Is Tesla Autopilot Worth It? (FULL SELF DRIVING UPGRADE IN LATE 2020 - WORTH $10,000?)

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ten thousand dollars that's the new price of tesla's full self-driving package but what does it do exactly and is it worth the 10 000 price point it's a question i wrestled with when i was first looking to purchase my 2020 model y so today i'll walk you through my thought process and what decision i ended up making here on daniel's brew welcome back to daniels brew so tesla has one of the most advanced autopilot programs in the automotive industry but when it comes to knowing everything there is to know about this self-driving program figuring out the details might be a little bit confusing so today i'll be doing a full breakdown of exactly what constitutes the tesla autopilot and full self-driving product and whether or not it's worth the 10 000 price tag that it currently demands as of november 2020 when you buy a new tesla with their full self-driving feature your vehicle comes equipped with the following capabilities lane departure assist emergency braking traffic aware cruise control or tac auto steer navigate with autopilot with auto lane change the auto park function summon and smart summon and the newly upcoming auto steer on city streets now a couple of things to note here before we move on i know that the first two features i listed technically don't fall under the autopilot category because they're actually safety features that come standard on all tesla's period but since we are talking about the full suite of computerized auto driving capabilities that tesla offers to augment and enhance the driving experience for the user i felt that i'd be remiss if i left those two out so i included them here anyways also that last feature under the full self-driving upgrade the auto steer on city streets is an early beta release that's only been limited to a handful of lucky tesla drivers so far so we're still waiting on that enhancement to come to the masses later on this year that is according to the tesla website so with that said let's take a closer look at each of these features individually to understand exactly what the autopilot and the full self-driving capability truly is within our tesla vehicles [Music] starting with our safety features all teslas come equipped with automatic lane departure assist which if you turn on will attempt to correct your course by providing automatic steering intervention when you happen to start drifting over an adjacent line marker traveling between 40 and 90 miles per hour on any major roadway with clearly visible lane markings in addition all teslas come standard with emergency braking which means when tesla's cameras sensors and internal systems detect an imminent frontal crash that's considered unavoidable automatic emergency braking is applied so that your brakes reduce your speed and thereby the severity of your impact this won't help you avoid the crash but it might be able to lessen the degree of personal injury that you could sustain you don't have to have autopilot on for these two safety features to work actually they're meant to be on when you're actively driving moving on to our autopilot features the first capability is called traffic aware cruise control or tac for short now this is very similar to the standard cruise control that almost every car comes with you can set it at a certain speed by pressing down once on the drive stock and the car will maintain that speed for you without you having to keep your foot on the gas pedal but still you have to continue to steer the car and make lane changes on your own however one major difference of this traffic aware cruise control is exactly what the name states it's traffic aware and this means that the cruise control has the ability to vary its speed and adjust its velocity when it meets upcoming traffic for example when it approaches a slow car it'll break match and maintain the appropriate speed behind the vehicle as long as that traffic is present and then speed back up to your designated cruising speed when your traffic has moved away next we have auto steer one of the coolest things i've seen in a car using its camera system the tesla recognizes lane markers on the road and actively steers the car to keep you in the center of your lane as you drive down that road this auto steer system is sophisticated enough to handle curves hills and just about every type of road condition as long as the lane markers are clearly established and visible as you can see i'm not touching my steering wheel at all but the wheel is actively turning to adjust to the curve of the road that i'm on so when you combine both traffic aware cruise control and auto steering you get the standard autopilot feature that comes included with every tesla vehicle now honestly this is really good in and of itself and even if you never upgrade to the full self-driving feature the base autopilot would still make it a really awesome driving experience for you but now let me show you the full gamut of capabilities when you upgrade to the full self-driving option the first enhancement you get in the package is called navigate with autopilot which enables fully autonomous driving from highway on-ramp to off-ramp including interchanges and overtaking slower cars to take advantage of this you first have to set a destination in your navigation engage in full self-driving mode by pulling down twice on the drive stop which activates attack and auto steer then select the navigate with autopilot option on your map after that starting from the point where you enter an on-ramp of a freeway your tesla will automatically drive itself onto the highway make the appropriate lane changes to get into the right lane and automatically overtake slow traffic and eventually exit at the right off-ramp when you're ready to exit the freeway now this is where it really feels like you're in the movies and you're riding a self-driving car as the tesla is driving it'll automatically signal to you that it's about to make a lane change then assess the situation and when there's enough clearance to make the move proceed to make the lane change all without human intervention you do of course still need to keep your hands on the steering wheel otherwise it'll flash the warning to remind you to do so but as long as you're resting your hands on the wheel it'll fully drive itself from on-ramp to off-ramp now this feature gets you really excited but just a little bit scared because you're not sure if you want to fully trust the car to drive itself on the freeway just yet there is a safety feature you can implement with this feature you can set it to where the tesla will require confirmation on every lane change it suggests before it makes it so that you still have some control of when the car makes these moves once the safety measure is turned on you have to physically confirm the lane change that it wants to make by hitting the turn signal stock otherwise it'll just continue to press forward in the lane that's in and not make the move it's a good middle ground between driving the car yourself and trusting the car fully to make all the decisions on the highway next we have the auto park function here's how this one works when driving slowly approximately 10 miles per hour or slower in a parking lot or neighborhood street the tesla autopilot feature will use its ultrasonic sensors and gps to determine when auto park has detected a parking spot when a potential parking space is identified the touch screen will display a parking icon and all you have to do is hit this icon and the auto park function will take over when enabled the auto park system will attempt to determine an appropriate path to move the vehicle into the parking spot through a series of pivots and turns all utilizing the aforementioned sensors and gps and the system is sophisticated enough to handle both lane parking and parallel parking now it isn't fully foolproof and there are times where it'll attempt a parking job and fail meaning you'll have to take manual control and complete the job yourself but having tried this a few times myself i can say that it generally works for the most part the next feature in the full self-driving suite is called summon now there are two flavors of this feature regular summon and smart summit regular summon allows you to move your vehicle directly forward or directly backwards from your mobile device when you're standing within range of your vehicle this is a handy tool for when you're either stuck in a really tight parking spot and you want to pull your car out before you get in or if you wanted to move your card to a particular location like your garage without having to directly drive it into the spot yourself this is regular summer smart summon takes us one step further by actually having the car come and meet you from its parking spot first you have to be within 65 meters of your vehicle in order to activate this feature secondly you enter the tesla app on your phone and then activate the smart summon feature and hold down the come to me button then your tesla will flash its hazard lights once fold in the mirrors if they haven't done so already and then proceed to use its sensors and gps system to pull itself out of its parking spot navigate around pathways and obstacles as needed to bring itself within a couple of yards from your location this is useful for moving your tesla out of tight parking spots again through puddles or helping to bring your vehicle closer to you when your hands are full of groceries or packages next we have auto stop at stop signs and stop lights this one is pretty self-explanatory when your tesla is operating on autopilot mode within local roads this enhancement allows the car to recognize stop signs and stop lights and appropriately slows and stops the vehicle when it approaches one of these traffic elements and to get going again on autopilot after it's stopped at a stop light you just give it a little bit of gas or should i say electricity and the autopilot will take over again accelerating and maintaining the appropriate traffic aware cruise control you set before and lastly as you guys may have heard as of october 20th 2020 tesla released a new update the full self-driving suite called auto steer on city streets which was only released to a small handful of lucky drivers to first test out the feature before rolling it out to all tesla full self-driving owners this update allows your tesla vehicle to now autonomously stop and go at intersections make full turns and navigate along city streets just like you would navigate on the highway lane changes and all at least that's what the rumor is we won't know for 100 sure until the limited testing version is approved and rolled out to all tesla owners this by the way was the catalyst for the full self-driving upgrade to be increased in price from eight thousand dollars to ten thousand dollars in anticipation of this new enhancement to be released by the end of this year in 2020 so now that you know what the full self-driving package entails is it worth a ten thousand dollar upgrade price or is simply having base autopilot sufficient enough well in my analysis i approach this question in three different perspectives first what is the value of the utility that i get from this full self-driving package secondly how often would i be using these features and lastly how important is this to me personally meaning how badly do i want to have these features in my vehicle and how badly do i want to experience the bleeding edge of autonomous driving technology well from the first viewpoint when i take a look at all of the features of the full self-driving program it definitely is useful but because i have to actively monitor the system as it's driving and keep my hands on the steering while and be ready to take over at any moment i found that the amount of effort and energy that i expend in the fall self-driving mode is nearly the same as if i was driving the vehicle directly myself and while i'd like to say that i can trust the autopilot fully and simply not pay attention when it's on the truth is we're not quite there yet from both a capability and a legal perspective we're close but not quite there so i find that i have to keep razor sharp focus every time i drive this car even in full self-driving mode so this means from a utility standpoint the value is not quite as high as far as how often i use this given that we're in the middle of a pandemic and all of us are operating in some kind of remote or work from home situation i can honestly say that i don't really drive the car all that much the use of my model y is limited to our weekly grocery runs or dropping off my daughter at daycare every day which is only about a 20 minute round trip and since i only take local roads for the majority of my drives the standard autopilot feature is really all i need to get me back and forth on these short trips so for the second criteria again the value not as high lastly the question of how much i really wanted this how badly did i want this experience and these features in my vehicle well for me i've always been an avid tech enthusiast and i've always been an early adopter of any new technology that i've seen from the latest iphone to the newest smart appliance it's been a bit of an obsession of mine for the past 15 years so if i'm being really truthful with you guys i really really wanted this self-driving feature i really wanted to experience what this technology was all about and at the end of the day that's really what pushed me over the edge to get this full soft driving feature for my model y now of course when i bought the vehicle the full self-driving package was only eight thousand dollars as opposed to the ten thousand dollar price that it's now now if you look at this ten thousand dollar upgrade from purely a pragmatic standpoint i'd say it's hard to justify paying such a hefty add-on to your vehicle for the suite of capabilities that it currently offers now but if you're an avid tech enthusiast like me and you geek out over the latest technology advancements then these features certainly wouldn't disappoint i get a joy from driving this car every time i engage the autopilot feature the other really important thing to consider is that getting the full self-driving package now means every new update or progression of the full self-driving suite that comes along in the near future would automatically be pushed to your vehicle through the over-the-air updates at no additional cost to you it's just like your iphone as new software versions get released they're pushed to your phone for free and after the new versions are installed you get new functionality that enhances the utility of your iphone the same thing happens with your tesla you simply connect your vehicle to your home wifi network and when you have a new software update it automatically downloads and installs the new version seamlessly so if you consider how much potential advancement there might be in autopilot and the full self-driving program and how many updates there might be within the next couple of years it might be worth getting the upgrade now as opposed to trying to add it on later which you can do but you might be subject to a higher market price for that software upgrade than what it's currently selling at now one last thing to mention here when you purchase the full self-driving upgrade this purchase is tied to the vin number of your vehicle meaning if you sell the car the full self-driving capability is transferred to the new owner it doesn't stay with the account or the person that purchased it so if you end up selling your old tesla and buying a new one you'll have to make sure that you get the full self-driving upgrade on that new vehicle as well so that wraps up this topic on daniel's brew the full self-driving package was worth it for me personally but everyone's situation is different so you'll have to make that decision for yourself when it comes time for you guys to purchase your teslas let me know down below if you bought a tesla with a full self-driving option or if you didn't and what your reasoning was for your choice and if you're looking to purchase a new model y or any other new tesla for that matter in the near future you can take advantage of my tesla referral code to get a thousand free supercharger miles credited to your account simply by clicking on my link below or entering this code on the reservation form when you order any custom vehicle on their site and if you guys found this video helpful please hit that like button for me so that we can get this video in front of more viewers like you and if you'd like to share this video with your friends and family all you have to do is hit that share button down by the title bar of the video just above the subscribe button and speaking of which if you haven't already don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications so you know exactly when i drop a new video in my channel so thanks again for joining me today and i hope this really helped you guys make a decision on the full self driving upgrade if you're planning on buying a new tesla so with that we'll see you next time on daniel's brew [Music] you
Channel: Daniel's Brew
Views: 85,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, tesla model y, model y, tesla model 3, tesla model s, 2020 model y, 2021 model y, autopilot, full self driving, daniel's brew, tesla model y review, tesla autopilot, autosteer, what is autopilot, autopilot vs full self driving, autopilot vs fsd, is autopilot worth it, autopilot update, is full self driving worth it, model y autopilot, tesla model y autopilot, tesla autopilot vs full self driving, tesla autopilot review, model y full self driving, tesla autopilot update
Id: jKMrvhEjllI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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