This is what 915 hours looks like

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hey friends welcome back to another Animal Crossing island true video today we're going to an island with 915 hours spent on it every last bit of it has been decorated to perfection you guys are gonna absolutely love this I was super excited during the tour and before it's and you guys I hope are also very excited for this one and also remember at the end of the video if you want to catch an interview with the island creator it's going to be there as well as footage of the island at night so that you can get the feel of the island at both times of day as usual guys if you like this sort of video give me a comment down below and letting me know that as well as give me a thumbs up so YouTube shows you more videos like this as well as subscribe to notifications so you don't miss out on any future episodes or live streams and we have arrived on this beautiful island did you guys see that overhead view that was absolutely stunning and we have our tour guide there just cutely sitting on the bench I'm just gonna say quickly hello to you hey Clara hello okay we're gonna pick up the presents we got six of them to unwrap oh and look at the padding to the side I think that is the there's a design that Twitter is going crazy over right now a lot of people were mentioning it first actually let's get into my nice clothes getting a bit ahead of myself I didn't drop it oh I was one millisecond from it Marshalls photo oh it's just a little gift that's so kind okay we got Marshalls photo bear cap lights how am I gonna be dressed I'm actually really curious how am I gonna look they're your outfits really really cute I gotta say that Claire really cute what's that valiant statute wow I don't know what these are but oh no what are they what am I gonna look like bear costume what is this what do I actually have to do the whole tour like this that's too cute that's too funny okay first let's now let's look at the map really quickly so they have literally pretty much every single dreamy villager for most people rain Bob moly which is my fave scoop I haven't seen scoot too much scoot is cute blue bear cute named poppy herb Marshall which is her favorite ketchup punchy and they have two characters here we have Shawn and Clara the map you can tell they have a lot of areas paved all over and I can see like almost right in front of us is their house number one I'm really excited to go see that and what they have in the top right corner I'm not sure what that is either but I'm really excited to go see that all right and now it's time for the passport view another's Passport hi nice to meet you that's a really cute picture too you're matching your shirt in your crown in there the islands name is Kiwi they have peaches they're a small fry egg cute they were born noting that they were born November 18th so that makes them a Scorpio and their Creator ID is in the bottom right corner so if you guys want to go and steal some of their designs you can go and do that right there all right let's begin so we're here or yet this beautiful stunning entrance and this is what I was looking at on the map this is just absolutely amazing what they've done with all the arts and I love the color palette in this what is this oh my what your castle look at the way they use the silos and those are the the church organs right that's that's just incredible I'm blown away is this garden lead up Plus that is absolutely stunning oh no are we going inside yet no okay I thought we were gonna go inside but actually my instincts were right - doesn't run around more in the garden so now we're on this beautiful pathing the padding is absolutely beautiful you guys can see AC twitter is going crazy for that and then we have this area support walk really nice aesthetic items really little touches of music players everywhere and the colors are just very like the white pastel colors we have this is the boardwalk but we're actually on the beach now this is the fish market oh okay I see what you mean little sprouts over there that super adorable kind of fish hook it where they prepare the fish and man I remember the fish market in Busan you would point at a fish and you'd be able to eat it fresh right there on the the boardwalk itself oh and there's a little house here so it's just like a stage one house so it's probably like a restaurant or something I don't know let's go and check it out and we're inside wow what a seaside cafe that's oh my gosh this is amazing what an amazing cafe I love it the backwards those are backwards fireplaces for people who don't know luck they're actually fireplaces but from this angle absolutely amazing we could have a little popsicle let me I gotta get one and then the way they have the simple panels there in the back they're decorated to look like barn doors that's so adorable I love the coloring too everything from the the fans the wallpaper is absolutely on point and so is my outfit that was so cool honestly that was really impressive actually in a lot of ways and the way that they have the little sprout okay what's that quickly look at the little sprout on the table it's cute it's really cute okay I'm gonna keep following I don't want to get too far behind ooh it's nice terraforming little swans well that's their resident services there oh just a little bridge school is in session oh it's the entrance to the school okay and I think they're actually hiding it so that it doesn't actually look like the bridge is over water and we're inside the school now so this must be where you like take attendance and oh it's so cool actually just it's weird but the way the lockers curve in the world curvature is just absolutely so cool look we have a little library absolutely perfectly perfectly decorated with reception desk oh I'm so excited for those things are popping in and out so this is an outdoor cafeteria oh and there's the panels again making it look like the doors open so we have a cafeteria alright I'm sitting with the popular kids today at lunch even though I'm not a popular kid yummy look we got pizza with the little slice taken out of it got a giant hamburger wow this is so it's such a cool oh can I hop off there we go so well decorated and then we go down here to the staff room it's a lounge this is amazing it really feels that we got a window right there wow this really feels like the inside of a building but it's not so that's why it's so paved in this area it's it's literally the inside art study lecture hall so thematic Wow oh why are you crying okay wait there you go wait where's the screaming do your homework too cute I love it oh man the way they have the bookshelves alternating between facing us and facing away really really cool and it looks like a return cart for books right there and like in the library and what's this what are they teaching in this class this is a kids classroom okay oh we got the Apple what a cute touch the Apple on the desk oh this is just stunning it feels absolutely perfectly designed I really feel like I'm in a school I'll think there's so many items here that they're popping in and out and on my side it looks okay but I'm sure you guys through YouTube's compression are suffering with low frame rates the beach picnic spot Wow we just went from as stunning like school an entire school to a beachside uh a relaxing spot and I just got to say that's incredibly dynamic how you can just switch between those two two themes like seamlessly oh what's this oh it's pottery class that's that's my guess right now is that pottery class or am I just completely wrong oh it's just a cafe I'm just dumb oh that's adorable oh that's really cool for the firepit the stones around there that's a really cool design oh what's that is that a train what's this it's a fishing dock that's so nice look at Gulliver's sleeping in the background oh they're too cute too cute oh I'm blocking them are they transforming beachy vibes aww cute outfit I'm blocking them too much her eyes are really cute too the little Pacman they look like pac-man that's genius right here are there them they're projectors right film projectors but it looks like it's on the train track and in the if you look from here yeah it looks like the trains coming in the distance and it's a train station I love it and we're right beside the school right now - Wow way above and beyond what I was expecting oh no the diys there and they can't get to it oh I got to it wait there we go funny I'm too dumb you can't get through no no we gonna have to get it later we struggled too much with em and I love it when these little that's really smart the GL bar is the well up there and the way they terraformed out here I just left my flat but when you terraform and have a little pass through there it's really really pretty and we're passing through to here and look it's completely separated from the rest of the island so it really feels like it's his own unique area secluded like a secluded beach another big mushroom secret hidden area yep that was the exact feeling I got Oh Stonehenge Wow oh this is this has to be like you a little your favorite area to go hang out look at the coloring again the muted blues and the the pastel White's very very pretty I mean the pastel pink sand these everything just flows into each other credibly dynamically oh this even feels even more like a secret area I love it I wonder what's up at the top part there between the two trees red what oh just just read it had me a little confused and I'm sorry we're dropping frames but you know with all these items everywhere Nintendo doesn't make these switches very strong and powerful enough to run these games marshals house yes and marshal is her favorite so adorable oh man I never thought certain like certain furniture items I just never expected them to be able to look so pretty you know but you all surprised me again and again Bob's house but the cat litter bob has a kitty litter outside oh wait we can go right through here okay interesting whose house is this very pretty I love the paths between them neighbors with punchi punchi zakat too right so the two cats best friends well there is durable in the street sense oh that's the school right below us so the stairs actually lead to here Poppy's house Wow and again I was talking about how dynamic this is look at that now that's what I call dynamic it just starts off and flows into each other as well things are popping in and out oh my gosh it's going crazy but again that was absolutely stunning there's actually two entrances into the actual like school okay so we're back here everything's loading in this has to be the most full island oh my gosh I love these street signs in the middle come one come all and we're going to look carnival Wow you try to move slower so that doesn't lag too much here that's incredible scroll up welcome to the carnival adorable Wow so we have all the food here got a little bit of everything who am i blocking that's amazing the colors just completely changed to be so bright and red Oh what are we gonna get what are we gonna get oh we got cherries exactly it matches it matches the theme of this area yeah and we're gonna go up beside the giant bear and they're back in there super cute outfit alright so that looks like ketchups house and I'm gonna guess this is a Mustard's house no that was a really bad joke ah reminder to future chase edit that out the ducks so cute so that's scoot and ketchup right in Mali in Mali I'd recognize Molly's house when I saw if I see it where are we going to now Oh pushing me around did I go the wrong way okay we gotta go down when the pathing is beautiful Oh a little black and white area so whose house is this Raymond oh I didn't know Raymond had this house I gotta say guys I'm sorry Raymond's house is a little boring it's not as cool as I thought it would be and there's scoot super cute actually and more I look at scoop the more I think he's super cute well got a little bike area so now we're into like a more woodsy woodsy vibe of an area what that what's this place it looks like another store like a souvenir antique shop okay that's cute and it looks like there's some Waring though on the right side I don't know what's the hair but I think we're gonna go find out so let's just go down here to the right and ooh and unfortunately when we went through here the first time we got excited and we ran straight down but we completely forgot to go check out this pottery area and oh my goodness look at how creative this is they have all the different pottery items here this food is actually made of clay and look they have the clay right there on top of it so it actually looks like a pottery wheel but this is one thing I really want to show you guys is look at the how the bookshelves the bookshelves make it look like we're inside a building however the way that they've done this is it actually looks like looks like there's a window right there and we can actually see through it because there is no window item if the mock window item that you can do but this is this is probably the most brilliant thing I've ever seen with making I guess an inside building outside of one so it's really pretty another building Wow oh my goodness these are actually um organs pipe organs backwards looking like some incredible walls what is oh we're back in the school wait we've lost her to her guide oh my goodness this is so stunning so pretty but it's mice which is gonna explode I was like it's about to take off into space oh wow oh I'm going back to that area that I mentioned that I was really curious about but honestly with an island that's beautiful I don't mind back backtracking Oh bother Oh Oh is this Alice in Wonderland or something is that what it is it's supposed to be hidden this is stunning oh this is so whimsical and we just went from another place we just went from like a completely different theme to this one oh it's Winnie and Pooh inspired oh wait I can see that now there's Pooh Bear I'm gonna assume and then there's like a jar of honey on the right side you guys see that okay maybe I'm Oh Oh bother that's we need the Pooh oh I'm not smart oh my goodness whoa what's this beautiful all they're painting it's a painting spot oh man so pretty just right now the terraforming that's right blocking where I am just so pretty the canal marketplace this island oh my oh my goodness gracious me Christopher Robin its soca matigan we just changed from Winnie the Pooh to here so we're in the canal marketplace Wow and the water the infinity pool looking water is just so dynamic and beautiful in the terraforming everywhere just stunning guys can you let me in know in the comments below how many times have said stunning so far probably too many and every time I say stunning make sure you take a shot of water because I want you to be hydrated okay we're in the Cafe and Bakery wow you got the little breads in the background we got fences indoors but it fits so perfectly in wait we got the kitchen back there with mr. gnome doing all the cooking oh we got the fireplace the bookshelf freaking out a little bit while popping in it's okay got some music oh I guess fire I just want to sit there beside the fire okay I can't believe like look if you look at the map and look how close we are to the actual school but it feels like we've walked across like an entire island just to get here but we're really only seriously only like ten blocks away from it ten squares ooh look at that to the left what okay so absolutely jaw-dropping at this point this is a decoration everywhere there's a nightclub I'm not dressed for a nightclub we in this club oh man I'm not dressed actually look let me match with that nice or should I say mmm ice get it okay or something so cool we got DJ space space mellow and and we've got the moons the music is poppin they have multiple oh man the designs in the ground all the lights this is so cool great job oh man and then we're back we're back in the canal literally in this beautiful rustic canal we're gonna go up behind ketchups house oh and this is the museum and there's oh hello sir I would like two tickets one one human one bear okay thank you okay guys now we get to go yeah I got the ticket and there we go we are at the Museum I'm so cute absolutely adorable and work oh my gosh what is that wait um is that quack quack all right Quagsire Craig Peyer it's Quagsire yeah so it's a really good Pokemon competitively you wouldn't believe it but it's really good and we can look up at the moon but the moon's beside us how we're gonna look up at the moon it's facing the wrong way you don't are you looking at the Sun I advise against that tried it once didn't wasn't fun well it was fun until I looked away and realized there was a dot on my eye vision for the next like 10 minutes all my goodness giver walking through the carnival whoo alright alright frames arse doing okay the frames per second are doing okay but Wow everything's just so beautiful totally makes up for it we're back at this absolutely stunning garden and there's more we haven't even been to the left side of the island yet we've been completely at the right side but now we're on the left there's still more oh my goodness and we're in this now we're into a cottage core out of nowhere enchanted forest wait what sorry I'm blown away by this how does this get it keeps getting better I'm gonna get lost through here wait how do I how do I go oh you can do the full circle if you look up you can see yeah I did that earlier it was beautiful you could see the deer and a statue of David in the background a little bit yeah I noticed that I was staring at that earlier well sometimes you just have a feeling that you need to pan up and I'm so glad I did beautiful Wow great use of rocks rocks are usually a problem up we're gonna get a little wet guys you saw it here first I'm not stinky I showered okay proof that I shower right there so no calling me stinky in the comments and this is so pretty look at the coloring again the color scheme is so beautiful so OnPoint beachy vibes you're back in your cute beach outfit I love it everything is sectioned off - back into the cottage forest outfit see second shower two showers and one day guys you're welcome and now will we get a Crump that's how will you cross the bridge look at the bridge in the background it's just really pretty diagonal bridges especially this one are beautiful look at the be the big be right beside the yeah what are they called a Pierre is there we go I remembered that apiaries we got a puzzle but the colors on the puzzle match perfectly we're gonna run down here look at the colors of the ukulele and everything else matching and here we are at the grave always bow there we go alright let's go back this has to look beautiful at night and just a heads up to all of you during the interview portion at the end of this tour we're actually going to be going through the island again at nighttime so you can see the completely different beautiful vibe that is at night that you don't get quite the same during the day and that enchanted forest with the rocks we are actually gonna be able to see that at night and did she just wave at David goodness he's don't wave at him he's self-conscious campsites and I also love how the campsite sign is covered by trees it really Phil makes it feel so much nicer and campsite on the beach really smart that's really giving me some ideas for my island campsite on the beach yeah that's a really good use of space okay we're going through here Wow the dress is in the background the forest marketplace okay I guess this is a popular place for a Lumberjacks right shop while you chop you know duck pond to the left I saw that little Quackers over there they're cute oh that's so pretty this is just absolutely blowing away Oh what there's even more okay we can see the carnival to the right just let you guys know how close this stuff was but it feels like a completely different Island painting area beautiful again all the colors are perfectly coordinated little quacker and these are the doors that I was really looking forward to seeing what's on the other end of the bridge all this is right beside her castle house okay and here's the gate oh I see okay interesting welcome to my castle one sec guys I just want to look at that look at that I am one lucky bear I am one lucky bear Kate let's go inside and check this out [Music] and we're inside here whoa look at all the wedding items that they've incorporated already oh I love how they blocked off that one room you know sometimes that's annoying in this game that rooms are just there and you kind of don't want them necessarily there and you want to put stuff in front of them but you feel like you can't but they're right there that's it way that you can't and look they put the circular rug on the floor and they put the statue over top that really just makes it stand out that much more we got a picture of Marshall too cute and here we are at the kitchen you know it's really nice to see kitchens that don't use iron wood you know I totally get that there's not many kitchen items right so iron wood is obviously one of the prettiest but when people make it work with items with I can't move okay items that aren't necessarily made for the kitchen it's just it's just that much more impressive to me you guys feel that [Music] so that was room two to the north and we're gonna go to the right bathroom bathroom bathroom I'm thinking bathroom [Music] and it is the bathroom that's exactly what I just said this is so magical we so this is the cloud floor and if you put these panels I don't know why exactly what they are like decals or something dog panels on the ground and then you have the clouds there right I'm gonna I'm gonna take a little bit of time in here just to explains where the cool things it can look like steam on the floor for like a sauna we have the dual but I like the bathtubs right there that match actually the deck flooring at the same time the butterflies on the wall complete it just beautiful really impressive all right so we're obviously not going into the room to the left or even we're going into the basement now okay hopefully it's not evil or something like that and no it is far from evil it's just a wine cellar with wine tasting interesting well yeah I can see all the wine bottles okay let me let me sit down this is this is really cool all the art on the wall everything's decorated really really well and over here we can play some pool I want to beat you I'm gonna beat you you break you go okay good good I'm gonna BAM I really like how they have the bookshelves separating the room into two as well it's really really nice with these extra wide rooms you have to split them up and they feel so much bigger and now we're gonna go upstairs let's go check it out oh this is adorable master bedroom and again it feels like it's split in two it's not quite it's still quite spacious here in the middle but we have this area over here with the couch to relax on with the moon here with the guitar really love the white and black guitar but on this side we have that's not a violin that's a something else how do I'm embarrassed that I forgot what that is okay don't don't roast me in the comments okay just educate me this is beautiful oh I love it so much in the left room is locked okay yeah it is you know what maybe it's a work in progress for now that's totally fine so that's it for the house but there's still more so we're going back into the forest into a completely different area this pathway is beautiful really really pretty let's cross this bridge and now we're gonna head north of where we decided to go down instead so we have gnomes eating right here I feel like no matter what I'll be impressed with the rest of this island gnome habitat nice tending to their animals oh okay oh I can see that they use the zodiac items as animals and partying really are they partying gnomes sure know how to party I gotta say beautiful dynamic Oh Molly's house Molly well he's the best character in the game don't at me don't even know it's not even up for debate Molly is the best and this is the perfect place for her just secluded I feel like Molly would appreciate that what is up there we're not gonna go there quite yet pretend you didn't see that and we have I believe that sure browse on the left to the right whit mmm no that's not Whitney's house who is this Blue Bear herbs and blue bears our house matches each other okay so the houses go together really well look at this area back here so pretty but the bookshelves blocking out the horizon a little bit look we have the book right beside the pillow so you can relax by the fire perfect all right we're going back down the stairs and we're going to what I saw earlier well there's a painting cart right there but this is such a cool way to walk up like they're not fences but flowers can be fences if you place them correctly oh I love it there's a ring is this where they get proposed on a proposal area with the music - all right for some reason it got super choppy and the recording here but that actually wasn't the island it was my recording software so we're just recording it again walking through but you know there's no complaint walking through again that proposal area is beautiful but I just wanted to just show you the rest of this without any of that it's just absolutely beautiful got a painting area here another place to look at the the moon or the Sun you know all depends on if you care about your eyes and then we have the honeymoon spa right here with the beautiful music yet again stale cupcakes honeymoon spot exactly then we just walk down and it's just everything's fit in so lovely freaking out because I'm blocking here I'm so sorry I didn't mean to Wow great and we're just gonna give a round of applause now stick around for the interview portion and to see the island during the nighttime cuz I guarantee it has an amazing magical feeling to it all right and I'm here with the islands creator Clara Clara thank you so much again for not only the ability to tour your beautiful detailed Island it just had so much stuff and so many amazing designs but also for your let's say unique outfit that you planned out for me successfully did that that's definitely the first time I saw the nose drip and I'm like oh no what are they making me wear now I have forever yes so tell us a bit about yourself so I've been enjoying playing games like my whole life and I'm crossing was really special to me growing up the first game I played was wild world and I just like fell in love with it ever since I didn't play city folk because I didn't have a Wii but I did it was really fun yeah I only played GameCube I kind of forgot about the game during like my high school years I guess and then all of a sudden when new leaf came out I got into that and then I just found out the date literally like one or two days before this game came out I just saw a post bite like an advertisement I'm like oh I guess I'm playing Animal Crossing again and I kept following videos just so excited to play how many hours have you managed to spend on your island because I swear you have an item literally every single place you could like the perfect time yeah it really did nice escape for you huh 900 hours oh my goodness what is the math on that that has to be like over 10 hours a day at least Wow well it shows it's absolutely stunning thank you and I don't think you could possibly because I do notice like various themes but how would you describe your theme or your overall Island and how did you decide on that direction well yeah my p.m. is all over the place it is like a multi themed island I don't know I don't really have like a senator theme where I just like follow everything together or like mash everything together because I have like different areas like the school and I Club I bite it like the whole forest aside on the left yeah so I don't know I guess I could just name it like a multi pink island yeah um if I could like start over and redo my island I would want to make it like a more rural and natural theme like more for sipping because I see a lot of amazing islands on Twitter and stuff and I get a lot of like inspiration from them so I want to like do something like that as well so like I kind of like change the left side into that you want to change everything to that okay that's pretty nice so like we already kind of touched on it right there like what is your favorite area would that be the force decide on your left yeah yeah I think that's really cute as well and like wherever the gnomes are like the cats I just love the little knowns they're so cute yeah they're really cute and the you know I'm so stupid we walked into the winnie pooh thing and I just had them like oh look it's an Allison one yeah that's what I was thinking but then the slogan cued it and you said Oh bother and for some reason that just didn't queue in my head or anything yeah with the large mushrooms you could really make something feel small and plus I should have figured it out considering I'm wearing a bear outfit that it could have been Winnie the Pooh I was more like Winnie the blue but so you already kind of touched on it again because you're so good at explaining these things what is your what do you think your plans for your Island not necessarily tearing it all down but what are your future plans what are you gonna do everything together for this tour but I plan to get rid of like that carnival area because it's just like so out of place to me and I like made that like in late March and didn't touch it so I feel like I should get changed updated so it's okay I totally feel that I kind of liked the break from the well not necessarily but it was so funny because the nightclub at least it was blended in well because like you could be on a beautiful Street and then once you walk inside of a door to a nightclub that's just a different atmosphere so I don't think that was exactly jarring or not fitting with the theme you gotta go get out what are you gonna do with all that honey energy right exactly and your island had a ton of custom designs I've seen a couple in other islands but did you create any of them by yourself or did you find all of them online yeah there's like so many amazing designs out there I wish I could like download more 40 designs it's not enough I honestly don't know why Nintendo did that like just limited us like that you should really do we should have a hundred at least or a round number or something okay I won't complain do you have any advice for the people watching that maybe they're not quite at 915 hours yet but how would they start how should they decide on what to do just gotta have fun with it it's just like your island your Splash Island just do whatever like makes you happy you don't really have to like copy analysis unless like you can get inspiration from others and like feel free to do that because there's a lot of like amazing things that you could create and like get ideas from others as well such as yeah have fun with it pretty much milk it definitely looks like you had a lot of fun with your eyelids and you you definitely like it whatever you wanted to build we built it multi themed islands are like starting to become one of my favorite types of islands at the beginning it was all about like all one thumb attic island but you've proven especially that you can just you can you want a forest area BAM half mile and forest area you want a carnival you got it honey you know and if people want to keep up to date with not only you or the progress of your island or just get in touch with you because they want to go for a tour do you have any social media that they can do that I also draw like little characters as well yeah my name is Clara underscore EQE and should also be in the description as well absolutely or in your pinned comment if you guys also want to connect with Clara you can check in the pin comments and I also know that you said you were gonna do a YouTube channel of your own or something like that one day I do have a caption card I do have that already so I just need to just take the time to record it and yeah I don't know I'm kind of nervous about doing the voice-over oh well just you have any little questions like that just reach out I'll give you a little tip or something like that yeah it's a lot simpler than you'd expect right it's just practice that's yeah well that's pretty much it for all of my questions I want to thank you just one final time this is probably the third time I've thanked you but thank you for that amazing tour I can't wait to see what you're gonna be up to next with you not only on your Twitter but also on the possible YouTube that you're going to be making soon I can't wait for that alright I hope you have a happy safe and healthy quarantine ahead that's pretty much it for this video guys remember if you liked the video give it a thumbs up let me know that you want to see more as well as subscribe and hit the notification bell so you don't miss any future uploads or live streams as well as if you want to join our amazing discord community or follow me on Twitter the links are in the description right beside the Google forms link to submit your Island for tour just like this one but remember I have almost a thousand submissions at this point and it takes a really long time to go through them and tour all the videos so if I don't respond to you within two weeks even don't get too discouraged thanks for watching I'll see you all in the next video
Channel: Chase Crossing
Views: 2,491,388
Rating: 4.9363523 out of 5
Id: eBA1uOjux0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 57sec (2637 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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