look at somebody saying you need to shut up that's what you need to do I often tell this God gave us a tongue but he put several locks on he first gave us some tough cause to hold down my throat and then he gave me some teeth to keep it in she didn't keep it all in daddy gave me some look I have three locks on this thing and out all the locks it comes out in your house and did you know everything way out on people but they're tall people I did there's definitely short - fear but you never heard nobody talking we're not old sitting still won't sit be attained lies on everybody died in line that's not dangerous James says are held fine complaining when you ought to being freezing and know what the story see when that servant challenged him he went down in that water seven time and forgot about how to water looking came up cleanse because obedience were wind but pride is destructive and you complain because of your pride so that's how you can really overcome my final word to help you deal with you complain it think about it we come back to you now just start listening to yourself your tape yourself and listen to how you sang just as I said earlier start thinking about what you're thinking and maybe you need to stop thinking stinky thinking and maybe you need to just pause sit down and listen to you and then you're fine I am out of the will of God because God hate complain T he wants you to trust him and stop complaining Joe that that Devils weapon against crazy complaining about nothing so listen to yourself and maybe you start seeing that some people don't want to come around you because they tired of hearing you planted mouse they're always buzzin about something wrong nothing right always negative I know a preacher I didn't want to bring around me no more because he didn't have nothing's good say about no preacher every preacher I said great we should go to yes but you know a father he was just as elegant as he could be he could find something wrong all of the preachers but him it was his arrogant pride why I didn't want back here I got tired of here you ought to say something goodbye somebody praise God today well I hope you take these worries listen to how you sound one thing hit me on one of my sermon ones and went all me listen to it myself and by the way that hips on time preaches when you preach it too long going listen to your own sermon my whole serve with me sleep listen oh I would sleep understand why folks fall asleep in church but when I list them all I started feeling a pain of why people were getting bored sometimes preachers you can't see it all you can say a whole lot of something about nothing so get to the point get to the main point listen to yourself sometime and then you'll see what you're doing to hurt yourself so listen to your own complaint and sit down and think about all I did all day well folks by how I feel and I've said nothing good about the goodness of God so start talking about Jesus in His goodness and talk about the love and how he bless you and you were fooled devil who wants to bring you down with a complaint in mouth let your mouth build mouth of praise and say something good about people and you'll feel good about yourself can I get a witness thank you my friend I hope these worries would help you today now listen as always you can always go to our website at our church which is MC BC ATL dot R that's our church website we're trying to drive people to that website it's a beautiful website you want to know more about us and about me and my son who's the co pastor Tim to Fleming jr. and my grandson who's off at Harvard University right now who was it children pastor but you find out what we do here we have church every Sunday at 9 a.m. now we have one service did I was just really trying it out first year day he loved it getting in here 9 o'clock and we're on out of here right up 11 o'clock and man not even get out and go to Sun this brunch and enjoy and I do to go and enjoy your son this bronzing got chance they go to the mall and do your little shopping with family then go home and get your children ready to go to school the next day and we just love and we're doing just as much with one service that I was doing with two and we love it get it out on time so not 11 o'clock no more nine ten thirty our Karma both churches stars at 9 o'clock at 7 6 8 Martin Street and here 2755 Hamilton Road hit Atlanta start at 9 o'clock now if you want to reach us and you don't have internet all the thing you looking for some of my sermon and my old camp meeting songs and thing you want direction here here's the church phone number one 806-853-9949 [Music] hundred dollars paint so you just need to just call us at any moment right now and we will make sure that we get that information to you okay and also follow us on Twitter check us out on Twitter that's Twitter that's Timothy Fleming check us out on Twitter as well as you're checking us out we also Instagram now Instagram that's at Malcolm a Baptist Church that's Instagram check us out on Instagram I want to also tell all of you that have time to this Sunday coming we're going to have our T Fleming gospel choir concert so if you available this Sunday right out the church come over and join us at our choir concert that will be this Sunday right out the church we're going home and eating forever enjoy yourself come back you hear my cry it starts at four o'clock that's T Fleming gospel choir in concert under the direction of mr. Bradley he's our minister of music oh no I might get up Lee and sing a song myself I'll come to hear the end but someday they're asked the pastor to Jonas my friend has been such a pleasure coming in to your home too come see me on Sunday and go to our website and make a donation and become a partner is your donation you know I'm all worried Network every Saturday 12:30 you can watch me on the worried networks lobbies used to see me on be eating well I'm on the word network it was Saturday at 12:30 you can watch our broadcast okay and a lot of my sermons are on YouTube now and a lot of my music is on YouTube so check out YouTube you can watch that at home for free I'm putting a lot of servers on then other people too so you get into worry all day long but you can go to my Amazon store I have an Amazon store yes Timothy Fleming Amazon store you'll find all my sermons and my music on Amazon everybody going on a lot about always s and I came firing Fleming's sermons in music no more well people don't buy CDs anymore you notice all the record store closed down so you're looking for my count meetings looking for my sermons hey go o-line go to the arabs on stools and is on taking over everything look like it now so they put a lot of people out of business people not even buying CDs they download night you can't download some of my song music on I told not you can do that check it out also you can go to cdbaby.com - cdbaby.com and a lot of people are buying and ordering my stuff online through cdbaby.com you can order my old camp meeting in their center street to your house without even calling us here at the church okay so that's the medium when you say I've been looking for his message in value to be in a lot of stores go to my amazon store as well as CD Baby or online or going ITU's in download just thought I'd throw that out because we're getting a lot of people keep telling me they're looking for my product thank you so much see you next time
Channel: Praise Move
Views: 3,571
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
Keywords: powerful teaching, confident worfds, helpful tips, great teaching, table talk, inspiring words, a message for the time, black preaching, black teaching, living words, words from a senior pastor, Senior pastors, a senior pastor speaks, a complaining mouth, things that hurt us
Id: 9ovvMopwWZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 13sec (4753 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2017
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