24 HOURS in the Donkeys' STABLE Challenge | This Esme

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no active the prize is something so cool isn't that money cannot buy [Music] [Applause] hello everybody this is me and today's video is going to be my first ever 24 hour challenge if we're like a little bit late to the party with this but I'm going to be doing 24 hours in the donkey's stable so the donkey stable was built about a month and a bit ago so you haven't really seen it too much in the channel so I thought be fun to do it in here also the donkeys are free-range so while I'm in here they're gonna be walking in and out so it's not just gonna be like me look to the stable kind of on my own obviously I'm not allowed to you know go out of the stable until the 24 hours up so I'm gonna be sleeping in here so it's gonna be quite entertaining probably won't sleep very well so one of the reasons why I wanted to make this video not only because so many of you guys requested it but also I want you to make it to spread awareness about the Brooke charity which so exciting news that they've actually made me one of their ambassadors which is just so cool but also you might know if you watched my video a few months back in October I actually went to Senegal in West Africa with them so if you saw that you would have seen some of the incredible work they do with working horses and donkeys so anyway before today's video starts as well I'm actually gonna be holding a giveaway with them but I'll talk a little bit more about that at the end of the video but the prize is something so cool it's something that money cannot buy so yeah first I need to get the donkeys sort of fields shelters slash stave already because I'm not just gonna be in here all day I'm also gonna be in here all night and I've got to sleep in here so I need to put up a hammock that I'm gonna sleep in it's gonna be like I'm a celebrity kind of style it's also the winter so it's gonna be a little bit chilly while I'm in here as well so I've got a really warm sort of sleeping bag which is designed for like arctic conditions so fingers crossed they stay warm because for some reason I decided it'd be a good idea to do this challenge in the middle of winter so I'm probably gonna be very cold tonight oh yes so first we need to clean up the donkeys stable there are a few poops in here so need to clean them up and also put down a lot of new shavings as well alright so let the mocking out commence [Music] I don't know if any of you guys find this but I always find and mucking out so satisfying especially if it's like quite bad before like it was today and then afterwards when it's all done it's just like yes but anyways so I'm still kind of halfway through mucking at the moment I'm almost finished there was a lot of really dirty dusty kind of hay that got a little bit mixed up with the wet shaving so taking all that out I think I might actually move some of the hay net kind of places so then the hay doesn't get all mixed up with the shavings I also need to put the new shavings in but anyway while I'm doing that I thought I'd tell you a little bit more about poo because I don't know if you guys know this but with all of the poo that we get from the donkeys and the horses we put on a little muck here we let it rot down and my granddad comes and he puts it on the garden things and on the veggie patch but in Senegal they do something even cooler with poo they actually manage to power a school with it so I thought I'd show you a little snippet of my time when I was in West Africa with the Birch charity and the incredible stuff that they do with poo [Music] [Applause] [Music] in Senegal there are lot of horses I love donkeys and lot of mules that we've seen already however with all these animals comes a lot of poo especially as on average a horse does around 810 poos a day so this next project funded bride Brooke is actually all about poo and basically how it who can be made into gas and then turned into electricity as well so behind me here we actually have a school and this is powered by biogas so basically all of the poo gets put into this tank and the gases that come off it such as methane then gets tapped off it goes into the school and also in some of the houses as well so this provides electricity it also is great for the women as it means they don't have to go searching for firewood and it's also good because it can reduce respiratory problems as before the smoke and search from the fire word or from oil lamps and things would be really bad as well and obviously it's great for the school because it also means that children can learn when it's dark they can do homework when it's dark and things like that as well okay so this is where the poo goes in and then you mix it around and there's a little hole at the bottom where the tube goes so all the poo that's all crushed up goes down there and then into the tank and usually the tank is actually inflated but because it's currently the end of the school year it's all deflated at the moment so here on the biogas generator there's actually a little tap and then that goes up to the kitchen so then the gas can be used for cooking and also with a generator go into lighting as well so here we have the last stage where we have all the excess poo and this is then taken over to the farm spread across the fields and used as fertilizer so nothing is wasted okay so we're now in the kitchen and here we have the gas pipe that goes to the new gas cooker so this means that when all of the school dinners are made is a lot better environment because before it would be really smoky and very good for your lungs and now it's got a little much cleaner fuel that's also free because it comes from the poo and you can make you nice school dinners on it so I'm now just looking around the school and just popped into one of the classrooms and this little table and chairs is really taking me back but it's also brilliant because in here the lighting is also powered by the biogas which is just brilliant but also these projects that are funded by Brook they're really good because they're not just working with the owners of the horses and donkeys they're working with the whole community and this information is now being passed down to the younger generation is causing a lifelong change so now I'm in the fields where they have the crops and where they can get all the excess from the by gas generators there's no waste put it on the crops and help them grow okay everybody I really hope you enjoyed the little video I've now finished mucking out and all three donkeys have come in to say hello I've got one over there Bruno there and then Toby behind me here they've actually come in to finish off one of their hay nuts that's still up so the next thing that I'm going to do is my favorite part it's because you know you've almost finished working out it's just really satisfying hello there Toby and that is to spread all of the shavings out so today is their shavings day and they've actually got two new blocks as well so that's gonna be really fun I think they're gonna really like it they're gonna have a nice clean bed for me to be sleeping on tonight with them so we'll see how that goes later on not really looking forward to that but anyway time to undo these shavings [Music] [Applause] [Music] so the stable is now all nice and clean both boys decided to go and carry on grazing we've still got willow here in the background so I actually decided to put a little bit more clean shavings up at the top side of the stable just because I think this is where my hammocks gonna go because down the bottom is where they tend to like to stand also they prefer to put in that corner so you know I'm gonna be as far away as possible from that area when I'm sleeping so yeah she's just finishing off that hay net and it's looking a lot better now so the next thing I need to do is set up the hammock okay let's hope this is strong because I've got to put all of my weight on this and I really don't want it to break should be fine okay here's my hand work and here is my bed for the night let's try and get in shall we I'm gonna take my boots off because they are so muddy and wet doo doo doo oh my gosh this feels so dodgy okay dang it well it feels like you know like at primary school and used to like parachute time it kind of feels a bit like that I haven't been in a hammock for ages so I kind of forgot what it felt like but it actually feels a little bit more secure than I thought it was gonna be like honestly I thought there wouldn't be much sides to it so I thought I'd just kind of like roll out but actually I can still myself in like this oh no other donkeys will thing to it as well like obviously I needed my pillow and sleeping bag and blanket before I go to sleep and everything but you know it's actually a lot more comfortable than I thought I'm just kind of swinging along yeah okay so now I'm in the next task is to try and get out and I feel like this is not gonna be a flattering angles Hey I apologize I run because it's a little bit a little bit rickety Arrakis okay I'm gonna try and try and get my biggest fan while I'm swinging I'm just gonna keep me entertained for a good 24 hours because you know I can use it as a swing like swing along oh okay okay that's fine okay at the bouton we're halfway there okay my gosh I can't get it on there we go okay can my feet touch the ground just about okay so good guys I haven't fallen out with them hammock yeah that's actually not too bad so before I start the 24 hours I need to make sure that I have everything in here to entertain me I actually already have some videos downloaded on my phone that I can watch while I'm here putting a bit editing as well on my laptop maybe call some of my friends because yeah I've got a long time to just sin this habit before I start the 24 hours I thought I'd just tell you a little bit more about the giveaway because it's definitely something money cannot buy and that is a Lemire and Brooke white saddle pad it has their logo on and guys it's even better because if we turn it around to the other side it has been signed by Olympic gold medalist and dressage rider probably one of the most famous riders in the world Charlotte du jour Dan like what that is so cool so I'm really excited to give this away to one of you guys so if you'd like to enter the giveaway and be in the chance of winning and then head over to my Instagram page at this underscore it's me and if you're watching this video as soon as it comes out the giveaway post should be up you can go and check that out for more information I've got the essentials I've got more excitable all my stuff in but most importantly I have my laptop so I can still work okay I feel like that might be a slightly dodgy place to put it in the hammock but it will do for now so this rucksack I actually used when I did my Duke of Edinburgh Award waiting if you're not from the UK and don't know what that is it's basically where those are teenagers like do they like things like skills like I did horse riding and volunteering I worked at stables for a bear and then you also just basically go for a really long walk and camp a few nights so and you had to carry all your stuff with you so it's bringing back the memories having this bag so let's see what I packed because that one's I can't remember I packed it awhile ago did you oh I have my wash bag that has been packed since the beginning of the year and I've never unpacked I just have everything in doubles because when I deal with the traveling good shows and things so you know I've got my hairbrush toothbrush and toothpaste you know the essentials what else do I have oh for later I've got my really warm fuzzy socks which I actually might put on quite soon because my feet are a little bit cold oh I also have please look at the view - jamas so I think for the top half I honestly don't want to get changed into pajamas like I'm already quite warm as is and if I take you know my clothes off and then put them on again remember one I don't really want to do that and they don't Keats tape or but number two I want to kind of keep another walk that I have of the most it's quite cold so what I'm going to be doing is it's just putting my pajama bottoms over the top of my leggings so these are my really fluffy ones so I'm excited about that I also ah I have my cushion so this is gonna be my pillow for the night Oh Bruno's come in to say hello so I can put that in the hammock we are really going with the classy colors today yellow and blue we're not matching match here and it's even less like - actually because for my blanket I've got this sort of Christmas one and it's got Christmas sausage dogs but it's really cozy and fluffy so this should be fun to kind of sit in while I'm editing so don't get too cold just sitting here outside and then oh most important liberals - got my water so I stay hydrated however I don't have any food because I'm so close to the house so when my like family have dinner well I think my brother's gonna very kindly come up and take dinner for me so I'm gonna have my dinner in the hammock so we'll see how that goes it's hope there aren't any spillages and then lastly I have my sleeping bag so this is like the thermal one so hopefully it keeps me warm during the night because it's gonna be really really cold okay so now so got myself set up a little bit more I've got my bag there for easy access I am actually slightly concerned that the donkeys might want to come and investigate what's inside that I do particularly want them chewing my bags so I might have to sleep with the bag in my hammock with me or maybe I think I might be able to put it up on some of the storage up there we will see so now it's time for me to actually get some work done today so I need to do some editing so I'm gonna or take off my really muddy boots oh no they're gonna want to eat my boots as well aren't they I really haven't fought this thought this through as much as I thought I was going to my feet are now we're shaving it toby is coming in oh my goodness okay most importantly I do not want my laptop falling out so I'm going to hold that when I get in I should have brought like a table and chairs with me because yes sleeping in there it's fine but doing everyday stuff okay my feet are covered in shavings I really need to get the shape things up there because I don't particularly want to be sleeping in my hammock and then in the middle of the night being like oh what's that thing digging into me and then realize some shade yes okay one foot done just oh no the shavings are coming in the hammock okay we get in there we're getting there okay time to get in well okay got my laptop okay I'm getting hey guys I got my water because I do get quite thirsty quite a bit actually I think I might just put that down there so I can reach it if I need to exclude you not one that leaking I've got my blank here I'm going to put on because it's a bit chilly and if I'm just sitting here then we get cold doo doo doo well I can kind of sorting out my little cocoon or my little nest there we go wrap myself up in that well I feel quite cozy I feel a little bit claustrophobic not gonna lie because I've got this but the good thing is that because most people do this in a car at least site if I need like a little bit or leg stretch I can actually get up you know maybe run a few laps and the stables you know because I've done a lot of international flights this year and when you're sitting down for a long time let me tell you your legs start falling asleep so I'm definitely gonna get up and have a little walk around in a bit but first it's time to open up my laptop I think I'm gonna use my personal hotspot from my phone to try and use my 4G from that so I can try and access the internet on my laptop but the 4G where we are because we're literally in the middle of nowhere isn't brilliant so I'm yeah oh please end up calling my friend and just speak the ages to try keep myself entertained okay now I'm gonna like answer some emails and do some editing and boring stuff so I will see you later [Music] okay so I have a few treats in my pocket and I've made even though I've named them my whole life but still like they seem a little bit more interested in what's going on they can smell them hey Brina Brina is not too sure about the hammock on Toby's flight which is usually the opposite because Toby's the more sort of sketchy she's scared it kind of one Hey there we go I think they're getting more used to the hammock cuz when they first came in there is were like oh my goodness what is this blue thing in my house well it isn't Bruno now Toby you've had yours Thank You brain okay Bruno good boy well it's also back over the sand what am I looking my color is gonna fall out I don't want my parabolic especially because the shavings because it's that kind of material where everything sticks to it so I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing me giving them the treats now because I feel like they're just gonna stay here and pester me while I'm trying to get some work done say don't know what they think to my laptop what do you think Bruno alright so what I'm gonna do some work so some editing admin emails that kind of stuff because that'd be quite boring to watch I thought because we're in the donkeys new stable and this is quite new actually when I went to Senegal the Brooke charity built a new soft shelter out there to make sure the horses could go there and be safe so I thought I'd show you a little bit of a video from when I went there and tell you a little bit more about it [Music] I'm here in one of the Senegal's market towns and I'm actually here at one of the Brooks shelters that has been built using their funding so before the horses would just be tied up anywhere out in the Sun which is really bad as they could get heatstroke they could be stolen and it really wasn't a very safe place they could escape or they would just be taken through the market which again could be quite dangerous so now they can stay here in these safe shelters there in the shade they have food they have water and also some of the local people keep their horses here too as well as horses that I've got undergoing treatment from the vets so for example if my horses needed treatment at the vets needed to stay overnight this is a safe place that the horses receiving treatment can now stay currently here with this donkey that's actually one of the patients that's being hospitalized at the moment and I can tell you this now is so much cooler in here due to the shade because out there it is boiling hot I think it's the hottest I've ever been I'm now here with this stallion and he's been working all morning pulling the car pulling things to market so now he's come back inside and to his stable into the shade because it's midday it's very hot and he's having a little bit of a rest but if food and water so he's a little bit sweaty because he's been working but I think he's enjoying the rest now there's me wanna feral actually quite concerned actually my family should be more concerned they're like oh she'll be fine should we find a sleeping in the winter outside it's like instead of being in the dog house of literally in the donkey house oh dear maybe tonight I could put my little hat I'll roll it out over my face like icicles oh dear it's gonna be a long night okay guys it's actually a lot later now I so productive must get a lot of work done however I did have to shut these guys out for a bit because they kept wanting to investigate the hammock and chewing my laptop probably wouldn't be a good end result so they went out for a bit so sorry Toby that you've had to be shut out for a bit but yeah because it's getting darker it's also coming up to dinnertime so yeah and I'm getting a little bit hungry so in an hour or two I'll be bringing up my brother Max who very kindly will be bringing me my dinner so thank you very much max also while I'm in the Hamburg I need to make sure that everything is ready for bedtime so I need to make sure that I'm gonna be warming warm enough so I'm gonna get my sleeping bag out make sure that it's warm enough and that I'm gonna be okay for the very cold night what else do I need I might also ask my brother to bring my portable charger with me cuz I forgot about that so then I can get my phone a laptop recharge because they are running a little bit low on charge so be nice to have that so I can watch Netflix and things as I go to bed but I think part of from that I've been doing pretty well okay it is a lot later now it is pretty much pitch-black outside so what I've done is I've actually got my sleeping bag out just check this a little okay which is which is brilliant person I found when I was actually lying here on the hammock is that this is quite thin so when I was lying here all the cold air sort of blowing underneath me so when I just have my blanket over the top of me my butt got a little bit cold so what I've been doing is lying on top of my blanket and then so I've been lying with my sleeping bag over the top and move around a bit had a little walk around so my parents very kindly have helped me do the animals Mike's obviously I cannot leave the stables so the donkeys now have two fresh lovely hay nets and the horses in as well and well I've just been here kind of chilling on my phone passing the time so now I'm actually getting quite hungry so the next thing I'm going to do is call my brother and hopefully if he's kind he'll bring me my dinner hello hi max I'm getting a little bit hungry and I was wondering what's the dinner because I was wondering if you could bring it to me please where are you I'm in the donkey stable I knew the 24 hour challenge video yeah I'm doing it today and obviously because I can't leave the stable could you maybe bring it to me please it'd be really kind brother oh thank you so much max alright see ya bye thank you thank you so much Mike he's bringing me my dinner and I'm really excited to soak since pasta which is one of my favorites so I think I can hear my brother coming fingers crossed he has my dinner max is that you I went to the wrong stables the next moment yeah the old ones people did McCain caster like put their head over being like oh yes I got pastor thank you Maxie thanks making the video enjoy your evening see ya got my dinner guys okay this movie struggle game back in again just about got the knack for it you know sitting in which way I'm gonna sit I'm gonna sit this way then I can watch the donkeys but I think when I sleep up early with my head that way because if not I don't particularly want my back to the door cuz that's a little bit creepy so this is kind of tricky I might sit cross-legged on the floor actually that might be a better shout I just know I'm gonna spill my pasta app see everywhere okay there we go dinnertime this is my first kind of proper meal in here I did have a lot I had like app at lunch but this is kind of like warm food I will see you later what's live had my dinner okay so I've had my dinner and it's a long time later after that and I'm actually getting really tired I had quite a late night last night so think I'm gonna have an early night tonight because I'm pretty tired so I'm gonna put my pajamas on I've got them out here so the plan is this gonna sound kind of gross I'm gonna put them over the top of my leggings cuz I'm so cold I don't particularly want to change out of these so me from now and also gonna put my fluffy socks on and brush my teeth and then get my sleeping bag really [Music] okay guys I think I'm ready for bed now I'm in my a thermals of sleeping bag I have my blanket over the top of me as I will cozy I'm actually so confident realize how comfy hammock would be probably won't be saying that in the morning with my little hand that's sticking out here I have my vlog camera because obviously it's late at night now and my family he helped me my video is going to go to bed now so I'm just kind of solo on my vlog camera so apologies if the next couple of Clips if I do film anything in the middle of the night or if anything interesting happens they're probably quite dark and not as good quality and kind of shaky and doggedly filmed so yeah that'll be fun I really hope that the donkeys like sleep peacefully tonight they just lie down and go to sleep but I think that might not happen but yeah I'm all crazy in here now and I'm gonna try and get some sleep and yeah so goodnight they can't drop my favorite light I have the light in my eyes I can even see what's doing may I have my phone here my little torch I'll try not to look at the lens instead but I'm just looking at my little sleeping bag I've got my torch and one thing I kind of didn't realize is how noisy the tickets are and they eat I can hear them like walking around and snorting and eating and yes look at them shall we seal their up - okay oh okay as you can see it is very dark yeah the camera isn't even focusing because of how dark it is but you can just about see Toby at the front Bruno on the right we're on the left and they're just sort of chillin walking around down there it's definitely the favorite side of the stables so I'm glad I decided to go up here because they do you spend more time down in that corner especially as I put the hay nuts there they've got to share between the three of them because they're small so they eat a lot less compared to horses no water buckets up near me though so they'll probably come up here for getting their water but yeah they seem pretty chilled they're just kind of looking at me like what is this mad woman lying in a hammock in my stable doing in the middle of the night but you know what we're having fun we're having some bonding time and they're loving it so yeah we're just chilling and I'm gonna try and get back to sleep now because it is very late guys is 3:00 in the morning just because Brito decided that he wants to use me as a scratching post you know the donkey's they're gonna be all chilled sleeping I'm not gonna get woken up in the night I'm so wrong so Bruno decided we're gonna do a little scratch on me so because I am a very light sleeper I've got quite a few times in the night just by them could have snorting or eating or walking around and things but when brewed I decided to touch me I have to use me as a little scratching post I literally jumped out of my skin over at the right words and bit delusional so yeah that's a little update bruised me up and I'm gonna go back to sleep now and try and sleep until the morning but we'll see good night oh is that my coffee oh thank you that was it honestly I've been given some of the worst night's sleep of my life I already got up this morning let the animals or the donkeys out of their stable because they wanted to go out because it's light now they're hungry thanks for the coffee it rained quite a bit last night as well so it's quite noisy on the roof I didn't realize how noise it's gonna be so yeah I really didn't sleep that great so thank you for the coffee yeah I think it's breakfast time for the animals well now then okay everybody it's coming up to Christmas soon and if you still haven't decided what get your friends or family for Christmas or they keep asking you what do you want for Christmas and you have no idea then be sure to go and check out the Brooke shop they have so many different things they're on offer from different prices so for example you could train a vet trained a farrier or and put some money towards building a shelter so Wilson's can be going the shade loads of different things such as first aid kits so really be sure to go and check that out it'll help so many horses and donkeys all over the world and so anyway guys I'm gonna go and have a shower now get into a nice clean change of clothes and get in the warmth as well as much as I've enjoyed being with the donkeys it's gonna be kind of nice to just go back inside away from the dark and the dampness of the outside in the English winter so yeah if you're new or have not done so already please like the SUBSCRIBE really does help me out thank you so much for watching today's video and I'll see you next time bye have a nice match again Bruno [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: This Esme
Views: 809,500
Rating: 4.9346056 out of 5
Keywords: 24Hour, Challenge, Stable
Id: NoFTH-v8J4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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