When This Ain’t It Become THIS IS IT | Romans 8:28 Pt. 2 | Rev. Timothy Flemming, Sr.

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i should i feel [Music] discouraged [Music] [Music] and why should my heart [Music] feel lonely [Music] alone for heaven a heavenly home when my jesus [Music] is my captain my [Music] cause that freed [Laughter] [Music] is those spells [Music] god is watching over me [Music] somebody watching me in the hospital right now and i want to tell you you got to sing because i tell you to be happy [Music] [Music] because i'm free [Music] wow [Music] i know he's water [Music] over me yes i sing because i'm happy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] because is i'm happy [Music] oh [Music] [Music] here i'm gonna get happy i'm a living witness god is watching you somebody here made it this morning because god's eyes are watching you [Music] you don't know how many people need to hear this i want you to rejoice praise god regardless of what you're going through dare you to just play them while you're in a sad situation i dare you to praise him [Music] he'll lift you up he'll turn things around that he'll make the devil out of a lot if anybody here glad you free this morning raise your hand and say i'm glad he set me free [Music] free to worship him pretty praise it [Music] i got a word for you let's go to romans chapter 8 28 again part two we know that all things work together for good to them that love god unto them who are called according to his purpose i also want you on your spare time to read genesis chapter 37 on your spare time that will tie in with this message part two of when i preached last week when god uses the things he doesn't like remember i want to talk about when this ain't it become this is it thank you may be seated all things work together for them that love the lord when this ain't it become this is it bad grammar but good preaching i know you supposedly when this isn't it but that doesn't sound right it doesn't have the ring i like that word that we use it's not even a word this ain't it become this is it we started last week talking a little bit about this great text roman chapter 8 and verse 28 which is one of the perhaps greatest verses as i've been preaching on great verses of the bible and we try to emphasize how god last time uh used things that he doesn't like and it's become the problem to a lot of us why would god want to use something that he doesn't like i always said that didn't make sense to me and that makes sense a lot of people with some things that we see there's evil in the world and why does god permit it he can stop it if he wants to he knows he has all power he can get rid of the devil but why doesn't god just get rid of the devil and make him leave us alone think about that if there was no dylan you know i preached a sermon on that too if that was no devil some of you would uh do nothing you wouldn't get up you wouldn't pray you wouldn't honor god you know the devil makes you pray and if there was no devil you wouldn't have no competitor a person when you have competition it brings out something in you because you would say i didn't know i could beat him i didn't know i could do this because enemies make you walk a straight line when you don't have no enemies on the job you come late you do whatever you want as often said you come to work at 12 take an hour lunch and get off at one but when you got an enemy you know there's after you on the job and you got a boss that doesn't play and wants to fire you anyhow [Music] you get up on time if you had to be there at nine you're there at eight in the parking lot because you know they're after you and that makes you get up and and now you have no idea when you hauling about this ain't it and this boss has given me this trouble you're gonna find out when you overcome and got his job then you're gonna holla this is it it reminds me of the story one time that a man one time he would join the service uh deacon a man i know you served in the army and i didn't know he speak fluently german and i said brother amen you can say something else on the amen and he went talking and drumming to me i said shut up he served in the war with over there many many years i i've seen in black forest germany and a concert so i know all about that country and you know this man got drafted in the army and all while he didn't want to go he got drafted and they were working him out hard brother amen and uh and then he didn't want to be in the service he kept being lazy so they decided to look we gonna make something out of him and all time he was sitting around wouldn't do nothing they made him peel potatoes all right let's make him peel potatoes and all while he was peeling potatoes he was hollering this ain't it this ain't it and all day long just peeling the table this ain't here the way you didn't work you didn't do your job and the car said you better sit there and if you don't do whatever we'll quote monster you will put you in jail and all while he's sitting there peeling potatoes this ain't it this ain't it this ain't it and after all emma they decided get this fool out of here and just let him go and the minute they gave him his walking pad when he got out he said this is it this is it has there been a time when you've been going through something and you keep saying to god this ain't it this can't be it you can't be taking me through all this this ain't it i've prayed to you god and i asked you for a good person in my life and you gave me a devil this ain't it i waited 20 years praying for a wife and you gave me a hell of a reason i waited 20 years praying for a good man and god i won't even say what he is but he's important but you go to heart this ain't it and i got a lot i wanted this job i wanted this promotion as soon as i got this job i've been praying planting seeds for every first sunday with pastor you gave me a job and i'm catching more hell now that i will have it on the job wouldn't pay me no money this ain't it this ain't it when god finally put you in a situation and you start saying that can't be god he giving me something that he doesn't like i'm tying both subjects together he he loving something that god doesn't like how he gonna put me through all this hell i could be better servant in the church if god would make it a little lighter on me how many of you said that i knew i could be a better person god if i wouldn't go on through all this trouble i could go to church i wouldn't have nothing to worry me i could come in there shouting and go out shouting but i come in worried and and then when i come out happy i'm feeling worried when i go back to where i'm going and you start saying god this is just not what i prayed for i didn't pray for this you went to school you got your degree now you're trying to pay all that money back and i got on a job and they fired you on that and you started holler i went and got all this education and now i don't even have a job they lay people off and you start saying i did all this hard work sitting up all night studying getting my degree burning in midnight all and nodded i got all this education you overeducated people started saying you too qualify and i'm sure a lot of you all out there would probably say this ain't it this ain't it being a christian i gave up the world i started going to church some people invited me to church they used to tell me you need to turn around church folk and give your heart to god and give your servant come to church and then soon as you come to church and the pastor gives you a position they start rolling eyes at you church folk and i'm sure when you get there you say this ain't it i i came out the world and i came in here and i see more evil and more hellraisers and more devils in here than i was out there in the club and you start hollering this just ain't it this is not what i came you invited me to church and now that i'm in church you're accusing me of trying to ride in the church boy cutting my mic up this arm right here this ain't it all it's saying in the text we know that all things work together for good we know that i touched on that last week uh it's something similar to what i would call the agnostic and the gnostic view if i remember my school day the uh the gnostic view is that we don't know there are some people atheists and now some people are gnostic and there are some agnostic now of course the gnostic folk believe that that teaching you know everything and there was a time in the third century that an agnostic view came up and they said we have all knowledge we know everything they knew everything about everything you ever seen somebody like that know everything about everything and don't know nothing they can talk about everything but what they're talking about not he's listening to know everything no everybody's phone on number no everybody on facebook but then there's the agnostic people that don't try to know all things but what they know they know now he says we know that means greek christians when you in a situation where you're hollering about this ain't it you should know better you should know that god give us triumphs god give us enemies god give us hard times for a purpose but you got to go through humiliation you got to go through times in your life when you holler this is not it but why am i in this marriage why am i in this situation this is not what i lived all my life for god got you in it for a reason one of the greatest preachers in our world uh i won't call it the name they asked him said what made you one of the world's greatest greatest preachers my wife and they asked them well how that she's a hill racer he said the more hell she read the heart i preached i'm glad i got to put some hellraisers in your life god gotta put a hell raising child god gotta get a hell-raising husband that old hell raising husband you left at home and the reason you over here to get away from it y'all don't like it don't you ask some time why god give you the worst hell raising kid and when they baby they're so beautiful until they grow up and you start hollering i wanted to be a mother this ain't it no motherhood is more than having babies you know god got me so much i forgot my nose i could go on and preach without looking at anything but let me stick back to what i wrote down about this ain't it and why god why god will have you in a situation where is when is this ain't it becomes it is when god knows what is for your good is the bad and for the better all things work together for good to them that love god god knows that the bad things that you go in your life is for your good all of it is working together for you all the stuff these important sermons i had several preachers called me and said that sermon you preach about when god uses what he doesn't like i never heard a title like that and you have touched my life when i'm going through trouble at my church because a lot of pastors are facing trials and tribulations trying to preach and pastor hard-headed folk and one perhaps how you deal with hard-headed folk i said you got to have a head harder than theirs in some ways he said what should i be hard hit i said no you don't talk bad to him just stand don't quit let them know your head is as hard as that and you be the leader don't run don't be a coward stan i said my church has kept me 46 years because i'm a strong leader i walked in here a little old boy 24 year old putting old folk in their place and they could not believe that boy crazy i said yes he is i said no you go ahead and sit down and do what i tell you one lady told me i got a child your age i said but ain't your baby i'm bastard i had pastors five churches before i came here i started pastoring at 19 years old in the country and baby if you don't learn how to pastor in the country you can't pastor in the city they have a conference before you get there they have a conference when you're there and they'll have a cover when you're gone so they're in the country and you can't stay down there you got to go down there and come back and my first church taught me how the pastor when i had a young boy standing up guarding old folk and when i got had three churches here at one time and i had old dickers on me one time they put my name up on the board as president i shoot it down and i said i'll put another one and one of the ladies said that that's a young boy that one in the old mother said baby they ain't got no stuff against him because i didn't go in there playing i had to show him i was a man i had to show him i wasn't some little boy and i start asking this ain't what i want to be god i don't want to be the only small child i want to be a preacher all over the world preaching to a lot of people why are you putting me down god said i'm educating you i can't raise my family off no 150 dollars i had to work and pastor god said i'm educated so when they gave me food off the farm they gave me chicken they gave me half a hog i get home didn't know they'd put a half of a ham in my trunk go home feed your little wife and baby all that was a day and the best pie they ever had and the best i was running revival down in the country by myself i didn't eat no driver i was young and strong and i'd go down and preach in the woods and drive all back in the night hitting many rabbits and hit almost hit some deals and all that i was going through and i thought i said this by what i want they said [Music] and then i was called the pastor church at faith tabernacle pastor church and maker didn't want to come to atlanta i didn't want to told me you two y'all to go to that is too many wicked folk up there that's the way they talk and then i came up here and preached one sunday morning at a church just preaching a little young lady showed up in my country church in pinehurst and i was preaching long and i wanted a little black robe and boy i was preaching i'm not preaching not like i was doing there and it didn't take me 15 minutes and turned the house up now i know some of y'all said i wish that'll happen now 15 minutes that's all it took then 15 minutes i turned it all the pieces but you know what she was there and heard me one third sunday morning in august homecoming that when people come home and she came back j.r cripper wife and told him this little young boy down here behind her it's my hometown you got to get him up here baby he didn't know me she said you got to get him up here he was scared he invited me to preach at 7 45 so as i mess up i wouldn't have stayed at 10. when i got up here and preached at 7 45 i didn't know nothing about it ladder got up here and preached that morning and he came back says stay the members want you to preach at 11. i preached at 11 o'clock and then after that he said the member wants you to preach three more nights i said i had to go back to making he said no no dude i want you back put it on three nights i preached monday tuesday wednesday he said they came back said they want you to preach thursday and friday i said that's not where we agreed he said they don't want you to go back to our preach thursday and friday went on back to megan then got a call some church over there in the cave they tap a knock over there go get that little young preacher that you had during that revival then they called me to say come preach for us i came that sunday morning and preached i never preached at a church at the they never seen me and the deacon said go down in the basement before you leave i said i got to go back to my other church in making they said we don't want about a minute and after that they came down and said the church just met and demanded a meeting after you preached and called you to be a pastor i said they don't know me they say what they want they want to know you i said how they go they just told me calling me the chairman call me that memory and i don't tell anybody anything well i went on and said you're gonna have to put up with me and make them go i don't want to come to the ladder i went back to megan and i told my church died here baptist church they've called me at faith and i'm finna leave and grow on that letter and you know when my little church loved me so much they said we'll put the sermon at 2 30. just don't leave us so i would drive up here and preach in the morning rush back to make it and they would sit there waiting sometime they get there at 3 30 and they sit in their church pack waiting and then mount carmel heard of me at faith and i didn't know them i preached that morning i was walking the floor and i used to i used to have a walk when i'd preach dumped the flow around me and bradley and then i ran back almost put my head on the floor i didn't wait about 120 pounds and my god they ran back and told mount karma i said where's mount carmel i got a call from the chairman when i got back to home did my comments fitting to call the pastor o.c would never seen him a day in my life never heard of a mount karma oh see woods i said where's that they said it's on martin street where's that and the deacon said listen we can't guarantee you nothing but we bought the call and we want the church to hear you before we call i said but i got a church at that they said we promised you know just one son that's all right i come up there and i preach i got a church indicator i sent a preacher to my church reverend lockhart come preach for me at faith while i slip over to malcolm i come home and preach to my comment park right in the front my three churches bought me a brand new ldd no and i drove up there in the front i walked in the church i sat in the back and after they said come on up young man i went up there and and it's on youtube a little love is on there i preached you could hear me say look at how little i am and judge me right now go on for youtube and look at it called power from all high power from all heights on youtube a little setting cause somebody got it and you will hear what happened when i got through preaching they fell out and screamed all over that place they wouldn't let me leave and the next two weeks they called me the pastor and didn't know me all the while i was in the country and this had it and all of a sudden i tried to be big deacon why when the deacon called me said the church has voted 300 for you and 29 for the other preacher i said really and he said would you accept i tried to be big i said i approve it [Music] i said i pray over that's the biggest lie preachers tear when they say i pray over it and then when they get called at you the spirit told me spirit told me i got the lead so i said i pray over and when i hung up that farm i was like wow i gotta call a big church in atlanta and i told my wife she said well what you gonna do i said go upstairs she said go upstairs and do what i said go to packing. and here i walked in here 46 years ago and i went through hell in hot water they called me all kind of names saying all the things trust me everything else and i stood by ground and followed me the bill never left summer hill for the first time came to cameron to road an act of god when you holler this ain't it not flaming up here holly this is it baby you don't know what god is about to bless you with when you're hollering this ain't it because if you stick with it later on you're going to holla this is it [Applause] stand your ground against the devil take your hard time endure suffering suffering develops you god was saying this ain't it for you because when you go through hard times it's for the fathers of the gospel preacher it's for the furtherance of the gospel look i've been doing some teaching now and it's going to make sense i went in all my life telling you you never know what god has in store for you if you stick with the insult in the hurts you have to take that to make it some of you all want an easy life always want sugar talk [Music] you want somebody talk sugar talk in your ear and you don't you want to get them nothing but lemon he go go away if you want somebody to be sweet you become sweet if you want to see a person change and become better you change you can't be mean and hateful and low down and ugly and want somebody to be beautiful [Music] you better change if nothing is changing you change and if you take you'll see a change in people the woman came to me talking about i don't know why my husband like he is i said because you like you are she said what you mean i say you know i can look right through your eyes and tell you you want too much attention and don't want to give any don't you know men are big babies too come home hey y'all have fixed them got all your victorious stuff victoria's secret he gonna walk in there oh that's nice got on some perfume take that old ugly rag off your head and look pretty come home as food cook are you ready to eat darling [Applause] that you're gonna stay home all day say when you going to work don't want to go nowhere you got to draw out of people something if you want it you change stop telling them to change stop talking about your daddy won't talk and you talk to your dad maybe he never been trained to be a daddy you bring him out you cause you're dead let's go watch respect dad let's go to the game if he's depressed you pull him out brother dad let's go watch the game together just being you you want me you dad and you bring him out yourself get him to laugh now i know what some of you brother gonna say get him drunk now i ain't telling you that i know how many talk you just need a good drink or a lickle that's right be just fine no i ain't preaching that bran bradley preach that i didn't preach that you got to change if you want to change stop looking oh lord too many revelations coming god will you stop look you need to read fox model in the bible fox books of mata of christians in the bible it's all about christians who were murdered and did you know when god left him jesus left here all the disciples as i told you last week were murdered now that's not it i'm sure they would say i'm preaching he told us to preach but now they're killing me they took peter and crucified him when his head died and heals up they they they killed mark they killed matthew they murdered all of them in foreign countries they fed him the law they burned them in oil hot king liver christians were murdered in jerusalem but why did god do that in jerusalem to get the sinks out so they get on the highways and by ways god said that they stay in jerusalem the gospel won't get out so for the fathers of the gospel god made it hard he made it sound like this ain't it so they'd get out of that comfort zone and start spreading the when god put you through hard times he tried to spread you out [Music] now listen the gospel would have never gotten out if it stayed in jerusalem so what happened persecution broke out in jerusalem and the saints went to running trying to escape and while they were running they were carrying the gospel with them so they went to places that didn't know about the gospel hadn't heard the gospel while they were running to escape the carrying the word with them i don't care where you run keep the word with you because god gonna put that word and that word is gonna go around and you're gonna fight out landing running from the devil you'll end up becoming god's instrument to go and save somebody that never heard your testimony that's how god is taking what this aid is become this is it because it's for the fullness of the gospel that's in the word that's why when this ain't yet to come this is it god wants to spread you somewhere god is preparing you for something greater i i want i don't want for this to get so personal but when god is letting you go through this is ain't its season of your life i want you to look at jerusalem and i know i'm out of time because i got so much to say and i just put this together yesterday evening while i'm holding a baby watching baby child the cow jumped over the moon and the dish ran away with the spoon and i'm holding him trying to put my sermon in my head and holding him watching the baby child little bond and i said now lord i'm gonna preach and he won't let me go everywhere i go there he is now i can come up to my step boy i look for him here up there looking for me hey get out there says let's say he been knowing how to go up there i said oh my god now i got to sit there and holler at him while i'm trying to think so this here's a baby-prepared sermon thank god for that got my mind off go home get my mind off you all too joseph so his daddy's favor jacob who was watch this well jacob was a favorite of his mother esau was a favorite of his father he came up out of favoritism and now he gets a son at old age joseph and makes that his favor i wonder why the bible said his son at old age what can you tell an old man who gets a baby oh he loves to brag i'm sure when abraham had his son he was old i'm sure he had little eyes around talking around guys say hey you know that's my boy there that other guy that is not your son he's my son how can that be your son you're a hundred years i got a secret don't have no cigarette look old man just bragging saying be the old man bragging when he think he got it know he threw how'd you say that real i'm 70 years old and i can tell you know what i used to couldn't tell you hey ain't nothing to him when he gets 70. he doesn't run his mouth go home go to bed where you need to go don't worry about him out all night he ain't doing nothing out there but just running his mouth and when he gets she get through with him he can't pay she's gonna say no pain on plate go home i'm talking about all you old men out there thank you still got it you finished bro go home and you don't have titan come home mama he coming before son died can you imagine oh can you imagine jacob ryan bragging that's what the bible said he saw their old age and that's why i made him a favorite but he went but favoritism create problems in a home when you treat one child different from the other you're bringing chaos we're so busy bragging on the smart one you need to brag on the slow one because sometimes we spend more time on the slow one and don't pay attention to the small one because the small ones got to go through so much envy and jealousy out there so you got to protect both howard thurman said jealousy is like asic it eats a hole in the container that holds it and when you are a favorite watch this thanks for that revelation god you become a favorite of the devil when god makes you his favorite the devil make you his favorite because the devil is going to pick on you so much because you are god's favor when you got the favors of god on you the devil is going to make you his favorite target and what a sign that you are a child of god you are constantly under attack if you're not on attack by the devil you don't have god's favor the devil's supposed to hate you when people see you with nice clothes on they're supposed to get jealous the daddy made him a coat of many colors if you dress like robin bird you ain't gonna never have friends boys have a time for every suit a bow tie too some people are jealous of you in a nice car and don't even have driving license [Music] you couldn't drive it if you had it you don't have to have a license and mad because a buddy got a nice car [Music] you jealous of some woman with a nice home and you can't even keep up with an apartment with only one room they were jealous of his brother because his daddy made him a favorite and gave him a coat of many colors that's a priestly where princely rose like made for prince with all kind of colors so when you got all kind of different talents people really don't like you they emit your gift that's right that's right but the reason why god didn't give it to you is because you wouldn't have known what to do with it if he gave it he would have gotten arrogant big headed and could nobody tell you a thing i told you last week the only reason why some of you broke is that god can use you better when you're broke he can't give you wealth god gave you just two dollars you'll walk in here like this your head will be up so high your neck hurt that's all it takes not 10. god can't give you a nice house can't give you a good man or a good woman and i'll be seeing you in church i had a lady in church every sunday when she went ahead and prayed that god sent her nightmare she quit coming and when she would come she come now holding his hand laying a shoulder on him in church now so i want you out there doing that far i'm telling you to grab your neighbor ahead and you hold holding his hand i'm saying touch your neighbor you touching him what happened when you didn't have nothing to touch you touch everybody all over the church give me five give me holy ghost [Applause] it don't take all that [Music] today to stay home with him and then i preaching one suddenly i was in high jail and he stood up in the backseat and she went while that she used to place he threw that old finger up and went out that door i called it a while you right out while i was preaching he told me he had to go i said what were you doing before you met him you let him go didn't you saying baby you cooked your food is home and it's warm go home and warm it up because i'm in the other car but i can't come i catch uber don't let nothing ruin you don't let what god gave you romney [Applause] and joseph had that coat and his brothers hated him and when they told lies they kill a animal and put blood on that coat and they always when something fitting to get blessed and god bless you the animal want to put blood on it that's another sermon and god gave you a blessing the enemy want to put blood on it and they put blood on the coat and took it back to dad and said a beast killed your son your favor can you imagine shaking oh lord god my baby that's my baby by my favorite woman he didn't want leo see he all went with favorites and now he's crying all this against me lord not him this ain't it i wanted to leave my inheritance to one of my other son but he slept with one of my concubines [Music] he doesn't qualify what happened when something you loved lived all your life and you want to lead them the inheritance and they're gone god will take what you love most to test you and your endurance and your commitment talk fleming when i got home from a trip and found out my baby was dead and that graded and i passed out screaming and what do you think i did he was my favorite i knew he was my favorite and god went after my faith and i saw the devil at work got up off my bed screaming in the heart and said lord whatever you do to me i'm committed if you take my right hand i'll use my left i will never deny you when i was a boy 11 years old preaching you put your head on me before i ever had a child before i ever got married why would i touch my back on you i'm committed and when i showed the lord i was committed in spite of i've been preaching harder ever since kevin both service and god put you in a situation you hollered this idiot oh jesus let this sermon help somebody today that's talking about quitting and giving up when this ain't it and jacob now joseph now is down in prison sold by a brother of a slave a rich boy go home and watch the movie on the life of jacob joseph at the end it'll make you cry i never could watch at the end when his brothers came home and he told him i'm your brother i go in tears and he got down there a slave soul in egypt this ain't it god told me i'm a dreamer god told me my brother's gonna bow down to me this ain't it and all of a sudden while he was a good slave a good slave part of a wife went at it i don't have time to deal with all this the ball's wife went at it because the bible said he was very handsome so miss political witness walking around with perfume on that's what's making smells follow that the bible said don't follow out the woman because of her beauty solomon said her footsteps leads to hell and when he didn't lie with her i couldn't say your husband told me i could trust me with the whole house but he didn't tell me i could have you he said i can't lie with you why could i do this sin against god and when he wouldn't do nothing she snatched the code he had on pull it off and he ran from her heart and this ain't it and then when the husband came home she said that boy tried to rape me and then his husband he took him and threw him in jail now you know i think potiphar knew something he knew that his old lady was a little over the hill and that was a young boy because he didn't kill him because the negro knew you put in his house with his wife he's not gonna put you in no jail he's gonna put you in your casket he probably figure it's something about my old lady it couldn't be this boy and i'm not gonna kill him god was with it he knew it look somebody said he knew something and guess what happened joseph now in jail something he didn't do am i looking at some inmates probably in jail for something you didn't do and they hardly raped stay on your knees and trust god you'll work it out been accused of something and you can't do nothing about it be a good prisoner and you never know what's gonna come up when your review comes he been good faithful he can't be a murderer and guess what he was faithful in jail but look how god halloween this ain't it down there meet butler and a baker and he's still a dreamer interpreter and they both had a dream and they told joseph the dream jacob said one of you all gonna be dead in the morning and one gonna get promoted rebecca they're going to cut your head off cook barrel you're going to be promoted that's how you know he said i just use what god gave me and guess what happened the next day they killed the baker promoted but they said pharaoh has found this cup that you served in wine in and this is hot guard working he got the baker and the butler got out the bigger dead butler leaving when pharaoh making this short i'm out of time had a dream guess what happened nobody couldn't interpret it when god get ready to tell you this ain't it this is it can nobody do it but you your blessing got your name on it and what god got for you the devil in hell that job for you you're going to get it that promotion for you you're going to get it when god is for you [Applause] that's what happened pharaoh had a dream couldn't nobody interpret they went then the cup barrel remember two years ago he forgot joseph and so you know what there was a boy down in jail he interpreted my dream for us to bring him here they brought joseph up stood before the pharaoh and he gave him the interpretation of that dream and to make the story short that pharaoh said come on up here whoever you are i'm saying make you second ruler in egypt 20 years went by then a famine hit egypt and his brothers who sold him needed some corn god from messiah you all need to read that thing go get that movie and guess what the daddy said look we finna die go to egypt and buy some corn they're guessing they're all the camels and they go to egypt and they go and see a ruler but they don't know it and they said sir we want to buy some of your corn didn't know it was joseph looking like a prince they didn't know him but he knew them when god get through with you yo this is it you're gonna call this is it and people when they see you next time they won't recognize you [Applause] when god gets through as a young fella he knows who i'm talking when you do and go where you want to go you're going to walk back in the morn probably be safe who are you young man so distinct looking all successful i'm the little young boy you sat down and talked to him and said i'm your daddy i've told five young men right here i'm your new daddy just as one of them and now he's at emory i'm your daddy nine of my told that successful now finished college i told miss gaston daughter i'm your daddy one's a lawyer and one's a doctor and look where they are today wow preach fleming now he looked at him and didn't hurt him and finally make the store sharp he called them all around emma the house to feed him and they was shocked to see how he arranged them to sit according to that birth and they went looking at each other this man whoever he is how he know how our tribes are sent when he got through he called them all together and said you know who i am look i know who are you mighty one i'm joseph oh i don't want to drop this mic this thing costs too much i finna drop this mic because that's the way they drop the forks but deke would have turned him in that ain't nothing can you imagine the fox dropped the mouth draw what i'm joseph he said but here's the point you meant it or evil but god meant it for good all things work together for good this is it you know why all things work together for good to them that love god that just be the important message i ever turned who god gave me this word now i go good well let me see it like i want to say evil define what is good now that ought to go into somebody's book death defines living dying is a part of living it takes death to define living it takes death to find out what living is it takes evil to define what's good it takes up to define what's down it takes out to define what end is it takes ugly to know what pretty is [Music] how do you know what's ugly what's pretty if you didn't somebody ugly said preach reverend jerome i made jerome preaching today it takes one thing to define another you have to have a short to know it's a toe it takes a fact to know what's skinny what would heaven mean if there was no hail oh you got in this revelation god gave me that's what defines heaven when there's a hell because i want to go there and evil makes good what it is so god said i got to give you evil so you know how bad evil is so when you're going through a hard time you hiding this at it wait till you get pablo then you go to all of this in it long time ago they put jesus on the cross that wasn't it while we're hanging there the moon dipped down in blood and the sun refused to shine as if to say ain't no neither two sons shining at the same time the sun said i stepped back behind the curtain of darkness and the moon had a judgment heavy you went back in blue stars fell from space like figs from a tree shaken by a mighty wind and bad folk got up to watch him die [Applause] he was hanging on that cross he'll laugh even put all the party say we got him this is it he's finished he's all over it but only saturday morning he got up out of that grave with all power said this is it i have accomplished what the father won't be to finish i finish it is that it is finished i got up sunday morning so the saints will get up on a great game that moaning and when we all get to heaven when it's all over we're all about pain all of our death when i get to heaven i'm going holla this is it i'm gonna walk the streets of gold swing on the planet again meet my mother meet my father oh this is it thank you lord for my hard time thank you lord for my trouble when i get to heaven [Applause] all things god used i think i like it when paul said all things because god deals with all things all the stuff you're going through is making this cake all right i know why i'm diabetic borderline i love sweets i had a cook for me named mary she cooked it someplace over there indicator forgotten name of it i used to go over there and eat but that girl could make the best banana pudding i know i know todd was gonna go to laugh he only laughed about what i told him this morning i'll tell you what it is and my god i go there and eat and that woman may i say who made this banana pudding they said her name is mary i had i'll say you know my wife working and i got boys now and i have to be running the church and be over here in a new church now i need somebody to cook i just want two days all y'all busy working don't have time go get them made you make enough the two of you and let the maid cook sunday dinner and cook in the middle of the week there's two days you spend more than that going out eating eat sunday eat that three days come back wednesday eat that three days level bruce i didn't have to pay but twice and my kids came home out of school food ready and i eat your food get your homework and wait till your mama get home from a job if i'd known that 30 years ago that would've been hard on me i'm around there trying to cook and burning up stuff even already told me daddy that don't taste right i was helping the mother she go to work i clean up the house amen why would you make a debate you clean up help she don't supposed to be out there and if she out there she helping you and my wife will make it more money than i'm going to make baby i'll give her the cadillac give me a new truck all coming in the same house that's your blessing if you that man carry by yourself then i bet you'll want it in oh lord i hired this maid became a diabetic but one day she could make the best case mary if you're looking at me she's just down now eel i'll see her back there making this stuff so what she putting in that she said all kind of stuff i said well what's that there that don't taste good all right let me taste that that's going there she said yes forever i said what else you put in there all that ingredients you put in there when i taste each one mama carter without each one me by herself that taste nasty she said you want sugar i don't want no spoon of sugar that doesn't taste right she said well that's going in there when they got through mixing she mixing all things together by itself didn't taste right but when she mixed it put it together and baked it and it came out i said this thing working together for the good of fleming this is it this is it and all the stuff you going through suffering pain and heartache and all that stuff it tastes bad by itself but wait until god puts you in the oven and create something wonderful and somebody gonna say you taste good god had to take all the stuff you're going through to make you the person you are by itself is not good but wait till it's mixed all things gonna work out for your good so what's the worry about your birthday take your hard time wait till they get mixed and god put it together you're going to be one powerful [Applause] christian your suffering is making you god loves to use what he hates because that's what it takes to move i would not be preaching today i don't think i'd be preaching today if i had a rich family if i had a dad to give me everything i wanted i probably wouldn't be preaching but the hard times i went to dr norris and i look back at it now i'm the one got my dad to say on his deathbed i went down there at a hospital i said daddy will you take the lord jesus christ as your savior before you cross the river of death he couldn't even talk he'd never join the church he looked up at me i said daddy i'm the i'm the son of your lawn i'm next to the baby daddy god put me in your family in your house for this moment i'm a man now now i know when i one time i didn't like you now i know you i'm grown i understand now if you had given me everything i begged for i wouldn't be who i am thank you sir you made a man out of me that's why i worried my dad worked 12 hours a day he looked at me so strange you know what he did you know what he's here i do i say will you take jesus now daddy i walked out the hospital wonder prayed for him before i could get home they said your daddy just died i shouted i got him in so god put me in that family now i know it's going on 71. he died at 7-6 he put me there and it all working out very good god may put you in the situation so you can be a blessing to somebody you know if it wasn't this coveted i'd be having everybody down here on their knees that need to repent but at this moment i want some of you that have had bitterness in your heart about somebody get on your knees where you are and get down there and let go right now go get out here just get on your knees and talk to god kneel at the pew instead of walking out here lord i release it i release everything in my heart by somebody treating me how they did me lord i want to i want to i want to go above this get down on your knees at your pew and say lord deliver me i don't know what you doing to me and why i'm in this situation why i'm going through all this but god if this where you want me i want it all to fit because i'm finna grow up and let it go i'm finna forgive my daddy i forgave mine when i forgave him it freed me i'm gonna forgive my mother all the names and things she said because when she said you ain't gonna be nothing that made you be something and all i had to hear was somebody said to me i don't know if he gonna be something i heard two people said that put something in me when i heard that i went home and cried his family too poor he ain't gonna be much that's all i need to hear then i went home said i'll make them out of a lie i needed that and sometimes you need that insult you need that man tell you ain't gonna be nothing you need that to wake you up so you don't tell them you are lie wait i saw a young man's dad said that came back here one day in my office all dressed up in a uniform oh look that's it who are you i'm in the army got promoted i said good god all these pins and badges reverend he helped me when he didn't help me i said he helped me when he didn't help me he made me grow up to be somebody and i'm probably talking to some young girl or some young man now i need no bad man to help me be what i want to be that's where i took it and dad didn't do i didn't need no man to tell me to be a man i'm a man and make myself a and man i get there don't come talk about what you did god that's all you needed somebody to put you in a disrespectful word and had a help me holy ghost let's pray let's pray let's pray let's pray lord i thank you for the sermon i never preached nothing like this before in my life i don't know where you gave me this text from father i said one time this ain't it and now that you bless me this is it thank you lord for every criticism for all the hard times woke me up and now i'm yours and i give you the glory and the honor not man you made me not man [Music] and let this message free some young man doesn't have a father some young lady don't have a mother free somebody had the backside of poverty let them know that when we go through stuff is to give us experience experience that one day we'll be able to say i know that i've been there i did that and i know and it'll be a light in a dark community thank you now for your word in jesus name amen praise god from whom all blessings flow nothing to do behind something like this but go home let's go home over my time but i don't apologize [Music] go home and tell somebody you need to listen to reverend fleming's sermon today [Music] rest your hands to it i'm going to lift the head [Music] all creatures here below [Music] the heavenly hosts [Music] amen [Music] [Music] hallelujah
Channel: Praise Move
Views: 846
Rating: 4.5999999 out of 5
Keywords: mcbcatl, timothy flemming sr, prayer, mount carmel baptist church, atlanta, atlanta georgia, black preachers, religion, rev timothy flemming sr, mcbc, church, atlanta church, best church, atlanta pastors, great black preachers, afro american pulpit, the black church, power sermon, best sermon, classic sermon, singing, powerful singing, soulful singing, altar call, powerful prayers
Id: iED5Raes294
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 20sec (4520 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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