DO NOT Download These CUTE Games ...They're Actually HAUNTED 3

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i know i'm gonna run right into her give me the key give me yes wow wow you said a trap you eat once again these games may appear to be cute when in reality they're actually super creepy slash cursed and or haunted okay so this first game is called psycho no sutoka and it's the super cute story of a cute anime girl who loves you and has a crush on you and she just wants to show you how much he loves you by murdering you so yeah this is basically yandere simulator but like a horror game and it's probably gonna scare the crap out of me you need to escape through the exit door in front of you but it requires a key code which is spread around the entire school find the numbers and escape beware of the crazy girl in the vicinity [Music] great she sounds so cute okay i may be making a mistake but maybe we should there so i might be making a mistake but i want to see what she looks like hello cute girl cute girl cute girl not here huh where where are you i just wanted a circle um i'm so nervous no no no no no no no no no no what the heck oh god oh my god it's like a demon seriously no no no no get away from me [Music] where is any of the numbers oh oh god i escaped i escaped i have multiple stab wounds but i'm okay somehow okay [Music] oh you can't get me through the door oh you can't get oh she can't get me through the door i'm safe oh my god we should call the police we should call them oh god no no no what's happening i figured out how to save myself she's gonna hear it all right we're just running we're just running we're just running you everywhere oh my god i'm gonna have a heart attack i hate this girl i don't care how cute you are i can't find one number oh okay here's a key i don't know what to do with this though do i use it on the door do i have to go back to the exit i don't understand she just keeps showing up randomly and i hate it and she's gonna give me a heart attack okay what do i do can i bring this back [Music] what do i use this freaking key for dr c [Music] [Music] another key [Music] that was so close she's in here get out of here i guess i'll leave sounds like a terrible idea b2 [Music] you just pushed me how dare you oh i dropped my key oh you made me drop my key oh my god you're just gonna are we just having to stare down now you're ugly i want my key you're sitting right near my key demon girl please just let me can i pick up my key will you let me pick up my key nope nope i need my key i'm gonna run right into her i know i'm gonna run right into her give me the key give me yes wow wow you said a trap you eat [Music] i'm done i literally didn't find one number for the code i think that's a sign oh my god my heart i hate this girl i hate her i hate her okay so the last time i did cute but creepy games we had kind of like a tamagotchi but it was a girl if you remember if you haven't seen it i'll link it in the description below but now there's like an actual tamagotchi horror game called egg friends and this is going to bring back so much nostalgia for me congratulations on your new egg friend play games earn money beat it love it watch it grow it is sure to love you back yay what a wholesome game oh wait the words just changed you saw that right i'm pretty sure it's changing too it is sure to watch you back yeah watch if the love changes to watch what do you mean watch all right let's start this it's probably gonna be a terrible decision yay oh my god i miss tamagotchi so much what do you want oh he pooped hold on get that for ya don't worry little guy oh he's hungry okay want a hot dog oh i have no money uh oh god poop again okay stop pooping please when i earn money like the melons oh i gotta catch the melons ugh so glad this game is bringing my heart rate back down from the last game okay i got money all right food pure chicken yay you liked it are we not very happy hold on i'll play more games with you hurdles what's this oh i did terrible sorry wow this is so much fun hot dog oh he grew oh he's cute he's like an emoji now all i'm doing is trying to make money to feed my pet to make more money to continue feeding my pet i've just been doing the same things over and over wait a minute oh god what is happening i can give it a finger i don't know what this is somebody's mouth and arm oh this just changed what's that i'll give you a finger you wanna oh god what is oh no oh it's pooping out bones that oh it's pooping out bones what is this what are we collecting now eyeballs what is this i think it's eyeballs are we collecting people's eyeballs the music changed i don't like it oh it's jumping over spikes now i need to keep my demon pet happy my life is to serve you demon pets that's what i live for now i love doing the same things over and over again to please you do i hear breathing i definitely hear breathing what is breathing ew oh god it keeps it keeps going to the hunger screen i can't choose anything else i don't have enough for your potion yet you don't care i feel like something's gonna hatch out of this thing what is happening i don't want to play with you anymore oh it's not happy oh i better keep it happy please stay happy also if this thing hatches please remember what good care i took of you what's happening what'd i do i freaking knew it and then it crashed i like how i look around as if it's just like in the room with me somewhere i hatched a demon whoops and i taught it to eat fingers and eyeballs and mouth i'm sorry everybody sorry society okay so i definitely saved the cutest looking one for last it's called a pet shop after dark i have no idea what this game is about except that it popped up in the horror game list of the indie games and it looked really cute so right up my alley all right let's see what this is wow it's really dark in here like some kind of gothic plant shop it's a pet shop actually though we do sell plants too oh um i'm here about the job do you fulfill all the requirements uh i think so let me double check pet sitter wanted asap must have no allergies to animals or plants overnight stay required i don't have any allergies and i can stay overnight perfect you'll do what really you don't want to do a background check or something at this short notice i'm afraid i can't be picky in any case the job's very simple so even an idiot could do it oh perfect yay look at my face idiot am i being insulted i just need you to water the plants and feed the pets once a day once you're done with that you're free to do whatever you want for the rest of the day i just ask that you stay inside the shop that's all yes that's all this sounds a bit too good to be true especially since apparently i'll be paid more per day than i usually make in a week oh but there's just one thing do not under any circumstances turn off the lights great this sounds not sketchy huh even at night even at night if it is hard to sleep i suggest using an eye mask what if the power goes out i have left some in the sleeping area that's weird but i guess i don't know much about taking care of plants or pets maybe they need the light for some reason water plants feed pets don't turn off the lights got it everything has been done for today so you can just relax until nighttime i'm sorry i can't show you around but i've left a to-do list on the counter thanks i'll do my best i'll be back after one day and one night i leave my shop in your care wow she really just left me here on my own without even asking for my name what if i was lying and actually am allergic to some plants and pets not that i am but still i guess this is where i'll be staying for uh the next day and night is that two days counting today i always get confused by stuff like this at least i don't really have any work to do tonight is it okay for me to get paid to do nothing well i guess i shouldn't complain well who am i talking to might as well take a look around first oh a note on the counter this must be the to-do list she was talking about it's pretty much just repeats what she said earlier oh there's a note on the bottom though the pets are shy so don't worry if you can't see them what's that supposed to mean the plants in this room all look healthy i guess i don't know much about plants let's check out the next room i guess this is the pet area it's just all empty pet cages but i can't see any pets the cages and tanks are all empty maybe this is what the note meant when it said the pets are shy or non-existent am i supposed to feed the empty cages i'll worry about that tomorrow huh this room seems a bit to be empty it's just a long haul not sure what this little vase in the middle is doing either oh this is probably where i'm supposed to sleep more of a sofa than a bed though and i don't think i even saw any light switches on the way here i was told not to turn the lights off but i don't even know if i can maybe this is one of those smart homes with remote control lights to be honest the lights are really dim anyway so i shouldn't have any trouble getting to sleep am i falling asleep already did i fall i fell asleep already help me please anyone let me out oh more of you ready weird i could swear i had a dream last night but i couldn't remember anything about it oh well i might as well get to work what was it again water the plants feed the pets right and don't turn off the lights oh i get to do stuff still don't see any pets i'd get it if the fish were just really small but these cages are pretty big they know did say not to worry if i couldn't see the pets though i guess i'll just try putting food in the cages and the tanks and see how it goes here we go oh the food's gone that means something must be eating it even if i can't see anything i guess i shouldn't worry about it too much even if i can't see the animals they're probably still hungry okay feed i think that's all the pets not that i can see them okay water the plants water water water water let's be the last plant i need the water all right everything else i'm investigating doesn't seem to be important all right fine let's finally touch this it's just a small glass face filled with water maybe it's a goldfish bowl there's nothing in it though probably for decoration i've heard rich people do stuff like this sometimes just put stuff out for no reason at all must be nice to have enough stuff and space that you can do that all right go to bed guess there isn't anything left for me to do here it's still pretty early in the day but maybe i'll take a nap not sure why since i haven't done much can't you hear me i'm right here i don't have much power left i need to try again huh why am i at the shop front i just put my head down for a quick nap what are you talking about anyway it looks like you've taken care of my shop well enough in my absence i thank you for your efforts it wasn't much really here is your payment oh thank you this is a lot of money with a little bonus for any trouble you might have run into trouble there wasn't any really i see why are you still here oh sorry um i'll just get going then it looks like your efforts were for naught what did you think i wouldn't notice wait is she talking to me are you talking to me you must know this is pointless you can't make somebody interact with something that doesn't even exist in their world what is happening though i must admit it is rather entertaining watching you try oh did i strike a nerve then maybe you should the game just crashed okay i just opened it again and now it just says please help me the light destroy it um huh why am i here wait i think i'm here for a job i remember he's a bit foggy for some reason what was i supposed to do again turn off the lights no wait that's what i'm not supposed to do i need to water the plants to feed the pets okay this is the to-do list now do turn off the lights the pets are shy so worry if you can't them same symbol is repeated over and over it looks kind of like a light bulb then there's a page with a big x on it it's weird it kind of feels like it's sucking me in all right we're going to bed i've touched everything oh why didn't you the light it's right there just delete it from existence okay i'm wondering because the game keeps crashing and bringing me back to this there's something here that says light and it's a file and it says number two so is that how many times i've played it said specifically delete light from existence i'm gonna delete this file from existence and then open the game again and see what happens crap it says please help me still the light delete it i did i did oh i did oh i did it i figured it out i'm a genius huh it's really dark wait the lights are off that was the one thing i wasn't supposed to do how could i screw up such an easy job i need to fix a light switch and fix this situation strange it doesn't seem like light is coming in from the window but it's still barely bright enough to see the lights are out though so why is it a pitch black in here i can see someone's handwriting knock on the wall four times what does that mean oh there's a secret door what was that wait a door just appeared but how it's even darker in this room than the is that telephone floating great this telephone is floating can it even make calls like this i could try oh i have to make a call okay so in my files these just all appeared going to the hall backroom telephone zero five two zero five two hello what who's there you can hear me oh it's the telephone right um yes i can hear you who is this help me please huh i'm trapped in the telephone no it's not it's hard to explain is this some kind of prank no no i i need your help please uh i can try but i don't know if thank you so how am i supposed to help where are you trapped here here in this room yes but no sorry i don't really know what you're you don't need to understand i just need you to help what do you want me to do there's a locked cupboard in the shop bring whatever is inside that cover to me to you but where are to this room please i just have to go bring whatever's in the cupboard here right yes i'll be waiting what on earth was that this is really weird was that phone call a prank or something but i was the one who called this must be the cover the person on his headphone was talking about how do i unlock it probably need a key wait a second i can't see any keyhole is it locked from the inside if it is i don't know how to get a key inside the keyboard to unlock it it's gonna be in the files okay while exploring this went to the hall and now there's a vase and there's a key in here so i guess i need to take the key and bring it to the shop to the cupboards all right let's see if that works it's still wait it's unlocked because i'm a genius that's how i guess i might as well take a look inside it's too dark to see anything though so i'll just feel around i touch something soft it's cold wait is this a hand attached to an arm attached to a body somebody is in the cupboard how did they even get in here this cupboard door is so small you can't crawl wait are they alive the body's cold oh god oh god oh god what have i gotten into calm down me i'm just panicking you're just panicking you just found a dead body are you kidding me it's obviously not a real body it can't be that would be this must be a prank i should probably just do my job and forget all about this i don't think i could even get this out of the cupboard it's too big oh well files shop body great let's cut this and put it in the back room is that correct i guess we'll find out the body's gone but how did it just disappear who could have am i just imagining things we're manipulating the game breaking the fourth wall right is the body in here now ah where did you come from my body in the cupboard it was mine but it's missing something where is the rest of my body huh i don't know what your my heart where's my heart i don't please give my heart back to me uh-huh oh god what's happening oh what keeps popping up did you just steal my heart why am i still stuck like this this isn't what was supposed to what did you do to me i can't move oh no what have i done i need to fix this geez okay so that was a way longer game than i had anticipated i will find somebody else's playthrough that did the whole game and link it in the description below for anybody who's curious how it all pans out but that's gonna be it for cute but creepy games if you made it this far in the video you might as well leave a like because why not it's free to do it helps me out a lot also if you're looking for something else to watch why not check out one of these videos that are popping up right over here if you made it this far in this one then you'll probably like these also make sure you subscribe if you're new that's also over here too and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,975,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, laurenzside of gaming, funny girl gamer, creepy game, horror game, creepy experience, scary, scary game, indie games, indie game, do not download, do not take, do not play, 3 scary games, free games, random games, cute, not cute, cute creepy, haunted, Saiko no Sutoka, egg friend, a pet shop after dark, part 3
Id: X64JSv7YmWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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