I Tried Selling A.I. Art for 30 days - Realistic Results

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in this video I'm gonna go over one of my Etsy store that I started the beginning of this month and today is the March 27th so it's almost the full month that I've been selling AI generated art using a software called medjurning that's capable of creating really amazing AI art and this way you will learn what you can expect as a brand new AI art seller well let's see what type of results you can see what are the pros what are the cons I'm gonna go over the my strategy that I did for the store so let's get to it let's start with the first question okay what is AI art I'm sure if you've been on social media in the last couple of months you heard about child GPT and all this AI Revolution is happening all over the Internet pretty much every day we get a new software new update someone is releasing a new AI type of tool so it's all over that place so you probably are sick and tired of listening about AI but it's truly a low-key Revolution that's happening in front of the ice and it's just happening so quickly the software I specifically use for this math method is called Med Journey which can generate really amazing pictures and images of a really good quality and last week they released a new update called mid-journey 5 that makes that process even better and faster and smoother to use my journey you're gonna need Discord if you don't know what Discord is basically like a social media to communicate with people and mid Junior has a free plan however if you wanna resell the art that you're gonna generate using mid Journey you're gonna need the pay plan which starts with the ten dollars a month and they also have different tiers well let's say the initial cost it's gonna be 10 bucks a month at the beginning which is not bad and speaking of course let's break down the pros and cons of selling AI generated art on Etsy okay so let's start with the good stuff the pros okay I think the biggest Pro is that there's unlimited potential okay and what I mean by that is that there is no limit to how many images you can create the more images to create than post on Etsy the more money you can make at season Marketplace that supports digital products so you can sell as many digital products as you want so again the more images you have the more money you can make profit margins on these items are relatively high you can expect 50 profit margins even higher than that because all you have to pay for is the fees on Etsy Plus ad fees if you run any ads and I recommend that you do run ads on Etsy because they are very effective especially if you're running a brand new store and you don't have any reviews or establishment you're gonna need to run ads on Etsy another big Pro and honestly I think this is the biggest Pro is that this is completely passive and what I mean by that is that you just build something upload it to the server to the Etsy server and you don't deal with anything you don't fulfill orders you don't do anything at all okay this is the most passive way of making money that I know about okay I thought the Drop Shipping on eBay Facebook Market but it's very passive this is a completely different level of passiveness you don't do anything you just create the product listed you're done that's it I also have to mention customer service there is so little customer service involved in this if you know how to set it up and you set it up correctly people will not bother you out of the thousands orders that I've sold so far on two of my Etsy stores that are selling AI art I got maybe 10 messages probably even not that and usually they are just about hey I didn't get my link because the person maybe is not familiar with Etsy or something so I just send them the link to their folder where they can access the art and that's it and both of my stores have a five star reviews because there's no hassle there's not a lot that people can complain about also Etsy doesn't support return policy on digital product you can return a digital product there's a lot of potential with selling digital products and this is why this is amazing and AI is only making it smoother and easier because because now you can make this product very easy okay these are the major Pros that comes to my mind but let's talk about cons now there's not many cons in my opinion in but there's one major con that it's bothering me for example it can take quite some time to create one bundle of air that you want to sell on Etsy some bundles that I created took me anything from like 20 minutes to an hour or more depends on the quality depends on the the file size there's a lot that goes into it so that's something that you need to keep in mind that you might have to invest some time in order to see the results which the beginning might not be even big which we're gonna go over once we get to the results of my store before we go to the results I want to tell you the strategies that I decided to take in order to get to the results that you know I created so my strategy was pretty simple okay I was creating a bundles of 20 pngs of something that is already popular on Etsy so I was using a tool called everb which is an amazing tool by the way and I have a link for it down below under this video so you can find it very easily but it's amazing tool that allows you to see how many cells each store is making talking so there are stores that are making thousands of dollars sending AI generated art and I have a couple of videos that go over every B and how to use it and if you want something more in depth I have a 40 minute dedicated training video on how to sell AI art on Etsy that's available to my YouTube members so you can click on the join button down below and you're going to have access to it as well but basically I was using everyb to see what is already selling what are other stores selling and I was trying to sell something similar okay I was not trying to copy exactly what they're doing but I was trying to get very similar results very similar Niche because if something is already selling that's a data that I can use in order to generate something else for example some of the images I noticed are selling on Etsy are these mushrooms okay there's a lot of mushroom team AI generated art it's very popular and it's sounding like crazy I saw a guy that is selling a bundles of pngs that have red mushrooms so I decided to create a PNG bundle that contains pink mushrooms okay again it's similar but if a person goes on that scene try to look for mushrooms and they see the red ones Etsy might suggest my pink ones because it's very similar so the algorithms kind of integrate and work together and the guy looking for the mushrooms be like hey I have the red ones but the pink ones are cool too so let me get them as well so that's the strategy I took and I think was very effective so let's go over my Etsy store right now and the results I got from the last month all right so this is my Etsy store that I started last month right now it's an early morning and so far I got five orders and generated nine dollars in Revenue which is not a lot to be honest with you but against the beginning of the day so I'm sure I'm gonna make way more money once this is all over okay let's refresh it so you can see that this is all legit and real as you can see everything is intact for example yesterday this store generated 50 dollars in sales that was the first day of generating that much money okay usually the number was between actually I'm gonna show you wherever the numbers in the last couple of days okay so let me go over the stats so you can see the breakdown of everything okay so uh I'm gonna select this month to show you the whole uh breakdown okay so we are in March so from March 1st to March 27th today is the 27th so it's almost a full month but here are the stats okay so we got 2 364 visitors 216 orders the conversion rate I believe this is pretty high it's 9.1 usually in marketing I would say anything above two percent conversion is pretty high I started selling on Etsy two months ago okay I've been selling on eBay and Facebook for example my eBay store the conversion rate on that store is 1.5 so 9.1 it's it's really high to me okay I I think it's a pretty high number so 9.1 conversion rate and it generated 487 dollars in Randy okay that's not my profit yeah we're gonna go over the profit in a minute but that's the revenue okay as you can see most of the traffic came from the Etsy app a lot of also came from the Etsy search and then some from Etsy marketing SEO I think the difference between those three is that the Etsy app is basically their like suggestive algorithm so a lot of traffic that came to my listing came from Etsy suggesting my air to other people as I mentioned an example with the mushroom right some guy was selling red mushrooms I started selling pink ones so Etsy was suggesting my art to them because it was very similar Etsy search is the second most popular uh traffic thing I think this is just if someone types anything in Etsy it just shows up and people can find my listings and then 22 from the Etsy marketing SEO I think this is a traffic coming from outside Etsy so if someone was looking for something on Google for example Etsy would show them my listing and that's where these people are coming from okay 25 came from visits that I brought I guess so direct and other traffic I think that means if someone just come to my store directly so if someone type in my name of my store in Google or sorry on the browser I think that's how they came to social media it says three I'm not sure I don't really advertises on any social media maybe I've seen it I'm not sure and that's the ads is 324. I have to tell you that maybe this number is low but a lot of my sales came from Etsy ads and I highly recommended you run Etsy ads I started running my ads five dollars for all my listings currently I have 23 listings so not a lot of listings but a lot of traffic a lot of sales come from Etsy ads I selected the ads ads for the short term conversion or something like that basically to get more orders super effective I highly recommend that you run ads because they work amazing on Etsy okay let's go over the orders so as you can see when I started I was not getting a lot of orders I had days that were very slow okay that's because I didn't have many listings I think I started more listings around March 10th that's what it's showing right here right so around that period I would say that week is the week that I added more listings so in the first couple of days I had maybe like four or five listings and then I added another 10 around this week okay so the week of March 10 to I would say 17 I think around that that period of time so you can see that that you know it was a slow growth and it's it's been up and down um right now again it's it's showing that it's going down but honestly it's it's early morning when I'm recording it so this graph is gonna probably be somewhere around here or maybe even here hopefully it's going to be somewhere around here you know what I mean okay let's go over the conversion rate so here is a conversion rate uh again uh I don't know for some reason this day was really high but it's pretty consistent I would say it's it's anything between uh like 10 11 to 6 right now we are at 10 which again in my opinion it's relatively High let's go over the revenue so this is the revenue as you can see the days have been really slow but it's constantly growing every day we're getting uh more money and more I I showed you earlier that yesterday we get the first day of the 50 Mark I don't know why they do it in in the breakdown like this like you can see it it's showing that uh yesterday I made 29 and today I made 34. that's not true because um today I made nine dollars so far and yesterday I made fifty dollars I think that's because they're using a different time zone to calculate this I'm in the west coast Zone uh you know Pacific Time timeline I think this is more like a some some Euro European timeline I'm not sure but that's that's not really accurate breakdown but let's just assume you know the average is like 30 bucks right now a day and I'm sure I'm gonna get two higher numbers relatively fast because I already have a couple of more bundles ready to be listed okay so now we are at the payment account tab which is gonna show you the actual profit it's going to show you the breakdown of how much I paid in fees how much I paid in advertising and stuff like that okay so let's go over this so the first step I want to show you is the sales okay how much I generated in sales which is 489 dollars all right now out of that I paid 156 dollars in fees and that includes listing fee transaction fees and processing fees okay so these are the fees I have to pay on ads in order to pay for all of that there is no shipping fees because I don't ship anything everything is automatically set up so there's no shipping fees so that's how I'm paying how much I paid in fees but another major fee that I'm paying for is marketing okay I'm as I told you I used the Etsy ads which are very effective and I recommend you use them as well so here's the breakdown of my marketing fees okay so Etsy ads 123 dollars offsite ads 67 cents not sure what that is sales tax and subscription nothing okay all right so now you know how much I spend in fees how much I spend on marketing what about the actual profit how much I actually made selling AI generator okay so the actual profit is 207.74 so that's how much I made so far in March on this brand new account okay this is a brand new account without any reviews without nothing I just I just started from the scratch and I was able to generate 207 dollars in profit and again I have only 23 listings so far are and I'm gonna be adding more listings every day pretty much and then I don't do anything I don't fulfill any orders I barely get any messages as you can see there's very little hassle with this it's automatically generating me money it might not be a lot but I'm gonna snowball this thing okay I'm gonna build this up and make it bigger and bigger if you're interested in watching more of these results maybe you want to see what are the results next month let me know in the comments so I will you know post another video an update video in April maybe and show you the whatever the results in April but yeah I'm gonna snowball this store build it up and again it's really amazing if you're interested in learning more about this check out my YouTube videos I have a bunch of them I also run Facebook Drop Shipping and eBay dropshipping businesses which are also relatively passive you can do them from anywhere maybe not as passive as this but they're still relatively good if you're interested in checking that out and if you want a whole video a training video dedicated to AI selling on Etsy I have this video available on my YouTube members so join and you're gonna get access to it you're also going to get access to AI prompts did I post every month so you can use them to sell products on Etsy these are the prompts that I my personal product research so I know they're working let's see but yeah AI art on Etsy it's a real thing it works these are the results that you can get again this is the first month it's relatively small but I have a second store they've been running for two months and it was very similar story the first month I made couple hundred dollars okay very little second one we snowballed this to another level it's it's really exciting to see this growing and this is really amazing and I hope you enjoy this so far thank you for watching I will see you next time my friend take care
Channel: Patryk Marketer
Views: 494,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dropshipping, ai art, make money online, etsy print on demand, print on demand etsy, sell ai art, sell ai art on etsy, make money with ai, how to sell ai art on etsy, how to sell ai art, mid journey, sell generative art, make money ai art, make money generative art, artificial intelligence art, make money challenge, i tried selling ai art for 30 days, midjourney, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney money, midjourney money making
Id: K24dvIPhoFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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