BLOOPERS! Behind the Scenes. What it's REALLY Like Being a YOUTUBER (Equestrian) AD | This Esme

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[Music] thank you mickey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everybody this is me so for today's video i thought i'd do a very realistic day in the life so usually with my vlogs it's just me playing around with the ponies and things but i thought i'd show you the reality of what it's like being an equestrian youtuber so so far today i haven't really done too much i've just done my usual morning routine which you guys know if you've seen my morning routine videos but i've just fed the animals let them out into the field done all that fun stuff so this morning the plan is to take casper out in the van and actually get some brand photos so it's good because we get photos from instagram for the brands and it's also good because casper gets a little bit of a leg stretch we're going out somewhere fun and so we're going to take him to the forest because also this time of year it's really beautiful with all the autumn leaves and things so joey isn't actually going to be ridden today because yesterday we had a lesson where he worked really hard so after our the day after our lessons i do like to give him a day off and a bit of a rest because i have written him a lot recently anyway so he deserves a day off um so yeah also i'm going to be showing you the behind the scenes of what i get up to as a youtuber so all the fun stuff of me doing brand emails admin editing and all that kind of stuff the behind the scenes i've also got to take some photos today of some of my new merch which is very exciting but anyway we've got casper in the background and just tied him up just going up from the field um so i need to get him clean need to get my stuff ready and put it in the van and yeah get him to the forest and take some cool photos [Applause] good boy well [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys i've just finished um giving casper a bit of a bath because oh my goodness he was so dirty definitely had to wash him for a little bit his it's just this side he was dirty the other side was actually pretty clean luckily um i used this new special like white powder design for white for grey horses that i think is used quite a lot in the showing world i found it at my local sort of like tack shop equestrian farm place and i thought i'd give it a go i haven't actually really used it before but it seemed to work quite well it's good when they're wet as well to just dry them off but we'll see how that goes just because there is one bit on his butt cheek there which i think has permanent staining because you can tell because when you wash it with soap and water if brown water comes out then it means it's still washing it off but if it's just clear water and you're washing it off and it has shampoo and things that's when you can tell it's like a permanent stain so casper does need clipping again he has gotten so fluffy i've already clipped him once this year or this winter i really don't have to click him again but it does look like he might need that done because you're so hairy but anyway everything is now loaded in the van so i think all we need to do is get his travel boots on and go good man [Music] good boy all right so i'm just doing a final check that we have everything got my camera bag with all the cameras in saddle girth bridles behind that boots earbud because we're being extra matchy today matching boots gloves stick helmet i think that's everything let's go alright guys we are now in the van and i'm just having a little snack i'm one of those people that i get hungry quite often but then i can't eat like a massive meal so i just have like little snacks every now and again so i'm having a snack now this is like some sort of marmite sort of whole grain thing i don't know tastes pretty good because i like marmite but yeah so i'm just having a little snack and i'll see you guys over there all right i've just put my coat back on because heading outside into the cold but anyway we are now here casper's in the back it's time to tack him up get him out and take some photos [Music] hello [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys we are now off on our ride we're in the forest we're in location one for our photos so we're in the sort of pine forest area so this is uh the exact same place actually where we took the paprika photos of the lumiere photo shoot but anyway it looks a little bit different now actually so i thought i'd come back here because all the brokens got all brown when back in the summer it was nice and green so it looks very autumnal so yeah time to get some photos from kesley [Music] all right so we are now moving on to our next location i'm not really sure where we're gonna go yet i think we're gonna go on the more heathy area because the light is actually perfect for photos because it's nice and cloudy because um if the light's too bright and sunny then it can be really just a bit harsh so um it's actually perfect light at the moment so i'm just on casper at the moment and we're walking up there's cameraman and yeah oh he's waving wave wave again yay anyway so yeah we're on to our next location i think cast was definitely up for doing some more countering he is loving that at the moment all right stand good boy now it's time to canter up this little track here and get some super cute photos hey casp i think he's ready he's really on it today he is spicy casper super speedy ready to go [Music] yep [Music] oh my goodness guys look at that view it's so beautiful all right guys we are now done for the day with photos casper here has had so much fun oh my goodness he has been zipping up and down these lanes so fast he was very speedy today so anyway we're now just walking back we've kind of left the cameraman behind he's he's right up there i don't know if you can see him but he's pretty far away so casper you're gonna have to slow down with your walking because he's pretty speedy he's happy to go home he's got very good sense of direction he knows exactly where the horse box is so i'll see you when we're back there all right guys we're now back and casper was such a good boy yes so i'm just going to untack him now get him in the van and i'll see you guys when i'm back home well done good boy oh you want the head scratchers yeah oh we love the head scratchers oh yeah okay that's enough now gasping i know i know you want the head scratches all right so i'm now back at home i've had my lunch i was very hungry so i actually ate it and didn't vlog that but anyway i'm now actually in my car because i need to go and get some food for the horses now because i've run out of feed i've got these little feed vouchers if i just grab them here i've got quite a few with me um so this one's for locale balancer performance balancer i think we have some light chaff as well um so yeah this has all of the information things so yeah as you guys know i'm very lucky to be a sponsored writer for bailey's so that is how i receive my feed with these cool little vouchers so anyway let's go it's a bit rainy it's a bit rainy all right so i'm not gonna look at the camera because i want to concentrate on my driving which is very important so anyway i thought i'd just chat with you guys what else i've got on today because later on after this i've got to be quite quick because i have a meeting with the brook charity where we're going to talk through a little bit about what we're going to do next year and things um and also it's going to be quite interesting because i have quite a small car and my boot isn't very big so it's gonna be a bit of a fun game seeing how much bailey's horse feeds i can fit in the back so we have to wait and see oh my goodness guys i cannot believe how bad the weather is because it was really nice we're on the on the um forest and things it literally just started raining on the way back from there so i had to quickly pack everything up in the rain so that's another reason why i decided not to film that but yeah i'm very glad that i got out and rode this morning and they're having a sort of admin and editing and doing lots of errands and things afternoon so now you guys have seen the size of these roads you'll probably understand why i have such a small car because they're quite small little country lanes around here it looks like i can rob the feeder with my hat and my mask on the back of my car is very full i think we've got two light chaff three local balancer and three performance balancers so um my car's pretty full now time to go home and unload it all hi joey can you come to check out the sweet wheels [Music] hey jeremy what do you think of my ride hey what do you think [Music] cause she knows it's my favorite number it doesn't matter [Music] all right guys i've now put all the feed away and now it's time to muck out while it's still light so i'm going to quickly do that have a shower and then by then it'll probably four o'clock it'll be dark and there'll be time for my meetings so yeah gonna quickly skip out the horses and get everything cleaned up and ready for bedtime later all right guys i am currently in the studio i do have my hair and makeup done by myself so i wouldn't really call it professional work so you know do the best i can but anyway i've just been filming a video because it is now the evening it's dark outside so i usually do my in the studio filmings when it's dark it's also a little bit quieter because obviously everyone's sort of in the house and things nobody's mowing the lawn or anything like that so anyway i actually have some super exciting news this has just come in the post so i'm going to open it up i know what it is but i am very excited to see it in flesh oh no i did the terry thing wrong you know there's like the terry thing it just did not work okay i will see you when i've actually opened this oh there's oh it's because there's sellotape on it they've really they're not letting me in they're not laying me in okay let's get the tape off that might make it a bit easier there we go did the terry thing okay oh my goodness it's this says me calendar so i don't want to do too many spoilers and show all the pictures but i will show you january because look how cute it is it's cast me on the beach look how happy he looks so yeah it's cool little different days and things to keep you organized so yeah um these are now available on the pony mag website link and buyer if you'd like to check it out but yeah very exciting it's so cool being able to obviously design it all see it all online and then in the flesh some really nice paper it's like wow it's here every time we do a little project like this is just very exciting so yeah i'm very excited about this all right guys it's now a day later and today we've been set a bit of a deadline we had an emergency phone call because i need to do this piece to camera today that also needs to be edited and sent off by this afternoon um so i'm doing a piece of camera about this voltaire design bardette saddle um so this is actually for a giveaway for olympia so i've got to film that i've also got some other bits and pieces that i need to film and do today as well so today is a lot of sort of piece to camera little talky bits that i need to do for different brands muddy you don't need this this is too much alright so i am currently trying to make mickey look a little bit more presentable because he's got to model the bardette saddle which is probably designed for a slightly smaller pony hey yes but um he's a little bit dirty at the moment so we can't having him looking dirty for taking some beautiful pictures of this beautiful saddle hey oh your legs are so dusty all right guys so here we have the beautiful mickey sporting the bob hello everybody it's esme and voltaire design has something super cute to show you are you ready all right so this is the voltaire design bardette saddle and how adorable is this so this is designed for the younger jockey it's got a strap for them to hold on to the seat make sure they are nice and secure especially if you have some cheeky ponies um also voltaire design are doing a giveaway for this bardet saddle and they also have a 20 off code for the bardette saddle as well as well as other voltaire accessories that i'll leave up on screen obviously a beautiful saddle like this deserves to go on the most athletic the most gorgeous sports pony there is and luckily i've got one right here mickey all right everybody so here we have mickey sporting the beautiful bardette so good luck to everybody who's entering the giveaway good man alright so i've just done instagram video number two so these videos you probably think oh she's only talking for like 60 seconds something like that but there's a lot of information i have to learn and then regurgitate and not sound like a robot and be animated and um try and remember as well while i'm talking to the camera so there's a lot i need to know luckily i've done that now i actually managed to do it in one take which was very exciting very good sometimes i'm a little bit sneaky if i mess up or um i sometimes have like a little bit of a pause we get a bit of b-roll which is basically like closer-up footage or footage from somewhere else put that over the top and then it seems seamless but today we didn't have to do that did it all in one take so that's brilliant i've got to put this away now because this is actually going back tomorrow so i only had this for today to film with but yeah no i'm going well so far all right so i've just got changed into my second outfit of the day i do have to get changed quite a lot with my job because then it looks like i haven't just filmed everything in one day but anyway um i just did a little giveaway piece to camera just now which is only like 30 seconds long and um it kept going wrong so i thought i'd include some bloopers because mickey was coughing the product was falling off the fence and i got the giggles at one point and my mind went a bit blank so uh enjoy hello everybody this is me and i'm holding a giveaway with voltaire design so up for grabs we have a beautiful white competition saddle pad that i have signed the key ring has fallen down we have a lanyard we have a key ring mickey is coughing if we like to enter then be sure to check all the information in the caption good luck a little bit slower yeah hello everybody this is me and i'm holding a what'd you look away you're making me giggle and of course we have a beautiful 100 percent recycled coffe not scotland it's a cod i don't know i won't say what material is i'm wrong hello everybody it's esme and mickey here and if i were to go to the badminton shopping village to do some christmas shopping thank you mickey i'd probably first stop off at the voltaire designer stand where i'd look at their beautiful saddles and accessories maybe top up you're so lucky should we do that again [Music] hello everybody it's esme and mickey here and if i were okay hello everybody it's esme and mickey here and if i were to go to the badminton halls trials shopping village oh okay again mickey you gonna lick oh he's going for a cough lucky boy come back hey okay hello everybody it's esme and mickey here and if i were to are you done are you done okay are you gonna come and lick my hand oh yawning now okay hello everybody it's esme and mickey here and if i were to go to the badminton shopping village then i'd probably first go to the voltaire design stand where i check out their beautiful you good are you good okay oh now yawning hello everybody it's esme and mickey here and if i were to do my christmas shopping at the badminton court okay hello everybody it's esme and mickey here and if i were to do my christmas shopping at the badminton shopping village then i'd probably first go to the voltaire design stand where i'd have a look at their beautiful saddles and accessories and probably top up on some more tac cleaning products then i would go to horse health and have a look at their beautiful new lumiere colors and matchy sets and then lastly i would go to the hope valley salary stand where i'd have a look at the beautiful charles owen helmets and also the ariat boots and clothing clear i would go to the hope valley salary stand where i'd have a look at the beautiful charles owen helmets and ariaps hello everybody i cannot do it with this horse he is too excited today hello everybody it's esme and mickey here so for today what are you doing what are you doing hello everybody it's esme and mickey here and if i were to do my christmas shopping at the badminton shopping village mickey no scratching on set [Music] hello everybody it's esme and mickey here and if i were to do my christmas shopping at the badminton shopping village then i'd first go to the voltaire design stand where i'd have a look at their beautiful saddles and accessories as well as top up on some tack cleaning products then i would go to the um horse health stand where i'd have a look at the new gorgeous lumiere colors and matchy matchy sets and then lastly i'd go to the hope valley salary stand right have a look at the i'm sorry it was going so well mickey so well almost there all right everybody so now we're actually taking some photos so we have a flash here camera i'm actually currently wearing a jacket i'm gonna have to take this off now it's actually pretty chilly so that's not gonna be too fun i'm gonna be getting a bit cold so taking some photos for black friday for my black friday merch so it's this lovely navy and rose gold t-shirts so we need to get some photos of that and then after this i'm gonna get some more photos of cass books we had very special delivery today as well no i'm gonna get so cold top down floof the hair and photo time all right everybody the photos now done just a little apologies about the noise in the background we're having some fencing redone the tractor is going at the moment but anyway you might be wondering what this is so this is a softbox light so this is what i use for a few of my photos especially stills that don't involve horses luckily my horse is very desensitized to this we don't use it that often with them because obviously you're moving around and things but for just stills like this for example if i'm taking photos of clothing and things it's very good because especially it depends on the light as well it gives you really nice light also it just softens everything up it makes it look really nice so later i'll put these photos into photoshop don't worry i don't photoshop my face or anything like that it's just with the colors and things to make it look really nice and yes so that's what we doing later when it's dark so what i like to do this time of year especially in the winter is to try and do as much as possible during the day when we have some daylight and then when it's dark i do the editing and photos emails that kind of thing so i need to go and pop this away and we're on to the next job see one good hi i'm esme and i'm part of the change hi i'm i'll do that again hi i'm esme and i'm part of the change okay guys i've just done a little um piece to camera because they're doing a campaign at the moment on the instagram account um right out racism so i just had to do a little piece of camera saying that i was part of the change so anyway i'm just here with bruno and toby now giving them some head scratches also you can see their beautiful fent new fencing which is now up um so that's why we've got a bit of noise today but anyway do you need to let willow out because she's just had her breakfast and yeah on to the next house we're banging it out today getting lots of stuff done being nice and productive good boy all right guys so this was our delivery today silver more very kindly have given us a lot of their hailage so this is actually a special low sugar one because all of our horses do they're very good doers you know they don't need too much food so that's really good for them this will also be great for mickey because he has his respiratory problems and things so again thanks to silvermoor for gifting us all of this so we're actually gonna get a photo today of me riding casper and we're gonna jump over some of these hailage bags which i thought could be really fun so anyway now i need to get casper ready warm up in the school take some cool pics alright so casper is now ready and tacked up and is looking beautiful and clean so now it's time to get on him and take some photos good boy [Music] good boy way to go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good boy all right guys i've just finished jumping with casper and he was so good i thought i'd do a little bit of a jump off practice with him so he went pretty speedy practiced some tight turns and he tried really hard and did a really nice sweet course at the end so anyway now i'm just gonna walk him off before it gets dark i'm gonna hack joey because today is his hacking day and yeah i'll see you guys later when it's dark and i've got editing and admin today good boy [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right guys i'm now in a rather messy office but anyway here i've downloaded all of the photos so each photo kind of has a different purpose i need different photos for different things so these ones here you can kind of see they're a little bit further away so i can use them for instagram stories if not you end up chopping off limbs and heads and it just doesn't fit properly so it's nice to take one that's quite far away and then we've got some wrap shorts which i could use as a main grid post or i can send them up to pony magazines and they can use them on their website so i quite like this one here this one one might be quite nice for ponymag so i'm just going to put this in photoshop now clear up any things that need to be cleared up especially like the background and things make sure the colors are all good and yeah send them off all right so i'm now changed because i've just taken the thumbnail for today's video i thought with my thumbnails i always like to do them either matchy matches so i've put on a top that's the same color as what casper was wearing or i like to make sure i'm wearing like a bright punchy color so it stands out because obviously the most important thing when you're making videos is the thumbnail because that's what people want to click on you want to have a high click-through rate because basically the click-through rate is on youtube when you get recommended a video and if you click on it and the click rate goes up so then youtube will recommend it more so the video does better so if you see my videos please click on them i really do appreciate it but anyway no so um yeah you have to try and make the thumbnails look as good as possible and as bold as possible um so i'll be editing the thumbnails later today but anyway right now i'm actually editing today's video so um it's a little bit all over the place because there are some bits still need film like kind of thing stuff like that but no it's just looking good so far editing i feel like you don't really get to see the exact day of what it's like because i spend so many hours in this room behind this computer editing editing takes so long some videos take longer than others like the q a video was quite easy to edit because it was just me talking there are a few bits where there was silences or me just checking my phone they just had to kind of edit out so that was quite easy other videos especially the show videos or if i'm writing and i'm doing it to music and i do lots of funky transitions i have to edit it all on the beat and also if it's lots of different bits of footage i have to color grade it all and make it look all the same as well um so there's a lot of technical things when it comes to editing it takes a long time for example the halloween edit the cinematic sort of short film i did that took weeks and weeks and weeks not only to film but also to edit so um yeah every single time there's a transition or something different then it's gonna take a while me just talking for now is gonna make the editing easier because i've just been talking non-stop and that's just gonna be a minute of just plonk it in watch it good sometimes yeah it just editing takes a long time so anyway i'm getting ahead i'm doing that now so yeah anyway guys i really hope you enjoyed today's video seeing what it's like being a day in the life of a youtuber obviously each day is different there are so many different things um obviously there are filming days where i film a whole video which i usually don't do the behind the scenes of just because you guys are going to see the end product in the video anyway but i thought it'd be quite interesting to show you guys some bloopers what it's like with business schools editing behind the scenes of taking photos each day is so different and there's always so much to do it's it's like having a never-ending to-do list there's always more things added on as soon as you cross one off so i'm always pretty busy but i'm really super lucky to say this is my job and i love what i do every day so thank you so much guys for watching today's video i really do appreciate it if you're new or have not done so already please like and subscribe this really does help me out um thanks again for watching and i'll see you all next time bye [Music] you
Channel: This Esme
Views: 200,887
Rating: 4.9677815 out of 5
Id: Elc-xfaFGmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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