Will Amazon KDP Rank Books Written by ChatGPT? (The TRUTH)

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watch this video before you use chat gbt to publish a book on Amazon KDP [Music] what's going on guys welcome back to another video if you're new to the channel my name is Sean and I've built a seven figure publishing business on Amazon KDP which I eventually sold and now I'm building my second KDP account so if you want no BS publishing advice from someone who's actually publishing then make sure to subscribe and if you want a completely free training on how I built my publishing business to this level then there is a link in the description below alright so since the rise of chat GPT I've been getting a lot of questions all my thoughts on chat jbt and whether Amazon actually ranks books that are written by chat GPT and since I dabble in the blogging space as well I see the same questions being asked on Google as well on people are asking whether a Blog article that is written by an AI would that actually rank on Google and here's the interesting part initially Google announced that they would penalize content that is written by AI but if you look at this recent article that is posted by Google they actually change their stance on it and now they are stating that appropriate use of AI or automation not against our guidelines this means that it is not used to generate content primarily to manipulate search rankings which is against her spam policies so as long as you're not spamming Google as long as you're not trying to manipulate the algorithm then you can totally use Ai and your content will Rank and this follow-up question says that why doesn't Google search ban AI content and Google's answer is automation has long been used in publishing to create useful content AI can assist with and generate useful content in exciting new ways so you can see that they're accepting Ai and its uses now this is another question right here so how can search determine if AI is being used to spam search results and Google's answer is we have a variety of systems including spam brain that analyze patterns and signals to help us identify spam content however it is produced lastly there is a question that says will AI content rank highly on search and the answer is using AI doesn't give content any special gains it's just content if it is useful helpful original and satisfies the aspect of eat it might do well in search if it doesn't it might not so what does this mean well simply put if you use AI to create a bunch of low quality content and you just Spam Google with it then they will take issues with it but if you use Ai and still create a high quality piece of article that helps the reader then there is absolutely no issue here's a perfect example of that being explained by Neo patels so the audio is a little low but let's listen to him for about 50 seconds the reason Google doesn't like AI written content is because if you look at most erroring content and if you actually read it it doesn't provide that much value all it's doing is just looking at whatever else is out there on the web spitting up a new version and it's not really providing much value now it doesn't mean that Google doesn't want you to use AI writers to create AI written content instead you can use it as a start but they want you to take the time to modify it make it better add value you gotta add in the E expertise Authority and Trust the AI writer can't do that you have to modify the content at it yourself so this is with Google but you can assume all search engines to kind of follow the same Trend as Google is taking including Amazon Amazon's sole focused is to provide the best customer experience it will not be a good customer experience if people buy a low quality book that does not solve their problems so whether it's written by an AI or it's written by a human it really all comes down to whether the content is good or not this is the exact same logic as when people debate whether using a Ghostwriter to write a book is ethical or not often their argument is by using a Ghostwriter they think we're just spamming low quality books on Amazon but who decided that using a Ghostwriter equals low quality there are plenty books written by ghost riders that receives tons of real positive four and five star reviews and there are plenty books written by actual authors you know that absolutely sucks and gets a lot of one and two star reviews it's the same argument as AI I don't really think there is an issue if the book is actually good and it's written by an AI but I think it'll be an issue if there's a lot of books that is spammed and you know pumped out on Amazon and Amazon gets flooded with these one-star quality books but here's a problem with writing a book just using AI if you think about what makes the book good especially non-fiction it's not really the actual information in the book or the tips and tricks that makes a book a five-star you know kind of book right it's often the author's story you know adding those relatable stories and authors personal experience weaving into the book and using that to teach whatever information the book is trying to teach because if people just wanted information oftentimes they can just go to Google and get that information the reason why people buy a book is because they're really buying the author's experience and their story on how they used that information that is taught within the book because let me ask you this how many best-selling books have you read that had the most basic tips inside the book but it was still a bestseller because of an engaging author's story and experiences I'm not gonna throw any Shades and name a book but I personally read a ton of books that is like New York Times bestseller but the information itself is extremely basic it's just that people love the author's story so this is exactly why when we hire ghost writers to write a book for us we hire someone that has personal experience in the topic because we don't want someone that's just going to go to Google and then rewrite whatever blog post information they find into our book right we want them to add personal stories and experiences because if they're just rephrasing what they find online just like an AI you know it's boring it lacks personality so we want the Ghost Rider to inject their personal story and the issue with chat GPT is it lacks exactly that the human element of the content it is much harder to add personal stories and experiences although it's not possible this is why you must use AI as a tool not as a replacement you don't have chat GPT to write a book for you you write the book with the help of chat GPT just like how even if you use a Ghost Rider it's not completely hands off because you still have to work with the rider go back and forth you have to give ideas in terms of outlines right once they write the book you have to read it give them pointers have them fix it so you're also involved in this process just as much as a writer another thing is that we already use images that we didn't create on our own such as you know stock image sites we go to canva creative Fabrica we get images and those images we didn't create it right somebody else did and we're just using it same as ghost writers you know we're not actually writing the text although we're involved in it you know hiring audiobook narrators we're not actually narrating the book right it's somebody else but we're pretty much taking that and claiming it as ours so it is the same thing with AI final note is that even though I believe Amazon will not flat out ban AI content I do believe they will Implement a monitoring system to detect if the book has too much AI content so basically a little bit of AI content is good especially if the the book is high quality but if it's like 100 AI or you know it's just way too much AI percentage then I believe they will start blocking those books and worst case scenario if you repeat this too many times then they might terminate your account once again you don't want AI to write the book for you you need to add your input so how do you get past this Amazon's detection well essentially you need two tools so let's say that you generated this text on the top things to do in Bali so what we don't want to do is just copy paste this straight into our books because if you take this to a website called originality.ai which is a website that you can scan the content to know if it's written by an AI or not so if I paste this click on scan now it shows that it's 95 Ai and if this website can detect it I'm pretty sure Amazon will be able to detect it as well so what do we want to do well you want to add your own input Right add your story add your experience you know fact check the content because chat GPT is wrong A lot of times and at the very least you want to at least rewrite the sentences and rephrases a very useful tool to rephrase your content is called quill bot so it is a free site the link is in the description as well the free account only allows you up to 125 words you will have to pay for the premium account if you want to go longer but you can just do it in pieces so if you click on paraphrase here what it does is basically rewrite this sentence but with a different phrase so you can see that you know these words highlighted is the one that has changed and if you don't like the words that has changed or you want to change something else there's a bunch of suggestions that you can use okay so what you can do to rephrase the words quickly is something like this tool super useful but let's copy this right and now going back to originality.ai go back paste this scan now and just like that it shows one percent AI so that is a very quick and easy way to avoid AI detection so you want to aim for as low of an AI detection score as possible I'm not quite sure how much is a good percentage but when it comes to pleasure tourism typically you want your plagiarism percentage to be below six percent so I will probably follow the same rule with AI anything below six percent is probably a good place to be at so in summary I don't think Amazon will crack down on AI content but rather I think they will crack down on spam and low quality content that is flooding on Amazon which is nothing new they've always done this and they will keep doing it probably at a harder rate because they're probably going to be a lot more spam that'll flood Amazon from now so use AI as a tool and always focus on creating high quality books add your input and you should be good to go alright guys that is it for the video hope you enjoyed it if you did leave a like subscribe if you want to check out my free training on how I built a seven figure publishing business then the link is in the description below as well as all the tools and resources that I mentioned in this video thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one thank you [Music]
Channel: Sean Dollwet
Views: 12,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self publishing, amazon kdp, how to make money online, amazon kindle publishing, amazon kdp publishing, paul marles, low content book publishing, low content books, low content books kdp, low content kdp, low content publishing, no content book publishing, no content books, kdp income report, kdp revenue, amazon income streams, dane mcbeth, mikkelsen twins, kdp niche research, kdp low content, KDP tips, Publishing Life, Audiobook Publishing, chatgpt to write a book
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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