Do NOT Use ChatGPT To Write a Book - Unless You Do THIS

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do not use chat GPT to write your book unless you do this [Music] what's going on guys welcome back to another video if you're new to the channel my name is Sean and I built a multiple six-figure self-publishing business on Amazon KDP which I eventually sold for eight hundred and twenty thousand dollars and now I'm building my second KDP account so if you want no BS publishing advice from someone who is still actively self-publishing books on Amazon to this day then make sure to subscribe and if you want a completely free training on how I built my publishing business to this level then the link is in the description below alright so there are a lot of hype regarding chat apt and writing books with AI content there are a lot of channels talking about it if you go to YouTube You'll see a bunch of videos on writing books with chat GPT now chat GPT can be a powerful tool but you know based on what I've seen from these videos on YouTube if you follow what they're actually teaching you you'll be risking your Amazon KDP account and potentially get yourself in trouble over the long run you could risk your book being blocked or even having your KDP account potentially terminated now this this doesn't mean that you cannot use chat gbt to assist you with writing your book but there is the right way and the wrong way of doing this so in this video I'll show you how to do it correctly the issue with many of these YouTube videos teaching you how to write books with chat GPT literally just teaches you how to enter a prompt in chatgpt generate the text copy paste that into your book and upload it to KDP now the issue is there are talks about Google penalizing blog posts written by chat jbt and I believe the same thing will happen as well with Amazon in the near future because if you think about it the last thing Amazon wants is to be flooded with low quality AI generated books this is the same issue that we had with low content Books A lot of people flooded into low content started pumping out low quality journals notebooks and then now a lot of those accounts are being banned and I believe the same thing will happen with AI content now there are actually already tools out there that will detect if the text is generated by AI or not so there's literally tools out there that'll tell you if the text is from chat GPT or any other AI content or if it's actually human written so what should you do well you can use AI to generate content but you have to make sure it is high quality as well as do a few things to make sure that the Amazon Bots cannot detect that it is generated by an AI so most YouTube videos on writing a book with chat GPT will basically tell you to Simply generate content on chat GPT slap a cover on it and publish it on Amazon you do not want to do this because this makes it very very easy to detect that it is written by chat GPT so just to give you an example I just generated a paragraph with chat GPT so if I would go and copy paste this and go to this website called if you guys want to check it out the link is below this video as well I'll go to new content scan paste this content go to scan now and you can see right here that it has detected 95 percent of it being AI so this is a website that can detect if the text is generated by an AI or not and this is just one of many many websites that does that I'm pretty sure that Google already implemented this into their system and I am sure that Amazon will also Implement something like this to detect AI in the content that is uploaded so instead of doing that what you should do instead is the following steps so first you will use AI to assist you in the writing so you can use chat GPT to generate the content but next you'll take that content into a rephrasing tool as well as adding your own inputs and fact checking right so if you can do both That'll be amazing if not at the very least you want to take it through a rephrasing tool so it's rewriting the content that is generated the third step is to go through the check for AI and plagiarism and the fourth step is finally to publish on KDP so you're really only adding two extra steps that might take a little bit of time but it is to ensure that your content does not get blocked and also that your account is safe long term so let me give you an example let's say you want to create a book like this on interesting facts or something like a trivia book I have a tool that tells me how much this book is making every single day in actual royalties not in sales so this book is making 21 to 25 in royalties from the paperback version which means with the ebook audio hardcover it's probably making about a thousand dollars or more every single month now if you look inside the book uh the content is very very simple so it's basically just you know one interesting fact after another on random Topics in this case on animals and then you just have some images that you can easily source so first we need our book title so I just simply asked chat GPT write me a book title for a random fact book and it came back with one title but I want a little more so I asked chat DBT can you give me five more titles and I also told it make it fun and witty because I wanted a title that more appeals to kids so I got five more examples here brain candy a delicious collection of useless trivia so that might be good depending on the audience fact or fiction separating the weird from the wonderful the book of wow astonishing facts that will blow your mind and this is my favorite here the ultimate trivia compendium everything you never knew you needed to know now this title is great but once again do not just copy paste so change it up a little bit make it unique but you can use this as a baseline so now we can think about how we can make this book better than our competitors seems like our competitors had random facts about pretty much anything so one thing we can do is we can separate our book into different categories so what I did is ask chat jpt give me 50 different topics for this random Factbook and it gave me 50 topics which essentially is like chapter ideas now what I'll probably do is I'll take a couple good ones from here like animals history geography even Sports and maybe even World Records so now that I have the chapter ideas I can use chat GPT to kick start the content generation part so I asked it give me 10 random facts about animals and it came back with 10 random facts but as we know we don't want to just copy paste this once again so you want to first off rewrite it add your own input if you have any extra knowledge that you can add to this then that's always a plus now another thing with chat GPT is the facts are not always correct so we have to go and fact check all of these informations that'll be the next step and in terms of rewriting content there is a tool that makes it very very easy it is a free tool that you guys can use it is called quill bot and how it works is basically you can just copy the text paste it in here it only allows you 125 words at a time so you have to separate the text in within 125 words unless you guys want to pay for the premium subscription so let's just cut that and click on paraphrase now what it's doing is basically rephrasing what we have on the left into a new phrase on the right now some of the sentences as you can see is a little bit weird after we rephrase it so you can see this sentence right here that says only elephants are incapable of jumping which is a little strange right it's not the smoothest sentence so we can click on here and then replace it with another word if you want to and then that is how you can kind of change it up once again but now we essentially Rewritten this content that is generated from chat jbt made it unique right and also we want to once again fact check and add our own inputs as well and now if you take this content paste it into click on scan now and just like that we have zero percent Ai and 100 original so that is a key guys is you want to add this extra few steps which is basically rewriting the content and don't just copy paste from chat GPT so what you want to do is to take this step for the rest of the book and once your book is written then now it's time to create your book covers so one of the easiest ways to get your book cover is simply going to Fiverr and ordering from a gig that will typically cost you five to twenty dollars per cover now Fiverr is not the highest quality but it's not the worst either it's better than making it yourself it's not as good as if you would hire a professional service but if you're just getting started you're low on budget then this is a great place to start I'll leave a link to this gig that I do recommend for people who are alone budget and who want to use Fiverr covers this gig even just for ten dollars they do create pretty good designs so if you're just getting started then definitely check it out so once you have your book covers back and you also have your book manuscript and the final step is to upload to KDP so go to KDP create your account or sign in next you want to click on create right here click on create ebook all right and you just want to fill out the details so once again you can enter the title for the author name you can actually use chatgpt to come up with pen name ideas as well so I just asked give me five fun pen names for this book it came back with trivia Queen fact fiend curious Cat Brain Buster random Renegade and these are great ideas to get started with but once again do not just copy paste it try and change it up a little bit and also double check on Amazon if there are already other people with the same pen name because we do not want that now the last thing we need is the book description right here which you can ask on chat apt as well so in this case I asked can you write me a product description for this random Factbook use the Aida format so Aida stands for attention interest desire and action which is one of the most effective sales copy format that you can follow so chat GPT create a description for me that says do you love learning new things and impressing your friends with fascinating fact if so then you need to get your hands on our random fact book and you can see that it filled out the intersection the desire section and the action section very effectively so once again we don't want to just take this copy paste into KDP we want to take the same process so go on quill bot or rewrite it and then check check on make sure that the AI match percentage is low and once you confirm that you can paste that into KDP right here and the rest is pretty easy so I'm not going to show you but you just want to put the keywords category follow the rest of the process and you'll be able to publish the book so in conclusion guys depending on the book topic chat GPT allows you to create these books extremely fast but what you want to keep in mind is you do not want chat GPT to replace you as the writer you want to use chat GPT as a tool to help you write so don't use it as a replacement use it as a tool you want to make sure your book content is still high quality you want to fact check it you want to make sure you add your input and also rewrite the content that is generated from chat GPT and always check for plagiarism now the final thing I would say is this you want to make sure your book is good whether you write the book yourself or use AI to create the book The main thing is you want to make sure that the book is high quality and it is serving the customers alright so that is it for the video on the correct way to use chat GPT to write a book thanks so much for watching Hope hopefully you'll learn something if you do want to check out my complete publishing course or the free training on how I built a multiple six figures a year self-publishing business the link is in the description as well as all the tools and resources that I mentioned in this video If you enjoyed the video leave a like subscribe if you haven't yet and I'll see you guys in the next one foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Sean Dollwet
Views: 196,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self publishing, amazon kdp, how to make money online, amazon kindle publishing, amazon kdp publishing, paul marles, low content book publishing, low content books, low content books kdp, low content kdp, low content publishing, no content book publishing, no content books, kdp income report, dane mcbeth, mikkelsen twins, kdp niche research, kdp low content, KDP tips, Publishing Life, Audiobook Publishing, chatgpt ebook, how to write a book with chatgpt, ebook chatgpt
Id: WopXvXSydOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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