$78k PER MONTH Publishing Coloring Books on Amazon KDP - Case Study

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in this video I'll show you a low content brand that is doing 78 000 a month on Amazon KDP [Music] what's going on guys welcome back to another video if you're new to the channel my name is Sean and I've built a multiple six figure KDP business which I eventually sold for 820 000 and now I'm building my second KDP account so in this channel I basically just share you my own journey of publishing books on Amazon I'll give you income reports you know share your strategies on what exactly am I doing to get these kind of results so if you want no BS publishing advice from someone who is still actively publishing then make sure to subscribe and if you do want a completely free training on how I built a KDP brand to that level then there's a link in the description that you guys can go and take a look alright so today in this video I just want to go over a low content brand that is extremely successful if you've been around for a little while and if you've been publishing and doing low content books especially you've probably seen this brand around but for those who are new it might be very interesting to go over and kind of talk about what it's doing how it built this business and exactly what kind of strategies that we can learn from and Implement into our brand as well so so the brand that we're going to be talking about is Coco Rio and this is a basically a coloring book brand so if you look at these books it has extremely detailed very very beautiful coloring books and basically like a bunch of different topics right or themes so there is no one set theme in terms of you know the kind of coloring book that they create because this one is Beauties in Fairyland coloring book right and then now it's life inside jar so kind of similar like magical Fairyland kind of thing and then we have mushroom and then horror Beauties so I guess like the theme is fairly similar on these one but then it completely changes here into like spooky girl coloring books so even the the art style is completely different right and we got tiny cats coloring book once again the art style is completely different also the theme is completely different weird couple coloring book creepy dull coloring book and these three is fairly similar in terms of themes because now we have this one we which is a Gothic Lolita princesses right so even the art style is different so what can we assume from this and uh sorry there's another one simple patterns coloring book completely different to all the other coloring books out there so most likely this brand is using multiple different illustrators so they have a team of illustrators you know creating coloring books for them and that would explain why they have such different styles for all of their books right and it seems to be working you know some of the books are doing extremely well some aren't doing well but you know they're just focusing over time on what worked the best so if you go and take a look at this on Kitty spy or you can do this on bookbeam too but overall you can pull up to 100 books so they have at least 100 books uh Katie spy doesn't pull more than that so maybe they have more than 100 books but you can see that it's doing 78 000 in Revenue per month which is absolutely crazy uh this is revenue not profit so the profit is lower but I would say it's a pretty high up there they're definitely doing multiple six figures in profit actually you can see how many books they have it's 174 titles it shows right here and I started by publication date and you can see that the style they have now in the style they had before is very different actually from the beginning they just had completely different themes all over the place you can see that it started with these kind of designs and then they improved it into more of the style that you see now and then also the uh kind of a horror theme so once again they're really all over the place and I think that's what's very interesting about this is they're not really doing a ton of keyword research uh they're just simply coming up with a new coloring book in whatever theme that they they can think of and they are very very creative in terms of the themes of the calling books right but in terms of the keyword itself it's literally just a coloring book that's it or coloring books for adults and besides that they go off of themes which is cute Christmas uh midnight dream easy color winter coloring books you know simple things coloring books and what's really cool about this is if you can create coloring books if you know how to do it then there's so many different themes that you can Branch off from just within the Christmas theme right here you don't have to do cute Christmas you can do like you know horror Christmas or creepy Christmas um Kawaii Christmas or whatever different you know themes that you see in uh coloring books right and you can apply the same thing in pretty much all of this it doesn't have to be winter it can be summer spring fall and so they're essentially unlimited ideas that you can go into and create coloring books off of even this one right fancy hats coloring book so they are definitely creative in terms of the themes that they're coming up with because I would never think of these kind of you know topics I guess but fancy hats Fancy Shoes fancy shirts you can you know Branch off in so many different ways so essentially they can just keep creating coloring books like this unlimited amounts of time so I just sorted by popularity so these are their top books at the moment let's go and open it up and uh see how much each one is making so let's open up these five and uh since I have the book beam plugin I can see how much is estimately making in terms of actual royalty so this is royalties not sales so this is how much you actually get paid so this book itself Beauty's in Fairyland uh coloring book is making between two hundred and eleven dollars to 318 every single day at a BSR of 2000 so uh obviously doing extremely well now we have life inside jar calling book this is 180 267 dollars and we have the mushroom coloring book which is making between 71.84 dollars a day and then we have the horror Beauties coloring book which is doing 65 to 78 dollars every single day and the Spooky girl coloring book that has the best seller badge uh is doing between 81 to 107 per day so obviously this brand is making thousands of dollars every single day I would assume it's probably doing 50 60 70 000 a month uh which is multiple multiple six figure even close to a million dollars uh in terms of the revenue that they're pulling in now in terms of pricing uh strategies it doesn't seem like they have a pretty set way of doing things I've seen books that are you know 5.99 6.99 uh and this one is 8.99 so it seems like the more reviews it gets they keep raising the price and keep testing new price point obviously the higher price the book is the better as long as it keeps selling so you know once you start getting more and more reviews you can start uh asking for a higher price and people still buy so that's exactly what they're doing this is their best-selling book it has a ton of reviews so that is why they keep raising the price to increase their profit margin in terms of the book structure though it is very very similar almost every single one or pretty much all of the books is 8.5 by 11 inches because that is the standard size for coloring books and then it has 88 pages so every single book has 88 pages and it has 40 stunning illustrations or basically 40 you know pages to actually color so this is a pretty standard thing in coloring books but one side is just a blank or a black page I'll show you some examples here and then the other side is the actual coloring page to prevent bleed through of the colors to the other page right because if you have uh coloring pages on both sides and you know you color in one side and you can see the color on the other side you don't want that so these are all single sided coloring pages but you can also look at that by look inside here and you can see the kind of images that they have really really really highly detailed images here but another thing that they're doing that you can definitely Implement is asking for a review uh quickly you know at the beginning of the book so they have this one page call to action asking for a couple things one is to leave a review so please share your experience on the Amazon right so that is basically asking for feedback reviews and then also checking them out on social media so it looks like they got a full social media channel uh website you know support as well but this is a great way to get additional reviews uh convert your readers into reviewers a lot more simply by asking because a lot of times people don't really do things unless you ask them so you know don't be afraid to ask for reviews and don't be afraid to get negative reviews because the truth is you know if your book is not good then obviously you'll get negative reviews by asking for reviews but that is not the point of publishing right we're not trying to spam them you know low quality books hopefully you guys are producing high quality books so you guys can get behind and is confident about so that you know asking reviews isn't scary another thing that this brand is doing is collecting people's email addresses and building their email list so you can see that you know access my free digital coloring book so they're offering uh 50 pages from their best sellers so the cool thing about paperback says there is no KDP select exclusivity rules so you can actually sell your book on KDP or Amazon and then still offer it on your website or somewhere else they're free because you know once again the KDP select rule does not apply to paperback books so they were essentially you know selling these pages but they're taking perhaps one page or a couple Pages you know of each from their best sellers compiling that into a I guess one big PDF and then they're offering it as a digital copy for people who goes to their website and signs up to their email list so if you're doing a coloring book brand or even other low content brand you can apply this exact same concept to build your own email list as well this is their website you can see that it looks pretty good with a bunch of samples the loading time is a little slow but you can see that you know this is they're showing the best seller they are essentially linking to the book on Amazon I believe if I click on it actually the page came back as an error so it looks like they haven't really fixed their website uh in a while and also the loading time once again is super slow I think they're not getting a ton of traffic or a ton of sales from their website and that's usually the case to be completely honest a lot of times building a website is a waste of time uh the number one you know return on investment in terms of your time and your effort is just publishing more books rather than building out your website doing social media marketing those kind of things so this brand they're doing social media marketing however I believe they're not getting a ton of sales from there as well even the page that they supposed to be collecting the the email addresses for so this is their landing page it's also not working so I guess they're not really collecting you know emails and building their email list and also the blog as well so this is where a lot of beginners make their mistake is they see these top brands with you know a Blog and social media channels and a website and they think that they have to do it themselves as well but as you can see here they're probably not making a ton of money from it so you don't really have to do those things uh really just focus on publishing more books and running Amazon ads that's like the most important things that'll get you the most money but email this building is important this page is not working so they're missing out on a lot of subscribers but besides that you don't really have to try and copy and you know create a website like this another thing that they are doing excellently is have a really really nice a plus content so you can see that every single a plus content that they have is fully customized to the book that they have you can see the illustrations people coloring it in so you actually like the coloring pages with colors inside so that is super high quality a plus content if you can create something like this it'll be very very good although it's definitely much harder because you have to you know order the book yourself color it in take a picture and then upload it right so it's a lot more work but if you can do it it'll be very very powerful another thing is to promote your other books this is huge in terms of a plus content if you can do this because the same customer can buy multiple of your books you can have this a plus content uh block I forgot what it's called but you can add this so that people can come down here and they can click on it and then they can get to your other books and purchase from there so that is probably the best a plus content block that I recommend which is this one so you can promote your other books same as this page something similar just you know showcasing your other products is a very very very effective strategy so overall an amazing brand absolutely crushing it making a ton of money and there are some strategies you can go and definitely model you know from and implement it in your your business as well but the bottom line is I believe the way this business became successful is simply publishing extremely high quality coloring books one after another I think if it comes down to one thing that they did right it'll be that it's just simply having an extremely good book The Little strategies such as asking for reviews and you know a plus content those kind of things helps a little bit but the biggest impact definitely was just having an extremely good book and customer buys one they're impressed by it and they come back and buy another one and so on and so on especially with coloring books I feel like there's more of a collector's kind of you know strategies where people who likes coloring books they would just buy a bunch of them right so if you have a good brand built up with a bunch of products that you can offer to the customer then they will come back and buy more and more and more and more over time and so over time this brand and the name of Coco Rio probably became established and now they just have a bunch of repeat customers I'm assuming that's the case to the point where you know most coloring books that they publish uh the same customers will come and purchase it and over time if you start making money you can take that profit and invest it back into hiring new illustrators so that you can go and tap into different themes right and also publish books faster and now you start making more money and you take that profit invest it back into hiring a different illustrator that can you know tap into a different theme in different design Styles right and that is probably how they slowly built up a team of Illustrator you know going into many many different themes art styles topics and I just kept on publishing and kept on running ads and I think that is how they scaled and that is how they will continue to scale from here and that's something that anybody can do right you start publishing a few books take the profit and invest it back into Outsourcing the work so you can publish faster and then you can and you know keep publishing publishing and then you make more money and you do the exact same thing take the profit invest it back into you know building your team and so you can produce books faster and so that is how you can slowly scale and to the point where it becomes a Snowball Effect you know there's less work that you're doing because you're Outsourcing but you're making a lot more money because of it so that is my review of this brand hopefully you guys enjoyed it if you do like these videos of me commenting on different brands and you know kind of talking about what I think they did and uh what is the best strategies that you can go and Implement uh leave a like and let me know in the comments so I can go and make more of these and before you go if you do want a completely free training on how I built a multiple six-figure KDP business then the link to the training is in the description as well as all the tools and resources that I recommend for your self-publishing business so thank you so much for watching uh subscribe if you haven't yet and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Sean Dollwet
Views: 78,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self publishing, amazon kdp, how to make money online, amazon kindle publishing, amazon kdp publishing, paul marles, low content book publishing, low content books, low content books kdp, low content kdp, low content publishing, no content book publishing, no content books, kdp income report, kdp income report october, kdp revenue, amazon income streams, dane mcbeth, mikkelsen twins, kdp niche research, kdp low content, KDP tips, Publishing Life, Audiobook Publishing
Id: GHDmYpa8BoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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