Fat Fiction: The Hidden Dangers Of Low-Fat Diets: Full Movie Documentary - Free To Watch

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a very good sign that you've misunderstood the cause of a disorder is your inability to treat or prevent it you look at the data of ever increasing obesity and diabetes and you just think how's it possible the whole world has failed to eat healthy maybe we're being told the wrong advice since the 1960s the american heart association has been saying saturated fat is detrimental to cardiovascular health you need to get it out of the diet it's hard to think of another policy that has caused so much harm that has been so wrong you know the chief killer of americans is cardiovascular i mean the manipulation of the data and the idea and the push for low-fat really got us in trouble i think the knife fat dot is genocide saturated fat increases cardiovascular risk we've been told forever that fat's gonna kill you this started because there's incontrovertible evidence that saturated fat is bad over and over and over more animal protein particularly red meat you eat the more likely you are to get sick from all kinds of different things you're fat because you eat too much fat so low fat low fat low fat low fat low fat for 40 years the dietary guidelines have set nutrition standards for every american for our kids in school for food programs for the poor and elderly for rations for our nation's military for doctors nutritionists and dietitians we've had it hammered into our heads that fat is bad especially saturated fat the kind found in meat dairy and some tropical oils like coconut and palm the base of the pyramid carbohydrates the food pyramid codified our fat phobia telling us to make carbohydrates the foundation of our food choices i think the food pyramid is great if you're standing on your head because you need to turn that pyramid upside down you can't be serious that would put butter and fat at the top flip the damn food pyramid nutrition is stabilizing we got the whole story wrong we're totally six to 11 servings of bread rice serum pasta a day by the government the food pyramid it should be called the food tombstone [Music] i'm dr mark hyman a functional medicine physician with a focus on food as medicine and i understand the healing power of food but i can tell you the low-fat diet did not make us healthy i think that a low-fat heart-healthy diet is unproven it was essentially a huge experiment on millions of people and it failed miserably wait a minute have you not seen are you not practicing medicine to see who's coming into your clinic to see the problems that this idea has caused i mean it's just to me unbelievable for years even i believed that eating fat would make me fat and that eating saturated fat would cause heart disease and kill me but now a growing group of experts revealed that the science against saturated fat was never there i was astonished to find that there simply was no evidence it was just an idea but it was launched as a policy for all americans based really on no evidence at all what is the evidence a big big zero our federal dietary guidelines the official government advice for how we should all eat to stay healthy tell us to limit saturated fat to just a couple of bites a day and make carbohydrates more than half our daily calories i'm here to tell you that advice is upside down and backwards the idea that eating fat will make you fat is wrong and the science that says saturated fat causes heart disease is misleading and instead has led our nation down a dangerous path toward a widespread epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes we screwed up happened all the time in science medical orthodoxy latched on to the wrong explanation made a tragic mistake and now we're living with the consequences the nation got a report card on obesity today and the country battle against obesity has been going on for years and in three children in this country is overweight or obese [Music] the estimated 200 billion dollar cost to the healthcare industry continues to rise the search for weight loss and health may be a little more complex than you think despite all attempts to attack the problem the adult obesity rate increased in 23 states last year why is it that americans keep getting fatter in spite of government efforts ranging from calorie posting to new school lunch programs a lot of things what science is about is seeing whether things that make sense are really right or not in this case it sounded reasonable but happened to be wrong [Music] [Music] i'm not happy about a lot of years of being at different doctors and every time that i'd go in there was just here's another injection here's a different kind of an injectable this is the injectable that is supposed to help you make your own insulin the list of side effects were longer than your arm and and it never made you feel better and certainly didn't help at all with weight judy has struggled with type 2 diabetes most of her life so did her dad when she was a teenager he died from complications of the disease judy has tried for decades to get her blood sugar under control when i did everything they told me to do i'd still gain weight and so then you just give up this health epidemic is weighing on judy is not alone u.s obesity epidemic is only getting worse americans are not winning their battle against obesity obesity among children doubled over the past two decades today 75 percent of the country is overweight or obese and one in two of us has pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes type 2 diabetes is crushing us financially crushing us it currently costs a person with diabetes in the in america 900 a month for insulin direct cost to our health care system of about a billion dollars a day there isn't enough money in the health care system to be able to afford this the cost in terms of money is huge the cost in terms of human suffering is like you know 10 times more than that in the space of a single generation we've gone from this to this watching the footage of the 50th anniversary of apollo 11 i was struck by how not fat everyone in the crowd was we looked like a completely different race of people the heart attacks the strokes the cancer the blindness the amputations all of that i think is unnecessary suffering that were causing people the question is where did this come from and why is it occurring when i was in medical school type 2 diabetes happened only in older adults now we see it in kids as young as 3 years old and the more we try to medicate our way out of the disease the worse it seems to get you can't throw drugs at a dietary disease and expect to make it better but that's the medical teaching hey you have type 2 diabetes let me give you some pills the model doesn't work we're not making people healthy we're just treating disease but if you give people good nutrition they become very healthy he introduced that keto diet and six weeks later it was like a miracle no diabetes and it was like magic and i got up completely off of insulin two years later i had lost 197 pounds problem is we've been confused and downright brainwashed by decades of nutritional dogma the almost religious conviction that fat is bad especially saturated animal fats you can lose weight on these animal protein atkins type diets but you're mortgaging your health in the process we still operate under this idea of dogmatic principles we've always done it that way that's what we've always said we're going to continue to say it and unfortunately nothing is holding back progress in nutrition science like dogma alternative ideas have been attacked and physicians labeled as quacks for ignoring guidelines against fats and telling patients to cut carbs instead in south africa dr tim nooks went through a four-year ordeal that threatened his medical license for recommending a low carbohydrate high-fat diet to a young mother the reason why the low carbohydrate diet has become demonized is because it works and it has a huge impact on the financial return of the medical profession i'm an internal medicine specialist i can treat all of the conditions that i used to treat with medications just by changing the food it's remarkable it's completely free there's no special equipment there's no special you know surgeries it's a completely natural and it's been used for thousands of years i can treat not only obesity but i can treat type 2 diabetes high blood pressure in fact i have to take away medications from people as they get better this is as big as the discovery of insulin or antibiotics it clearly is my interpretation is that low-fat diets can work but low-carb diets work better and that's what the science says nick brown is a pretty typical american when it comes to his diet hey how you doing eats a variety of protein vegetables and grains he enjoys beer now and then and one of his favorite foods thanks sir have a good day is pizza looking forward to pizza maybe if it ruins pizza for me i'm going to be pissed off nick is participating in a unique nutrition experiment along with tracy yeah i've got a plan for the week and cynthia thank you three metabolically healthy people who take no medications trying two different diets low carb versus low fat quite a few new recipes so i was curious about using the right thing before during and after the experiment they each weigh in check their blood pressure blood sugar and cholesterol it's a little bit of alcohol throughout the experiment we'll track their blood sugar are you ready sure okay here it comes using a continuous glucose monitor or cgm did it bother you no okay you just hit uh czech glucose and it says ready to scan and you just take it here and there it is it's 94 right now the first week we put them on a low-carb ketogenic diet with less than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day plenty of healthy fats and a moderate amount of protein a diet designed to keep blood sugars low but an eating pattern that is not allowed by the u.s dietary guidelines the second week we switched them to a usda my plate meal plan it's a 2000 calorie a day government endorsed low-fat plan featuring whole grains lean meats and vegetable oils and more than half the day's calories as carbohydrates week one is the low carb high fat diet and then we'll keep this going this is almost ready i'm excited about it i'm excited to try the recipes and excited to see just what a full week of doing this does i'm grateful to be doing it it's very fascinating to me the keto recipes are full of healthy natural fats like eggs butter avocado olive oil and nuts and seeds and even grass-fed beef i love new recipes so this is really good interesting so these are buttered eggs and that's what they're called in the recipe you actually make them with butter i use the grass-fed butter and then i decided to add a little bit of avocado and some tomatoes and salt and pepper and that's it super simple super easy i am making a keto zucchini boats you take out the middle of the zucchini cook it up with some onion spinach i put in some olives olive oil and then just let that saute for a little bit i think it's working for my body i'm curious to see what it does through the whole week those are really good by adding healthy fats into every meal and cutting out processed carbs the three experience a sense of fullness that lasts to be honest i've really not been famous so this is day three of the strict keto diet i am literally down three and a half pounds from when this started i'm surprised by that i feel great i went mountain biking last night and had a lot of energy and i don't feel hungry i still feel full and it was after three and a half hours and usually at that time yeah after two two and a half hours i'm hungry usually one way to think of carbs is they are like kindling on a fire they burn quickly and then go out dropping your blood sugar and creating severe cravings the physical signal that your body needs more fuel to keep your metabolism burning you must constantly eat more and then you crash and then you eat more and then you crash see how carbs like bread pasta rice and yes even whole grains affect your blood sugar protein has a much lower response it will raise blood sugar a small amount and fat take a look at fat almost no rise in blood sugar at all when you eat fat it's like putting logs on the fire what you get is just a long steady source of fuel and that's one of the reasons that i like low carb diets so much because they don't require as much willpower because if your hormones your insulin isn't going up to the sky every time that you eat and then crashing down making you crave a bagel or a donut or something from the sky if that's not happening in your physiology all the time it's much easier to not overeat day six lunchtime left over italian cabbage stir-fry with a blob of sour cream i'm still not quite hungry but it's time for lunch you know what's really great about this is it's so easy to test your glucose the sander's here and then on my phone i go on the app that connects to it and you just put it up and it grabs it and then you have it pretty cool it's really cool all week on the low carb high fat diet their blood sugars are virtual straight lines with no spikes or dips it's been steady it's been at the typically at the 85 to 90 range and i just ate and that's 83 i'm actually i just tried it a few minutes ago and it's already gone down six points i kind of want to just keep it all the time because it's so interesting to see what you're doing all day by the end of the week all three participants have lost weight and feel great very well thanks good you have lost about two and a half pounds of fat and how are your blood sugars uh very very even and look your lean tissue not only has it not gone down it's actually gone up a little bit boy really even wow not a lot of variation at all i had always a full feeling so i'm wondering if i ate too much maybe i don't know well you'll feel a lot more full with fat and protein and less carbohydrate for sure next week we'll flip from low carb to low fat and follow the us dietary guidelines i'm really curious to see what happens i'm a little scared about what's gonna happen so how is it possible that we got the story so wrong about fats there were religious objections seeing meat as early as the 1800s that influenced american opinions but a major turning point was in 1955 when a presidential health scare shocked the nation news of president eisenhower's sudden illness described by his doctors as coronary thrombosis came as a severe shock to us all president eisenhower in 1955 had a heart attack he was out of the oval office for 10 whole days and that really focused the attention of the nation on this problem of heart disease cardiovascular ailments continue to take an increasingly heavy toll of american lives a million this year the nation was really in shock and there was a desperate need for explanations and people are like whoa what's causing all the heart disease here are vital statistics they show that this problem here in america is the worst in the world there were a number of ideas about it you know one was that it was vitamin deficiency another was that it was the rising tide of auto exhaust more cars on the road of 10 min we can expect five to get it but we can't say who or when or why now you can look back now and say well that's pretty easy to understand everybody was smoking raleigh oh no saying i have a pack more doctors smoke camels than any other cigarette in the 1950s and 60s cigarettes were in cigarettes are cooler than cool smokes but cigarettes here have a viceroy eisenhower himself smoked four packs a day what do you think this is what i was really looking for if you look at the trends for cigarette smoking against the increases in heart disease they tracked together but at the same time the consumption of saturated fat was falling dramatically everybody was smoking now we know smoking causes heart disease or contributes to heart disease but at the time of course the tobacco companies were like tobacco smoking it doesn't cause heart disease so all the scientists were like hey i wonder why we're getting so much heart disease there's one theory that was proposed by ansel benjamin keys who is a pathologist at the university of minnesota and he said that it was saturated fat and dietary cholesterol that caused heart disease it's like okay but how do people eat butter for the last sort of two millennia and ever since 1970 it causes heart disease it's like it didn't cause heart disease before at the same time consumption of sugar refined oils and refined grains were on the rise in america but ansel keys focused on fat as the cause of heart disease and he thought that total cholesterol in your arteries would build up and clog your arteries and give you a heart attack like hot oil down a cold stove pipe so that was his idea it was just a simple idea you know to blame a sort of ancient food for a modern disease was completely illogical it didn't make any sense but you repeat things enough and you get it out there enough people believe you as american author h.l minkin once said for every complex problem there is a solution that is simple and clear and wrong it's the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the american people this whole notion of cholesterol if you have high cholesterol you may be at increased risk of heart attack and stroke don't kid yourself talk to your doctor about your risk and about lipitor it's eye-wateringly lucrative to keep this idea going that we need to lower cholesterol cholesterol has definitely become the boogeyman of cardiology and here's what's so interesting about cholesterol is we need it our bodies cannot exist without cholesterol yet once again in simplistic thinking we try and lump cholesterol and good cholesterol and bad cholesterol and we want to lower the bad cholesterol the ldl and raise the good cholesterol and hdl that is incredibly simplistic it turns out that raising your ldl cholesterol in diet does not translate into heart attacks and death it just doesn't when you take cholesterol out of the equation you go let's just see if people who eat more saturated fat actually die more do they actually get more heart disease that's what we care about forget that it raises cholesterol we know it raises cholesterol let's take that out of the equation and see what the end result is which is what we care about and every time they do that the relationship dissolves there is no relationship between the amount of fat you eat in your diet and getting heart disease we now know the chronic inflammation caused by a diet high in sugar refined grains and refined vegetable oils is far more dangerous to our health atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease it's not a buildup of fat in the artery it's actually an inflammation that's causing the problem and the cholesterol then will go to that damage to try to repair it but it didn't cause the damage the damage has to come first it's like saying that firefighters caused the fire when they just turned up to put the fire out it was there by association but it was there to repair not to cause harm inflammation is probably the number one promoter of every disease we don't want to have and the number one inflammatory substance in the american diet is sugar that's it i mean you put those two things together inflammation makes everything worse and sugar is the number one inflammatory substance that we consume end of argument in 1951 ansel and margaret took the two oldest children to oxford for a year's sabbatical the couple continued their travels measuring cholesterols and conducting diet surveys in several european and african countries there was a study that he presented at the mount sinai hospital in 1953 and it was a six countries graph he specifically looked at six countries around the world and on the x-axis he plotted fat intake and on the y-axis coronary heart disease rates and he found a straight-line relationship and he offered that as proof that there was a linear relationship between how much saturated fat people consumed and how much heart disease they had but he chose six countries for that perfect correlation and at the time there was data available for 22 countries and when you put in all of those countries it just looked like a scatter plot the trend line is nowhere near as clear-cut there was no clear relationship no correlation between fat and heart disease he was criticized at the time by statisticians who said you're obviously cherry-picking your data he knows it's a hypothesis he knows he doesn't have the evidence and he immediately starts recommending the country go on a low-fat diet which is fascinating because there's no concern that you're going to do harm there's no you know the hippocratic oath first do no harm despite his critics keys was determined to prove himself right he followed up with his famous seven country study where he traveled to the countries cherry-picked from his graph and studied eating habits and heart disease among the people there for his seven-country study he repeated the same mistake i mean he cherry-picked his countries i think he did cherry-pick countries for the seven countries study he knew from the six countries graph the countries that would be on that straight line so he knew for example that italy would be a sure thing and america would be a sure thing they would quite nicely anchor some of the ends of the graph but he did not go to countries like switzerland france germany who ate a lot of saturated fats and also had very low rates of heart disease the french were eating all kinds of saturated fat butter cream and they weren't gaining weight which was a paradox at the time and they weren't getting heart disease they had like half the rate of heart disease compared to americans whenever you say they said well what a paradox what a paradox there was no paradox the the dietary fat simply wasn't causing obesity and didn't cause heart disease so he was a very respected physiologist and it's worth mentioning by the way that eisenhower followed the ansel keys advice and cut out all saturated fat and all cholesterol up until the day he died in 1969 of heart disease just worth mentioning ansel key's diet heart hypothesis remains the single most influential theory in the history of nutrition science and here's an interesting point over the past 50 years taxpayers have funded several billion dollars of research trying to prove saturated fat causes heart disease but guess what it's never been proven to this day the diet heart hypothesis remains an hypothesis there is no evidence against saturated fat there just isn't dr zoe harcombe is an obesity researcher who wrote her thesis on the lack of evidence behind the dietary guidelines my thesis was born out of trying to understand why we have an obesity epidemic zoe collected all the raw data from randomized controlled clinical trials conducted prior to the release of the dietary guidelines she then re-analyzed all the results in a process called the meta-analysis it was looking at the absolute totality of the evidence no cherry-picking whatsoever no study left out so there's the rose corn oil trial there's the research committee low-fat diet there's the mrc soybean study there's the la veterans date and study there's lauren oslo study when she examined the results to see which group suffered more deaths there was no difference at all there was no health benefit for the groups assigned to eat a low-fat diet i was astonished to find that there simply was no evidence real food fats are not dangerous they are not the enemy it's too simplistic and reductionist to say saturated fat is dangerous and needs to be avoided and the evidence does not support that so how then without the hard science to back it up did the diet heart hypothesis become the foundation of our nation's dietary guidelines well it had one big thing going for it ansel benjamin keys he had just a very outsized personality colleagues of his told me he could just argue anyone to the death and he was able to get into the american heart association on their nutrition committee and in 1961 the heart association comes out with the first advice anywhere in the world telling people to cut back on saturated fat and cholesterol in order to prevent a heart attack up until the 1960s americans consumed almost half of their daily calories as fat we ate butter without guilt bacon and eggs for breakfast and roast for dinner exercise gyms were barely a thought and still we were relatively slim conventional wisdom until the 1960s was carbohydrates for fat that's the weird thing about it you talk about bread pasta potatoes rice sweets going directly to your hips it was it was what my mother's generation believed growing up the diet used in this study is satisfying to the appetite because of the use of more protein and fat and then the 1960s we come along with this idea that dietary fat causes heart disease in 20 years from the 1960s to the mid-1980s the carbohydrate went from fattening to a heart-healthy diet food the low-fat diet fat had taken hold and keys rose to prominence within the american heart association and at the national institutes of health if you only lived in america you'd think this controversy was was pretty settled that obviously saturated fat causes heart disease because it raises cholesterol and we all know cholesterol clogs the arteries but there was a alternative hypothesis going on across the pond in england there was always this competing theory that it was sugar and not fat that might cause heart disease and the leading proponent of that was john yedkin and he published about that and i think this is an extraordinary example of how nutrition science did or did not really work in america because rather than say oh this is an interesting competing theory let's explore that maybe they're right maybe we're wrong the reaction instead was to just bully him really bully him out of the field and ansel keys literally destroyed his reputation he went after him he did everything but call his mother you know names i think ansel keyes knew that this was this hypothesis competed with his own and he did not he did not want that to succeed you know he wanted his hypothesis to be successful not surprisingly the sugar industry also preferred to point the finger at saturated fat recently discovered documents revealed that in 1965 the sugar industry paid prominent harvard researchers to do just that and they were very specifically paid fifty thousand dollars in today's dollars to produce two articles that exonerated sugar and fingered saturated fat as the cause of cardiovascular disease we know that because we have the paper trail we have their names on the documents this is unconscionable the sugar industry's job is to get the nutrition community to say publicly what they believe to be true which was dietary fat was a problem not sugar and they paid researchers to do that and they were very successful getting that message across in 1977 a senate select committee headed up by senator george mcgovern helped seal fat's fate over the objection of scientists who pleaded against it and with no hard evidence to back it up the committee recommended the low-fat diet to the nation i have pleaded in my report and will plead again orally here for more research on the problem before we make announcements to the american public well i i would only argue that senators don't have the luxury that a research scientist does are waiting until every last shred of uh evidence is in mcgovern just wanted to make the statement and he said we haven't got time to wait for all the evidence they recognize the science is unsettled and then the counter argument is but we cannot afford to wait and so they went without any evidence and despite the fact that many people had warned that this is going to cause an obesity diabetes epidemic they were warned but they ignored it in 1980 the us government triggered a radical shift in the diet of americans when the campaign against fat became official food policy the first dietary guidelines recommended 7 to 11 servings of bread basically every day 50 to 55 of your calories are supposed to come from carbohydrates mostly grains for the first time anywhere in the world our government endorsed a massive increase in carbohydrates and saturated fat consumption to less than 10 percent of daily calories the american guideline started with a very high carb low fat approach which was disastrous for putting that out into an entire population without evidence saying that it was healthy obesity in america had been slowly creeping up for the some from the mid 1900s on but 1980 you see it go sharply turn sharply upwards and then it just takes off like an airplane so you just want to ask well what happened around then what happened in 1980 is that the u.s government told all americans cut back on fat and increase your carbohydrates it could be a complete coincidence that that just happened to co-inside but it sure is anything needs looking at to see if it is just coincidence when we took the fat out of the food [Music] what did we do we put something in which was way worse sugar one two and twist reduce fat oreo less fat loads of taste news reduced fat brownie muffin and cake mixes from pillsbury try the new frosting too hershey's syrup is virtually fat-free terrific i mean let's face it fat tastes good we know that and if you're gonna remove the fat from a food you're gonna have to replace it with something else that gives people pleasure because new simple pleasures is made with all natural sim please instead of fat and what did they put in refined carbohydrates increase sugar and boom we've got an explosion of processed foods so irresistible people are sinking to a new low to get their hands on one okay continental yogurt is non-fat not low fat non-fat cereal fat ultimately sugar was a bigger problem than saturated fat ever was the industry learned that if they took fat out the diet the heteroplast was sugar they then learned that sugar was addictive wow these are really good these are great bring them on and that's the drive of the beast epidemic low-fat yogurt higher in sugar low-fat peanut butter this is special low-fat salad dressing this is great all higher in sugar are carbs are you sure this is fat-free all low-fat foods turned out to be higher in carbs i don't think this was anyone's intention but it's what naturally happens when you remove fat which is natural for humans to be eating from their dietary choices and you put them on things instead of tasting like cardboard they can at least taste like sweet cardboard snack wells chocolate sandwich cookies these taste unbelievable what if i can't make enough of them those women will be after me again hello cookie man what's in the box we have the snackwell phenomenon was like the epitome of what happened with the low-fat food industry where people thought they could just eat massive amounts of these cookies don't you think you got a little carried away they're very high in sugar and white flour cooking my hand you better make some more the american heart association cashed in on the low-fat craze food companies paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to feature this heart-healthy check-off symbol on a product so this resulted in crazy things like the heart check off on cocoa crispies or on honey nut cheerios or on all these foods that were super high in sugar um but as long as they were low in fat then it was considered healthy kellog's fruit loop cereal part of this nutritious breakfast now that's a seal of approval heart-healthy low-fat fruit loops anyone there's a kind of conventional explanation that it's really the fault of americans for not following the guidelines there's nothing wrong with our guidelines it's just that americans fail to follow them but government consumption data confirms americans did as they were told and dutifully cut back on natural fats found in red meat whole milk eggs animal fats and butter but we still gain weight one of the analogies that i like to use is imagine you had a baseball team that lost every single game for the last 50 60 years you're like well those players they just don't know how to play none of my players know how to play well at some point you'd have to say maybe we should take a look at our coaching strategy you know it can't be the fault of all of those players for decades but that's basically our explanation for why americans are getting fatter and sicker it's their fault they just can't do it right i think the dietary guidelines have been a tremendous failed experiment it's a good question of whether they just need to be changed or whether they just need to be scrapped and start over i genuinely believe that people now are hanging on to this saturated fat myth because they don't want to admit that they were wrong i don't think the governments will ever admit they were wrong about saturated fat and we are paying a hell of a price for a few public health people wanting to protect their own reputation not wanting to look silly i used to fantasize about the american heart association press release that would say okay yes we know for the past almost 60 years we've been giving you the wrong advice and we apologized if we killed any of your loved ones prematurely and we apologized if we gave you heart disease with the advice we did give you um you know we were just telling you what we thought was true then and we were best of intentioned and now we know better that apology may never come and the largest health organizations dedicated to preventing obesity and type 2 diabetes continue to spread advice that makes it worse [Music] type 2 diabetes we were always taught is a chronic and irreversible disease inevitably progressive i flatly reject that i flatly reject it so it is chronic irreversible and inevitably progressive if you take the guidelines currently in place and utilize them as your treatment plan [Music] for years the american diabetes association has promoted low-fat diets they use this handy graphic illustration called the diabetic plate which features limited amounts of lean meat non-fat dairy products and 50 or more of daily calories as carbohydrates i think the diabetic plate is a prescription for worsening of the disease if you really look at the diabetic plate it is three-fourths carbohydrates which makes no sense it also is lean protein so when we look at the diabetic plate as a whole there's almost no fats this is a way to make people sicker and fatter this is the advice i was giving this is the advice that doesn't work this is the advice that prescribes more medications this is the advice that increases insulin but really it's a metabolic shift when you burn fat instead of burning sugar alyssa gallagher is judy's dietitian she was initially trained in a low-fat paradigm when i first started exploring the low-carb approach that's really low-carb i can use that i helped people genuinely for the first time in my career i'm going for real food now so i can get rid of all of this in the old days i was frustrated that the advice i was giving wasn't working for people oh chips and crackers where's that garbage can i was taught essentially what the american diabetes association teaches is carbohydrates consistent carbohydrates more whole grain no oatmeal they used to tell us that was good for you i always taught saturated fat is bad for you saturated fat is something to be avoided and limited at all costs the problem is when you remove fat from the diet you have to eat something else instead and that something else is often carbohydrates at first i didn't understand why the advice i was giving wasn't working it's what i learned in school i'm the nutrition expert right it should be working and then eventually it started not making sense to me why am i telling somebody with diabetes that they must eat carbohydrates it didn't make any sense carbohydrates raised blood sugar when you have higher blood sugars we need to give you more medication and we give you more medication you gain weight when you gain weight you need more medication you want to eat more carbs it became a vicious cycle okay i think i'm done cleaning out my pantry and insulin resistance is essentially a state of carbohydrate intolerance so why oh why do we want to continue to recommend to people to eat them sarah hallberg is a physician leading arguably the most promising trial ever conducted on type 2 diabetes she has helped hundreds of patients safely and sustainably reverse their diabetes diagnosis often getting off all medications by cutting carbohydrates and increasing their fat intake a lot to as much as 70 to 80 percent of their daily calories the solution to the diabetes epidemic in my clinic is exceedingly clear stop using medicine to treat food her ted talk on this unconventional approach has nearly 5 million views the title reversing type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines fat is central to any science-based nutrition recommendation for anyone who struggles with type 2 diabetes carbohydrates cause our insulin and glucose to go up proteins much less and with fat there's no glucose or insulin reaction and given the fact that type 2 diabetes is a problem with elevated glucose wait a minute we can't be recommending the macronutrient that's going to cause glucose and insulin to go up but that's exactly what my plate and the ada guidelines do they recommend us to eat the macronutrient that's causing the problem in her clinical trial of nearly 500 patients 60 of the intervention group reversed their diagnosis of diabetes that's more than half the patients whose blood sugars normalized 94 had their insulin doses decreased or totally eliminated with no increase in their ldl or lousy cholesterol by comparison the american diabetes association reports a less than one percent success rate at reversing diabetes when following their own low fat advice so if we want people to really get help we have to start giving them advice that actually works it's hard when you have let alone been hearing something for decades but been saying something for decades it's difficult to turn that ship around because to turn that ship around you have to be vulnerable you have to say i was wrong and this involves a lot of organizations a lot of people saying i was wrong and i think that's hard i think that's a big deal after years of following the guidelines and getting nowhere judy has decided to ignore the ada's advice and try to reverse her type 2 diabetes with a low-carb high-fat nutrition plan the health professionals that were giving us all that advice through the years just kind of bounced us back and forth and we never really had any answers i really like just unsweetened coconut chips i feel like what i'm learning now is a way toward health and a way toward a better size that i'll feel good about which to me is hand in hand with my health the us military is now facing a new threat it's not north korea it is actually the u.s diet the single biggest disqualifier is obesity we're talking about young people right youth obesity 25 of all potential recruits are turned away because of their weight at this point in time we can't field an army because they are quote too fat to fight that's not my words that's the us army's words a few months ago the army missed its recruitment goals for the first time in 13 years we've gotten to a point where we're too fat to defend ourselves captain brian gaudette is an apache helicopter pilot an entrepreneur and a living example of why the u.s dietary guidelines matter flying apache helicopters is probably one of the most fun things on the planet but it's also very high stakes you need all of your faculties to stay safe on high stakes missions often on the other side of the world brian was confined to army food a diet dictated by the dietary guidelines i always had sandwiches for lunch lots of noodle-based dishes lots of rice-based dishes i was running about three or four times a week between three and five miles but the weight was still coming on one day i was in the cockpit and i put my head down and it felt like the world was moving like the aircraft was moving i looked up really quick and then i put my head down again i felt it again and so i kind of had to you know raise my hand and say hey we we have a problem here bryan knew he was sick but he didn't know why he was grounded from flying for the next eight months i went to every specialist do you have a brain tumor do you is it an inner ear thing is there a cardiac issue is there a neurological issue and they said you know brian sometimes stress does weird stuff to the body and handed me a card for mental health not one medical specialist asked brian about his nutrition and they were just like sorry you know that's about all we can do for you so there was so there was a turning point where i was like okay well we've got to figure this out on our own brian decided to try an elimination diet and he cut out all grains and sugar for really just efficiency and for taste i made these giant batches of bone broth vegetable and meat soups and i just ate them pretty much every day and that's where sort of the nickname cap and soup came from in about six weeks i got my brain back i got my energy back i lost about 25 pounds i started to see my husband come back i started to see my children's father come back it's miraculous to me what just food can do just by changing what he ate brian's health problems resolve he no longer takes any medication he's back to his high school weight and the army has reinstated his flight status and now he's sharing his recipe for health with the world now we make just super clean keto soups and we ship them frozen all over the country these days when brian goes on deployment he ships ahead cases of soup he no longer relies on the army food that made him so sick when my son was born i was really sick and i look back at photos from that time and i barely remember anything about that year because i was so uh out of it sorry and when you don't have energy and you don't have your health like you don't really have anything i have my brain back i have my energy back and i can show up and be there for my kids and for my wife like i want to be today less than 20 percent of medical schools require nutrition training for physicians that's slowly changing but a widespread lack of nutrition knowledge means many physicians misunderstand the root causes of chronic and metabolic diseases which are often driven by diet [Music] when a physician preaches low fat and a physician preaches reducing calories and they try that themselves you know it doesn't take long for some of them to realize this isn't working for me maybe it's not working for my patients either ally how are you doing physicians are not immune to obesity plenty of them struggle with their own health challenges until two years ago i was trying to to do the american diabetes association diet the american heart association trying to to eat a low fat diet eating small meals throughout the day and i'm gaining weight up three i was working out six days a week because i would say i gotta work out if i wanna lose weight i wanna be an example to my patients you're exercising but like they say you can't outrun your fork i had a human like many docs brian lenskis was trained in the low-fat paradigm and that's what he practiced with his patients for decades but the struggle with his own weight was getting out of control yeah at that point i was around 260 pounds and i was at that time also i was pre-diabetic clearly what i was doing wasn't working i was following the government guidelines and i was getting sicker and sicker and it's not working for me well were my patients not listening to me or was i giving them bad advice and it turns out we were giving bad advice honey i got a mixture of chicken italian seasoned sausage and like a spicy pork so when i cut carbohydrates the interesting thing for me if i had eggs for breakfast for instance my 10 o'clock snack that i was gonna have i wasn't hungry and i would skip right through it i like the grease on my fingers super good within the first six months i was down about 28 pounds 30 pounds i was putting on muscle mass and i was feeling really good my energy my mental clarity my focus my fatigue levels all those things got better i was like wow pretty interesting how many guys have lost like 10 pounds or more doing low carb keto and he's been a fantastic ambassador for low carb lifestyle because he's seen it personally and now he's seen it with hundreds of his patients hey how you doing so good to see you thank you how's things in all my years of practice i never saw anyone cured of diabetes by going on a low-fat diet never not one time no one came off insulin since switching his practice to a low-carb ketogenic approach nearly a dozen of brian's patients have reversed their type 2 diabetes and come off insulin altogether man i was just looking at your numbers and it's like i think if anyone i've ever seen you've come off insulin faster than anyone i feel brand new brand new brand new so i'm sticking with the diet in three months i went from insulin five times a day to no insulin and was able to maintain normal blood sugars i don't remember if dr lenskas suggested keto specifically for the weight loss or if it wasn't for the other issues that i had i started it and i do love butter and i do love cream and i do love bacon so you know it sounded really pretty good to me great i ate less and what i ate i enjoyed more for me since last march a year ago i've lost between 50 and 60 pounds but i've gained a lot of strength i've gained a lot of muscle as well so i've lost over 200 pounds it's just mind-boggling he hadn't taken any patients off incident ever in his entire career and in five months he got 11 patients of insulin completely how can you not acknowledge that you've done incredible things i mean just two years ago you were on insulin five times a day huge doses and you asked me can i come off this insulin i'm gaining weight i'm tired i'm fatigued all the time and now seeing you or you're at now and it's pretty remarkable what you've accomplished you know just by making some lifestyle changes they're empowered now to get themselves off insulin so now they're seeing it now my patients are telling their patients and they're going to them saying hey how come this person came out of insulin i thought it couldn't happen it can happen it does happen right and we're excited about that i don't know anyone else who's lost as much weight as you have even with gastric bypass surgery i've never seen it you know the fact you're coming down off your diabetes medicines you're off the mall now your blood pressure came down all these things are getting better and we're just slowly getting you off medications you are making progress and you're making a ton of progress more than anyone that i've ever seen the shift that he saw in his patients being able to actually remove medications and make them healthier at the same time was just tremendous and it all started with his own personal journey maybe eventually the government will come around maybe possibly so if not it's your health right we could do it as individuals and when people are seeing people have benefits they're going to want to go into that lifestyle and what you're doing and what we're seeing day after day it's super exciting yeah yeah so thank you thank you for encouraging me too oh no you're wonderful you are absolutely the best you're awesome thank you so the three main macronutrients in food are carbohydrate protein and fat here's an important point there are essential fats and essential proteins but there are no essential carbohydrates essential means the nutrients are required to sustain human life we must eat these to survive but there is no physical or biological need for us to consume any carbohydrates at all i was a an ultra distance runner not an elite athlete but i was pretty good and finished like in the top 100 out of a field of about 14 15 000. by the time he was 30 years old doug reynolds had run almost 100 marathons and ultramarathons he was in the best shape of his life but something wasn't right and i would be incredibly fit and yet on the day of the race i would be standing there thinking i've got to run up that mountain for 55 miles i can't even get to the corner i felt terrible i used to think it was just nerves like many people doug thought athletes couldn't function without carbohydrates he would binge on carbs in the days leading up to the race but it wasn't the nerves it was the fact that three days before i just gorged myself on all these pastas and potatoes and all these carbohydrates and it was toxic it's a familiar story to dr tim noakes the man who wrote the book on carb loading so the first four chapters are all on high carbohydrate diets and how the most important determinant of your success in running is how much carbohydrate you're eating so i promoted this and all the time while i was writing this i was getting fatter less healthy and my running was getting slower and slower and slower to the point where i was really hating running even though they were exercising a lot more than most people both men suffered from their low-fat high-carb diets i started to put on a little bit of weight and i never used to weigh myself because i was always a runner i was fine you know um and i got on the scale and i was like 35 pounds overweight i thought the scale was broken and then much more interestingly i discovered i had type 2 diabetes which was predictable because my dad had died from the diabetes and my dad took 10 years to die and i figured i've got 10 years to sort this problem out both tim and doug decided to break with convention and try a low-carb diet they cut carbs to less than 20 grams a day ate moderate amounts of protein and began eating 70 to 80 percent of daily calories as fat nutrition is actually pretty simple your body needs protein and protein comes first that's essential but then you can choose to run your body on carbohydrates including sugars and starches or fats and it's your choice if you quit eating carbs sugars and starches your body is forced to use an alternative fuel source fat burning fat produces substances called ketones that provide all the energy you need to fuel your body and your brain that's why the low-carb high-fat diet has been given the name keto for most of human history there's been very little sugar or starches in the diet in fact if you put all of human history in one year it's only in the last day that people started eating grains or bread and it's only in the last hour that people have been eating sugar in fact we know that keeping people in ketosis keeping the carbs very low may actually be the preferred way for people to be eventually i dropped right down 44 pounds and i went back to my weight that i had when i was rowing in in 1972 and i'm glad to say that after seven years my blood glucose control is as good as it could be expected for someone of my age of 69. i'm not completely normal but i'm 99 normal tim famously tore out the pages on carb loading from his lore of running book and promotes ketogenic diets for athletes two three weeks after i started on this keto diet i was jumping out of bed and going for a run in the morning and enjoying it it's just the most amazing transformation in my life doug started a company called low carb usa dedicated to education and nutrition support his logo our nation's food pyramid turned upside down well yeah i mean the whole idea was that the the reason we're in this terrible metabolic dilemma in this country is because of the food pyramid what we are advocating is pretty much 180 degrees opposite to what the food pyramid tries to teach we now understand that our bodies even the bodies of elite athletes don't need carbohydrates to survive we can convert fat into ketones for fuel but early nutrition scientists did not understand nutritional ketosis scientists simply thought that since fat has 9 calories per gram while protein and carbs have only 4 calories per gram we should just cut back on fat to lower our calorie consumption and lose weight i met with people who helped with the initial guidelines and they were well intentioned they reasoned that because calories lead to obesity reduce the food that has the most calories which is fat we've been counting calories ever since in every way imaginable on food labels in menus online and in apps and lately even on our bodies for years we've been told it's a simple equation if we can just balance the number of calories we consume against the number of calories we burn the calories in versus calories out our weight will stay in balance everything on the level right actually not so right the calories in calories out model is fundamentally flawed because the body doesn't account for um the fat that way that's not how we gain fat it's not a physics problem it's a biology problem it's a physiology problem the alternative theory is called the carbohydrate insulin hypothesis of weight gain remember how carbohydrates raise blood sugar but fat doesn't that's the key to the insulin carbohydrate hypothesis it's really not that hard to understand so if you take 100 calories of brownies and a hundred calories of salmon and you eat the two all the the insulin hypothesis says is that one food is going to raise insulin a lot the other food is not so we know that as soon as you put those foods in your mouth the hormonal effect of those foods is completely and utterly different so we really need to pay attention to hormones at least as much if not more than calories so what raises insulin well carbohydrates number one with a bullet it's like in real estate you know location location location with insulin it's carbohydrate carbohydrate carbohydrate protein is a distant second so protein can raise insulin as well you know what doesn't raise it at all fat zero not a drop doesn't move the needle so what is the irony of us telling people to eat a diet that is absent of the one macronutrient that has no effect on the fat steroid hormone it's total shear madness insulin essentially acts as a lock that gets clamped down on all of our fat stores and prevents us from using our stored fat as energy but when we restrict carbohydrates and we can therefore bring the insulin levels down the locks come off and all of a sudden we have access to all of our fat stores for energy that's right insulin is a fat storage hormone lower insulin by cutting out sugar and carbs and the weight comes off or never comes on in the first place we tell patients to think of their body as a as a bowl of sugar right so over time that bowl fills up if you're eating a lot of you know processed foods and you know sugar and so on that that that that bowl fills up and eventually that sugar as you add more sugar in spills out that's what type 2 diabetes is your cells can't hold any more sugar it simply spills out into the blood the wrong thing to do is take the insulin and keep cramming that sugar back into the body the body sort of takes it takes it takes it until it rots right it would be much smarter to simply say hey i have too much sugar let me just burn it all off by intermittent fasting we're not putting any more sugar in a low carbohydrate diet and guess what it works exactly as you would expect it to work i've been using the keto diet for about 13 years in a university clinical practice and the results in treating diabetes are quite remarkable i've had some people get off insulin within just a few days of changing from eating carbohydrates to not eating carbohydrates i think my record that i can recall is i took someone off 180 units of insulin a day in just two days come on in and take a seat sure if judy were to have walked into my office 10 years ago when i started i would have thought i can help you you just need to eat less you need to exercise more we need to start measuring your food you can do this i believe in you and i thought that to be true why don't you go ahead and get your blood sugar meter out for me too okay take a look at that over the course of the following five years i realized it wasn't working and either no one was following my advice where i was giving terrible advice i've been writing down each day thankfully judy didn't come into my office 10 years ago she came into my office this year and i was able to offer hope i was able to offer an opportunity i knew that she could be successful and success wasn't just measured on the scale it was measured with blood sugar reduction insulin reduction anti-inflammatory markers blood pressure as well as insulin yeah you did an awesome job yeah and you are down 12 pounds wow since our last visit yeah i can report that this is the second week and i have normal blood sugars now in the morning i'm still doing my injectables but it's um it's gotten leveled it's leveled and i know that i'm in ketosis and the weight is starting to drop off what's the dose you were taking when you walked out of the door 120 units okay and now i'm doing 100. in just two weeks on a ketogenic diet judy has cut her blood sugar in half and lost 12 pounds changing her nutrition has done more to improve her health than any medication ever did the difference is more fat and that gives a lot more energy it's amazing i'm happy to come to work again and there was really a time when i thought i have to quit i can't do this this is miserable it's hopeless diabetes is a hopeless disease and i felt that way i really truly felt that way and i knew that there had to be another answer and i don't feel that way anymore in results from more than 50 controlled clinical trials comparing high fat and low fat diets for weight loss the high fat diets won every time the higher the fat the higher the weight loss that's because eating fat speeds up your metabolism and helps you burn body fat carbs slow down your metabolism and cause weight gain [Music] it's week two of our nutrition experiment this time it's the low-fat diet so today's breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and brown sugar we're following a usda my plate 2 000 calorie day meal plan downloaded from the usda website do you have a leaner ham it calls for low-fat meats non-fat dairy including non-fat sugar-sweetened chocolate milk and plenty of carbohydrates things like lasagna bread and even pizza this looks like stuff you take to a college dorm or yourself right this is what our government says we should eat we have some shredded wheat here and then half a cup of sliced banana and half a cup of fat-free milk oh then a toast and one cup of chocolate milk fat free this breakfast alone contains 150 grams of carbohydrates and 50 grams of sugar 2 teaspoons of jelly instead of eating bacon and eggs in the morning which keeps you full until like well past lunch for example now you're eating a couple of slices of bread and jam and of course by the time you metabolize it sugar goes way up and then it goes way down at 10 30 you're looking for a low-fat muffin day one of the uh new diet has begun and i have to admit i'm not liking it um hungry all day so instead of eating sort of three meals a day which is the since you know in the 60s 50s 60s 70s now all of a sudden people are getting hungry like ravenous at 10 30 and they're saying oh yeah i need to eat six times a day today i was hungry again so i needed the snack and i also got really tired after the meal so not only are you eating foods that stimulate a lot of insulin you're doing it constantly six times a day versus three times a day it's like well what's going to happen lunch was a ham sandwich with some mayo some grapes the milk and my choc i went off the chart i went over 200 and it just kept going up and up and up and up and up and up and up and then it hit over 200 206 i think was it then it started coming down that was crazy to me and it was almost a little scary it's a recipe for diabetes how long is it going to be before everybody becomes diabetic because that's the outcome of that advice i never even got that close to that last week not even close so it's going to be an interesting week and um gosh i hope i last all week not kidding hi this is cynthia fifth day on the low-fat diet um it is barely 12 but i'm hungry so i'm digging in my lunch i'm hungry again so i will dig into my daily snack last week i barely was hungry at 2 and now i'm very hungry so i will eat i was hungry the entire time i would eat that would feel good for about 30 40 minutes and then i would start just feeling hungry i definitely like last week when you compare the flat and steady blood sugars from the high fat week to the roller coaster readings from this low-fat week it's hard to believe that our government thinks this is good for us the usda put together a guideline that seems to me was really to market the food that america makes it wasn't based on health the dietary guidelines are not guidelines the dietary guidelines are guidance their guidance for the food industry to be able to sell food they have nothing to do with health and the fact that the usda is in charge of our health is already a problem the usda when it was founded had two mandates not one two mandate number one was to provide information to the american public about healthy eating mandate number two was to support encourage and grow the american agricultural industry those two mandates are not always congruent with one another because if you were really being honest with the american people you would say wheat corn sugar and soy are not health foods and if you're congruent with the other mandate of the usda which is to support and encourage and grow american agriculture you ain't telling people to not eat four of the five biggest crops that are made in america so that's that's the contradiction and that's why i don't think you're going to see much change in dietary recommendations so nick tell me about your experiences these past two weeks uh so it's been really really interesting yeah so it was interesting wow it was really interesting the um low carb high fat i had a really good experience with i loved all the food and i found it very easy i like the high fat a little better because i felt more energetic the following week on the on the the low fat high carb i was bonking i'd just be tired maybe hangry is probably the best word insulin is a big driver of carbohydrate craving and hunger that hangry feeling that you mentioned is often when someone's insulin levels are high but their blood sugar is low it's that that insulin roller coaster we talk about that you eat carbs your insulin levels go up and i was um i got foggy during the high carb week a little little groggy i was even just like saying things backwards and yeah i noticed that i wasn't there wasn't the i wasn't clicking like i normally do i'd love to see your graphs at some time too like can you see the whole progression of them do you have them with you yes well um let me see here just look at the difference between the two diets every one of our participants experienced similar reactions to the low carb versus low fat diets wow what a difference but yeah it's huge yeah from the first week i was almost a flat line yeah i was averaging 84. much more stable it was fascinating yeah it was really really interesting being part of this i'm really excited about this changing my life it's cool to see for many people fat is a superfood not only does it help you feel full and lose weight your body uses it as the building blocks for cellular membranes and fat makes up the myelin sheath that forms around your nerves and allows electrical impulses to transmit quickly and efficiently fat makes up more than half our brain tissue human breast milk is more than half fat much of which is saturated fat we need healthy fats to be healthy humans unfortunately what we've been told about which fats are good for us and which fats are bad is dead raw everybody just thinks oh don't eat fat don't eat fat and it's actually more tragic than that the story is actually much worse as people turned away from saturated fats like butter and animal fats we were told to eat margarine [Music] it turns out and this is what's so tragic about it it was deadly advice many doctors have recommended corn oil margarines to help lower the saturated fat in a reduced fat diet so if you remember margarine is vegetable oils and then they partially hydrogenate them to make them solid so they look like butter partially hydrogenated fats are actually trans fats it's best to replace spreads high in saturated fats so we went from eating natural foods and butter to trans fats which we now know was super super super deadly for heart attacks for the family you love serve delicious new mazzola margarine and love its light delicate flavor every day that is like mind-blowing that we told people to stop eating butter and eat this poison instead and it would be good for you and we all did it this is mazzola 100 corn oil margarine made from 100 corn oil goodness well there's really no doubt that the american heart association endorsement of vegetable oils was a great thing for that industry this is ralph edwards the truth of consequences congratulations on your fine entry statement on why we should all support the american heart association the american heart association started in the 1920s as a sleepy little organization that could barely keep its doors open but in 1948 procter gamble the maker of crisco or shortening staged a nationwide fundraiser and the aha hit the jackpot thanks jack benny the american heart association has a million and a half dollars there all right ralph edward saying good night everybody overnight millions of dollars flowed into their coffers i mean literally from one week to the next they started opening up chapters all over the country all thanks to procter gamble new crisco oil stays blended longer makes salads taste great new crisco oil blends better than other oils the american heart association has endorsed vegetable oils ever since it's not nice to fool mother nature they then were able to publish advertisements saying lowers cholesterol take this ad to your doctor and get them to prescribe to you vegetable oils for your health vegetable oils are a fascinating topic because they've become labeled as heart healthy which drives me a little crazy because the label was granted to them simply by lowering ldl cholesterol but the broader question is what else are they doing these are not real food products these are products made in factories these are products that require heat and chemicals and high pressure to extract what little oil there is the heat and chemicals used in the manufacturing process oxidizes these delicate seed oils when you eat oxidized vegetable oils like soy canola corn and safflower or sunflower they create free radicals throughout your body that are highly inflammatory and known to cause heart disease and cancer why are we always trying to eat more antioxidants to combat free radicals like the ones found in refined vegetable oils and then they're used by restaurants in the most in the most carcinogenic way possible they heat them reheat them cool them off heat them again and use them for a week so switching to vegetable oils or seed oils was probably a terrible idea in the first place one researcher from the university of minnesota went to a variety of fast food restaurants in her neighborhood and purchased french fries and then took them back to her lab for testing she found numerous compounds of toxic aldehydes in the fries aldehydes are known to cause gene mutation alter rna and dna and trigger massive inflammation in the body vegetable oil is highly toxic and anyone who advises people to eat vegetable oils is also giving misinformation i tell my clients to avoid the industrial seed oils as much as possible vegetable oils belong in the engines of cars not in your food refined vegetable oils are one more reason you should avoid fast food and processed food if it comes in a bottle or a box it probably contains vegetable oils from crackers to cookies mayonnaise to salad dressings baby food and even baby formula they're not natural they've been shown to be pro-inflammatory and in some studies like the minnesota coronary experiment the sydney diet heart study they've shown that yes they lower ldl but they actually do nothing or they worsen all-cause mortality [Music] the minnesota coronary survey which took place in the 1960s was the biggest ever test of ansel keys's hypothesis the minnesota coronary experiment is is a fascinating study both from a science standpoint and sort of a detective standpoint so it took place in five minnesota mental hospitals which is a kind of experiment you can't do anymore because it's considered unethical but back then it has the benefit of being highly controlled which means that you're feeding people all their food so you know what they're eating and they can't get outside food so they can't cheat in the diet they replace saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat and the intervention and then the diet was similar in all the other nutrients that they deemed to be important and what they found was that with the intervention cholesterol levels went down which is what you would expect but mortality actually trended up it turned out the people who were on the cholesterol lowering diet had more heart disease and more well more deaths and the people eating the controlled diet was the exact opposite of what they wanted so it did not support the diet heart hypothesis but they never published the results if you do a very long study going into that study thinking that you know what the end in mind is going to be and then it isn't the end in mind i can understand that you don't want to publish the results but it is scientific fraud yeah that that is uh totally unacceptable to not publish your data like that it wasn't published until decades later that a relative of the um of the author went digging for the results and this is the detective part that's kind of crazy that he had to go looking through the basements to find these data and re-crunch the data and reanalyze it and then bring it out to publish it to say hey look this diet higher in omega-6 oils lowered ldl but it increased cardiovascular risk and it increased mortality when you are making recommendations that are not evidence-based and evidence comes out that's contrary to those recommendations wait a minute that's a problem right and so what has been the standard approach to dealing with that situation which has come up a number of times bury the new evidence and that's exactly what's happened and the minnesota coronary study is a perfect example of this the heart foundations didn't come and say sorry we're wrong they just ignored it as if it didn't happen they continue to promote vegetable oils and polyunsaturated fats if that had been published almost certainly what we today would be would be different this is a reason for everyone to be outraged beyond concern controlled clinical trials like the minnesota coronary survey are considered the gold standard of research the type of experiment where you can control every bite of food and change just one thing like swapping butter for margarine to find out if it has an effect on our health but trials like these are expensive and some even considered unethical cheaper observational trials are far more common how many times you have oatmeal in the last year i have no clue oh my gosh [Music] observational trials often rely on food frequency questionnaires that rely on people's memories and people's memories aren't that great how many times you had orange juice in the last year i wouldn't know a number last year um if i was to put a number on it upwards of 20. in the last year 20 times oh yeah yes so you think you've had it only about two times a month oh oh darn yeah you're right i have no idea how many ounces well if i had to break it up and out you know it's probably about the same as you whatever you yeah i don't know how many ounces see what i mean observational trials generate unreliable data and are the reason why nutrition recommendations constantly flip and flop setting nutritional food policy based on unreliable data is largely what got us into this big fat mess how hard do you think it is to remember what you ate impossible unless you have some ridiculous ability to remember everything which nobody does nobody remembers things accurately no one person may represent the antithesis of the low-fat diet better than dave asprey his company bulletproof has made a morning ritual out of adding spoonfuls of fat to coffee you take anywhere from a teaspoon to a tablespoon of grass-fed butter add to that a few more tablespoons of purified coconut oil and then add your brewed black coffee and you blend it you can see it looks an awful lot like a latte you drink this you're just not hungry for hours and hours and you're energized in a way that you'll never get from a piece of toast it was through his own discovery of a high-fat low-carb diet that dave asprey lost more than a hundred pounds and he's kept it off for 10 years in 2004 after i lost a bunch of the weight i wanted to lose i decided to go to tibet to learn meditation from the masters and i'm at 18 000 feet elevation in a very remote part of tibet 10 degrees below zero 30 mile an hour winds and i'm feeling kind of wrecked because there's no air and it's cold and this little tibetan woman gave me a bowl of yak butter tea which is yak butter mixed with tea and a pinch of salt all right fine i'm hungry i drank it didn't taste great didn't taste bad but a minute later like i feel really good in fact i haven't felt this good in days what is happening and i wrote a little note in my journal how could this be and that day i had another 20 cups of it and i just felt like i got my life back dave came back to the states and adapted his yak butter tea experience to coffee bulletproof is now a multi-million dollar company which dave operates alongside a small organic farm where he grows grass-fed sheep and pigs hey guys hey riley dave believes the quality of the fats you consume is critical if you're not sure whether fats are good or bad it's okay because some fats are bad and some fats are good no wonder it's confusing short version grass-fed butter egg yolks coconut oil avocados olive oil those are the good fats while there is much debate over the role played by animal agriculture and climate change raising grass-fed animals on organic pastures like dave's actually helps capture carbon and can be a sustainable piece of the climate solution and the meat you eat must be higher quality and guess what high quality animals make high quality poop guess what high quality poop makes high quality vegetables the vegetables you're eating that don't come from farms that work like this are vegetables devoid of nutrients and if we allow that to continue there will be no topsoil this is how you make topsoil and the tibetans figured out a long time ago saturated fat helps your brain they were using it for meditation they're using it to help their metabolism work in very harsh conditions that are high stress so it's time to throw away the seed oils they are not fit for human consumption if you're eating bad fats it's going to kill you and this is where the american heart association and the american diabetes association just got it wrong they told you to eat bad fats because of industrial interests and it's time that we change that the science is very very clear yeah so how much weight have you lost 30 pounds that's great yeah and my goal was 50. so i think it's very doable and you're done another five pounds i am yeah yeah in two months judy has lost weight and cut her insulin medications by 60 i think you have to look inside yourself and just determine that nobody's going to take care of you the way that you can i don't feel like anyone could go wrong with making an attempt at this but you can't attempt it for a week you have to set your mind and set yourself to it for um you know a period of time judy is inspired by thousands of other patients who've reversed their type 2 diabetes getting off all medications with a high fat low carb nutrition plan we reversed my severe type 2 diabetes after one month i couldn't be prouder no more insulin injection for me and no more metformin or even statins i completely reversed my type 2 diabetes in just 3 months now before i changed my diet i weighed 212 pounds now i weigh 165 pounds and i take zero medications before i started i weighed about 265 pounds i now weigh 130 pounds now i can enjoy my family i can do everything that you should do to live a life it's just been a total change i have seen so many individual transformative patients what an honor that is to share that journey with a patient i feel like if a person just is determined and sets their goals that there isn't anything you can't do you just have to decide that feeling good and being healthy is more important than the things you used to like to eat it isn't very long before your tastes change and you really like it when i first started exploring low carb i i tried to keep it very quiet because it has been and maybe still is a very controversial subject in other countries dietitians were losing their licensure over practicing low carb let alone medical doctors as well professor knox on a charge of unprofessional conduct the majority of this committee find you not guilty the controversy over lokar may be slowly quietly changing in the long drawn-out case of dr tim noakes the final ruling found in his favor so as far as we're concerned we've made the point that this diet is safe that's all we really set out to do the low carb ketogenic diet is a low inflammation diet more and more brave practitioners are going against the dietary guidelines to help their patients find better health like brian lenskas who also teaches low carb nutrition classes at his church so far brian's congregation has lost more than 2 thousand pounds our results are in purple here low-carb the two-year findings from sarah hallberg's clinical trial show that a low-carb high-fat diet is equally as effective as bariatric surgery in reversing type 2 diabetes so your assessment of the vilification of saturated fat after your experience in this trial well i'll tell you you know i mean what we say is that we do not restrict saturated fat in these patients and and yet they're having these remarkable results in april of 2019 the american diabetes association issued an update to its long-standing position that diets lower than 130 grams of carbs a day are unsafe i was thrilled it felt like christmas morning to me it was the very first time in writing from a huge organization that said what i was doing was okay what i was doing was an approach that was helping my patients and while it was something that i have known for years it was the first time i felt safe it was the first time i felt safe to give these recommendations in 2015 after more than 50 years of condemning foods like eggs lobster and shrimp the american heart association quietly dropped their long-standing recommendation against dietary cholesterol saying it's no longer a nutrient of concern that same year the u.s dietary guidelines committee removed the cap on dietary fat consumption admitting there's no evidence that eating fat is bad for health but the cap unsaturated fat remains the hypothesis that saturated fats are bad for health has been the most tested hypothesis in the history of nutrition science there has been no hypothesis that has been more tested some 75 000 people 65 000 somewhere in that range depending on which studies you include and none of them could show that saturated fats had any effect on total or cardiovascular mortality there's no evidence for it even so the american heart association who takes much of its funding from big food and big pharma continues to stand behind its long-held position the saturated fats are the cause of heart disease and that refined vegetable oils are heart healthy but there is so much politics and so much money and big pharma and the sugar industry behind trying to to keep those those guidelines as they are right now i think feel like eventually they will change but when it could be 50 years we can't wait 50 years millions of people have died already because of of this mess doug reynolds isn't waiting any longer his company low-carb usa is partnering with dozens of physicians nutritionists and dietitians to create a set of global clinical guidelines that teach medical professionals how to safely and effectively practice low-carb nutrition that gives a lot of them confidence to maybe start implementing it implementing it in their practice where before they weren't quite sure how to do it or they were afraid that the other doctors weren't doing it now they're actually following some kind of set of guidelines and what about the official dietary guidelines for americans the three main eating patterns recommended by the usda all feature more than 50 of daily calories as carbohydrates according to the dietary guidelines low carbohydrate high fat diets are still not an option in 2017 the national academy of sciences and medicine performed the first ever outside scientific review of the u.s dietary guidelines and found that the process lacked transparency and scientific rigor recommending a single dietary pattern to an entire population was a huge mistake not only did the low-fat diet not work it did us harm and resulted in greater obesity and disease the lesson of the low-fat diet may be that nutrition science is deeply flawed and our nation's dietary guidelines have been heavily influenced by the food industry and the enormous amount of money at stake what we are living now is just so completely unsustainable these unsustainable rates of obesity and diabetes we're bankrupting our nation it's destroying people's lives it's destroying our country and it has to stop we are not treating the disease we're treating the symptoms of the disease and so it should be of no surprise to anyone that we're not getting better and we're not going to get better until we recognize what the real problem is if we changed the food we could solve this problem you know we get so many mixed messages about diet and does the government have a role in telling people how to eat we kind of have to find what really works for us but we still need to know the truth fascinating question that has a lot of different opinions and certainly the past 30 40 years of experience would say no they probably shouldn't be in that role the people at the top are not going to change so we have to get this going as a bottom-up revolution and get more and more people on board until they're shamed into changing their guidelines because the swell of the population is just ignoring them the change is coming from the people because they've changed they are forcing the doctors to change if we can change the medical profession i think we will do something if you're pre-diabetic or type 2 diabetic there is a way out a path forward to health and vitality to fewer drugs and more energy you can get your life back and all you have to do is eat real food if somebody has type 2 diabetes they can go online right now they can watch your movie they can read up on something they can buy a book and start reversing their disease today i see on a day-to-day basis with my individual patients as well as my own family and my own friends i think it's missed in some of this research and what that is is freedom it's freedom from being hangry right it's freedom from cravings it's freedom from headaches it's freedom from reactive hypoglycemia it's freedom from mood swings it's better quality of sleep it's better quality of life i feel great i feel really good hi girls [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Indie Rights Movies For Free
Views: 2,977,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fat Fiction, The Hidden Dangers Of Low-Fat Diets, Full Movie Documentary, Free To Watch, Hidden, Dangers, Low-Fat, Diets, Full Movie, Documentary, The Truth About Fat, Low Carb Diet Documentary, Myths Of Low-Fat Diets, Fat Fiction Full Movie, Obesity And Low-Fat Diets, The Science Of Fat, How Low-Fat Diets Fail, Health Effects Of Low-Fat Diets, Full Documentary On Fat, Hidden Dangers Of Low-Fat, Low-Fat Diet Myths, Causes Of Obesity, Low-Fat Vs Low-Carb, Truth About Low-Fat, RMf&x%
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 15sec (6135 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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