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yo guys what is going on and welcome to a pretty old game it came out I think like two years ago but I never played it and I don't really know why because it seems like it's route my alley also this is really annoying me because people are gonna you're gonna think that someone's joining they're not I'm alone not like alone like you know like old school Simon alone doesn't just die I'm on my own right now I have friends okay I'm friends anyway this is a game called late shift where it's kind of like you know the multiple choice kind of games we've been playing like until dawn like Detroit those kind of things but it's a lot shorter and it's all actually like real life scenes so you choose something and then it's a real life scenario happens so I'm gonna stop talking and we're just gonna start I actually don't know the storyline of this though I saw I know Victor's played it and I saw the jacksepticeye played it and that's that's all I know that that's literally yet so there were people in suits I assume there's like guns or something I don't know but yeah there we go and see look real life IRL London some people say we'll connect us a bigger picture [Music] this is like super seducer again [Music] open he's very he's very quiet can I can I turn you what mister okay music volume let's turn that down okay because he is getting over on he's like a bad Jason the statements he is still very quite music let him have his moment let's go to 20 a and see if that even changes anything never look there we go never stop happy that was sometimes big up buses vanalai bus his bosses an ex person but it's my unwavering selflessness that allows others to go before me or the selfish knowledge that the last one will be the first off Oh selfless they would fool themselves to believe anything the banana that's my line I let people go on because too lazy to think beyond the following of that oh man I let people corner before me life's too sinister competition an endless series of choices large or small each with its own set of probabilities or wind no bias an 80% chance this is my trainer so after - [Music] is it my dream I moved the humans I'm sorry uh I would bored I'm delighted mate move [ __ ] punches that I genuinely would have chosen the selfless option before I would I genuinely let other people on just because I'm a lie oh yeah go ahead like go ahead I know that sounds big-headed vibe dude although there I would have been a [ __ ] not even like I'm really sorry that's my trick actually I probably would I hate confrontation I probably would have gone let me have let me have a look let me out Oh yep okay no okay don't worry I'll miss my train [Music] we got some boot cuts some big old boot cuts mr. this is my job or is this a friend right there's two cars out the rest of locked should be a nice quiet night but I think it will be was just really smartly under a hoodie imagine if this is it I tricked you guys this is actually car park simulator what a game well it can hear they are the most meaningful relationship I've ever had in my life with a bunch of metal bimbos look at you my busy oh you could keep me in college for over a decade oh I really wanted an i8 but I've actually heard they're not great to drive very random tangent I'm sorry they are so beautiful they are so art that cars it's beautiful did you put all wrongdoers to flight you can leave the key to me sir I bought the car for you I'm not the driver son do beg your pardon house II got her no tip him or her [ __ ] how is the Eagle sometimes choices are so small you don't even see them you are your decisions that's what shapes you and that last one shaped me into a little bit of a chauvinist just like that pig in a suit how he seemed like a [ __ ] how's he gonna now she's dead hunters them musty who dat forgets I'm not exactly oh I'm sorry about before you know just assuming like that Oh ignore him he was being an [ __ ] I think your boyfriend's an [ __ ] don't you but uh does have a nice car hey what are you reading study it was pretty heavy to me I she's into you ah we go I need the keys the Maserati just dr. Brad though of course he does look the lie then okay he doesn't know she's stealing it it's a secret but I really need those keys that make sense now it's just for tonight she ain't coming back for one why I want to know why you need the car we don't need to worry about that I can't end fine now she cuz she and she's flirting for nothing he again none okay I made a bet lies a stupid lies that was rash I was threat for a grand a grand a hundred of it is yours if you let me have those keys upfront 200 200 okay upfront 300 300 you said 200 wait see quickly look would you rather be 700 op or grand down Oh I'm trusting you yeah it's not free two hundred in cash tonight no if you sent now forget it Celia sorry forget it maybe a pair is no way I'm letting you drive a two hundred thousand pound car out of here tonight all right what chesties check it nothing go check there's a guy there's a dude there that was it there was a guy there no more fast cars tonight all right oh oh oh okay surely she's just gonna go in and steal the keys I should have done what turn around slowly that you why didn't I just say all clear why is he bleeding drop it drop it no he's got a gun like he's got car what would you be now does it look like I can drive you get behind the wheel what why you got Han period you want me to drive you out there that's exactly what you're gonna do I'm playing this as if he is me I'm doing exactly what I would do although to be fair I probably wouldn't have said 200 then three I did just gone sorry and what happened I would drive I would I would drive yeah you have to here's a gun pointed at you I don't know if I can die immediately like he could literally just shoot me in the back if I just ran he just go what's this fool doing bang done and that's game over I'll start the whole game again whose house is this how how do I yeah this you didn't say right I'm a [ __ ] student okay I've got no money my family's got no money I'm worth nothing to you you done now get in the house I did I would do it I'm I he has a gun guys like I'm gonna stand up to someone with a gun this ain't your house this is the night what happened who's that he fell 15 fields of concrete floor this is your idea of a slick operation dripping DNA all over the place kidnapping the first innocent bystander I've got the card the nice outside why not oh I'll be all right [ __ ] idiot it has to be four people there's no way you can manage the auction assistant and then everyone downstairs on your own I'm well aware of honey people has to be you have to call it off do I tell mr. Wu that we missed the one time cigar hunt he's [ __ ] rice ball cuz I don't we have one window of opportunity and we're gonna use it couldn't tell that was racist how him leaving to bleed he's to make some cause and try and find a replacement in the next [ __ ] in the next 30 minutes called Danny if he doesn't pick up trying all of that you know Irish pea and we all know how this is gonna go yeah there we go it's like Josh Peters contradict I don't know who you guys are or what you're up to you okay I'm not gonna say anything to anyone well it's not gonna take you long to figure it out is it well no not if you keep talking in front of me it won't it'll be on the new smart ass I'm not a murderer I don't intend to start now that's me different octane in a couple of cable ties the protest defo knocks him what the [ __ ] is up guys would have had a hex like you hold still making things worse protests your head he's gonna start the mugging you knocked me out and why is that because your mate on the couch there you may have brought me the BMW but he's brought in here with the valet key ironically what the [ __ ] is done it's a parking key means you can't try faster than 35 miles an hour not great for a getaway car is it and why he was a getaway car your face just [ __ ] right about the key puts a block on the electrics but we could sue it know you can oh [ __ ] you can't do what I say God just piers where you can yep certainly can so you need me looks ladies boys other two companies operation series are you gonna go to the basement we've got no idea who here I said I'm not gonna see him again what difference does he make the difference is this guy looks like trouble mr. Wadala larger when you've made a deal with we can't go back on what do you say I carry it as what as long as I'll get my card but you don't get cut have you whatever you know what I'm alive okay so what's the plan this is what's gonna happen I'll double up on Lee's position and this guy what's your name Matt Matt sticks emailing you take up the slack okay we need to get moving what am i doing the thing is I would play along and I'd play along until I have the chance to just run and at that point I'm gone well I'm not even driving so what do I do next do I go along with this and the Tron yes that's exactly what you do that is what I keep another shot how's that gonna work out I mean there is CCTV footage that girl was trying to that girl was lying she was trying to get Mazarin what she does now have it I should have gone to the party with her she's gonna turn up at the pie just like to be prepared that's all a very powerful Chinese Clank all the toys are here tonight to reacquire porcelain ball that has been in the possession of the family for over a thousand years reacquire what my mom really okay this business transaction so we're here to stop them stop them getting a rice bowl for it I'm just gonna miss the Chows down the road just get a new rice bowl we're not buying it what do you think great you know I give up stealing at any time to go to do what to study then tonight's your lucky night what do you mean you do what because the only thing studying I'll get you as an employment fair education is still no excuse for stealing it up we're stealing from people who are prepared to spend millions on a piece of pottery when they're far more worthy cause in the world true you're the killers are you you know what I yeah yeah I guess you see though yeah have you got a point about relieving some of these people have a sliver of their money she likes me I'm trying a lot you know I'm trying to be friends into her little bit so that later on you know she might be just like no we can't kill him because I love him thank you oh I'm breathing heavy nine ten to my left thank you sir nineties weak arm spaghetti in twenty nine twenty thank you 940 do I hear 9 49 40 thank you sir looking for 9:50 oh here we go 952 my left wait here 960 fair warning I'm selling 9:50 once 950 twice bang it thank you this marvelous 12th century cabinet with its hidden parks that what I feel must be the highlight oh here we go a rice bowl two four seven and to introduce it first I'd like to pass you over to our expert miss Katy trap Katy how she she she shouldn't be touching out with bare hands what's that gloves that what we have here is an absolutely exquisite example yeah be in existence Sebastian if you would please thank you very much in the days at Simon it is a truly exceptional piece the sale of which cannot be passed without remarking that its owner mr. Samuel Parr who man my paths are too modest to mention it himself has agreed to donate fifty percent of the sale proceeds to the Chinese art restoration fun one nice what a nice guy man come on man he's donating 50 percent sound we should begin the selling Thank You Katy Thank You Sebastian and I would like to start the bidding please at 2 million pounds to men Thank You Man 2 million I'm going in three million pounds were little rice bowling for I mean I'm selling this candle if you would alive six six six to my right thank you so perfect that you say these toys are do no one know yeah I mean I'll take very quick I they better take a don't do anymore do I incident price increases all around zero nine million to you sir thank ya don't fair warning I'm selling don't do it nine million twice how's your journey that don't need to nine million I'm jet as if I'm gay okay then you're going to take out the security guard I'm sorry I'm gonna do what just to follow Geoffrey's instructions darling just like you did when you stopped my bidding so what do I do do I play along and try get out this layer what do I try and stop this little crime wave dead in his tracks ah ah Dusit old I'd have ordered the probabilities how did I end up here oh I should have click prevent I'm an idiot you did well stop emailing like that then I got into her follow me she seems to like the rush you don't say it sounds like when you used to play laser quays or a laser Quest and they go return to energizer always listen Simon come to you just say you got lost looking for the box Boggs Boggs means toilets for Americans the god's image really that was a no that wasn't a convincing mirror look I love the God will let this play out I might not get another chance have to play long I have to play along don't I stop right there shop this is a restricted area what do you think you're doing down here I got lost coming out the lift so it's lost art only I was I was looking for the toilet no you wouldn't come down here unless she meant to please don't kill him I'll just knock him out all right now just knock him out no not another guy don't oh [ __ ] I shouldn't have done that I'm not a violent person okay I know don't kill him stop him don't kill him are you mad I'm an accessory to murder I'm what it's over for me I told you I am NOT a violent person Simon okay okay why would I not got it we're in I want to go off here don't I thanks mate taking with you I I beg look I've done everything you asked me to I beg you just let me go come on man lemme why do you still need me no chill why would you speed at risk in call can you hear the police sirens I mean it wasn't smooth where I was oh you know what sure she likes me I'll take my high five back nope not at all [Music] why didn't what you're a black book impossible to read you've met me for out four minutes [Music] I'm white but okay keep quiet yeah we're gonna say now huh you ain't got nothing on me oh come on light legit you can let me go now just drop me off at the side of a road like here just drop me off there by please I don't want to be part I just wanted to do what I wanted to do was oh really [Music] please guy guys dropped me off it drove me over the nearest hazardous nearest little I want to get a little muffin can I please go I'm in the back of some stranger's vans oh it's Val just wait this thing stays in the bag until gets Wu's place he turns into money too [ __ ] right go take a left I mean I'm sure ditch and Kong City restaurant is gonna be Leslie the hipsters give them to me oh why are you gonna shoot me speak up hey that's not what we agreed not here just keep him quiet until we get rid of this bowl can you not just there should be some gaffer tape in the back somewhere look out really great really how are you gonna crash like that how are we gonna okay we are waking up from a crash that was a bad crack can I run away please I've been held captive they were gonna they were gonna duct tape my mouth closed please just let me go Mae Mae Mae they're all dead look I'm a nice guy you know still saving still saving me mailing mailing she sounds like a letter we know we need to get away your way you alive what's what's in the bag what is it that you just said there's petrol you just said the rice bowl oh it's in there okay I was gonna say didn't you have the rice bowl in his pocket can I just give her the rice bowl what are we going just away just as police we're gonna take this ball to the police right belongs you have me I heard of your mind okay I'm not a criminal away if in the grave agreed yes pick open the ball back yet and you're full just save your life you can't go to the crease what why not I'm asking a lot of questions considering how close they're trained and simple disagree I have footage of me being taken hostage that must be all the CCTV watch me Oh No I may have just I may have just ruined everything I'm under arrest look I brought the ball back not yet you alleged someone forced you to steal yes yeah their friend to drug me threatened to drug you don't kill me as well I'm telling you the truth we'll be the judge of that sir like you said this robbery occurred over two hours ago took you a while to locate your conscience I was held in the back of a car so it seems exploding van mysterious [ __ ] I'm with God you know I think mysterious join them I think you're up to your balls up the other balls investors he got scared no and now you're trying to lie can we check the CCTV footage of I'm telling you the truth anyone to back you up mention milling there was a girl do surprise me well she sounds like the brains of the operation I'm trying to do the right thing here yeah why don't you investigate this mr. Wu he's the god that they stole the ball for he runs a restaurant in Shoreditch that's all I know Tony who is sitting in the room right next to us what he's very convincingly denied any involvement in your little enterprise in fact only told him what you stole he nearly stopped breathing that's that's what he wanted oh no CCTV footage of the car Bock that's all I need just all of it barely [ __ ] with them I didn't think you guys realize that until after you stole the ball and now you're sitting here [ __ ] yourself sorry nodules to somebody who do you recognize this woman focuses what do I have here answer yes the Chinese bowl we stopped from the auction house tonight no it's not even though it fools the eye I must admit what we rely on an effect called thermo luminescence it's used to determine when that the porcelain was fired the bowl was created during the late Ming Dynasty somewhere between 1368 in 1644 so it should be between 647 and 371 years old I guess that's about right man's a mathematician the ball I examine this evening this thing here is less than five years old so where is the original that's the one I started [ __ ] yes I daresay start talking I'm really trying to a solicitor no one else appreciate your coming down mister on that we'll keep you informed really that's it Matthew Thompson I am arresting you on suspicion of armed robbery what the [ __ ] you do not have to say anything but it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something you later rely on in court look I really don't know where it is tell it to your solicitor I shouldn't have gone to the police I mess up all these games are you taking me prison CID CIA then put the rubbery okay if you want my advice I've helped them do it oh I mean oh I'll tell them everything if you push points on your record get a year or two off your sentence Kaah believe it's come to this I'll tell them everything where'd it like a roll where did I make the wrong choice what [Music] oh no it's the Troy it's the Troy Troy family oh no oh no oh no this is gone from bad to worse this is unreal
Channel: MM7Games
Views: 296,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, mm7games, simon, late, shift, sidemen, random
Id: O4zmAMEsh6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 25sec (2125 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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