Does Obesity Equal Failure? | Fix My Fat Head | Only Human

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a statue of failed Liberty because I want an apple pie because I fancy an apple pie from meaty married apple pie become an issue maybe goes back to the fact when I was a kid I used to have Arctic rolls my favorite thing on a Sunday of my Nan's Arctic roll and no one said not to me and the thing is I don't say no to myself now and you know what I need to say no to myself or if I don't say no to myself I need to accept that I'm not saying no and that I'm fine the way I am the trouble is I don't feel fine the way I am I feel that I'm shortchanging myself [Music] so go out tonight right and I don't wanna go see after my hair done my makeup and I'm dreading walk into place I'm Hannah Jones I'm 36 years old and I've been overweight for as long as I can remember I often think that my size is the only thing that people notice about me I remember in news musical no one does Jackie animals they should always walk into room like the best-looking person there or you've got confidence coming out of every pore I tried it for about two seconds you know that I realize it wasn't confidence is blue sweat it's not like I haven't tried to lose weight I've been on every diet going because pictures of people right Paul pace beautiful a working Cardiff as a journalist and author and I wrote a column about yeah you guessed it being a big my column is all about life in the fat lane and yeah I've never got to the bottom of my complicated relationship with food I mean I know what I should be doing to lose weight but why can I stick at it is the problem all in my head I mean I think about food all the time [Music] greg's is great and I've doughnut so you feel like you're on Barry Island when you're four years old that's hell that's heaven and hell in four walls in the morning or do young young and they're like doughnuts but on a stick really long ones and I really like that so I think Americans do that don't they dip things in coffee in the morning or the French some days it doesn't reminds me at all I just like burger just have one that's what normal people do what I want to be normal I won't have a past you know feel guilty but if a god sick people have pasties the government's answer to obesity is education it recommends we should eat less and exercise more easy my problem is I know perfectly well what I have to do I've just never found a way to do it I would see myself strong around kind of today you know I catch side to myself in the mirror I thought God a life what's happening I swear to you I think that I could field my court getting tighter so I've self-medicated with those purple triangles in the quality Street over the next six months I'm going to find out what psychological treatment is available for obesity I'm really hoping to find something that can help me I'm starting my journey with a visit to my local branch of later life it's a weight loss program which focuses on the dieters emotional relationship with food well it's funny for me it says height in meters weight in kilograms height and any BMI and that tells if you're fat enough to join it apparently a healthy BMI or body mass index is between 18 and 25 hmm I think I might be on the wrong side of 25 right do you want to know what that is in Albany yes but I'd want you to write it down and not shut it out do you know I do it okay oh okay then I'll admit it I'm tipping the scales are over 20 store now shoes thank God sorry bad news we just saw the you know it just means that you were able to do the program if you want to fat enough to do the program don't have to be clinically obese you have to be in my 30 or above and what's my BMI it was 47 also well in then alright I'm just going to show you a short film about LighterLife it should show you what's involved with the program and what you'll get from it the theory here is that overeating is like any other addiction the drug of choice in this case all solid food has to be taken away completely [Music] there must be something in it though 15,000 people in Britain have already signed up well it sounds like slimming world but for the middle classes you basically survive on milkshakes and snack bars and I don't mean like you know two topics at a marathon they're kind of food that they give you to eat and they like these food pack things you have to be on these food packs for 12 weeks but apparently you can't have tap a mineral water joy she's saying that for 12 weeks and then after 12 weeks you can have 500 extra calories by introducing milk into your diet but then it says after that you have to go back on it for another two weeks until you lose some more weight so basically you don't eat at all for four years so much you lost five stone in the 14 weeks there were plenty of converts happy to talk to me know about Christmas and other than thinking I'm having eggs for Christmas no food but the food doesn't become an issue and you're honestly not hungry on it I'm not eating the cannot become an issue surely the fact that you're not Avenue to use a massive issue it's not I don't know why and I don't know why you're not hungry but I can honestly say I'm not hungry on it and I actually forget to have my food sometimes I'm starting to think this isn't quite what I'm looking for I think that really really into for me is the it's the fact that you said you actually taken away choice yeah but it's like not but it's not eating your body after a couple of days switches off of a physical hunger pains and you start to I want to eat and potatoes because that's normal behavior Van Alen potatoes isn't it I know we all want to lose to stone a fortnight I do I hate I hate the patience thing but there's been some fantastic stories with people losing huge amounts of weight and I'm struggling to see a where all the skin is on those pictures I'm 47 and you did use four years ago 16 and I don't think that's too bad really it show you these before and after pictures and then they say I lost this in four months and you're they're going oh my god like I'm 20 stone whatever now and by four months you know I could be fifteen privacy fence fifteen I could be oh my god I could be like a size 16 clause it's really intoxicated O'Brien or Eden I thought I had I woke up was perhaps I was really in theaters people in later life yesterday cuz he suddenly hit me that I'm 21 stone now you know realistically they're all getting off her fat ass or something and doing something about it and what am i doing I'm dissecting and being introspective and all those fancy terms that people use to describe why they really can't be rather because that's your busy thinking about it it's the kind of dietary equivalent of sorting out your files before your exams [Music] this is Jonathan my lodger he does all the shopping and cockin in our house [Music] sometimes you gonna be cruel to be kind do you don't mean sometimes you gotta I'm not a cruel person really then the same in world the call side way of the food and I couldn't um I cried I could cut it I just though I can't without me she likes her food and I mean I thought well I can't just give her that Dollar Man because she is now fade you know me [Music] Jonah's baked beans in the seti baked beans somewhere you've been drugged Len you're a messy get we can't see the calories on yeah I'll have a look you know I can't see the calories on it's not even with her I can't see her how many hundred grams in there can I thank you done good yeah so you have to have three of those times Bob 700 that's what you said oh yeah that's without tagging but I always put turn vehicle on me extra cheese perhaps all these carbs nothing well my mother taught me other debt you can have to 9,000 well you could I don't need no where near today you know do you think I go food problem no yeah well you know but but yeah but no oh you Vicky Pollard have I got a food problem you've lived me know for four years yeah who does I can't have a byline picture like that just that not least just just Stanley dude Jonathan isn't the only man in my life this is Daryl yeah even big buggers like me can have boyfriends Darrow's my significant thing other but fast gonna barely cuz he reckons he's contented and we met in the internet and he's lovely Daryl he's been married twice before Daryl I've all been really nice-looking women you know I'm here I am I don't feel like the odd one out she's nice like it oh she can loose teeth you got very good teeth yeah who cares my teeth the dentist yeah I'd rather somebody thought I was attractive Daryl go you've got a fabulous face which translated as a shame about your body that's how you really you never go you look great in like her or crop top or glare jacket and BOGO jewelry you never say that you wouldn't thank you fun do you do you know you Frances Carol Valda but I mean come on well no not you fancies me the way our minds never matter of course I don't think unless you're Indonesia market I don't know you can't fancy big fat people I don't fancy fat people I think lots of people are really being attractive big people are really attractive but I've never gone out with a fat person I'm not going out with a big person to be honest what they called chubby chasers dad isn't a chubby chaser I'm not a chubby chaser I just I just show me gold it's a man since my journey began and I haven't joined LighterLife I've not given up though I'm just searching for something that deals with what's going on in my head and I write allows me the old pusti observe the breath deep down in your belly and observe how your belly inflates gently this is life shapers a support group for people who want to lose weight without dieting the idea here is that your dependence on food can be overcome through meditation we're being asked to identify the emotional triggers that cause us to eat what is it that triggers you breathing is my number one yeah then at least the thoughtlessness at shaky self-esteem on occasion I will self-medicate with fruit net I'm sure and you know Hobnobs whatever comes to mind the dad did it with scrambled egg yeah done is that and because I'm comfortable conversely because I feel ugly or the other end of the scale is because I'm happy so it's a full gamut of yes emotions really now gently take your attention and on to your thoughts and feelings about your eating trigger allow yourself to accept it now allow yourself to be in touch with any feelings that arise from the thought of your trigger allow yourself to sit with it without judgment or condemnation let them go with healing and love why did you want to come to this group and and be part of I did I'm just looking at all different kind of methods really because of course you know everyday I'm sure everyone's tried every day at going here so I thought this was really interesting because it looked at another aspect which is not you know saying put that down yeah I'd like to not feel guilty and longer good you know absolutely I think we we're all here because we don't want to feel yeah yeah I like a glass of wine on the odd evening I struggle with food that I can and can't eat this stick to the right things I sang very hard and I also find exercise quite hard as well because certain types of exercise I can't do I never feel attractive at all I feel so fat sometimes that I'm kind of stuck in my own way I want to try and unlock some doors which would lead me for want of a better term into the path of righteousness cath which is a better understanding of myself yes yeah and I don't really know which way to go on that path running okay [Laughter] what so many of us think yeah that's really good I really enjoyed it actually but I'm surprised not asleep just doing meditation at the end of it amongst all these people I was impressed on that mind but it's really good and she tries to change the way you think about yourself basically and obviously food goes hand in hand of that really it's opening doors which I thought were close to me really I'd be knocking for use I never stand to open I just hope I can maintain this level of positivity and not forget about my myself by tomorrow [Music] no shame I haven't made it past dinner time my eating triggers are firing on all cylinders and there's nothing I can do to resist Jonathan's lasagna [Music] god I've complained bloody al-qaeda lights coming in there I mean my chicks are taking off my eyes instead I look still I try to just say still I get dissatisfied still I can't go into turns all [ __ ] mm-hmm I might be fat but that doesn't mean I don't care about what I look like it's just a constant source of disappointment to me two months have gone though and I'm still searching for an answer I'm gonna go into my little folder called fat I'll do this all the time I kind of on the internet looking at solutions I'm often they're not I'm always looking at the Bupa website to see if they bring down the the cost of gastric bypasses never do though last 10 pound in four weeks not dating ah here we are then something the focus is on the mind I found an article about a hypnotherapist called Susan Hepburn who helps people lose weight partly she transformed Lily Allen from a size fourteen to what 12 she's used to working with stars maybe I can tell her I'm digging wheels Rebecca Taylor right okay I'm gonna ring I'm gonna see how much she is and that's for now or is that okay does she do band doors or anything do bundles you know you can have to wait and get two free hypnotherapy works by implanting suggestions into your unconscious mind in order to bring about behavioral change it is often used to treat phobias addictions and negative patterns of behavior such as overeating she must put suggestions into your mind that you know when I see corned beef rolls or whatever they must taste of vomit hopefully she'll do that and she'll take away my passion for for comfort it's when I get home and dad says three you know there's like one piece of chicken and some vegetables and I look at it I think last night now if I've been working hard all day why can't I have two piece of the chicken and more vegetables and a couple of check just you know oh great thank you very much Thanks great thanks epoxy I like a bad fake is this my starter it's just so small see Daryl but would signal sample I look at it and think yes I'm poor but you know I could have a bit more couldn't I wish your garlic bread bit drizzle a bit that was my Parmesan cheese that's the way I look at it but Suzanne Hepburn was gonna change my thinking on this she's gonna say this is enough for you it's enough for anyone don't worry about it it's fabulous this will feed the 5,000 instead of feeding me for five minutes she's nipa it's not a miracle worker she's not the second coming is she let's be honest but she might flick a switch she might do something I don't know what this woman's gonna do bro I'm willing to give it a go and if it'll work for me a born skeptic it'll work for anyone well with this treatment be pleased to know it's not a diet but ideas I program your circuit to your brain in effects through hypnosis reprogram your brain when i hypnotize you i open the mind up some because more and more open so it's more open so you can see from that to that there's a greater surface area there and that's sweet but suggestions the entry they want me to put there and then when I finish with you I kind of close it back up again I'm bringing out of that hypnotic stage so it all stays in there's it's like putting them all in there but I also go into subconscious mind and pull out certain issues and invents want to pull out let's go straight away to the mind itself direct your attention of a mindful forehead and on the forehead I'd like you to imagine a triangle it is the window of your mind the third eye and they know gentle smooth rhythmic flower breath apparently Susan has put loads of famous people under on this couch going on I'm still conscious now fortunately I have got a photograph here I'm going to work from photograph this photograph is a view the size you want to be I'm gonna work towards that a nice neat a small size 16 18 and imagine self just stunning they're so slim and so very slender and you're the ideal size that you wish to achieve and that you are going to attain through this treatment and imagine self run your hands down over your waist your hips your thighs your midriff your nice flat tummy you are so proud of your body so slim and so very slender I swear patently I need to go like this quite a lot Oh oh my god I'm so slim Oh lovely I have to yes imagine I've got this really great body apparently but ice-cold Dukes just want to laugh my head off I think was absolutely larious she's very very nice and with this and she's a second when I've been to they do this kind of Lysander thing with their voice and I just contact I just wanted to laugh so much I meant when she said you look lovely in your black polkadot skirt and your black nipped in jump jackets and I wanted to go it's blue Saturday September no Friday Friday September 19th breakfast croissant and a latte Susan has given me some homework to do I have to fill in a food diary noting down everything I've eaten and my corresponding emotions at the time packed the chip sticks I can bacon sandwich and a milkshake and my feelings my corresponding feelings were croissant min feel naughty but really nice lunch I was unfulfilled the portion wasn't that generous with the nipples I was delighted and elated and thrilled beyond as we say in the valleys and then separate was quite unnecessary because I felt I should have eaten because I actually hadn't at that much to eat all day I didn't think but looking back now probably hard my emotion was it was a necessary meal my supper so I don't know what she'll make of that she'd probably say oh then maybe you shouldn't have had it oh no [ __ ] Sherlock I'm trying to do deep breathing in and out from the diaphragm I'm trying to imagine Susan that for Hepburn's voice telling me I'm in a better place it couldn't be any better place than on your red Ceti can you in the house on a Sunday she gave me this little [ __ ] so wasn't Hepburn to next wait gasps solutions drink up rocks with one liter of water daily and herbal teas no it slowly and chew food well around 12 to 14 times I can't do that I eat quite quickly eats lots lots of fresh fruit and vegetables what I've had Peas alcohol don't drink wheat what's that bread sir I don't under that really any more sugars don't eat sugar salt don't have any salt and dairy products eat smaller portions Wow I'm tryin leave food on your plate when you've heard that I've had enough to eat feeling I actually don't on what that is then what she asked I've there muffled diary I've tried to eat slower I've tried to eat smaller portions I've tried to be good breakfast a croissant and a latte the train station my motion is from naughty nibbles little chicken wraps very happy there well they were a nice surprise I'd never heard those before supper chip sticks a zania and a strawberry milkshake my emotion cut it I want to go into your childhood now I know it touched it last time you said you're very happy childhood and no bullying at school no and no areas where people would call you chubby Dumbo no no names only ball no oh my god never anything like no nothing at all no yunduo has thought having boyfriends as well it's almost sometimes when girls are feeling that they're overweight they tend to want to make up for it by showing how good they are in bed and they're promiscuous and was that part of you know God I don't put damage in that way at all really yeah I'm damaged as long as I've been damaged you just that they just think well you know something they're gonna like me for something no not at all you know there must be occasions when on well you sorry to pursue this but the best vacation you have to go out and say if there's all these girls all glamour and they're all they're all you know told up and they've got they're strutting their stuff because they're nice and trim and which is what you want to be that's why you're here try new trimmer absolutely yeah nice shapely voluptuous nice and shaped if it just that's smaller bits more that's all I've ever been fat me no I haven't actually two sessions of hypnotherapy and still no change I don't know what's wrong with me this work for other people maybe I'm just too cynical I need something more substantial I just don't see how you can you know you can't surmise yourself better which is what Susan really is asking me to do I need something more substantial a nice talk you know so this just hits me that I'm not doing this film because when I'm doing this I'm doing if I'm doing a film and so I'm being fat once I really and and when people ask me about it sometimes I try and go around the houses and go well it's true my eyes you see I've got a unique take on it you know I'm the journalist I'm a columnist and a published author yeah that's just it's just that's just some of the things I do so yeah they approached me about doing this program on the psychology food through my eyes because I have a unique take on it ie I'm [ __ ] fat [Music] the thing is I've had this problem all my life [Music] I can't actually remember a time when I wasn't overweight even as a toddler I was bigger than everyone else I was an only child and I grew up in a pub which mom and dad still live next door to today we go around every weekend for mom's Sunday dinner love on a plate with huge Yorkshire puddings I do chicken at a small chicken for Hannah because Hannibal eats chicken and I could do an extra ticket for to take home for throw her down tomorrow I want to do that five minutes I'm starving okay [Music] you cutthroat 10 last with you no no seven no more than I don't even cover cook dinner for more than two people what are you cooking I stopped seeing the hypnotherapist two weeks ago and I'm back doing what I always do eating too much what I like motivations that are cockeyed it's my thinking that's all - pot must be the blow he must be what else is there I know what to do since I've been doing these video diaries and making us film I think event more than ever I know what it is because I think to myself what I'm going to be fixed and I'm gonna find something my stuff is gonna solve this fat infused predicament of mine so I kind of on this like roller coaster where I'm just going headfirst into a vat of carbohydrates I started this journey in July it's now October and I don't feel any closer to solving my issues with food I found out about a psychotherapist called Julia back roid she believes that obesity like anorexia and bulimia is a psychological condition which can be treated with therapy rather than calorie counting I've booked myself in I feel really nervous because I'm sure she'll touch on things that'll be really raw for me and maybe she'll regress me I don't know everything that I've done so far has been building up to this moment really this is the most fascinating part for me really because it's all about talking do you think that you're really preoccupied by these issues yeah god yeah it just takes up all of my thinking about what people will think of me if they see my weight first before they see me yes I did guess they do today Oh see oh my god they do see that I just crippled me but they do Julia's approach includes getting me to talk about my earliest memories to help me understand my relationship with food she's asked me to map out my childhood years [Music] I remember that I could I was that pop and Chris whenever I wanted I closed have bubblegum what I wanted I had shanty my bottle my mother camembert's telling me she Chandi it was just like a confectionery playground in my house you just put your hands up and wherever you wanted everything was on tap for me really [Music] I spend a lot time on my own with a Patou Christmas in the garden well not one part to crisps quite a lot me and the dog would just shared probably a box something no one ever said fat little porker I'm taking these away off you would be like yeah if you want blonde eat too many no it happens I have the warning I'd let you know right then you know so it might be that actually you're quite a lonely little kid hmm and that you used the food was your companion what's the dog mean to to John Henry yeah maybe I did rush you didn't talk to your mum about it a bit no see my mother gets defensive because she thinks I've killed you but clanging that's all my fault is it and I'm like no it's not I'm just as curious I'm really mindful about upsetting my mother because she's fabulous your videos myself I was quite happy yeah tiffen you know I didn't thought you were miserable it's all never ever thought to do that Sam you might not be very happy with you sir but you don't seem to lay that on anybody else not that I'm aware of anyway no at all the public's my students yeah yeah I just don't know about Bailey so like this I really I just don't know I could otherwise I hadn't either in a lot of ways thank it sounds me in a lot of ways too oh geez they think there's so much more to it than the issues it's that you should you talk about so I know fair enough their issues but this is a far bigger picture and that upsets me sometimes because everything seems to go back to that one issue so I found it what's that I don't have it [Music] don't we baby sighs I know you don't I know that I just know that I just want everybody to know that this farm or to you it's just a little tiny little pain I know it must be difficult for it to deal with it I understand that I really really I do but I wish it didn't always have to come down to it that's all I'm saying why do you think it upsets you know more so much to talk about things like that because she's my mother you know what affects me affects her and she's I suppose she feels helpless that she's not able to fix me by just talking to me which she obviously does all the time I've never directed it maybe I should have sent it maybe they're in Nice history of my shoes a generosity of others or the generosity of my family and how do you feel when she tells you that you should be inspired I know have a test she like johnathan my logic is moving out tomorrow and he's cooking me one Last Supper I'm gonna really miss Jonathan I know you'll probably say it's because he does all the cooking he's been with me through the Atkins through slimming world through Rose makan we threw the egg diet through I just having cereal all day long my doodad would do a bit of cooking he's nice in the kitchen he'll do it [Music] no Darryl will be head chef he's attempting the impossible and encouraging me to broaden my tastebuds you see although I love food I'm a very picky eater I've never even tasted fish drop it [Music] I think piece of wild bull salami that would be great yeah [Music] qualities all its but what you eat is color plain stuff what quite a lot of plain things and to me how can you say plain right if I put herbs and pasta that's not planes then if I put a bit of Aragon I'm in a bit of chili in that's not play I like Tabasco sauce on my fried eggs I mean that's not plain yeah okay just because I want equal rock and lamb you think something that's really nice well it's slightly acidic just as a cheese to me I'll put it like raw cheese what I mean is no unmelted cheese I've had that for the first time today and how stupid a conversation is that I've oh yeah my name is Shawn I've brought cheese for the first time I've also had salami first time on a plum my basic problem is right let's just get down to it is that I eat too much of what I've like making me at Alba Jean isn't gonna make me better isn't gonna solve what's the root of my problem I don't know what my problem is really I just know that food is a very very complex issue for me [Music] I could barf in this [Music] so how are you I'm bit tired but um don't know bit indifferent really at the moment are done away I'm not really sure I'm supposed to be doing I think I'm bit perplexed any thoughts about why that might be don't notice feel I just can't be bothered which is reparation do I have to be bothered well you don't have to be I do have to be oh I know how you want to be of course yeah and part of this you just don't understand what's going on god you're so foolish just because I'm calm just because I'm fat can it sometimes it just doesn't it doesn't bother me I think it's the other way around what that the food and the fact is because there are unhappy miserable things that you don't know how to deal with I think you're probably right but everybody has ups and downs everybody has difficulties and my guess is that your way of dealing with him is not all that brilliant your way of dealing was the mr. food and that in turn makes you unhappy [Music] Julia's theory is that I use food as an emotional crutch which stops me dealing with my real feelings seems such a simple idea doesn't it but I've not really thought about myself like that before we've had three weekly sessions now and Julia wants me to try using people for comfort rather than corned beef rolls well you have to say I'm so I'm certainly more positive I've got Denver carbohydrates I've been on the exercise bike every night I've lost probably 11 pounds I feel really really upbeat and ready to go and I actually did like to book a cruise she's lying if anything this last week we've actually been a bit we've been sort of and I we have been sort of tucking in quite quite happily to whatever food wise so whatever has been coming along and I think food or eaten you said we loved our lasagna reach yeah yep off of a one-person lasagna reach I mean ask ask nasty that's not very nice is it that's not a sign of love I would love you if I gave you half lasagna no somebody wouldn't love me I just think that it just speaks volumes giving me off lasagna isn't normal is it it's it says I'm quietly denying you stuff to make you a different way than what you are that's what it does to me and whereas I got my mother never want tough love which is like doing something that's for someone's good even though they don't like it I mean do you see a parallel if I was to show you tough love whatever what are you gonna do then well seriously stop eating chips I knows how to have chips a week twice do I have a big mound no do I have a handful yes a handful that's what I have do I sit there there are four fried eggs and bloody gateau on that kind of stuff after it No so what you gonna do to me seriously you must have just like kill me because what's usually what pleasure would I have I mean the only is the UM you know SiC months down the line or Weber is I'm fatter and when I started this journey which sounds really it says maybe something isn't working or I'm just stuck in my own way but that's an erythrocyte key video I'm havin all this help I don't factor it becomes clearer and clearer Hannah doesn't it that there's a kind of knee jerk for you life happens as you say it happens to all of us but your way of responding to life is to eat it I don't always though know but evidently you do sufficiently that it becomes a problem in itself so how are you gonna manage your feelings a different way five months into my journey and Julia sets me a challenge her crazy idea is to get me to eat only when I'm hungry and not for emotional reasons where we'll the first challenge Paddington the bagel store mm-hmm well I'll leave you I just feel like a challenge be tomorrow around associating a nice that they were Darryl and dips okay I don't think it's funny but yeah it'd be dipped tomorrow watching the rugby ok rugby's on and I'm not having dips which is what I normally do when the rugby's on me and I will sit there and watch it and I pretend to know what's happening well not I can do is a range of emotions ranging from like a monkey and last night for my team and I got in Darryl cook me some chicken and bacon on a salad I met some chips and it literally was not a handful like that he calls like that at the mound it was that much he had a pizza ourselves homemade thing I had half and heard of this morning I threw her a bar a chocolate and a doughnut out of a fridge could someone had left them in there it's Sunday I'm going up my mother's for dinner Operation denial Yorkshire put into the size of bungalows Sweden potato mash the gravy made out of the water from the Swede no one makes great four lucky mother don't mix really like my mum okay so it's a small step but I did it I spent the first we could December trying to eat how I think normal people do I haven't lost any weight mind you but maybe just maybe Julia's diet of straight talking and tough love has finally got me on the right track let's be honest all the talk is just talk everyone knows what they have to do less more [Music] less Oh God have some more mum and more [Music] maybe this time it'll go right maybe this time click on screen for more videos of extraordinary humans you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 86,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fix my fat head documentary, fix my fat head, fix my fat head weight loss journey, weight loss journey documentary, weight loss documentary uk, alternative weight loss documentary, weight loss documentary, Only Human channel, Only Human, only human documentary, weight loss journey, weight loss journey uk, alternative weight loss, how to lose weight fast, how to lose weight without exercise, how to lose weight without changing diet, morbid obesity workout
Id: ui4ExhGrdzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 19sec (2899 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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