Doctor And Nurse Play Would You Rather

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hi doctor

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/UM_N1teN1te ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 05 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies this really the real doctor Mike? Thatโ€™s crazy Iโ€™m a huge fan :)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/XsunkissedX ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 07 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I ship it

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/suredly_unassured ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 07 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
- Are you a fan? - I'm a huge fan of Doctor House. - No way! I actually have his cell. You want me to call him? We could FaceTime him. - I would literally die. - A game I grew up playing was would you rather, but now we're taking it medical. We're having a competition between a doctor and a nurse. Welcome, Bianca Antisera to the channel. - Thank you so much for having me, I am so excited, this is gonna be awesome. I have to represent, you know for all the nurses out there, especially the ER nurses, but here we are so let's take down the- - Oh... You're not just a nurse, what else do you do on your spare time? - I spend a lot of my time gaming. I spend a huge portion of my life, like ever since I was little, like when my Dad came to America from Argentina, it was like sensory overload like with all the technology and stuff like that that we had here, so I very much so grew up around it. I do Twitch streams, and I've been doing some TikToks and stuff like that. - B, I'm a Doctor who games, you're a nurse who games, I think we should give the audience a challenge. You get this challenge to 100,000 likes, we're gonna do a gaming video, - Yeah. - A gaming showdown video. - [Announcer] Would you rather wear a swimsuit at the hospital, or scrubs at the beach? - Oh what? - I think I know the answer for both of us here. - Scrubs at the beach. - Yeah. - I'd rather be labeled corny, rather than trying to flaunt something at work. That would be problematic. - [Announcer] Would you rather wear the same pair of scrubs for the rest of your life or the same pair of underwear? - Ahh. - That is really hard! - But if I wear the same set of scrubs, I can change my underwear? I think I would wear the same set of scrubs. - I'd have to disagree with you there. - You would wear the same underwear?! - This is the thing, okay, this is my rationale. Both are disgusting and I don't recommend either, not that I would know from personal experience. However- - I don't think we need to clarify that I think like, unanimously, universally, it's known to not wear your underwear for the rest of your life. - Yes. - Or your scrubs. - Yes. Okay this is the thing, I've never, never gone home from a shift without something crazy on me, and I mean- - Oh, that's a good point. - Never. When you have, like, multiple, like, little one traumas and stuff like that coming in, I mean stuff is flying, literally flying across. At least if it's my underwear, it's my underwear, you know? - [Announcer] Would you rather insert a catheter or remove a wad of hair from a clogged shower drain? - Ew! You don't even know, is it like a mouse in there or is it a hairball? I think a catheter is easier. - I agree. I do them so often it's just like another part of my life, I guess, and it's funny to- - Yeah. - give like I said I started in the OR and then I went into ER, so like that's always been like my specialty. I'm very good at them, because I catheterize every patient. - Excuse me. - I'm good at them, and people will hunt me down on the unit if they have a difficult catheterization. - [Announcer] Would you rather work a 24 hour shift or oversleep and be late for your shift? - Oh! - Yeah, easily I would do a 24 hour shift, like versus being late. I am super funny about being on time, and being where I'm supposed to be. The anxiety that would ensue from me being like, late to a shift, I would never, ever, ever want to experience that again. - To me, after three years of residency, working 24 hours is no biggie. I am like you, I get so nervous when I oversleep. - Yeah! - I literally break down, I feel like I let everyone down. I actually have bad dreams of missing my alarm clock. So much so, that if I have to wake up early in the morning for something important, I will wake up an hour before, thirty minutes before, twenty minutes before and grab my phone. Did I oversleep? Did I oversleep? - Yes! - When I totally didn't need to do that. - [Announcer] Would you rather redo your medical education or redo high school? - Ugh! - Oh! - High school all day. Med school, I think I handled well. High school, coulda done a lot better. - I would redo high school. I get new nurses all the time asking, well I shouldn't say new nurses, aspiring nurses, people who want to be nurses, how was nursing school? How was this? And it's like oh my gosh, you poor soul, you poor soul. I would never want to do that again, I mean, ever. Ever ever ever. I would never want to go back to- - Do you think you came out of nursing school ready to be a nurse, or did you think you needed a lot of guidance? - Oh no, yeah, no. - Yeah, no. - Oh no. - I don't think any nurse has ever, Yeah I know, no no no no. I don't think any nurse is ever gonna come out of nursing school fully prepared. I think the most important thing is having a preceptor that you trust, because we have a huge issue like in nursing to begin with where we say that nurses eat our young, and it's crazy. - Is that a real saying? - That is a real thing. - What does that mean? - It's like, when nurses come in, it's almost like, I don't want to say hazing, but it's like they go after these nurses, they're not welcoming, they're not, they just treat nurses very bad. We even, at every hospital that I've been at, it has been- - Who's they? You're not talking about us, right? - No, I'm talking about nurses. Nurses versus nurses. - [Announcer] Would you rather receive treatment from a med student or a retired doctor? - A retired doctor. A retired doctor is experienced, even though the knowledge might not the most up to date it's gonna be better than a med student. At the same time, if it is a doctor of like, radiology, I don't know how useful that would be in terms of like my general health. - I'd have to go with the same thing, I'd have to say a retired doctor. I guess it depends on like, how long they've been retired for, but if you're in the same mindset- - 65 years. They retired age 30. - Medicine is not cookie cutter, like you could have the knowledge down, but like the experience is gonna be like, no I'm telling you like this is, this is not gonna work out this way, you know? - [Announcer] Would you rather treat a rude, ungrateful patient or treat a patient with a difficult helicopter parent or family member. - Ooh. - I would rather treat a difficult patient. I don't feel like anybody's difficult for the sake of being difficult. I think that we all have varying experiences and situations as of what led them here. And I'm thinking to the ER, so what brought you in to constitute this emergency? This may be the most frightening thing you have ever experienced in your life. If you can get to the root of not only why they're there at the ER, but also instill a trust in them, that they trust you, that you know what you're talking about, that you genuinely do care about them, I think it's usually human nature that somebody is going to be more receptive to you. - Whoa whoa whoa, you can't flip the patient who's rude and ungrateful. They are forever rude and ungrateful in this scenario. The helicopter parent is forever helicopter parent in this scenario. - I still am gonna go with like the difficult patient. - If no matter what I do, they're gonna be rude and ungrateful, do I want it to be the family member or the patient? I think the family member. We can take them out of the situation momentarily. The times where it gets tricky is in the pediatric space- - Yes, oh my goodness yes. - Is when I'm taking care of kids and then the parents are really, let's say, nervous or have gotten some bad advice, perhaps, or even vaccine hesitant. Those are scenarios that are really difficult to grapple with. - [Announcer] Would you rather travel back in time to treat patients with the bubonic plague, or treat soldiers wounded during the Civil War? - Did we even have ways to treat people for the bubonic plague? I feel like everyone just died. You were probably dying alongside your patients. - Yeah! And like, you know, that's where that whole like mask and the crow and stuff comes in and they would keep the herbs in the beak and then they would wear wax-coated cloaks. You know how when you go into a room and it's like the smell of sickness, shall I say, like, you know, infection and stuff like that. - Yeah. - They called it the miasma, and so they thought that that cloak was gonna prevent the miasma from getting them. - Well since you just gave like a really fun fact about bubonic plague outfits, when you were fighting in battle in the Civil War, it was actually advised by high generals that you have clean uniforms. Because if you were ever to be shot, it would then take the clothing and get it inside your wound and thereby, if it's dirty and it has like fungus, or bacteria on it, you could actually have a much worse infection than die from your gunshot wound. - [Announcer] Would you rather do charts and notes or do your taxes? - Oh! You can't do a tie? Can you do a tie? I don't think a tie is acceptable. I would say taxes. I hate administrative work. Even notes is hard for me, but at least when I'm doing the notes I'm at least thinking about my patients and something medical, but taxes is like the worst version of notes. - I actually would say I'd prefer to chart than to do my taxes. I think I'm part of one of like, the very small minority that I enjoy a very well written note. Not saying that anybody else's notes are not well written, but- - Yeah you are saying that, don't take it back. You're throwing the shade. - I know that like, when I read this note that I put I'm like, you know exactly why they came in, why they're here, like what's going on. I can paint you a picture, you know. I don't know, I don't mind it as much as some other people do. - [Announcer] Would you rather become Hugh Laurie's primary care physician or receive treatment from Doctor House. - Have you seen any of my TikToks? Because like literally all of my TikToks are about Doctor House and this has blown me away. - Really? Are you a fan? - I'm a huge fan of Doctor House. - No way! I actually have his cell, do you want me to call him? We could FaceTime him. - I would literally die. - Wait, you want me to add him to the Zoom? - Dude, I would die. I would die. - I'm not that cool, I don't have access to House. - I would die. - I wanna be in charge of his life, I wanna get him off of the drugs that he's on, I wanna treat him holistically. - I would receive treatment from Doctor House, all day long. - Really? - All day long. - He like experiments on his patients all the time. He'll like, so someone will come in with a fever and chills, and he'll be like, make sure they don't have bubonic plague. Expose them to this, and I'm like, no, just, can you not? - He could tell me to walk into fire and I would do it. - B, thank you for playing would you rather medical edition, doctor vs. nurse, still don't know why there's a vs, we're not playing against each other. Where can people follow you? - Thank you so much for having me first off, and I think the nurses won here clearly anyways, even though it wasn't a competition, but, I would say you can follow me on Instagram at @BiancaAntisera. Twitch: BiancaAntisera and also on my TikTok: BiancaAntisera. I will eventually be doing some YouTube videos here, just working on some editing, but that's coming up in the future too. I would love it if you guys swung by and said hi. - And if you wanna see some gaming videos that I've done in the past, Overwatch, Apex, they're right here and as always, stay happy and healthy.
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 1,778,525
Rating: 4.9810514 out of 5
Keywords: would you rather, nursing school, lets play, never have i ever, would you rather trailer, never have i ever challenge, would you rather questions, would you rather fitness, dr mike, doctor mike, dr. mike, mike varshavski, mikhail varhavski, doctor vs nurse, woud you rather, medical humor, medical satire, hospital humor, doctor reacts, nurse reacts, truth about nursing, bianca antisera, tiktok nurse, bianca nurse
Id: 8qwUlCgEK_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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