Doctor Reacts To WILD Instagram "Health" Posts

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You should do a react to tiktok health things next! Ive seen some crazy ones. Like someone rubbed coffee grounds and vicks vaporub on their stomach, wrapped seran wrap around their stomach, and went to bed w it w the hopes of waking up w a flatter stomach

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/pnk1995 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

Love your videos doctor mike

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/suele-33 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

OH have you thought of doing a pimple popping reacts video? They are fun to watch. The tonsil stone ones are ABSOLUTELY disgusting but also awesome :}

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

You've done much better videos in this style. This felt rushed. Normally you speak to what the actual claim being made is, this one you just responded to the basic poorly written word, without addressing the bad science that goes into that claim. It might have felt rushed since you took them all from the same place, and you spent a lot of time on their appearances (typos,etc). It was a decently entertaining video, but lacked your normal depth, so it doesn't seem like this was you to your standards.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mynamesaretaken1 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
- "Why you should eat overripe bananas. "A yellow skin banana with dark spots "on it, it is eight times more effective "in enhancing the properties of white blood cells "than green skin, than then". Bro, what am, am I reading something wrong? What is happening here? Hey guys, we've covered medical memes before, we've reacted to medical dramas, but it never hit me to talk about some of the crazy Instagram posts that have to do with health. I've seen a lot of those, you've sent me them, so I thought I'd react to some of them. I feel like we're gonna be in for a stressful video, maybe a fun video. A fun stressful video? I'd dunno, let's find out. Be-yoop! Oh my God. I'm just gonna read this as is, because I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. "A yellow skin banana with dark spots on it is eight times "more effective in enhancing the properties "of white blood cells than then green skin version. "Eating 1-2 bananas a day increases immunity." (sighs) That was just so stressful to read. I feel like, whatever health benefit you get by eating a banana, it was fully negated by reading this meme/Instagram post. Can people eat bananas and help their immune system? Help support their immune system. Boosting and over-boosting your immune system's actually a really bad thing. Autoimmune conditions like psoriasis, Crohn's disease, of the intestines, that cause really bad problems for people, is an over-boosted immune system that starts attacking things that are not actually a threat to you. "Did you know? "Once a week, for 20 minutes", first of all, this is a very lavish bathtub, 'cause there's clouds or marshmallows, plus sticks. And she doesn't quite fit in it. "Once a week for 20 minutes, sit in a hot tub "that contains a handful of Epsom salts, "10 drops of lavender essential oil, "and a half-cup of baking soda. "This combo draws out toxins, lowers stress, "and balances your pH levels." (clatters) - Serenity now! - The essential oil community's trying to get me frustrated. It does not balance your pH levels. Can you imagine if an. Your pH level is so tightly-controlled. Like between 7.35 and 7.45 is its little range that it lives in, and if it comes out of that, even slightly, like if it goes to 6.9, you die. Can you imagine in order to live, you needed to take a bath that looks like this? That's a problem, folks. You are not a dish. Like if I was trying to balance the pH levels of my chicken in a pot, maybe I'd wanna throw some lemon, followed by baking soda on it. But you, my friend, are not a piece of chicken in a pot. (laughs) "Cashew. "Good source or protein." Is it a good source, or is it a protein? We'll never know. "Improve vitality, assit metabolism function", 'cause you know, some our metabolism function likes to stand, and we like for it to sit. "Prevent migraine headache. "Lower risk of diabetes. "Prevent gallstones. "Fight heart disease." Next time my patient has a migraine headache, or is about to get one, just gonna say, "Hey, why don't you chill out and get a cashew?" Can you say it's a good source? I don't know. Like, what is considered a good source of protein? It is a source of protein. Does it improve vitality? What, like livelihood? Like how happy you are? Does it assit, does it assist your metabolic function? I mean, anything that you eat assists metabolic function, 'cause your metabolism's gonna start working. Does it prevent a migraine headache? That's ridiculous. Throw it out there. You know, though, I will say something about cherries. Cherries have natural aspirin in them. Very small amounts, but some. "Coconut, regulates thyroid function. "Improves brain function. "Maintain body mass. "Stimulate immunity, keeps heart healthy. "Improves digestion, full of energy, glowing skin." I don't know if they're saying positive things about coconuts, or this is what's gonna happen to you if you eat a coconut. Like, is the coconut full of energy? Does the coconut have glowing skin? Is the coconut rich in fiber? Kind of getting mad, here. "Maintain body mass." That's what food does, folks. Have you ever eaten anything before? I can put that on every label. I'm pretty sure you could put that on a pillow. Like, I'm pretty sure if I put this on this bear pillow, it will maintain body mass. (laughs) It probably won't. But anything that's edible, anything that has a calorie, helps maintain body mass, so that one is ridiculous. "Regulates thyroid function", no. You know what regulates thyroid function? Thyroid-stimulating hormone. It stimulates the thyroid to make hormone. You know what stimulates thyroid-stimulating hormone? Thyroid-releasing hormone. Glans, baby, not coconuts. "For smelly underarms", God, I don't even know where this is going. Just, take a shower. That's what I'm thinking. Take a shower, bathe. "Mix", ugh, it's a freakin' science experiment. My God, just wash yourself and you won't have smelly underarms. Can you imagine if you walk into my home and you see I'm getting ready for a hospital day, and you see me measuring out coconut oil and lemon juice in a teaspoon. You ask me what I'm doing, and then without any hesitation, I just start throwing it on my armpits. Would you judge me? I don't know if this works. Maybe I should experiment with it. I don't think I have coconut oil here, or lemon juice. And their representation of smelly underarms is like, there's ribbons coming out of her armpits, and she has red cheeks. Maybe she has an infection. Let's talk science for a second, and leave this for a moment. The reason why our underarms actually smell? Bacteria farts. There's bacteria that generally live in your armpit area, and we can fight that bacteria, because when that bacteria starts consuming little things that are on your skin surface, it starts farting and smelling real bad. And apparently I learned something new today. Lemon juice and coconut oil. Might try it. Probably not. "Did you know", that when it snows? ♪ Your eyes ♪ "Just by eating five dates in a day "helps you reduce the chances of night blindness, "reduce hair loss, and risk of cancer. "It also helps to improve your brain power "and eyesight, because it is high in fiber and potassium." I feel like this meme is screaming at me for some reason, and this person's eye looks like it has a cataract in it. Google cataract. That looks like a cataract. Are people suffering, like, I haven't had a date, I haven't eaten a, I haven't consumed a food known as a date in probably five years. Does that mean I'm at a high risk of night blindness? I think not. I think that's not how life works. "Did you know, eating one to two figs soaked "in water overnight helps in faster weight loss "as figs has high fiber content, prevent wrinkles, "makes your skin soft and supple, "boost immune system, and promote hair growth too." Figs are a healthy food. Do they prevent wrinkles? No. Do they make your skin soft and supple? If your skin is not soft and supple right now, eating figs, randomly introducing them into your diet, probably won't change much. Man, imagine life was that simple. Like, my skin is rough. I have two figs. Now I'm supple. "No more unwanted facial hair DIY." "Papaya, before." "Aloe vera gel, after." (comical music) Are they saying papaya makes you have hair and then aloe vera gel does not? Like, if you're gonna make a DIY, you can't just put the ingredients and go, "DIY." What do I do? Do you slap the papaya on your forehead and eat the aloe vera gel? All seriousness, this looks like it would be something targeted at females. If you are a female, and you're growing facial hair, or hair in areas that you haven't grown before, and it's troubling to you, you should go speak with your family medicine doctor. If it's happening in combination with other symptoms, that can be a sign of a problem known as PCOS. There's actually a medical term for this unwanted type of hair in a male pattern. It's called hirsutism. Don't be afraid to bring that up in one of your visits. I know some patients of mine in the past have been hesitant to bring it up, but please don't be. It's something that happens. It's treatable. It depends, obviously, on what's causing it, but the answer is not a papaya and aloe vera gel, as much as that sounds delicious, it's not the treatment. "Doing this pose helps to double tap." Oh. "It helps to get rid of double chin, "it increases the flexibility of the neck, "provide a gentle massage to belly organs." This looks like just basic yoga cat-cow. That's fine, I love cat-cow. I recommend it to my patients. I do it myself, I do it in bed in the morning when I wake up, but why is there a giant, virus-looking bubble (laughs) on this lady's back when she's doing cow, or cat? Is that a cow? No, cats do this thing. Or cats? Do cows round their back? Does it help to get rid of double chin? I would say no. Double chin can come from, I guess, a few factors. One is being obese. You're gonna have more fat here. You're gonna create the appearance of a double chin. If you have bad posture, I guess you could have it, too, but doing this alone won't solve that issue, so I'm not a fan. "Two, increases flexibility of the neck." I think it increases flexibility of the spine, and increases range of motion, so I'm with that one. They went neck, I'll say spine, same thing. "Provide a gentle massage to belly organs." Do you want to massage your belly organs? You know the only organs you might wanna massage would be your intestines? THere's actually certain way that we can activate your intestines, so if you're like backed up, there are certain massages that can help. Also prenatal massages, but massaging your liver? I've never heard for that to be effective in any sort of way. Oh, it's not your liver, your stomach, your gallbladder? We'll massage that bladder nice (laughs). Click here for my most recent video on memes. It's absolutely hilarious. Or check out an older video on how to not get sick. I think it's more applicable now than ever. Which one you clicking? Stay happy and healthy. (funky music)
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 3,092,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctor instagram, dr. mike, dr mike, doctor mike, mike varshavski, mikhail varshavski, instagram health, health posts, health posts ig, ig health, doctor reacts, health myths, danny gonzalez, how 2 be healthy, commentary, reaction
Id: ZWfy96iIujs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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