Do All Asian Americans Think the Same? | Spectrum

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We are the most easy divide-and-conquer group for a reason.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/aleastory 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

The one guy in the back is woke as fuck. He probably has a lot more to say but doesn't want to make everyone look deep inside themselves and feel uncomfortable.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/aznidthrow 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

I wish they went into the topics more especially 'do asians have it easier than other minorities', was interested in hearing the others perspectives. The Korean girl who's family (specifically mother) is whitewashed and seems to totally oppose their views, I found intriguing and relatable. Everyone keeps saying the jacket guy seems confused but I think he was just trying to keep an open mind and is still not grounded in his beliefs so is understanding of different perspectives.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/sashabobby 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

Black jacket guy is such a chan

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

Ayo I was totally that Korean kid with the black jacket in high school. Well not exactly I hated Asian stereotypes and all the other ypipo generalizations of poc. But I was just as unsure and confused

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/chimera707 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

That korean guy with the black jacket is confused and a total chan...I'm ashamed as a korean for him. The Vietnamese guy, on the other hand, seems to be well aware of all the issues that we face.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/midnightkid123 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

Yeah I think that the comedian just needs to spend some time with Dan and then he'll wake up. That guy is fucking woke, I was pretty much applauding what he had to say about it being cool if Asian's joke around with each other about inter-Asian dynamics and explore how bullshit the West's perception of us is versus it being totally unfunny and bullshit if the West pins negative stereotypes on us.

The black jacket guy needs to realise that no matter how American he feels on the inside he'll never be white, and general American society will forever other him. You can't pussy foot around your racial identity, because we all judge superficially. Recognise the impact of American racism on your people and your own psyche and own your identity to truly step forward through life.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/waikikiblowjob 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

the question as to whether Asians have it better than other minorities (Blacks). I don't know. I think about this a lot, and what I've concluded is: "Do Asians have it better (yes)?" is a very different question from "Are Asians less oppressed (no)?"

If Blacks took the same traditional pathways as successful Asians - emphasis on family, study, and ambition- they would be in the same place. They have even reached the highest office in the land, President. That was from votes, actual people voting for him. Nothing external is stopping them from achieving this, and arguably they have affirmative action assistance so could be in an even better place.

However, if Asians took the same traditional pathways as successful Blacks - they would be stopped every step of the way. Here it is important to note that the richest actor is Black (Eddie Murphy), and the richest singer is Black (Jay Z). They would not be rich if people were as racist to Blacks as we all think. If people were as racist as we all think, all the Black athletes and entertainers would never have appealed to enough of the audience to become successful. For example, I think it's safe to say that no racist listens to Jay Z. But back to the initial point, that's why with the current state of affairs, you'll never see an A-List asian actor or singer. I argue that Asians are oppressed more and are disliked more. I get that we are not getting killed by cops without cause (as much- it does happen, you just don't hear it on the news) or put into jail - but if asians were as responsible for as many violent crimes as Blacks, then you'd certainly see this happening. Not justifying it, because much of it is being done without cause, but there is a context as to why it happens.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/owlficus 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

I guess it's cool, but pretty basic. Interesting to see though.. just by feel, relatively speaking, the women seemed more woke or of 'analytical mind' than the men (just a bit) in this sequence. Especially when you put them next to that dude in the black jacket

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/xadion 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2019 🗫︎ replies
Asian stereotypes and jokes are so played out and it's the same [ __ ] that we've heard for the last 50 years like miss me with that it's so boring at this point we describe American food though I just I just thought of hamburgers and like yeah meatloaf and mashed potatoes and stuff so I'm like of course Asian foods better than that I was just denied Asian food for a long time my mom wanted to be Caucasian she wanted me to grow up as a white person and I think I was maybe 10 or 11 when I truly like experienced Korean cuisine like oh my god this is amazing what's she saying I find really common cuz when I grew up you know my parents were both people from Vietnam like they wanted us to assimilate as much as possible and not being made fun of so I love ated through to - I am but I'm from Texas so I grew up in like chicken-fried steak and biscuits and all kind of stuff so I [ __ ] love American food [Music] my dad doesn't care he's happy no matter if I'm happy my mom never specifically said it but it was almost like if I don't bring home a Korean or a Caucasian which is her preference like I don't know if she's gonna do so I don't know what will she kind of push away a little bit from me and I don't want that my parents at one point in time we're very happy like you need to marry like a Vietnamese person but as I got older I understood why for them because it's more about we just want to be able to relate to the person that you're actually with so we can talk to them too for me it's really interesting because I'm actually married to a black woman I am Chinese Malaysian but I grew up with a white father like white people were definitely always an option but then you know other groups of people it's like whoa we're not really sure that they're like that great that often seems to be the case it's like you can date white or Asian and everyone else off the table for some reason [Music] are funny i feel like a weight's somewhat disagree my head is like stereotypes are a reflection of perceived behavior and also I write comedy and so I'm constantly thinking of ways to maybe subvert a stereotype to get a laugh I feel like it's always dangerous though because you never know if the joke is going to be perceived as like oh they're making fun of the stereotype or they're reinforcing this stereotype but even then you're saying like the stereotype itself is not funny but your subversion of it is okay so maybe I'll move down I think I'm just like tired of like Asian stereotypes and jokes are so played out it's the same [ __ ] that we've heard for the last 50 years in like American culture then like missed me with that it's so boring at this point I don't find it funny well I totally understand from another point of view how that's absolutely inappropriate for from a personal level I'm not offended I'm not hurt some of them are actually yeah that's kind of true what's an example I guess yeah again you know like for instance me as a Korean like if I were to say something about like how I feel like a lot of Koreans behave like Koreans love kpop like boy bands it could be funny and it's not necessarily an offensive stereotype but the growing up of like Asian men have small penises and all sorts of other emasculating kind of stereotypes those kind of stereotypes play into like why can't I be the love interest because I have a small penis but I don't actually know that and why does it matter well you're talking about is like a stereotype that's been put upon Asians by non-asians if we Asians want to talk about like subcultures in Asia and like make fun of [ __ ] totally down might find it funny the Seattle joke is totally I guess like when you say when when the statement is Asian stereotypes are funny I'm often thinking about Western stereotypes about Asians and like no not funny you say it has it easier I think it discounts the amount of work that's gone into building up building those communities out people working up towards you know becoming professionals or white-collar professionals like I don't think they have it Asians have it easier I think many Asians have just fought harder I don't I'm not saying the other communities don't I just think that I think they have earned it I think that part of like how white supremacy works to kind of like cover up to say like well if this one group of minorities is doing so well then there can't be racism in this country we as asian-americans have to understand that we are props for white supremacy when we buy into the idea that all of this stuff that we've gotten is purely through our hard work I do think Asians who haven't either just because we're not portrayed so negatively yeah we don't have as many like overtly like negative stereotypes that are like thrown at us you know I mean like you look at immigration and like nobody's freaking out about Asians coming into the country which I feel like it's just been interesting to me to see especially also like Asian Americans that are okay with it because it's not them right now and that sense I'm like oh we must have it easier because we're not concerned about what's happening to other people super conflicted on this woman I went to the motherland maybe like five years ago and I thought that it was just gonna be like so much fun and they were gonna like be accepting and for the most part they are but when I went there I realized like I'm not from here like it was really pretty obvious I mean I definitely want to connect to the culture that I was born into but also a huge part of my identity is my queerness and in Malaysia LGBTQ people definitely don't have the same legal protections if they have any protections at all and so that is painful to know that if I went back I wouldn't be accepted it's a funny thing that happens when I go back to China just like the feeling that I never get here which is like when you walk onto a public street you feel like you're not identified by what you look like which is amazing but that being said like I feel culturally I'm American I love being here and I think that being like an individual with freedom is like part of who I am in the sense that I wouldn't necessarily fit in in China and I feel like so much of the time we're like asked to be like well are you Asian are you American it's like not like amazing American I don't think we have to be that for this three-two-one [Music] yeah it's important to me what you think I mean like I think about this a lot is like sometimes I forget then I'm Asian and then like it's kind of jarring to be reminded that I am and so like were you raised like with strong cultural values um I was raised I'm a military brat and so even though I grew up in Korea it was on the military base and so it's like an American high school in like a small American city in the middle of Seoul me and my brother were usually the only Asian kids so I remember kind of like do I want to stand out as like the only Asian kid or do I just want to be another one of the kids I think there can be balance in that that was the biggest problem I had growing up is that I didn't know I wanted to be American so bad I thought I had to choose a side and then eventually I was like look both are part of who I am but what his further this strongly agreed part is that I have a three-year-old child he's half chinese half Vietnamese and I don't want him to live with the confusion that I grew up with for me like it actually I feel a lot of pain still and a lot of grief because when we moved to the US and you know this was like in a time so where you need to speak to your kids in English they have to just know English and anything else will confuse them so my mom stopped speaking to me in Hakka and I forgot that language and we also didn't really celebrate any cultural traditions you know Chinese or Malaysia or Chinese Malaysian I have no idea what that really is and so my culture is important to me but I'm still like trying to find my way back to it like you grow up you're like socialized to fit in right it often means casting aside like the culture that you grew up in fact we're all experience it to some degree of like hey should I like look into like where I came from or it's a great thing if you can be proud of where you came from I'm glad that we're connecting to that so fun can I be friends with all of you [Music] and if you strongly agree subscribe and let us know II thought in the comments below see you next time
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 3,178,631
Rating: 4.9382968 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, live for something greater, blind devotion, love language, Spectrum, Jubilee Spectrum, Do they think the same?, stereotypes, Do all Asians think the same, do all asian americans think the same, Asian stereotypes, asian americans, jubilee spectrum asians
Id: N7-DVm80-ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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