"The Sinless Sinner" by Randy Skeete

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we come to your house we've come to listen to your word to be blessed my truth father I ask in the name of Jesus who is truth that you would grant to us the Spirit of Truth that we may understand the word as it is spoken give me simple language there father I humble myself in your presence seeking only your glory and a blessing of your people I pray their father a special blessing on those who are with us for the first time if others are on their way bring them Seyfried a God without hindrance or without hurt and at the end of this surface let us know we have received a word from you in Jesus name we pray let God's people say amen and amen Matthew three reading from verse 13 a sinless sinner Matthew three reading from verse thirteen and we read from the King James Version of the Bible the Bible says then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John to be baptized of him but John forbad him saying I have need to be baptized of thee and comest thou to me verse 15 and Jesus answering said unto Him suffer it to be so now for thus it becometh us to fulfill how much all righteousness then he suffered him or he baptized him I want us to focus microscopically on the words of Jesus Christ suffer it to be so now for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness what did Jesus mean by thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness keep in mind that Jesus never sinned he was sinless he was a lamb without spot and without blemish and by the way through his abiding grace that's the condition to which we must reach a condition of sinlessness let me say it again by the abiding grace of Christ by the outworking of his life in us we are to reach the place where Christ reached in his human condition he never sinned and we must overcome sin entirely Jesus said thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness now clearly one of these things that may be classified as all righteousness was the act of baptism because John said no but Jesus said yes baptize me for we must fulfill all righteousness we being John and Jesus in other words the person who baptizes is engaging in an act of righteousness the person who is baptized is also engaging in an act of righteousness but again Jesus says we must fulfill all righteousness suggesting that there were some things leading up to baptism that Jesus had already done but baptism was lacking and I prayed all day I said father help me to go slowly because when I get excited I tend to go quickly but this message is so critical I've asked God to help me to go slowly so if I rush like a freight train do not hesitate to shout musically please slow down are you with me if I call a verse and you need to hear it again please say repeat that verse you will not offend God or if anyone else you surely won't offend me because I'm not here to perform I am here to present truth and I want you to get it thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness baptism was the act missing from the list of all righteousness follow me closely our sinless sinner when Peter preached on the day of Pentecost let's go to Acts chapter 2 we shall read from verse 37 of Acts chapter 2 Acts chapter 2 reading from verse 37 we were in Matthew Matthew Mark Luke John acts by the way teach your children to memorize all the books of the Bible in order it's an excellent assignment who can recite all 66 books in order Maisie ahem all Oh God come come come c om e come come I must pause in this presentation to have you do this that we might be blessed come all 66 books in order tell everyone your name siddhart okay beginning in Genesis at your readiness go first Kings second Kings first Chronicles second chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther job Psalms proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Isaiah Jeremiah lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi Matthew Mark Luke John acts Romans first Corinthians 2nd Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Colossians vs. lone Ian 2nd Thessalonians first Timothy 2nd Timothy Titus film and Hebrews James first people first Peter 2nd Peter first John 2nd John 3 John revelation let the church say Amen god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless my young brother and I'm glad they were other hands that were raised saying you can do it make sure your children learn the books of the Bible in order as spiritual information goes into the head the mind becomes stronger listen to what alewife says in mind character and personality volume 1 page 34 paragraph 2 as in the case of Daniel in exact proportion as the spiritual character is developed the intellectual capabilities are increased as a child grows spiritually the intellect grows councils for the church page 207 paragraph 6 as a means of intellectual training the Bible is more effective than any other book or all other books combined god bless my god brother Acts chapter 2 reading from verse 37 my question was what was it that led up to baptism that Jesus must have done and insisted that John baptized him to complete all righteousness acts 2 verse 37 the Bible says now when they heard this they were pricked in their hearts and said unto Peter under the rest of the Apostles men and brethren watch we do they heard the words what shall we do what does verse 38 say read nice aloud and Peter said what who repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost now listen again Peter said repent and then be baptized you'll receive the gift of the Holy Ghost now at the baptism let's go back to Matthew chapter 3 let's read verse 16 now favor number three you must do it vigorously tonight and what's that favor think are you in Matthew 3:16 17 and Jesus when he was baptized went up straightway out of the water and Lord the heavens were opened unto him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon him for seventeen unlawful from heaven saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased when Jesus came up out of the water what came upon him the Holy Spirit what did Peter say what happen if they repented and were baptized they be through Holy Ghost this is exactly what happened to Christ but what did Peter say to those men first repent be baptized you receive the Holy Ghost in the case of Christ we have the baptism and the Holy Ghost using our reasoning power what did Christ do before he was baptized he repented but let me be quick not of any sin he committed he painted for whom for us let me say it again Christ confessed and repented of the sins he took not he committed am i clear in that sense he's a sinless sinner because he was treated like a sin on the cross by Christ by the father he was numbered with the transgressors in other words he was one of them Isaiah 53 the last verse of that chapter let me be very careful how many sins did Christ commit quickly none how many did he take all haven't taken all the sins he for us repented he confessed repented was baptized for us these are various page 101 paragraph 2 Jesus did not receive baptism as a confession of guilt on his own account he identified himself with sinners taking the steps that we're to take and doing the work that we must do let me say that again our sinless sinner Jesus Christ did not receive baptism as a confession of guilt on his own account but as a confession of guilt on our account which he took for us he identified himself with sinners what is the theme of these two weeks one with him and here he is becoming one with us you see Christ became one with us before we even dreamt of becoming one with him because for us to be one with him he first had to have taken the step of being one with us and so when the father said in verse 17 of Matthew 3 this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased that extended to every person who accepts Christ by faith that's why Ephesians 1 verse 6 says to the praise of the glory of His grace wherein we accepted in the beloved in Christ when you confess your sins I confess mine that genuine confession can only be accepted by God on the basis of the confession of Christ so when you confess and I confess we may confess with confidence because a greater confession was offered for us and so that our confession is accepted to cry to God on the basis of the confession of Christ when we repent father I'm sorry we cannot repent as fully as we are are you with me the repentance of Christ now becomes the basis on which our repentance is acceptable to God and so Christ confessed for us he repented on our behalf so that when we confess we confess in the strength of Christ confession we repent in the strength of Christ repentance when we are baptized we're baptized and it is accepted on the strength of the baptism of Jesus Christ in other words everything we do that is connected to salvation is accepted because of Christ our sins we commit without any help from Christ or from God or from Satan I'm not a supporter of Satan but there's no need to blame the poor brother for no good reason if Satan died tonight we will sin tomorrow mm-hmm why because we have a sinful nature people don't sin because of the devil now the devil is the originator of sin we are the perpetrators of sin so let me say it again if Satan collapsed tonight we will sin five minutes later so don't accuse the devil of being responsible for our lies about whatever we make choices to sin now I am saying that everything connected with salvation God accepts from us on the basis of all that Christ has done that is why the Bible tells us and loi tells us we must exercise repentance towards God but faith in Jesus you see salvation is a science and science is orderly and it could be many times we're not blessed as God with desire to bless us because we do not go about things in the step-by-step organized disciplined way that God has laid them out go to Acts chapter 20 we read verses 20 and 21 of Acts 20 X 20 verses 20 and 21 we were in where we were in Acts so chapter 20 20 and 21 do you have that read from first twenty ones they say and how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you but I've showed you and I've taught you publicly and from house to house verse 21 testifying to whom the Jews and also the Greeks finish the verse repentance towards God finish it and faith so where's Lord Jesus Christ no what does that mean we must repent to God the Father and Express faith in Jesus there's a reason for their faith in Christ is based on our acceptance of his entire atonement for us I told you earlier our confession is accepted because Christ confessed our repentance is acceptable to God because it is on the basis of the repentance of Christ our baptism is acceptable to God and he can see us this is my beloved son or my beloved daughter because when he said that to Christ he embraced all those who would accept Christ by faith anything God accepts from us is on the basis of what Christ has done and so we must have faith in what Christ did for us he lived as we should live fought the devil as we should fight the devil dealt with humanity as we should deal with our fellow man and our fellow woman voluntarily lay down his life came back from the grave on the basis of that what the Bible calls atonement or sacrifice it includes his life his death his resurrection on the basis we have to believe this is sufficient for God to accept us on its basis there was nothing as Christ needed to do and so we believe that the sacrifice of Christ is sufficient and on that basis we come to God so we have faith in Christ and what he did not just faith in Christ as creator which he is because have there been no sin there would have been a creator still but no atonement so it's nice to believe Christ created yes he did it's good to believe that Christ is equal to the Father yes he is we must believe that what he accomplished on this earth is sufficient to satisfy God and the law and on that basis we are always acceptable to God on the basis of the atonement of Jesus Christ the world still spins on its axis at the right angle because of the sacrifice of Christ evil is held in check because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ plants draw because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ the Sun shines because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ no one the loi says Calvary is stamped on every loss of bread there is no blessing you and I enjoy however microscopic and minuscule and subatomic in its size that is not based on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ your hearing is a result of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that's why Christ is everything to us and so we have faith in what he did now why is it we repent to God because the law is the father's law let's go to a great controversy I'll read from great controversy page 467 paragraph 4 listen to these words the law reveals to man his sins but provides no remedy while it promises life to the obedient let me repeat that a lot of Christians do not connect the law with life the lowers are they into life Romans 7 verse 10 because of sin the other side of the law became a pattern the law has always been ordained to life while it promises life to the obedient it declares that death is the portion of the transgressor the gospel of Christ she says the gospel of Christ alone can deliver him the sinner from the condemnation or the defilement of sin he must exercise repentance towards God whose law has been transgressed and faith in Christ his advisor torment the sinner must exercise repentance towards God whose law has been transgressed and faith in Christ his atonement we must keep these things clear that's why Jesus says when you pray pray to the Father but in my name in other words on the basis of my sacrifice I can't tell you how many times I have heard people pray to God in God's name preachers included their father we thank you for food and shelter we pray in your name because we don't realize a relationship with God is a scientific thing it is an orderly thing there is a way to relate to God but we are so accustomed to disorganization and haphazard mess we take the same approach to God but no no no there is the discipline step by step way to deal with God and God says come to me through him pray to me in his is the only way pray to me in his name now if you're ignorant God understands but he does everything in his divine power to bring knowledge because there's no life and ignorance and so the Christian the sinner must exercise repentance towards God their God I have broken your law but Christ has paid the price I come to you presenting his sacrifice on that basis God accepts us Ephesians 1/6 we are accepted in the beloved outside of Christ there's no life there's no acceptance are you with me yes I said in times of ignorance God understands he's so merciful in confrontation page 73 paragraph 2 L white writes repentance toward God because his law has been transgressed and faith in Christ is the only means whereby we may be elevated to purity of life and reconciliation with God repentance toward God because his law has been transgressed and faith in Christ is the only means whereby we may be elevated to purity of life and reconciliation with God Christ did for us what we could not do for ourselves which is confession repentance our confession is acceptable to God on the basis of Christ's confession for us our repentance is acceptable to God on the basis of Christ compared repentance for us in the manuscript releases volume 21 page 196 paragraph 2 we read these powerful words first lright quote from Matthew 3:15 and Jesus answering said unto him suffer to be so now for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness then she goes on to say in fulfilling all righteousness Christ did not bring all righteousness to an end he fulfill all the requirements of God in repentance faith and baptism in genuine steps to conversion she said he fulfilled all the requirements of God in repentance faith and baptism the genuine steps of grace to genuine conversion Christ the sinless sinner sinner because he took our sins sinless he never chose to say he repented and he offered that powerful repentance which the father accepted before repentance he confessed he had faith in the father notice what she said he fulfill all the requirements of God in repentance faith and baptism the steps of grace in genuine conversion Christ he offers all of that to us when you praise us Christ pray with the understanding I have already prayed feel to my father read John 17 Christ has already prayed for us Luke 23:34 Father forgive them for they know not what they do that prayer covers everyone who comes to Christ and says I'm sorry he has already prayed Father forgive him and so when you come to Christ and you say I'm sorry or you come to God the Father that prayer in Luke 23:34 forgive them for they know not what they do that prayer covers you when you say father I'm so sorry I stole I lied whatever the repentance of Christ covers you because he did it for you and for me a sinless because he never chose to sin a sinner because he took our sins but I cannot say enough even though he took our sins and was covered by our sins on that cross Christ never made a moral choice to sin and when you understand this as elementary as it is as I try to present it tonight it removes pride with all whatever position you may have the left handed governor of Maryland you still have to repent and all your high position your repentance cuts no ice with God unless it is based on the repentance of Jesus Christ you can you can be a millionaire ten times over your confession is of you're no use to are no value to God unless it is based on the confession of Jesus Christ you were baptized in the deepest pool stayed under 15 minutes came up smiling useless no effect on God unless it is based on the baptism of Jesus my brothers and sisters everything that is required of us by God is acceptable based on what Christ has done that's why we pray in the name of Jesus that's why there's none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved but the word name doesn't mean just Jesus Jes us there are so many Hispanic men call hisses that's Jesus and that has no saving value there are some exorcists in acts 19 they tried to cast out a demon in the name of Jesus and it didn't work it's not Jes us it is the life the atonement the perfect humanity and the perfect divinity his role as creator his role as Savior his role as intercessor right now in heavily course all of that is wrapped up in Jesus so when you pray in the name of Jesus you and I prayer with the consciousness this Jesus is creator this Jesus is the Savior he lived a sinless life he conquered death hell the grave Satan he is one with the father and he came from the grave by the power he had he wasn't raised by anyone he raised himself this is Jesus this is the name of Jesus you get on television you hear people saying in the name of Jesus in the name that's blasphemy and no relationship with Christ no be deus whose law in the name of Jesus not Cadabra Open Sesame this is a consciousness now this man Jesus Christ God while he was man but lived as a man met temptation as a man died as a man raised himself as God and so the thief on the cross he looked 23 42 he said Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom but in verse 41 he said to the other thief this man have done nothing amiss he saw a man who had never sinned and he saw a God who could save man God Jesus he confess our sins which he took he repented of our sins which he took he was baptized and John the Baptist was alright you should be baptizing me but Jesus was baptized for us not for himself he needed no baptism but because he took our sins he got baptized and so tonight I want you to remember and I'll remind myself Jesus became one with us long before it crossed our minds to be one with him which is our theme and in that oneness with Christ comes the acceptance of the Father the father doesn't hate us but outside of Christ all we are is a container full of sin in Christ we're covered by his life recovered by his atonement imperfect as we are we are covered because in him means we're fully surrendered and there is a work of improvement going on day by day we grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that happens in him not a side of him Jesus my Savior yours Jesus because he confessed my confession can be accepted to God you know sometimes if you bring a letter let's say to the Queen you don't handle the letter you put it on a golden tray are you with me and you bring the letter that our confession is like a dirty piece of paper on the golden tray of the confession of Christ are you with me and then God can accept it our repentance is a piece of soil paper on the golden tray of the repentance of Christ and we presented a God that way our baptism the pool of soiled water in the golden bassinet of the baptism of Christ take away what Christ has done and all we are is firewood for the furnace of hell and so I thank God tonight for whom Jesus for me he confessed for me he repented of my sins for me he was baptized for me he resisted sin from me he used the scriptures to resist the devil and for me he came back from the dead I accept all of that I believe that with all my heart and so i express repentance to God for breaking his law and I have faith that the atonement of Christ on which I stand will make my repentance acceptable to God my brothers and sisters tonight afresh in this building by the internet let us recommit our lives to this Jesus who is one with us and was one with us before we became one with him let me say that again he became one with us in order that we might become one with him how many of you will say father I commit my life to Christ may see your right hand ah God is a good god stand up with me we'll pray I recommit my life to Christ his life his sacrifice his atonement is the reason why anything I do can be accepted by the loving father father in heaven we come to you in the name of Jesus creator savior the mighty God perfect human life resisted every temptation defeated Satan death hell the grave sin voluntarily lay down his life raised himself by the power he had this Jesus in this name we come on the basis of this infinite atonement and we ask you a God forgive us where we've offended you we ask for forgiveness father on the basis of the confession and repentance of Christ father we pray that you'd grant us your spirit which is the Spirit of Christ that that Spirit in us make help us to live the life of Christ their Father in Heaven with every breath we take let us remember we take that breath because of the sacrifice of Christ every time we blink an eye and we see the glories of nature we do so because of the sacrifice of Jesus or Father in heaven help us to understand that Jesus is indeed everything to us that's why without him we can do nothing that you accept let us leave this place holding on to him more tightly day God with a desperate tightness fearing that anything would pull us from him unless every man woman boy and girl bring us back to moral loving father to hear more of your word and more of our sweet Savior able to bring someone with us I offer this grave from my heart to you my father in the name of Jesus and all God's people say amen and amen god bless
Channel: Remnant SDA Church
Views: 32,421
Rating: 4.825613 out of 5
Keywords: Remnant, SDA, Church, Adventist, Christian, Seventh-day, Gospel, Worship, Sabbath, Sinless Sinner, Randy, Skeete, One With Him, Revival Meeting
Id: FxI0cVFhdx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 32sec (2132 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2013
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