DON'T do these 10 things with your Tesla Model 3 | 2019.40.50.5

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[Music] hello everybody welcome back to the channel we've got a video today that's quite the opposite of her other tips videos that we've done in fact this is a don't do video so before we get started thank you those who have already subscribed to the channel if you haven't yet go ahead and scroll down just a little bit hit that subscribe button for me and join this family we've got tons of fun stuff we're doing here on this channel it's only gonna get better so you want to be a part of it alright now let's get to the video so the first don't we're gonna talk about is don't use toxic type wipes or cleaning products on your seats in your model three earlier I got to my car and I asked her what she was doing I'm wiping out in the car like you asked me to no I'm gonna be picking on my wife a lot in this video don't worry she's in on it but she had the Clorox wipes and those are very toxic wipes are made for cleaning germs and all kinds of nasty stuff out of your bathroom in your kitchen but you don't want to use those on your seats it'll break down the material way faster and it's just not good for them instead here's what I do in the back I always keep baby wipes I mean hey if they're good enough for a baby's butt they're probably good enough for your car so it's really easy to keep your car clean just keep a nice set of baby wipes in your trunk or under your seat and just pull them out whenever you need to wipe down your seats I've had all kinds of stuff spell on my seats having three kids you get a trial to everything and those baby wipes take it off no problem so the second don't is don't shut your door from the glass notice here how when my wife is getting out of the car she grabs the very top of the glass and goes to shut the door that's obviously really dangerous for your car but it's very easy to do because we come from vehicles that have frames around their entire window we get out of the car it's right at the level that you would usually just kind of push it shut from and it just naturally been doing it for years and years so naturally when you get out of your new car the Tesla that's the first thing you want to do as well but you've got to create that habit of getting out and putting your hand down and shutting it from the frame of the door and protect that window so the third don't is this don't open your car doors with the manual door handle this again is something that's very natural to do when I first got in the car when I was at the Tesla site down in California I grabbed the door a because I couldn't figure how to get out of the car and this happens a lot especially got to be careful if you have guests with you because they don't know where the door handle is they're just got their arm resting right there like that like watch my wife here she just it's just so easy to naturally go and pull it up like that Tesla even gives us a warning on the screen warning us not to do that stating that it could have damage to the window frame so if Tesla themselves putting the wine right on the screen that's pretty clear warning you shouldn't do that so how do you help prevent something like this you probably see them all over a bay but they make these really nifty little stickers for them and what they are is they don't tiny stickers like this you take them and then you put them right on the little button that doesn't have anything really on it right now that says this is a door handle or an electric button to get out of your car put them right there and it says open door and then when you got a guests in your car they know to just push the button get out of the car it's real simple works great okay number four is okay yeah I'm just gonna do this one I go back and forth we're just gonna do you know what let's just cut to my wife maybe remember to put the car in right yes I know it's silly to remember to plug in your car but the thing is is so many of us are used to just driving home getting out of her car going into the house and not thinking about it you got it first of all given that habit of plug in that car in because it's easy to say law just do it later but what happens is you wake up in the morning and you got it got get your work gotta go to a doctor's appointment it's not like I've got a gas car you go oh shoot I forgot to fill up in the morning like I used to do all the time and my wife used to do all the time and just go and get fuel and then go on your way it takes hours four or five hours to charge that car up at 150 miles at home okay so you want to make sure you get a good habit don't park your car in your garage or wherever else out just going and plugging it in you don't worry about it charging just make sure you set the schedule of departure and then plugging it in does not do anything to your car it's not gonna continue these charge over and over again just set the scheduled departure plug it in and don't get yourself in that silly situation okay now don't number five now most of us don't charge outside of our home at night but if you do find yourself having to charge at a hotel or you simply forgot to charge last night because you didn't heed through the number four don't that we just talked about okay and you've got a charge at Fred Meijer or somewhere else and you plug up into one of these stations that is only gonna get you about 32 miles per hour that you're getting a charge from one thing you need to be very aware of you're not to do is to turn on your climate control it's so easy to forget to turn it on because think about what we came from we used to go to a gas station where you turn your car off climate control goes off no big deal you sit there it feels up you leave climate control comes back on but now you pull up to this charging place you back on in you plug it in and you go get back in your car you're never turned it off and so your climate control is still beyond your lights okay could still be on in your car your dome lights you know your your front running lights could still be on so just make sure you turn all this off because take a look at just how much lower here when I had everything running that my car was charging 22 miles per hour being added to my battery rather than a regular 32 that is normally in it when I'm charging so just a little tip to remember it's not a big deal it's just if you're sitting there and you don't want to sit there for an hour and a half you'd rather sit there for you know an hour and 20 minutes just make sure you remember that okay don't number six is turn on a full regenerative braking now I know some of you are gonna say Cody that's a preference thing you can't say that's a don't I get it okay some of you don't like the feeling of that but we don't like even more than that is buying brakes now there's a couple reasons for this obviously the brakes like I said you're rolling up somewhere and you have to be using the brakes all the time just like your old car you're gonna have to replace your brakes this saves them never having to use the brakes is awesome and relit so it's well that's a really great reason for using regenerative braking and I know it's like oh I don't really like it as awkward is different you know what I recommend I highly recommend you just get used to it you go out just a couple times driving and you will get used to the stopping power of it so here's kind of how this works I mean you with your old car you would come up to a turn kind of like this and you would obviously just put your foot on the brake and you would slow down and you would turn but once you have regenerative braking on all you have to do is let your foot off the accelerator just a little bit and you go right down to the same speed and then you just push down again when you're around the corner it's really cool so for the purpose of saving your brakes I highly recommend you use a resilient or braking and here's how you turn this on you go into your settings you go into your driving setting and then you turn regenerative braking onto standard then you go down below and set your stopping mode to hold piece of cake and you'll be ready to go okay now this next one is a little bit of advice for me and that is don't set your phone on the center console and here's why look at how big this gap is down there I mean look at my hands sliding so easily between the seat and the center console like that you see your phone up there all it takes is a sharp turn and boom there goes your phone down between your seat you're not sitting there yelling profanities at your windshield your neighbors are all looking at you funny people are taking pictures at you from their car and you now can't get your phone to get to your destination or a very long stoplight there's just something about this car that speeds up phone so put it pretty much anywhere but there save yourself a little grief now this next one stems back from when we did our car seat and how to install car seats video and all the accessories needed for that but as I've met people who own own kids have children they all have said the same thing to me I have a lot of you guys comment about this in my video and that is do not put your car seat is directly on the seats inside your Tesla those sharp car seats will indent those seats and if you do it long enough and a permanently crease um don't do it like you can see here all you got to do is jump on Amazon for less than 50 bucks you can pick up a seat cover like I'm showing here that I use in my car for my three car seats and it's really like a dog seat cover I think but it works extremely well lay that on your seats throw anything you want on them and you're good to go now this next don't comes from a lot of different conversations with people and it's something that is asked about a lot which is in terms of your battery and how much you should charge it how much you should let it go down what is that kind of perfect range for it well there is debates about whether you should keep it between 10 and 90 percent or 20 and 80 percent meaning that don't let it go down less than 20% charge don't let it go higher than 80% when you're charging it I personally charge my car to 90% I mean as you can see here that's what the range is set for in the app it even says over that is for traveling and that is what it's really good for and you should not hesitate to use it if you're gonna be traveling but the reason for not charging it over that is too full over 90% one is the more you charge a battery the faster the battery breaks down the health of the battery goes down and to keep your battery lasting as long as possible if you don't need the full range your battery just don't charge it up there it's just real simple how much it actually does impact the battery I haven't yet seen something that agreed with another thing we just know it wears it down faster and so keeping it down to that 90% range or last thing to wear it good now the argument about 80% of me hey if you can get by with only charging at 80 percents fine I've found that for me even or the long range car it just is a little bit too close for me to that 20% range when I'm using it driving a hundred 150 miles a day I would recommend that that 10 to 90% range unless you don't drive a whole lot now so that's the first thing the second thing is it really messes with your regenerative braking now you can see here on my car that I have it charged to almost 100% it's actually currently sitting at 97% and you can see those dots on that left-hand side there all the way across my screen and what that's telling me is that my battery isn't going to have hardly any regenerative braking so I'm gonna need to be using my brake a lot and the car's gonna run quite a bit different in terms of when I lift my foot off the accelerator which means again I have to not use my brake which again is wearing down my brake and so that's all fine if you're going on a long road trip but if you're just driving around town you're only gonna use you know 100 miles of your battery anyway why I do that you're but your car needs to get down to about 75 percent before you get forward in and are breaking back so charge it up to 90 or 80 whatever your preference you're gonna always be just fine now this next one is kind of funny and it kind of isn't and that is I recommend you don't put weights on your steering wheel now I know a lot of youtubers have done this and a lot of people try it but they put the orange on there they put the water bottle on there you know they just wait you can buy a design for putting it on on the steering wheel I saw one picture of someone here I'll put it up on the screen who put a rubber band on the steering wheel and that's all funny to just screw around with you know your hands are they're just kind of watching it but don't don't when you see stuff like that guys don't take that seriously these guys are posting pictures of that hopefully they're not actually really doing this and thinking they're gonna drive forever like that Tesla is pretty clear that it's not ready for full self-driving so keep your hand on the wheel like you should do be aware where your car is doing and don't trust a something that is not ready yet alright guys so there you have it I know a lot of that's really self-explanatory I know a lot of that's kind of common sense but these are things that people have told me they did and wish they would have known so I said you know let me take a bunch of these things I'll put it in a video now also guys coming to the channel I am working on another video of actual tips for your car that you as a subscribers have sent to me we've gotten so many really neat tips that I didn't think of when I made my first three tips videos but in the new video these are gonna be this call it subscriber tips I'm gonna give you guys credit I'm gonna post your comment what you guys told me about them so anything you guys can think of that was a great tip that wasn't in my first three videos on tips please post to me in the comments of one of those tips videos I'll get it I'll post it up on there and we'll give you credit for that neat tip that you found we all want to know as much as we can about our cars and you guys have really helped that so we've got some good stuff coming on that so make sure you stick around and hit that notification so you'll always know when I post a good video that's going to be it for now guys make sure if you haven't already you hit that subscribe button so you don't miss from videos like this come out and don't forget please comment below I know we miss a lot of things that you don't want to do with your car and things you do want to do with your car so just put them down the comments below and I bet you you're gonna see it in the video guys thanks so much for watching again I'll see you guys on the next one
Channel: Cf Tesla
Views: 105,335
Rating: 4.7573385 out of 5
Keywords: tesla, tesla model 3, model 3, tesla reviews, tesla vlog, auto pilot, tesla auto pilot, tesla assessories, tesla how to, how to tesla, tesla vs, tesla driving, tesla car seats, kids in tesla, tesla opinion, tesla in washington, seattle, washington, pnw
Id: hYtnd14zI84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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