Do Miracle Healings Exist? Doctors vs Holistic Healers | Middle Ground

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I have personally witnessed people in my family have outright medical violence enacted upon them and I'm not just talking about neglect I'm talking about organs being removed we've all heard the benefits of yoga and meditation a reset on the mat may be just what the doctor prescribes some people just go well whatever the doctor says I've got to do because the doctors not everything and I don't believe that they do behind the medical celebrities of Deepak Chopra and dr. oz is a contentious decades-long strategy to promote alternative medicine to the American public it was my calling that's the easiest way I can say it my journey began over 10 years ago my worlds became very dark emotionally and it came to a point where one of my doctors said if I did not change my emotional state I was not going to survive more than two years I've always enjoyed interacting with people taking care of people cancer was one of the diseases I interested me the most you know I wanted to be a person that could heal people's problems herbal ism means to use plants as a modality for healing we could bathe in them you can eat them you can drink them anything you can think of whether medical practitioners approve of holistic healers or not there is a reason why people seek them out I think it's actually somewhat confusing because it could be anything from a health coach that got a online certificate over a weekend to a medical doctor who has extensive training I didn't learn much about alternative and complementary medicine in my training and I'm very interested in knowing what it is that draws people to that there I think are a lot of misconceptions about holistic health involves and I look forward to being able to kind of enlighten some people today about what it is that we truly do my name is Armand hoes I'm a psychiatrist and podcast producer name's Josh Mansoor I'm a cancer doctor physician here in Los Angeles I'm shadi I'm a folk herbalist and educator my name is Jeremy Stillman and I'm a hypnotherapist and life coach here in LA I'm Christina Stefan and i'm a holistic practitioner healer hypnotherapist and breathwork practitioner I'm shot Eva Dodd I'm an internist Hospital doctor and integrative practitioner in Los Angeles and I have all of my holistic healers on the left and can I have all my medical professionals on the right I have had bad experiences with Western medicine so as a physician and being in the part of what people deem as quote-unquote Western medicine there's always going to be a bad apple and there will always be someone that has a negative experience that's not to say that the whole thing is negative when my son was young and I didn't want to give him the MMR vaccinations that was my belief that my son was not safe to get that MMR vaccine and I had to fire my son's pediatrician because she looked at me and she said if you're not gonna trust my professional opinion you're stupid and I transferred my child to the next doctor and I said doctor what do you think and she said don't do anything where your heart is not in the right place to do it I'm a Western medicine doctor myself and most of the negative experiences have come about when I've been a part of on the caregiver side and have taken family to to doctors or hospitals dealing with hospital staff has been pretty traumatizing actually and knowing the system knowing what needs to be done it's very clear to me when things are not done in the right way and I always wonder if it's so challenging for me as a physician how would a family know how to advocate for their loved one I have had personal experiences and also personally witnessed people in my family and in my community just have outright medical violence enacted upon them and I'm not just talking about neglect I'm talking about organs being removed but as a woman that has a chronic illness I'm actually in contact with doctors a lot and I wish I could report that I've had positive experiences but I can't think of a single doctor I've had that hasn't displayed racial bias in a way that negatively impacted me I would love to see an integration but in the meantime the culture and Western medicine creates a space that's not safe for me and given these bad experiences I'm curious to ask you as physicians where do you think the role of the patient lies in terms of you know doing our own research I tell all my patients to bring as much research as they want bring as many questions as they want to me and there are situations that say they want to bring a more holistic type of treatment it can be integrated the one caveat I would say to that is a lot of times when folks that don't have the background training that we have take to the internet you know there's her Google and stuff absolutely there's so much misleading stuff out there while I definitely also encourage research be cautious about what you read you can't validate everything that's online you know as a person with a chronic illness when I come into the doctor's office sometimes I come as an informed person and I feel like that's not appreciated and I've experienced in other countries that medical professionals don't carry quite the same arrogance I believe the other side takes advantage of vulnerable people yeah when you look at the way conventional medicine is practiced you see heavy amounts of influence on the part of special interests and the average person who's sitting down with the physician they don't know what has led up to that experience of them being prescribed a medication they're just going on this you know the this faith that they have that they're going to be taken care of I do have a problem with a lot of holistic healers as they continue to grow and how much they are taking advantage of patients the oversight is very minimal for some of these practitioners who claim to be holistic healers they're not held to any rules or regulations and they are claiming to know everything I think most of the time if someone has a bad experience with any provider it's because of the quality of the provider not necessarily whether their alternative or Western conventional medicine I think that there are times when it does come down to what the patient you know their condition is I have so many people that come to me as kind of a last resort because they weren't able to get what they needed through Western medicine and sometimes I'm not the first herbalist our alternative practitioner they come to sometimes they're rude by somebody that has a better Instagram page or a better marketing and I call those Instagram healers not to be dismissive but because there is a lot of harm that is done by improperly trained holistic healers but I don't feel like those people that are taking advantage of those that are sick are the issue I still believe it's the medical system that has over time suppressed alternative traditional healers and because of the suppression they've been driven underground now it's harder to find somebody and hold them accountable if they've done wrong I think both sides can be quick to dismiss the value of the other side because they just don't understand what's involved and I feel strongly that really there's a time and place for all of us but it's on the patient to do their homework to know what is the background of each practitioner you have to think what their training is and maybe you're asking the wrong question of the person sitting up in front of you having access to medicine should be a human right the United States is known for being a country where you can get anything if you have the right type of money but we know that's not true because I can think of a number of celebrities with lots of wealth and access that almost died not for want of money but just because of who they were because of their background but there are places where there is universal health care and anybody has access to it and they thrive because of it all right I want to know why you guys instead Lord I have something to say to that I do completely believe in that but maybe not in the States because I feel you get what you pay for here if you don't pay for it you're probably not gonna get the best care but in other countries let me tell you I am believe it yeah I mean socialized health care systems are enough a foreign thing in this country you know we have like the Veterans Administration that's like the largest healthcare system you know in the country and it's essentially a socialized system Universal you know I can speak to the level of care being pretty good but to compare it to something you might get in a Beverly Hills private practice or something like that it may not be quite the same level so in terms of quality the facilities the service and if that's what you want you know probably to get that in a socialized system yeah I think there's no denying especially with everyone here that we would want for every to have health care I mean it is a right of every person to be able to get treated for it to help them that's not the issue the issue is it takes so many different other moving parts to be able to make that happen the finances between it getting payment for hospitals to stay open employing the nurses the doctors this isn't a simple oh do we you just want every person to have health care I mean come on of course but there are so many other variables that people don't understand that gets taken into account I mean everyone's platform it seems every politician goes oh we need universal health care for all well if it was that simple would be done already it's not that simple I have witnessed miracle healings miracles do happen people do heal miraculously because of belief system changes and that's what hypnotherapy allows people to experience as a change of a belief that has been limiting - a change of a belief that is empowering yeah I think there's also certain situations all patients come in that there are prognosis statistically like you all are saying based on numbers based on trials are more grave than others sometimes they will be able to respond that therapy and then end up being this so-called miracle you're not allowed to say miracle no yeah it depends on how we're using the word miracle or not I've trained in something called functional medicine which is an approach to medicine looking at the root cause of illness and I think the reason I enjoy practicing this type of medicine because a lot of the cases I consider almost as miracles the typical patient that I see has essentially failed conventional medicine I've seen patients with MS who failed conventional treatments and started doing yoga and recovered from Foot draw I've seen patients who were completely bald cut out gluten and have hair grow back had I not trained in this area I wouldn't have believed it I've never had someone come to me that was so hopeless that I absolutely didn't have confidence I'd be able to help them in some way if they were outside of my scope they wouldn't be with me I heard you speaking about as a functional medical doctor you deal with people with chronic illnesses and conditions those are the people that I tend to work with and so if their hair grows back or their information reduces I see that as like a logical conclusion to the treatment a key I guess ethical principle that we abide by which is non-maleficence yeah do no harm but another one that's really important is autonomy and that you know speaks to what you're saying is it's their body right it's their experience and they have to do ultimately what's right for them what makes them feel you know good and healed it's really got to be an approach that probably integrates both sides I think ultimately that's why we're here today to come together and not be separated from each other and work together we were the most boring group
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 741,681
Rating: 4.8645267 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, live deeper, blind devotion, love language, middle ground, spectrum, middle ground holistic healers, holistic healers, western medicine vs eastern medicine, alternative medicine, doctors, medical professionals, do miracle healings exist?, western medicine, what is alternative medicine
Id: Kaj6hJCq0-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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