Do All Teens Think the Same? | Spectrum

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sometimes I just want to sit and be a team but I can't do that because I'm constantly thinking about how my life is going to look like at 25 and the decisions that I make now I use social media but I don't think I'm addicted I could take it or leave it I can put my phone down whenever I want that's a good skill I cannot do that I'm I want my phone all the time like all the time like I need to check Instagram I need to check who's texting I need to see like what's happening it's hard it distracts me a lot from school so I personally I use social media for a total of I think two weeks after like severe disappointment and saying that social media could bring out the worst in people I decided that I'm not gonna use social media if I really need to speak to someone and I could just text them or call them or talk in person yeah I was only recently allowed to get so quote three months ago when I turn 18 because I wasn't allowed to have it up until then like I have to make up for all the time that I miss and everything that happened and all the parties that I didn't go to because I didn't see the Instagram I'm not like on it all the time but I'm definitely on my phone way too much I think my screen times like six hours or something crazy I know I know it's bad I think there's always gonna be things that like own it pick at but overall I'm pretty happy with the way that I look and I know that the things that I can control I'll change them and the things that I can't control it would be a shame for me to spend my life not enjoying my physical appearance I respect myself definitely but I feel like I'll never be enough I don't know if that's part of me struggling with my mental health but I'm just not happy with the way I look but I'm so proud of Who I am [Music] there's no way that I should be this stressed like I feel like there's so much pressure put on teens of what is the future that I'm constantly like chastising myself for things that I did in the past or over analyzing everything that I'm gonna do in the future and I don't I literally don't know how to live and like the now sometimes I just want to sit and be a team but I can't do that because I'm constantly thinking about how my life is gonna look like at 25 and the decisions that I make now I personally I like the stress I'm always thinking about the future and what I want to do so if I want to do those things in the future I have to accomplish it a lot here you know I kind of wish I didn't have it because I want to do fun things instead of work constantly for me my stress has affected my mental and physical health which at 14 isn't something that should be happening you know I shouldn't have restless nights I shouldn't be drinking coffee to stay awake due to recent events it has crossed my mind it is a reality for us as students especially going to a public school but I'm not gonna worry about it 24/7 because then I'm not living I'm not that scared about because my school is really small and I don't know the motivation for someone to shoot up a school but if you're really unhappy there you could switch schools or just drop out I think for us especially our school was like pretty much on lockdown like all the teachers are putting up like black paper on their windows and that scared me more than the natural threats just talk doesn't really scare me but it's like if the teachers start taking proactive measures and at our school of them was preparing for it and that's what freaks me out I care about it because I think a lot of things are happening are irreversible but it is hard being in school and being just a kid to make a difference even the small things that we think might not be affecting us are eventually going to affect us if we do nothing a lot of those times we live in our own bubble especially because of our phones and it's important to know what's going around the world my family comes from Nicaragua so that's why I learned about it but I also learn about what's happening in other countries because I find it interesting and I would want someone else to do the same for me as well we might not know how or why but it is going to affect us I disagree a little bit with the whole in a bubble because of our phones because I think the internet and our phones in general kind of are providing information and sources to get to us faster than before I agree with that I do but when I say that we're living in a bubble how many of us actually look up those articles because most of us we just are on Instagram what is happening anything other than their dictator he took away their health care and their social security so they kind of revolted against him and sometimes they just lock you up or kill you there have been almost 400 people dead and thousands injured that's horrible that should be a headline like I usually just look at all the headlines by I had no idea like I I've literally never heard anyone talk about that yeah we had a walkout a while ago when all the shootings had happened and one of the kids actually in the grade below me organized that and organized it through social media and was like hey everyone we're gonna march at City Hall like this is what we're gonna do but I don't think that would have been possible if it was all like face-to-face contacts I think we're more influential than we think because it's all about our mindset and what we think about our power that we have just in our phones we can get millions of people a message out to them that with all this technology we definitely have more of a voice than previous teenager generations [Music] it was a good name hey guys I'm Michael and I'm Kendra thank you so much for watching this episode of spectrum if you liked it make sure to like the video subscribe follow us on Instagram leave a comment below and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 6,407,069
Rating: 4.9307323 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, live deeper, blind devotion, love language, middle ground, spectrum, jubilee spectrum, do all teens think the same?, teens spectrum, teens debate, do students feel less safe, safe at school, school safety, teens social media, teens phone addiction, phones down social experiment, teen stereotypes, what do teenagers do, spectrum teenagers, teens react, teenagers
Id: y5deuuSZbr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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