No Amazon KDP Sales? 9 CRUCIAL Reasons Why and How to Fix them

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if you have no amazon kdp sales here are nine ways to fix them what's going on guys sean here welcome back to my channel if you're new to the channel i talk about self-publishing building passive income streams and retiring early and the many lessons and failures i learned along the way from my own self-publishing business so if you're interested in that then leave a like subscribe and turn on the notification bell so you don't miss out on any future videos so in this video we're talking about nine potential reasons why you're not making amazon kdp sales each one is pretty crucial so make sure you're not making these mistakes and let's get right into it so just to quickly explain who i am if you're new to the channel i was able to build my kdp business to 35 000 a month average in the year of 2021 and even before that i was maintaining you know multiple six figures a year in terms of how much i was making from my self-publishing business this is just some of the screenshot of the income so i definitely see what works and what doesn't when it comes to self-publishing and here are the nine biggest reasons why uh you might not be making any sales so the first reason is that your keyword is simply not in demand so you must find keywords people are already searching for on amazon this is literally one of the biggest mistake people make is they first off don't even understand what a keyword is so they think something is a keyword but it's not and at the same time they might understand what a keyword is but it's actually something that nobody's looking for so you have to make sure that the keyword is in demand meaning people are actually searching for that on amazon so what is the easiest way to find that out all right so let's say you're checking a keyword uh coloring books for kids okay so how do you make sure that people are looking for that on amazon well if you start typing in the keyword coloring book right amazon tells you what other keywords people are typing in based on the drop down suggestion that you get so those are all the keywords that other customers are typing in from the top it's in order from the most searched to the least searched okay now the cool thing is there is this free plugin called huge amazon search suggestion expander so as you can see with this free plugin which you can find in the google chrome store you start typing in a word and it starts expanding this search suggestion so that you can get a ton more ideas but the point is if it shows up here then that means there are some searches going on because there has to be enough searches uh on amazon for it to register it and show it to you in the search suggestion here so that is like the easiest way to validate that people are actually searching for this as a keyword all right so reason number two is that keyword is too competitive so even though you found a keyword that people are actually searching for and people are buying a book on the topic if the keyword is too competitive then your book will not be seen by other people because it gets buried right so how do you check for competition well the easiest way is to check here in the search results so typically you want this number to be lower the better because if you see twenty thousand results for this keyword coloring books for kids age four to eight then that means there are twenty thousand other books uh that is ranking for this and although you're not technically competing with twenty thousand people because most of the books is probably not that good so if you make a good book you're not really competing with them but still lower the better because it just gets easier in terms of competition another way to look at it is just simply looking at books on page one and see how many books on page one doesn't really have a good cover right so if you make a better cover you can probably stand out how many books on page one doesn't really have a ton of reviews like this book right here it has no reviews so if you come up with a book right and get more reviews you'll probably rank higher than this one same as this one right it has one one star review so it might be selling well but it's probably not going to last for a long time so you come in here with an actually good book that gets five star reviews you get those reviews and it'll start selling well and eventually will surpass this book in terms of ranking so that is how you really analyze competition is you can do it on an individual book basis on page one but at the same time you want to look at the overall search results too all right reason number three is your keywords are too broad which is kind of similar to reason number two because if your keyword is competitive a lot of times that means it's also too broad too so you must niche down to appeal to a target audience so a good example of this is instead of just publishing a book called word search book you know try and niche down what kind of word search is it what type of audience do you want to you know make the book for right so you can do a word search for future astronaut or you can do a word search for you know birthdays for moms right but you want to be very specific on who you're talking to and don't just be broad so let me show you how you can niche down easily so we are on the keyword word search right now and from here we want to niche down because 30 000 results is way too much right and we want to break this down so uh one technique that you can do is use the alphabet technique so you start by typing in a and see what amazon suggests you with everything that starts with a right and if you don't like anything you see or you want to see what else you can find then type in b and then you type in c and combining this with this free plugin the search suggestion expander you're going to get so much keyword ideas and so many different paths that you can niche down into okay so that is the alphabet technique now there is another way that is by far the easiest way to find uh good niches to go into and that is using the tool book beam so this does require a little bit of money but if you're willing to invest in this tool it is the fastest and easiest way to do keyword research so just as an example if you go to the niche finder here and let's just sort to top-selling self-published word search books so just by clicking here and obviously you can adjust these uh metrics you know on your own but there are some preset metrics too right so what this does is it'll sort through the entire amazon store and it'll only find books right only the books not the audiobooks so it'll only find books that has word search in the title that has a bestsellers rank between one to thirty five thousand that is also self-published so this is like the best books that you want to find in terms of finding out whether this you know topic or this keyword is profitable or not so just by clicking here find books you're going to get a ton of ideas here in summer word search large print variety puzzle books for adults large print memory word search word search for kids ages 8 to 10. so there's a ton obviously there is a lot more here but i'm not gonna you know show you every single one because i want to reserve that for people who are actually paying this tool but that is one way to niche down using book beam it's an amazing tool you just have to pay a little bit for it but if you're willing to do that then i'll leave a link below this video for you guys to check it out alright so reason number four is your cover is not attractive so the reality is people do judge a book by its cover and it's the most important element it's actually literally the most important element after your keyword so if you're looking at this to cover right which is better left or right and i would assume most of you will say the left you know it's way more clean the colors you know pop better you don't really want like a dark you know cover for no reason right especially because amazon has a white background there is not a good color contrast going on here the next one is here which is better you know wtf on the left or wtf is my password on the right and i would assume most of you will say that you know the right is better it's much more cleaner the image is you know more attractive the color contrast is better so the point is you know covers are very very important you want to make sure that it's good if you can make covers on your own on canva that is actually good then definitely do it but if you don't have the skill set to create beautiful covers then you should probably outsource it to someone who can and if you might be wondering well how much does it cost to outsource a book cover well actually you can just do it on fiverr if you want to be budget friendly and you can get an ebook cover for 10 with someone like this gig right and this is one of the most popular book cover design gigs on fiverr a lot of style publishers use it and you can see that it has a 4.9 reviews out of 41 000 reviews and there are currently 230 orders in queue so again it's extremely uh popular and if you guys want to give this gig a try i'll leave a link below this video but you can see some of the samples it's amazing and you know obviously not all covers will actually come out like the samples because the samples are best case scenario but these are the recent covers that uh was just delivered and it's actually you know decent especially for fiction books and if you want a gig that can design low content covers and i'll show you another one right after this so this gig right here will create a low content book cover the print version for just 15 and you can see some of the samples and it looks pretty good except for this one i'm not sure what that is but the point is you don't have to spend a ton of money and you don't even have to design it yourself if you don't really know how to do so but the main thing is make sure your cover is really really good because people do judge a book by its cover all right reason number five is your book title so if you don't have a keyword in the title then your book will not show up for the keyword so that could be why if your book title has grammatical errors that is a huge uh thing that you don't want to do so definitely another possible cause for it if your book title is too long that's not good but if your book title is too short that is not good as well if your book title is ripping off other people's title then obviously you're just gonna you know collect a bunch of negative reviews so you always want to be unique in terms of your book title and if your book title is very vague and it doesn't really tell you what it is about then that's another possible reason why you're missing out on sales you want to be very clear on what the book is about so this is just an example we have the password book internet password book password log book 120 pages uh this person is just you know stuff and keywords and then compared to that we have the box clever press password book with alphabetical tab so very very clear on what it is about okay never forget a password again kind of illustrating the benefit a little bit password keeper for all your internet details untitled password notebook for home or office so super detailed you know you can argue that he's stuffing keywords a little bit but still it's much better than the above example all right reason number six is your book description so your book description is what people see right before they buy and it must sell the potential customers into buying so your book description is very very important again because it's the last thing people see and you want to make sure you convince them that they should buy the book rather than you know talk them out of why they shouldn't right so in this example you see that the book description is very short it's not very visually appealing and it's just very very lazy and typically that's what happens with low content book spammers because they publish so many books that they don't really have time to put in in the book description right which is not what you want to do so you want to kind of slow down make sure the book description is written well like this one so we have the headline with the big bold text and then talk about what the book is about we got the features and bullet points okay and a call to action at the end which is exactly the structure that you want for your book description so the structure when it comes to this is again we got the headline we want to relate a little bit you know we have the bullet points uh and talking about what the book is about okay and we have the relate more overcome objection i have a separate video on this by the way if you want to kind of go deep into writing a book description but the last is the call to action so you want to make sure you always end with scroll up and click add to cart or you know click the buy now button today or something like that telling people to purchase the book now if you guys don't want to write the book description yourself there are different fiverr gigs that you can outsource this to uh the best one by far is this guy right here sneers 94. so i've used him multiple times i recommended him in the past as well but he got a literal five-star review overall out of 2400 reviews um and you can see that he will write a book description for you exactly the way that i showed you just now for just 45 dollars so if you guys want to give him a try the link is below this video as well but this will be a good option if you want to outsource the description all right reason number seven is that you simply do not have enough reviews so reviews are one of the biggest factors in selling your book there is no denying that uh the more reviews you have the more sales you'll probably make so you want to try and get to 20 to 40 reviews minimum for every single book that you have before you move on to the next one a lot of people they invest so much time and money into making a book they upload it and then they don't follow through with it right they don't do any marketing any review gathering they think that just because you have a good book it should eventually be discovered by amazon but unfortunately that's not the case you have to make sure you market your book you have to make sure to tell people about the book for it to be discovered so you know it's very very important to do all the steps on creating a great book but once it's published you want to follow through and gather those reviews so how do you get reviews well essentially every single review strategy is the same thing you're giving out a free copy of your book as an arc copy so rx stands for advanced review copy but you're giving out a free copy of your book in exchange for possibly receiving a review so how do you give out a free copy of your book where do you find these people well social media is a great place for this specifically facebook groups so all you have to do is type in what your book is about so if you have a coloring book you can type in coloring book right and then go to groups here to the left and there's a bunch of groups like this one coloring books for adults sixty thousand members ten plus posts a day you wanna make sure you join a group that is active right and once you join you start engaging with them you know make friends engage in posts make some you know valuable posts don't just go in and immediately start pitching and saying who wants a free copy of my book you know in exchange for a review or you know don't just post a link saying hey review my book right do not do that offer value first and once people get to know you then say hey guys you know i actually came up with a coloring book or any book that you have i would love it if you want to read it i'm happy to give it to you for free and you know i would love to receive your feedback if you're open to it in the future once people you know say yes i want it you send them a free copy and you follow up with them around two weeks later and then you tell them hey did you you know enjoy the book if you did you know could you please leave a review on amazon and you send them a link to your book on amazon and hopefully you know people will do that for you not everyone will review the book a lot of people will not so it's really a numbers game but that is how you can get reviews for your book for pretty much free you just have to you know put in the work and putting the time to go and communicate with these people so reason number eight is you're not marketing your book so yes you do get organic sales from amazon just by having your book up there which is a great thing about amazon because they're already existing customers going to amazon looking to buy so just by uploading your book you know you will make some sales however if you want to make a lot more money then it's very important to market your book so it's a little tricky to go into exactly how to do that so i shot a separate video on marketing your book if you guys want to check it out just check out my previous videos on my channel now for those who are already running ads and it's taking a ton of time or if you're struggling with running amazon ads then i will recommend a service that will run amazon ads for you so it's basically a done for you amazon ad management service so they will create new campaigns for you they will run it for you and they will optimize the ad for you this is the exact service that i've used from making 10k a month to 35k a month from my publishing business so the service is called asteroid this is the website i will also leave a link uh in the description for you guys to check it out but what you can do is you can book a free strategy session with them and see if their service is a fit for you because it's not really a fit for every single person right so you really have to talk to them and see if you know your specific situation is a fit for their service so again i'll leave a link below if you guys want to go and talk to them all right the final reason reason number nine is you don't have an email list and you're not building one so if you want full control of your publishing business you must start building your own email list so once your email list is built all you literally have to do is send one email and you can get a ton of sales and reviews so if you don't have your email list though every single book that you publish you're essentially starting from scratch right and you don't really have control because you know the sales and reviews really comes down to facebook groups you know that i just showed you running amazon ads and sometimes you don't have full control of that because it's really up to amazon but if you have an email list you can essentially get sales and reviews on demand so building an email list is another thing that is kind of hard to explain uh in a very quick and short way but if you're curious about you know what kind of emails do i send right what kind of lead magnet do i create you know how do i even go about that well the easiest way to learn is to find somebody else in your niche that is doing exactly that successfully so let's say you're in a would you rather niche and this is your competitor that is very very successful all you have to do is look inside and you will see that typically most people if that offers a uh a lead magnet opt-in will put it in the top couple pages of the book okay so if you look at this book right here you can see that they are offering a bonus ebook just go to forward slash kids okay and they're offering this book for free so if you go to the website it looks like this and essentially you can get ideas on how you should build your email list by just modeling you know somebody else that is doing it successfully so i'm not saying going to rip off everything that they do but you want to get ideas you want to model success and that is completely fine so you can even subscribe to their email list to see what kind of emails they're sending and what other you know stuff that they are pitching to their audience all right guys so that is the nine reasons why you may not be making any sales this was a pretty detailed video and uh much longer than any normal videos that i filmed so hopefully you guys enjoyed this and got a lot of value but if you guys want to learn exactly how to implement every single one of these strategies i do have a complete publishing course if you want to check it out the link is below this video as well as all the tools and resources that i mentioned throughout this video uh also in the description below if you enjoyed this video consider leaving a like and also subscribing you know a lot of people who watch my videos aren't subscribed but it would really mean a lot if you subscribe it because that does show me that people enjoy these videos which gives me a reason to keep making it if no one's liking or subscribing then i don't even know if people like my videos right so i may stop making it all together so if you do enjoy it let me know and any questions let me know in the comments as well thanks for watching and i'll see you guys in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Sean Dollwet
Views: 12,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self publishing, amazon kdp, how to make money online, amazon kindle publishing, amazon kdp publishing, paul marles, low content book publishing, low content books, low content books kdp, low content kdp, low content publishing, no content book publishing, no content books, kdp income report, kdp income report october, kdp revenue, amazon income streams, dane mcbeth, mikkelsen twins, kdp niche research, kdp low content, KDP tips, Publishing Life, Audiobook Publishing
Id: EVkhKd0lbcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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