Chaotic 21st Birthday Party for my Pony + Baking him a Cake AD | This Esme

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yes Oh Mike okay I'm just gonna standing oh I think he's too sure about the blades hi everybody and welcome to this SV kitchen it does look a little bit like a horse [Music] [Applause] hello everybody this is me and today is Mickey's 21st birthday so because there's a big celebration Mickey's big birthday I'm gonna be throwing him the best horse 21st birthday party in the world oh yeah you guys you better believe it this guy is gonna have a great time there's gonna be cake it was gonna be decorations presents so I'm really excited also I am actually throwing this on Mickey's actual birthday which we don't actually know when Ricky's birthday is but I've always celebrated it on the 17th of March which is also some Patrick's Day because Mickey is an Irish Pony he was born in Ireland so I've always celebrated on some Patrick's Day I thought were really cute also if you haven't noticed already I am wearing my new shamrock Unni which I designed especially for Mickey's 21st birthday because on the sleeve it's got 21 shamrocks so one for each year of this guy's life so far which is pretty cool so anyway today we've got a lot planned for this guy so I've already given him a bit of a groom so he's looking nice and fabulous for his birthday I think the first thing we need to do is get the sort of party started so we'll just pop some decorations so I have some bunting and then I have some old balloons as well I can block as well so yeah let's getting get it looking amazing mate Nicky okay so I have this bunting and I want to put it up I'm worried the horses are gonna like destroy it and eat it so I'm gonna be really careful I don't want to get on the ground as well cuz I don't want it to you know break or get dirty hello CASP please do not eat the bunting I know it looks delicious but it's I promise here won't be as delicious as your cake will be later okay thank you it's like what is this what are you tying up here no no no one side complete okay this is the side that I'm more concerned about because I just know that Mickey's gonna want to eat it where should I thing is it's just a little bit too short or too long should I hang it up like here okay let's put it in front of the stable door oh he's looking at it like oh my gosh what is that oh no it's the wind is flapping it up well this be okay I might need to like get something to just tie up this let's just hope it doesn't blow eggs it's a bit windy today okay make I've got a purple balloon here to match your head color cuz you know go lovey matchy matchy so let's let's see if I can actually blow balloon up naughty bad okay I'm not sure boy is gonna think about the balloon I don't think is ever seen believe before oh wow it's a balloon you're not too sure I wonder if you want to lick it mmm-hmm I'm not sure oh okay I'll do another one I'll do a blue one as well Hey would you like the blue one matches your eyes yeah you know it's an equestrian birthday when you use baler twine to tie the balloons up okay we have one balloon attached now for the balloon number two actually the blue and the purple does look very good together if I do say so myself okay there we go we had the balloons oh thank you to shore up the balloons okay where should we tie them shoe tied them up here I reckon here would look quite cute I can tie it to this hook quite easily Oh would you like the balloons now what he's scared of it anymore yeah penny of the decorations took me a little bit longer than expected so much so though Holly was doing it I started ranting about single-use plastic I am going to be saving the turtles I'm going to be disposing of this single-use plastic in their correct way and this is stuff that we just had lying around at home and I thought you know what might as well use it for the video okay let's do the little tying up I don't think Mickey was very impressed because one hour later and I was still tying the baler twine to the balloons I don't think Mickey's gonna be as bothered by as Kasper is so I think that's fine that's a bit close to his stable yeah well you should have cut the string beforehand but you know what and at this moment Mickey's probably thinking yeah you should have cut the string because you always take my face out why am i doing a quick release knot you know you're in a question when you want to tie any knot you want to do a quick release knot okay we have the bunting we have the balloons the bond the balloons do have a bit of hair in michie hair on but we'll ignore that you know it's a horse birthday party okay so we've done the decorations now we need to get prepared for the party we need for our party outfits on it so I do actually have some party hats okay you guys aren't even ready for this what color do you think I should go your for I do quite like the yellow box with the red so go for green and then bit much II I think green for me would be quite cute okay let's go let's see garden gnome we go guys we are having the best birthday party okay Mickey what color am I feeling for you I'm feeling the red actually I feel like the red and the purple combo might not be too bad if he doesn't like it I won't force him to have it on his head but I would like to see what he looks like being an actual Mickey do you not want to be a unicorn on your 21st birthday Mickey isn't the greatest time of the party hat so if he's not gonna wear a party how I can't really force Caspar - well because Caspar Mickey is like supposed to be the children he's supposed to be that one that wouldn't really mind these kind of things but I don't want him to be stressed especially you know his birthday boy it's it's his day it's his party he can do what he likes so I'm not gonna force him to put the hat on you know I'm not gonna make him do anything he doesn't want to do so he's just not living for the party hat I don't think he particularly wants a hat on so you may know happy you today you are a true unicorn in himself you know he doesn't he doesn't need a party hat to pretend to be one because you are a unicorn Mickey so the party hat was a no-show no party hat for Mickey so we've got the next best thing is a birthday necklace which i think is gonna look very cool was coming a birthday bowtie yes I'm using baler twine oK we've got the bow now it's time to make it birthday here you can just see on Mickey's face he's like one earth is this girl going to bring out next right here here is the birthday Sian I think he should be fine with this being on because it's not like naraz is I really hope it stays on because it's look just like a little Clippy thing but there we go how do you feel being 21 oh man yeah there we go he's got his birthday battalion now it's time for presents and cake so I think we're gonna do presents first and then do cake afterwards just because I think he's gonna really like his present and I also think that if he's filled up on cake he's not gonna want his present and he's gonna want to open his presents so let's see what it is I have no clue why I called Mickey's medallion a battalion but maybe if it's a birthday medallion it can be called a battalion okay so making it here's two presents we'll put this one down for a second because this is more just like I needed to buy or another present so I didn't wrap it up because also this would be really difficult to wrap but I've actually got my kid a new little chain because his actual one is a bit on the broken side so we can click his new one on guys okay because basically the clips on this is broken so you can kind of escape sometimes which isn't great so he's got this nice new one Mickey just destroys things so I'm not really surprised that he broke his last ones it hopefully this nice new blue one well they both look how different the hill so this one I've had for like a good couple of years and look how cracked it is and Mickey is stepped on this not hit on it everything so it's got a nice new one so Mickey I know you usually can't have nice things because you destroy everything but please keep this nice because money is expensive that was the last time Mickey and his old stable chain ever saw each other okay so now it's time for Mickey's actual person he's already giving it a lik attack so let's see if he wants to open it up Mickey you can't lick it open and I think I'm gonna have well help Joey to help okay he's so good because I always teach him not to bite but okay now you can buy dig in there kill it open it up open okay I'll make sure he doesn't eat there up in paper guys don't worry he's just wanting to look away let's see if you there we go break into it break into it okay oh that is dream you're not gonna want to lick that okay gonna open it up yeah hey we'll do it like like back in the day will you bite it and lift it open are you just gonna lick it he's just such a lucky mute I think he can smell them so anyway present reveal this is Mickey's present I got some unicorn treats as you can see he's going absolutely crazy for them so okay mix but you can't eat the whole packet I know it's your birthday we've got cake so you've gotta save your tummy for later okay oh my gosh they're pink that's so cool I can't hear you mix oh my gosh ravenous you ravenous you're having this birthday boy okay there we go nice and flat probably wish my hand is just covered in slobber Oh Casper wanting some treats you're gonna pop the balloons if we get too excited okay you're gonna be a want a gentle unicorn there we go there's some treats good boy there we go sharing is caring so you've got some treats as well and now it's time to see what they think to the birthday cake hello okay so here is the cake but before I get to a cake reveal I actually made it a few days ago so here's a clip with me making it hello everybody and welcome to this sesame kitchen so we're gonna be doing some cooking today I did a little bit of cooking which channel which is always been quite interesting so today well I shouldn't be baking Mickey a cake and I've looked online and some different recipes and things and I've basically decided I'm gonna wing it I'm gonna make her this is me horse birthday cake I don't know I'm just gonna be using the stuff I have at home lying around the main ingredient I'm gonna be using it's actually some Bailey's local bounces so I thought you know what making a Casper are a little bit on the porky side I don't particularly want to use oats a lot of recipes online use oats because if I give that Casper he's gonna be like mega spicy like that's just gonna be dangerous and also I don't want them to get chubby so well that was a birthday cake we have lots of yummy goodies here it's still gonna be a little bit more on the healthy side so that's gonna be kind of my main ingredient I think the idea is kind of to do it like a cheesecake we also have some chaff here this is some of the light char from Bailey's and I'm gonna use this basically on the top I think this can be kind of like the icing maybe we'll see I've also just got some bog-standard treats here you might be able to make them into some sort of mush if not they'll be cute toppings carrots as well you know might get grater grate some carrots into it got some mints as well some more trees a treat bar water to water down this and I've also got some molasses as well because all of the online recipes said to use molasses so hopefully that will help everything kind of stick together but I've never seen anybody do it with this so we will see how it goes it might be a disaster but you know what it doesn't look like a cake I'm sure making you won't mind if its food he's happy so let's get cracking on and I almost forgot but I actually got Mickey some 21 candles as well for his 21st birthday I can also reuse these when I turn 21 as well but that's like in to innovate year so not for a while but anyway I feel like the 21 candles are so cute cuz they're pink as well so it's gonna match his nose well he's gonna love that they're all so glittery as well so they're pretty cool ID you got this from pound land which is basically the British version of the dollar store for any Americans out there and then it also got some happy birthday to you plates and I thought these were really cute for putting on a little plate for all of the at Queen's I like also got some apples so I think we're all set so the first thing I think I'm gonna do is somehow make this into a cake mixture all right so I've washed my hands now I'm gonna put a roll up my sleeves so I'm worried that I'm gonna do too much or make it too sloppy or put too much water in so I'm gonna start off with just putting like a tiny bit of water in because I actually do this quite a lot when I make willows food in the morning she's so fussy she loves this stuff but she has to have it wet and it kind of goes into a bit of a paste I might actually get like a mixing spoon I guess I could use my hands I feel like a mixing spoon would work quite well sorry mum so it's kind of going a little bit more into a paste but we're getting there guys this actually smells quite nice smells like grass squidgy how shameful is it like could you make it into a kugel cake almost my hands get so messy okay we get in there we're getting there guys that actually looks like a little cake at just look a little bit like a horse babe okay I'm game is very messy and I wear like one minute in yes I did put it in the cake tin that I'm gonna be using later but feel like that's probably about enough you know omelets pedalin I thought I might just might as well just add all of this I feel like that's definitely gonna be enough okay you've really got to mix it because I feel like it's just all the stuff at the bottom that's a slushy fills about by making bread when you've got to sort of need it this sounds weird but it feels kind of satisfying it's a bit like you know this slime videos on Instagram they're just somehow appear on your know you'll see you page I've been watching too much tick-tock you're sort of recommended you just randomly get slime videos if so I never really searched or look up slime videos they're just kind of there I'm surprised guys this isn't too bad okay yeah I feel like it pretty much perfect I don't know if I want to add any more water that you can shape quite easily this is amazing there's so much better than I thought I feel like it's gonna come out a bit like a sand castle like I'm gonna put it in squish it down on top it do a little magic tap on the top if you know what I mean and then BAM is a cake castle so I feel like it's actually wheat about okay I'm gonna wash my hands and then I'll get back to you guys all right so to add a little bit more sort of texture to it I guess make it a little bit more interesting gonna grate some carrots into I've also just been using the carrot to kind of mix it around like this so a little life hack if you don't want to use your mum's wooden spoon you could use a carrot so it was coming this way like this will say any younger people out there watching my videos just be careful when using knives and graters please do not hurt yourself oh the grater carrots actually looking quite good this is a bit of a workout for your eyes guys also my fingernails like absolutely gross because they've got all the food in it looks like I've just been mucking out okay I'm gonna get that to my guinea pig because I do not want to grate such a small thing because I just know I'm gonna end up hurting myself whoa look at all that carrot oh my gosh they're gonna love this I'm just gonna get the bit smooth inside nowt on my carrot I'm not actually gonna mix in yet as I'm gonna mix in right the end I'm gonna use an apple now and grate the app put into it as well because Mickey absolutely loves apples I don't know what it is but apples I think are one of his favorite sort of fruit or vegetables so like the fresh kind of treats I give him Rob the normal treat I think yes because they're so juicy just make some dribble loads and him being a very lucky pony and that's actually greater than Apple before I don't think but don't anyone else does this I have an apple every morning on my breakfast pretty much and I'm the sort of person where I will never throw in my apple corer I always put it on the side for the horses for later and even when I went on holiday with my friends what I did was okay I had an apple and I didn't throw my uncle in the bin I just put it on the side on the counter and no less as me that is so great you didn't throw your light food away your Apple away like Wayne's who would you not throw the core away and I was like Oh oopsies sorry guys cuz I'm usually quite clean clean and tidy up off myself but they thought was quite strange I just left an apple corer on the side but why I was leaving it oh here and one quality is there there's one Apple done gosh on the Jesus is spraying on me all right so I have my apple and carrot sort of mixture so I'm now going to add that into the local balancer oh that's not actually looking too bad I hope the consistency doesn't change too much with the added apple carrot I didn't want to add too much like I wanted to add enough that it's kind of like a treat but then I didn't want to add so much that it doesn't really stick together like a cake oh we're getting there I have quite a little mixture I might be able to make a few little cupcakes as well okay so I think that's pretty much mixed so I need if I leave the chaff for I think I'm gonna use the chaff as the icing or they'll sort of layer on top I just don't know maybe I might put some treats all right I'm gonna use many other treats for decoration I think Oh two of them in Addis a little bit of molasses now I know this is really sugary and probably isn't very great for the horses but all of the ingredients online said to put this in don't add too much I think that'll be enough for now we'll see how it goes oh my gosh this smells very much okay this is gonna make it super sticky okay like they're gonna love it with the molasses it's definitely a special treat for them I thought like the mass is actually made it so it sticks really well but tell me a bit more in don't tell anybody okay that's quite a big doughnut okay that's cool put your way okay I don't think I'm really want to add that much more to the actual mixture because I feel like it's one of these things we if you put too much in it it's just not gonna work out okay so these are the cake tins gonna be using because we have quite a lot I'm actually gonna bake it a little bit like a Victoria sponge well you kind of have a layer and then some icing or I don't know what we put in the middle probably Marxist and then another layer on top I think that'll work quite well so I'm gonna be using these cake tins there's a special one is why you couldn't pop them out just because I thought because it's quite dense it'll be pretty good to kind of pop it out a bit like making you when you make jelly it's kind of like a moles feel like that's gonna work quite well so just gonna oil it so it doesn't stick they'll do obviously this isn't going in the oven so I don't really know how that's gonna work I think I'm just gonna you know get my fingers dig in I guess might give that a little bit of a oil around make sure it doesn't stick really well trying to put it in don't know if I should like put it in and then push it down gonna make these birthday pikes out the way so I can gonna use my head like need it in like this Mike alright well yeah it's so much like cheesecake is actually looking so good with a little bits of apple a little bit keratin just give it a bit of color [Music] all right so I was gonna say I've let them set but timorous it's not belly breathing like a minute I just think because they're so dense it's just gonna stay how it is they don't need to go in the oven that I don't need to go in the fridge I also have this super cool plate kind of thing just wasn't going to use one of our sort of China kind of pots ceramic plates but there's no Mickey he will destroy it actually this one seems more like a bottom one okay we're gonna have to do the magic tap okay let's hope for the magic to that work I just push it up okay okay I'm gonna squish it in the process it's the cake okay that looks so good it's actually looking slightly cakey I'm gonna for the icing or they're like Center usually you like put buttercream or something I'm gonna be using the masses actually way yes okay if that's gonna be enough it's gonna be enough okay I'm gonna get like a little knife [Music] oh no I feel like it's just gonna soak it's gonna soak in isn't it it's gonna just soak into thee it's not really gonna be much of a center looks good I do not trust myself putting that straight on top so I'm going to get another plate put it on the plate and then transfer over let's hope this one works as well now she the magic tap against I think the magic tap worked okay okay let's see ask me that was violent you gotta be careful okay okay okay okay okay okay yes boys we did it okay this is looking good oh it's nice and it's got that sponginess oh I've got to transfer haven't I I really don't want to do this I'm gonna I'm gonna mess up do I do i okay I feel like this bit looks kind of messy so I can be the bottom okay Oh careful careful careful careful careful careful oh damn that's looking good that is definitely looking more cakey for the topic I feel like this is gonna be the really fun exciting part of it let's move you into the center so everyone can see your whole glory okay I'm gonna put this is just me overloading my horses with sugar not good okay I'm gonna put some molasses on the top not too much they [Music] let's home some of the chaff [Music] well I honestly thought it was just gonna be it wasn't gonna look like a cake at all I thought it's gonna be a load of horse food just squished into a thing but oh my gosh I'm so proud okay oh okay I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use the treats as decoration say oh my gosh just like rock solid there we go [Music] [Music] [Music] and then finish it off the icing on the cake or the cherry on top we've got the Polo on top um okay guys there is the cake [Music] and we cannot forget to put the little 21 on for Mickey so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna remove the center mint there we go oh my goodness this is looking so much better than I thought it was I look I honestly went into this video thinking it's gonna be a disaster we're just gonna have loads of treats mushed up put it in a bucket nearly two anyway but A for effort this isn't looking this is if somebody said to you what does this look like it doesn't look like a cake that's not too bad so anyway guys I will see you on Mickey's birthday when he gets to eat this delicious thing and save me I likes it because I think he's gonna love it time to get the cake out still looking pretty fresh okay don't drop it cool there we go guys okay I need to get a oh I didn't get the birthday candles should I put them all under should I knock this thing is like I would sing happy birthday to make camp I'm worried that the YouTube police will get angry if I sing happy birthday in case it's copyrighted so I'm gonna sing happy birthday camera so yes I know the cake is coming I'm gonna get a knife and cut this bad boy up oh my gosh I am so worried that when I cut this cake I'm going to destroy it I'm also pretty not using the best knife this is the knife that I kind of just use for cutting baler twine and string and things at yard oh no it's crumbling okay let's just ignore that oh no there goes the treats this is a disaster okay I'm moving it around my side so you can't see we got to up because this is gonna be this is just pure chaos okay Mickey you can have the first oh my gosh okay let's get the plate nothing to see here guys nothing to see here let's cut this out in the Edit nobody will know okay okay we've got liftoff okay we've got the piece okay that doesn't actually look too bad like presentation-wise i don't think maryberry would be giving me a 10 out of 10 but it's the taste that counts visa leftovers that they can have later but that that is kind of cake shaped like probably humans will be touching me hate comments but I thought like that's fine it's okay we've got the piece let's see what make you think also it looks a lot better when I show it around like that that's really honest again okay here's the cake okay Vicki calm down calm down birthday boy okay back it up birthday boy back it up back it up there we go there's your cake Sione thanks okay he just went for a right old chunk alone Mickey do you like it oh he's going for it Oh num num num I think he likes it guys Mickey would you rate it out of 10 I reckon I reckon it's an 11 out of 10 I reckon it's that good it goes off the scale okay I'm gonna have to cut the Casper a piece up well Mickey is digging in because if not that boy is not gonna be happy Oh again we're not working on presentation it's all about if they like it or not on a scale of one to ten what would you give it the presentation mm yeah I'd give it about four as well okay okay then boy we go good man Oh he's liking the flavor not too bad on the texture I think it's clean plates all around today guys okay so to wash down the cake I think he's just finishing looking up all the scraps we actually have some apple juice for Mickey to try but don't think he's had apple juice before but some people do put it in their horses water if they don't like drinking from their water bucket so although this does have quite a bit of sugar in it is making his birthday I usually don't give him apple juice and we'll just be fun to see we thinks about it Ricky thanks do never look in here he's quite leaky so he might want to look it look it up oh oh is that nice oh do you like that mix I think it's a thumbs up for the oh I'm getting all over man he's just like licking the cut rod in the actual juice who think he likes it guys so yummy yeah oh my gosh guys Mickey is loving the Aqua geez I think I found his new favorite drink well he hasn't really had anything else apart from water so I think this is a really big treat Felix you're getting quite a bit on the floor though he's getting quite on the floor all right there we go oh I'll spit oh I think he really likes lychee there's like a tiny bit left yes oh think Casper aunts and apple juice now I see what he thinks - it is that moon you liking it oh oh oh he's loving it he's really he's really going for it we know he's got a better technique of drinking the Apple Jesus and Mickey Mickey was just kind of like licking the cup and gas was really getting in there oh wow oh my gosh if Casper never drinks when we hidden like hates drinking out of any buckets like even the bucket in his stable he's not the biggest fan of drinking he prefers that in the morning he'll go out and drink from the water trough in the field so I just need to know to give him some apple juice oh but some apple juice in his water and he'll love it like he never he hates drinking on pockets at shows or when I take him to like lessons and things and we take him out and about and we have a water bucket he just won't drink out of it he's loving the apple juice we're like some more yeah okay I think I think he's had enough because there was a little bit more in Casper's Cup than Mickey it's cuz he's a bigger horse but I think I think you really like that caspin can you try new things okay everybody I really hope you enjoyed today's video and seeing Mickey is celebrating his birthday I think him and Caspar very much enjoyed the cake and the apple juice as well I'm so happy with how the cake turned out as well so we know what to give them for the next couple of days they're gonna be having that for their treats can have cake for breakfast tomorrow morning yeah okay he's actually really quite liking the balloons which I would be quite surprised about because usually he hates anything fluffy but I think because there's treats and food around he's just not thinking about how spooky is he quite likes the balloons okay do not pop it do don't pop the balloon don't you would not like that so anyway guys thank you so much for watching today's video we hope you enjoyed it if any or have not done so already Caspar Shh Croucher please like and subscribe as it really does help me out I really do appreciate it hey pass patch gosh this is such a chaotic out true oh yeah thanks again for watching oh my okay I'm just gonna stand stand here you're not even the birthday boy I think it's cuz mate its Mickey's birthday and Mickey's getting all the attention yeah not making skating in a stroke because he's hogging the attention this is what it's like having two children okay I'm gonna be in the middle both and you have my attention okay thank you so much for watching today's video I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you next time bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: This Esme
Views: 1,026,389
Rating: 4.909358 out of 5
Keywords: Party, Birthday, Baking
Id: YmdKUh8FeJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 52sec (2092 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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