"Battle for the Body" by John Skeete

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I like all that are willing and able to kneel with me as we have a word with the king our gracious Father in Heaven we praise your name for all the blessings that you've given us this week for your watch care your protection for your your patience in tearing with us as we stumble along the way but we thank you most of all Lord for the salvation that you've provided for us at such tremendous cost to heaven and now as we come to the meeting of the evening we invite your spirit to come down and brood over this room in teach us and instruct us and write things in our hearts help us to make decisions to come up higher and let us as we enter into the Sabbath hours be mindful of the presence of the sacred teacher because you've asked it in Jesus mighty name our subject this weekend is the subject of health and wherever you go and you say that we're going to talk about health people start to squirm and become uncomfortable oh no I don't want to hear about that and we're going to talk about why it is that when we mention the word health people start becoming uncomfortable tomorrow morning we're going to talk about the most important habit that you can establish in terms of renovating your physical health and that's the subject the touchy subject of diet tomorrow afternoon we'll talk about how our mental and physical habits affect our brain our mind and our thinking and we'll look at some strategies for changing our behavior many of us want to do better but we have difficulty in putting one foot in front of the other tomorrow evening we'll have a study on cleansing programs and on Sunday we're going to have a hands-on meeting where we do some practical things but this evening we're going to tell you a story and I don't worry about writing all the references down if you don't get them I can give them to you later perhaps but the most important thing is that tonight we want to set the stage about this titanic struggle that's going on for something that is of extreme value and though we may not realize how important it is Satan understands how important it is to undermine your in my physical health and we're going to trace out this evening some of the history in this battle for the body tonight I'm going to read 99% of the words and I'm going to ask you to read one percent can you do that can you do that all right I'm giving you a test you read the words in white I read the words in yellow what's the first two words say without health no one can as distinctly understand or as completely fulfill his obligations to himself his fellow beings or his creator therefore the help should be asked what faithfully guarded as a character the book education page 195 the first breezes of the great storm that's going to sweep over this planet have already begun we see in storms we see an economic uncertain scene in earthquakes signs that the winds of strife are about to blow and the only safety that we can have during this time is found in Jesus and the way to find Jesus and to have him and your experience is through the shelter provided by the instruction in God's Word in 1st Peter chapter 5 who taught we read this text a hundred times it says be what's the next word the Greek word for sober means to be awake in watching it says be what's the next word say vigilant excuse me we're sober means to abstain from wine the word resident means to keep awake and to watch for your adversary the devil as a what a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour how does a lion hunt he hunts in two phases the first phase is called stalking and the methodology for stalking is deception it looks like it's all on yellow grass but really no there's eyes and there's claws there and then it goes to the second phase the second phase is the chase in the chase the methodology is entirely different it's not deception anymore it's not hiding he comes out in the open the prey actually sees him and the methodology in the chase is not deception it is speed and force who is the Lions preferred prey if there's a big herd of channel who does he go for do you know I'm hearing all kinds of suggestions he goes for the young and he goes for the weak the sick in a phrase he goes for those that fall behind when the hurt starts galloping to get away a couple of different classes of animals starts to fall behind and those are his preferred prey we know that this is true was in the Bible in Exodus chapter 17 is a story about when the children of Israel came out of Egypt that a nation called Amalek attacked them and the Bible says remember that story not sure he remember cos they set Aaron down on a rock and extremely sad it's that Moses down on a rock and Aaron and every time that he held up his hand they would win the battle remember that story nod your head what after they got into Canaan and our openness scripture reading God had actually told them that Amalek should be attacked and in Deuteronomy chapter 25 it says remember what Amalek did unto thee by the way when you were come forth out of Egypt how he met thee by the way and smoke that was the saying read their most of thee when thou was faint excuse me how most of the even all that what was the next word feeble behind thee so here it says that Satan who is the answer typically of Amalek that when he attacked the children of Israel the ones that he came after were the ones that were falling behind and the Bible says that those that were falling behind were feeble in the Hebrew word for feeble means unsteady and weak that's fast forwarded to today friends today Satan is attacking the church and his special preferred prey are those of us in the church who are what people where God has called us to make reform than to prepared to make our journey to heavenly Canaan and some people are pushing their time to come up higher and others are falling off of the pace and they're falling off of the pace because physically they are weak Peter said be sober don't drink the wine he said be vigilant stay awake and watch because we're in the stalking phase now but in a short period of time Satan is going to come out into the plain open there'll be one a series of cataclysmic events that will come very rapidly and it will become very clear to all the inhabitants of the world that Satan is going to try to destroy all of the commandment-keeping people of God and those of us who physically are weak and unsteady physically will be his preferred prey what is the wine that he is causing people to drink today that's causing them to be so weak and so unsteady to tell that story we have to go back into time to understand this great battle that's going on for your physical health we have to go all the way back to heaven long before there was sin there was perfect harmony in the government of God until a shadow came over heaven in the exaltation of the will of one angel against the revealed will of God this story of Lucifer's fall is found on his isaiah 14 ezekiel 28 in revelation chapter 12 and we know from inspiration that satan became disenchanted with the order that was in heaven and the book the great controversy on page 495 he says that he left this place in the immediate presence of god and spread this spirit of discontent among the angel it says he was working with mysterious secrecy for a time concealing his real purpose under the appearance of reverence for God he he went around through the Angels and he said I I love God I want to serve Him I want to I want to give him all of the respect that he has but I have some questions and and while it appeared that he was working to up bill God's kingdom he really was destroying it this disaffection broke out into open revolt and the Bible says in Revelation chapter 12 and verse 7 that there was war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon fought and his angels and the next phrase says and prevailed not say Amen amen he prevailed not he was cast out the unfortunate thing is that he was cast out into the earth where we lived where we live and where he carries forth this battle that he began in heaven in the book the great controversy on page 591 it's just something very significant it says that Satan's policy in this with the next two words final conflict with God's people is the same that he employed in the opening of the great controversy in heaven he prefers to be seeking to promote the stability of the divine government while secretly bending every effort to secure its overthrow why do we talk about this at the start of our health talk because in the original controversy in heaven it looked like he was trying to build up what God was doing while he was trying to tear it down and you will find that today in the work of Education the very people that are in charge of education the very teachers who were supposed to be instructing your children some of them are actually dumbing them down in the counseling field the people that are supposedly putting marriages together are pulling marriages apart all of us know how you've taken cost of the mechanic who's supposed to be fixing your car but really he's doing something wrong to your car and we're going to find that it's going to be the same thing in unfortunately in the medical profession in some parts of it we know that when Christ created the world and the fallen angel was sent down to this earth that are in the first few hours of creation it was all perfect peace and harmony for the original pair but we know that as Eve tarried at the tree she was deceived and Adam also fell and we know that that temptation was on the subject of appetite in his original warfare against the human race Satan through the issue of appetite chose to under man man's what's the word say in pink their spirituality by attacking here with the last two words say physical powers I want you to let this thought thinking to your mind just resonate a little bit Satan was attacking their spiritual powers attacking their spirituality by trying to degrade their physical powers in the book Chris the Christian experience by Julius Gilbert white he has this graphic in here where he shows that all of our experience the whole experience of man each of us its foundation is in our physical life and that when the physical life is well maintained the brain is well maintained and that's where your mental powers reside but the crowning part of man's experience is not just his academic and intellectual ability but actually his spiritual experience depends on the proper operation of the mental powers and so as Satan is chipping at the foundation of the edifice of man he's chipping at the physical life he's causing people to smoke cigarettes and use crack cocaine and drink alcohol not just because he loves misery he's trying to chip down the physical foundation because he's trying to topple the experience on the top and the Bible says in Psalms 11 3 where they say if the what Foundation's be destroyed what can the righteous do so the whole idea is that he tried to bring the temptation he brought the temptation I should say of appetite to Adam and Eve but his real purpose was not just to have them eat something God said not to eat but to cause them to transgress his revealed will Adam and Eve fell but since their fall in every generation there has been a succession of fall to nine generations after Adam and Eve there the world had become so wicked that God said that he would have to destroy the world through a flood of water and of course God made a way of escape for his people and on the ark the vast majority of people would not obey they would not heed the warning just as it will be in our day people will be giving the message the three endless methods the message that has all of the truth necessary to reform our lives to prepare for Christ to break the skies of heaven but the vast majority even in the church will not listen but God will have a remnant that will hold to the light and when that storm was raging God sent an angel to make sure that nothing happened to them after they came out of the ark we know that one of the sons of Noah was a wicked man his name was ham and ham had a son named cush and cush the Bible says begot a child named Nimrod he began to be a mighty one in the earth he was a mighty hunter before the Lord wherefore it is said even as nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord and the beginning of his kingdom is babel and erech and accad and calneh in the land of Shinar it was this man that Satan chose to be his kingpin in advancing the fault system of healing that is still alive in the world we live in today we know that in Genesis chapter 11 that Nimrod built a tower an inspiration tells us in the book spirit of prophecy vol 1 on page 91 that in that tower that the rooms were splendidly furnished and devoted to their Idol so this tower was actually like a church where there were wounds of worship going in there and rather involved religion history books actually and archaeological findings have actually began to uncover what was that ancient religion that went on in the Tower of Babel in the ancient empire of Babylon it surrounded the worship of four esses everybody says 4 4 s s the letter s it was the worship of the Sun it was the worship of the serpent it was the worship of the number 6 and it was the worship of sex the act of procreation and this worship was hidden in various symbols that the average person was told that they meant one thing but the initiate into the mysteries was actually told the real meaning of this symbol many people have written quite a bit bit of information about the mystery religion of Babylon but many would be surprised to know that there at the Tower of Babel many hundreds of years ago that there was a well-developed healing art that went on in the Empire of Babylon what was the ideas that were taught by the Babylonian priests physician back at that time it's interesting because we never hear about this but if you go to any public library and take out books on the history of medicine you'll find dozens and dozens of pages about this history in a history of medicine by Ralph major it says that the early Sumerian inhabitants whose religion was accepted by the later babylonian and Assyrians had an immense pantheon of nearly how many deities 4000 it says six of our does that number six gods formed the upper haki the chief of them was sham ash the Sun God it says that the number of the clergy back then was large and their power was immense and it goes on to say that these priests these the clergy were the judges the lawyers and they were the physicians the priest taught back in ancient Babylon some ideas that are still lingering up with people in the Western world today one history book says it is said that astronomy is the oldest of the sciences and astrology was applied to the practical affairs of life and it says that that astrology was the essence of Babylonian medicine they said your health or your sickness depends upon the movement of the stars the movement of the stars and they taught people this unusual idea and I did that perhaps have never been heard before that the Stars the Sun and the moon were related to events that took place all over the world and they were related to whether you were sick or well this is a very important idea to understand because what it's saying is that your individual habits have nothing to do with whether or not you're sick or well it all depends on something orbiting way out there it's this wars epidemics famines the succession of monarchs all depended on the eclipses common changes in the Moon in the stars even the prognosis is or whether or not you get well was determined by astrology it says that the Babylonian physician was a priest and the first priests was a physician but here's the idea that grew to prominence and is still alive in many parts of the world today in filling Garrison's looking to receive the history of medicine on page 61 and 62 it says for the most part Babylonian physicians regarded disease as wouldn't say they're in capital letters the work of demons would swarm the earth air in water so they said listen there's demons invisible demons all over the planet and they along with the Sun Moon stars is what's causing you to be sick in feeling garrisons history he also says Babylonian medicine was associated with religion and magic and belonging to the domain of priesthood the common priest was called an a simple priests and there was an a slew priests also and they said that all nervous and mental conditions were generally attributed to demonic possession and were therefore cured largely by religious and magical means again in ralph mages history of medicine he says something very interesting he says not only were the diseases caused by invisible invading demons but he says that the ancient Babylonians actually categorized the disease-causing demons into certain families he'd put them all into a different family a family of these demons caused this problem family of demons caused this problem and Ralph's major says the Babylonian like primitive man believed that everything that showed power and growth was a lie and thus becomes the unconscious originator of what does it say there it says the modern germ theory but he percent personified the germs by giving them human or animal shapes it says the Babylonians and Assyrians differentiated their demons just as we do our germs there was a demon for wasting disease for liver troubles woman disease every sixth man was possessed by a demon the only way to be cured was exorcism or incantation is delivered by the priests physician isn't that an interesting idea they said listen these demons are just like the forerunner to the idea of the germ theory the people back in ancient Babylon began to become superstitious and fearful events if maybe there's a demon over there it's gonna make me sick or a demon over there so much so that they began to to carve out stone monsters ugly things that they would hide the history books say under their gates are buried under the thresholds of houses so that it would scare away these disease-causing demons why is that important for us to understand today it's because Satan at the very beginning of his false system of healing he came up with a little sip of wine he says that if I can get people to drink this I can lay a foundation for some radical changes in the people's approach to being healthy or sick you see Satan actually introduced a new model of disease which had far-reaching ramifications because if illness is caused by an invisible invading demon it undermines the principle of personal responsibility everybody is just a victim of disease and it just it hits you in your sin the other idea that the other Amma fication of this false idea concerning this disease model was that it caused a very strong dependency on a small privileged class of men that the people the only person that can help you with this supernatural problem problem is someone that has supernatural ability I must go to these people here instead of the people back then looking to God and looking to nature and and taking responsibility they focus their attention on a small class of people the other and perhaps most important ramification of this false disease model was that it divorced healing from the necessity of observing natural law and that was his original controversy in heaven he said listen we don't have to keep these laws in order to have peace and harmony in heaven there are many other aspects of Babylonian medicine that we don't have time to touch on this evening I just want to mention one more in history of medicine by Louis and Wagner on page 19 and 20 she says that the Mesopotamian practitioners attempted to rid their patience of disease-causing demons by the administration of remedies containing noxious that means poisonous ingredients it says enveloped in the aroma of burning feathers liberally dosed with dog dung in pig's gall the patient hardly seemed that inviting abode for a discriminating demon is that an interesting idea they said they said listen in order to keep the demons away we will make these people dirty on the outside in the inside they'll be so dirty that even the disease-causing demons won't want to come around there is something else that history tells us about Babylonian medicine and that idea was and its history is difficult to document but there was a symbol that was either held by the physician priests or was to him it was set up in the place where the hex exorcism took place or in some way in that community they had this symbol of their power in the symbol was something called a caduceus a caduceus is a is a a rod with a solar ball or a Sun on the top with two wings and it has two serpents that are in the act of procreating and in the dictionary of mythology and folklore and symbols by Gertrude joke it says there that this symbol had its origin what to say there in yellow what the civilization it says in Assyria and Babylon it was a symbol now this is something that when I first stumbled across it I thought that was remarkable because I've always been taught that the caduceus originated in Greece but after the history books show that this symbol goes all the way back to Nimrod in the original fault system of healing in ancient Babylon in symbol signs and their meaning by arnold whitaker on page 40 it says the same thing it says among the earliest seals of which we have record is the circular stamp and cylinder seal of the Europe period in what country Mesopotamia that's Babylon France and it says with the Europe period is well before 3,000 BC that we have the origin of the caduceus so way way back in time Satan not in Christianity not in true medicine in the false system of medicine he held up his I call it his business card wherever you see in archaeological world people worshipping a snake that is station saying I'm gonna do bad things to you I'll show you my business card and you still won't know who I am we know that this symbol of a tooth of a serpent with associated with wings comes originally from the Bible friends it is in Isaiah 14 29 and Isaiah 36 where the Bible mentions a fiery flying serpent there are no snakes today that fly but the Bible mentions it in two places in the book patriarchs and prophets on page 54 we're told that the serpent was then the wisest and most beautiful creatures on the earth and that it had wings and that when it flew it was a dazzling brightness and a tremendous appearance and that is that symbol is a symbol of Satan saying I the winged serpent and behind this system of healing the serpent the rod represented the male organ in arousal the two serpents that are intertwined represents two snakes that are copulating so the whole idea that symbolized by the caduceus is that it's it's the flesh it's carnality it's just it's it's nothing spiritual at all that is associated with it it's interesting to note that later on several centuries later that the Greeks adopted these same Pagels pagans this is Hermes the Greek God messenger God and the Romans called him mercury and he had wings on his heels and on his hat and he carried this healing one that caduceus but if you go back and you look in the in the mythological lore you'll find that Hermes and mercury didn't take people to heaven they use that wand to take people to Hades or the underworld so even in their mythology they say that this symbol was not something good it was something bad that was going to happen to people associated with it that summarize what we've talked about thus far and make some application to our time today quickly the cause of disease in ancient Babylon was an invisible invading demon it was the sole cause of disease but in worldly medicine I want to caution you here there is such a thing as Christian medicine say Amen there are Christian doctors enlightened doctors to understand the true principles of Health but there are also doctors today who do not understand the principles of health and they operate in what I call worldly medicine and they teach stepped up primary that's the operative word the primary cause of disease is invisible invading germs I want to caution you here germs do cause disease amen they do but they are not the primary cause of disease the primary cause of diseases that we've transgressed the laws of health we've compromised our immune system and so in the compromised immune system the opportunistic opportunistic germs can invade and cause disease in ancient Babylon the object of confidence was the witch doctor priest today people are taught to put all of their trust in the worldly unenlightened physician primary treatment back then gross unnatural surpluses modern medicine the use of synthetic and often poisonous medications ancient system of healing was tightly controlled by the political religious monarchy today the system of healing is strictly monitored and regulated by state and federal governments and they use the same simple today I was in a doctor's office once and I saw this caduceus on the wall and I asked a doctor doctor what is that symbol on your wall and he said that's the serpent that Moses lifted up in the wilderness and I said not exactly that's not what it is that's an entirely other symbol in the book amulets and superstitions by EA Wallis budge to faith the famous British archaeologist I bought this book just to put this one paragraph on the screen it says the mathematician the astronomer and the physician have founded their scientists on the lore of the Sumerian and Babylonian it says astrology divination the use of numbers the system of Medicine which were in use in Mesopotamia in the third millennium before Christ are as much alive and active in that country as ever that's in Iraq and in England and what country does it say there America in the present time large numbers of people are influenced by beliefs which were common in Babylonia four or five thousand years ago you believe that do you believe that that we are being influenced by ideas that were taught four or five thousand years ago when it comes to medicine it's true we don't even need EA Wallis budge statement because the Bible teaches it in Daniel chapter 7 where the world kingdoms are represented as beasts and in verse 12 of chapter 7 it says that these beasts had their dominion taken away yet their lives were prolonged let's say there for a season and time it means that the lion there Babylon is its world Dominion is gone Iraq doesn't rule the world anymore it says but there the life of Babylon is still preserved today Babylon is still alive today friends and we as a church have been given a message to call people out of Babylon and all that that includes what happened to the Babylonian system of healing that was going on four or five thousand years ago we know in Genesis chapter 11 that God sent angels down there and he smoked that tower and he scattered them he changed their languages and confuse them and the people went to the four corners of the world and when they went they carried with them the ideas the seeds of Babylonian religion the seeds of Babylonian governance the seeds of Babylonian education in the seeds of Babylonian healing arts in order to trace out how that healing arts spread into Europe we're gonna go to a source that many of you have in your house at home it's a book called back to Eden written by a Christian pastor in the mid 20th century and there he has a very illuminating couple of pages they're talking about a doctor who they say was the person who brought a medicine into the scientific realm his name was Hippocrates he lived about four centuries before Jesus and for many centuries doctors Pat practiced medicine according to how Hippocrates had instructed them and he required the doctors to take an oath that followed his method of instruction and here's us the first few lines of the Hippocratic oath it's very revealing it says is what these doctors used to say they said I swear by Apollo that's a God the physician and escalate pious that's another God in health capital H that's another God and all heal capital a capital H that's another God and in case they missed a knee it says in all the gods and goddesses okay that according to my ability in judgment I will keep this oath in name promise that they won't give any any deadly medicine or they won't do something that will cause an abortion a lot of things that doctors actually go against that oath today but Jethro cause comments on the oath with this explanation on page 49 of his book back to Eden he says the Greek god Apollo was believed to read those words in capital letters me bring on illness and plagues by shooting certain types of arrows he was addressed as the to Horn god of war 'fuck hymns but there was only one original to Horn God what was his name Nimrod who founded the Cowden monarchy Nimrod was the original Apollo's I want you to stop in the Hippocratic oath the doctors of Greece and Rome swore to Nimrod they swore that they would practice their art according to Nimrod so Greece and Rome was practicing Babylonian medicine says Apollo was the mighty hunter who went before the Lord and was the husband of Sumer amis it says escalade pious say that for me aesculapius also called aesculapius eventually became the predominant Greek and Roman god of healing it says this was the son of Apollo Apollo was the mighty hunter before the Lord the husband of Simha ramus and it says aesculapius the legendary son of Apollo became the predominant who was what was the Babylonian name for Nimrod son Tammuz that is correct Tammuz was called escalade pious and he began to be the predominant Greek and Roman god of healing we know very little about Nimrod except for what the archeology books tell us and what the Bible says but they say that he was a man of dark complexion of great physical strength that he killed a bull with his bare hands it's pretty difficult to do and rip the skull off the bull and put his horns upon his head and said I am the Messiah I will save you from all the deranged animals because you know after the flood the animals were deranged by sin and he set himself up as a messiah as a savior among the people but his son Tammuz also called Aesculapius became the predominant Greek and Roman god of healing that word escalade pious is a word deathclaws tells us that's not found in the Greek Egyptian Assyrian or Hebrew languages that word is a Kalvin word and that word is made up of three words that mean ash mean skull Fe means man and skull means Austin excuse me I got that backwards it says Ashley means man skull means in struck Fe means snake so escalade pious therefore means whether to stay there the man instructing snake and we know that in the Bible there was only one power that was Satan who gave instruction to man in the garden so the name Tammuz Chaldean name was aesculapius and in the empires of Greece in Rome he was worshipped as their predominant god of healing in Roy Allen Andersons book unfolding of Revelation he says that Pergamus was the headquarter of cygnus religion Christ said I know that works where thou dwellest even where Satan's seat is he said something very interesting he says when the Persians overthrew Babylon they gave the inhabitants of the city of their freedom stopped you know when that took place where that's in the Bible where did the Persians overthrow Babylon that's in Daniel chapter 5 remember that there was writing on the wall and there was on the writing on the wall it was that same night that the person armies came in and Babylon was overthrown and it says that when the party is over through Babylon they gave the inhabitants their city their freedom but the who and yellow was this a beta for me the Babylonian priests later led a revolt and they were driven from the city it says the defeated Chaldeans fled to what country Asia Minor and fixed their Central College at a city called pergamus pergamus today is called bergamot and that's in Turkey but it was anciently called Asia Minor so the the false healing art that was in Babylon it was transplanted to Asia Minor in a fitting where Jesus said that's where Satan's seat is and that was a city called Pergamus here's a picture of Daniel 5 when the Babylon was overthrown and those Babylonian priests said they led a revolt but when they were driven out they said we will carry on our religion in our new city they built a temple in Pergamus this is in the Berlin Museum in Germany and they have actually have a very large three-dimensional reproduction of the Temple of Zeus that was dedicated to escalade pious that existed in Pergamus many centuries ago and you can't see it there but all along the outside wall of this temple there were serpents that were carved in the stone Roya Andersen says that programís was the city of temples the most important of which was the Temple of Zeus the temple was dedicated to who escalade pious it says a living serpent was always kept in the temple of zeus as an object of worship their state is calling card again when you see that snake he's saying it's my power that is working there it says that famous School of Medicine was also located there the emblem of which was the serpent of the caduceus twined around a pole this has come down to us today as the emblem of the medical profession now I want you to see a second symbol that is used in and medicine today in this symbol is not the caduceus it is called the staff of escalade pious it doesn't have two snakes it has no wings no solar ball it's just a stick with one serpent around it and it's called the staff of escalade pious this is not the staff that Moses lifted up in the wilderness when you see it in a doctor's office a dentist's office it is not the staff all that lifted up in the wilderness it's called the staff of escalade peace you see Satan changed his symbol he said I need something that I can deceive people a little bit more rock and get them mixed up where they won't see my wings so I'll remove the wings in the solar orb and I'll just use a stick with a serpent on it and you will find today in the city of Loma Linda this is the city this is not the church this is the city of Loma Linda they have adopted as their City logo a highly stylized staff of Aesculapius instead of a staff though they've substituted a torch and people pictures have meaning and this picture is saying that the light of the healing art going on in this city will shine into all the world and in fact on the city of Loma Linda and the Medical Center there has done a medical procedures that have not been done any other place in the world some good and some not so good now we want to just jump track just briefly as we move try to move towards the end of our study here to show that while the fall system of healing in Babylon was transplanted to Pergamus and it was later adopted by the Greeks in the Romans that during the empires of Babylon medo-persia Greece in Rome God in the Jewish nation was teaching them the true principles of healing and the Jewish nation and it's very interesting that in the Old Testament as we study out healing in the Old Testament we find that the physicians were the priests but the priests visit Levitical priests who were physicians their primary role was not therapy they were educators the Bible says in Deuteronomy 35 verses 8 through 10 that that he said get leave I shall teach take up digest in Israel by law they were in 48 cities scattered among the nation so that they could instruct people on God's system of healing to teach them that they had a personal responsibility in the maintenance of their health to point them to God the true physician in heaven and to teach them how to repentant to confess then to how to get victory to change their habits took be in harmony with physical law that was the role of position in the Hebrew society and the practice of medicine Hebrew society was based on four principles the first one was hygiene cleanliness inside internal environment and external environment quarantine was the idea separation rest isolation those that had that had leprosy were separated from the community and obedience to natural law were them three main principles we also know that in the Old Testament that God often did perform at certain times miraculous things through simple natural remedies he told naman just go in the Jordan River seven times and you'll be healed he was he scoffed at there just like people scoff today at hydrotherapy all that that's foolishness that's hocus-pocus that doesn't work at all I need to have give me some drugs now but God preferment performed miracles through these simple natural remedies in Old Testament times and every time these simple natural remedies were performed the people were pointed back to the Great Physician in heaven in second Kings chapter 20 it tells the story about how Isaiah brought miraculous healing to Hezekiah through a what through a fig poultice so in the Old Testament time God was continuing to teach the new the true principles of health that were not saying that disease was caused by an invisible demon but by teaching people personal responsibility looking away from men looking to the great physician and cooperating getting Grace and strength and wisdom from God to observe these physical laws we know that that when the Greece passed off the scene and Rome was on the scene ruling the world that Christ came after 400 years of darkness and he taught the same system of healing in his life that that he lived out before the Jewish nation and the book of ministry of healing it says that he did order more time actually to healing the sick than to preaching and we know that on two specific occasions he told the people that he was ministering to he said go and sin no more he didn't say go and have the invisible in the visible in the invisible demon taken away he said go and stop transgressing these laws and you can have maintained the health that my heavenly father will give you and in the physical restoration of disease in Jesus day he was giving lessons about the restoration of spiritual sickness we know also that Christ in a few occasions did also use the simple natural remedies in John chapter 9 it says that he made he took spittle and made clay and made a clay poultice and put on a man's eyes and so instead of enveloping people in burning feathers in pig's gall and making them dirty Jesus was using simple clean remedies to restore their health so thus far we've talked about two serpent symbols the first one was called the what caduceus which had two wings a solar orb and two serpents and the second one was called the staff of Aesculapius in moments of Medicine by Robert Tom it has an artist depiction of the inside of the Temple of Zeus as it existed in pergamus the history books tell us that there was a huge statue of escalade pious that was Tammuz Nimrods son a big muscular man that he had this big staff with a serpent called about it and the people would come and they would take potent substances that would cause them to be drowsy and they would sleep in this temple and the history books say that at night they would come and sleep in the temple and a practice called incubation and it says that while they were in a strange state between sleeping in way it's very interesting they weren't fully asleep but they weren't fully awake it says that this God would come in the form of a statue and he would hold a staff with the serpent about it and that this God would visit them in this temple it also says that he would give them instruction on what they should do to be healed it also says that and that they would have dreams and that serpents were reported to appear to patients in their dreams and would heal them by licking their wounds we'd like to go to a place like that to get well I think not I think not so it was a system of worship that they were actively being brought into contact with powers from beneath did people get well there absolutely because Satan can bring healing also I'm gonna back up the pitch I don't have time I'm on the wall there there's little clay emblems of legs and arms and feet and hands and has everything that anytime that they were healed they would make an image of that thing and they would put it on the wall in honor to escalate escalate pious their God where did this system of healing go well an Anderson tells us that Pergamus was the headquarters of the mystery cult but the king of program has bequeathed his kingdom to the Romans and this whole cult was transferred to what city Rome so was in Babylon and went to Asia Minor pretty misses from there it went to Italy it went to a city called Rome programís thus becomes the link between ancient Babylon and Rome today Rome has been involved in the healing arts brothers and sisters since its inception in the sixth century and what many of us don't know is that for many centuries in Western Europe the the Church of Rome operated sanitariums or hospitals back through that what we would call the Dark Ages here and devils drugs and doctors by howard haggard md it's a history of medicine he says that the early medieval Christians accepted the doctrine of the power of demons in the lives of men and the demoniac production of disease so the Roman Church taught the same idea that they taught in ancient Babylon but what went on in these medieval Catholic hospitals in the same book it says that for centuries these institutions were simply refuges for the destitute sick it says in capital letters their medical care was the next three words was not given now think about that for a minute if diseases caused by demon why are we doing physical therapy we need to have the priests come and pray over so in these hospitals the thick would come and they would just all be in this hospital suffering and suffering and the priests would come and shake holy water on them and pray but there was no real treatment going on by the men that claim to be the physicians in these hospitals it's interesting that in the same book it says that for the medieval Catholic each disease had a patron saint just as for the ancient Romans each disease had a God in the ancient Babylonians the same thing these Saints these Catholic saints were thought to have the power of both inflicting and curing disease do you remember that we read it in Nimrod that he was said to a brought on certain illnesses by the shooting of arrows so we see that in the Roman system it was the same Babylonian medicine being taught the same ideas being Tauber bringing in history for now we have to bring it up bring it to a close how do what happen to that system well medicine eventually did escape out of folklore superstition and magic the realm of magic and it escaped out of it as a result of something called the Protestant Reformation it was like from the reparation that really opened up several fields of science because it was during the Reformation that there were men of God that stood up and said we will uphold God's ideas above all of the ideas of men in Luther here standing before the deity under threats of losing his life he showed people that you can stand upon God's Word when the whole world stands against you and that God's ideas concerning any subject are more important than man's ideas and when that idea began to be disseminated widely across Western Europe people began to say we must get back to the scriptures they began to say we must value honesty and industriousness we must get to the root of all problems because it says in Matthew 3:10 that went down the Baptist came and says now the ax is laid where to the root of the tree so they began to study more deeply and this began to bring light in the sciences what many people don't know is that the Protestant reformers were the founders of educational reform and they taught people that loyalty to Christ and lost it to his word was more important than anything and that we must get to the root of all problems and this brought a great Reformation in all of the sciences at the height of the Protestant Reformation in the mid 16th century Vesalius printed his masterpiece on human and a deist and human anatomy he said we have to cast off the superstition of Rome we can open up the human body we can study it we can learn what's inside of it and there were many advances that were made and this was how medicine began to emerge out of the superstition and ideas of of religion and magic that had plagued it for so many centuries but still for several centuries there wasn't any actual therapy going on in many of these institutions but the error of no treatment was about to give way to a new era of poisonous treatment largely by the work of this man here who was called the father of pharmacology his name was Theophrastus bombastic von Hohenheim say there Theophrastus bombastic von Hohenheim and his name bombast as he was a man that was an armory person he was an angry spirit he thought with everybody matter of fact some history books say that his name is the origin of the word bombastic which means to fight and he actually burned the books of Galen they also he called himself Paracelsus Paracelsus means greater are higher than Celsius elseís was a medical historian in his day and he said I am greater than Celsus I am the greatest physician that ever existed and this man you too we're told that he took a trip to the mines that's where they they dig in the ground of Tyrell and when he was there he saw excuse me I'm gonna go down to the bottom of the page it says he's he defended the idea that the body could be chemically purified by the use of minerals because when he was in the mines he saw that the the metals were purified by chemicals and he got an ID since I think the human body can be purified by chemicals and so he began to get chemicals and give them to people and sometimes he would kill people he's like oh that was a mistake I won't do that again and he started giving them all the types of kemon started experimenting on everybody he could experiment on and he was the one that developed these ideas it says that from 460 BC to AD 1500 a period of almost two years we have no record of anyone giving large doses of poisonous minerals to cure disease until Hohenheim thought of using them after he worked in the mines of Tyrell and so he was the one back to Eden page 52 who developed this these ideas and so in the late 1500s you had for the first time now you had people starting to travel around and to give chemical chemicals and minerals to bring about health and now you had a tremendous battle between one class of people that said we must use natural things we must use plants we must use barks and clays and and things that grow in nature and another class says no we must use chemicals even if they are poisonous what drug do you take if you have a headache what drug do you take if you have a stomachache what drug do you take if you have a stomachache what herb do you take if you have a headache what herb do you take if you have a stomachache you know we I think you people like ginger quite a bit so what happened is that that what there was a time when a lot of people were knowledgeable about about natural things that grew in nature but in the 1500s now drugs came on the scene I'm actually this program it's two hours who convinced it down to an hour and 15 minutes there were other developments that took place that we don't have time to talk about just as an ancient babylon you had association about that had political power that had control of the avenues of media and instruction the same thing took place in 1847 there was the founding of a Medical Society of Medical Association that had the purpose of stamping out its rivals in the great moments of Medicine by George bender and Rama and Robert Tom he said that the AMA was the was designed to a limb quacks and pretenders and there were many people back in the mid 1800s that had no business in medicine they were doing harmful things they needed to be taken off of the scene but there were also people that had a different school of medicine that were not doing harmful things and they were ward against as well sixteen years after the the medical community in America organized to have their own political guild to protect their practice of medicine as they saw fit God gave light to this church in the year 1863 a vision was given to the certain of the Lord it's written that in the book two spiritual gifts vol 4 on page 122 151 it's 31 pages I encourage every seventh-day adventists to go and read those pages it will be to be surprised what you will find there that vision was given in the summer of 1863 16 years after the AMA was founded one year later she waited a year before she wrote down a word a year later in the summer of 1864 she wrote out this vision in it it encompasses our whole health message and it's interesting I've studied every paragraph there and if you study the paragraphs it becomes very clear the direction we should be going with the health message there were institutions that were founded on these principles in Battle Creek Michigan in the Western health reform Institute was founded in 1866 just a couple of years after the vision was written out and ten years later in 1876 a man was tapped to take charge of that institution his name was John Harvey Kellogg and he expanded the institution and expanded it again and it grew and it became very popular this is the building today as it appears in downtown Battle Creek Michigan it is owned by the federal government you can't even walk into that building without a pass or a escort but in that building they have a John Harvey Kellogg Museum room very interesting room here's a side of the rotunda there we know of course that Kellogg instituted the same principles that were taught to the Jewish nation over 3,000 years earlier hygiene quarantine and obedience to natural law he used simple natural remedies just as Jesus did and God gave him miraculous results JCPenney Henry Ford the great men of the world beat a path to Battle Creek Michigan because the nurses in Battle Creek Michigan were the highest quality best trained nurses in the world at the turn of the century these are actual pictures from the Battle Creek Sanitarium John Harvey Kellogg always dressed in white he always whenever was seen in public wear white shoes white socks white t-shirt white pants white jacket white tie and a white shirt by his dress he was saying hygiene and obedience keeping ourselves clean is the secret to healing here some of his equipment is there at the Discovery Center in Battle Creek Michigan he was blessed with unprecedented success but unfortunately he became lifted up and he became proud and he decided to separate the Battle Creek Sanitarium from the church he said our health work can go on without the gospel ministry and he received council after council and he rejected that council it was John Harvey Kellogg not his brother William Keith Kellogg who was the originator of Kellogg's Corn Flakes he gave that that beautiful light to his brother who separated it out and became very wealthy do you know that corn flakes were given to us as the people that corn flakes could finance the whole gospel work around the world if we still held the patents on it but someone else now is making hundreds of millions of dollars on corn flakes John Harvey Kellogg rejected the light that was given him and in February of 1902 God here whoo God burned that building to the ground I've been there they actually have some of the ceramic plates in the center now those ceramic plates are fused together Franz I don't know if you know anything about ceramic it can take a lot of heat they say that they when they try to put the fire up that the water was less gasoline it made the flames go higher there were actually so many fires in that part of Battle Creek because the dimed Tabernacle also burned down the review and Herald also burned down there were so many fires that they actually made a new fire station in that corner of town they say woof these Adventists have five fires going on over here because they would not listen to the life that was given to us and today 100 years later the light has become unpopular because it cuts across our nature the history of how they Adventist medical institutions moved away from the divine blue blueprint can be found in this book entitled the broken blueprint by Vance Farrell we've come to the close of our sly program friends through the media the educational institutions and the medical profession the babylonian concepts of healing are now being advanced but they're not working very well friends even in the hospitals today a hundred thousand people are killed every year by properly prescribed medications there has to be a better way there is another way but in order to learn it unfortunately because of the powers that be you have to go to small institutions you have to go to little churches where they have training centers where you can learn about some of these concepts that have been now so stigmatized and pushed aside but friends it will become incredibly valuable at the time when you will not be able to go to a doctor a time is coming in this world where you will not be able to buy and sell you won't be running in the mountains with your little bottle of pills to be able to take those bottles will run out and at that time only those that are strong only those that are steady will escape the lion because he is stalking and peter is saying be sober don't drink the wine be visitin stay awake watch because he's stalking and the time is coming when those who who have imbibed that wine our children who are who are inculcating imbibing the principles of ancient babylon will be prey for that dragon we have been given a message that lion we've been given a message to call people out of Babylon to call them out of the Babylonian system of religion to call the lot of the educational system to call them out of the healing arts and the question is will we be part of that false system or will be part of those people that will be part of the truth this the Babylonian priests had the the true model of disease is it really the invisible invading demons that caused illness or is it the observance of physical law should we put all of our confidence into a small fraternity of men or still we take personal responsibility for our health and look to God and ask him to teach us what to do in answering those questions you and I will choose who will be our leader and whether we will survive when the great anti-typical lion goes from stalking to the chase how many of you this evening but like and make a decision to come to the meetings tomorrow morning at 8:11 3 5 7 p.m. and Sunday morning and learn how we can understand more clearly to take personal responsibility for your health how many you would like to come to those meetings if you can I'd like you to kneel with me as we close out and prayer our greatest Father in Heaven we've been sitting for a long time and we've heard this almost unbelievable story of this tremendous battle that's going over this it's taking place over this wonderful machine that you've given us for human body Oh Lord the battle is not just for our physical health but the enemy is warring that he might topple the spiritual experience at the time when you need every hand on deck to rightly represent you before the world we pray a special blessing on every one that was able to attend the meeting tonight and to see it through DVD or streaming video and we pray that your word will go forth and will not return unto you void and that decisions might be made this evening to take personal responsibility for cooperating with you bless us with the best physical mental and spiritual health possible that we might be your soldiers in this last great conflict as our prayer we've asked in Jesus name and all the people said together
Channel: Remnant SDA Church
Views: 10,847
Rating: 4.7165356 out of 5
Keywords: Remnant, SDA, Church, Adventist, Christian, Health, Ministry, John, Skeete, Battle, Body, Gospel, Temple, Restored, Windy
Id: WrUo3TVWJ4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 32sec (4232 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 10 2012
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