Doctor Reacts To Bizarre Onion Medical Headlines #2

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- Pros and cons of standing desks. Pro, improves ability to talk about having a standing desk, facts. The Onion is a satirical news source, satirical, it's a joke. It pokes fun at us humans. We need to laugh and smile more and not take The Onion seriously, 'cause I've seen some people tweet out Onion headlines, shocked as if they were true articles. - [Man] Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. But a disturbing report today has revealed that the now infamous immunologist may actually just be a figment of the nation's collective imagination. Hear more about how millions of Americans are all having the same exact hallucinations of the so-called Dr. Fauci. - Honestly, Dr. Fauci, is that good. That he could totally be a hallucination. Do you know why? No, he's not hallucination because I actually interviewed. - [Dr. Fauci] Dr. Mike, how are you? - First of all, let me say a huge thank you for joining us on the YouTube channel. Everyone in the news keeps saying. Doctor informs woman she pregnant as hell. I don't even think this is a real doctor. What is happening here? What is this false identification little loose-leaf paper he has here with no name? And that's a disposable stethoscope folks. Why is he wearing it? Why is there no name tag? Why does he have a laser pointer? This is not a person you should trust. Pros and cons of standing desks. Pro, improves ability to talk about having a standing desk. Facts, two most common conversations I have with patients. Those who are vegan, about them being vegan and those who have a standup desk and wanna tell me about their standup desk. Encourage more natural spinal curvature while staring at screen for eight continuous hours. Increase blood flow to your feet where your best thinking is done, that's funny. One step closer toward the ultimate dream of flying desks. Con, could wind up forgetting how to sit entirely. Eliminates satisfaction of leaning back in your chair with your hands behind your head after sending a killer email. Ooh, that feels good. You'll still eventually die. Yeah, that's true. Let's take a second and give a huge thank you to Audible for sponsoring this video. As you know, I'm a huge fan, whether I'm driving to the hospital or just taking bear for a long walk, I love listening to audio books. It's how I get stuff done, multitasking and being an auditory listener, like that's my swag. And I'm gonna have some cool authors on from audio books that I'm listening to in the coming months so keep an ear out for that. If you click the link down below, remember doctor spelled out, or if you text Doctor Mike to the number 500-500, you're gonna sign up for Audible where you get one Audible credit per month and access to Audible's Plus catalog where you have audio books, podcast, guided meditations and so much more. I'm genuinely a huge fan so definitely check out Audible. Doctors warn Marshawn Lynch that the next time he goes into beast mode could kill him. I'm on beast mode right now for this YouTube channel. I see this misinformation and I'm just going beast, me and Marshawn. Cubs team doctor recommends Anthony Rizzo rehab injured ankle by engaging in light physical activities like baseball. Professional athletes to a professional athletes. But baseball is the definition of a sedentary activity. Running around the bases should be totally fine and is actually great way to rebuild strength. There is actually really good exercises that you can do to rehab an ankle that are not baseball. And a lot of them are about regaining your range of motion. And then it's about regaining your stability. That ligament that is most often injured is called the anterior talofibular ligament. And because of that, when you step forward, you can lose some of that stability and you could fall forward. Beyonce begins painful surgical transformation to prepare for her role in live action "Lion King" remake. Once the radical alterations to her bones and musculature and skin are completed, you won't even be able to tell that the big old cat you're looking on screen is actually Beyonce. The process would begin with breaking and readjusting the pop star's spinal column, and pelvic bones to allow her to comfortably walk quadrupedally. Never said that word publicly before. There's commitment to acting and then there's becoming a real lion And somewhere there needs to be a medical line that should not be crossed. Sick man slowly becoming enthroned in used tissues. Must be soft and comfy, but kind of gross 'cause it's mucusy at the same time. Local woman considers telling gynecologist whole truth. Local woman, Denise Bowers, was mentally calculating the precise amount of information she would have to divulge in order to obtain powerful prescription antibiotics. Patients wanna divulge as least amount of information to get what they think is the accurate treatment. That is why whenever a patient comes into my office, in addition to asking them questions about their symptoms, their history, and doing a physical exam, I also ask them at the end of every visit, what is their theory? What did they think is going on? 'cause if they leave my office unsatisfied or without truly getting an answer to the question that's deep in here, I'm not doing my job as a doctor. - I'm Perry Bigwell and today Rob Gronkowski. After missing most of the 2013 season with injuries, the loose assemblage of screws, splintered bones, and mangled joints that make up the Patriots tight end - This image. - [Perry] For a massive comeback. There are a lot of questions surrounding Gronk this fantasy football season but I say ride that creature to the end. - I feel like Rob Gronkowski is truly a bionic man at this point. Not because his surgeries and fixes that he's had, but he just doesn't go down. I remember in the "Entourage" movie, he's like partying with a crutch and he has like an injured arm, like a broken arm and he's like still partying. I've had my shoulder like gets sore, like I don't wanna get out of bed. Robert Gronkowski, he's like, "Let's go take some hits." Study finds healthy lifestyle can cut risk of developing Alzheimer's by 60%. I'm getting sick of researchers expecting me to do things when they should be the ones coming up with cures. People must really hate Alzheimer's if they're willing to live a healthy long life to avoid it. So you're saying nothing I can do? In order for us to find cures we need to figure out what we can do first and then figure out the mechanism, thereby reducing that risk, thereby being able to implement the cure or treatment, you dig? Latest study finds cancer cells now cruelly mocking researchers. A new Mayo Clinic study with widespread implications for the treatment or potential cure of the disease has found that the malignant growths are basically flipping off scientists left and right and get a huge kick out of making oncologists feel like a bunch of bumbling chumps. I would love if when oncologists or pathologists are looking under the microscope to see if the treatments are working and the malignant cells are just sitting there like, "You can't catch me, you can't catch me." Real headline. Doctors edit living patient's DNA for first time. I'm just worried about the moral considerations of helping sick people with Greg Paulson. Is a window defroster a career? It will be a great day when all doctors can defy God's plan like this. I feel like that's a Drake lyric. The field of injecting things never stops advancing. That's true, we like injecssing stuff, injecssing. True headline. FDA set to approve gene-altering cancer treatment. The FDA is expected to approve a new leukemia treatment that alters the patient's cells to target cancer cells with hope it gets someday fight other types of cancer too. What do you think? I would only alter my genes to become more powerful not less sick. So you pay for some fancy treatment, but it's your body doing the actual work? What is scam. All of medicine is your body doing the work, literally, unless I'm actively doing a surgical procedure to fix something and put it together, it's their body doing the work. In fact, when the surgeon connects things, we don't even connect it all the way. We usually just like kinda line it up and let the body heal itself anyway. Insurance only covers generic heart transplant. My doctor says it should work exactly the same as any other heart, it has the same valve, same ventricle, same everything. Aside from lacking any branding, the heart he's receiving is essentially identical to the more expensive ones. Frankly, as long as it keeps on beating, I don't care where it's from. This is a play on generic medications. Yes, generic medications are the same as the branded ones. When you go in to buy aspirin and you're like, "Can I get Bayer?" You're still paying for aspirin. When you say Bayer, that's a company, that's a brand but you don't have to buy the brand to get the aspirin. Same thing with a set of acetaminophen, Tylenol is the brand name of that. Dr. Dilshad Atwal and I who's an interventional pain medicine doctor looked at memes together. He struggled, it's worth a watch, check it out here. And if you didn't see the previous episode of my Onion medical reviews, click here for that episode as well. And as always stay happy and healthy. (upbeat music)
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 1,053,504
Rating: 4.962832 out of 5
Keywords: doctor mike, mike varshavski, dr mike, dr. mike, doctor reacts, mikhail varshavski, medical humor, medical satire, wednesday checkup, doctor memes, doctor jokes, medical comedy, real doctor reacts, dr reacts, instagram doctor, meme review, medical meme review, onion medical articles, the onion, nursing humor, funniest doctor memes, medical school humor, hospital humor, doctor humor, dr reacts to memes, dr mike onion, health memes, doctor reaction video, health humor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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