Do These 14 Things After You Pick Up Your Tesla

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welcome back to cf tesla my name is cody where we go through everything to do with getting you confident and ready to drive your car on autopilot and all the little tips that make your driving experience that much better inside your new tesla today we're focusing on 10 new tips that i would recommend any new driver new tesla owner goes through as soon as they get their car [Music] i've recently been informed that now with coving and everything going on that when you buy a new car you don't get the same experience as we used to you got to sit down inside your car with a new person and they go through everything in your car so i'm going to begin a new series to help you guys really understand what to do when you get your car so you don't have that experience where you're trying to figure it all out on your own and it just takes way too long this way you can get right in your car and get going so the number one thing you're going to want to do is go out there get your car in a sexy place and go and just take pictures of everything it's about to be the cleanest it's ever been well it should be and you want to get those nice pictures and then go and post it everywhere go become a member of our cf tesla experience facebook group and take pictures and post them all there send it to your friends paste on facebook congratulations you finally landed your dream car the tesla and it's okay to brag a little bit and the second thing you need to do and this is probably the most important thing is you need to subscribe to my channel and hit that like button if you like this kind of video that way i know to keep making them i've created a whole series an archive of how-to videos from a to z already on this channel they're a little bit outdated on some areas because they've changed the interface and all of that on the tesla so i got to remake a bunch of them but go through and watch them because we have a very specific small yet very important parts that you need to learn about your tesla already on the channel there's 20 of them already and you can actually find them in the playlist i'll actually put right above the channel right here on how to do all those things and i'm also listing them right here for you on the screen so you can go back through and watch those and again the more experience the more education you give yourself the more you're going to enjoy and appreciate what this car can actually do remember this car is a lot different than the one you just came from it's kind of like switching from a pc computer to a mac they all basically do the same thing it's just how they do it is a lot different and so take the time and get to know all the shortcuts all the tricks because you will appreciate your car that much more next i want you to go through your car and look at everything look at all the lines where all the different parts of the car come together the different frames the different trim pieces i want you to take pictures of all those frames for your for your records check out all the seats make sure there's no stains on them or any cuts or nicks or dings in them take pictures of it all for your record same thing with your carpet make sure that they haven't spilled anything on them i also do want to be clear here i'm not saying you should expect to have any damage or lines or anything wrong with your car i'm just saying make sure you don't so they can get them fixed my car perfectly flawless most people's cars perfectly flawless but there is a little bit of a history with that when it comes to tesla and their newer models coming out so just be aware of it and take pictures so you don't regret it and kick yourself later and along this line i would take time to actually look through the user manual go through the whole thing read all the stuff that you think is you know or could be important like tire pressures make sure your tire pressures are what they need to be you'll find your tire pressures on the sticker right inside the driver door just right along the frame there go down there and read what your tire pressures are supposed to be and make sure you pump it up to that a part of this whole process one thing i would also recommend is that you when you get home wash the car even though it's going to be completely clean wash it because when you wash your car you're this close to it and you really see all the imperfections and all that stuff when you're right up there and close and so wash every bit of it all the outside the windows inside of the car wipe it all down i use baby wipes on the interior which is a really great thing to use i've used it for over 15 months now and i my white seats look great if you haven't seen that video i'll link to it down in the description but it's basically how my white seats look after 12 months but you get an idea of what that is but but clean everything and get a really good chance to look at the car that's the best way to really find the defects don't do it fast do it slow get to know it you know massage it get to know your car next call around to your different auto insurance companies i've talked to a lot of people and most people have found that the company they're currently with was not the right one for their tesla teslas are a little bit weird when it comes to auto insurance for some people they're way more expensive for some people they're much less for me i actually went down in my monthly premium so but everyone has a different story there so make sure you call around and you get a quote if you haven't already you know make sure you get it for sure now because obviously you need it for your car but take some time and figure out who's the best don't just assume the company you're with right now is the best one for you one thing to note about this as well is when you call around to get quotes you're going to need a vin number of the car for some reason they still don't seem to have a way of quoting you accurately without a vin number at least that's what i've been told and that was my experience so if you haven't had that experience that's great but one thing you can do is you can actually go into the tesla site and get a vin number off a used vehicle for this to do this all you have to do is select the menu button at the top right when you're on the tesla website go to used select the model you need the insurance on then select to view more details scroll down to where you see the vin just make sure they know that this is not your actual car that it was taken off of a different model 3 just so they can get an accurate read on what your premiums are going to be also make sure that the vent is taken off of a car that is comparable to yours don't get a vin off the 2021 or 2020 if you're buying in 2018 for example all right so we've got kind of that boring stuff out of the way right you've got your insurance in place you've taken your pictures you've washed the car all this stuff that involves not driving it but now it's time to get inside your car so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to get in the car we're going to set up your profiles by now you should have already had your keys set up at least one of them hopefully they did that for you or told you how to do it when you're at tesla we're going to get to how you add a new key here in a minute but let's start with setting up for profile so here's how you do this for setting up your profile you're going to go up here into easy entry driver profile settings and then you can either add a new profile which is what you're going to do so you would type in your new profile name tom and then you would come down here to create profile you'll then go through and you'll set up your mirrors you'll set up your left mirror you'll set up your right mirror close that when it's done one thing you'll notice is that every time you do anything like this where you change anything in the car this is going to pop up you're going to hit save so now that's assigned to tom and that's going to be saved so for example let's say that i shifted the seat like this i just pulled you can't see it but i moved my seat like this back up a little bit it changes it there i can hit save on that like that i can click on tom right there and i can change it save any setting that i might accidentally or purposely have put my car into so if i go back here to profiles if i want to delete tom i'm going to click on time right there hit delete and that'll delete that also what you're going to want to do is you're going to see there's one in here called easy entry easy entry is a profile designed to put the car and the seats in a certain type of way so that you can get in and out of the car easier so what you're going to do for that is you're going to set it up the way you want so for me that means lifting up my seat the steering wheel going back and that makes it easier for me as a tall guy getting out of the car and then what you do when you're on one of your profiles you just tap use easy entry and then anybody who has that check so me and my wife will have it checked when you get in the car it kind of you know goes around you kind of the seat comes up and it gets whatever position you set your your profile into then when you get out of the car it it goes away but that's where you add it right there it's really simple now let's talk about how to actually set up and add a new key to your car and remember to do this you're going to need two keys or if you've already ordered one of these smart rings from hand shadow like i have here you can use one of these as well but basically you need two things that have a key chip in them remember these are not battery operated so phone won't work a phone that synced to the car bluetooth won't work it has to be a tangible key like this okay which my key is inside here by the way this is a great thing to get this is also down in my description it's a little key holder and by the way the reason why these are nice is because we're gonna go to valet or something just giving them a key they could easily lose it this keeps your keys safe and they can hook it and attach it to your tag and it works really well and i definitely you know keep one of these around or again you could have a ring but you need to have something like this with an actual chip in it not a bluetooth device to set up and add another key so right now i'm going to show you how to add a new key to your car so you need two different keys so here's the key that i already have assigned to me the one you're going to get aside when you get there and let's say you have a second key you want to add to your card not again not phone but key in my case it's going to be the ring but because my ring's already synced first i'm going to show you how to take take the ring and unsync the key so what we're going to do is we're going to go to settings we're going to go to locks and i'm gonna go down here to my ring and i'm gonna hit delete okay to do that i'm taking i have to take my second key i lift this up and down here is where all of the sensors are for this i'm gonna take that and lay that right there and you can see on my screen that it completely disappeared and says that the key has been disconnected now there's no more key i got to notice on my app and everything tell me about that so now what i'm going to do take that off of there and i'm going to come back up here and i'm going to click add so now it's just simply telling me to scan your new key behind the cup holder to begin okay so make sure i get this ring off my finger okay so i'm going to take the ring this is the smart ring and i'm going to set it now right down here and you can see instantly the screen is telling me to swipe my key so i'm now going to take that off put my key down and there it is right there it now shows that that noise you just heard was my phone telling me that a new key has been synced to the tesla app and if we go back here now to that new key that was just added i can edit it right there and just type in ring or you could put someone's name whatever you want and now it's all saved in there the next thing you need to do is set up dash cam and center view so dash cam is the feature where when you're driving down the road something happens and you want to record that you can tap this little button that i'll show you right here on your screen and it'll record the previous 10 minutes that just happened here's what you need to understand with dash cam it is recording a loop of one hour constantly in your car but it's not saving it it's only recording one hour and then each hour it's replacing the previous it's just just a loop and when you hit that that button to save what it's doing is just gathering the last 10 minutes and it's gonna save those in your archive okay so that is different than century view century view is when your car is in park and sentry mode is on and you're basically having you know it's like an alarm system people walk up your car it's recording it it's saving it it's archiving it for you and so it's totally different one's kind of you engaging it one is being engaged by other people coming in the proximity of your car but to set that up you're gonna need a flash drive or some kind of an external hard drive that you can plug into your car there's a lot of different videos on which one of these works best it seems like no two people agree on which one is best and the reality is most of them actually work on a recent tech review we looked at a wireless charging pad that had a little micro sd chip that we put inside there that it's stored on but most people use a flash drive or external hard drive plug either into a hub like i have down below from jetta or plug straight into the car we're gonna discuss what accessories i recommend here a little bit later so here's how you set this up and tesla has made this really easy in previous updates you're gonna just simply take it and you're gonna see me plug it into my hub here because that's what i have in my car right now and then you're gonna go up here and you're gonna open up your settings tab you're gonna go in here to security and right you're gonna scroll down to where you see this button that says format card and so when it's if it's grayed out then it doesn't it doesn't recognize you have a card plugged in so there's something wrong with your card but it shouldn't be grayed out it should be black here and clickable when you click on that it's going to format it to the right way that your car needs to be able to read this another thing to remember here about this is that this card is going to be filled up eventually and the way that you basically delete it all out of the card is by hitting this button as well this will also erase everything on it so there's really no need to take your trip out or your flash drive out anymore other than to just simply take the footage off of it and use it for something else but you should be able to leave it in there and just reformat it as needed i would also recommend that you put at least a 32 gig uh flash drive inside of there that way you really won't have to worry much about the footage needing to be deleted i have a 64 in mine and i've never gone through and deleted mine the next tip is about your premium package when you buy a tesla you either get the partial premium package or the complete premium package you select this at the time you order but here's what you gotta remember if you got the 30 day partial premium package that means you only have the trial for 30 days so you need to know if you want this after 30 days so what you need to do is go through and over those 30 days really use it use the satellite view on the map which will go away if you don't have the premium package use the streaming services use netflix use youtube in the car you know use all these different things karaoke see if they really matter to you because a lot of this stuff is like it seems exciting like you could really want it but then after a while you're like it's really not worth the 9.99 a month if you order it with a premium package you get 12 months to try this out before you're going to be required to start paying for it and me personally i decided not to renew it because i found that i can easily stream my phone to my car through you know pandora or something else so i always got my streaming music anyway i always charge my car at home i never use superchargers in fact in 16 months i've never used a supercharger so the need for watching netflix in my car or youtube or something like that while i'm waiting for my car to charge it's not really a thing for me and if i felt like i ever was in that situation i could always just watch it on my phone anyway so i wasn't really seeing the value there and then i never use a satellite view on my maps anyway i only ever use just the map view and even though you see the traffic on the satellite view as well as on your on your map view when you pay for the package the premium package or i guess the data package the car still uses it to navigate you and calculate travel times even if you're not paying for it you just don't see it so just some things to think about when you're deciding if you want to keep that package or not but just remember if you have the partial premium you have 30 days to make that decision if you have the premium package you have 12 months you get a lot more time so play with it use it decide if you want to keep it on this next tip let's talk about your backup camera okay now this to this is something i get asked about a lot of times in the car you're getting ready to leave your house or a parking lot or something and what happens is you go into reverse and you've got your backup camera here like this right it's showing right there and this happens all the time when you're like before i get going i want to come down here and maybe put on some music that i like or maybe change my you know climate setting so maybe you tap music there uh you know maybe you you tap the fan something came up to where you changed it around somehow and you lost your backup camera you're like well i'm in reverse i don't have my camera up is the only thing to do to put it back in drive and then go back to reverse and this is what a lot of you guys are telling me you've been doing and so all you actually have to do here is just come down here and just tap the backup camera and it'll just bring it right back up for you so you don't have to worry about all that it's right there on your display really easily right here just simply tap that you're back in reverse again well you've been reversed but you've got your cameras back up again and you're good to go and for whatever reason if your cameras are gone just tap this arrow right here and it'll bring it right back for you so you can see all your site angles you build a backup safely so the thing you have to remember though is when you get in your car and you start actually going in drop into drive into forward when you manually told the camera to come up you also have to manually tell it to go down normally you put it in reverse and and you you know it comes up and then you go into drive and it goes away but when you had to manually tell it by hitting the button here uh to come up you are going to have to then tell it to go down because it thinks you told it to come up it's not doing it automatically so just remember that uh that if it comes up you're like why isn't it going away i'm in drive no big deal just like before just manually come in press the button and it goes down i mean i would recommend that the way you start your drive when you get going is that you set up your music set up your temperatures anything you want before you put in reverse and then it will just automatically do it all for you and it'll be no big deal so that's the little tip there let's get on to the next tip so we're making some progress right we've got you inside your car you've got your profiles set up you're about to start going you're sitting in your seat that you've taken pictures of you've washed your car you're ready to go here now it's time to actually put some miles on your tesla i think most people that buy this car think about something called auto steer they want to give that a try at some point it's an exciting part of owning a tesla to me if i'm paying for this tesla that's a huge part of it i'm not talking about full stop drive right now i'm talking about just autopilot that comes on the car or auto steer basically where it just keeps you in your lane and we're going to talk with us extensively here on one of the next tips but what you need to do before you can even do all that is you need to get it calibrated so you'll see right now if this is gone already that you have something on your screen that's gonna say or says calibrate for auto pack to keep driving it takes anywhere between 10 to 20 miles on average of driving your car before you're gonna have the ability to use autopilot some people reported up to 40 50 miles for me it was about right at 10. it happened really quick and you just know because it just simply tells you on your screen when it's able to go but the car needs to put a certain amount of mileage on it to really get it ready for it so you need it out there you need to log those miles so we just mentioned that after you're able to start using autopilot you need to log some miles on it so here's how you do that there's really only one way in the car while you're driving to turn autopilot on but there's three ways to turn it off so the one way you turn it on is by taking the gear stock and pressing it down twice so one two you see it makes a ding ding sound and it you see two lines right there now if you're doing this for the very first time and you paid for the full south drive package and if you have a navigation destination logged in like i do here and you happen to be on a freeway it's a lot of things there then what's gonna happen is you're gonna see one line in the middle instead of two and at first people often get kind of confused why one line two makes a lot more sense it's a little clearer to see the road lines all that picture it like this you're now this triangle okay and you're driving on top of the line that's what's happening over here you're now driving on the line because you're now navigating and that line is going to be pointing you to where you're going to actually go so you're that highlighted line on the map now is what's happening so that's how you know the difference if you didn't pay for that full star drive package if you didn't pay the 10 grand as of now then you only have these two lines and this is what it's going to look like so one thing to be aware of for your very first time when you're looking at this you've just turned it on you've heard the sound you see it you're probably riding like this really nervous going oh is it going to steer me into the wall or anything like that um again this way you got to log miles here's three ways you could turn autopilot off number one give it a little bit of a tweak like this see i tweaked a little bit and it did that here's what you got to be aware of though just because this blue steering wheel is off that means only auto steer turned off your adaptive cruise control did not turn off that is still on which is why that is blue so it will still accelerate so if you want that to go off you need to hit your brake and then that will go off the second way is like we just said to hit your brake so right now it's on full autopilot i just tap the brake and it all shuts it off so steering wheel just turns off auto steer keeps the adapter cruise control on and then when you tap the brake when you're on autopilot it'll turn it all off and the last way of doing it is to simply just take it and press it up and then it'll take all of it off as well so there's three ways of doing it i prefer to just tap it all the way up and it's the cleanest way it's way i would highly recommend you get used to doing it hitting the brake you know it kind of messes with the people behind you it just can kind of jerk you around just not really again it's an okay way of doing it certainly not wrong it's just not the most preferred way and the way that i would definitely recommend you not do it is to jerk the wheel the reason why that one is there is because if the car was to start veering to the left and it shouldn't be and you just corrected it real quick to save yourself from hitting something or whatever which by the way does not happen very often it's not something you have to deal with much but then it would simply turn off autopilot they didn't put that function in there to use the as a way of just simply turning it off because you just don't want it on anymore that is a stat part of the autopilot is a safety precaution in case you need to correct the car from doing something it shouldn't be doing next let's talk about accessories because this is something that i get asked about by a lot of people and i want to warn you guys be careful here you can go way overboard with accessories but on the same hand there are some accessories that really do help and you should get right off the bat now all of these accessories are things that i also put in my car some of them i bought some of them are sent to me i don't keep track anymore i get sent so much stuff to look at but what i hear from so many of you guys is that these are also things that you recommend as well and so let's go over some of those now so the first thing that i recommend is getting a console wrap now i know that this has had some changes with the new models if you've got a 2021 model the console looks a little different than mine but don't worry the companies that make these are making those adjustments if they haven't already and you can buy those for them but it comes with wraps really nice because this stuff is very scratchable even with your fingernail you can easily scratch a lot of this stuff so it's really great to have something put over top of it and there's a lot of different options out there a lot of people go with the carbon fiber options a lot of people just do the matte black like me i love that just really nice classy look if you like the shine that it comes with you can even buy a wrap that has that same look to it but it's going to actually protect your car next still on protection as most of these are going to be get a screen protector you can decide if you want a matte finish like i have or if you want a glossy finish you can have both of these options they're about the same price they both claim to keep fingerprints off the screen in theory the matte finish does a better job than the shiny but to be honest with you i see fingerprints on both of the ones i've had so whatever if i could do it again i'd probably kept my shiny one on it just because i think it looks and pops a little bit better but one thing i will say is that the matte finish does handle sun glare a lot better than the glossy does so when the sun does shine in on my screen it really makes a big difference in keeping that not as bad to look at but the end of the day it's still good either way the next thing is these console organizers if you have a brand new model it's a little bit different but either way you have these big holes and i'm a bit of an organization freak and don't like to have just everything thrown in a big pile so there's a lot of companies that make this really great little holders that you just kind of put right down in there and you could just put all kinds of stuff in there you can see that i've had mine in here now for 15 months i got it as one of the first things i bought and you know there's no wear on my car that yes the carp the two pieces of carpet are you know kind of smashing each other that's what's keeping it from falling and maybe over time there might get it's a tad bit of wear but the benefits of having it way outweigh not having it and so you can keep your sunglasses in there and you know whatever i have also one in the back here that i got that helps keep all my stuff there nice and organized and so that again works really well you can see i also did get some of these liners for the bottom there's been multiple times where i have you know put a coffee down too hard or something and it's kind of you know splashed out and got inside my cup holders and stuff it's been really great all i've had to do is just take those things out wash them with a wet one real quick put them back in it just keeps things really clean again all of these accessories i'll link right down below this video so you can find them really quickly if you wanted to look at some of them they're almost all on amazon so i have purchased or been sent over 70 different accessories since i've got my car and so what i'm going to be working on here next is a very comprehensive all-on accessory video what i'd recommend what i don't recommend what things seem to matter what things don't seem to have matters as i put them on and we'll go through a lot of that in that in this separate video there's just way too much to talk about it comes with accessories and it's a lot of fun to trick out your car with accessories i mean i have accessories that cost two dollars up to ones that cost over a thousand dollars on my car i would also recommend getting a nice set of floor mats okay and i have gotten tons of them if you look down to my product reviews i've reviewed five different floor mats that have been sent out to me and i'll be honest with you you'll be surprised which ones are actually my favorite i'll link them down below they're actually the least expensive ones i've been sent just goes to show that sometimes just a simple design is better than a really fancy expensive design again feel free to check out my previous accessory video it's done over a year ago so it's quite outdated i am working on a new one but you can check that out to see a lot of them in the new video we'll talk about how good they are 12 months later so that's gonna get you started if there's an area you're wanting more information on consider joining my facebook group or writing me a message down here in the comments joining me on patreon whatever you need and let me know what i can do to help you guys this channel is literally about you it's about what can i do as a guy who owns a tesla who tests it out pushes it to the max to make your experience driving and tesla that much better what would you like tips on what would you like to know more about put it down below in the description and i'll get to work on it right away i've got a lot of different tips videos coming up and things that i have compiled over the year things you guys have told me things that i've experienced and they're going to continually keep rolling out here between news and and drives and all that stuff so once again thank you guys who have already subscribed to my channel again my goal by my birthday this year july is to get to 20 000 subscribers that'd be incredible so thank you those you guys who clicked on the subscribe button let's hit that goal together and i'll see you guys on the next one
Channel: Cf Tesla
Views: 50,341
Rating: 4.8203177 out of 5
Keywords: tesla, tesla model 3, model 3, tesla reviews, tesla vlog, auto pilot, tesla auto pilot, tesla assessories, tesla how to, how to tesla, tesla vs, tesla driving, tesla car seats, kids in tesla, tesla opinion, tesla in washington, seattle, washington, pnw, canon 80d, canon 24mm lens, canon 50mm lens, 24mm lens, 50mm lens, model y, model x, Tesla model y, discount codes, giveaway
Id: hJWrRqCv69Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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