All of These And Those Are Mine | Randy Skeete

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our subject for this evening is what all these and those are mine exodus chapter 4 reading from verse 10. we're reading from the king james version of the holy bible exodus chapter 4 reading from verse 10. exodus is book number two chapter four reading from verse 10. the bible says and moses said unto the lord o my god o my lord i am not eloquent neither heretofore nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant but i am slow of speech and of a slow tongue and the lord said unto him who hath made man's mouth or who maketh the dumb or deaf or the seeing or the blind have not i the lord now therefore go and i will be with thy mouth and teach you what thou shalt say and he said o my lord send i pray thee by the hand of him by whom that will send and the lord the anger of the lord was kindled against moses and he said is not aaron the levite thy brother i know that he can speak well and also behold he cometh forth to meet thee and when he seeth thee he will be glad in his heart and thou shalt speak unto him and put words in his mouth and i will be with thy mouth and with his mouth finish the verse and will teach you what he shall do all these and those are mine now you must follow me closely it does not take the devil long to take you off the track maybe 10 seconds five as you're distracted concentrate as if you're sitting for your advanced levels god called moses to be an agent to speak to pharaoh moses said as so many of us do oh my lord i am not eloquent neither heretofore nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant i have always been slow of speech i am slow of speech and of a slow tongue now listen to god and the lord said unto him who hath made man's mouth now why does god identify the mouth what was moses's complaint i can't speak now we speak with the mouth not the nose or the eye or the ear the mouth god said who has made man's mouth but god goes beyond the speaking or who maketh the dumb or the death or the seeing or the blind so god extends the range of moses's sensory apparatus he can speak even if you couldn't see even if you couldn't hear says god who made the mouth who made the eye who made the ear says god the question is rhetorical the answer's so overwhelmingly obvious i can fix what i made somebody say amen particularly excuse makers you can't sing what's the question god has for you who made the voice you can't study the prophecies what's the question god has for you who made the mind whatever your shortcoming is god has a question for you who made your eye your ear your nose your in other words you're hearing seeing tasting smelling touching which represent the entirety as i said of our sensory apparatus with which we interact with the world as a matter of fact take away these senses and scientific experiments cannot be done because for something to exist it must be measured scientists am i right it must be measured and it's measured either by sight hearing seeing tasting or touching so god's question is where do you have a deficiency identify it and i have the response i made it i can fix it on the basis of that god tells moses in verse 12 now therefore the world therefore is critical it links 12 to 11. because i made your mouth because i made your tongue the precise organ of speech because i made them and i can fix them you go notice how the verse ends and i will be with thy mouth now let me tell you what i told lovely people in north northampton i think it was none of my sermons will come from revelation when you think of revelation what word comes to mind i'll give you two choices symbolic literal which word comes to mind symbolic nothing i say this week will be symbolic are you with me i am dealing in literalness now listen to a literal statement now therefore go exodus 4 12 i will be what with thy mouth have you ever seen a blind person with a seeing eye dog i see them from time to time by the way every time i see someone with uh what's the prep what is a handicap disability i redouble my commitment to preach god's word all over the world because the only final total irreversible answer to every problem large and small is the return of jesus christ not a change in economic policies whether you put david cameron or the fellow who was before him was it no before there was guy after tony blair was that nice man gordon brown or margaret thatcher on angela merkel or barack obama or whomever you put the problems we have we will have the only solution to war crime sickness divorce homosexuality lesbianism bestiality self-abuse murder famine plague tribal violence is the return of christ so if you're studying sociology to change the world yes you may make a change here and there you will never transform the world and so i bring us back to verse 12 i will be with thy mouth because the solution to your problem you're looking at it ah you missed it you're sleeping with your eyes open listen to what i just said the solution to your speech problem i am that solution not a speech pathologist god bless all speech pathologists the solution to your speech impediment is god the solution to your shyness is god the solution to your problem with always being late for church and school is god but early for them all your the solution to your problem of having a sharp tongue is god are you still nice people my brothers and sisters let's think a little deeper listen scientifically we have macro and we have micro what does macro mean yeah you see okay let's see with your eyes brother robert big what is micro small god says who made the mouth now that's big depending on who you are that's me who made the eye you can see it it's macro can i assume that if god made the eye he made the rods and the cones what level are we moving to now micro if god made the head can i assume he made the mind may i assume if he made the brain which is macro may i assume he made the neurons and so when some neurochemical passes from one neuron to another across that little space which is known as the synapse am i reasonable in assuming god did that yes now let's broaden god's bold terms who have made man's mouth who made the eye who met the rods who made the cones who made the neurons who made the synapse who made acetylcholine who made adenosine triphosphate who made ions made atoms as your response weakens i will persist who made molecules ah god bless you what did you make other than sin what did you make listen to this quotation from ellen white education page 137 paragraph four what reference did i give you don't say anything these two sections don't say anything what reference did i just give you why are you so quiet are you the posh people oh you're listening all right okay i'm accustomed to uh not noisy congregations but a risk ah thank you for reading my mind that's easy to do responsive congregations anyway uh what was i saying education page 137 paragraph four listen to ellen white the foundation that which lies at the foundation of business integrity and true success is the recognition of god's own issue one effective tool of teaching is repetition let me employ that tool that which lies at the foundation what is beneath the foundation nothing for all practical purposes the foundation is what the building rests upon what she's saying is the most basic principle that should attend any endeavor particularly business is the recognition that god possesses and owns everything now this is a bible statement psalm 24 1 the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof what is the fullness well yes everything is a good answer it's smart it's a but let's be more particular let's be uh subatomic in our responses let's give details what is the fullness the cattle upon a thousand hills what's under the hills come on what's under the hills what is excavated you're from south africa what's under the ground gold you're from namibia botswana diamonds huh and a thousand other things the bible says the earth is the lord's and the fullness what's above the earth the rainforest the rivers the seas what's above the seas the birds the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof the world and they that dwell therein meaning whom all of us what i'm stressing is quite embarrassing to someone who's honest you and i we own nothing now what has that to do with uh transformed agents you need to understand your position relative to god in order to serve him effectively let me say it again we need to understand our relation to god our position vis-a-vis god in order to serve him effectively the ambassador from the united states to japan needs to understand he is not in barack obama the u.s ambassador to england is not the president he represents so he can't jump and start speaking against the president as if he's running for office you and i own nothing let me put it more positively your talents your energy your life your potential all belong to god the creator of all things the quotation goes on to say he is the original proprietor we are his stewards all that we have how much all that we have is a trust from him to be used according to his direction can you sing yes you can i heard you singing for whom do you intend to sing do you realize your voice belongs to god do you have a sharp mind for figures do you want to be an actuarial scientist a mathematician a statistician do you realize that sharp mind belongs to god and should serve god do you speak well do you realize that fluency of speech belongs to god and has been entrusted to you for god's glory and for no other reason you're good-looking will somebody say amen do you use your good looks to accumulate a harem of either gender or do you use your looks to win people to the even better looking person jesus what i'm saying to you my handsome brothers and sisters my young brothers and sisters my energetic brothers and sisters my good-hearted brothers and sisters you exist for the glory of god not your glory let's go to genesis 11 quickly sister timekeeper how much time do i have 22 minutes 27 seconds and i promise not to take all of my time one thing you learn about preachers and the promises they make genesis 11 reading from verse one do you have that yes and the whole earth was of one language and of one speech and it came to pass as they journeyed from the east that they found a plane in the land of shinar and they dwelt there and they said once another god to let us make brick and burn them thoroughly and they had breakfast stone and slime had there for martyr and they said go to let us build this a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven read the rest with me now if you have the king james version and let us do what make us a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of what the whole earth let us make us a name what's your name give me another word reputation i want to be famous i want to be well known in my field i want to sign a recording contract with a whomever puff pee diddy or lady gaga or one of her cousins i want to be famous listen to the builders of the tower of babel that was their ambition let us make us a name now listen to what god tells abraham well the very next chapter reading from verse one what is our subject all these and those are mine genesis 12 reading from verse 1 the bible says now the lord had said unto abram get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house onto a land that i will show thee and i will make of thee a great nation and i will bless thee what does the next statement say and make thy name great now what we have are two opposing philosophies tower of babel philosophy is i will make my name god's philosophy is what i will make your name because you're mine romans 2 24 the name of god is blasphemed among the heathen through you as it is written in other words as we seek to make our name we come into conflict with our original uh job description which is to make god's name by the life we live my brothers and sisters you exist and so do i for the glory of god and why does god have a right to your glory because all of you belongs to god including your sins which he has taken and placed on his son i like going to the gym and i'm trying to increase my deadlift total to a certain figure by the end of the year and i said father if i reach it it's yours and the reason i'm doing that i tell god father one day when i go preaching across the world i may not stay in a nice hotel as i sometimes do i may have to stay in the jungle and carry a backpack up a hill across a river through a cave around an elephant i need the strength are you following me so this deadlift is for god somebody say amen because i belong to god and so i take care of this because it has been entrusted to me by the original owner and i need to return it to him for his regular inspection a young man was courting a young woman which is the way it should be don't court all women all men don't quote young women and they were driving through the country you know how men are they must impress the women i haven't found an alawite quotation against that so it's okay and as you were driving the young man had one hand on the wheel the other hand he flourished he said at the path of the country uh orchards and hills and refugees he said all these and those are mine so naturally the lady was impressed she began to think well if i marry him i can provide for my children so they got married and he took her to a little old house under a tree somewhere she said why are we living in this house i thought you told me all of that was yours he said yes all these and those are mine my five fingers you say you weren't paying attention all these and those are mine now god looks at you tonight and each one of you represents a finger on god's hand and as god sweeps his hand over the universe what does he say all these and those are mine at the macro level and at the micro level when you smoke a cigarette whose lungs are you damaging now god is a spirit i don't know if he has lungs but i know he owns lungs oh you missed it you missed it completely you can own something without having it i don't know if a spirit has lungs but i know god owns lungs and i have some examples of lungs that he owns when you smoke you are damaging something that is god's when you drink fashionably it makes no difference to the state of your drunkenness you are damaging a liver that belongs to god now you're looking at me as though i wrote revelation i didn't i am being literal when you drink you damage god's liver if i commit fornication i am using god's tools for the service of the devil ah all right you want to take a nap you have two seconds to take a nap let me say it again when i commit fornication or adultery or bestiality or lesbianism or homosexuality or engage in the privacy of self-abuse i am misusing something that belongs to god literally if i launch you my car you will treat it more carefully than yours am i right because you have to give me an account what's happening what happened you can't take my white bentley and paint it polka dot you can't do that it's not yours now god says ye are not your own you're bought with a price that's not revelation that's literal and the price is the blood of christ my brothers my sisters listen to me in the 15 minutes i have left for my persistent sister you are not your own and as god waves his hand tonight what does god say all these and those are mine you belong to god twice what are the two levels of possession god claims over you creation redemption when you understand and i understand i literally belong to god it changes how i treat me when paul before he was paul what was his name saul persecuting the church jesus knocked him off a horse and he fell to the earth and heard a voice saying unto him saul saul why persecute us thou me and he said who thou lord and the lord said i am jesus whom thou persecutest where was jesus where was paul how was jesus being persecuted through his people do you understand what i'm trying to say christ's people are so much his that persecution of them is persecution of him destruction of our liver is destruction of his because he is still he is still i heard it human what are you laughing at sister nice smile but wrong time tonight i want you to make a decision a commitment that you will live your life with the consciousness that everything you are and everything you have belongs to god without that consciousness you and i cannot function as transformed agents we will serve our own agenda and an agenda based on self comes into conflict with god my brothers my sisters listen to your older brother let me put it this way in selected messages volume 3 page 211 paragraph 2 ella white writes these words what reference did i say what did i say not the preachers the sinners what did i say what did i say ah what did i say too slow what did i say you're quick but you're wrong selective messages volume three page to eleven paragraph 2 the line of demarcation between those who serve god and those who serve him not is ever to remain distinct the difference between believers and unbelievers should be as great as the difference between light and darkness now why am i saying that i'm saying that to say this when you live with this consciousness you belong to god your eyes belong to god your every system you have belongs to god then you are living by a a view that is as different from the view of the world as light is from darkness because that's not the way the world thinks i was in south africa a few years ago and i was in a restaurant told that story i think this past weekend the young lady came to serve myself and a young man who was with me and she had a piece of metal right here i'm always curious why people do what they do why they buy the shoes they buy why they wear their hair the way they wear it why they buy the suits they buy the why they did the men they date or the women they date why they everything and so i called i said why do you have that you know god is a why god what is that again why are they rough why why do you consciously deliberately intentionally flagrantly purposefully willfully push a bit of metal in your chin and she said to me i wanted to that chin is mine the refer chin were god's chin she would think twice does god want a piece of metal in his chin in whose sin or a piece of metal anywhere else and you'll be shocked where people ah lord in heaven have mercy on all of us she said because i want to i was in a certain country the face of the earth and some ladies came up to sing is there a back door here no and they were wearing some heels and i said you're not supposed to say gee whiz and that sort of thing but that's what i said that was the problem i don't believe what i'm saying what were they thinking when they decided to buy that skyscraper no i'm not saying it's wrong or right i'm not saying i'm simply saying what was the thinking process when you see a shoe which if you fall from it you're dead when you saw that shoe wow what led you to buy it now what i'm suggesting to you is that preaching concerns in one if your first thought is god it alters every decision you make a lot of things i'd like to put on when i think of god i said no no no this won't go well with god and what he has for me to do i was in the philippines how many minutes i have seven okay that's prophetic time okay i was in the philippines and uh this literally happened two weeks ago i was in the philippines i was standing outside a hotel where i was staying and i was in uh what you call cargo pants and uh t-shirt uh waiting for somebody we were we were going to gather and then drive to the site of the evangelism which is a three-hour drive the philippines is not a cool place it is hot so you dress according to the climate so i had t-shirts and cargo pants and some sneakers this man was drunk united states from united states so he saw me he had seen me on the plane he flew with me from detroit to tokyo tokyo to manila on the plane he was sober he was one person now he's a different man but he recognized me he said hey where are you live and i'm going to some place to do some church work when i say church work he backed up what do you think he did he looked at me from head in his drunken condition he understood no one doing church work dresses like that literally he looked at me saying you're full of it and he says i can spot someone who's full of it because i'm full of it that's what he said he said you are here for something else a lot of westerners go to these countries to uh evangelize and so he thought that's why i was there but he bases incorrect assumption on the way i looked no one goes to church looking like that why am i saying that we have to think of god how do i dress whose body whose body god's body point to god's body come on point to god yes this is literal you desire to be a transform agent step number one you need to understand you belong to god can you imagine a safer place to be in the hands of god when you understand you belong to god and you place yourself in his hands you live a life with a minimum of regret i mean a minimum of regret and so tonight as you hear by faith god saying as he waves his hand all these and those are mine at the macro level and the micro level i want you to commit yourself to god with the consciousness that every part of you physical mental spiritual belongs to god to withhold any part of you from god is to engage in theft ye are not your own so that god expects you to use your mind at the school you attend to the fullest because the sharper you are the more effectively you glorify him god expects you to use your piano skills your singing skills your organizational skills your public relations skills whatever they are your health he expects you to use them effectively to the maximum because that's what he expects of anything that belongs to him let me close the book as a visual symbol that i'm about to stop if you had to summarize my message in one sentence short sentence what would it be this row i belong to god add some details that section you are not your own you're bought with a price same thing but different words say it again sister treat your body with respect because it belongs to god who owns your eyes your intellect your femininity your masculinity your youth god then who deserves your best how many of you will say father by your indwelling spirit i promise from this point on to do my best and to give you my best can i see your right hand my best keep your hand up don't do that keep it up god is a god who loves to confirm he gave joseph not joseph pharaoh two dreams and joseph explained in genesis 41 22 god was confirming that's why he gave it twice i want you to confirm the upraised hand by standing let me remind you why you're standing i acknowledge all of me belongs to god and i stand to say father i commit all of me to you as the rightful owner from that first step we can proceed to be transformed agents nothing i said was symbolic i strove to present a literal message you belong to god every interview macro level micro level and god has entrusted to you life talents ability health skills endowments so that you may use them to the maximum that glory may accumulate upon god's name and whenever glory accumulates on god's name god splashes blessings on his faithful servants has bowed eyes closed father in heaven we thank you today god for a heavenly perspective which differs radically from the way we on earth view things the secular view that god is i belong to me i do what i like i'm a free moral agent your view is i belong to you every cell belongs to you every nerve belongs to you every muscle fiber belongs to you every neuron father as extreme as this may sound it is biblically correct and so in the light of this strange extraterrestrial perspective we commit ourselves to you believing that all that we are rightfully belongs to you and you have a receipt signed with the blood of christ dear god in heaven i believe in all my heart that standing before me and in your presence are young men and young women who at the very foundation of their hearts want to do what's right yes they're god sometimes the spirit is willing the flesh is weak but i believe it is in their heart to do what's right give them the where with all day god grant them the power grant them your indwelling spirit that represents jesus christ himself and put into our hearts a joy a love a deep satisfaction knowing that all of us that we have that we are belongs to god use us their god that through us others may come to know you by the end of this week yay let the process begin tonight make us transform the agents bless every man woman boy and girl and make us blessings i pray from my heart in jesus name let god's transformed agent say amen you
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 8,368
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Keywords: Seventh-day Adventist Church (Religion), East-central Africa Division of SDA, Pastor Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, DivineRevelations Spiritlessons, Pastor Steven Furtick, Elevation Church, Saddleback Church, Nick Vujicic, Tony Evans, Billy Graham, Our Only Hope, Emmanuel TV, TB Joshua SERMON, Priscilla Shirer, Grace For Purpose, ABOVE INSPIRATION, Ted Wilson, Dr. Ben Carson, Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN), Doug Batchelor, Mark Finlay Sermons, Randy Skeet, Berry Black
Id: UaWmk63XcKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 2sec (2342 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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