DNA Testing My HORSE! AD | This Esme

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[Music] [Music] moments like this mickey have you got a scratch come here come on come on back up i'll scratch it for you i'll scratch it for you oh is that the right scratchy spot oh i think we've got some scratchy spots guys you look so happy that i've got your scratchy spot oh yeah is it itchy is it itchy oh my goodness what is that face i can see your little teepees okay have i got your scratch you're gonna carry on oh he's going for it guys he is boogie woogieing his disco dancing oh i'm gonna get hit in the face in a second mickey you need to you need to stand still we're filming a video we're filming a video all about you how good is that okay am i just gonna have to give you a little scratch so you stay still okay you happy you happy okay hello everybody this is mickey you're still scratching pick you back i know it's itchy i know it's itchy with your sensitive cremello skin but we've got to film a video okay yes you ready i'm just gonna have to give you a little scratch the whole video so you stay still okay hello everybody this says me and for today's video i thought i would do one all about different horse breeds so i was planning this video and then it came to me i don't know what breed mickey is now mickey is definitely a one in a million horse inside and out i don't think there are many like him so casper here is a connemara i've looked back at the furthest i can go with his history and pretty much all of his parentage have all been connemaras so his grandma's his granddad's his mum and his dad were all conomoros i think his dad was actually pretty good like showing connemara i think he was a done i think casper takes a little bit more after his mother though i don't know too much about his mum but all i know oh thank you casper sorry was i being rude to you was i being rude mickey stop copying um yeah casper's passport name is turpane bill so i don't know if he was called like bill or billy in the past uh i don't know when his name was changed to casper but to me he's always been known as casper and i've called him as like a little nickname my little friendly ghost horse like casper the friendly ghost mickey be quiet so anyway casper is yeah pretty much just full connemara and then if we go over to joey you want the scratchies too you've seen mickey get the scratches and you want the attention as well yes okay so joey here we know absolutely everything about we know his dad and we know his mum we know where he was born the day he was born where he grew up we have so many baby photos of him which is joey excuse me so his mum was an inventor um and a thoroughbred and his dad was a belgian warm blood and a show jumper and a very good show jumper as well an olympic show jumper i believe but no offense joey but i don't think we'll be going to the olympics not quite but um i think when joey grows up he will look quite a lot like his dad because he is a sort of like dapply steely gray at the moment and over time unfortunately he is gonna get lighter and lighter and eventually your coat will well you'll be a he'll be a grey but the coat like little hairs will all be white and you'll look very different to how you're looking now hey mister but um yeah he's very cute we know a lot about him so yeah he's a thoroughbred cross warm blood so sometimes when he's galloping around the field or i take him packing and he wants to go on his zoomies then he is a little bit more like his mother's side a little bit more thorough ready and then when i'm doing flat work with him and he's actually moving really nicely you can kind of see the warm blood come in him as well yes now in mickey's passport i will go and grab it now but in mickey's passport it says he is an irish sports horse now um i don't think mickey is an irish sports horse number one there aren't many things about mickey that um the word sport correlates with um you're not the sportiest of ponies are you mate and then number two is he is a pony and not a horse um so i thought i would have a look on the e-horse's website who very kindly sponsored today's video and have a look at some irish sports horses because no offense mickey but i don't think you are an irish sports hall so let's go on to the e-horse's website so it's really good because you can have a look at lots of different breeds of horses different colors of horses you can also choose your location so here we have a bay mare who's 15 won i think that's a little bit bigger than you are um and here we have another mickey i know i know you're getting jealous of all these other horses but you got to have a look so look there's one here that does a venting yeah i don't think you've ever done a venting before i can't say at pony club um cross country was your strong point but we had fun um oh there's a dressage one here very fancy but um all of these horses look a bit look a bit bigger than you mix i i don't think you are an irish sports horse so i'll go and get your passport and we'll have another little check and see if we can find any more information about you hey oh i'm sorry you've gone all sad and sleepy now i know you want to be an irish sports horse but i just don't think you are honey no oh mix i didn't mean to upset you all right mickey do you have a look at your passport yeah okay so it says that your passport name is our pal that's quite cute because you're like my best friend hey and then it says your coat color is white uh so i always thought mickey was a cremello apparently he's white because you know he's got pink skin i guess he's not as creamy as other cremellos i've met so he might be white i'm not sure or he might be a cremello i don't know apparently like white-coloured horses are really really really rare but i don't think he is i think he's a cremello um gelding born in 1999 you are 133 centimeters oh thank you for the don't eat your passport that is important that's important okay so um we don't have any information on his mum or on his dad and it says irish sports horse for his breed i i can't believe mickey is an irish sports horse maybe like an irish bog pony but i don't think he's an irish sports horse so yes today we're gonna be dna testing mickey so we're gonna find out finally what brood he is i hope he's part unicorn or part pegasus but um that probably won't be the case but anyway with dna testing it's going to be a bit sciencey so now it's time for the science part i knew that biology and chemistry a-level would help me with my youtube career so anyway guys we're going to be sending mickey's dna off to the united states that's going to be going to the texas a m university so to hello to everybody that's watching in the states so dna is deoxyribose nucleic acid and that is found in the nucleus of your cells so we're going to be comparing mickey's dna to 50 different horse breeds so genetically horse breeds are pretty similar um so we're going to be finding out the top three breeds that make up a mickey don't worry mickey you're not alone yes i'm going to be dna testing myself as well so we're going to find out a little bit more about my ancestry i know on both sides of my family i'm pretty sure i have some irish ancestry i think on my mum's side we have more like spanish french and then on my dad's side i think we have more sort of scandinavian countries i think such as like finland and sweden but we will see i'm not too sure so we're going to look at where my ancestors have come from so they're gonna be checking out my dna with many different populations all over the world so mickey don't worry we're all in this together we're gonna have to get some of your mane we're gonna have to send it off so we might need to get you a bit cleaner oh you're just hiding keep hiding mickey we're gonna have to make you a bit cleaner to test your dna because we've got to send off your main and as maine at the moment is just mud there's like 90 mud 10 main here mickey how do you get so dirty so the sample that they want from mickey is actually part of his mane or tail um usually with humans they do like a saliva once they have to spit into a tube which i feel like would actually be pretty easy with mickey because he is a very licky and slobbery pony but anyway we're just gonna try and give his mane a little bit of a clean up this bit still has a tiny bit of green in that just has not come out from christmas when we gave him a very festive mane but i'm going to try and get just a bit of bit of mud out of his mane because this is something else mickey's mane grows so quickly in so many different directions it gets so long so quickly i um actually when we did like a mickey makeover back in the autumn i'm pretty sure like i made it to around here and it's doubled in length since then so i'm gonna flip this over because it is supposed to go on to the right mickey and at the moment it goes on both sides because it's so long and out of control wild like his personality your mane is just everywhere it's so naughty i don't want to put any like mane and tail conditioner in it because obviously we're sending off a main sample but also i find when their manes are so dusty and dirty like this it just makes the dust and dirt stick to the main rather than being brushed off but we can we can try our best mickey we might have to apologize to the scientists that are going to test your dna being like you might get a few mud samples with the with the main as well but it's looking better mickey we're getting there it's looking better so this is the tricky bit we've got to collect some of mickey's dna unfortunately we cannot just chop bits of his mane off we actually have to pull it because they need a little hair follicle which is right at the end so that's where they get the dna so um we are going to pull mickey's main i know a lot of horses have this done regularly to make their mane look neater mickey i don't think i've ever really properly pulled his mane before and i'm very out of practice because i usually don't pull my horse's mane and i cut it instead which i know is a big bad thing to do in the horse whether you're not supposed to but it works for me and my horses so they need 50 hairs so i might do like 10 at a time like this is a really small amount but it looks i think that's actually quite a lot of hair but it's a very small amount so what we're gonna do is we're gonna back comb it also i'm using a plastic mane and tail brush or comb when metal ones are a lot easier to do this with but um cannot find it so we're using a plastic one so you back comb it up so here are the hairs that we have we wrap it around and then just gently pull that out so i think hopefully yeah we have a little hair follicles at the end okay we've got some of some precious pressures made oh i need to put this away okay guys here is mickey's dna sample mickey please do not eat it or lick it because this is very important yes so here we have all of the hair follicles at the end then that's just the top and we've had to sell a tape it to this piece of paper that i've got to fill out all of mickey's information or everything we know about mickey pretty much is going to go on here and our contact information so um as you can see mickey wasn't bothered at all by me pulling his mane he was very chilled about it you're a very good boy so anyway i will be back with you guys when the results are in we know what breed mickey is and i'm gonna go and do my tests now as well which is gonna involve a lot of spit apparently good boy you excited wait wait wait we need to we need to we need to guess what breed mickey is gonna be because i just i don't know i think he might have a bit of highland pony in him or maybe a bit of shetland because he's a little bit hairy and a bit chunky or maybe like sometimes when he's frolicking around the field and has his tail right up in the air he looks a little bit like he's got some arab in him so i have no idea let me know in the comments below what breed you think mickey's or the top three breeds that might come up i think those are going to be my guesses basically lots of different sort of types of ponies which i feel like isn't the best guess because he's a pony so obviously he's going to be a type of pony but mickey whatever breed you are you're still one in a million and you're still the only mickey that's out there yeah good boy all right everybody it is now four weeks later i'm back here with mickey um it's actually feeling a lot more spring-like today than it was um back four weeks ago so i'm not wearing a bully hat today but anyway mickey the results are in are you excited you're feeling good so my results actually arrived first so we're going to go through mine first if you don't mind you've waited long enough hopefully you can wait a little bit longer so anyway let's have a little look inside be funny if we're from the same place mix okay no we're not doing mail time mickey i'm sorry we're not doing well time unless do you wanna do you wanna take out do you wanna take out my results oh he can still do it guys oh there we go okay mickey i need it back now don't get your slobber chops all over it okay there we go it's only it's only a little bit damp okay let's have a little look oh okay all right all right so i'll put the results on the screen now oh you wanna come this side okay so surprise surprise i am mostly english um specifically i'm actually from east yorkshire so that's near where blob the cobb is kate lewis so uh hi kate uh we might be related not really but um uh i'm also a little bit from north and west europe so kind of like germany the netherlands belgium france sort of area i also am a little bit scandinavian which i thought actually from my family history so yes um my genes and ethnicity is slightly scandinavian if you think about it um east yorkshire is kind of near um the sort of scandinavian country countries so sweden norway so if you think about it i think like a thousand years ago over my ancestors were probably vikings so your gal is part viking probably um so that's kind of interesting so yeah that's that's pretty cool isn't it mick are you ready to open your results you want to open them like in mail time oh grab it good boy okay no you're not eating it you're not eating the results we paid quite a bit of money to have you tested we want to know what you are okay mickey i am going to have to read it to you because i don't think you can read i'm sorry about that um but anyway let's um open it up oh my goodness that is not what i was expecting no okay okay i'll let you know what it is i know you're excited you ready you ready and number one we have standard bread so mickey you are probably most likely to be a standard bread so standing bread is actually an american horse breed they're known for their harness racing i don't know if you've ever done harness racing in your life i don't think so not that i know of um but your blood um your bloodlines mickey oh you're having a sweat mickey this is so important you're being so rude having a scratch do you i think he's a little bit i think he's he's just taking in all the emotions of finding out what breed he is after so many years and i think it's just hit him that he's just got to have a scratch to calm down okay are you done with your scratch okay so um standard bread horses they actually originate from england in 1780 but then went over to america so you never know because mickey was born and bred in ireland and to me he will forever be an irish pony because that's where he's from but mickey you're kind of american which is interesting um for number two horse number two is a morgan horse which again is another american breed which is very interesting um and these are also coach horses or harness horses so again mickey we should get a little harness for you because your bloodlines say that you're going to be excellent at that okay you want to have a little lick and then number three is a peruvian passo which i'm not gonna lie i hadn't really heard of much before but basically it's a horse that originates from peru so mickey you really are mr worldwide how do you feel about that huh yeah very exciting um so i thought we'd have a little look on e-horses and see if we can find these horse breeds and see if they look like mickey's all right so we're gonna have a little look at some horses that are supposed to be vicki's breed see if they look similar to him i feel like all of these horses they're supposed to be around 14 15 three hands mickey's 13 hands so maybe he's just like a mini version of them but you are definitely mickey one of a kind so i thought i'd try and find these horse breeds online look at some pictures of them that are cremello so hopefully they'll look kind of similar to mickey i feel like if you kind of shrunk them down they do look a bit like him or like parts of each one like sometimes like oh they look like they have mickey's legs oh they look like they have mickey's face or mickey's butt um are you getting tired now with me just talking on and on about your horse breed you're getting a bit bored yeah cool blimey you need to get some rest mate if you're yawning like that it's only the morning um but yeah so let me know in the comments below what brood you thought mickey was gonna be did these breeds surprise you because they definitely surprised me i thought he was gonna be some sort of welsh pony something like that alright guys so today's video has definitely been a different one we have found out the mickey is mister worldwide he is from all over the place and he is definitely one of a kind um but anyway i'd like to say a huge thank you to e-horses for sponsoring today's video and making today's video possible um it has been so fun finding out mickey's dna i'd also like to say a huge thank you to you guys for watching today's video i hope you found it as exciting as i did leave a comment below what breed you thought mickey was going to be and if you were surprised about what breeds he is i was definitely so shocked when i found out i was like but now looking at the photos i can kind of see the mickey resemblance um but of course even though like horse breeds horses can be kind of similar i feel like mickey is definitely still very one of a kind and probably isn't that much like those horse breeds maybe like a little mixture of all of them i don't know um but thank you so much for watching today's video if you're new or have not done so already please like and subscribe if you haven't done so already i really do appreciate it and i'll see you all next time bye hey how exciting we finally know what breed you are yeah oh you are so tired out are you tired out from finding all the exciting news you're still processing it hey yeah yeah [Music] you
Channel: This Esme
Views: 182,904
Rating: 4.9733553 out of 5
Id: MxXtjCg2Zho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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